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I should note I didn't really want to post another chapter and may or may not continue this story as I really want to work on my other stories. However my muse seems to have other ideas.
Then again so do some people reading this story.
"Thomas what have you done to yourself?" Yelled Mom.
"Don't look at me!" I yelled back before I hurried from the kitchen. Due to grandmothers ‘Ladylike’ training I did so as much like a lady as possible. I didn't run or shuffle my feet I did walk sorta fast to my room.
To my horror in my room was the real Amy dressed very much like I was currently. She just stood there and stared at me. Grandmother had my closet open and was showing Amy my new clothes I guess. Honestly I didn't care as I made my way to my bed and sat down making sure to tuck my skirt under me as I did so. I think it was all habit.
I had wanted to flop down on my bed and bury my face into the pillows and cry but ‘young ladies do not flop themselves down’ was going through my head so I sat instead. I did cry a lot though.
"Oh Thomas I'm so sorry it was all my fault." started grandma as she pulled me into a tight hug. I know I should have done something else but she is my grandmother and I do love her.
Amy just stood there with a blank look on her face. It seemed that the only thing she could do was look right at me with wide eyes. It was actually creeping me out.
I did the only thing I could do and buried my face into grandma's breasts to cry some more. I still have no idea why I was crying so much or so emotional lately.
I heard but didn't see someone come into the room. I felt grandmother move her head a few times while I cried and cried. It took me awhile to cry myself out. All the while grandma just kept petting my hair and back while making baby soothing noises. Before I would have been upset now though it helped.
Once my crying had slowed down grandma helped me to get out of my school uniform, wash my face of my really ruined makeup, and then change into a light summer dress. I would have preferred pants but I knew from experience the only ones in the house were my school uniform ones. The ones I got in trouble for wearing this morning. Grandma didn't ask me to or even hint but for some reason I sat at my vanity and did my makeup anyways. It just felt wrong to wear a pretty dress and not wear makeup. When I was done, which didn't take all that long really, I stood up for inspection from grandma. Usually she would have said something but this time a sad look crossed her face instead. It wasn't until I was just about to leave the room that I put my foot down and hauled back my hand that had made its way into hers.
"Thomas there is nothing to be afraid of. You’re not the one in trouble I am, I have been a terrible Grandmother to you."
"But I don't want Mom to see me like this."
"Then why did you put on your face dear?" I didn't have an answer to that as my mind went a complete blank. Actually when I thought about it since grandma knew that I was Thomas now I should have gotten a spanking for wearing makeup. But it was my makeup not Amy's well it was Amy's but it was my Amy's makeup. My head was starting to hurt.
Walking into the living room where Mom, Aunt Peggy and Amy were was probably the hardest thing I have done so far. I hid behind grandma as much as possible. Yes I know it's the typical little shy girl response. I wasn't shy I was terrified. However obeying my grandmother was a habit and I sat down on the edge of the couch cushion ankles to one side and not with my knees crossed over.
Of course they noticed. Keeping my back straight while also trying to make one smaller is darn near impossible. I did fidget with the hem of my dress though.
I had figured they would start giving me the long lecture and yelling or screaming but they didn't. Trust me it only made it worse much worse.
I had not expected to encounter Thomas being so ladylike. It was unreal, wish my Amy was that well behaved. Even when he left the kitchen after Amy's outburst he was a proper young lady. The emotional outburst that we overheard in his bedroom and the way he sat. I really do not know what to say. Can this really be my nephew Thomas?
Now what was that name we picked if Thomas had been a girl? It was close to Amy but hmm...
I think I will need a good bottle of wine after this. To discover one’s own son like this is beyond my ability. I have no idea how I will explain this to Ned.
"Do you have a girl's name?" asked Amy.
"Amy!" exclaimed Aunt Peggy.
"But MOM, that is a girl not a boy!"
"Amy." I almost whispered.
"No that's the name I go by Amy."
"But that's my name. You can't use my name."
"Amy!" Aunt Peggy is good at that.
"Whaaa, well she can't use my name it's not right!"
"Amber." My mother said in a low voice.
"What did you say Amy?"
"His name would have been Amber if she, I mean he had been born a girl."
"Amber fits. Well Amber is there something you would like to tell your mother, cousin, and I."
"Uhm Hi, how was your trip?" Well I was curious.
"Please Thomas go change into some of your boy clothes." Mom still would not look at me.
