
Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 26
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.



Image Credit: anime couple



Andy had spent the bulk of the morning help out around the house and doing stuff for his Aunt like mowing the lawn and doing the same for a couple of the neighbors that couldn’t and then he took time to wash and clean and polish his car and spent the time thinking.

Of Danny.

Of meeting him again and that night and how they had talked and talked and how freaky it really was.

Good freaky but still freaky.

He had a crush on Danny who could so easily had passed for Danni back in middle school it had him even more messed up than he had been before with stuff from his home life.

And after everything had happened and the time that had passed…it was still there.

And actually if anything it had compounded the way that he was confused about Danny…Danni.

He was kidding but he wasn’t about the whole bit with the dress. He honestly had thought about Danni…his crush Danni all night only upgraded to the Danny from now.

And that was really weirded up by the fact that he had given Danny a boner last night.

Which was so not the Danni-girl crushing fantasy in his head.

He wasn’t gay or he’d never really thought about it or even the possibility of that but the whole fact that ‘That’ had happen was very much in his thoughts last night and even this morning really and he still wasn’t remotely sure what to really think about that.

Except for he wanted to see him again.

So he dressed sort of as nice as he was able to without digging out his court suit and he went to the place where the BBQ was supposed to be happening at and he brought with him a couple of bags of hamburger and hot dog buns since there was usually never enough at these things.

This nice lady showed him where to go out back and it had been really awkward showing up here without really knowing anyone.

He almost actually left twice before he had even gotten out of the car.

And then being here and seeing Danny.

It made it sort of scarier and less scary at the same time until Danny came over to him.

“You came.”


“Cool the more the merrier.”

“You sure this is okay?’

“I’m sure.”

“You…you look nice Dan.”

That’s sort of when things sort of went sideways but not like crashing it was just this sort of look like Danny was kind of WTF over him saying that.

It kinda brought the feeling like a dummy stuff back in a way.

Socially awkward really sucks.


“No, uhm thanks.”

“I just said something freaky.”

“Uhm…kind of…I’ve never had another guy say that to me before.”


Danny actually turned on him pretty quick and put his flat palm on Andy’s chest…or would have been if it wasn’t for the height thing so it was more or less settled around his upper abdomen.

“Stop that…stop apologizing to me Andy, you don’t have to keep doing that.”


Danny looked up at him. “You don’t have to make up for anything.”

This, this was where Andy got confused. Danny was a guy…sure he was cute…and he was short and slight and he just had this thing about him that just well…like a girl even if he never seemed to notice it.

Like how Danny just pulled that female mind reading thing and was so very Danni right now.

And touching his abs…touching him and he looked at Danny and blushed and Danny looked at him and Andy swore he saw Danny’s eyes do that widen with surprise and realization of what they…what he was doing and where his hand was.

It wasn’t even really all that sexual but suddenly it was.

Danny pulled his hand away fast but still almost a second not fast enough…it lingered.

Andy bit his lip and passed the buns to Danny who took them and set them on the table the other stuff was on.

“Thanks for bringing extra you’ll fit in with the rest here doing that.”


“It’s kind of very pot-luck and everyone shares kind of group.”

“Okay cool, My Aunt’s big on sharing and being cool.”

“She sounds nice.”

“She is, she took me and my sister in and stuff. Honestly she helped me learn a lot about life and being less angry.”

“Angry leads to hate…”

“You’d make a cute Jedi Danny.”

Danny stopped and blushed. “I…okay that’s the oddest and best compliments I think I ever had…”

There was something so caught off guard and earnest in the way Danny responded that made Andy smile.

“Introduced me around?”

Danny blinked several times. “Oh…Uhm sure.”


Oh damn…

Definitely damn because this went kind of way past darn.


Danny had spent a lot of time being up last night being sore and aching from the run in with Keith and company and that went hand in hand with the things that had happened with Andy.

He was sexually bouncing around enough in his head enough as it was before this. Male but still he wondered…wished? Maybe…it was kind of like if he’d been a girl or turned into one it’d never have bothered him.

It was actually something he thought about sometimes.

Liking Andy…and that caught him off guard.

That attraction.

That Andy, Andy of all people seemed to get that?

