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Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!
Chapter 13 by Bailey Summers
All rights reserved. |
Image Credit: anime couple
It had been right up there in the days that completely sucked really. All the stuff with Britney and getting into the fight in the hall and in trouble it stirred up even if he hadn’t started the fight.
Yeah lots of trouble.
He had to wait after school for the police and his dad to show up since when he got out of class and headed to his car he found it keyed with scratches and even some things like fag, and bastard and asshole scratched in the paint and his tires had been slashed too.
He looked at his dad as his father got into the van and started to drive. He didn’t say much for at least three sets of lights then he pulled them into Wendy’s and parked.
“C’mon Bry lets get something to eat.”
“Okay…” His dad was taking this pretty calmly. His car had been taken to his dad’s mechanic shop by tow truck after the police had gotten done with it. So far he hadn’t batted an eye over any of this.
They went inside and ordered. Wendy’s wasn’t his first choice but his dad liked the frosties and to Brian food was food most of the time. He opened and bit into his burger and his dad was spooning into his chili and after a few bites asked.
“So what happened between you and Brit?’
“We broke up.”
“She didn’t take it well.”
Brian sort of smiled and shook his head as he chewed. “No.” he said after swallowing.
“So…what’s this I heard about you liking a guy?”
Brian blushed. “It’s not like it sounds dad, her name is Johnny but she’s one of those trans people.”
His dad raised and eyebrow as he sucked on his frostie.
Brian took a drink of his Coke. “She’s a girl born in the wrong gender.”
“And you like them?”
“I think we’re supposed to say her dad.”
“Okay, so you like her?”
“Yes, No…I mean I was thinking about it.”
“Son you either like someone or you usually don’t.”
“Dad, it’s pretty scary stuff.”
“Worthwhile things usually are.”
“Huh…What? I thought that you’d be freaking out?”
“Are you two sleeping together?”
“No, but I was kinda thinking about asking her out maybe.”
“So that’s fine but can I ask why you like her? Is she pretty?”
“Yeah, actually she is but not like in that whole she’s hot and that’s why I like her thing.”
“Okay then why?”
“I think she’s a good person…she’s actually nice.”
“Nicer than Britney?”
“Oh hell yeah, Britney’s….”
“Britney was a bitch.”
“Dad!” He stared at his dad, he’d never really came out and said stuff like that. He took a breath and looked at his father. “I thought you liked Britney.”
“No. I tolerated her.”
“Mostly because you’re a teenager and if I told you that your mother and I hated your girlfriend it might have pushed you deeper into being with her.”
“You guys both didn’t like her?”
“Hmm, let’s see….she’d be over at our house and it was like you could feel her planning on just how to spend our money, she’s mean to little kids according to your mother whose friends say she was a nightmare as a baby sitter. She’s mean spirited, a bully…again from your mother and entitled. It’s her huge sense of being entitled that rubbed me the wrong way Bry. I didn’t like being made to feel like we were luck that you two were dating and that we were lucky to be in her presence.”
Brian nodded. “She got worse this year day she’s obsessed with social climbing and she thinks she gets higher the more people she steps on.”
“You’re better off without her Bry.”
“But you’re okay if I’m interested in her…then?”
“Bry as long as you’re happy and careful you’re mother and I will stand by you.”
Brian sighed with relief and they finished eating and his dad went and got something that would be warmer for his mom and they headed home.
His mom was looking at them when they both came through the doors. She was eating popcorn casually and the cordless phone from the living room was smashed to bits on the floor. She smiled at both of them and looked at Brian.
“You had a few calls.”
“Mom…are you alright?”
“Me?....oh I’m fine, so would you care to explain why there’s been a non-stop flow of abuse coming to all the phones in the house directed at my son?”
Brian blushed. “I broke up with Britney.”
His mom raised her eyebrows. “Okay….so what has that have to do with this?”
“She’s pitching a fit because I’m being okay and friendly with a transgendered girl.”
“Friendly? Just how friendly.”
“Just friendly right now.”
“Right now?”
“Yeah…I still haven’t decided if I’m going to ask her out yet. But I still like her and I still want to be friends with her though.”
His mom nodded and took the bag of take out from his dad. “Just as long as you’re committed to either thing Brian, she won’t need just someone that’s curious for the sake of being curious.”
“Trust me on this Brian she’ll have been hurt before this, she’ll have baggage and she’ll need people around her to actually be stand up friends.”
“Okay…you know some transgendered people mom?”
She nodded. “I had a friend back in college Bry, one that I should’ve been a better friend to and should have really been there for and now she’s not.”
“No honey I’m not saying you’ll do that just that be careful, keep both eyes open and your heart too.”
