Crossdressing Charlie Vol. 1: Episode 14 - The Worst Nightmare


SUMMARY: Dave has kidnapped Charlie with the intent of turning his into his precious girlfriend forever. As our hero unwillingly travels across the country, he will fall into his most vulnerable and fragile state yet.

Charlie never wanted to move again. He felt like a statue. He felt that if he lifted a single finger, there would be a strong chance that he would die. The inside of his head felt numb, as though his brain was covered in confining gel, trapping all thought, memory, and emotion from escaping beyond his lips and bodily expressions. Everything around the perimeter of his sight was dark yet the centre was too bright like a distorted Super 8 film. He could hear music. It unsettled his stomach. There was also the dreaded voice of Dave, talking away in full conversation with someone who was not responding.

There was a pause for a moment before he felt something soft press against his lips followed by a low ringing in his ear that made him squirm. Dave’s voice became deformed and distant from his consciousness slowly. ‘’You are so beautiful, you know that?’’ he said, his voice sounding like a warped record. ‘’I’d say you are the prettiest girl in the world.’’ The next thing he knew, (or did not exactly), he felt encased beneath heavy blankets, and the constrictive feeling of large arms and legs wrapped around his humid body. Something tenderly gnawed his neck. Echoed moans and grunts of ecstasy filled his ears like water escaping. He kept hearing the words, ‘’Good night, Rachel. I love you.’’ repeatedly.

He curled up in a defensive ball, feeling an uncomfortable stiffness form in between his legs. Horrible pleasure engulfed his body, forcing his hairs to stand erect. Goosebumps formed as an electric shiver shot down his spine like a smooth lightning bolt. He could feel something strange whisk inside him, something he had never felt before, something alien. He could not comprehend what it might be but it was magnificent. The stiffness between his legs became too much and he gasped blissfully to obey he hungry body.

Everything became too hot, too sweaty, and too mysterious. He was in hell. The sounds of nails clenching against fabric and the tiresome moans grew louder. Breathing, panting, restrictions, and the uncomfortable physicality’s were too much for his state of trance. What was going on, where was he and how did he get there? He did not feel scared. He did not feel anything and that was worse than fear. Nothingness.

Time happened, yet not at all exactly, when he suddenly felt bare, alone, and naked in the dark for what felt like forever. He vaguely remembered a horrible acidy taste on his tongue. He could now hear nothing but his own organs; his heart, his lungs, stomach, and ears.

Then, his legs were suddenly encased in softness as was the rest of his body. His head flung back and forth as brightness started to enter his domain once again. It burned. He could not breathe. He was not sure if he was standing up or lying down. He spoke but got no response. He was not sure if the sentence had even left his mind.

He could feel soft fabrics brush against his skin. It felt like climbing into a fresh bed after a warm shower. He breathed in but did not breathe out. Something was clenching his stomach, squeezing harder and aggressively. The sound of a zipper tightening something around his hips and the weight of something form on his chest satisfied him yet scared him more. He could feel himself slowly drifting back into what he remembered as living consciousness. Where had he gone to?

His vision was blurred and out of focus. He felt sure he was standing upright but he did not know what was holding him up. He could see the colours brown, cream, and ruby red mixed as they swirled into shapes. Every bit of oxygen in his lungs was pulled out of his body with belligerent tugs at his abdomen. He tried to speak again but not a single articulate sound passed his lips.

Each tug made his vision clearer. The ruby red formed into a pair of velvet high heels, HIS own high heels that were on HIS feet. He never remembered putting them on. The cream formed into a white satin bra, HIS bra that held up HIS silicone breasts, which now seemed to be part of his body. The brown was in fact long luscious hair hanging from HIS head, tickling his bare shoulders and the sides of his face. Feeling had returned to him once more and it felt strange.

His head flung back and he looked up at the ceiling where he was blinded by what must have been a light bulb. ‘’S — S — Stop,’’ he managed to say, slurred and disorientated. Simply speaking cost him too much energy. He could feel and hear blood rushing to his head. He confirmed that the pressure inflicted on his waist was a corset. It soon stopped and he immediately fell backwards into someone’s arms. He could feel his heart thumping and his brain melting down. ‘’Woah,’’ he sighed, before everything turned black.

‘’Rachel,’’ whispered Dave’s voice in his ear, ‘’Rachel, open your eyes.’’

Charlie half-opened his eyes, unsure of how much time had passed. He was standing in front of a girl being caressed by a boy standing behind her with his head over her shoulder. The girl was very pretty and was dressed rather elegantly. She wore her wavy brunette hair down over her shoulders with her bob down over her forehead. She wore a cream three-quartered sleeve blouse with a long pussy bow hanging from the v-neck. The blouse was tucked into a mustard coloured high waist peplum skirt, which hugged her hips tight and lengthened half way down her thighs. Her legs were smothered in thick black tights and her feet were donned with a pair of ruby velvet chic heels.


It took him a few bedazzled moments to realise that he was looking at his own reflection and the ‘boyfriend’ was in fact Dave who stood behind him with his arms wrapped around his corseted waist. How did he get there? Why was he there? Moreover, why could he not remember anything? He did not have the energy to panic. He was full sure that he was drugged.

‘’It’s time to go, honey,’’ Dave said, kissing his cheek.