And then he actually showed up.

And he was really cleaned up. Like guy cleaned up and put the effort in. He noticed that and it had gotten so fast? Fun but fast…he touched Andy’s stomach and there…there was no give under the shirt.

Damn, damn…that was.

Actually not being someone that lied even to himself it was kind of nice.

Scary as hell but it was nice.



“Introduce me around it’s kind of weird otherwise and a bit unnerving.”

Unnerving? Andy?

But at the same time he could see that. “Uhm okay.”

He took Andy around to the others and made introductions. Most everyone was new to Andy except Donnie who had given Danny a look that was like…Andy? Him? Talk later…

It was surprising too but sort of not that Andy was surprisingly mild mannered and they stopped a few times to eat and twice Andy waited on him.

That was weird.

Kind of nice too though.

He sort of drifted away as Andy got taking to Brian as Andy actually manned the station to make up Chicago dogs and he looked like he’d done it a lot like maybe a job or something.

He made his way over to Lindsey as Penn had left and went over to the LGBT kids he cracked a Pepsi and sighed and looked over to her as she leaned next to him on the picnic table.

“He’s cute.”

Danny looked at her. “Okay it’s kind of obvious when you said it.”

Lindsey shrugged. “He’s big, built and I’m honestly just seeing the looks the other girls are giving him. But it’s different with you huh?”

“I’m really confused.”

“Because you like him?”

“Yeah…and I’ve kind of toyed with the thought but this, this really got well real.”

“And he knows about you wanting to try…”

“He does…Linds I don’t even know why I told him.”

“You two connected? I mean it happens Danny, it’d happen a lot more likely if people gave up the social structure stuff and labels.”

“Yeah but…”


“I like you too.”

“……………..oh….like, like me like?”

“Yeah the flirting…it’s not just all in fun Lindsey I think you’re awesome.”

“Even if this is kind of freaking me out?”

“It is?” He slumped his shoulders.

“Yeah, kind of…Danny it’s literally not you it’s me…no one here really has me feeling anything like a hormone filled teen should.”

He looked at her and nodded. “Sorry, instinct. I’ve been shot down a lot.”

Lindsey shrugged. “It’s okay, but what are you going to do about Andy?”

“I have no idea…”

“You thinking about going out with him?”

“I don’t know it’s scary and stuff.”

“You like him?”

“Yeah…for the life of me I’m not sure why but yeah.”

“Then go.”


Lindsey turned to him. “You like him and he likes you and you want to explore this stuff and find yourself right? Well Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it Danny.”

“Yes…yes Ferris.”

“Hey it might be a quote but it don’t mean it doesn’t apply grasshopper.”

“Hai Sempai.” He grinned at her and she shook her head but smiled.

“Look Danny if it’s freaking you out then we do it like a triple date.”

“A triple date?”

“Yeah, he takes you out and I go with as a chaperone.”

“Linds, that’s crazy.”

“Okay then I’ll bring a date and we’ll double and I can still keep an eye on you and him in case things get a little more than what you want.”

“Okay but who are you bringing.”

“Penn. She wants to date me anyway and another chance so I’ll go ask her and this can even be a test drive for me.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah and if girls don’t do it for me I can always try the Dan.”

“The Dan?”

“It’s like ‘The Chad’ but shorter and cuter.”

Danny snorted and blushed a little then he slipped over and wrapped an arm around her and gave her a hug. “You really are all kinds of awesome y’know.”

“I know, I’m cursed with it.”

He let her slip off to go talk to Penn and then sort of one thing just kind of led to another and the big conversation started up about the stuff going on at school and the things that have happened and might happen and Brian was pretty honest about the whole thing that the Alpha’s liked to do and did a lot.

Andy was even pretty honest about some of the stuff that he did which was kind of brave and it got him some stares from Donnie and Dan’s folks.

Dan had to admit Andy held up better under all of that then he would have. Actually if it hadn’t been the stuff that happened with Keith he wouldn’t have thought that this was Andy. Well not the angry violent kid he went to middle school with.

It gave him things to think about, the thought of a date to think about. He looked over to Lindsey who was taking to Penn and she nodded at him.