“I will mom; she’s a really nice person from what I’ve seen so far.”
“Well then she’s miles better than Britney.”
Brian shook his head and went over and kissed her on the cheek. “Guess I really messed up dating her huh?”
“Yeah sort of I’m just really happy that you’re starting to think with the big head.”
She laughed and Brian blushed and headed upstairs. “I’ve got an early practice tomorrow and I should get to my homework then see the damage.”
Still blushing he headed upstairs and opened his computer up to his accounts and….and there was a lot of damage.
It was so not the reaction that she had expected from her mother. It was shocking and appalling at the same time. Her mom was a bit miffed at her defending Nick and betting into a fight at school.
In her house there were two trains of thought on how she should be raised. There was her mom who just didn’t seem to get or want to get that she was never going to be the “Girl” that she had wanted and had always tried to raise.
Her mom was one of those girly girl types and they really did not compute.
Then there was her dad. He wasn’t around much working all the time but he said that she should try to be a lady. He also said there was nothing saying it required her to take any bullshit. He mom didn’t care for that too much but Lindsey liked that about her dad at least. But then again he wanted all of his girls to be able to take what life would dish out.
She had two sisters and two brothers and she was sort of right in the middle, her dad was an in city delivery truck driver so money was tight and he worked crazy hours and for Lindsey she was way too icked out that her parents made up for lost time.
Nothing gives you the skeevies then finding your mother’s panties where you don’t want to find them. Like between the couch cushions just when you’d gotten all snuggly.
Lindsey headed to her room to chill out before suppertime and she turned on her MP-3 played and she started to listen to some music and tried to get the encounter with her mom out of her head.
Her mom and her sisters were these girls that well were just so girl even if Mandi…yes with an “I” wasn’t so bad she was not like any of the three of them and as far as her little brothers were concerned she was one of them by virtue of being a girl and to them girls were yucky. Brandi again with an “I” was the oldest and she was a bubble head…friendly, honestly she didn’t likely have a mean bone in her but she was an “OMG” girl that talked in valley girl mixed with chat speak.
Brandi would actually say LOL in a conversation.
Mandi was shy and into music but she was still really girly and into all those swoony angsty shows like Vampire Diaries and stuff.
She took out her books and things from class and stood in front of her mirror trying to see where the cute girl was that Johnny and honey had said there was there. She just couldn’t see her there, she looked different in the clothes and the way that Johnny had played with her hair but she to her still looked like Lindsey.
She did sometimes wish she had whatever gene or hormone that made her mom and her sisters the way that they were. They had pictures of guys on their walls and bands and even some magazine covers and stuffies and such. Lindsey didn’t she had a nice poster of a black grand piano that just looked nice, a wolf poster and several ones for some of the bands that she liked that really weren’t the girly kind of bands like those her sisters liked. There was No Kylie Minogue or Lady Gaga instead she had U2 and Iron Maiden and Buckcherry on her walls though her favorite was her Queensryche poster for Silent Lucidity.
That’s actually the song she settled on first before letting it just go to shuffle. She went from looking at herself in the mirror to getting undressed then changed in stuff for just being at home. Like a lot of girls she had some at home ugly clothes stuff that actually just didn’t matter much and were really comfortable. Her’s was an oversized sleep shirt and sweatpants and bare feet or it was tonight.
But today had her sort of put back into that part of her that she sort of hated….she looked good after all of that and she had made some friends at this new school but it had Lindsey doing one of the things that she sucked at and that was looking in her closet at her thrift store clothes and hand me downs and hand me sideways things and having absolutely no idea what went with what and what looked good.
She hated the feeling of it being like she was somehow flunking out of being a girl. And she wasn’t going to try the things that her mom and sisters did because she was definitely not one of those girls.
“Why the hell is being a girl so damned complicated?”
She let out a big sigh and turned her tunes up and started in on her homework until supper was ready and after helping with the dishes and getting grilled over her day and the look she came home with from her sisters…her mom must have blabbed/gossiped to them about it she was more than ready to claim first dibs on the bathroom and then hid out in her room to read those Elizabeth Haydon books for that Rhapsody girl she was writing about.
She’d gotten pretty into the first book and was getting close to turning her lamp off when her phone rang.
She rolled to her side and looked at her clock. “It’s quarter past ten? Who’d call me this late?”
She picked up the receiver ready for some preppy prank phone call.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! OmigawdLindsey! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I had such a good time!”
She was going to ask if she knew what time it was but she just couldn’t and she sat up in her bed while Johnny was in that whole alien girly squealing with happy thing and smiled a little.
“Okay…okay…breathe Johnny, breathe and tell me what happened.”
