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Ronnie's life took an unexpected turn for the different
You Chose
the Wrong Store By Jessica C
Copyright © 2013 Jessica C All Rights Reserved.
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Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from (Photo 16615320). The model in this image is in no way connected with this story nor supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The model's use is solely used for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena
Divider licensed free for use in publishing from ~Sephrena.

Part 7
Terror strikes me along with a mean hit to the head… “Your mother’s not here to protect you.” My blouse is torn open “Look, you’re more like a girl… so much better for what.” …“I need to do better than that to go to the prom, don’t you think so Mom?” Mom smiles with delight as she thinks about what I’m saying... My mother places a cloth over my face… “No!” I yell, but I guess nothing came out as I’m fading fast to sleep... I can hear my mother and Aunt Marge, but I can’t see anything nor can people hear me. Several people yell but by that time I am out: terror strikes me along with a mean hit to the head, moments later there’s a thud. Things were moving is it me or something else?

Joyce hears from another student, “Janelle has been grabbed.” Joy heads out from further down in the school building and her friend runs out from the other side. Each is running outside along the building to where I should be. Joy catches sight of me being hit and thrown into the back of a PC Cruiser. Two vehicles are moving as she nears them. Someone opens a window to yell back at her as they pass by.
Is it frustration or quick thinking, Joy throws her phone at them and into the car? By now the police are blocking the end of the street. There should be a stalemate, except. Except the Cruiser goes up on school grounds and uses students as a shield to get away. A comedy of errors and our vehicle is getting away.
I’m waking up when my father takes hold of me and slaps me again. “Your mother is not here to protect you.” My blouse is torn open “Look at that, you’re more like a girl than I thought… so much better for what I’m going to do.”
We’re interrupted, as I’m being kicked again, then again and again. There are sirens, “Sedate her and let’s get going…” I’m still awake when they drop me in the yard. The sirens are closer as I'm dropped to the ground.

It has been a half hour before they track Joyce’s phone using GPS. They locate us somewhere on the south side of Stonecroft.
There are voices and I start to wake again, while my sight is starting to come back, it is still bleary, and I can’t tell where I am. 'Does Officer Teresa or Hannah know where I am? The voices are they, my mother and Marge, the male voice is it dad or strangers. I’m sure they can’t be Hannah’s or Mr. Grant’s.'
I try to fight free but my arms and hands are held down; I try to yell, but I feel a needle and again I am fading away. I’m dreaming, no it’s a nightmare. I’m starting to wake again, I want to cry and yell as I feel pain. But I don’t want to be sedated; I want to know where I am and what is happening. How long have I been out and where am I? I hope they find me. ‘Where’s my phone, I can’t reach it. My charm bracelet, I can’t feel it on my wrist, how will they find me?’
“Shush, Janelle you are alright. We sent for your Mom, she will be here real soon.”
“I don’t want my mother!! I want Hannah, I want…” I shouldn’t have said that I’m going to be smacked again.
“Janelle, you are alright. Janelle, your sister, parents and everyone are in the waiting room.” “She’s coming out of it Fred, now she’ll know she’s safe.” Is it, could it be Mom Hannah, Dad, and Grandma? I take hold of a hand and it is warm tender, cupping my hand. There’s another voice calling me, “Janelle wake up and open your eyes. Can you tell be your name?”
“Tell me where you are?”
“…Janelle, Janelle, Hannah’s here.”
“Mom, O Mommy, I love you!” I begin to see her face and I start to cry again, but these are girl tears and I am happy. “Am I okay Mommy?” She’s smiling and crying too, but I think she’s happy. Grandma is holding her and telling me something, but I’m not sure what. I only know she too is very happy.
“Janelle, you are safe …we love you too. Your mother and father won’t be hurting you again. The police have them and your aunt. Your brother Tim is safe.” It is Officer Teresa.
I’m still worried, “Can I still be Janelle?”
Silence, Hannah doesn’t answer what she can’t promise. So the fate of Janelle and being alright is not answered. Being with Mom needs to be enough for now.
The nurse speaks, “Young lady if I untie your hands, will you promise me not to pull out your IV?” She is smiling and it is easy to agree. My other hand is being held and I look over to see Mom Hannah. “O Mom,” I rise to hug her. “Well young lady that is a very good sign,” says Nurse Joann.
