Dress Up Day- Chapter 2.
Julie D Cole
She turned and smiled as she pulled up at the school gate. Then she giggled and reached over to kiss me whispering ‘Not tonight Josephine. Not tonight. - Go have some fun and you can tell me all about it later.’
Well I had a hell of a day. First of all Amy insisted I didn’t tell anybody who I was, unless or until they recognized me and to stick by her side as much as possible. As we walked into school she nudged me and said to walk properly and not to look like a cowboy who’d just got off a horse.
I’d no idea what she meant but just made a joke. ‘It’s not me Amy honest. It’s these boots.’
It made her laugh and as I looked at her for the first time I realized how pretty she was. She had beautiful eyes and with all the mascara and the false eyelashes she looked several years older. The false boobs helped as well and I felt sure that she’d win the prize at the dance especially since several male teachers were on the judging panel.
‘Come on I’ll introduce you to the girls. Just ignore any lewd comments you get on the way. Let’s run.’
Now that was another experience. The heels on the boots threw me forward a bit so I tried to run on the soles of my feet. A bit girly I supposed but I couldn’t do much else or Amy would have left me standing. It was a relief to get into the entrance hall. I was hoping my wig was still intact and that the glue sticking my boobs on was strong enough. I almost tripped over my bag that had a mind of its own.
Amy turned to me and smiled. ‘Well you did OK. Shall we do it again as an encore?’
‘No chance. How do I look is my wig straight.’
‘Don’t worry you look a little flustered but it hasn’t moved. A bit windswept but we can soon sort that out. You did well. Who taught you to run in heels? Have you been practicing?’
‘Nobody I just did a few practice steps with mom but I guess I had no choice since you left me.’
‘No I didn’t. I’d have turned back but you were doing OK. A natural if ever I saw one.’
‘Thanks that’s all I need. I look like a girl and now you say I run like one. I’ll never live this down when the guys find out. It was supposed to be a joke till mum set to work on me. I’m sure she would like me better as the girl she’d always wanted.’
‘Come on don’t be like that. It is just fun and it’s for a good cause. But I must admit I can see why she’s encouraged you. I think you look better as Josephine, don’t you agree?’
‘I give up. Now you are on mum’s side. I try my best to be as masculine as possible and I can do without this. It is bad enough putting up with comments at gym about how weedy I am and how I have boobs growing.’
‘Have you. Wow.’
‘No I haven’t they are just soft and it’s only because I need to bulk up a bit.’
‘Come on forget it and let me show you of to Kate and Hev. They’ll be amazed when they realize its you.’
We soon found them in the refectory. They were dressed as angels but far from it. They were two of the rowdiest girls at school. Always involved in everything and often hanging around with the more extrovert boys so I’d never spoken to them. I’d watched on in amazement sometimes and was a little surprised Amy counted them as friends. She had always seemed quiet but maybe I misjudged her.
To be honest my disguise didn’t work with either of them but Kate thought I was a girl but not sure who whereas Hev had a feeling it was me but didn’t believe it. Eventually after a few guesses Amy told them and I suppose that I wished she hadn’t. Now I couldn’t chicken out and go home. I had to see it through.
The three of them decided they’d call me Josie for the rest of the day and Kate wanted to play a few tricks so they decided not to let on. They urged me to join in so I accepted.
The first target was to set me up as a dance partner for a pound per dance for the charity and I was to give up my break and lunch to stand at a table in the refectory whilst they promoted the idea and made a list. After a slow start I reached 20 partners always assuming they’d turn up. Especially if my secret leaked out.
The second joke was that I would do a sports lesson with the girls so they arranged for me to take Amy’s place in the netball team using her kit. Luckily not many turned up because it was Dress Up day so I could get changed in privacy. Kate wanted to be the first to tell Laura Rylance at the dance just to see her face when she found out she’d paraded around in front of a boy. Apparently, as I found out later, she was always showing her bust and slim figure to the rest of the girls and often walked around naked. I was shocked and embarrassed when I saw her and she just made a pose when she saw how awkward it was.
The last trick was to take me with them to meet a group of players from the football team and get them all to kiss me and I had to mark them out of ten. ‘No way.’
Then Hev piped up. ‘Come on it’s part of the fun. They aren’t likely to tease you as much if they kissed you as a girl and liked it. Who knows they may even get excited. Drew Taylor can’t control himself so I can’t wait.’
So that was the day set up. Not much time for lessons but then it wasn’t really expected. Mom had said she hoped I’d enjoy myself but this seemed pretty scary and I could even get kicked out of school if things went wrong.
As I said I got quite a list of partners and two were from the football team as I found out later. Just my luck that one was Drew Taylor. He’d paid up front for the dance and made some sexist comment. I almost pulled off my wig until Amy stepped in. I guess he was just showing off.
I thought I looked OK in Amys kit for the netball. I was a bit on the small side but a lot faster than most of the girls so I suddenly became popular. I easily beat Laura Rylance who was more interested in showing herself off to some boys who were leering at us through the fence. I tried to keep towards the other side of the pitch so they didn’t recognize me. The girls didn’t seem to care who I was and later I found out most were in on the joke to get Laura.
I needed a shower after the game and waited for my chance to use one of the private showers that were available for those ‘with a note’ whatever that was.