Oh…Oh man she thought as she headed over to where Penn was talking to Roberta and some of the other kids with the LGBT stuff. She had just sort of made up with her and she took a deep breath and stepped over to her.



“I…uhm…can we talk?”


Lindsey walked away a bit from the group. As good a bunch of kids that they are kids still talked. And she really didn’t want to be on the “market”.

They stopped and Penn looked at her and slip her hands into her back pockets. “So……?”

“I…I kinda need a favor.”


“I kind of need a date tonight.”

“Okay…wait me?”

“Yeah I was kinda going there.”

“But you said.”

“I know but I need a date tonight.”


“I’m…I’m going along with Danny because he’s going out with Andy.”

“Oh….shit…But you want me to be your date though?”

“Well yeah.”

“Why, I mean why me after what we just said and stuff?”

“I trust you that’s why if it matters…”

Penn blushed. “Actually it does…okay…okay I’ll go.”

“You will?”

“Yeah…I mean it means a lot that you said that…so…so can I ask you something?”


“Can this be a second chance?”

“A second chance?”

Penn bushed a bit more but she looked Lindsey in the eyes. “A second chance like to go out. I want to show you I’m not some perv or some creepy girl that flirts and hits on everything that moves.”

Lindsey looked at her. “You do come on pretty strong.”

Penn nodded and looked down but then glanced at Lindsey a bit. “Yeah…okay maybe I overdo it…but it’s just…”


“If I ask you out as a jerky girl and say yes then cool and I can kinda act normal. But if you say no I can act like it’s no big deal.”


“Because being gay is scary stuff Lindsey, I mean out on a date is being out when people see you and it freaks a lot of people out…and I’m…I’m really scared of being rejected.”

Lindsey nodded. “Okay…second chance at a first date then. And Penn…”


“I like the nervous real you a lot better you’re easier to take.”


“Really…I’m going to go over and see what we’re going and will be back okay?”


Lindsey smiled; Penn actually was a lot easier to take and nicer too…like a sort of kind of attractive nice? It wasn’t like sexual and stuff just she honestly liked Penn when she was actually honestly herself.

She slid next to Danny again. “So….need to borrow a dress?”


He watched the others doing their thing and Jessie and Kenyon and Johnny and Brian making plans and he smiled and looked over at Yasmine.

“I’ll help you clean up?”

“You don’t have to really; you’ve had a long day already.”

“Is it okay that I want to?”


“Uhm yeah, I…I kind of want to spend more time with you.”

“Me?” Yasmine looked honestly surprised.

“Yes you…I like you if you might have noticed?”


Donnie blushed and started grabbing some of the paper plates and a garbage bag but quietly said. “I…I noticed that too.”

Her face went a little pale first then so red it almost colored her hijab. “D..Donnie…”

He smiled a little and she smiled back.

It went sort of like that these shared blushing smiles as they helped clean up and he saw Nick and Sam actually setting up some of Jessie’s dad’s stereo stuff and then started to play some music as the parents were still having a confab and Jessie’s mom came over to him and took the things from his hands.

“Go have some fun, you’re allowed to have fun.”

“You’re letting me stay here Ma’am I should help out.”

“Donnie, You’re a kid, and trust me the world only gets more real. Go and be a teen guy with a pretty girl he likes.”

“I…uhm…you noticed.”

“Yes, I noticed and noticed her noticing you too….” She gave him a light hug then a shove. “Go…ask her to dance.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, sure!” She laughed. “Go!”

He went over a little nervous and looked back at Mrs. Stone. She’d…it had been so long since there’d been a woman like her in his life. His mom had left and he didn’t know where she had left too but with his dad…well he could get it and his brothers weren’t too nice a bunch either…she likely thought he’d be another one.

But he’d been young when she left and he left her with them…but before that there were times that were happy.

Was this…?


He turned and Yasmine was there and she was looking at him and there was this look on her face.

It said she knew, that she got it.


Donnie was still such a surprise. She really wasn’t used to any boys like him. It wasn’t just that he was actually different but she was sure than some of those differences made him better in a few ways.

He was honest…and brave, but he was also sweet acting and shy and that was a very nice thing.