“Does anyone know what happened,” I ask?
“Students say when you went to your mother; she and Aunt Marge grabbed you. Your mother put something over your face. Then you started to slump as they carried you out. Your father hit you in the head really hard and…”
“Mom, I couldn’t reach my phone… I didn’t want to go with them. …I wanted the police, but I couldn’t…” I say. “I’m sorry Mom.”
“Honey it’s alright when Joyce came running, they started to drive off, she threw her phone at them, into their vehicle. That is how we traced where you were.”
“Mom, I think my father wanted to rape me… Did he?” I began to cry, “I’m dirty.”
“I don’t think so. It looks like the police arrived in time to stop that.”
Joyce came into the room. “O Janelle, you are so special. I didn’t know how precious you were until they got you away from us.” I hurt as we hug, but I don’t let go.
“Sis, you saved me.” We are looking face to face in each other’s crying eyes. She is so beautiful; I see her love for me. She sets me back down but she is laying half down next to me. Someone wants, tries to take her away from me. “Don’t” I yell, “She’s healing me!”
I hear a nurse say to whoever held Joyce, “Let her be, they’ll be okay for now.” Joyce settles down next to me and my right arm cuddles her. I hear Mom tell Dad, “Look she’s caring for her big sister.” It’s a smart nurse who left us alone for the next while.

Grandma later informs me my nose is possibly broken and my jaw might be cracked. She laughs when I ask, “Can they make them more girl like when they fix them?”
“Honey, that won’t be up to us,” Grandma tells me.
“If I look more girl-like, a judge might realize who I really am.” I pester grandma until she agrees to say something. The nurse is back to give me a shot as the pain medication starts to wear off.
"She is likely to become sleepy with this shot, so you people might want to leave her alone to rest."

“Mommy could you stay, I don’t want to be alone. I know I’m a big girl, but I’m…”
Nurse Joann speaks, “Janelle, you are a very brave girl, even then there’s peace having a Mom with you.”
Joyce also wants to stay too, but she understands I need mother/daughter time. She shares, “Mom, I will leave, you are more precious my fanciest dress.” A kiss on the cheek, a whisper in my ear and she disappears.
Grandma hands her daughter a sack; Hannah looks in and gives her a wide grin. There is a nightgown, robe for tonight; clean panties and a bra for the morning. Thinking of me, she thought of her adult daughter, forget the ‘in-law’. It definitely is not a thing a boy or man would do. I feel better in being me, there is peace amidst the pain.
Mom’s chair is not made for rest so, after my next medication, I extend room on the bed. She is next to me as we visit. “You know, I have been here before for Faith and Joyce.”
“Would you share about those times, the hurts and hopes of being a Mommy?”
Mom says, “There was a time when a fever and illness threatened Faith's sight. It wasn’t one long day nor three but five long nights. Another time, Joyce had been hurt once by bullies and another time by a guy from college who did not understand “No!” The physical injuries justified to insurance the attention needed for her hospital stay.” More, much more was said.
We both reflected on kids like me injured by parents with no insurance to cover the bill or safe person to be with them. I know it is because of Mom and Grandma that I receive the attention not afforded to many others. The mere thought sends me to tears; a mixture of fear and joy.

Come morning when I pee there is a pain that causes me first to strain and then I back off from peeing. First, a nurse checks me and then an injury specialist. Dr. Shaffer often deals with sports injuries but also cared for injuries from physical abuse. “Janelle, can you tell me how these injuries came about?”
“I don’t remember sir, I know my father kicked me but I don’t know where for sure. When my dad kicks or hits it is always more than once. He enjoys being nasty to me.”
“Well that has happened but it looks like a pointed shoe. Do you know if your dad wears cowboy boots?”
“He’s more of a steel toe metal worker, sir. My Mom wears pointed shoes and she would do something after Dad did, but she usually only does it once.”
Dr. Shaffer, “This person with the pointed shoe kicked you more than once, I’m sure. Maybe even more often than the person with a bigger foot.”
Chills are going down my spine, “Was I at Aunt Halley’s, was she with them?”
Officer Teresa is in the room, “You said it was Aunt Marge with your mother?”
“Yes, she helped take me from the school. Aunt Halley is Dad’s sister; she is as mean as he is. She spanks me more than Dad just to prove she’s mean as any man.”
