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SUMMARY: This episode takes place directly after the events of the previous as it follows Charlie’s journey into the open world, fully dressed up and ready to feign girlhood. However, his simple forced ‘’shopping date’’ with the sinister blackmailer, Dave O’Donnell will remind Charlie of a long lost facet of his being and ultimately make him question who and what he is.
Prue watched him get into the car from the top of the steps. Dave, who was still standing outside of his car, stared at Prue maliciously. She returned the gesture, glaring intently with apprehension before watching him swing into the car.
Dave was quieter than usual as he settled himself at the wheel. He looked unnerved, doubtful, and even a little irritated. He turned the key in the ignition and the engine revved up like a vicious bear. He took one last look at the gothic woman, standing atop of the stores entrance steps before driving off.
Charlie, who sat in the passenger seat, looked into the wing mirror at Prue, who watched the car leave until she could no longer see it. He then turned to Dave, expecting to receive some compliments and gestures on how pretty or beautiful he looked…not that he wanted them. Instead, he said nothing but a cold silence.
‘’Are you okay?’’ Charlie asked, knowing to speak with his top Rachel impression.
‘’I’m fine, babe,’’ Dave replied, forcing a thin smile.
Charlie wished he had not acted like he cared because Dave could possibly take it as a small act of affection. He placed his left hand midway up Charlie’s thigh, just under the hemline of the pinafore skirt whilst his right gripped the steering wheel.
A tingling jolt shot right through Charlie’s body the moment Dave touched his self-considered sensitive, private area. He could feel his underarms moistening under the sudden tension as his body boiled over with anxiety. He did not know what to do but apprehensively place his own manicured hand on Dave’s so as to keep him from lashing out at him.
For the rest of the journey into the city centre, Charlie felt as if he were sitting in a car whilst it was in the process of being crushed, the pressure building up, the lack of air, the claustrophobia, and the absolute panic of everything closing in around him. The hand on his thigh, which purposely moved upwards along with each bump in the road made him feel breathless.
When they arrived at the shopping centre car park, Dave finally took his hand away after numerous attempts to creep further up Charlie’s skirt. As he backed into a parking space, Charlie opened his purse and took out his mobile makeup kit to make a see if everything was perfect.
Dave smiled because he thought that Charlie was slipping further into his role as the girly girlfriend. However, the truth was that Charlie wanted to make sure that his boy self was well masked and hidden beneath the layers of makeup, the pretty outfit, and the false façade he wore to disguise himself. He could only hope that nobody he knew was inside the shopping centre.
‘’Are you ready?’’ Dave asked, taking off his seatbelt.
‘’Just a minute,’’ said Charlie, brushing his cheeks with extra blusher.
A few moments later, the ‘’couple’’ walked across the vast sea of parked cars towards the massive retail complex, together, hand in hand as everything was perfectly fine. Charlie nearly pulled away defensively when Dave reached for his hand but he reluctantly gave it to him. ‘’Just three more months! Just three more months! Just three more months!’’ Charlie chanted repeatedly in his head. He found himself out of breath before they even reached the entrance because of the corset clinching his waist beneath his dress. His privates also felt uncomfortably restricted within the padded girdle but he brushed it off, knowing that if he made a fuss, Dave would not be pleased.
‘’Come on, let us get you some real nice clothes,’’ smiled Dave, taking his hand once again, leading him into the mall. ‘’We’re gonna have a great day!’’
Charlie had always dreaded the thought of going outside dressed up, but now that he was actually doing it, he was nowhere near as anxious or terrified as he had anticipated. He felt an odd sense of buoyancy after Prue said, ‘’You (Charlie) look more convincing and girlish than most women!’’. So confidence was no longer an issue. However, his slight fear of being caught by someone will always, and shall remain present. The sense of paranoia, the feeling that everyone around him somehow knew who he was and the boiling, restricting fear of being beneath Dave’s thumb.
