
Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 20
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.


Image Credit: anime couple


Squires 20


He just knew that something had went wrong someway and somehow when Yasmine had texted him. It was a lot sooner than he thought would have happened with a girl that was so shy and so very much not American.

Well not being raised American at least; her American English had an accent to it.

And given the way that some people seemed to be he might not have been surprised at her getting into trouble either. A lone pretty Muslima girl there were people that really would be less than nice to her.

He looked at Kenyon when he got her text. “Yasmine’s in trouble, I’ll be back.” And he paused long enough to give Kenyon a kiss on his cheek.

He went through the doors to the kids den where Donnie was helping Nick set up the karaoke machine. “Yasmine’s at your place she needs some help.”

Donnie got up fast and came with him and Johnny was soon with them in tow and her big purse with her and they all piled into the car. He pulled out pretty fast and drove even faster to get there. They had no idea just what they’d find when they got there and while she seemed sort of all right through the texts that might not have remained the case.

He looked a few times in the back mirror and seen Donnie looking both angry and sort of anguished at the same time. It had not been Donnie’s day, not his day at all. But also all things considered Donnie did stand up for himself, for his beliefs and even came to the rescue of someone that might be…

He looked over at Johnny and she sort of smiled after she looked back at Donnie and Yasmine in the backseat. He shifted gears and headed for Kenyon’s place.


His heart had been in his mouth when he heard from Jessie that Yasmine had come to his place and had a run in with his dad. He knew, knew that he’d be drinking as they drove, as Jessie drove. “He’ll…He’ll be half in the bag or more Jess…He does that, he does that shit all the time but especially if he doesn’t get his way.”

Johnny joined them having been there with Yasmine in the bathroom at school. “Well looks like you definitely spoiled that for him today.”

He frowned. “He’s been doing that all my life, he never got over me being a freak.”

Jess had that focused pissed but not pissed intense look that they had sometimes like when facing off the Alphas or like while driving fast. “You’re not a freak Donnie, you’re different like me, hell like everyone else on the planet.”

He had shifted as he took a corner coming up on his street. “It’s the people that think there’s such a thing as normal that are the freaky ones.”

The sound of the engine and the chirp of the tires as they took the corner sort of punctuated what he was saying.

“There, she’s there at the bud stop!” Donnie said as he spotted Yasmine. They got out of the car and Donnie almost ran over to Yasmine who looked like she was barely hanging on to herself after whatever had happened.

They hugged her and he found Yasmine’s arms slipping around his chest and she was hugging him hard. There was this sudden hurt coming up inside this lump in his throat and he hadn’t been sure what to do or how to deal with the swamping feelings and he looked down at her and found her looking up at him and there was just something there.

Something like…need and help all there at the same time.

And she was shaking so hard she was going to fall…he just sort of knew it was coming and had swept her off her feet just as he felt her legs give and her eyes widened as he held her there for a second before she shook harder and planted her face into his chest and shook as she cried pretty hard.

He carried her to the car and Jessie and Johnny helped them get into the back seat. And Jess had started driving and Donnie held her for a few blocks before she sniffled and looked up at him and shifted a little on his lap before realizing where she was and turned a deep blushing color.

“Are you okay?” He asked her softly.

(Sniffle.) “Yes…but….are you? You, you lived there…with him…”

Donnie looked into her eyes and wasn’t sure he found that kind of look there before from people ever there before, from a girl before. It was kind of exciting and scary both.

“I…it just was what it was….” He really never had been here, this close to a girl and one that was more than “Just nice” to him like most usually were. He didn’t know really what to say.

“It was bad…?”

He tried nodding through the lump. She stared at him with big eyes and pushed his hood back off his head and stared at him. “It’s amazing you’re you…that he never beat you into being him.”

“He…He tried…”

She nodded and swallowed. “They…they all try…they try before we even get a chance.”

“Yeah…yeah…they all want us to be what they want…” He swallowed.

She sniffled. “I got that everywhere I went, every place I lived.”

Jessie slowed the car to a stop back in Kenyon’s yard. “It’s why; It’s why we’re doing this. It’s not just a party or showing support to a friend or even that it’s a gay kid coming out. It’s part of our fight guys.”

Donnie nodded and sniffled but it was Yasmine who had this look on her face, red rimmed eyes and everything and she slowly nodded. “This far and no further?”