“I doubt they would both be in on it, but where does your aunt live,” Officer Teresa asks?
She lives in Stonecroft near the edge of town.”
“What is Aunt Halley’s last name?”
“It is Aunt Halley and Uncle Sam Crothers.”
Officer Teresa interrupts, “Your father pulled you out from between two houses. We thought they were using the empty house, but a Samuel Crothers lives in the other house. Thank you, I need to leave and check some things.”
Dr. Shaffer speaks up, “Please collect some of her pointed shoes if you go there?” “…Would your Dad and others hurt you just because you’re a TG girl?”
“‘Just a TG girl’, there is no such a thing as ‘just a TG girl’ in my house? Dad already thinks I’m a pervert and he curses me with his own terms. You can’t say anything if I have to go back there!”
“There is no way they will force you to go back to them,” Dr. Shaffer says.
“That’s f**k’g easy for a doctor, a lawyer even police chief to say; I had social workers and police tell me that when I was small. The social worker even cried when she took me back. If I remembered earlier I wouldn’t have said anything.” “…Mom!”…I begin to cry again.
Dr. Shaffer, “A nurse, get me a needle with a pain blocker, and a syringe to draw off some fluid?”
Mom begins to talk to me; sure I don’t want to think about what he is doing. When he finishes he tells me, “Janelle, you are quite a strong young woman. I appreciate your boldness in talking to me. I am going to work hard not to let you and other children down again.”
Later he shares with Mom, “I will testify if it is helpful. It used to be; I would only give a written statement, didn’t go to court.”
Mom asks, “When did you stop doing that?”
“…Today! But I’m one of the reasons too many come back to ER. And I thought they were ungrateful when they spit at me. …Instead, they knew I wouldn’t really protect them.” Mom told me he cried in front of her. She tells me she cried too, afraid I will be sent back if the decision goes against us. She even knows my grandparents might hold it against me if my parents go to jail and I am sent to live with them.

I’m happy to see Lacy with Joyce and my Mom. We’re talking for a while when Lacy asks, “Are you going to try to go to the Prom Saturday night?”
Mom had already left the room. The Prom, I’ve not even thought about that. “Yes, I need too, unless Paul has found another girl.” I look at Joyce to see if she knows anything.
“If you were a girl…” she knows better than to finish her statement.
“Yes if I were a real girl, people wouldn’t be surprised. Well, Joyce, I’m as real as I can be!” I hurt her feelings and I immediately feel bad just like she does for me. “Joyce, please help me? I want to go; I may not have next year. Mom will listen to you; you know how to talk with her.”
“I will help only if I need too. If you are the girl and sister I know, she will understand. You call her Mom because she is your Mom.” Mom is out talking to the doctors and Officer Teresa and they come back in together.
“We want you up and walking a little bit today, do you think you can do that,” Dr. Shaffer asks?
“I need to do better than that to go to the prom, don’t you think so Mom?” Mom smiles with delight, as she thinks about what I’m saying; and then I see her doubting. “Mommy, you have to remember how important this is. I need to go to school on Friday if I want to go to the prom. Please, we need to tell Paul I will work hard to be there.”
Mom looks at Joyce and Lacy and she knows how badly I want to go to the Prom. “Janelle, I guess dancing will have to be part of your therapy as well as walking. But I won’t make it a promise and you will have to do so in flats.”
“I can take my heels off after the pictures, I need them as I enter the prom and for the pictures. I’ll plan to take them off after that but I can’t make any promises.” Lacy and Joy giggle before the adults begin to laugh.
While the nurse is here I get up to walk down the hall with Lacy and Joyce. I didn’t notice Joy picking up her purse. Joy and Lacy pull me toward the elevator, “Hey, we’re just taking you down the elevator for a Sundae.”
“I didn’t think patients can leave the floor?”
“If you don’t ask they won’t say anything, so get on and be quiet,” Joyce is the ring leader.
It is not the easiest moment for a girl who just coming through a kidnap ordeal to be pushed into the elevator and the doors close. I know it is not in their minds but it is for me. My legs are shaking by the time we sit at the hospital cafe. The counter lady asks, “Do you have permission to be down here?”
I lied, “Yes, but only to get ice cream with my sisters.”