The echoed rush of massive air conditioning vents greeted Charlie’s anxious, overheated body as they walked through the automatic doors. The cool breeze rose from the vents beneath and surged in under his skirt, forcing him to pad it down with his left hand. The clicking of his heels against the white tiled floor combined with the swaying of his hips created a realistic, not overtly feminine performance. He could feel his right hand beginning to sweat inside Dave’s firm grip.
The shopping mall was vast and expanded as far as the eye could see. It was modern, brightly lit with people of all ages coming and going. There were signs, directing people to different sections of the mass complex, the food court, fashion, retail shopping, and supermarkets. Escalators, which brought people up to the second and third floors, were straight ahead, in the centre of the ground floor and it was packed with people.
Even though Dave was gripping Charlie’s hand firmly, he still seemed to give him control over where he wanted to go which felt rather strange. They let the escalators take them up to the second floor where all of the clothes shops, boutiques, designer wear, budget wear, shoe wear, salons, beauticians, and pharmacies were. Charlie constantly had his eyes on every person he saw within range to see if they winced when they looked at him, to search for any kind of reaction, a quick stare, an expression of disgust, disbelief, or disturbance. However, everything was just normal, if you could call his situation that.
As soon as they got off the escalator, Dave let go of Charlie’s hand. ‘’I’m going to take a look around the men’s shops,’’ said Dave, smiling. ‘’Text me whenever you’re done.’’
Charlie wondered if he had just imagined what Dave said. Was he hearing things or was he just going plain crazy? ‘’W-wha -,’’ he said in disbelief, ‘’You’re not coming with me?’’
‘’Now why would I want to go around a bunch of girls shops?’’ joked Dave, moving in close to Charlie. ‘’Unless you want me to?’’. Dave placed his hands on Charlie’s waist, right below the band of the high waist skirt and looked deeply into his eyes.
‘’N-No -,’’ stuttered Charlie, not sure if he was negatively responding to Dave’s question or extremely intimate gesture. ‘’I - I just thought you’d want to keep an eye on — um, never mind.’’
Dave kissed him on the cheek. It was brief, ‘’Go enjoy yourself, babe’’, and then he turned away towards the men’s shops, smiling.
Charlie was left standing there, completely astounded by the kiss. His brain seemed to have frozen, shut down, and leaving only the shell of his body to remain as stiff as a statue. ‘’Did that just happen?’’ he asked himself. He swallowed and broke free of his frightened, amazed state of mind and turned around, not exactly sure where he was going. He felt a strange surge of panic arise within him but his outer self remained unusually calm. His pupils dilated as his pulse pounded irregularly. He felt certain that he was about to faint.
It was only on the cheek!
He walked towards a clothes shop called ‘‘Primark’’, a shop he knew many girls, including his sister, often went to because of its cheap, affordable yet fashionable clothing. He tried to repress the tiny kiss into the back of his mind, crushing it up like a ball but felt unable to do so. The entire thought of it made him want to punch a wall because Dave knowingly made him feel incredibly insecure about his sexuality. This was going a bit too far. Charlie thought. However, it could have been worse. It could have been on the lips!
Charlie looked over his shoulder to see that Dave was out of sight. He then looked ahead, at the shop he was about to enter. It was huge and took up almost half of the shopping floor. The rest of the retailers were smaller, more designer orientated stores. He placed his hand on his stomach, focusing carefully on his breathing as he ventured forward.
He felt strange, out of place and unnatural because he was going inside alone. A girl of his age would usually have at least one friend with her whilst she shopped, somebody to give an opinion, someone to try on clothes with her, someone to enjoy the whole experience with, someone like Prudence Svahnstrom. For a woman he had only met that morning, he felt strangely attracted to her.
He walked through the shop entrance, trying to look and seem as feminine as possible as a group of girls around his age walked towards him. He almost his lost balance as his left heel pushed out sideways. Hot flushes of embarrassment exploded all over his body as he straightened himself up. He could hear the group of girls that had just walked by him giggling in the distance. He wasn’t even sure if they had noticed but now he felt even more paranoid.