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The next thing Charlie knew, he was being rushed to the car. He felt so puzzled at everything that his head was swimming with painful confusion. The only thing he definitely knew for sure was that he was very thirsty. He could barely think let alone walk properly so he had to be carried to the car. Dave placed him in the front seat and ran back into the house. It was dawn and the sun was just beginning to rise up from beneath the horizon, casting a beautiful morning sky of colour and wonder.

Charlie felt as if he wanted to cry as he turned his head towards the window. The purple and red colours of the sky entranced and moved him beyond emotion as if he would never see anything more amazing again. He could hear his heart beating in his ear as he panted heavily. He had never felt so out of the world before. He could not understand it.

Everything outside the car began to disappear and form into strange and unknown country roads. He could feel but not think rationally which frustrated his temporarily weakened mind. He did not realise where he was. He could not know the horrible consequences of being in that passenger seat at that very moment. He could not comprehend that he was being taken away by a lunatic and was to be made into his lover girl. Forever.


Charlie began to hear once again. He was beginning to return to consciousness at last. He could hear the low rumbling of a car and the faint rattle of something loose in the trunk. He did not open his eyes for a few moments. He exhaled and licked his lips. They were coated with something soft and glossy. His tongue also tasted rather strange. He confirmed that he must have been in a car. He felt very uncomfortable so he gently repositioned his rear on the cushioned seat as his eyes gradually flickered open. He could feel his lashes flutter. They felt longer and thicker.

It took time for his vision to focus. In front of him was a dashboard and windscreen with a long and narrow road on the other side. He turned his head, feeling long strands of hair tickle his face and annoy his vision. He brushed it back and looked out the passenger window. He felt numb and tired. Simply moving caused him a great amount of effort and energy.

All he could see from the passenger window was miles of fields that stretched out over the horizon without end. The sky was almost cloudless with the exception of faint wisps of white that were scattered across the blue. He had never seen the place before. He had no idea where he was or how he got there. However, he did not panic. He had never felt so drained of life before. He felt frail, weak, and helpless. His throat was dry and he felt very dehydrated. He coughed.

‘’Ah you’re awake,’’ said Dave.

Charlie’s hair whipped over his shoulder as he quickly turned his head to the driver seat. There was Dave, wearing aviator sunglasses, a summery blue shirt with tanned chinos. His window was rolled down halfway, allowing the breeze to freshen up the inside of the car.

‘’Yes, I’m awake,’’ said Charlie in his regular male voice. He felt as if he had just skipped time within the blink of an eye. The last thing he remembered was dashing through the corridors of Dave’s house, anxiously seeking out a place to hide from his captor. Fear started to return to his mindset, causing him to feel a dreadful queasiness in his stomach.

He looked in the rear-view mirror to see stacked piles suitcases and bags in the backseat. Restlessness was beginning to dawn upon him and it did not churn well with his growing fear. Suddenly, a memory cropped up in his mind. A memory that felt lost, almost like déjá  vu or something from a long forgotten dream.

It’s exciting though isn’t it? Running away, being together with one another forever. It will be sweet.

He recalled Dave saying it but he could not remember when. He quickly drew his own horrifying conclusions and deducted that he was not just simply going away for just the weekend but for a long, long time. He tried not to panic. He wasn’t even sure if he could because of his weakened state.

‘’Somebody sure does like their sleep!’’ remarked Dave, all cheery and nice.

‘’Yes,’’ said Charlie, noticing the tight constraint on his abdomen.

He felt the after effects of some sort of a substance. He thought he might have been drugged. Yes, he was full sure that was what happened. He looked down and saw cleavage showing through a loose v-necked blouse with a long pussy bow. He felt stunned for a moment as he peeked beneath the garment. There he saw the new silicone breasts he had found under the bed, now glued to his chest, with the lines barely visible, encased in a tight cream push up bra. He gulped, swallowing the last bit of saliva in his dried up mouth. He felt embarrassed. He placed both his hands on his waist. He could feel the hourglass shape from the constrictive corset he wore, which seemed tighter than ever.

He continued to examine his body. The high waist sequin peplum skirt, mustard in colour and rather short, crawled down from his belly button to his mid thigh. It was rather tight around his hips and rear girdle, which he could feel uncomfortably beneath the skirt. The underwear was no different. In fact, he felt like he was not wearing any at all. The black tights were thick and softer against his skin than usual. He was hairless.

‘’Since when did you check yourself out like that?’’ Dave said jokingly, briefly taking his eye off the road.

‘’Sorry,’’ said Charlie, resuming his breathy feminine voice.

‘’You don’t have to apologise to me,’’ said Dave, chuckling.

Charlie almost apologised again so he decided it was best to remain silent whilst he gathered his thoughts together.

‘’Do you like the outfit?’’ asked Dave.

‘’Um — sure — I mean yes, I love it,’’ said Charlie. Of course, he was lying. He hated it and he hated seeing himself wearing it even more. What troubled him was how Dave actually got the outfit. It was not in the secret stash nor was it hidden anywhere in the house when he ransacked every inch in search of counter evidence. It looked vaguely familiar but he could not remember where he seen it before. ‘’Where did you get it?’’ Charlie added inquisitively.

‘’I bought it for you in town ages ago. I thought I’d surprise you,’’ said Dave.

Charlie did not believe him. ‘’Well I’m surprised,’’ he said, feeling genuinely shocked. ‘’I didn’t expect to be dressed in it without knowing in the first place.’’