"I would love to. Where did you put them?"
"Amanda. Amber doesn't have any boy clothes you didn't send any." Thanks grandma.
"Don't call him Amber!"
"Amy look at her does that look like a Thomas? No it’s a girl whose name is Amber."
"Don't call my son a girl." Mom was freaking out. Then again so was I. I knew I had to do something. I was so gonna get in trouble for this. Grabbing both sides of the summer dress I lifted it over my head and put it on the couch behind me. I stood there in just my bra and panties almost right in front of my mom. Grandma, Amy, and Aunt Peggy gasped in unison. On a side note it was almost choral.
"Mom, look at me!" She raised her head and looked at me with wide eyes.
"Do I really look like I could pass as your son, do you have any idea how I feel at all?"
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Excellent story
Love the way this is going, finally Thomas fires back, he is the victim not some sort of deviant. Gran is looney tunes and Mum is a disgrace, 5 weeks and no contact with her child? Don't know where this story ranks in your 'To Do' list but I'd love to see more and I don't mind waiting for your muse.
Thanks for such a good read.
Has the die been cast now? The circumstances need to be played out whether mom likes it or not. People may need to get use to another female in the family.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Schoolgirl Mixup - Mom
Thomas is the victim of his mother's laziness and grandmother's madness. THEY should be spanked, not him.
May Your Light Forever Shine
"Do you have any idea how I feel at all?"
Okay, so maybe Amber really is more real than anybody guessed. Wow. Will Mom listen? Or will she force her back into boy mode?
Thomas or Amber?
On the surface, Thomas wants to be the boy he is. But what about his inner feelings? Which way are they leaning? Those five weeks of training by his grandmother may be difficult for him to reverse, even with everyone's help.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
You say you want to stop writing on this story
That's fine actually, but you really do need to resolve it some way before you do so. Other wise, your muses will keep kicking you in the head until you do.
I'd prefer the chapters to be longer than what's here, I mean, I'm used to 5-6000 words for one chapter, and this is not even 1000 if I'm reading right. You've set up the whole problem well, you've given the tension, and it really needs to be resolved.
In the common dialogue between Grandma, Thomas, Amy and the mothers, you really REALLY need to note who is speaking which part, it's not that obvious. And the perspective shifts from one person to another in the two paragraphs before could probably be done without. Typically (in most of the stories I read) a perspective shift from one character to another either backs up and gives reactions that may not be intuitive from expressions, or has a flashback or something similar. They generally aren't one or two sentences and that's it. Maybe fleshing them out more would work.
I really *AM* enjoying the story, so please continue if you would.
Resolve thia one or else tels... -- snicker--
Or I MAY be forced to write something..
DON'T tempt my muse... It would not be pretty.
As to the family.
The boy... it's only five weeks but his changes reek of massive hormone dosages at a critical point in his puberty. Or if something else, very different but equally medically urgent. HE needs to be taken to a hospital THIS DAY for a though work up and possible treatment. And if he is really a SHE, all the more reason to get a complete workup.
Anything and everything grandma fed him must be taken in for testing.
Second, the grandmother should be arrested and/or involuntarily committed. She is a menace to others if not herself.
The mom and the aunt?
The aunt's self comment is very telling . DON'T ever let HER near a boy. And the mom couldn't even call grandmother about the delay in Amy coming?
And what's this about no boy clothes?
Did that really happen? Or is grandmas mind slipping into LA-LA land again? Or what?
SO much that needs explaining.
And I'm sorry if I come off as cross but this so far is NOT a happy tale of a TG girl finding herself but one of a polite if shy boy being browbeaten by grandmother into a girl and not getting much of a kind reception by his wayward mom and aunt.
And Amy better shut up too. He didn't take her name voluntarily.
The only saving grace is maybe as this is only five weeks he can be successfully treated, IE restored to his formerly happy boyhood and male potential.
The school idea is shot to hell though. No way can he go there now and no way can grandmother be trusted to do anything more than weave baskets and finger paint in a mental ward. The child needs a court appointed guardian and to be taken away from this insane family. And I fear for Amy.
If it proves true that the other possibility, that he was intersexed and the changes would have happened anyways, IE the stuff grandma gave him was mostly harmless, I still fear for her safety. Still unless they knew this in advance what they did was utter careless and if done knowingly, mean spirited.
This could all be a comedy of error but it is NOT funny for the child.
'Nuf of my rant.