He walked into the shop, swaying his hips and carrying his purse on the crook of his arm. He continued to watch everyone, feeling as if every single person somehow knew he was just a boy in a dress. He wished he had someone with him to make him feel that little less insecure. He felt so desperate that even Dave would even suffice.
The store was huge, vast and loaded with clothing. There were three levels. The ground floor was women’s wear, the first level was men’s wear and lingerie, and the top floor was children’s, household, and makeup. This was the stuff he used to dream about, to be able to go into a store and buy girly things without being looked at strangely but he wished for an accomplice more than anything.
As he moved through the aisles, letting his hand run free through the railings of clothes, he felt that he had just entered a pleasurable dream. His eyes looked around at every item of clothing he could see, skirts, blouses, dresses, packets of tights, socks, shoes, heels, sweaters, camisoles, pyjamas and tank-tops. He wanted to savour the moment as he once did in his sister’s bedroom. He flushed out everything, fear, Dave, paranoia and the women that surrounded him.
He looked over the railings to see other girls browsing as he was. He took a deep breath and felt confident that he was not going to be detected. He immediately fell into girl mode as he started to shop casually. He placed dresses up against his body and looked at his body from different angles in the full-length mirror. Each time he caught a glimpse of his reflection he felt that he could not take his eye off the Rachel clone before him.
Within the space of fifteen minutes, he had a basket with a few items already thrown inside. One being a pair of black high waisted sailor shorts with a six-button combination on the front. He had no idea why he was buying it because if he were to wear them, he would have to wax or shave his leg hair, which was hidden beneath his tights. Another item in the basket was a retro, 1950’s styled cream coloured dress with an orange polka dot pattern. It had a large black, round scooped collar with a four-button line in the centre of the bodice down to the waistband of the skirt. He liked it because of its old, feminine charm that seemed to be lost in modern fashions.

As he shopped, his long brunette wig was beginning to irritate him because every time he bent over, which was difficult due to his waist clinch, he had to swish his hair back out of his mouth. Everything he touched felt odd because of the long, sharp nails glued on. His heels forced him to take careful, tiny steps. His bosom and rear shapers made everything seem so bouncy and even a little stirring. Nevertheless, the most uncomfortable thing for Charlie was his privates which were restricted within his own body.
Over an hour later, he was in the queue for the women’s dressing rooms. He stood anxiously, with a series of outfits draped over his crooked arm and a basket full in the other. His eyes stung with nervous tears of tiredness. He felt as if he were in the line for an over twenty-ones nightclub. Every few moments, he looked up ahead to see the clerk hand each woman, girl and lady a tag for their assigned stall. For some reason, he feared that the clerk was some sort of robot that could scan gender with the blink of an eye.
As the line shrunk, Charlie rapidly became the first in line. The lady at the cashier smiled as she handed him his tag, ‘’Busy shopping day?’’ she said conversely, eyeing the pile of clothes in Charlie’s arms.
Charlie forced a friendly smile, moved past the woman, entered the dressing rooms, and quickly went to his stall. He closed the curtain with relief and left the pile of clothes on the bench. The dressing stall was much larger than any one he had been in before. He could only guess that women had more luxury as appearance was important for some.
He unzipped his pinafore dress and watched it fall and crumple around his feet. He then unbuttoned the blouse and threw it aside. He looked at his body, his clinched waist, his silicone breasts so well hidden within his bra, his artificial hips, rear, and his smooth, soft long hair. Despite this, he again realised how much he saw of Rachel.
Within moments, he was posing in front of the mirror, pressing his rear out in a tight pair of high waisted skinny jeans with a thin, transparent blouse tucked inside. On his feet, he wore a pair of black pumps, so sharply feminine that it made his legs look elegantly beautiful. The skinny jeans hugged every inch of his rear, thighs and shins so comfortably snug that he had to push his manhood back further. He knew straight away that the outfit would be a definite buy.