Dave simply smiled as he continued to look at the road ahead. They were still travelling along the straight stretch of road through the middle of nowhere at a rather hefty speed. In the distance was a large forest but it was clearly miles away. There was no sign of a single bend or turn in the road. They had yet to meet another vehicle. They were truly isolated.

Charlie let his head fall back in the seat. He tried to think about how he got there and the last thing he remembered. It felt so strange. He had no idea how long he was out nor did he remember much before that. He closed his eyes and thought hard. He could vaguely remember hiding in the wardrobe but now he felt unsure if that actually happened. His memory was clogged and very hazy. He felt as if the memories were within grasp but he could not touch on them. It was almost like trying to remember something tiny from years ago.

Suddenly, the nightmarish image of the malicious crazed eyes looking right at him through door cracks returned to memory. ‘’Found you,’’ said Dave coldly. The crippling and paralytic terror returned to him right there in the car. The moment had hit him and it felt like an icy wave. He opened his eyes wide in an attempt to flush the horrifying memory out but it remained in his conscious, stabbing and tearing at his feelings. He was being kidnapped, taken away from everyone to live a life with Dave as his girlish lover. He felt as if he was just given a death sentence.

Charlie looked over at Dave who never looked happier as he hummed a merry tune and tapped steering wheel with his fingers to the rhythm. He did not notice but he started to breathe more rapidly as he looked at the happy driver. He felt extremely weak, intimidated, and most all, vulnerable by being in the same car as his kidnapper. He wanted to get out. He felt claustrophobic as his entire body over boiled with horror. His instinct immediately forced his hand towards the door handle but he quickly realised that he could not escape from a car driving at nearly one hundred kilometres an hour!

‘’Ahh,’’ sighed Dave, turning the radio on. Where Did You Sleep Last Night. ‘’What a perfect day to start our new lives together, eh?’’

Charlie could feel the bottom of his life fall from beneath him. An oncoming sensation built up within and it smelled and tasted like death. The car suddenly became a broiling and claustrophobic case of pain that he could not break free from.

‘’Hey, you okay?’’ Dave asked, his eyes darting from the road to Charlie. ‘’You don’t look so good.’’

Charlie slowly turned away, feeling as if something inside him was about to explode. His eyes stared widely at the wing mirror where he could see his girlish reflection. His long lashes, his flawless complexion, and his plump red lips. There was no escape. He swallowed down a painful lump in his throat, making his eyes sting with tears.

It was over. There was no going back. He felt he had lost the battle and was finally broken. He knew he could not be manipulated and changed any further. He felt the warm hotness of grief spill from his eyes and slide down his trembling cheeks. Through the blur, he could see the green fields roll by as the car zoomed down the straight road towards the distant forest. He could feel his entire body tense into a tight corpse of shock. He squeezed his eyes shut, and a strong wave of pain hit him, working its way up from his gut to spread to the ends of his fingertips and down his legs.

He felt like his brain was on fire as he burst out in tragic sobs. He closed his eyes as his head slowly leaned in against the window. He could hear Dave asking what was wrong but his voice seemed a million miles away. He cried his heart out as he unleashed months of pent up feelings. ‘’It’s o-over,’’ he sobbed. ‘’It’s g-gone.’’ He was sick of being put down and losing all the time. He felt it was time to give in and it really upset him. He wanted to go home to his family and friends.

Dave kept asking what was wrong until he finally decided to stop the car.

Charlie could feel the blood rushing to his head as boiling hot tears burned through his makeup. He could not control the erratic trembling in his hands and knees. It was as if his repressed feelings had broken out and completely taken over his body.

‘’Baby, please, please tell me what’s wrong!’’ plead Dave, unable to cope within such an intense environment.

Charlie did not make a sound for a moment. He held in his breath, as his head bopped up and down like a bird. He sounded like he was hyperventilating as his crying slowly started to sound like giggling, yet, it was too difficult for one to tell. Many people who cried sounded like they were laughing.

Dave looked unsure of what to do or how to react to what he was hearing. He even looked a little scared. ‘’What — you — are you — are you laughing at me?’’ he asked, bewildered. He began to feel frustrated when Charlie did not respond. ‘’Stop it!’’ he snapped, moving away like a frightened child. ‘’Stop laughing!’’

Charlie could not hold it much longer. He spluttered out in fits of manic cackling as if he had just heard a hilarious joke while in a quite classroom. He slowly rolled over in his seat with his arms wrapped around his sides as he faced the driver’s seat. Gathering up of the breath in his lungs, he began to laugh at the top of his voice, staring deep into Dave’s horrified eyes.

‘’What’s happened to you?’’ asked Dave, frightened and disturbed as his hands scuttled for the door handle.

Dave leaned up against the door, clumsily falling out when he pulled the handle. It was as if there was a ticking time bomb inside, ready to blow up any second. He picked himself up and scurried around to the front bonnet spreading a dusty could. As he watched Charlie laugh to himself in the car, he threw his hands up to his head and pulled at his hair anxiously. He had no idea what to do as he watched at his favourite toy ‘’malfunction’’ before his eyes. ‘’What happened?!’’ he asked himself repeatedly. ‘’Tell me what is wrong with you!’’

Charlie had lost himself at that instant when he discovered his entire life now belonged to Dave. He was beginning to feel just like a hallow shell, empty with nothing to root for anymore. As he laughed like a lunatic, he carved every part of his self-out and now all that was left was the feminine disguise he wore. He felt beyond saving. He was too far away from home. He was too far from the people he loved, his mother Mary, his sister Rachel, and even Kayla.