“Make sure you go right back after you eat your sundae; will you agree to do that?” I shook my head yes and she allowed me to stay. I’m sure she knows I lied.
It is enjoyable to visit with Lacy and Joy as we eat our sundaes. My ice cream actually is melting as we talk. That doesn’t sound like a big thing unless you were a boy who usually eats ice cream fast and regrets he didn’t enjoy it more. Usually, when I eat as a boy, I’m only a listener unless it is about sports or making a joke.
The air conditioner is blowing cold air up my gown, along with eating the ice cream I’m feeling very chilled, especially under my gown. We are just about finished when Charlene, a floor nurse comes in to escort me. “Young lady, I see we will need to put you on a shorter leash when you leave your room.”
“But it isn’t my…(fault).”
“You weren’t to be eating anything before the test, so you might have an uncomfortable exam instead.”
I said, “What are they going to examine?”
“I will share that when we get back to your room.” We are just getting in the elevator. “…Why don’t you tell me now?” “…Trust me; it will be better if I tell you in the room.” I hear two women behind me stifling giggles. …Joyce whispers “Trust her she knows it better.”
Without thinking, I say, “But I have boy parts.” Everyone but me is laughing louder; Lacy and another woman are on the floor of the elevator laughing as it opens on my floor and I am so embarrassed.
I hide my face in Mom’s hug as we get to the room. Joy explains what’s happening. Mom speaks trying to limit her laughter, “O Honey, relax it will be forgotten in five minutes.” Mom exaggerated; in five years hopefully, it will not be remembered. The medical technician is already here to take me to my exam.

“Mom, please come with me and save me from any more embarrassment.” She comes with me. I’m sitting on an exam table with a sheet over me and my legs spread and in stirrups. Dr. Shaffer came in, “Janelle, I’m sorry but this is going to be uncomfortable.”
I'm joking through my tears, “Then why don’t you just wait?”
“Because you are going to get more uncomfortable unless you begin to urinate, so I need to assess whether it will heal in time, or what we need to do. Do you want to go to the Prom? You won’t if I can’t help you before then.”
He says, "Now I am putting a small scope down your penis; it’s hooked to a camera so we can take some pictures.”
“Woe, I thought you said it is a small scope than how can it have a camera?”
Doc says, “Not a bad question, the truth is the camera won’t be in there it is only attached so we can see and take pictures. The pictures will soon turn up on the TV monitor. There, see these areas, I’ve already pushed through here but much of the tissue is badly bruised and the channel has collapsed. There is a strong chance as you heal infections are likely, then scar tissue presents other problems for the long term.”
“The pictures indicate that the damage to your penis is extensive. Beginning here I think these injuries are minor and temporary in nature and should heal properly in time.”
He says, “I want you to meet with another doctor so she too can assess you and give me her thoughts before I present what we should do to help your recovery.” There is small talk, some of it directed to Hannah. Dr. Shaffer leaves and I am taken back to my room.
Everyone wants to know how the exam went; Lacy and Joyce want to know if my privates were involved and if I am being treated like a girl. Lacy and Joy are frustrated as I won’t answer them. Mom just says, “Another doctor needs to meet with Janelle; then the doctor will make a decision how to treat her.”
“Mom I need some lunch,” Mom says I need to wait.

A woman comes in wearing a longer hospital coat, “Hello, I am Dr. Gloria Steinbeck and I am here to meet with Janelle. If the rest of you would leave us to visit; it will take probably thirty to forty minutes, possibly more. Since Dr. Shaffer made the request I will be making my report back to him.” The others leave, Mom said, “We’re going to eat and be back after 2:00 p.m.”
“Janelle, please call me Gloria? Before we begin talking about your injuries and kidnapping, would you please tell me about you coming to dress like a girl and living with the Grants?”
I get defensive, “They told me you wouldn’t be taking me away from them or worried about me being a girl.”
“Don’t worry Janelle; I am only here to help you get better. I’m sorry I frighten you. It is just unusual, I hear your real name is Ronnie and you appear comfortable as Janelle.”
“I guess I am comfortable being Janelle and less comfortable with being Ronnie. But it is kind of funny how I became Janelle. My brother and his friends wanted me to steal girl stuff they sell to get money.”