He was completely lost in the moment as he flushed away all thoughts of blackmail, paranoia, and fear to bask in a dream he never thought would come true. He posed in front of the mirror in various items of clothing all the way from skirts to scarves. Another outfit he enjoyed trying on was a loose baby blue coloured skirt made with delicate polyester. It was accompanied with a white, puff-sleeved blouse with a large collar with black trimming, tucked tightly into the skirt with a black belt, white tube socks, and a pair of red high heels with a black handbag. It was another definite buy.

He even tried on the sailor shorts but was freaked out when he saw his legs beneath the tights. He was tempted to get them shaved or waxed but he feared somebody would eventually see his legs bare and hairless. However, he decided that he would buy them nonetheless.

He also tried on a nice, smart outfit that consisted of a thin, maroon, scooped-necked sweater with a white round collared blouse beneath and a matching plaid skirt, tights and slip on shoes.
These were only a handful of the clothes he tried on. He modelled himself in party dresses, skirts, skinny jeans, heels, t-shirts, ponchos, and even some mini-skirts. He loved every moment and felt as if he could spend all day shopping, even if he was not going to buy too much stuff. Even though Dave had given him a lot of money, he knew that someday he would have to pay him back. However, his compulsive nature forced him to keep going and not look back.
He soon got back into his dress, tights, and heels before leaving the dressing room with the pile of clothes in tow. He walked up to the cashier, deciding that he was going to buy it all. He had no idea why he was doing it because the only chance he would get to wear them would be with Dave. The thought made him quiver.
When he was done at the checkout, he had two bags in each hand, filled with all sorts of feminine garbs. Everything cost him over two hundred but he didn’t care, he knew he would be able to pay Dave back after two weeks of work at the restaurant. As he walked towards the exit, he saw yet another dress that he would love to wear. He tried to keep walking but he couldn’t help himself.
‘’Just a look,’’ he muttered to himself, smiling.
It was a nice black party dress with white polka dots. It was short, sleeveless, and strapless, starting from the breasts and lengthening only past his hip. It also had a nice bow around the waistband. He knew he would never get away with wearing such a revealing dress, as it would show off his shaping undergarments. He picked it up and placed it against his body, looking into the mirror beside the rails of clothes.
Suddenly, a certain piece of clothing he saw behind his reflection caught his attention. He put the dress back and turned, looking at the pink/black plaid coloured skirt, which seemed to stand out in the distance. He felt something click inside his brain, as if he had come across the skirt before. He floated towards it, intrigued by its mystery as he felt a rush of déjá vu dawn upon him.

Charlie is crawling through the land of clothing on a mystical quest into the unknown world of soft materials to rescue the damsel in distress. His eyes are bright and shiny like two lamplights as he crawls towards the light. The fresh smell from the clothes made him happy. He then jumped out of the railings, frightening a woman who was walking by with her young son.
‘’Ahhh,’’ she yelped. ‘’Oh my, you scared me, little boy!’’
Charlie looked up at the tall woman coyly and then broke into a swift sprint down the aisle and around a corner towards the girls section. There, his grandmother, Breege was down on one knee, trying to fix Rachel’s collar. ‘’Hold still, dear!’’ she said, sounding vaguely annoyed.
‘’I don’t like this jumper, Nana!’’ cried Rachel.
‘’Now, now,’’ said Breege, waving her finger warningly, ‘’you don’t want me to tell your Mummy and Daddy that you’ve been a naughty little girl today, hmm?’’
‘’N-No,’’ said Rachel, sniffing back her tears.
‘’That’s a good girl,’’ smiled Breege. ‘’Now if you both continue to be good, I will take you and your brother to McDonalds, how does that sound?’’. Rachel’s face immediately lit up like a warm sun and she let her grandmother fix her new clothes without hesitation. ‘’As a matter of fact, where is your brother?’’ she said, looking around herself worriedly. ‘’Charlie?’’ she called out. ‘’Charlie, where are you?’’.
