Walking in Beckys Shoes - Chapter 8

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Walking in Beckys Shoes — Chapter 8
Julie D Cole
I put my phone in my shoulder bag and looked around for the bag with my levis and boy bits. I realised I’d lost my carry bag. I’d either left it in the ambulance or it was still in the shop doorway. Worse still my money was in my wallet along with my student card and my only credit card. So I couldn’t get changed even if I wanted to.
I checked with Steph when she came back. Nothing was in the ambulance. So now if the bag was found the shop owner had details to go with the video.
I called mum and walked outside so I could talk in a normal voice. It wasn’t a long conversation. She was on her way before the cost of the call had been credited to Vodafone and that’s bloody fast.

I walked around for a few minutes taking a few deep breaths. What had I got to worry about? It wasn’t me laying on a hospital bed having been knifed and all I’d done was be friends to two people who seemed to enjoy being with me and I sure as hell had been happy in their company.

My first priority had to be to ensure Nick was not badly hurt and would recover and my second priority was to ensure that his mum was OK. She might not even care if her son had befriended a mixed up boy who enjoyed dressing as a girl as long as he was safe and recovered. I couldn’t just run away. I didn’t know what Nicks might think if he came around but at least I had told him I was going to change and take the risk instead of him. But too late. The stupid boy. Why did he have to be so kind and try to find this madman? Why did we get into this mess. We did nothing to deserve this. Is it my punishment? If it is then please punish me not him.

I needed to check and there might be news so I had to get inside. Please, please save him please. Who was I talking to? Please let him be OK. He is my best friend. Please!!!

As I hurried back to the waiting room I looked at my reflection. Who am I? I stopped for a moment and it was as if someone else was looking back at me. Where had I gone? No sign of a boy just a girl in the glass. This was a different girl to the one who appeared in the mirror at home when I first dressed in Rebeccas clothes. Maybe walking in Beckys shoes had done something to me. Even if I had found my bag I didn’t want to change. Something inside me was wanting Becky to come out and not to hide away. Maybe I had to come clean and face whatever consequences come.

As I entered the waiting room my phone beeped. A message from mum to say she was almost at the hospital and was praying for Nicks. No sign of his mum yet and nobody here except me. Oh Nicks hang in there please. Where is everybody? Why am I talking to myself. Go find someone and do something. I had to do something or I’d never forgive myself.

I found Steph. She had some news. Good news. My prayers were being answered and so were mums.

‘He’s still in danger but he is stable. The doctor says he was lucky and a rib had deflected the knife.’

I fainted and she must have caught me. I can’t have been out for long and as I opened my eyes I saw a large light. I was in a recovery room with Steph and gradually she encouraged me to sit up and take sips of water. All I could say was sorry. ‘sorry steph, sorry.’

á‡ome on it’s just a shock and a nice one I hope.’Take a few moments to come around and then we’ll ask if we can see him. You’d like to see him wouldn’t you? Or would you like to wait for his mum to arrive?’

‘Oh thanks Steph. Thanks it’s great news. I’m OK honest. Yes I want to see him if I can. I need to be sure he’s OK.’

Steph took me to the recovery room. Nicks was asleep and had a drip fastened to his arm. His hair was pushed to the wrong side of his face and he wouldn’t like that. All signs of the bad attempt of make-up had been removed. It was strange to look at him laying peacefully like this without a smirk or a wink. I half expected him to jump up to surprise me but he didn’t.

ፒll leave you two for a few minutes and I’ll be through here if you need me. I’ll be waiting for his family. Don’t forget a police officer will need to see you to take a statement. I’ll keep them at bay with some tea. It usually works.’

I stood for a few moments looking at Nicks. I was so grateful that he was OK. He’ll go mad when he comes around that this madman got the better of him. I had an excuse for him if he said anything. I stepped forward and touched his hand. ‘Sorry Nick this was a stupid thing to do. I should have stopped you’I should learn to be stronger and speak out. Nicks why didn’t you just let me play the girl and you be the man? Nicks thank God you are safe.’

I felt him move and his eyes started to open, well flutter a bit I suppose. ‘’What do you mean? Where am I? ‘

He was trying to sit up so I pushed him back as gently as I could. ‘Stop Nicks you have to keep still and rest. You’ve been hurt and you have to take it easy.’

He seemed to go back to sleep so I wanted to let Steph know he was coming around. I took a comb out of my bag and slicked his hair to the side he liked as best I could. At least he looked like he liked to look. He didn’t like a girls parting and always wore it boys side even though he had the choice with two crowns. That was more like the nick I know and even a little smirk appeared on his face.

As I approached the desk to speak to Steph the main door opened and Nicks mum burst in along with her friend and behind them was Millie.

She smiled but her first priority was to ask Steph where Nicks was and she said ám I in time. Is he OK. Please God is he OK.’
‘Steph took control of the situation and reassured Nicks mum that he was safe and would be OK. I watched as the pain in Nicks mums face disappeared and a small smile of relief appeared as well as a few tears to her eyes. Then her natural beauty showed and now without make-up I could see that she must have been very stunning as a young girl. I could see where Nicks got his good looks and especially his brown eyes. I smiled to myself because I would tell him later that even though he had dressed and put on make-up he wasn’t a patch on her. A good sign since I could smile again.

Then I managed to speak. ‘Steph, When I was with nicks he opened his eyes. Not for long but enough to realise he was safe. Then he shut them again but I was sure he saw me. I squeezed his hand and he responded.’

‘Good that is a good sign so be patient and you’ll soon be able to talk to him. I’m sure he will be pleased to see all of you but we mustn’t rush things.’