“I have saved all year to go to church camp, but am still over a hundred dollars short of the camp fees. I have shopped with my mother and I know enough about girl stuff and it doesn’t bother me to shop for it. In this case, it is to steal and raise money. You won’t tell the police will you?”
“No, but that is a good question. I won’t share anything unless you tell me you are going to hurt yourself or someone else. Please continue on.”
“Well I go to stay a few days with Aunt Marge, and it gives me a chance to shoplift in some better stores in the better part of the city. Hannah’s store is really nice and I take my list and I’m seeing what I want to take. I even ask the salesgirl to help me find some things. When she goes out of the store, I think it is a good time to steal and run. But Jasmine and Rachel are both waiting and catch me. Mrs. Grant tells me I can wait for my mother to come or she can call the police. Since my mother can’t be there until after work, I’m given the choice of dressing as a girl and cooperating or she would call the police. I agree to cooperate, but anything I thought of to get away Mrs. Grant has already thought of.”
“When Mom finally came she agreed I should stay with the Grants, dressing like a girl into the summer. I make mistakes like helping a little girl or dating a boy and they thought I like being a girl. A boy asks me to go to the prom and I’m sure Mrs. Grant and my parents would say ‘no’. But Mrs. Grant said I could since I did not say no.
“I don’t know when I change from me not liking to be a girl and to thinking of me as a girl. With the Grants, I have nice parents and a big sister who helps me. I enjoy being a nice girl.”
Gloria smiled, “What would you like to do now?”
“I need to get out of here so I can go to school Friday and attend my prom with Paul, Saturday.”
“No, I mean when do you want to go back to being a boy? And who do you want to live with? I know your parents might be in jail, but I thought you might want to be Ronnie and go live with your grandparents or other relatives for now?”
“I agreed to live as Janelle and I think I should do that. If I can, I would like to go to church camp as Ronnie. Not because of the church but that camp has horses and is fun. I enjoy the friends I make there.”
“I am afraid to I live with my grandparents, I will be blamed and beaten for my parents being sent to jail.”
She says, “What if we get the grandparents to promise not to do those things?”
“You nice people are not too smart, are you? Because they say they promise, you believe them. They love me but my mother and father are their daughter and son. They love them more and think I betrayed them. They think if they get me to change my story, it will be me not my parents who will be punished.”
“I wanted you to protect me, but I don’t trust you even if you say you promise. To you, I am just a silly boy in girl clothes.”
“Would it be okay if I have a nurse come in so I can examine you?” She changes the subject.
“If Dr. Grant is at the hospital could she be here instead?”
“Because you see her like family; it would be inappropriate for her to act as your doctor. I’m sorry.”
I say, “She can’t be my doctor, but she can be a witness, can’t she?”
“She is a doctor and I expect she would be too busy but I will ask her if you want me too.”
Grandma asks to talk to me when Gloria calls, “Honey, I want you to know that Dr. Steinbeck did ask me but I’ve responded to an emergency. Please let Dr. Gloria examine you so Dr. Shaffer can complete his evaluation. I know Gloria and she is who I’ve suggested, you can trust her.”
I tell Dr. Gloria, “Grandma says I should trust you since I trust her I now trust you. We should do the exam and get it over.” Gloria smiles at my thinking and willingness to cooperate.
Within three minutes the nurse is in and I am already behind the curtain taking off my clothes. “I wasn’t going to have you do all that but that is very good.” The nurse gives me a hospital gown to wear.
“You are not shy are you?” “…Actually, I am, but I would be more so with Dr. Shaffer and I already went through that. I have become more comfortable around nurses and women doctors. I know that sounds crazy, but Mr. Grant treats me with more modesty. He treats me like his daughter.”
She listens to my heart and lungs without going under my gown but doesn’t check my breasts. “Dr. Gloria, I think you should check my breasts.” She pauses and decides to do as I suggest.
“You already know what I’d find, so are you happy or sad that they belong to you?” I smile as she asks. “Seeing the smile they bring to you does that mean you are happy like most other growing girls? The tissue under and around your budding nipples appear to signify a maturing girl.” Gloria asks me to lay back to check between my legs.
“I am sorry to ask you, but have you made out with any girls or boys yet? …I didn’t think so and there is no evidence to you having been penetrated either by consent or by force. My suggestion regarding your prom is don’t get too intimate with Paul.”