She sort of didn’t know why it came out like that but it did. And she meant it too. She had been pushed everywhere they lived and if it wasn’t the “hopeful family” it was the community or society…they all had this whole idea of who she should be.

They all had this idea who Johnny was or who Jessie was or Donnie was or as they got out of the car and she looked around at this place and he kids around and there was so much behind the noise and the music suddenly.

What if people were supposed to be who they really were, just themselves?

She’d read when she studied that Allah has a predestined planned for everyone, the same way as some of the Christians and others thought. Some, not all…so was this too her being here part of this?

Donnie was still holding her hand as he helped her out of the backseat and she was still nervous…it was still a party as much as Jessie said it wasn’t. She looked over at him and smiled a little but blushed mostly.

“I need, I need to call home and ask my mother if I am allowed to be here.” She bit her lip and took her phone out and headed to the end of the drive way. Jessie lifted his head saying to her in Arabic. “Kenyon’s parents are here we are being chaperoned.”

She nodded and walked to the end of the driveway so the music wouldn’t be so blaring on the phone while she talked. Yasmine dialled her mother and waited nervously through a few rings until her mother picked up.


“Mom? I…”

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, I am now.”


“Donnie’s father was there but Donnie wasn’t.”

“Oh, what happened did he hurt you?”

“No but things went bad and not just for me but Donnie to…Mom…he was a terrible man…hard…bent…he was not nice, I don’t know how Donnie lived through that man mom.” (Sniffle.)

“Allah guided and protected him honey, is he okay?”

“Yes, his friends got him out of there.”

“Good, good…what am I hearing?”

“I’m outside a party.”

“A party?”

“Kids from school, they’re having a coming out party.”

“Coming out of what?”

“From the closet mom, from hiding from being gay.”





“Are their parents there?”

“Yes they are?”



“Yes, I’d like to talk to them so can you get them to call me?”

“Okay…you’re okay with this?”

“Yasmine your path’s different than mine.”


She heard her mother sigh. “I don’t know honey, are these good kids?”

“I think so mom.”

“Then maybe its okay, Allah’s will remember… everything for a reason we must be willing to embrace it.”

She bit her lip. “Okay, I’ll try….are you sure it’s okay?”

“Just have the parents call me okay?”

“Yes ma’am.”

Her mother hung up and she sighed too feeling a bit confused. What was her mom meaning? And what was she doing here? There were a lot of people in her…in the world she knew that would hate all of this.

Would condemn her for being here just as fast as some Christians would condemn her for being here…or for being Muslima.

She took another deep breath and headed back up the walk to join the others nervous but maybe, just maybe all this was happening for a reason.

And if it was then.

She looked up even if she couldn’t see anything even with the light pollution but that didn’t matter…she still smiled.

Then she looked down to the house and Donnie, Jessie and Johnny there still waiting for her so she didn’t have to go into the party alone.


He had been kept busy by the party but that hadn’t had kept him from worrying or keeping his keys in his pocket. Jessie just had this thing about him and sometimes he was just a magnet for stuff going on.

Though in a lot of ways that was one of the things that he liked about him.

He had to be shoo’d away from setting things out and refilling the pop every time he thought it looked down and other things. His mom tried a couple of times until his dad intervened.

“Kenyon, enough…everything’s fine and it’ll stay fine go and mingle and have fun.”


“Nothing doing mister we’re throwing a party and you get out there and have fun that’s the entire point.”

“I thought it was me coming out.”

“Exactly My son is reversing trends, go out there and find some nice boys out there to dance with.”

“Dad….!” He sort of whined.

“What….?” His dad made it all drawn out sounding too.

“I…I don’t know how to dance with guys.”

“Kenyon you don’t know how to dance with girls either just learn like I did?”

“How’s that?”

“Go out dance, be a spaz, make mistakes and just have fun.”


His dad stepped out and stopped Brian. “Hey football you’re kind of cute looking I think here dance with my son for awhile he’s shy.” At which Brian looked both surprised and confused until Kenyon was sort of shoved it his arms by his father.

Brain smiled and Kenyon felt his face get hot from blushing that hard. “Sorry Brian it’s just dad and…”

“Hey its okay parents can be pushy and sometimes we need it.”