Her mom had come home and they ate supper together. Honey had made one of their favorite meals just hamburger with macaroni and some tomato soup over it all. It was something that her mom and her both found funny that because they were Hispanic people assumed they ate like tex-mex food all the time. But they didn’t they just pretty much ate like a lot of people did.
She did the dishes telling her mom to relax and take a hot bath. She worried about her mom a lot with the extra shifts of switching eights for twelve’s her mom was working really hard to keep the roof over their heads and while they had her dad’s pension coming in it still wasn’t enough with the bills and the amount the house payments had increased.
And her mom was all she really had so while she was the kid and her mom was the adult she tended to work extra hard at home to give her a break.
They relaxed and her mom helped her with her homework, especially her math. Her mom was actually really smart, smarter than a lot of people thought unless they worked with her. Nurses either NP’s or RN’s or LPN’s all did a lot of stuff and it was one of those jobs where you’re always learning and getting new material sent your way to learn and there’s a lot of math involved in just the everyday stuff they do.
That was a big bonus because math and Honey had seldom been friends.
It was a pretty good night even with her and her mom in her room and going through her clothes and even some of her mother’s clothes and some of the old clothes she had saved and boxed in the attic. Johnny had sparked an interest in Honey since they had started hanging around together. And it was just too Honey was tired of dressing to hide herself so she wouldn’t be teased.
Though it was kind of fun to see some of the clothes that her mom used to wear and teasing her about how vintage they were and at the same time her mom had packed away a nice collection of jeans, though the high waisted ones were kind of eew.
She never really done any of this with her mom the last time they really played with clothes together her mom had been putting her in cute little dresses when she was in elementary school.
She wasn’t sure who had a better time her or her mom but it was a lot of fun. She even showed her mom the make up she used and put on some of her music. And her mom shocked her by actually having and knowing how to use an I-pod. Actually she owned a mini that was pretty cute and she showed Honey some of the music she grew up loving.
And some of it was pretty heavy stuff with bands like Alice in chains, Nine inch nails and Pearl Jam.
“Mom? Where you into the grunge thing?”
Her mom nodded. “A little bit it was really becoming the big thing then.”
“I can’t see you like a grunger kid.”
“Well I steered clear of the whole flannel clothes thing because people see that stuff then and thought gangs. I went with wet look hair, no make up and jeans and big baggy tee shirts usually one’s of your dad’s.”
“Wow…” She sort of looked at her mom and tilted her head from side to side trying to picture this almost forty something woman with the highlights in her shoulder length hair and the way she’s usually seen her in a comfy skirt and like a sweat shirt or a tee with a hoody at home or her scrubs for work as a grunge girl or being in a mosh pit.
She started to giggle thinking about it and her mom seemed to guess why and frowned a little before pinning her to the bed and started to tickle her. “Hey! It’s not funny I’m not that old!”
They laughed and joked until the phone rang and her mom picked it up. “Hello?”
Honey’s mom laughed and passed the phone to her daughter. “I think that’s for you.”
Honey took the phone. “Johnny?”
That after school had just been more and more miserable as his dad had pretty much went back to the school with him in tow and went into the office intent on reading the staff the riot act.
He was miserable through the entire experience. His dad was an alright guy but unless you had something wrong with you like Nick had most people never got it, couldn’t get it.
The way that just being with people can short you out. How it takes time to get used to new people and new things too. And all these things cramming together in your head it chokes you off from talking…from being normal no matter how much you want.
And the scene in the office was as bad as things could get for Nick.
His dad being angry at what happened with Keith and the whole situation with there not being anything remotely like “real security.” Here which pissed off the school’s security guys and the VP was getting angry and there were other of the office staff and faculty there and he could just feel them staring at his father and then him by extension. Even the actual police that had been called in while they were there for something else he had cornered until he was satisfied.
His father was pressing charges against Keith. While it was the right thing to do Nick knew it was also going to get around to Keith’s friends and the other’s like him and he’d have a target on his back.
So to Nick’s way of thinking nothing had come of the whole damned mess except for Nick feeling like he was going to be ill and a stress headache.
Which actually got worse when he saw some of Keith’s friends glaring at him in the halls after they’d gotten out of practice.
He stayed quiet the entire drive back home and tried to tune out his dad’s rant on the neo-thugs and petty small minded bureaucrats in the school. Nick just wanted to get away from people and even at this point his family.
His dad and mom were those geek parents with tech jobs and made good money but they were that still kind of socially accepted hipster types and there were times he really felt despite all the stuff they did to help him they were still people from a whole other world.