Nicks mum was keen to go through and Steph realised so she took her hand. ‘Don’t worry Mrs Harvey he is fine. Let’s go through and check on him. Rest assured he is in good hands and the doctor told me he should recover quickly. He’s a lucky young man and I’m sure he has been comforted with his girlfriend here with him.’’

Then Nicks mum connected at last ‘Becky, thank goodness. I didn’t realise it was you at first. Sorry but now I realise what are you doing here. I didn’t realise that you knew each other. ‘Then she turned to Steph Oh let me see him please nurse.’

Nicks mum then just pushed past me and gave me a half smile as she headed to the recovery room to see Nicks. Steph must have seen the relief in my face ‘that Nicks mumhad acknowledged me because of what she said. She just whispered ‘Thanks’ as she passed me. I’d wanted to hug Nicks mum when I saw the tears even though I didn’t know her well. She didn’t know me except as Becky even though I was one of Nicks best mates. I’d never felt like this before and the only person who hugged me was mum. I guess I learned that we all need a hug sometimes especially when we are in a difficult situation. Boy oh boy was I in a difficult situation. Whichever way I turned I was going to cause some upset.

I went over to Millies mum who took my hand. Millie was strangely quiet and I didn’t understand why. She wasn’t looking at me and was clearly upset. I wondered if it was the memory of her attack coming back to her but she stepped back when I reached out. ‘Don’t please don’t’

‘What’s wrong Millie. Are you OK.’

ፒm fine thanks. Just leave me please. I want to go home now that we know Nick is OK. He will want you not me. Obviously you didn’t want to tell me you and he were together. I was introduced to him remember. We were supposed to go out together. Now I know why he ditched me tonight. It was because he was meeting you and you even left me to meet him. I hate you. I hate you.’

I was speechless. I wanted to just say it wasn’t true and tell her who I was. All the words came to my mind but my mouth wasn’t working. Hard as I tried nothing more than a mumble came out and the only word that made sense was sorry.’

She headed for the exit leaving her mum and I looking at each other. ‘She’ll be OK but maybe you two should have a chat. I’ll go check on things with Nick and his mum.’

Millie was outside in the smoking area when I found her. She had a cigarette and was sucking on it and blowing out into the night sky. ‘Leave me alone please becky. I don’t want to talk to you. It’s disgusting. So he was the vampire who bit your neck. You deserve each other so piss off will you and don’t come pretending to be my friend. I hate you.’

‘Millie please let me speak. You are wrong and you don’t understand. It’s not what you think. Nick didn’t bite me. I like him but not in the way that you think. He is just a mate.’

‘Get lost Becky just get lost! Leave me alone please and don’t bother me. I hate you.’

Despite my further attempts to speak she wasn’t listening. She’d just switched off and she was clearly fighting back tears.’ My God now I am a bitch as well as a fraud. Do I leave the situation like this and exit stage left? It could be my chance to escape without being detected. Before I could decide my phone flashed with a message. Mum was looking for me so I just mumbled another apology and told Millie who it was.

As I entered the reception mum had to look twice before she realised it was me. á“h my God, what are you doing? Why are you dressed like that?’

‘Mum, sorry I can explain.’

I didn’t tell her everything. I just told her about Nicks idea to trap the stalker and that we had both decided to dress as girls to attract him’

” Are you both mad? Now look what’s happened. It’s not like you are experts or that you can even defend yourselves let alone from a madman.’How is Nick? Do his parents know? Do they know what you were both doing?’

I told her that Nicks mum and Millies mum were with him and that he was out of danger. ‘Millie, where is Millie? Isn’t she your girlfriend? Can I meet her.’

‘No mum we had a row. She’s not speaking to me so better if we just go.’

We can’t just go I want to see Mrs Harvey. What would she think if I just left without showing concern. She will be so relieved. If it had been you I don’t know how I’d be feeling right now.’

Steph then came around the corner. áre there you are Becky. Come on the Police officer is waiting in my office.’

‘Becky? Who is Becky. Why are you seeing a police officer?’

‘Mum please just wait and I’ll explain when I’m done.’

á“h no young man I am coming with you to find out what’s going on around here.’

I looked at Steph and she looked back lifting her eyes from my toes to the top of my head. Then she looked over her glasses and shook her head a little. She smiled and said ‘Well I’ve seen it all. Well I though I had anyway. Come on then both of you I suppose all will be clear soon.

To be continued …………………

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meh... here taarpa have some popcorn.

Ha Ha

I'm sorry it took so long coming. Very pleasing for me to see that this story has had so many hits.


Becky 2

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Becky Two
Has some splainin to do!

Becky? who is Becky?

(Tee Hee!) Yeah umm mom, would you believe Halloween practice? (Giggles Taarpa! ). No huh, ok then I plea temp. Insanity! Munch munch slurrrp! Ahh! Nice chapter Ms. Cole! Wow, Jacilynn's sending li'l ol' me popcorn? Thanks sweetie! Can't wait to see how Becky gets out of this one and still wondering about those pesky security cameras..... Hurry back Jules! (Hugs) Taarpa

Dropping of the other shoe

Jamie Lee's picture

Well it's happened! The other shoe has hit the floor and a certain young man is about to have more bees trying to sting him than he's ever seen.

If Millie was angry with him because his deception made her think he was Beckie and seeing Harvey, she will explode when she hears the whole truth. Oh, and she won't be the only one.

Now that it's known Harvey will be okay, did he see who stabbed him? Was it Scott as they think? If it was Scott and he recognized Harvey and Harvey recognized him, Scott won't be back in school.

Others have feelings too.