“It’s not okay…” Kenyon’s brain when into park as Brian took his hands in his and took them over to the backyard lawn where others were dancing and started to dance with him to Ricky Martin?


“We’re dancing just relax the point is to have a good time.”

“Uhm….” He knew he was being really clumsy and uncoordinated but as much as it was scary and embarrassing it was kind of fun and he was dancing with a guy. Brian…and if you cut out all the alpha jock assholes he was one of the hottest guys in the school and as much as Kenyon really liked Jessie Brian with that nice smile and kind eyes and sport sculpted body was seriously not hard to look at.

Actually if he wasn’t as into Jessie as he was he could really get into Brian even though Brian might have a thing about Johnny and he was sure that Johnny might like Brian too.

And it was helping people weren’t laughing at him for the way that he danced or tried to and it was Brian too who was part of the group and that made it a lot easier. And after about three dances the only sort of shocking thing was getting asked to dance by other people mostly boys but some of the girls too.

Lindsey and Honey yes but some of the lesbian crowd wasn’t opposed to mixing things up at least dancing wise here. He laughed at some of their jokes and blushed at the compliments that he got from both groups and he had to agree with this sort of cute pixie hair cutted lesbian give called Pen that dancing on a lawn with bare feel was really cool.

He’d been chatting about that with some people and eating some chips when he saw Jessie show back up with Johnny and Donnie and the Mid-Eastern girl Yasmine.

He took several long drinks of his Pepsi and he swore Jessie moved like some sort of sexy image from the movies…and despite the breasts and long hair to him Jess moved with this…with that sexy outsider guy way of walking…he killed his Pepsi and walked over to Jessie.

It was surprising when Jess stopped and tip toed a bit and gave him a light kiss and slipped his arms around Kenyon’s back. “Thanks for that.”

“For what?’

“Coming over and looking happy to see me.”

“Well I am happy to see you.”

“Good, it’s been a long week.”

Kenyon bit his lip a little. “Too tired to dance?”

“Not as long as I can lean on you and let someone else be strong for a bit.”

Kenyon wrapped his arms around Jessie and hugged him. “Hey…? Seriously you okay?”

“Yep…this, this helps.”

“It does?”

“Yeah, I’m just human too you know. This is really nice.”

Oh…okay he could see that no ones strong twenty four seven and just to have someone to lean on would be nice. Hell it was really, really nice to have someone to hold too. God Jess smelled so good too.

“You, you uhm smell nice.”

“Thanks…I was going for not-stenchy.” Jess looked up at him with that very cute sort of half smile on their face. It made him look extremely kissable. The comment though made him chuckle a little.

“Definitely not-stenchy.”

“You smell good too actually.”

“Really? As nervous as I’ve been I thought I’d be all sweaty and stuff.”

“A bit but that’s not a bad thing either.”


“Yeah, North Americans put way too much stuff on. People are supposed to actually smell other people especially as they get closer.”

“Oh…well I suppose it’s be really bad if you hooked up with someone and they were stenchy the next day.”

Jessie laughed and it was a nice sound, soft and sort of throaty in a good way. Kenyon found himself wanting to kiss Jessie again because of that. Oh there were other things too hiding in the back parts of his head that were shifting around that he’d like to do besides kiss but they haven’t even gone out on their first date yet and he wasn’t going to be one of those gay guys that just hook up with a guy because he was attracted to them.

He really hated that stereotype.

Jessie leaned into him a lot more as the music sort of shifted from a light rock tune into something a little slower and more slow dance friendly. It felt very nice even though Jessie had his boobs pressing into his chest. He wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing or not but the light mellow relaxed sigh that Jessie let out was certainly a good thing.

He thought… Okay I’m gay but y’know I’d really like to be that guy that you can relax and sigh against. That’s just so much better than the whole gay sex-pot thing.


He had meant what he said when he told Kenyon that this was really nice. He also didn’t really think that it’s be that nice though either. He wasn’t tired or worn out from things that had been going on at school or even with his friends not like it might have sounded but it just felt really take a moment to breathe and enjoy life nice when he could slip his arms around Kenyon’s back and be close to someone and it was very, very nice to be able to lean on someone and just let stuff go.

He hadn’t though really given a whole lot of thought to how nice it was to be held though and to actually lean your weight on someone like you were almost doing the same thing inside of yourself with them.