He continued his adventure but this time he was in the girls department, crawling his way through the rows of clothing. It was then that he saw a black and pink plaid skirt on the ground before him. It had had fallen off its hanger, destined to spend a life alone and forgotten. He stopped and froze, feeling a little strange. Looking at it made his insides feel fuzzy, ticklish, and warm. He felt attracted to it somehow so he immediately picked it up, giggling as he did so.
‘’Charlie, where are you?’’ called his grandmother. She walked up and down the children’s department, anxiously calling out Charlie’s name repeatedly. She was just about to call security when her grandson jumped out at her with the pink skirt around his waist. ‘’Oh thank heavens!’’ gasped Breege, clasping her hand to her chest with relief. ‘’I thought I’d lost you I — dearest? What on earth are you wearing?’’.
Charlie didn’t respond, instead he looked down at his feet, shyly curling his toe because he felt he was in trouble.
‘’Come on, dear. Where did you leave your pants?’’ said Breege, sighing as she gripped her grandsons hand. ‘’Skirts are not for boys, Charlie!’’
As he looked down at the skirt, he could not help but feel a little sad. His grandmothers voice echoed at the back of his mind repeatedly, ‘’Skirts are not for boys, Charlie!’’. How was it that he had forgotten such a surreal yet should-be memorable moment in his life? He was just four years old and that was it. He did not want to think of the possibilities, not a chance, not ever. His desires to crossdress only came to be when he was a teenager —
‘’Hey, babe!’’ said Dave’s sudden voice into his ear.
Charlie jumped, feeling as though his heart had just crawled up his throat with fright. ‘’Jesus, you scared me?’’ said Charlie, accidently speaking in his regular voice. Dave’s face stiffened as he looked around. Thankfully, nobody had heard him speak.
Dave ‘’generously’’ carried Charlie’s shopping bags as they walked towards the food court. Charlie never felt like eating when he was with Dave due to nerves, apprehensive feelings, and fear. The constant gurgle in his stomach when he was around him made him feel frailer, weaker, and fragile. He could not stop thinking about the long lost memory that had returned to him. He felt both stunned and surprised as he sensed that his cross-dressing desires could have manifested from a young age.
Nah, it is just curiosity! Sure what else could it be? It is just a bit of fun that’s all!
However, Charlie was not exactly having a lot of fun being blackmailed. They sat together in a café, Charlie eating a light salad meal and water whilst Dave had a plate of fish, chips, and a pint of coke. He scowled Dave for ordering such a feminine-diet-like meal. As if all girls are constantly on diets. Charlie thought.
When they were done eating, they walked around the shopping mall for no particular reason. Charlie hoped that they would be leaving soon because his feet and waist were beginning to hurt him. However, he was thankful that Dave was carrying his shopping bags because this kept them from holding hands. The time finally came for them to leave which was around four o’clock in the afternoon.
The ground floor was literally black with people. Charlie and Dave had to be patient and carefully squeeze their way through the bustling shoppers. As they moved through the sea of people, Charlie continued to search faces for any signs but there was nil.
Then, to his complete horror, he saw Sean walking straight towards him. His face literally turned as white as snow, his brain froze like ice, and his entire body became a frenzy of repressed terror, ready to explode. Sean was looking straight at him but his face remained casual.
‘’You okay, babe?’’ asked Dave concernedly.
Charlie could not move. He could see Sean rapidly approaching when suddenly a red haired girl joined him, hand-in-hand, Julie. It felt unreal, out of this world as though everything was suspended in a horrible slow trance of pain and suffering, ‘’J-Julie?’’ he whispered.
‘’Come on, you’re worrying me now,’’ said Dave, moving in closer.
Charlie broke out of his trance, unleashing the cold waves of panic upon his mind. He reacted quickly by grabbing Dave’s hand and pulling him into to the nearest shop to his right. He did not notice that it was a cinema until he seen the movie posters on the wall.
‘’Hey, where are you going?’’ shouted Dave.