She had spent very little time with boys but a lot of the ones she knew that had talked to her were…well…

Not Donnie.

The Arab boys when they lived home were actually kind of haughty and kind of arrogant with her and the other girls. It really wasn’t all of them by far but the ones you really wanted to talk to were always with someone and half of that time they were the important girls from good families and she and the rest sort of had to pick from the other boys that were told they were special all their lives.

If there was anyone that tended to spoil their boys more than Italians it was Middle Eastern moms.

And add in the way they acted about her dad.

But the boys in England were worse.

Those boys were like it was just the absolute highlight of the day for the girls to be chatted up and flirted with and in that respect most often when the boys weren’t with their folks they were just as rude and bad as all of their mates.

When they’d talk to her it was like because she was trying to be a bit more of a traditional Muslima they seemed to think that she was supposed to show respect…but respect to a lot of them meant doormat ad she just couldn’t do that. Then…then she had friends that just had went with that because well you were supposed to find a nice boy.

But she never really found one until now.

And being sort of flirted with by a nice shy boy…one that didn’t push that was very special.

Her mother took some of the dishes from her and smiled. “I like this, I like seeing you like this.”


“You, you loosening up.”


“It’s good for you Yasmine; you’ve been too tightly wound for too long.”

Yasmine sighed and took up a dishtowel. “I know…it’s just hard…”

“I know, I do how do you think I was with your father?”


“I have a big mouth, I loved to read and watch things that other girls didn’t…weren’t supposed to.”


“Your dad was reading MAD magazine when we met and it was me reading over his shoulder and laughing that started everything.”


“Yes, listen honey I love my faith but there’s just as many on our side of things that make it hard to honey. There’s always someone that is more than willing to tell you you’re not being Muslim enough.”

“Amen to that.” Honey’s mother said. “It’s the same here too…the looks you get and everyone has an opinion on what you should be doing instead of doing what they should be doing.”

Honey’s mom took the dishtowel from Yasmine. “Here we’ll finish.”

Her mother nodded. “The point I’m trying to make Yas is that you’re young and you can and should have a life, you’re being too serious.”

“Mom…but what…I mean people’ll say things.”

“They will anyway honey as long as you’re being true then it’s between you and him and not anyone else.”


“Go…they’re going to start dancing and the music soon and you should join in with the other kids your own age.”


“Yasmine you know the difference between right and wrong right?”


“Then go…”


She dried her hands a little more and headed to the restrooms to use them and tidy up and then she headed outside as the music was starting up and she saw and heard what Mrs. Stone said to Donnie and she could see that light get a little brighter…it’s something she’d noticed since he got out of there just this little something that was there since he got out from his father.

Just how much was that man leaning on Donnie and choking him down.

Misery enjoys company they say.

She smiled as he looked at her and she looked back at him…it was pretty cool the way he looked with some kind of real parental stuff instead of what he’d been getting.

That a guy like him came out of that was kind of amazing.

“Hey…” She said blushing.

“Hey…you…you want to dance?”

“I…I’d love too actually Donnie.”

He actually held out his hand for her to take and there was a kind of thrill to that because that…that was one of those things for the white girls on TV kind of things.

She took his hand and bit her bottom lip as *Open arms* By Journey

*Johnny, Jessie, Brian and Kenyon…………

Kenyon looked and swallowed and Brian looked at Jessie and Johnny leaning on each other and smiled. “Sunset Bowling?”

Jessie and Johnny looked confused and Kenyon turned to Brian. “They’ve never been there.”

Jessie smiled. “I’m new here I haven’t really been anywhere.”

Johnny nodded. “I’ve never been either but bowling?”

Brian looked at her. “If you don’t want to…”

She looked at the look on his face. Yep…Britney would never go bowling, it’s more than likely one of those things she would have a complete cow over being see someplace like that.

“Promise you’ll teach me?” She looked at him.


Omigawd he was so excited it was really cute. She grinned and looked at Jessie. “You wanna?”

“Sure. I like trying new things.” He shot Kenyon a look and a smile as he said it.

“We should go get changed.”

Jessie nodded. “I’m not sure they’d be good with the tops we’re wearing now plus it’d get chilly.”