His laughing eventually died down as it cost him a great amount of energy. All he could hear was a piercing ring in his ear, as if his manic cackling had damaged his eardrums. He felt a million miles away. He lay curled up in his seat, lifeless, as he ignored everything around him. He could do nothing but bask in pure despair at that moment before rational thinking returned to him.

Dave stayed put outside of the car until his ‘’girlfriend’’ calmed down. He paced up and down the road without going too far. There was nothing to see but green land, crop fields, blue skies and the long never-ending road before him. A gentle and calming breeze flowed through the air. He strolled back towards the car, suggesting, ‘’Honey, maybe you should come outside and get a little fresh air?’’ he said. He waited for a few seconds without reply, grimaced, and swung around angrily, strutting away from the car.

Charlie began to chew on his thumb, grinding the nail against his lower set of teeth as his stomach gurgled with hunger. He gazed at the gearbox as he lifted his tight covered legs up onto the seat and curled them into a foetal position. A shot of pain ran down his abdomen from the tight corset and his underwear sunk into uncomfortable places but he didn’t take much notice as he felt much worse in other places.

He mapped out some possible escape options in his mind but he soon came to the crushing conclusion that there was none. He was in the middle of nowhere. He knew he had two impossible choices that he had to face. The first was to walk away from the blackmail and face the consequences of everybody knowing what had happened, who he was, and what he had done. The second choice was to avoid all of the shame, embarrassment, and pain to go start a new life as Dave’s girlfriend. To live life as a woman.

Just to think about the choices made him feel sick and nauseated. Both were equally frightening and complex. He could never feel sure that his family, friends, and the public would accept him after hearing his story if he walked away from the blackmail. He felt he could not face the life destroying results and he was unsure if the risk would be worth it. How could he possibly tell everyone that he had been leading a secret life with his sister’s ex-boyfriend?

He buried his face in his hands. It hurt his head to think about the penalties in revealing his true self. He felt certain that people would assume he was some sort of a freak who lied about everything and actually had a true homosexual relationship with Dave. He felt convinced that his mother and sister would never look at him the same again even if they tried to live normally. It just was not that kind of society.

He suddenly remembered when Kayla called him the previous day. She was at his house and seen Dave’s car. The dreaded thought fell upon him like a ton of bricks. He knew it would not be long before everybody back home would eventually connect the dots. He and Dave would eventually be classed as missing persons so speculation would arise. He cringed and buried his face in his hands.

I have destroyed my life. He thought.

Everything he experienced up to that point, all of the pain, fear and depression was a result of that fateful day when he decided to try on the school uniform in his sister’s bedroom. He never felt so much regret in his life. He felt that being in that car at that precise moment could have been easily avoided on many occasions. He knew that. He could have just faced the situation and allow the world to see him for who he really was before being discovered by a blackmailing lunatic. He could have backed out and stopped cross-dressing but no, he had to give into his desires. He could have just left the house straight after finding the secret stash but instead curiosity got the better of him and he remained to gain knowledge of Dave’s past. He felt stupid for doing that. In hindsight, he repented everything he had ever done.

He sat upright and kicked the living daylights out of the car floor with his heels, spewing his frustration as he unleashed a furious tantrum. A sharp pain in his abdomen forced him to stop immediately as he grabbed his stomach, realising that the corset beneath his blouse was causing him much pain. He stayed still to catch his breath before letting his head fall back in the seat. His wig got in the way of his vision. He wished to take it off but he feared Dave would harm him.

Charlie gazed into the distance where he could see his captor pacing around amongst the warm hazy blur. Judging by Dave’s body language, he looked unsettled, distressed, and worried. Then, a black feeling arose within him. His eyes shot in the direction of the ignition. He leaned over across to the driver’s seat and looked under the steering wheel to see that the keys were still there.

A horrible, deathly thought popped into his head. He looked up again to see that Dave was still a good deal away from the car. He sat up, biting his lower lip whilst looking at the driver’s seat through the corner of his eye. A dangerous temptation was swelling up inside him. The palms of his hands began to sweat anxiously and the car was beginning to feel like a sauna.

Then, his tempted feelings persuaded him to move over into the driver’s seat. He did so with great difficulty because of his tight, constrictive skirt but he managed to position himself comfortably in the seat. His heart rate rose to overwhelming heights as the hairs stood up on the back of his neck. He gripped the steering wheel tight, feeling the odd sensation of long pointed nails in a sweaty clenched fist.

He looked straight ahead at Dave who was still pacing around in the circles. He was helpless and had nowhere to run, the perfect target to hit. Charlie lowered his right hand to the keys, trembling as he placed his foot on the clutch. He kept his eyes fixed on Dave the the entire time. His hand was ready to twist the key when suddenly he froze over like ice. He knew he would not be able to do it but he continued to try nevertheless. He tried to put all the will his body could muster into his fingers but nothing happened. Sweat began to roll down his forehead as his heart pounded fiercely. He wanted to start up the car and charge towards Dave and kill him but he could not do it because of a very simple reason. He was not a murderer.

He gasped for breath, as he broke free of his stiff adrenaline shock. His head rested against the steering wheel as the piercing ringing noise returned to his ears. He was in an impossible situation, a game of choices, and a chasm of despair. He felt it deep in his heart and it was beginning to take toll on his conscience.