‘’Cinema!’’ Charlie blurted out, his eyes wide with panic as he opened the heavy entrance door. ‘’I want to go to see a movie. Come on, Dave!’’ he said, trying to look convincingly flirtatious so he could lure Dave inside. ‘’It’ll be fun! I haven’t been to the movies in ages!’’.
Dave looked suspicious and taken aback by Charlie’s sudden wild behaviour. ‘’Rachel, I’m not sure — I mean it’s the middle of the day and -,’’
Charlie quickly pulled Dave into a brief, desperate kiss as a form of persuasion. It was warm, soft, and gentle. He had no idea what he had just done until he pulled away, terrified and ashamed but relieved when he saw Sean and Julie walk by them without taking the slightest but of notice. Charlie walked back out into the mall and watched them disappear into the crowds. He could feel his heart moan like a pitiful creature as he watched his best friend and crush walk with their arms around each other.
‘’Wow!’’ gasped Dave, beaming from ear to ear. ‘’What did I do to deserve that?’’
Charlie wasn’t really listening as his eyes were fixed on the part of the crowd where he last saw them. He felt like a cursed watcher, unable to do anything, unable to intervene and unable to cry out for help. ‘’Julie?’’ he whispered again. He let his head hang with disappointment, feeling his heart wrench as a strong emotions churned within. His adrenaline vanished and his heart stopped racing with panic. He felt tired and out of breath.
When Charlie turned his head face Dave, he quickly noticed the unnerving crazed look in his eyes that sinisterly said, ‘’mine!’’. He quickly realised that his improvised diversion had landed him into a scarier and more dangerous place than running Sean or Julie.
Oh no, what have I done?
‘’So what will we go see?’’ smiled Dave.
‘’Oh — uh -,’’ stuttered Charlie, as he racked his brains desperately for an excuse. ‘’I don’t think I want to go to the cinema anymore,’’ he said sorrowfully.
Dave did not look convinced as he searched Charlie for an answer. ‘’That’s odd because about twenty seconds ago you were practically pulling me inside. What’s changed?’’
‘’I — I’m not sure — I’m just — I’m just tired,’’ lied Charlie, beating himself up inside for being such an idiot.
‘’What better way to relax than seeing a movie?’’ said Dave, opening the door for Charlie. ‘’Come on, you have me all hyped up now!’’
Charlie looked at the open door apprehensively. He felt that if he stepped inside that danger would enthral. The last few moments had confused him greatly. One second he was walking casually through the shopping centre, he saw his best friend betray him, he panicked and hid himself behind the shared kiss with Dave. He knew he had just opened a new door for Dave, a door into a place where he could do whatever he wanted, a door that Charlie had feared since the beginning of his blackmail. He walked inside, feeling the strong stench of defeat, knowing that in the very same building his friend was probably kissing the girl he loved.
A few minutes later, they were sitting at the back of the theatre in the couples seating area. There were little people in the theatre as it was only four o’clock in the afternoon. A group of annoying giggling teenage girls, an older couple and one creepy old man sat scattered around the dark room.
Charlie tried to steer his mind away from Dave’s physical closeness by concentrating on the trailers and advertisements reeling by on the screen but his mind dwelled on Sean, that bastard. How could he stab him in the back like that, especially when he knew Charlie’s feelings towards Julie for years? He was beginning to feel careless about the uncomfortable weight of Dave’s strong right arm draped over his shoulder because he had a much larger problem. The combination of the day’s events created a horrible beast within him. The flashback, the betrayal, and the kiss made him want to die on the spot.
Inside his mind, he cursed himself repeatedly. The more the actions of the kiss sunk in, the more his feelings of regret and fear strengthened. He tried to wonder why he did just a stupid, pointless thing that would do nothing but bring about terror and repent for him. He knew he could have found a better method of hiding himself from his friends — no — from the people he knew if he had just briefly thought it through. However, he did not have the time. He was a few metres away from being caught so improvisation had to be done. He wanted to quickly move on and deal with the much bigger problem sitting next to him but he couldn’t, not after the kiss, not after seeing Julie’s hand in Sean’s.