Jess wasn’t even sure why he found that Kenyon smelled nice. He smelled like a guy and a sporty one with hints of sweat and deodorant and some cologne and it turns out that to him that wasn’t a bad smell.

Now if that had stuff to do with his gynocomastia he wasn’t sure his doctors said other than that he was pretty much close to being normal as being a guy went or if it was just a confirmation that he was bisexual or something like that.

It was still nice just to stop and do this for awhile and not think or really do anything other than this.

He made Kenyon laugh and that was nice, making people laugh was likely the thing he might just be worst at when it came to people.

And chest to chest and closer down below had him reminded that there was something going on here too…he was getting stiff down south because Kenyon was getting so himself and that was…it was sort of scary and yet it was enticing too. It was nice to feel like he was attractive to someone and stuff all sexuality set aside.

Jess had admittedly had a bit of that fear of no one liking him because of the way that he was just like everyone else.

Some people drifted over and asked to cut in with both of them being asked to dance and Jess smiled and leaned up and kissed Kenyon on his cheek. “More dancing later?”

Kenyon smiled and blushed a bit. “De..definitely.”

The girl that had asked him to dance smiled at him and pulled him to a clearer spot. “I’m Vicky, here take off your shoes it’s a lot better this way.”

Jessie smiled at her. “Good I’m kind of a barefoot person at home most of the time anyway.”

Vicky helped him steady himself while he did that and tossed his shoes over to the pile where the other ones were and he found himself smiling just at that feeling of dancing on bare grass with a bunch of other kids.

He even went with some of Vicky’s suggestions about the ways that girls dance and tried shaking it some.

Johnny gave him a thumbs up as she was dancing with Brian.


She was going to hang around to make sure that Yasmine was going to be alright but Donnie was sticking close to her and she was still sort of staring at the black skater-boy that really passed as a girl. He had a feminine face and a nice bone structure too and while he was totally flat and had young guy shoulders if you looked past the baggy skater pants he had non-guy hips and what looked like a curvy bottom.


That had to be just as hard to grow up with in a more than macho household than being TG. When you’re transgendered sometimes there’s stuff that leads you there and has people say that you’re girly or boyish but for most, most cases you can’t really spot a TG person if their holed up and hiding in their closet.

But she’d put good money on Donnie maybe being Intersexed or PAIS or something like that. And growing up being so obviously different had to be harder she thought in some respects than what she had been going through before she came to grips or mostly to grips with it herself.

Donnie was hiding it at school but he couldn’t really do that home.

Though she couldn’t help but smile at the serious amount of eye contact between Donnie and Yasmine. Did that girl even realize how much she was staring at him? Then again faith aside people were attracted to who they were attracted to and the fact he was a really decent and stand up guy did mean a lot.

Girls these days can say whatever thet want but to Johnny there’s was nothing that made her heart turn over like a really nice guy that stood up for himself and for others.

And speaking of that she smiled when she saw Brian. Big and muscled and one of the jocks but at the same time he was kind enough that he just couldn’t take the fake anymore.

And he was nice.

He’d been dancing with a few of the lesbian or bisexual girls and he’d was actually dancing with this guy from the schools LGBTQ club and stuff who openly was blushing and having a good time even if he seemed shocked that the big strapping jock was actually dancing with him and it wasn’t some alpha squad dick-move.

She got a quick drink and took off her shoes and walked over to him once he was free and slid her hands into his. “You danced out yet?”

He smiled. “Nope, not at all just getting warmed up to start to dance with you actually.”

She smiled and tried not to bite her lips in that pleased yet nervous way because she didn’t want to mess with her lipstick…that was just reflex really though part of her wouldn’t mind at all if Brian messed up her lipstick though.

They went through some slow dances and she smiled at just being able to do that with a guy. It had been really nice when she had got to do it the other night with Danny but it really had he wanting more of that inside.

And part of her went a little bit squee inside and she did the mental happy arm flails too when some people asked to cut in and dance with them and Brian politely said. “Not right now thank you…I’m really good as is.”

That was really; really girly thrilling that he’d rather be with her just as things were. And it was like there was a bit more trust there too for her to hold onto and she leaned against him and she let out a soft sigh. “Thanks Brian, this is really nice.”