He skipped supper and went to his room and put his things away and set him computers up so he could just sit down and start in on things.
First thing though he stripped down and went to his bathroom and ran a bath….he added the salt he usually did because well his bath wasn’t to get clean so much as therapy…hot salt water and he turn the lights off in the bathroom but left the door open for some light and he eased himself into the water and sighed…shook a bit and then he took a breath and sank under the water.
It was so soothing and so peaceful under there and he did that for a long time like some broken dolphin just coming up enough to breathe and sink back down until the water was getting cold and he started to prune.
He dragged himself out of the bath and slowly dried off wincing because of the bruises he did get from his encounter with Keith. It was going to get worse….he knew it was just going to get worse.
He looked at his computer and with everything going on right now he was just too hurt to even look at what was going on and what people were posting. He powered it all down and crawled into bed.
He didn’t care about all the stuff guys weren’t supposed to do instead he just pulled the covers over his head and held one of his pillows close and shook until the tears stopped and sleep came.
Things were just getting started with the haves and the have nots in the school while lunch had been pretty good and the afternoon sort of peaceful it hadn’t really stayed that way.
Mind you he wasn’t around to have seen it but he had heard after stepping out to do some boarding from some of the kids that had been there that Brian’s car had been hit and it had a really good scratching job done to it enough to wreck the paint job and the tires had been slashed.
Then he thought he saw Nick pass him while he was boarding in a car with what might have been his dad heading back from the direction of the school.
He shook his head after seeing that in sympathy. Nick looked like he’d been through hell. Not that hard to see either with Nick’s issues.
He sighed and headed to the ramps, they were set up by someone in the areas in an old building lot as a place for the kids that boarded to go and hang out without too much trouble. He saw some of the usual suspects there and he smiled and greeted some of them and took up a spot to wait his turn.
Donnie liked the skateboarder culture, it fit him because he really didn’t fit a lot of the so called culture that the other black kids enforced.
Oh it was peer pressure sure but there was these layers of things that you had to be in order to be black sometimes, only sometimes but he still didn’t like the fact if you didn’t talk a certain way the other black kids looked at you funny. And if you dressed in what was normal clothes the other kids wore you were trying to be a kissup, or if you acted smart and dressed normally you were being uppity.
He hated the street clothes styles too, Donnie had no intention of looking like a brother from “The Hood.” or a “Gangbanger.”
So he wore skater clothes. They had their own style and brands and he went with the stuff that said skater-kid more than some of the generic stuff. Sure it sort of took him out of the whole normal social groups the other black kids were in but he actually wanted that. He wanted it as much as he didn’t want to fit in with the herd of white kids.
The thing was the whole thing was a disguise.
Donnie was able to pass as a girl. His body sized and face, the little body hair….he was very feminine. Not that he wanted to be or acted like he was but like his sibs and cousins liked to tease him he could pass…like Ru Paul did even in drab. Actually if he didn’t try to butch up he could and had been asked if he was a girl trying to pass herself off as a boy.
It set him apart from his family and it caused a lot of friction between him and his father. His dad wasn’t a thug about it but he could tell he wasn’t happy…He’d put Donnie into boxing and a few other sports to likely try and butch him up but while he did okay in that he never loved it and the coach was an asshole who kept trying to break the girly boy. He was sure he’d been a sparring partner more than the other kids, almost twice as much. Plus not being able to hide his looks he was definitely targeted by the other kids….the lets teach the fairy a lesson types.
And him being a skater kid never sat well with his dad either.
He did, here at the park the other skate kids were misfits sort of too. They didn’t care about race or color, or money. There were a few other black kids, a couple of middle eastern ones and a few Asians all mixed in with the regular skater white kids. Here he was Donnie or D and to some of the goofballs he was Donatello and to most of those kids he could have just as easily been a ninja turtle as much as anything else.
He finally got his turn and just let the half-pipe take him out of the bullshit of school and home and let him think. And recently with the changes in Dan’s gaming group and Johnny and Jessie being around now he had a lot to think about.
She got up early and set out for her run. Black track suit and her hijab with her I-pod and she took off before dawn to get in some private time before her day started. She was really nervous about being here and starting a new school. Being in America was scary enough sometimes when you were middle eastern. Yasmine was half technically but that never matter to the haters. He father was an America Air force pilot and he’d been out of the actual service and was flying commercial planes when he and her mother had met.
She actually liked that story. She was working and he was between flights when they had met in Dubai at a mutual friends house. It was pretty much love at first sight despite the differences they had and it had been before nine-eleven so the level of hate then was just between the family bigots on both sides. If their best efforts for family peace they kind of stayed transient. Her father taking piloting jobs all over the world and they lived I a lot of very cool places and some that weren’t o cool. The year she spent in England post nine-eleven had been hell. You’d not think that with the melting pot England really is these days but Yasmine had received more than her share of being bullied.