The lights dimmed down, the audience stopped whispering, the reel was changed on the projector, and the movie began. Charlie knew right away that he hated the film because it looked like one his mother and sister would watch on a Saturday night in front of the television, a cheesy, overly emotional, romantic comedy with schmaltzy music. He felt like an idiot, not only because of his hidden embarrassment, but also because of his girlish disguise. He felt even more stupid knowing that he was trapped with Dave whilst everyone else carried on with their lives normally. He felt left behind. The longer Dave kept his arm around him, the more his clothes and corset seemed to tighten against his skin. He felt almost feverish. He had to get out of there and fast.
‘’I’ve got to go to the bathroom,’’ said Charlie, getting up.
‘’But, the movies just started?’’ said Dave, whispering as loud as he could.
‘’I really have to go. I won’t be a minute, darling,’’ said Charlie.
He walked up the dark centre aisle, with his purse in hand, cursing himself for calling Dave ‘’darling’’ as it certainly was not an expression a teenage girl would address her boyfriend as. The moment he left the room, he felt himself falling down from the tension he felt inside the theatre. He could hear a strange ringing in the inside of his ear as he approached the restrooms, feeling a little confused and hesitant as he came to the male/female junction. He entered the female restrooms, not feeling intruding in the slightest.
He entered a stall, closed down the toilet seat, and sat, knees together and back straight. He wished he could loosen his corset as it was beginning to irritate him but he was afraid he wouldn’t know how to tighten it again. He took several deep anxious breaths. He was scared because he did not wish to tarnish his sexuality. He knew very well that Dave would try to come on to him at some point during the film and when the moment did arrive; Charlie knew he had only one choice, to play along.
Sean + Julie. Sean + Julie. Sean + Julie.
He buried his face in his hands, exhaling deeply into his palms. He felt a horrible sickness as his stomach gurgled nervously. As always, he tried to think of a way out, which was always his last resort in a desperate situation even though he knew very well he was trapped. ‘’I can’t do this!’’ he gasped breathlessly. The image of another boys tongue writing around in his mouth, the thought of being felt up inappropriately and the fear of giving up his sexuality for Dave was the kind of stuff he experienced in his nightmares. The thought of always being a freak, a pervert, a weirdo made him want to scream at the top of his lungs.
He knew he couldn’t wait any longer or his precious ‘’boyfriend’’ would get worried. He stood up, and unknowingly flushed the toilet out of habit. He opened the door, walked the mirror, again shocked by his appearance. He was alone. He looked into his scared eyes, wondering if he would ever get out Dave’s blackmail. He knew his only hope was moving away at the end of the summer but that was too far away. Between then and now, he could not imagine what the psychopath would do to him. He didn’t know if he could take it much longer.
He washed his hands and went to the dryer. He looked down at his dress, the long brunette hair hanging over his shoulders, his perky bosom, his thin waist, and legs, thinking to himself, ‘’I was never supposed to be this.’’. The loud, electronic drone of the hand dryer made him close his eyes. ‘’If it hadn’t been for that day. That day at the tennis court, I wouldn’t be here’’. He had to do something. He felt as if he could do anything. He needed a way to trap Dave but he did not know how.
Charlie walloped the dryer with all his strength with three hard raging punches. His face was completely red and saliva spewed from his mouth furiously. The corner of his eye was caught by his reflection and what a disturbing sight he was. ‘’You’re dead,’’ he said moodily.
A few minutes later, he was back in the theatre, wrapped up in Dave’s arms. He stared up at the screen but he was not really watching or listening to the film. He could feel Dave squish himself closer as his embrace tightened. He closed his eyes, trying to escape to another place but the only place his mind would let him go to was Sean and Julie. Yet while his mind dwelled on that, the greater half thought, ‘’When is he going to make a move?’’ repeatedly like a fragile, broken and scratched record.