Johnny giggled. “Oh I’m sure Kenyon would be so put out by the effect cold would have on you.”

“Well maybe but one would pop out but the other might need warm hands.” Jessie said and bit his lip as Kenyon’s eyes went wider then he turned red.

Johnny went and grabbed her bag and went with Jessie upstairs and to his room and her eyes went a bit wide. “Wow you…you really are a guy aren’t you?” She said taking everything in. It was nice room with lots of windows but bamboo rolling blinds and several full and over flowing bookshelves and added shelves of odds and ends. He had a collection of Mecha figures and in another spot sea shells in a cut box and a box of fossils and other stones but there was also things she thought from all the places that he had lived. He was likely the only person she knew that had living plants in their room though. And the bamboo samurai sword on the bed really said guy.

“Well yes, I mean breasts or not don’t mean girl right?”

Johnny looked at her top and nodded. “Sorry it’s just I’ve never seen your room and with you and the real boobs I actually got caught up in that and expected different.”

Jessie nodded and took off his top and started looking through his drawers. “I’m still learning the girl stuff here, it’s never been a big thing for me but I’ve got these and it’s just sort of…this is me and I kind of want to be more than just these and a sports bra.”

“I could help you with lingerie.”

“Just bra’s really, I’ve tried the whole thing and panties actually feel weird to me.”

“That I can get, I really don’t like guy clothes.”

“Well you’re not a guy.”

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome….Johnny?”


“You nervous?”

“About tonight?”


“Definitely, I mean I like Brian a lot and yet I’m still stuck like this.”

“Me too, I’ve been trying to accept the breasts as another side of me but it’s still even though I like Kenyon…pretty scary stuff I mean we’re still both guys.”

“But he’s openly gay.”

“And I have breasts which are really a gay thing.”

“What is throwing you off Jess?”

“Nothing but everything.”


Jessie took out a cute looking black bra and fitted it on like and old pro. “I really am kind of nervous at the whole me and Kenyon thing because part of me’s so into it.”


“Yeah…there’s this screwy part of my head that’s going that I’m going to turn into a girl even more.”

“But you don’t want to Jess, you won’t.”

“I didn’t say it was rational it’s just a reaction in back of my head from some of the times Kenyon and I’ve kissed and stuff.”

Johnny nodded. “I can see that, I mean it’d be like me kissing a girl and liking it.”

“Do you like girls though?”

Johnny shrugged. “In general? No I’m not attracted to them but there’s more like been specific girls that…yeah I would cross the Bi-line with?”

“Oh really?”

“Not here though, not so far in school but there was a couple of them that I sort of had mini-crushes on in school…but I’m still trying to figure out crush-crush or I admired them so much it was like a crush kind of thing.”

Jessie nodded. “I’m pretty sure I’m attracted to Kenyon but it’s pretty messed up in how. I mean he’s the first guy I’ve really given open and serious thought to and it’s exciting but I want to do things that aren’t part of things I’m normally thinking about but now I’m thinking a lot about.”

“You’re thinking about sex?”

“Dur yeah, I’m a guy…the dating and relationship stuff too of course but I’ve had some pretty steamy dreams.”

Johnny nodded. “Me too with Brian but more the other way…the romantic and relationship stuff first then with a healthy dose of the sex dreams.”

Johnny started changing too but doing her top she was keeping her bra and inserts in place and still felt pretty shy about it compared to Jessie’s little burst of full frontal nudity. And she went with one of her cuter tops from The Gap with a V-neck and short sleeves with rose lace like styling at the cuff and collar edgings and she looked over at Jessie who was changing into jeans and she stared.

“Oh…oh uhm…” Johnny ducked her head seeing exactly sort of what the rumors were about from the people that had seen in Jessie’s gym class.

Jessie blushed. “Sorry…” And turned his back.

“No…I really shouldn’t have looked it was pretty rude it’s just.”


“Well with you having…I thought it’d be smaller.”

“It’s gynocomastia not like estra-breasts, not really. They kind of developed on their own and everything independent from my other stuff.”

“I can see than no wonder Kenyon’s all hot to trot and stuff.”

“What? Really like that?”

“Uhm hello, he’s gay.”