During afternoon break Kate dragged me off to meet Hev and the lads. They were all bigger than me and most of them fancied themselves. It was easy for Kate to persuade them so she became the organizer and Hev kept the scores. They all took it seriously and so I wanted to run for it but Kate grabbed hold of my arm.
The first kiss was the worst. I was like a stick and Freddie Jewson made sure everybody knew and that he was the warm up for the rest so they owed him.
By the time number 10 arrived I was used to it and knew how to stop them getting too randy. A swift knee might have worked but I just opened my eyes and it seemed to make them feel inadequate. Jamey Baxter was the best of all of them so he said he wanted the last dance as his prize. I remember thinking ‘ In your dreams pal. This girl will be out of the box by then if she has her way.’
By 5pm I was ready for packing in but as Amy said I was to be the star of the show so I had to stay with it. Anyway mom was meeting us for pizzas and to freshen up before the dance that was due to start at 7pm. She looked 10 years younger when she arrived and I was amazed how excited she got as Amy relayed the days events. She was a bit shocked about me changing with the girls but didn’t mind about the kissing competition or the dance list.
‘You see what you’ve been missing. Didn’t I tell you it would be a fun day and it’s only just started really. Let’s tidy you up a bit. Come on let’s go to the bathroom.’
She couldn’t wait to get her hands on me and had come prepared. She applied more make-up and sprayed me with perfume. Then she tidied my wig and turned me towards the mirror. I looked too cute for words.
‘Mom please. I’m not a girl I’m a boy. Can’t we just give this up and just go somewhere quiet instead. I don’t want to go through with it since everything is getting out of hand.’
‘Look Josephine I’ve been out and spent a fortune getting ready for this dance. I have my eye on one of your teachers. I’ve known him for 20 years since we were at high school together. You wouldn’t spoil my chances would you?’
‘Mom you don’t mean Mr. Davies do you? It will be bad enough when he realizes who I am and if he sees I’m your son he might be put off. It is embarrassing and just because you and dad split doesn’t mean you can chase after guys. Especially my teachers.’
She didn’t get chance to reply because Amy chipped in. ‘Come on Josie you can’t let everybody down now. Let’s see if you can dance in those boots and if you dance as well as you kiss.’
How could I resist her smile and those eyes so I just accepted with a nod.
Mom looked at me and smiled like a cat that had just got the cream.
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Dress Up Day
Thanks for continuing as it is a great story. Please keep it going!
I certainly hope.....
...that mother makes a connection with the teacher. Otherwise this will have all been for naught. NOT!!!! My favorite Aunt's name is Giesuppina - Josephine. Nice story. Thank you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Wishing and Hoping
I can continue to be inspired. I just love the name Giesuppina - Josephine. Think of young schooldays and the difficulty she must have had writing her name on the blackboard. I think I'd have cheated and shortened it to Gina-Jo.
Nice Jules!
How could poor Joseph possibly say no to of ALL things a HOOTERS GIRL! (LOL). Thanks Ms. Cole for teasing us all a little while long with this one hon. May we have more pwease? (Hugs) Taarpa
I'm impressed
I'm impressed, and a bit jealous, at how quickly you write a new part and get it up here. You'd said you weren't originally intending to continue this story, so only a few days. Bloody he..
Anyway, moving on from that (insane jealous rage...) Ahem.
I like the story, it's a lot of fun, and the descriptions of the school activities are enjoyable. My only problem is that right now Josie feels like a bit of a cipher. Sure he likes Amy, but kissing boys seems counterproductive. I suppose, at this point, my biggest problem is that he appears to want to be a man, and is going along a little too easily.
I hope to hear more, though, so please keep writing,
Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Make believe or fact
Which is easier to write? Maybe its a mixture and easier when the characters are real and also the school. I missed out the bit behind the bike sheds that could have been a couple more chapters. I keep hearing a voice. 'Cole - Keep it clean!!' I know what happened to the bike sheds at my old school. They were replaced with a swimming pool. Shame on the Dept of Education. Kids learned more at the bikesheds than in the pool.
Sorry about that rubbish.
Josie is just starting to purr
This story is getting really good. The possibilities for our young boy/girl are endless and all fun. It looks like Josie is going to learn a lot about him/her self. Don't we all wish we were given that little push in High school... Keep on writing... we look forward to the next chapter.
Nina Adams
She doth protest too much. I'm dying to find out if Josie has a future much different from what (he) expected a few days ago. And Mum is a scheming tart too!
Going well, Jules,
Josephine/Josie is being used
by that mother, and the girls. What will happen if/when everybody finds out?
May Your Light Forever Shine
I agree!
He is being guilted by mom and (wo)manipulated by Amy into being something he doesn't want to be. I wouldn't be surprised to find that Amy and mom are in cahoots. Shame on them.
BE a lady!
Number of views?
So how can part 1 have over 30,000 views and part 2 (and the short time span between the two chapters) have less than half the number of views?
Wendy Coomber
Number of Views
Hi Wendy, it's because the story was posted back in 2013 so the hits on early chapters accrue over that time. Probably people got bored after chapter 1. Maybe if a person reads all the chapters one after the other the hits only register to chapter 1. I don't know how it works.
The reason I did the follow up was because I was asked if I was going to write a sequel. In case I do I thought I'd better wrap up the day properly.
I'm enjoying this one
in spite of it being very close to a forced feminization story, most of which I hate.
Don't Worry
It's not Forced Feminisation. Just a little push.