The film wore on along with time and there was no sign of it ending any time soon. Charlie was just beginning to feel confident that Dave was not going to come onto him when something quite odd happened. Dave placed his hand on Charlie’s knee in a claw-like position, which made him jump, alarmed and left feeling violated. However, he forced himself to stay still inside Dave’s arm.
Dave then flattened his hand on the knee, and then slowly slid back up into his claw, sending shivers up all over Charlie’s body. He did this several times, making Charlie feel extremely uncomfortable but strangely aroused. He swallowed it down as his eyes bulged, sparkling tearfully against the light of the screen. Dave then began to rub Charlie’s lap, up and down, up and down in a slow rhythmic movement. He did not stop for several minutes and it was beginning to make Charlie feel strange. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as goose bumps formed over his skin. The horribly arousing sensation sent ticklish sentiments up his spine.
Dave kept doing this repeatedly for the next twenty minutes, until he progressed up Charlie’s skirt and began caressing the inside of his thigh. Up, down, in and out, his hand squeezed softly until he got a reaction from Charlie. He tried his best not to let out a much-needed groan because he knew he was bigger than that. He knew he could overcome Dave’s attempts to bring out another side in him. Yet, however strong his mind and willpower was he could not stop his body from reacting with pleasure. He closed his eyes, waiting for it all to end until suddenly he felt a familiar stiffness forming between his legs.
Oh god no!
It was a long, long film.
Written by Lily Florette ©
Don't forget to post your thoughts and comments people!
There is a dark figure sitting on a sleek, black coloured motorbike on the far end of the shopping centre car park. The figure appears to be a woman, her face covered by a mysterious helmet, and her bodice encased in a snug biker jacket. She wears a short ruffled mini skirt, black and white stripped tights with knee high boots, one resting on the ground, the other on the pedal. ‘’Don’t worry, Charlie,’’ said the woman as she watched the frail looking Charlie get into the blue Ford Fiesta with Dave, ‘’Your suffering will end soon enough.’’ She slipped the bike into gear, opened the throttle and zoomed off in pursuit of the car.
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I am struggling with this... much of this can and is almost lighthearted, but Charlie's plight and the abusive behavior of Dave have gotten to me; I'm angry and sad and tearful and outraged and frightened. The promise of deliverance cannot be too quickly fulfilled for my part, but that's not me the reader, but me the parent and me the person speaking. Thank you again for your story!
Love, Andrea Lena
‘’Your suffering will end soon enough.’’
wow. who is coming to his rescue? And how much is he really a girl?
Crossdressing Charlie: Episode 11 - Under His Thumb
What will Crossdressing Charlie chose after being rescued?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Oh no! Dave is turning Charlie into a girl! I sincerely hope he gets away from him before that happens. If Charlie does end up like Prudence and becomes Charlotte, then hopefully she will eventually get away from Dave, and no longer feel the need to compensate for other deficiencies, and start wearing boy clothes.
At least that way we could read about the adventures of Crossdressing Charlotte. = )
This series is so good!They
This series is so good!They can't come out quick enough. I love Charlies STIFF awkwardness.
Thank you so much. That means
Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. Keep reading and I promise you will not be disappointed! :)
Lily Florette
Just wondering...
what are peoples favourite episodes?
OMG, Lily...!
Talk about dynamic tension! The tension isn't mounting, It's already mounted and is galloping off with your readers. And when things look to be at their worst for Charlie you offer a glimmer of hope in the form of the enigmatic guardian angel, Prue!
All I can say about this chapter is: WOW!!!
Thank God I have a strong heart,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Charles is starting to question his/her feelings with out understanding. He thought his experience at four might have been when his cross dressing toke hold. What he hasn't realize is that he is transgender. Children at that age generally act out what feels natural with out giving any thought to sex or gender, His grandmothers comment only caused him to suppress his feeling until his teen years when he noticed his sister's development and started to experiment.
Now her shopping spree showed her desire to transition without knowing the reason.
Stephanie online name
Crossdressing Charlie part 11
Sounds like Charlie is going to have a female night in shining armor
Girls rule