Yeah…moving around hadn‘t been fun…she had no real roots or friends except for a few online but even then someone finds you‘re muslima and they‘ll drop you. And yes she had relatives the could have turned to but there were many that weren’t happy with her mother still for marrying her dad. He never converter either, she knew he wasn’t big on any faith but he loved her ad her mother enough that some one had married them… Still though some were angry since her mother had refused to remarry after her father had died.
Some fresh tears ran down her cheeks as she jogged. He’d gotten her into it. Before prayers before sun up he’d go out ad run. It was a hold over from his armed forces days and once she was old enough it became their thing. The morning run and then morning prayers and the start of the day. He wasn’t muslim but he still prayed like one with them, he was just a really good man.
Her mother said, he was an honest man.
She missed him. They both did.
He died in Beirut he’d been there on a routine flight and had been on his way from the airport to the hotel when he died. Nothing nefarious nothing political just a blood clot…but it still took him away from her and her mother.
Her mother’s family wanted to take them in ad they had take up several of the offers but there were always complications. Several wanted her mother to remarry, some wanted to arrange Yasmine to be married.
It became one fight too many and they moved to Chicago…to his family, her dad’s family and in with her father’s parents. They actually had bought them a little house close to them and moved them in and she had aunt’s and uncles living close by too. Lot’s of cousins, ones she rarely seen unless it was a serious family occasion.
For good reason in her mind. Some of her father’s family were more than a little prejudiced. Some of them weren’t just the republican types but they were part of this tea party thing…They moved in just a little less than a month ago and she’d been exposed to a lot of bullshit.
Too much bullshit sometimes…she’d gone from being a good girl and wanting both of these faiths to just stop and be peaceful, they both kept talking about peace so much and her dad was like this bright bridging gap.
She lost him and things just got worse and worse ad she had gotten just more and more fed up until she just wanted to be left alone, eve in temple she just wanted her own space for peace.
She was tired of some people there telling others how Islam should be followed, of how she and her mother should live. And she was more than sick of the whole so called Christians spewing their hate out at her too. Now this, the first day of school, of being in an American school….it was scaring her.
Yasmine hated being alone, she hated feeling this lost too…and right now the only thing that made any sense right now was breathing, running, and trying to outrace the bullshit so she could feel that quiet stillness when she prayed, like she used to.
She ran home but slowed passing a café place in an old brick building that smelled wonderfully of home, of breads and cardamom and good coffee. There were a few signs in Arabic with the daily specials and it looked busy too. She might have to stop in…it really didn’t look like much from the outside though.
Maybe later, maybe a place she could escape to?
She made it home in time to shower and her mother was making coffee with that still waking up look. She offered Yasmine a smile at seeing her come in from her run and sipped at her coffee. She never took part in the morning runs with her father. Yasmine sort of smiled back, her mother was still sort of a mystery to her and still someone she was sort of angry with.
Part of Yasmine just wanted roots, to be stable and it would’ve been nice, even tolerable…if they stayed over home. She didn’t have to fit in so much over there, she could’ve just blended in…maybe even take one of those offers of marriage.
It sounded odd really but most of those sons would gave gone to university, it wouldn’t be like instantly married and Yasmine would have been lying that the idea of starting a family and settling down hadn’t crossed her mind.
A normal life would’ve been nice…
But her mom had been really opposed to it. Enough that she’d angered some of the family. Enough that she was labeled for it.
Enough that even now she was still sort of mad at her for doing that.
She did her morning prayers in her room then she dressed for school. Black hijab ad she wore a short sleeved purple button down blouse with a long skirt again I black and her bangles and rings and her piercing, she just had an eyebrow ring and a nose ring and she wore a few charm necklaces and yes one was Islamic.
The last thing she took was her fathers old leather jacket, it was miles to big on her but she wore it anyway.
She skipped breakfast for three cups of coffee and headed out and caught the bus. She’d gotten whispered stares as she got on and headed to school. It wasn’t to bad being able to drown them out with her I-Pod.
It wasn’t a big school and yet it was still more than scary…a lot of white kids and black ones too and she really didn’t know any black people either.
There were some middle eastern kids too.
But she was the only one in a hijab.
Deep breath, ask for strength…head to the office.
This raven haired boy? No…he has….? He opened the door for her, with a whole sort of group there with him.
She nodded at him? Yes he was a he but he was wearing a tight t-shirt, a boy’s tee but he had a bra on…..
And he was a decent B-cup.