His spirit was breaking further.

He believed that there was literally no way out anymore because, either way, his family, friends, and acquaintances would find out what he really was. A hapless cross-dresser with nothing to show for it. He knew they would find out, of course they would, if not immediately then eventually, but it would inevitably happen as long as the blackmailer remained in the equation. Yet still, he could not bring himself to remove Dave from his life because he was not a bad person. He wished he could be more ruthless.

He needed to get out of the car and into the cool fresh air because there was nothing but terrible vibes inside the metal vehicle. He opened the door and got out, struggling with the snug skirt, and straining under the pressure of the corset. He stood up on his own two feet for the first time in almost a day. Immediately, his lungs were filled with the fresh country air and the scent of cool, green grass replenished his heavy conscience. He could feel the paths of tears on his face dry up as he straightened out his skirt.

He felt a little lightheaded as he took a step forward onto the road, inhaling as much oxygen as possible. The red heels he wore didn’t exactly help him to stand upright or even comfortably as they squeezed tightly on his toes. He was lacking a great amount of vigour. He could not help but wonder what Dave used on him to knock him out for such a long time. He crossed his arms tight below his breasts as he walked contemplatively into the middle of the road. The warm summer breeze cleared his mind and soul to a certain extent. The wind ran through through his long flowing hair and caressed his skin like a smooth, velvety blanket. It was as if the earth was comforting him. He stopped, turned in the direction towards home and raised his head in the direction of home. He gazed intently at the seemingly infinite road.

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He felt like breaking down once again, however, he held back strong and swallowed down the hurt as he had been doing over the past few months. He had done enough crying for the day. He was not used to it. He breathed in as he searched for an end in the road. He naively hoped that he would see his mother and sister, walking towards him to take him away, and for a moment, he thought he did. His heart ached terribly, whimpering like a hurt child. He did not want to experience the feeling of letting go. He felt selfish for the way he was acting. ’I’m sorry for everything,’’ he said under his breath. ‘’I’m sorry about me.’’

Dave was standing behind his shoulder, like the devil, seducing him to turn his back on home. ‘’Charlie,’’ said Dave. ‘’I have known who you really were since day one.’’

Charlie could feel the hairs stand up on his arms. Dave had never called him by his real name before. It sounded odd when he said it in his deep, cold voice. ‘’Who am I, Dave?’’ said Charlie, lost in distance, not turning around to face him.

‘’You are a girl. I can see her in you and she is beautiful like your sister,’’ said Dave affectionately. He paused for a few seconds, as he felt unsure if he should speak further. However, he did. ‘’When I look at you, I am looking at a beautiful girl, when I touch you, I am touching a girl, and when I kiss you, I am kissing a girl because she is there, deep within. You just don’t know it yet. It sounds stupid, I know, but — but do you know why I feel this way?’’

Charlie felt uncertain about speaking his mind at that precise moment. ‘’Because you’re an insane lunatic?!’’ he spat, the words reluctantly escaping his lips.

Dave completely ignored the response and sighed, looking around the green land attentively for a moment. ‘’No, Charlie, because you are a girl. You keep denying it but you know deep down that you are. Think about how happy you were that day you tried on the school uniform. I seen it myself, you were jumping on that bed as if it were cloud nine!’’

Charlie did not know what to think but he could feel Dave’s words having a profound effect on his mind as well as his heart. Strange, why would that be? He felt as if something inside him was crying out and mourning to join the other side. It scared him. ‘’It was just a phase! Nothing more than a curious desire,’’ stated Charlie defensively. ‘’I probably would have never dressed up again if you had not caught me and blackmailed me to do it over and over again!’’

‘’Say what you want but you know I’m right,’’ said Dave.

Charlie was beginning to feel extremely angry towards Dave. He hated the way he was talking, acting, and above all else, prying into his business. Being calm and caring was not usually his forte. ‘’So what — you think by dragging out some imaginary person inside me that that will make me want to run away with you?’’ scoffed Charlie, his back still turned. ‘’You’re mad,’’ he said, shaking his head as his eyes welled up, ‘’absolutely insane.’’ He was crumbling because he knew Dave was cutting deep into areas that he held extremely close to him.

‘’Do you really think if you went home that you would be any happier? You would be miserable because you would be trapped, unable to express and show your true self,’’ said Dave, beginning to circle around Charlie, staring into his eyes. ‘’And so what if you get a few hours every once in a while to dress up. You know it won’t be enough -,’’

‘’Shut up! Just shut up and stop talking!’’ interjected Charlie, his face turning scarlet. ‘’You think you know what you’re talking about but you have no idea — absolutely none! Who I am is none of your business so - so fuck off!’’ he screamed. He crossed his arms and walked further up the road in an unintentionally feminine fashion. He could not believe what he had just said. He felt unsure if he actually said it at all. A few minutes ago, he was utterly petrified of Dave but as soon as he pried into his personal feelings, he took guard and made sure he would not take advantage of him.

He stopped walking when he was far enough from Dave. His high-heeled feet ached and his knees wobbled with exhaustion. Everything Dave said began to sink in and it troubled him because it made sense. Nobody had ever spoken to him like the way Dave just did and it affected him deeply. He quickly brushed off the thoughts and reassured himself that he could not possibly be transgendered, not a chance. His dressing up was merely a curiosity if not an obsession at worst.