“I know I just kind of thought that he was into more the other part of it with me.”

“Oh no, I thing that he’s definitely attracted to you in you as a guy kind of way too.”



Jessie looked at Johnny and blushed and smiled. “Looks like we’re both in uncharted waters me with Kenyon and you with Brian.”

Johnny nodded then made the turn around gesture and Jessie turned his back to her. She said as she slipped into a pair of nice slacks. “Yeah there’s a huge world of difference in thinking about going out with a guy and actually going out with a guy.”

Jessie sat still with his back turned changing into a pair of socks. “So are you attracted to him?’

Johnny said. “You can turn around now. Yeah I am and it’s not like what I thought but what I thought.”

“How so?”

“Well it’s not like I want to do the sex things with him. I’m not saying in some fantasies yeah but I’m post op in those but the whole being into him in the now and everything…that’s different. I want to be held by him and hugged and I love to kiss with him. The whole sex stuff’s sort of there but it’s more the he’s a guy and I’m a girl thing way more that say having him or him having me.”

Jessie nodded. “Honestly I think that’s part of the whole why Brian’s into you.”

“Really like how?’

“Honestly I think Britney solved her problems with her and Brian through sex and bitching. You're different I think that he likes you for you.”


“Really, the other night and him saying so in public and the whole fact of you not changing your name even.”

She hugged herself a little and smiled. “Yeah…and y’know that’s one of the reasons why I went back to using it. I am going to make my name mean me as a girl as I really am instead of morphing everything about me to fit the way that some people think that I should be. Besides when I changed it the first time it really didn’t help me at all when it all came crashing down around me.”

Jessie nodded. “Tilt.”

Johnny grinned. “Tilt.” And they bumped fists.

They both headed down and there was a bit of music starting to play as some of the kids were going to hang out and dance some and they could see Donnie dancing with Yasmine and others getting together to dance as well while some of the parents were doing the talking and both coffee or drinks thing in a group on the back patio of the house.

Brian and Kenyon both met them as they came downstairs. Brian greeting Johnny with a big smile and a kiss on her cheek. “You look great, you ready?”

“Sure we all going together?”

“No…separate cars.”


“Yeah Kenyon and Jessie might want to go parking later.”

She giggled and Kenyon turned red but he stared at Jessie and offered his hand and Jessie took it and smiled. “You ready for our first date?’

Kenyon swallowed a little and nodded. “Yeah, I am actually.”

Kenyon led the way to his car getting even redder as his mom shouted. “Have fun boys!” and he wasn’t sure if he should with Jessie being a guy but he figured he was driving so…he opened the passenger door for him.

Jessie looked at him and smiled. “Thanks, I had no idea either.”

Kenyon smirked. “Thank god for that.”

Brian did the same for Johnny who thanked him and slid into the seat as gracefully as if she was wearing a skirt or a dress and soon they were off with Brian leading the way.

Sunset Bowling was actually a sort of older looking place a little bit out of the way from all of the newer things in the neighborhood and was close to one of the really old malls that had become one of those malls that went from a big name brand kind of place to one of those malls where Giant Tiger was the main attraction and then just local smaller businesses.

Johnny looked it over as they parked and they had to park several lanes of cars back from the front. “It looks like a big place.”

“It looks like a big orange place.” Jessie remarked as it was the primary color of the building but Johnny was right and the place resembled a very large warehouse with s sort of storefront with the big glass windows in front. There was a good deal of neon there too though clearing listing off the things inside. Burgers, Fries, Hotdogs, Pizza, Arcade, Roller skating and of course in the biggest flashing lights…bowling.

Johnny squealed. “Oh my god! Look they have roller skating, I’ve never gone roller skating before!”

Brian actually puffed himself up a bit in that guy-done-good posture. “Sure thing that’s one of the best reasons to come here.”

Kenyon paled. “It is?”

Jessie smiled. “You can’t roller skate?”

“No…not at all.” Kenyon said swallowing.

“Good then we can fall down together.”

“Wait you can’t?” Kenyon said looking at Jessie who took him hand again in his and started following Brian and Johnny through the doors.

“Never even been on ice skates. C’mon it’ll be fun.”

“It’ll be embarrassing.”

