
Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 11
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.


Image Credit: anime couple

Jessie smiled a lot when Brian came out with the gremlins line but more than that was them eating having fun and joining together. Between Brian, Nick and Lindsey they’d sort of grown by three people and ten total if you added in the rest of Dan’s gamer group.

They pretty much took up most of the long cafeteria tables and they were getting looks. Not just by the Sith but everyone. He could get that, it’s like a new clique or social front was growing.

Social front…He liked that.

Lunch was the best time so far that Jessie had since coming to the school and he couldn’t help but smile and laugh as things went on at the table. Jokes, talking about gaming and comics with Brian getting more geek-cred by having really good scores at the Halo games and apparently a really respectable collection of Batman comics.

And it seemed the Johnny was charming him more than a little as he kept looking at her and she was laughing and talking with people at the table and everyone was having a good time.

This was pissing the Sith off to no end really. They kept looking at their table and whispering and glaring and they looked as mad as a republican at one of their own siding with the democrats.

Jessie was sure the girls might actually be the maddest really because as far as Jess could tell Brian was one of the better school athletes and that meant high-school fame and prestige if not plans for more.

And he was slipping out of their glitz and manicured claws.

Lunch was getting close to ending and they were packing things away and Jessie slipped up to Honey and Lindsey. “The witches are angry. Keep an eye out, I think they might try something.”

Lindsey nodded. “Yeah, especially with Johnny-girl. They’re a vicious band of twunts.”

“Twunt?” Jess head tilted. “Sorry, I’m not used to being home yet.”

“It’s a mix of twit and cunt.” Honey offers up. Lindsey nods. “Perfect word actually as they're the worse kind of girl honestly and really, really stupid too.”

He smiled and covered his mouth with his hand and nodded. “Okay…that’s twisted but just be careful okay. We’ll try to be around between classes but we might not be able to get there before the future Wall mart employee section gets to you.”

The girls laughed and they got some looks from the popular kids as they left early and en masse.

Some of the boys in the group shot Jessie some nasty looks as they went past and a couple even flexed and tensed like they were trying to threaten him or intimidate him with their size.

There’s was a cough as Brian started putting garbage in the bins and the recyclables. “Guys…”

There was a bunch of different grunts from them as they left after that.

Brian looked at them blushing. “Sorry…I really, I honestly don’t have the words guys.”

Lindsey nodded patting his shoulder. “It’s okay Brian, when people live outside civilization sometimes they lose their words, it’ll come back.”

They chuckled and headed off to their classes with some of them in the same classes or in the same directions staying together in groups after a quick stop at the doors of the cafeteria. Jessie asked. “Classes? Who’s going where? Camera phones?”

And it only really took about three seconds for everyone there but Brian to get it. Everyone in the group had been bullied or badly bullied even to the point of violence before. There was a quick exchange of information and checking the phones and stuff…once the others that were still sort of new to what they were doing looked actually like someone had took some pressure off them.

Brian stood there and watched Johnny leaving with Danny and at how they were talking. He looked over to Jessie. “Are they…?”

Jess raised an eyebrow. “Are they?”

“Y’know, dating.”

“They’re going out tonight but it’s their first time.”

“Oh…I didn’t know Johnny was dating.”

Jessie smirked. “Johnny didn’t know she was dating.”

“Huh, how’s that work?”

“She was set up to go out with Dan.”


“Well, if I had to say it’s to get her off the bench and into the game as the saying goes.”

“Oh, you think…?”

“Ask her.”

“But, I mean…”

“You don’t want to ask her out?”

“I dunno…” Brian looked down like he was struggling with the whole thing.

Jessie started walking with him heading for class. “Brian? You ever date a girl and not have sex?”

“I’ve been with Britney for quite awhile but yeah before her it wasn’t like I assumed it was going to happen.”

“So…you’re not looking to get into Johnny pants?”

“No! Dude, I don’t go for the whole pressuring someone to have sex stuff.”



“So…if you don’t care about the sex... say until you really like the person then why don’t you just ask her out?”

“Because I’m chicken, what will people say?”

“They say what they’re already saying Brian, if they’re damning you for doing it shouldn’t you be at least having a damned good time?”

He blinked a few times, then smiled. “Okay…yeah, but I’ll wait until we see what happens with Danny and her. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.”

Jessie nodded. “Sound plan besides Danny needs the confidence from the date as much as Johnny does.”

“You’re really weird you know that Jessie.”

Jessie walked backwards starting to take another hallway and did a sort of chest pop and a gesture at his chest with both hands. “Really just noticing that?”