The rest were just as mixed up too, a short boy with long blue hair, a skater girl? She couldn’t tell this Mexican girl that was in a revealing top and jeans with all these holes in them and a couple of good looking popular boys. She headed quickly to the office only taking another look when this tall long legged athletic blonde called this other pretty girl with pink streaks in her hair Johnny?
She sped up a little confused and looked back at them meeting up with some others none of them looking like the kind of people that’d be friends.
“What kind of school is this?”
She hugged her backpack tighter for some sense of security and headed into the office to register for her classes.
He woke up in the morning to his stereo playing instead of the damned monkey going off. The sounds of Winds of Change by the Skorpions playing made him smile. They were an older band but her liked older music and he liked older tunes.
Older rock and roll or metal songs were still going strong in other parts of the world and still got a lot of play. He’d slept really well especially after last night and the whole time thinking about Kenyon.
He went through his morning stuff and grooved to the music and smiled he was having a good morning. Actually he was sort of having a really good morning. Boxer briefs and looking through his closet and drawer for a good bra to wear he called up Daniel.
“Morning…” He still sounded asleep.
“Cameron? Are you still in bed?”
“………………………..” Then a snerk. “I’m sick Ferris.”
“Sick, your not sick it’s only in your head, now get dressed and come over and pick me up.”
(Sigh.) “You want me to pick up Sloan too?”
“No, we’ll both pick up Sloan.”
“Okay see you soon.”
Jess dressed and got his things and took the money his dad was holding up. “There’s chore attached to that Jess, I want to do some work on the back yard this weekend.”
“Sure, cool…can I bring in some help?”
“Good idea, I can use the new grill.”
“Then that’s what I’ll do.”
“Sounds good, be careful out there.”
“Thanks dad.”
Jess went outside and waited for Dan to pull up in the car and Dan slid over to sit shotgun as Jess got in.
“Thank for the car Jess, that was amazing.”
“The car or the date?”
“Both.” Dan grinned and they both drove heading to get Johnny first and Dan really talked about the date and the movie but more about how upset those girls had gotten Johnny but how he did what he sort of thought that he should do and how it seemed to go over really well.
“I’ve never had red velvet cake, what’s it like?”
“Yummy, but so was Johnny.”
“Yeah, I could so definitely go for another date.”
“Brian’s interested.”
“Oh…you think he’ll have the guts to ask her out?” Dan seemed concerned.
“Maybe, but it better not be to just spite Britney.”
“Yeah, he does seem to be kind of an okay guy though.”
Jessie nodded and pulled into Johnny’s place where she was waiting with a smile and she hopped right in and leaned over the back seat and kissed Dan who kissed her back.
“Okay…now I’ll have a boner all day, thanks Johnny.” He grinned and she giggled and smacked him lightly. “Danny!”
“Hey just saying what’s the truth.”
“Yeah but…”
Jessie looked back in the mirror at her. “You have a nice butt.”
They all laughed and slipped over to pick up Honey and then the phones were out and they met up with Kenyon and Brian at Dunkin Donuts and all grabbed coffees there before heading to school.
They parked together in a highly visible spot so that people didn’t mess with the cars and the others were actually drifting over to start talking, about gaming, and the date and the new news that there’s an emergency faculty meeting tonight because there’s been a special session of the school board being called for Monday night.
Sam worked in the school store and that was right by the teachers lounge where he seen them talking about it.
He grinned a Jessie talking or trying to as he finger spelled and signed. “Your popular Jessie, I saw them say your name a bunch of times.”
Jessie smiled. “I figured that much, they need someone to blame right?”
They actually passed the VP who was standing outside watching everything looking upset or at the very least irate about having to be doing it and there was one of the security guards out there too.
They went passed and Dan grinned and said to the VP. “Mr. Rooney.” The VP looked confused but nodded and Dan snerked and Jessie grinned and Bryan laughed and stared at Jessie. “Yep, definitely Ferris.”
“Ferris?” Johnny asked.
“Abe Froman.” Lindsey offered.
“Abe who?” Johnny asked.
Brian grinned. “The sausage king of Chicago.”
Kenyon groaned. “You had to mention sausage around the gay guy didn’t you?”
Everyone stopped…stared at Kenyon.
Lindsey grinned and took Kenyon’s arm in hers. “Best coming out ever.”
They all laughed and headed inside getting all sorts of looks.
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Yay, more of this! It's
Yay, more of this! It's sometimes a bit hard to keep the shifts in perspective, and remember the family context of all the players, but it's nice to see the story from so many angles.
Yay I finished it!