“Don’t hold me to it, but if you wait. Someday you might more fully or completely be a girl.” It is a few minutes later, Dr. Steinbeck tells the nurse to clean me up and tells me after, “You can get dressed young woman after she cleans you up. I have enough for my report to Dr. Shaffer.”
“What are you going to tell him?”
“I can’t tell you but I suspect I’m confirming what he already knows. I will tell you that I find you to be remarkably mature and stable for all you have and are going through. I want to be of help in the future, I will be proud to be here for you.”
“Do you see me more as a young woman or a boy?”
“That is an interesting contrast. Do you think Janelle is much more mature like a woman and Ronnie as a boy?”
“I didn’t think of that but you’re right, as Janelle I have a big sister, a good mom, and family. I guess that helps me be more mature. But sometimes I feel like a little girl wanting Mom to hug and reassure me,” looking down “even though I’m not her daughter or a real girl.”
“Enough, I could visit with you all day, but I need to get the report to Dr. Shaffer. So the nurse will take you back to your room. I hope to see you again.”

No sooner I am back in my room and I push the button for the nurse at the desk. “Can I get something to eat now, I haven’t eaten yet?” “…Your nurse will be right down.”
It is thirty minutes before Nurse Joann came responding to my request. “Dr. Shaffer says, I am to start an IV, he and Dr. Steinbeck will be in soon to meet with you and your parents.”
“Can you please call my parents; tell them they need to meet with the doctors. When you say soon, do you mean two hours? Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude; Mom will be upset if I am. But I am hungry, plus my pain is getting worse.”
“After I start the IV, I can give you something for pain. The doctors will address your medical problem before worrying about food. Oh, your parents are already coming and should be here any minute.” Joann starts the IV; puts the pain medicine in through the IV line. She attaches a small bag, “This is to fight off any infections.”
Mom and everyone come in the room as Joann leaves. “Janelle, how are you doing; I hear your exam went really well and the doctor will be in with his recommendation. That should be good news.”
“You seem to know more than I do. All I know is I can’t eat and have to wait for the doctors.”
“Grandma told us if they start an IV you will have surgery to fix the injury and other problems.” Mom is holding one hand and Dad comes around to hold my other hand.
“So you think surgery is good news? What does that mean?” There’s a knock on my door and Dr. Shaffer and Dr. Steinbeck come into the room. He says, “So let me tell you what I think we should do and you can decide if it is good news or not.”
“What I recommend in relation to your injury,” he begins to draw on a whiteboard, “is to remove the tissue that is badly damaged and to sew back the healthy tissue like this.”
I say, “So you are going to make me into a girl?”
“We need to be very clear about this. What we are talking about here is addressing your injury. The tissue we are cutting away has no beneficial function other than appearance and to act as a hose in allowing you to urinate.”
“I would need special approval and would not likely get it to do Sex Reassignment Surgery on a minor. If you and someone, in the future, determine you should be a boy there will be options to be considered. Or if you determine you should be a female there would be options for that. It just might be that your body will indicate one or the other is more appropriate.”
“This surgery will speed up your recovery and let you get back to being yourself in a day or two. That is with some precautions and common sense. So please do not mix this surgery for your recovery, with SRS.”
“I would like your approval for this surgery along with your parents’ permission. You need to read this and sign here and here if you agree.”
“When would you do the surgery?”
He says, “…I would like to do it yet this afternoon. But I won’t do it without permission.”
“Mom and Dad, I should have it done, will you give your permission?” Both of them sign and, though it did not have legal standing, I signed it too. I am taken to the pre-op area where I have the yucky event of having someone shave me between my legs.
Dr. Gloria comes in to visit making sure I am alright. “So Janelle, are you comfortable with having the surgery?” “…I thought so, I wish you well Janelle and I will see you sometime after your surgery.”
I ask, “Would it be possible for you to be in with me?”
“…That is a very unusual request young lady, but I would be honored if you really want me to be in the operating room.”
I said, "Yes please, I would call you Aunt Gloria but then you probably couldn’t be my doctor.”
“That is precious; I will have to carry that honor unofficially in my heart.”
After I’m taken into surgery, Drs. Shaffer and Steinbeck come in. I joked, “Please if you steal anything don’t put it back.” The operating room has a little laughter. I begin to count backward and a moment later I am waking up and I want to cry. “Why didn’t you do the surgery?”