They both sort of left chuckling and heading off to their classes.

*Johnny………… Lunch had gone off really well with the lasagna and the food and everyone getting along and there were a whole bunch of people there that just made things all the better.

Being together was a lot of fun.

Even better being together was safe.

Even in this group it was safe and not because there was safety in numbers and it kept them safe from the goons but it’s because she felt that here she could just be herself. And she relaxed enough that she hadn’t thought about being called names or stared at like she was a freak or any thing like that they all seemed to get it.

And then if that all wasn’t cool enough Brian showed up to join them at their table. That was actually a big thing because he was really good looking in that Channing Tatum boy kind of way and he was popular or rather he was until this thing with Britney.

And there’s the thing…

If Brian really wanted to he could have gone over to the other side and he could have used his goods looks and team position and the fact that Britney had ditched school in her need for the drama and he really could have done damage control. A little show of force, some butt kissing with the girls and throw a party and he’d be on top in no time.

But instead he didn’t he got a tray of drinks and he came over heart in his hand and asked to join them.

And he was a pretty decent and funny guy actually.

But she…

No, he knew what she was so he couldn’t right?

Danny coughed and she looked over at him as they walked to class. “Sorry I was spacing out there.”

He looked at her and he nodded. “Brian?”

“A little. He’s cute and all but I don’t know.”

“Don’t know what?”


“Why what?”

“Why he’s hanging with us, I mean he could’ve gone back and smoothed things over.”

Danny looked at her. “You think he really wants to go back to that, to people like them?”

“It didn’t sound like it.”

“See? There you go.”




“Tonight, what do you want to do?”

Johnny looked at Dan. “You don’t have to…”

“I want to, why the hell wouldn’t I want to be the first guy in school to date a pretty girl like you?”


“I’m serious.” He looked at her without the usual kidding grim but with serious eyes that still had that shine in them. That Danny-Spark.

She blushed and they stopped at the staircase. “Uhm I don’t know you asked me remember.”

“Okay hey, I’ll surprise you then.”

“Uhm…sure?” She was really nervous because it was still Dan and he was thinking about surprising her… “Hey, what should I wear?”

He grinned his usual big grin and she smacked him in the arm for it. He smiled at her. “Okay how about dinner and a movie?”

“Actually since I’ve never that sounds great Danny.”

“Good I’ll come get you at six so we can get to the show with time for parking and everything?”

“Movies first?”

“Yeah that’s what I was thinking then something to eat?”

“That sounds perfect Danny.”

“Good.” He beamed.



Johnny leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you at six.”

She smiled all the way to class and even hummed a little. She liked Dan; there was just something about him that made stuff better. And a big part of that was the fact he got serious. When he got serious with her it just sort of drove home that she mattered and that he was talking this date seriously.

And when a guy takes a date seriously that means he likes you.


And that was definitely something to smile about.

*Kenyon…………Gym class was their last class of the day and finally where he had to see Jessie. He had been sort of avoiding him since the whole incident before. But avoiding him hadn’t helped him any because if anything feeling guilty over avoiding him made him think about him even more.

The entire class was rough.

Changing had shown them once again that Jessie wasn’t going to hide what was going on with him and of course the guys being guys even though Jessie was a guy stared and made guy comments about Jessie’s breasts and he just took it in stride and there was no real show because he turned his back as he undid his bra and put on the sports bra.

Why couldn’t he do the same as he changed into his jock?


Just the thoughts made his throat hurt and mouth go dry as he had to swallow.

And class was pretty much basketball which was okay because Kenyon had played and practiced a lot so he’d have a shot at being way cooler here than he was in junior high. But Jessie was a serious distraction.

And now was the end of class and the showers.

He was so glad that they actually had stalls in the showers here. It took very little warm water and soap and the thoughts already in his head to find himself in an embarrassing state and looking at other people that Jessie wasn’t overly helping yes some of the guys in the class would make a redwood go limp but there were others…

That looked good.

Not yummy or all the gay flaming or gay so you’re a sex addict things but as much as he tried not to find good things about some of the guys that were decent looking well…they were decent looking.

Gay…why did he have to be gay?

He didn’t want to be gay? He’d worked out so much to get into shape and to look good to…

Oh god was he one of those gym gays?

Kenyon closed his eyes and shoved his head under the water and just let it try to get rid of that feeling. Gay gym rat guy was just as bad a cliché in his opinion as the limp wristed flaming gay guys were.

Well…one good thing being this upset had calmed his embarrassing problem down for him a lot.