I've had the great joy of catching another case of the flu back to back pretty much and working while sick made this take forever. I do really love writing for this story though.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Ow... my funny bone...
That was the point I nearly wet myself from laughing so hard. *giggle*
What's not to like about this chapter? To start with Ferris Bueller quotes are a perfect fit for the story. :-) Bryan and his folks seem like decent people and I kind of hope he asks Johnny out. She deserves a bit of (hopefully) friendly rivalry for her affections after being an outcast.
A very different style chapter with lots of home life scenes for the roundtable. In particular I find myself warming to Lindsey, Donnie and Bryan this chapter as each reacts to the changes the Squires have caused to school, their friends and family and their lives.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I was watching Ferris Beuller the other day
and it really struck me as something sort of that would fit into this story and that Jess and Dan would definitely have that stuff down. One of the reasons they'll all be friends is talking like that and getting things like that. Brian's definitely thinking about asking Johnny out, after talking with his folks he's looking at going out a different thing than going steady.
He'll definitely be asking Dan though how it went.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Such a good chapter for an
Such a good chapter for an excellent story. And I am seriously looking forward to how the group deals with Yasmine, especially since she is already off balance and such. And from someone who has seen the darker side to certain people like you showed for her, I can definitely feel empathy. Talk to you later. :)
Samirah M. Johnstone
Well I should thank you Shannon for Yasmine turning out so well.
She'll be a great addition to the story and she'll give us a chance to touch on another side of the kinds of bullying that goes on in the schools.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I sense...
The Rebel Alliance may soon gain another member, since it seems to be rapidly filling up with a lot of the school's social misfits.
Meanwhile, Johnny's excited post-date phone calls (nothing like cleaning Honey and Lindsey's ears out!) and Nick's dad pratically blowing a fuse.
That school board meeting's going to be interesting, especially since the school year's only a few days old and they've already had a threat of legal action, police criticism of their (lack of) security measures, numerous incidents and fights where staff failed to intervene, the social media equivalent of Neighbourhood Watch and a handful of students given suspensions (fixed period exclusions). Not to mention that as Nick's website becomes known to the parents, it's likely to cause a parental petition (at the very least) demanding the school pull its socks up.
The school's administration is almost certain unaccustomed to finding itself in such a deep pile of brown smelly stuff, let alone so early in the school year...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
No the school is not used to this:)
They might see some people that cause trouble or try to buck the status quo but this year seems a lot rockier.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
“Best coming out ever.â€
giggles. God I love these kids. The ripples of positive changes they are already sending out ...
Kenyon just sort of went with it.
Because it wasn't going to get any easier by waiting for "the right time."
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey...A Proud Big Brother.
Bailey Summers
I wonder if
Kenyon will introduce his sausage to Jessie's baps someday? = )
Kenyon will definitely be thinking of those times:)
But he literally just came out to his friends and himself. There's a lot to follow that up.
*Big Huggles and Scratches.*
Bailey Summers
can be a touchy subject , there are good, bad and slanted issues on all sides.
even the new girl has her slanted view. heres hopping they can find a place to talk and share with out getting caught up in the rhetoric.
I thought they were going to pick up Nick too?
hope your feeling better, thanks for your hard work.
Kenyon picked Donnie and Nick up:)
There's always going to be politics true especially since things have changed so much since 911.
Starting to feel better slowly:P
*Hugs and Howls.*
Bailey Summers
“Best coming out ever.â€
Yayness, Love it, very good chapter. Nice to see a little bit of everyone's lives and how they are changing, for the good for the most part. Yasmine, new girl :)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Violetfyre helped a lot with Yasmine's conception:)
It's really good to have all sorts in the story to show the different POV's and what all these kids go through. I did really like the way that Kenyon came out though:)
Thanks Els:D
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Hey! I just offered help and
Hey! I just offered help and advice from a perspective of someone who knows what she'd be going through on several levels. :) You are the brilliant one who wrote the story Bailey.
Samirah M. Johnstone
Sooo good.
There needs to be a Jessie and Co. in every school - a place to be "Not the usual 'in' crowd" and be accepted, defended, and cool!
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
There really does need to be more stand up kids in schools today
we read so much about these kids that kill themselves because of bullying, it's more than time than someone stands up and makes some kind of accounting to the bad things that goes on.
When I went to school it was so different and we didn't take the asshattery that they get away with today. Jessie's been through enough that some of the so called consequences that will happen for making the bullies face up to their accountablity for being shitty people.
It just takes a few people not wanting to take the BS to start the wave of people sick of taking it.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Squires 13
Bahahah... loved the Ferris Bueller quotes. One of my favorite movies.
And like Jemima pointed out, some great lines in it, like "Best coming out ever."