Jessie grinned evilly. “Hey if I fall I’ll be at crotch level.”

“Jessie Jesus!”

Kenyon was turning red as they went in and Johnny was laughing too and they headed to the roller rink. The place was divided right down the middle with the desk in the center and behind it the arcade games all the way down the center line until you hit tables and then the canteen/restaurant thing at the very end of the building.

The place was busy to a whole lot of teens that they didn’t really know to a large number of adults in the ranges from their twenties to forties or even fifties.

Johnny said loudly over the seventies music being played. “This place is great!”

Brian grinned. “I was hoping you’d like it!”

“I do!”

She linked her arm in with Jessie’s and Jessie looked at her and then at Kenyon as he stepped up with Brian to pay for skates. He leaned over to her. “Uhm is it alright that Kenyon pays?’

Johnny nodded. “I’m pretty sure it’s alright I mean he stepped up to do it and all. I mean I’m not sure who pays in this kind of thing or if you go Dutch but maybe you can do other stuff?”


“Uhm pay for the frames when we go bowling, get him a snack from the take out or buy some tokens for the video games. I’m definitely getting a roll of quarters or tokens for Brian to play video games.”

“Really…I mean I’ve played a lot of videogames in the places I lived and they were kind of popular but here this is the first time I’ve seen stand up old style arcade machine you sure he’s into them?”

“Yeah hopefully he is but if not I still want to play, besides they have Joust there and I love that game.”

“Okay then maybe a bit of all of us randomly treating each other.”

Johnny nodded. “I think that’d be cool…I really want him to like me Jess but I want him to really like me as a friend way before anything romantic y’know.”

“Well let’s do it then.”

They fist bumped again and then stepped up to the guys and got their foot sizes and the roller skates and they had a fun time even getting them on.

Brian was of course the best but Johnny seemed pretty good at getting them on and walking at least to the rink area and then they were off and Kenyon was going really, really slowly once he was up on his feet and Jessie followed really gingerly trying to not have their feet fly out from underneath of them.

But one he and Kenyon got out onto the rink surface they sort of ended up semi leaning against each other to keep from falling as they tried to skate and push.

Twice they went down and once was Kenyon slipping and falling and then Jessie still holding his hand on top came down on top of him.

The second time Jessie went down and Kenyon fell beside him on purposely dodging so he didn’t land on Jessie.

Jessie looked at Kenyon. “I would have been okay.”

“I’m bigger than you I didn’t want to land on you.”

“I’d still have been okay.”

“You’ve been banged up enough this week okay? I didn’t want to add to it.”

Jessie was going to say something else but Johnny and Brian passed them and he saw Johnny mouthe at him. ~Kiss him. ~

Jessie leaned over to Kenyon and slowly and gently kissed him on the lips and there was a slight pause before Kenyon was kissing him back and it was really, really nice. There was this sort of buzz of connection there and it slowly became stronger and stronger as they kissed.

Then Kenyon’s hand settled on his thigh and moved and slid up and touched…rubbed through the jeans in a very surprising but a very good way and Jessie deepened the kiss until those other skaters passing by hooted and hollered and whistled at them and then they broke the kiss.

Jessie’s first thought was oh…followed by noticing how hard his nipples felt and his breasts ached a little but it was in a very good kind of way.

Johnny grinned as her and Kenyon had added their own hooting to the bunch on their second pass of the couple and she looked at Brian. “This is really fun!”

“I was hoping you’d like it, it just seemed like such a good date thing in the movies!”

“It is this is great!”


“Yeah, mega boyfriend points for this!”

He grinned and Johnny smiled back at him. “You look really handsome when you do that!”


“Smile!” And she pulled them over to the railing to stop and as soon as they did she popped up on the toe stops and kissed him.

He kissed her back and this one was really deep and long and really, really nice like the ones they had shared earlier in the Trader Joe’s parking lot.

They broke the kiss and Johnny found herself engulfed in a really big hug with Brian’s really strong arms and it made a part of her go Eeeeeeee! Inside and then something else went off in her heart as he buried his head and face into her neck and she heard him say into her ear. “Thank you…this is so awesome.”