“Okay….but Uhm Johnny?”


“Usually it’s the guy that does the thanking when he gets to dance with a pretty girl.”

Johnny blushed but looked up into his face to see if there was any of that hidden sneaky kind of gleam there. Sometimes when you knew that someone might mess with you, you got to build up a sort of sense for it. That nasty gleam wasn’t there though just a guy who looked a little nervous but happy at the same time.

It almost made her cry she did feel herself tearing up.

“Hey…..what’s going on did I do something wrong?”

“No, no you didn’t you’re just something I’m really not used to is all Brian.”


“No…I said it’s okay…these are happy sploshes.”


She shrugged and turned red.

“Hey I’ll take them…” He pulled her closer into a big hug. “I’m sorry for not seeing you sooner Johnny, for not being fed up sooner.”

(Sniffle.) “It’s okay…The Sith are powerful and your mind was clouded by the Darkside of the force.”

He laughed and that felt amazing…tight up against him she could feel that happy energy shake through her as he did. There was such a difference between him and her that it just made all the girl parts of her wide awake…sexually and not…feeling small. Feeling like a girl as he held her close and his laughter rumbled through her and she swore tickled her heart.

It was so powerful.

She blinked hard to try not to cry and mess with her make up and she looked at him and he had this big happy smile there as he looked back at her.

“See…right there a cool joke and you’re not afraid to be yourself and be funny and cute and smart y’know?’

(Sniffle.) “Oh I’ve been plenty scared Brian, I’m still scared but I can’t stop…I can’t if I do they win, they killed me off after all of that.”

“Hey….don’t…don’t go there okay?”

“I’m not…I’m just…I have to be me Brian, trust me when it comes right down to it I have to. If I’m not me them I’m not alive just faking it.”

He hugged her a little tighter. “Okay…I’m just being scared and selfish.”


“It took me sixteen years to meet a girl that I am seriously in like with. That I can be myself around okay?”

“In serious like with?”

“Yeah…I really didn’t like Britney.”

“Then why even date her?”

He shrugged. “Peer pressure? I don’t know it’s like once I got on the teams she was there with the others and we sort of just happened…I thought that she actually liked me at the first of it but honestly I don’t know.”

Johnny nodded and she stood tip toes and kissed his cheek. “Well for what it’s worth I like you too Brian.”

“Not serious like?”

“Are we serious? We haven’t gone out even…” She gave him that girl look where they know they got you trapped by woman logic. He blushed and shook his head.

“No…I guess not…Sorry there’s a lot of ego that still needs to wear off.”

Johnny rolled her eyes and she smiled at him and gave him a longer kiss on the cheek and backed away. “Uh-huh…I need to go powder my nose.” She slipped off and she joined some of the other girls en route to the bathroom.


She took Brian over a pop and shook her head as he looked confused at the sudden shift in things. She popped the tab open and she passed him a cream soda and she sipped her cola.

“Uh-huh.” She actually leaned on one of the posts for the deck awning almost cowboy or cowgirl like.

“Huh?” He looked at her then took a drink of the pop and then blinked at the way she was looking at him.

“Brian…I’m horrible at this stuff, seriously…but dude even I can see an opening that big.”


Lindsey leaned over and tapped him in the forehead making his eyes cross a little watching her finger.

“Ask her out.”


She couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “Yeah oh…”

“But…but why didn’t she say that?”

“She did.”

“No she didn’t.”

“Yeah, she did you have to read between things.”

“Oh no, that’s too much like Britney…why can’t she just say what she means?”

“Because in case you’re actually not interested or playing a game she has a way out…she’s not allowed to assume things not being who she is and especially given stuff she’s been through.”


“No…Look Bry, take it from a girl even if a borderline one. We’re fucking insecure. And yeah I know guys are too but we get bombarded with shit all our lives every day all the time to make us feel like that. Ads and TV and media and movies and just everything tells us how to be and even if we know its bullshit we still fall for it…”

“Okay but…”

Lindsey held her finger up. “Okay now add in the fact that we’re that screwed up and that overly sensitive and scared of not fitting in someplace because we’ve been telling ourselves we’ll never be like “Those girls.” And then take that insecurity into not being a genetic girl…Johnny told you that she liked you.”

He was staring at where Johnny had gone to.