“It’s okay Janelle, your surgery is completed and everything went real well. Just rest a bit and we will take you up to your room in a half hour.”

A young student nurse is holding my hand and smiling.
“Hello,” I said, “Thank you for being with me. Were you in while they operated on me?”
“Yes, and I think you will be happy looking like a young woman. I have a young brother like you and about your age. He is so tender and nice, I’m sometimes afraid for him.”
“Yes, I know Bobby?” She is sadly surprised I know him. The truth is I recognized that she is Bobby’s sister. They live about two blocks from where I grew up. “I didn’t mean to scare you, what you said is safe with me. If Bobby would like to meet me…”
She smiles and looks at me but does not know who I am. “I know you as Bobby’s sister. He thinks you’re a neat sister.”
Now our hand-holding is mutual. “I wish I had a sister like you. I think this year has been harder with him in high school, but he does have some good friends. But they are not usually as brave as he is.”
She says, “You think Bobby is brave?”
“He’s braver than I am, I didn’t admit I’m a girl.” Lori smiles and giggles. “I know people don’t usually understand how brave it is to be him. I didn’t know about him till the second time I spotted make-up he missed. And he doesn’t know I am like him.”
“But you probably are a girl, he’s not.”
I say, “He might be more of a boy in some ways but I think he’s your sister.” I can see her thinking. Then I think of what she just said. “Why did you say I’m probably a girl?” I drift back to sleep while we talk and don’t remember what she says.

The truth is I don’t remember much of the rest of that day. I know Dr. Shaffer and Dr. Gloria both stop, but I do not remember what they say.
Breakfast and morning are not too exciting as I still have a catheter in me. I know TMI. Dr. Shaffer stops but won’t say anything, he wants someone staying after he tells me and leaves. Grandma looked in the door but quickly disappears.
It is 11:00 in the morning when Mom and Joyce come in. Joyce is carrying a present; by the shape of the box, I expect it is clothes. “Happy belated Birthday,” the card says. Except for momentarily getting up to greet my mother and sister, I am sitting down and ready to open my gift. It has a Pink bow that I gently untie and I am able to slip my fingers underneath the tape and with the exception of one spot, I open my gift without any wrapping coming off on the tape.
“Quit being so girly and just open it”, Joy says with a smile. But I can see she sees the gift as special. It is a short silver gray wrap-around skirt, a dark rose pink blouse that glimmers in the light. Without a second thought, I push Joy to the door to keep it closed and slip off the hospital gown. I wish I could put on the panty but don't worry too much. Mom hands me a lace bra and it is too die for. It is a shade lighter than my skirt, so I know it can show a little after the blouse is on. The blouse slips on over my head with two buttons in the back and a styled opening in the front. My shoulders and back shiver with goosebumps as it slides down.
I give Mom and Joyce each a hug, “So what about a belated birthday?”
“When Dr. Shaffer came out after surgery, he said, ‘She’s a girl!’ He says you have maturing girl organs inside of you. He is sure with your testes crushed by the kicks, the little testosterone production you had is all but gone. He expects there is a good likelihood your body’s female hormones will build in production.”
Joyce speaks, “You already are my sister, and now naturally you will become more and more a woman.” I start to twirl but the catheter reminds me I have to wait.
I guess I made a little sound when the catheter pulled, as I got dressed. Two nurses and two aides came into the room to see if there’s a problem. “Is that sound because you are now a boy killer? Wow, young lady, you are the best looking girl I’ve seen recovering from women’s surgery.”
Dr. Shaffer came into the room saying, “I came to take out the catheter.” Joann, the nurse tells him, “You need to step out a minute and we’ll turn her back into your patient.” He tried to speak, she laughs, “No buts…, this is a young lady and you will respect her as such.
It isn’t more than a minute and I’m in bed with the hospital gown barely hanging on me. He gently pulled out the tube, but the only good feeling to it is when he is done. Joann dabs a small spot that dripped. “I think your University doctor already was pretty sure of this. My confirmation will be enough to get official records changed.”
“I believe Dr. Gloria will now be more valuable than ever.” Dr. Shaffer looked around and the three nurses are all back in the room. “Don’t you three have something to do?”