He could hear Dave’s heavy footsteps approach him from behind. They did not talk for a few seconds.

Charlie felt his eyes beginning to well up once again as he started to consider the ‘’confession’’ option. ‘’L-Let’s say, I went home and told my f-family everything about my secrets. Then, there would be nothing more you could hold against me,’’ he said, teary eyed and serious about going home.

‘’That’s true, but think about this clearly for a moment. Do you really think that your friends and family will accept you after so much bitterness and conflict?’’ said Dave, pulling each string with calming yet manipulative precision. He walked around to face Charlie, blocking the view of the road that led home. ‘’There is a reason you have felt the need to hide your true self from them. You hid because you knew that they would not understand. You were right to think so.’’

Charlie looked at Dave, feeling an odd temptation towards the other option but he refused to divulge. He began to think that Dave knew more about him than he let on but no — no he should not be enticed to run away with a man who who blackmailed, abused, and tormented him for months. It didn’t make sense yet at the same time, it did. He had never felt so conflicted and lost for words.

‘’I am sorry for everything I put you through over the past few months, Charlie,’’ said Dave, seeming genuine. ‘’It was wrong of me to treat you so badly. I realise that now. You are delicate and deserve better.’’ His eyes were not filled with malice as usual but with care. He seemed willing to make amends and start anew. He raised his hand. ‘’Forget about everything that came before. Take my hand and I will give you the life you were always meant to have, as a girl by my side, together.’’

Charlie looked at his outstretched hand, feeling a lump form in his throat. He was completely lost within his mind, running around, frantically searching for the right thing to do. He could not understand the feelings of tempt and desire in going away with his blackmailer. There was nothing at home for him but pain and complex relationships. Dave was right. He would never be able to —

Suddenly, a distant sound caught Charlie’s attention. It was not the wind nor was it the sound of the grass swaying from side to side in the fields that surrounded them. It was in the distance and it was getting closer. He broke eye contact with Dave and walked past him, flushing out all of his persuasive feelings. He was not sure if he was trying to avoid making a decision or whether he was actually interested in what was looming towards him. He used his hand to shade his eyes and squinted to see what was making so much noise in the distance. He could just about make out a dark motorbike through the hazy heat blur.

‘’Charlie?’’ said Dave urgently. ‘’It’s just a motor — it’s just a -,’’ His mouth fell open and his hand dropped to his side as he looked into the distance. He looked like he was about to throw up. He took a few steps forward as if he could not believe his eyes. He spun around and shouted, ‘’WE HAVE TO GO NOW!’’ insistently.

Perplexed, Charlie didn’t have a second to say another word as Dave grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back to the car. ‘’What’s going on?’’ he asked, finding it difficult to run in heels and a skirt.

‘’It doesn’t matter! Now hurry up!’’ said Dave, dragging Charlie along like a tramp.

Charlie was unable to run very fast because he could only take short steps as he tripped over his heels. The bounce of his bosom and the tight skirt didn’t exactly help him much either. ‘’I don’t understand, it’s only a motorcycle!’’ he exclaimed as they approached the car.

The roar of the motorbike engine grew louder by the second as it quickly advanced towards them at a high speed. The biker was certainly coming for them.

Dave shoved Charlie into the passenger seat, slammed the door, and ran around the front bonnet to the driver’s seat. ‘’Shit, shit, shit!’’ he cursed, fumbling with the keys in the ignition. He started it up and only got a sickly cough-like noise from the engine. ‘’No, no, no, no, don’t give up on me now!’’ he gasped, stamping the floor angrily.

Charlie looked in the rear-view mirror to see that the motorbike was merely seconds away from them. He was beginning feel uneasy because he had no idea why they were being chased or what the person on the motorbike would do to them. He had many questions to ask but dread got the better of him.

The car’s engine spluttered and choked before finally starting up, much to Dave’s joy; he stamped down hard and put it in gear. The small Fiesta zoomed off down the road, spewing a dust over the biker, as the back wheels gathered momentum.

‘’Okay what the hell is going on?!’’ yelled Charlie, taking his eyes off the wing mirror.

Dave did not answer. He was in a crazed and paranoid state, muttering ‘’How did you find me?’’ repeatedly whilst looking in the mirror. He put the car in third, then straight up to fifth and hurried down the straight stretch of road towards the distant forest.

Charlie’s head flung back into the seat as he held on tight to the handgrips. Adrenaline fuelled his excited body as a ticklish sensation spread throughout his stomach. He was in an over speeding car with a lunatic who is kidnapping him. He certainly feared for his safety. The roar of the car’s engine sounded like it was working much harder than it should have been. He looked in the mirror to see the motorbike bursting through the dust cloud as it rapidly caught up with them.

Charlie began to fantasise and wonder if somebody knew of the blackmail and they were on their way to rescue him. However, he brushed the thought away because it was ridiculous. Whoever the mysterious motorcyclist was, it got Dave spooked.

He looked ahead to see that they were close to the forest which seemed like a hundred miles away only a few minutes ago. He looked in the mirror to see the biker was gaining up on them. ‘’Are you going to tell me why we are being chased?!’’ exclaimed Charlie, desperately seeking answers.

‘’Just shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!’’ Dave bellowed, covering his left ear with his hand.