But the one that almost made me pee myself laughing was Danny saying “Okay…now I’ll have a boner all day, thanks Johnny.†(doesn't help I drank a lot of pop tonight) That is SO the sort of thing the person you based his character on would say. (I know him personally.)
There's a lot of great points in that movie:)
There's just something so great about the movies from that time to me. I though that'd be something He'd say and he's a really great character too. Lindsey's also a great character to sort of back up some of these lines. I'm trying to keep the mix of personal to drama to sexy and funny.
Glad you liked it Lees:)
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I'm not sure why...
But everything about this chapter hit home so hard... Maybe its just having been one of the outcasts but never having had a band of outcast heroes come to the rescue like this band of... friends.
Thank you for this
That's such a scary thing to grow up in...sucky too.
I've been lucky that I had a social group like this growing up. We did the pot luck lunches in the cafeteria and we had the geeks and the AV kids the D&D crowd all sort of together and we were apart from the "Popular" kids.
Actually even some of our popular kids weren't too bad.
But I know people, had close friends in other schools that weren't so lucky. And I've seen the hurt that some of the stuff can leave. And it's even worse these days.
I'm glad that this touches people and maybe helps a bit.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Unlike the schools of the past.
Today's schools are a complex mixture of different cultures and people who seldom fit the cooky cutter molds of the past. My Jr high days there were only the Greasers and the Surfs. Not the kaleidoscope pan-world culture children live with daily. Add to that mix a bunch of angry white kids who's undisputed ruler ship is extinct, giving us a very uncomfortably extreme situation with little or no middle ground.
Bringing this all to life with out a moving picture but with only words indicates just how great of a writer you are Bailey. Thanks for sharing your talents with us unworthy Ground-lings.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
When I was in school it was the Jocks and the Sosh's:)
The Hockey team was about 50% okay but the other half of it where these entitled rich kids. The Basketball Team was the worst with us being a B-ball school more than football and they were all entitled SOB's.
We didn't have really cheerleaders but what we did have was the Sosh's that what we called the socialites. They were mostly the girls that dated the jocks and the rich kids and were on student council and prom, they ran the dances and pretty much everything else.
Not all of them were bad but some were...let's just say Britney's modeled off of a RL nasty person.
The rest of the high school groups were pretty small so a lot of us just sort of all hung out together.
But things are so much harder now, there's no accountablity for so many of the bullies, there's so many more things going on too. I'm hoping to capture some of that in this.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Ms. Summers....
Yes Mr. Rooney? Having to deal with one Ferris Bueller was quite enough, I don't need you cultivating another to become the bane of my existence! With a snickering kind of smile she replies "But thats what makes it so much fun around here, watching you squirm trying to keep control of which you know nothing about! And with that
Ms. Summers turned on her 4" heels strutted away giggling the whole time! Mr. Rooney just sighed, shook his head a wondered if it was possible to retire at his age!
Bailey, sorry it took me sooo long to get to reading this one, I've been a little being in my reading of late. I do still love this story so. Please do keep'em comin' hon. (Hugs) Taarpa
P.s. I loved the Ferris Bueller references, and hope you enjoyed my comments!
I'm really glad you liked it Taarpa:)
I definitely enjoyed the comments they're a heck of a lot of fun:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Well, Brian, Johnny and Honey...
All had much better days than could really be expected considering the school they go to and all the people who worked so hard to keep it from being so! Their salvation was having better parents than most and the newly forming underground, the nascent resistance coalescing around Jessie. Stay alert people and watch out for Mr. Rooney!
Look out Yasmine, the wrecking crew and "Britney's Bitches" are sure to take a run at you. Wait a minute; "Bitches? We don't need no stinking bitches"!
Your friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Re: Well, Brian, Johnny and Honey
"Bitches? We don't need no stinking bitches"!
As much as this might be an apt description of those girls, it's also insulting to female dogs, many of whom act better than those girls.
It's definitely good to see the group forming beside and around Jessie, there sure is some change a-coming!
Whoa, big revelation
Another excellent chapter giving more background on the kids home lives.
But whoa, what a revelation to find out Bryan's parents had pegged Britney as a bitch. A manipulator, someone who thought more highly of herself than others did. And they were calm that Bryan and slutty piglet broke up. Or about the damage to the paint on Bryan's car. It was actually Bryan who was shocked at his dads' proclamation of Britney's true nature.
And now another new student enters school. Yasmine, a girl who will really get the goat of those who hate someone different. And those who hate Muslims. Yasmine hasn't done anything to anyone, but she already has two strikes against her for who she is. Looks like there's a new member of the group.
Others have feelings too.