They smile, “Yes, she’s a sister and with Hannah and Joyce we are here to welcome her into the sorority. You’re a man, we don’t expect you to understand.”
Dr. Shaffer smiles, “If you are alright later you can go home, if need be we will wait until tomorrow.” After lunchtime, my pain and the surgery area are doing well.

Nurse Joann came in the room announcing, “You are to be released to go home between 4:00-5:00. These pads are for your show and the trip home.”
“Show, what show?” I look to Mom,
“The nurses asked to see you in your prom dress before you go home.”
“Mom, I will look a fright, how could you?” “…Mom didn’t, I did,” Joyce spoke up. “Your hair will be done a little now and I will help with your make-up. It is better you get your worries about how you will look settled today.”
Joyce is right again; it is two thirty. Having my hair shampooed and styled in the room is not like the full salon treatment so I have that to look forward too. Joyce covers a multitude of sins, bruises as she transforms me very nicely with her makeup expertise.
I am about to put on my prom dress when Joann comes back in with Lori the student nurse.
End Part VII

To Be Continued...
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Happy ending
for the kidnapping(well in so much as she came away as a girl intact). hope she can make it to the prom
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Happy ending...
Good to hear from you Desiree. Most scars are inside, but yes she comes out better than many. I think the prom and feeling like a girl emotionally helps her recovery. She also likes that her brainy sister has intelligence of emotionally being there for her.
Jessie C ^_^
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Oh Jess.....
So much has happened in this chapter hon. Can't believe they kidnapped her and beat her for doing what her birth mother agreed to as punishment. So happy they found her quickly! And now while in the Hospital treating Janelle's wounds they find she has girl bits? (Imagine my shock! LOL). I'm still enjoying this one Jess, keep'em comin' sweetie! (Hugs) Taarpa
O Jess... O yes...
His/her Mom and Dad want Janelle back like they want a possession back. The fact that Ronnie has changed more makes Dad even more upset and repulsed upon seeing Janelle. A son visible as a TGirl is likely to find healthier parents wondering how to respond. Take sick parents as he had, prolong stay with him could have resulted in many ugly possibilities. What is becoming good news to Janelle and those seeing her more whole as Janelle is quite a contrast to her biological family. Those growing up in 50s-60s-70s found even healthier families responding in unhealthy ways.
I suspect youth and people coming open today have trouble distinguishing who is a real friend and who is just mouthing politically correct jargon. Would like to PM and comments others experience.
Hugs, JessieC
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
I may be wrong...
...but I surmise they were going to sell him/her to settle their gambling debts. The kidnapping causes me to suspect that his aunt was like the king pin behind the shoplifting ring (more supposition).
I may be wrong, but...
Wow this is me two interesting possibilities... I'm thinking it might have been been his Dad's sister, who is likely to get no punishment more than a slap on the wrist. Also may go for their dehumanizing Ronnie as insignificant.
Hugs, JessieC
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
There must be...
...a compelling motivation for them to come out of hiding from their creditors to try and nab him (after all something forced them into hiding in the first place). Since it was obviously not love for him it had to be something they could benefit from. As for his aunt... his brother (his testimony) could be the monkey in her wrench if she is the kingpin behind the shoplifting ring. Part of their motive for wanting to sell him could be his having been caught bringing the suspicion of law enforcment on his family (and by extention their creditors). This explains why his aunt was doing most of the damage to him.
Think of it... after him getting them caught they are on the run and in hiding while he is living high on the hog and going back to school.
The sun will come out tomorrow
What Janelle's birth parents and aunt did should be enough to get them sent up the river for a long time. Maybe the rest of their natural lives. Or someone could save the courts the trouble and find a really deep mine shafts.
It's good Janelle was found before anything more could have been done to her. Something which could have been far worse than what her birth parents already did.
What Ronnie experienced at the hands of the "nice people" have really made her distrustful of anyone who offers help. Because of a mistake Ronnie made, Janelle is finally with some nice people. People she can't understand why they are nice to her.
If the doctors were surprised enough at what they discovered about Janelle to act like they just delivered a baby girl, all five of the Grants must be over the moon. One Grant in particular.
That Ronnie is actually a genetic girl will surely come as a shock to her birth parents and relations. But chances are her birth dad will still deny her existence. A real real deep mine shafts.
Others have feelings too.