The engine snarled viscously as the car whooshed like a bullet past a billboard that read, ‘’WELCOME TO MOUNT PLEASANT FOREST!’’. The car rattled and shook. The suitcases and bags in the backseat rolled on top of each other from one end of the car to the other. The chase descended into the forest of towering pine trees and the road gradually became narrower and dangerous. The road was unhurriedly becoming more sloped and bendy as they ascended around the edge of the mountain.

‘’How did you find us? It’s impossible!’’ whined Dave, spewing saliva.

Gathering up all the bravery he could muster, Charlie said, ‘’S-Sorry but who’s following -,’’ but before he could finish, a crushing blow struck him across the face by the back of Dave’s hand. His ears started to ring as his face stung with sheer pain. He quickly raised his trembling hand to his face as tears squeezed out from his shut eyelids. He could feel warmth spilling from his nose. He opened his eyes to see hand covered with blood.

‘’This was you wasn’t it?!’’ cried Dave, tears forming in his infuriated eyes. ‘’You were planning this all along behind my back!’’

‘’W-What?’’ gasped Charlie, feeling lightheaded and shaky.

‘’Don’t pretend!’’ Dave shouted, his red face filled with rage. ‘’Don’t act like you don’t know why I was being followed over the past few weeks! I had my suspicions but I never thought that you would do this to me! You — you traitor!’’

‘’Dave - I swear to you that I have NO idea w-what you are talking about!’’ Charlie stated honestly, beginning to feel faint.

Charlie should have seen it coming but he received another hard wallop across the face. This time his head crashed violently off the side window, instantly shattering the pane. His wig was taken away by the powerful gust of wind and flew out the window. His wounded head rested on the door. Everything was suddenly suspended in slow motion as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He felt like time was skipping through flashes of light. He could see the sunlight pouring through the leaves and branches of the tall trees above him.

Suddenly, he remembered what had happened over the previous night when he was in his drug-induced state. It came to him in brief yet terrifying flashbacks. He remembered Dave being on top of him from behind. He remembered clenching the bed sheets with his nails. He remembered being hot and sweaty beneath the bed sheets, the lustful gnawing on his neck, the thrusting, the kissing and above all else, the horrible pleasure. An inner voice cried out in his mind, forcing him to flush about all memory.

He managed to open his eyes somewhat and what he saw was the motorcyclist in the wing-mirror. The person on the bike waved at him, which reminded him of somebody he met not too long ago. ‘’Help me,’’ he whispered, his throat dry and cracked. ‘’Help me, please.’’ The biker disappeared from view as the car zoomed around a tight corner up the mountain.

Dave was all tensed up, manically looking forward and behind, mumbling, ‘’Oh god I’m sorry,’’ repeatedly like a broken record. He was sweating all over as if he was just about to face the only person who could take him out. The biker was right on his tail and there was nowhere to run. He looked ahead to see that there was a side dirt track into the forest so without blinking an eye, he pulled the hand break and turned the wheel. The tyres screeched along the road as the car swerved into the side road, forcing Charlie’s unconscious head to fall into Dave’s lap.

Dave’s plan worked and the biker missed the turn. However, he now had the challenge of keeping speed on such a rough road. The car jumped and rattled brutally on the dirt road, which was covered in bumps and potholes. He kept revving the car, forcing it to go as fast as possible. The back bumper tore off as he rammed over a bump.

Charlie was being flayed and thrown around the passenger seat as he drifted in and out of his dream world. People he deemed most important to him were on his mind. He had a flashback of the time he and Rachel became close and knew each other for a short time. He thought about earlier that week, when his mother gave him the watch for his birthday and the moment of connection they shared in the garden. He thought about embracing Kayla and the soft touch of her lips against his.

He looked back in the mirror to see that the biker was right behind them once again. ‘’I want to go home. Please. I want to be me again.’’ He was not sure if he said it aloud or subconsciously but it was what he wanted. He didn’t wish to runaway with the madman in the driver’s seat. Not a chance. He felt willing to tell his family everything. In fact, he promised himself that he would if he was rescued from his dire situation.


Charlie’s ears popped and all sound was replaced with the low ringing noise. Temporarily deafened, his lungs suddenly filled with smoke and he began to cough and splutter. Alarmed, he managed to lift his head despite his body being thrashed around the violently bumpy car. The ringing in his ears grew louder before he felt a dreadful pop and sound slowly began to return to him. It felt like trying to hear someone under water. He could vaguely hear Dave screaming, ‘’The breaks are shot! We have to bail! We have to jump NOW!’’. He looked ahead through the windscreen and all he could see was smoke and flames. He could feel Dave heaving his body as he attempted to pull him out of the car.

Charlie looked at other window where he had hit his head. The biker was zooming alongside them. The figure on the bike reached out and yelled, ‘’Take my hand, Charlie!’’ in a female voice that he found familiar. He tried to work out what was going on. Two people were fighting over him, the stranger on the bike who was willing to save him and the kidnapping blackmailer who was willing to turn him into a girl. They were inside a runaway car with broken brakes, an engine on fire whilst speeding downhill on a forest dirt track. He started to regain consciousness. He sat up, feeling his head throb with pain.

‘’Look out!’’ the biker screamed.