“Bry, just saying that she liked you too probably was her screwing up every bit of courage that she had and now she’s in the bathroom likely having a girly panic attack freak………out…..where?”

Brian had stopped listening and he was already walking toward the den/garage and the bathroom Johnny and the girls had gone into. She smiled and shook her head as she watched Brian open the door and step inside.

She took another drink of pop as there were shouts coming from within and they stopped…most of the girls here were lesbians or bi…and none of them had come running outside after Brian went in.

There was this dry chuckle and she looked over and saw this girl? Well really small breasts but they were also in a corset and fishnets and a leather mini-skirt and lots of goth make-up and j-pop styled hair. “He’s brave and unless he does some serious talking he might be finding out how men have tampons applied.”

Lindsey grinned. “Hopefully not I like Brian he’s actually nice for a jock.”

The girl shook her head in sort of rueful disbelief. “I don’t know once a douche always a douche. Leopards don’t change their spots for a reason y’know it helps them go for the kill.”

“Well we’re of the opinion that people can change and people deserve second chances.”

“Must be nice.”

“Why? What do y’mean?”

“Being able to trust people like that.”

Lindsey shrugged. “I don’t half the time actually but I actually want to work on that.”

“Why you might just get hurt again?”

“To quote a really cool guy…because I can.”

“Oh that sounds just hokey.”

“That’s because it is, also doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

The girl looked at her and offered a stud covered gloved hand. “I’m Dale.”



“I’m….” She though a second and looked around a bit at the other kids all sort of mixing it up and dancing too. She looked at Dale who was already sort of slipping into the denial hunch…and she smiled inside at what she had just said to Brian. “I’m a shitty dancer Dale but sure.”

Okay…that little bit of her eyes getting bigger and this little bit of yay squeezing passed the EMO make up made her want to smile. That, that felt good. She took her sneakers off and took Dale’s hand and led her out onto the grass dance area.


Okay the idea for the party had gone off really well. Way better than a lot of them had planned and that was good, heck it was great but honestly if you had showed him the party as it was going on now he was sure that no one would be wanting to really get into a game.

Okay well not so since some of the kids from his usual gaming group had come over but most of them were very, very typically geeks and nerds. That wasn’t a bad thing not at all but when it came to actual real parties they were so out of their element. They dove for the safety of gaming inside the kids den.

Truth be told he wasn’t in his element either. Sure he was friendly and he was out going in his own crowd but this was really still as new to him as it was to them. His saving grace was he was one of the so called ring leaders and that he was close friends with Jessie.

Well he and Jessie were close friends but they had still only sort of just met. Though that never stopped people from inferring the things that they wanted to think.

It was so weird to be semi popular.

Though this semi popularity helped him sort of run interference with the other guys and some times he found himself making introductions and stuff. There were some gamer girls there that weren’t part of the scene that he was used to because people tended to brand them with all sorts of stereotype stuff because some of them were lesbians. Okay the three girls that had ended up drifting over to listen to them trying to roll up their characters soon also started talking geek shop with them about the game and comics.

It was kind of funny how odd both groups of them were with the cute lesbian girls…and they were all really good looking but then most girls were really good looking to these guys…The girls were being awkward since they’ve never gamed with any guys before….as they said most guys weren’t into role playing just war gaming and they’re perv up the games and make them all about sex and stuff.

Oh he couldn’t help but smile at the hard core gamer geek outrage at their role-playing integrity being slighted.

The funniest thing though was Honey sitting down with him to join them and to get herself a character written up. Both bunches were very shocked and tongue tied. The cute lesbian gamer girls were still sort of very much the nerd girls. They gamed with each other because they fit with each other, liked the same books and music and stuff and it was safe for them. Just like the guys did in their own group. But Honey was a really nice sweet girl that had no real idea just how gorgeous she could be with that curvy body and those amazing boobs.

He wasn’t pig enough to perv on Honey over her looking that good but it was sort of fun to know her and be all cool and semi-immune to her hotness while both his gamer friends and the three gamer lesbian girls were all totally nerding out and stammering and stuff over being in a game with a pretty, pretty girl.

All in all it was kind of funny and kind of cool and with breaks in between things for them to grab a few bites and a drink and he even found himself at least three times out there dancing.