It had gotten quiet and he was alone when he opened his eyes and he finished showering and headed off to get dried and changed and Jessie was there waiting.

Jessie looked at him. “Are you okay?”

Kenyon looked around. “No…not really.”

“Are you still upset about morning break?”



“No, it’s not okay.”

“That’s what I meant, its okay that it’s not okay.”


“You think that you can give me a lift?”


“Dan’s taking Johnny out and I figured I’d just give him the car right now and let him get used to it.”


They left and went to the lockers and met up with the others and they all piled into the cars with Nick and Lindsey getting rides with them too and Donnie, the cars were pretty full leaving school and Danny was obviously thrilled and a bit awed at Jessie loaning him his car for the night.

Kenyon had to admit he would be too. A car is a big deal as a teenager and his took him forever to get and pay for and it was still just on the nice side of being an old beater car. But he’d have never lent his car to any of his old friends from school. Hell really it was the first time he’d heard of anyone doing that before.

He had Jessie riding shotgun and Nick and Donnie in the back seat and they drove Nick home first. He watched Jessie putting Nick’s address into his phone. So did Nick who used his phone to ask.

“Why are you recording my address?”

Jessie looked at him. “I heard what Keith did and you come in on the bus and really with everything going on it might be a better idea to ditch the bus for awhile and get a ride to school with one of us.”

“But, that’s out of your way?”

“Well it’s safer and a whole lot more douchebag free.” Jessie looked at Nick who despite being pretty rough going with stuff socially looked back and then nodded and offered his hand to Jessie.

“Thank you.” Then he turned to Kenyon. “Thank you too.”

Kenyon nodded. “Not a problem one of use will pick you up in the morning okay?”

Nick signed “Yes.” With a smile.

Okay…he thought, okay the little bit of light there in Nick’s eyes like there was something that was good that happened for once…okay maybe being gay has one advantage? He didn’t think he’d have felt this good in a relation…reflationary way?

Like how a girl would sort of have a different way of seeing Nick this happy compared to a normal guy. It was actually this kind of odd yet sweet feeling. And he sort of could see Nick being cute in this nerdy guy sort of way.

Donnie was next and he lived in an older but decent sized apartment building on one of the streets not too out of the way to Jessie’s house. Donnie was smiles and he was kind of quiet for the few minutes they were driving. He was different, a geek and yet kind of a skater boy too with a bit of the whole street look with the shaved head and stuff. Still despite all of that he seemed like a nice guy and despite living in Chicago all of his life Kenyon never really had any black friends.

Oh he wasn’t prejudiced or anything but he was really white and while he knew lots of black people none of them really extended the olive branch to him before. He was actually slightly proud that he’d made a black friend.

And then it was just him and Jessie.

He headed for Jessie’s house and it was suddenly awkward and quiet and he felt his hands getting damp on the steering wheel but before long they were at Jessie’s house.

It was a very nice house actually one of those older homes that was renovated recently as some of the older working class neighborhoods became more gentrified and joined the sub-burbs.

He stopped in the driveway and Jessie was looking at him. “Kenyon it’ll be okay.”

“Really? So how do you know that Jess?”

“It just is.” He shrugged.

“No, it’s not…I mean what happened today and the thoughts that I keep having and you…”


“Yes, you…I could almost handle this y’know but I am so seriously crushing on you Jess it scares me.”

“Okay.” Jessie actually smiled at him.

“Okay what?”

“Just Okay…you are who you are it’s not likely going to change Kenyon.”


“Could be.”

“What do you mean could be?”

Jessie opened the car door but looked at him. “What will your parents think?”

“They’ll be shocked Dad’s sort of a manly man but my uncle’s gay so they might be good with it…my brothers…well I’m not so sure but they’re away at college.”

“Well then that’s not too bad then, it could be a lot worse?”

“Yeah well it is, I never asked for this and it’s freaking me the hell out Jessie. I’m really not getting what the heck you think could be great about this?”

“Well if you ever get to the point where you might be okay with yourself enough to ask me out and I’m not seeing anyone Kenyon…then…”

Jessie leaned back into the car enough to give him this light kiss on the cheek. “Then it might be great?”

He got out and he closed the door and walked backwards watching him and smiling. He pulled out of the driveway almost on autopilot and he just drove.

It was just a kiss on the cheek.

But he smelled so good, and was it true…was Jessie that open that he’d consider being with a guy as much as being with a girl?

He pulled into home and just sat behind the wheel and rested his forehead on it just needing to think for awhile.

The thing that kept playing through his mind was that he sort of wished that Jessie had kissed him on the lips.

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