He looked over at the driver’s seat. It was empty and the door was wide open. Dave had bailed. He felt as if his blood froze over and thousands of needles pierced his skin as a deathly sensation took over his body. ‘’You cowardly son of a bitch!’’ he said, reacting immediately by grabbing the steering wheel. He couldn’t jump over into the seat because of his constricting skirt and tight corset but he tried his best. He threw his leg over the gearbox and pulled himself over onto the seat, screaming as he felt a stabbing pain shoot up his spine. The skirt ripped, his hip and rear girdle loosened, and he was firmly in place of the controls. Breathing as if he just ran a marathon, he took the wheel and tried to press the brakes but nothing happened.

‘’The brakes won’t work!’’ he yelled to the biker.

‘’Jump, Charlie! Jump out NOW!’’ the biker roared urgently before pulling back.

The smoke had cleared somewhat and he looked ahead. He could see clouds. It was a cliff. He felt as if something had just stabbed him in the heart. ‘’So this is it, then?’’ he asked himself, preparing to open the door and jump but it was too late. The shaking and rattling stopped. There was no sound but the breeze whistling eerily. His body fell flat and his stomach felt like a whirlpool. The car dipped down, falling, falling, falling. He could feel nothing but weightlessness and oncoming death.


Charlie felt as if he had just hit concrete as the car bonnet crashed nose down into a deep lake. He hit his head hard against the steering wheel. Confused and terrified by all means, his attention was quickly drawn to the sound of the windscreen cracking and the loud metallic grown of the cars frame. Icy cold water poured in around his feet, quickly gaining height up to his knees. His blood covered hands trembled erratically as he tried to open the door but it was impossible. Before he could think, the windscreen shattered and water burst into the car, pushing him hard into the back seat.

The cold was agony: it attacked him like fire. His brain itself seemed to have frozen as the dark water pushed down on him from all sides. The more he struggled, the more disorientated he got. Up, down, left and right; nothing made sense and he felt like his heart was going to explode with panic. He opened his eyes to see that the car was being dragged deep down into the lake. He grabbed the rim of the car door, pulling with all his might. A path of bubbles spewed out of his mouth as he roared in pain, feeling the muscles in his stomach stretch terribly under the corset compressing his abdomen. He managed to wrench himself out of the sinking car but it was not enough.

He kicked out wildly, trying to push himself back to the surface, but merely propelled himself deeper into the lake. Trashing, suffocating, he scrabbled at the tight corset, his frozen fingers unable to loosen it. He could feel his lungs beginning to burn as little flashes of light popped up inside his head. He was going to drown, there was nothing left, nothing he could do, and the hand that grabbed his arm was surely Death’s…

Choking and retching, soaked and colder than he had ever been in his life, he came to, staring up at the clouds. Somewhere close by, another person was panting, coughing, and staggering around. He had no strength to lift his head and see his saviour’s identity. All he could do was raise his shaking hand to his stomach where the corset was. It was gone: someone had cut him free. Then a panting voice spoke from over his head.

‘’Are you okay?’’

Nothing but the shock of hearing that voice could have given Charlie the strength to get up. However, shivering violently he could not pick himself up to his feet. He was in too much pain. There before him stood Prudence Svahnstrom, fully dressed in black leather but drenched to the skin. Her blue hair was plastered to her face, the torn up corset in one hand and a pocketknife in the other.

‘’Try not to move,’’ panted Prue, throwing the corset aside and kneeling down.

Charlie coughed and retched up mouthfuls of water before taking in deep breaths. ‘’How is this possible?’’ he asked feebly.

‘’Shh,’’ hushed Prue softly. ‘’Try not to talk. I will explain everything later.’’

Charlie could hear heavy footsteps approaching. He tried to turn his head to look but he was much too weak.

‘’Hey!’’ yelled Dave, stopping a great deal away from Prue and Charlie. ‘’Get your hands off my girlfriend you — you stalker!’’

‘’Please, please don’t let him come near me!’’ whimpered Charlie, beginning to tremble. ‘’I can’t — I just can’t go through -,’’

‘’It’s okay, it’s okay! You’re safe with me,’’ said Prue warmly. She stood up and looked at Dave, not taking her eye off him as she walked over to her motorbike, lying on its side by rocks. ‘’He’s not your girlfriend. He never was.’’ she said, casually opening her saddle and rummaging inside.

‘’Why have you been following me the past few weeks, hmm?’’ shouted Dave, his eyes quickly darting towards Charlie. ‘’I need to know why!’’

‘’Oh you need to know why, do you?’’ smiled Prue, closing the saddle.

‘’Y-Yes,’’ stammered Dave, looking uncomfortable as Prue slowly walked towards him. ‘’Why are you doing this, huh? Why have you been stalking me?!’’ he shouted, stepping backwards fearfully as Prue approached him. He picked up a rock, holding it up in a threatening stance but he was much too intimidated by the mysterious woman. He childishly screamed, ‘’WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!’’ at the top of his lungs, briefly looking over his shoulder. Suddenly, two needle tipped darts stuck into his chest. He looked down at the cables and then up at Prue who was standing behind a taser gun. ‘’You bi -,’’


Prue sent electricity shooting into Dave’s body until he collapsed onto the ground unconscious. She lowered the gun after a few seconds, panting as the tension finally ended. She threw the gun aside and walked over to Dave’s twitching body. She nudged him with her foot, turning her head like a curious dog. ‘’You want to know who I am?’’ she said under her breath. ‘’I’m Charlie’s liberator but I’m also your worst nightmare!’’

Written by Lily Florette  ©
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