He pulled back and she looked at him and she was pretty sure that she liked the way he looked happy over how he just normally looked as a hot guy.

It was one of those sincerely glad to be a girl moments even if she hadn’t started things yet.

There was even that whole moment where they were just looking each other in the eyes and it was all good.

“Videogames or Bowling?” She offered.


“You like arcade games right?”

“Yeah of course.”

“Well I do too so you want to play?”

“Seriously!?” They were close together so he didn’t really need to shout over the music but it was way more this mixture of surprise and excitement.

She laughed and turned and slid her fingers into his front pockets. “Yes seriously c’mon!”

They wave to Jessie and Kenyon to join them and headed off to the skate rental desk and she smiled getting her shoes back on. “You guys take those back and we’ll meet you over there?”

Brian and Kenyon Nodded and the left letting the guys do that and talk while Johnny and Jessie made a quick trip to the bathrooms and Jessie went in for more moral support and protection just in case someone trigged or made Johnny but nothing happened and just like in school being in the ladies bathroom was kind of underwhelming with the exception of use.

There was a lot of product being used there by a lot of girls and ladies and apparently in a certain demographic Aquanet hadn’t vanished from the planet or the heavy night make up and it all blended in with a bunch of the younger set taking selfies.

Jessie shook his head and smiled and Johnny touched up her make-up and looked at him as they headed out. “What?”

“I get the taking a picture of yourself thing sort of…I mean they do that all over now but I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the whole taking pictures in the bathroom.”

Johnny giggled. “Well at least they’re just taking pictures of themselves just imagine the whole other kinds of pictures that you could see posted up on Instagram.”

Jessie made a face. “Ick Johnny just ick.”

“You might have to get used to that with you and Kenyon Jess.”

“Johnny! Wow dammit…mind in the gutter much?”

She giggled and snorted.

Jessie gave her a light shove. “Besides barring a couple of years and you’ll have to be thinking about that too.”


He grinned. “Well there are clean ways and condoms.”

She covered her ears with her hands. “La, la, la, la, la….I can’t hear you!”

They made their way to the counter at the arcade section and both went up and bought a ten dollar roll of tokens and moved to meet up with the boys who had gotten drinks. Johnny smiled and her eyes went wide as she tasted hers.

“Cream soda float!? Awesome! Thank you!” She tippy toed and kissed him lightly again and slid her arm around his and she poked him in his stomach with the roll of tokens.

“Huh?” Brian looked down and it took him a second to realize what it was and then another second to realize that Johnny hadn’t just suggested they go and play but she actually went and got tokens and she was giving him a roll of them to play with.

Okay he wasn’t one of those douche guys that lived off his girlfriends but at the same time. No one he’d ever been with had ever taken an interest in doing things that he’d like to do much less have him not on the paying end of everything.

Heck he wasn’t even sure if any of the guys that he knew could say this?

He looked at her. “You are way past awesome you know that?”

Johnny looked at him and there was a smile there all the way to her eyes and he’d never really seen that before her either.

“No I actually don’t but it’s really nice to hear Bri…”

“Well you are.” He smiled and gave her another light kiss and headed off looking for something that they could play.

Jessie smiled watching them and while he wasn’t as girl slick as Johnny was being with the whole arm thing he took his root beer float and held up the roll of tokens that he bought. “Gaming?”

Kenyon grinned. “Absolutely, that actually sounds really cool.” He was also impressed but he was grateful too for the diversion. He hadn’t even really though when his hand was settled and moving sort of on its own accord and just touching that hardening…wow of Jessie had him reacting as well and he’d calmed down since getting the drinks and stuff he could still feel that electric contact in his fingers.

It wasn’t like full on close your eyes porn but it was very much that definite sensation of oh my god I do like this.

And he liked Jessie very much too and this, the roll of tokens kind of helped level things out with them in Kenyon’s head because there was all these questions that he did know or get yet about gay dating and this took the pressure off.

Sort of.

There was still very much part of him that was very much the young teen guy and it was still there as he couldn’t help but notice just how sexy Jessie’s butt looked in the jeans as Jessie took his hand and went to join Brian and Johnny in the arcade.

Actually the gay stuff aside so far this was a really stellar first date of any kind.

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