Okay Brian was one and Honey and Kenyon were the other two at least until Donnie and Johnny and Jessie showed back up.

They had got the characters all rolled up and Nick had joined them late with Sam once the karaoke machine had been set up and they set everything aside as Kenyon’s Mom and Dad came out with the big cake and candles and sparklers.

He shouted out as people made way for the cake.

“Happy gay day to you!”
“Happy gay day to you!”
“You’re Cuter than Ashton Kutcher!”
“And your butt’s real fine too!”

Kenyon turned as red as red could get in a human without having an aneurism or being force choked and he grabbed a handful of gay day cake and icing despite protests from his folks and ran after him.



It was funny, the gay day song just so Dan as he yelled it out and made the whole party laugh and grin even him and it was just that much more fun as Kenyon grabbed a handful of cake and icing and chased Danny around the back yard yelling and totally being embarrassed.

He was really glad that it hadn’t been him though, something like that would be too much. Even as things were with this being a good party…

Actually the first party he could remember being too since he was like really little…..it was still right there on the edge of terrifying and at the same time…he was feeling like he’d been facing so many demons tonight when it came with dealing with people.

Sam had hung around with him and they set up the karaoke machine and Sam was so easy going and easy to take with him being deaf and using ASL to talk with most of the time which took a lot of pressure off and it also seemed that some kids were sort of nervous about coming over to talk to two people talking in sign. Well Sam talked and Nick well he was still learning but he was getting pretty good at finger spelling.

Honey though had kept coming over and Lindsey too to see how things were going and to keep them supplied in snacks and soft drinks even though Sam only drank bottled water instead of the soda.

It was really nice of them to do that he thought. Honey was a shy sweet person he found easy to take and he was sort of thinking through at least part of the party that Lindsey was hiding out inside the kids-den instead of socializing.

The cake led to most people eating and Jessie having Kenyon looking absolutely enthralled as he sat with him and was using a spoon to eat the cake out of Kenyon’s hand. Apparently he hadn’t caught Danny and now he looked completely enthralled at watching Jessie eating cake like that and sucking it off the spoon.

Honestly…as close as he felt towards Jessie too he was sure that he’d be doing the exact same thing as Kenyon was doing right now.

Kids were going over to use the machine and people were sort of sitting in places all over and just enjoying the kids that did sing and some of them were pretty good and some of them were pretty horrible but the horrible ones were kind of fun to watch all the same.

He saw this girl come up in front of the machine and he heard some of the kids whispering Selena?

She was one of the old alpha’s that got outed for being a lesbian or something he thought and she looked about their age too only blonde and asian? Definitely a dye or a bleach job but it went really well with the simple cream tunic she had on and the light colored jeans.

She typed a song in and she smiled ay everyone and did this shy and sweet sort of finger wave to they crowd and she started to sing a song that he hadn’t heard before but it was all soft and bluesy and it totally just sort of fit the kids here.

He saw Jessie pull Kenyon up and started to dance with him before the song really even got into the words and a few people did the same…it looked easy to dance to.

Okay…she might be a lesbian but the song just left this lump in his throat as she sang it and just sounded so sexy and beautiful.

*Oooh Child* By The Five Stair Steps.

Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child, things'll get brighter
Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child, things'll be brighter

Some day, yeah
We'll put it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter

Ooh-oo child, things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child, things'll be brighter
Ooh-oo child, things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child, things'll be brighter

Some day, yeah
We'll put it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter

Some day, some day, some day
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, some day, some day
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter

Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child, things'll be brighter
Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child, things'll be brighter

Right now
You just wait and see how things are gonna be
Right now...

By the time she was done singing the song everyone close by that had someone to dance to was up and dancing and softly and slowly and just holding each other close if they were seeing each other or not.

Jessie and Kenyon, Johnny and Brian, Danny and Lindsey, Donnie with Yasmine and Sam with some gothy EMO girl…

Honey slid her hand into his and she smiled shyly at him and he smiled back at her blushing and he saw Jessie looking over at him and at a few other people then asked.

“That was beautiful; can you sing that for us again please?”

She nodded and blushes but smiled and set the song up for everyone again and he bit his lip and tried to smile at Honey as they all got to dance again.

It was amazing and there were people here that were just as moved as he was and just….maybe…right now…tonight…for everyone here this might be true.

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