He is a likeable kid surrounded by a sea of mistakes.
Can he or she ever find happiness?
Can tels ever finish a story?
Should John shut up as he has several simmering on the back burner waiting comp...
Never mind.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
"Should John shut up as he has several simmering on the back burner waiting comp..."
I choose this one....
Lol your comment makes me laugh though
I pick what's behind curtain number four Mr Hall
Um... we only have THREE curtains.
What? No laughing? THAT was hilarious if you remember Let's Make a Deal.
Oh, so none of you remember the 60's/early 70's?
Back on subject, tels...
is your muse amenable to bribes?
Gentle persuasion?
Just wondering.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Hey John!
Speaking of bribes, how about a Timeout?
keep going
write more story Please
Your muse is both Wonderful and Terrible
For your muse continues to tease you with this story and dragging us along with you.
This is a Wonderful story and I eagerly anticipate the next chapter. I can see being in Thomas/Amber's position and wondering what will happen now that Amy has shown up.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
Um, Tels?
If ya wanna stop this, don't finish on a kind of cliffhanger. Write a conclusion, then take you Muse to a museum. Buy it some popcorn. Take it for a ride. Get the b----h tired!
I like the story...
...It is rather a realistic depiction of mental conditioning (It could use a little fleshing out).
"Can't we have both?"
Put it this way...
Without being shown his erm, 'equipment', gran had no way of knowing this was Thomas and not Amy. We're told way back in the first chapter the circumstances: (a) Thomas already had gynecomastia so making him appear girlish anyway, (b) his chosen outfit was fairly androgynous, (c) he was given a makeover by some girls on the bus while he was asleep, and (d) he'd somehow ended up with Amy's case rather than his. The sequence may be improbable, but it's by no means impossible, and there's no evidence of deliberate malevolent intentions on behalf of any character. They're all imperfect but handling situations in the way they best see fit, based on what they've seen / experienced.
Given his parents were going on a cruise, they would probably have been uncontactable, so the only focus for potential blame would be Aunt Peggy, who should have discovered Thomas' case. As for Thomas himself, he had a girlish figure to begin with, gran's makeover (intended to drag Amy out of her tomboyish habits) increased that further, and for the past few weeks he's been drilled in 'proper' ladylike deportment; habits he'd have to unlearn to even attempt passing as a boy again.
It may be that something in grandma's herbal vitamins may have increased his feminine development; on the other hand it may be that the gynecomastia was a symptom of being intersex and he's naturally going through the 'wrong' sort of puberty. Now the mix-up's clear, it would probably be wise for gran to phone the school tomorrow and say Amy can't come in due to a sudden onset of illness, then make an emergency (same-day) medical appointment - preferably with a doctor who has access to an endocrinologist who can also perform tests on the same day.
On to Tels' storytelling, and in response to comments above, unless Tels has edited this since posting, I find who's speaking at any given time clear - OK, so the speaker isn't always announced in advance, but always by the following line it's made abundantly clear. Narration is always from Thomas' point of view apart from the brief intermission by mum (which is clearly signposted by dividers).
As for the header message, I think Tels is implying that this was intended as a one-shot solo, but while they would prefer to work on other stories, they keep getting ideas for a continuation (possibly to a certain extent at least partially inspired / triggered by reading all our inane comments / character criticisms!) - so the story's likely to continue until they run out of ideas.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
= |
What a deplorable chain of events. Thomas needs urgent medical attention of both the physical and mental varieties, and a court appointed guardian. Just to be safe, Amy should also be removed from the care of those adults, who need a visit from the men in white coats...
I wonder if Amber is intersexed, she is even noticing boys.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Comedy of errors, if it weren't serious
Who should have called grandma when Amy got sick and stayed behind, mom or Aunt Peggy? Had grandma received a call she would have known it was Thomas who arrived, but would have questioned why the makeup--which Thomas knew nothing about at first.
And now he's being questioned as to the why behind how he's dressed. Grandma believes she's in trouble, why, her only crime was in believing Amy arrived at her home. As before, the guility two are sitting with the real Amy.
And where is Thomas's suitcase? Did Aunt Peggy grab the wrong one when Amy got sick and taken home? If she did, why, after five weeks, didn't she discover the mistake? And if she did discover the mistake, why no call to grandma with the information about Thomas' s clothes?
The identity error is going to be a problem at school, but something more important has to be dealt with first, what the four women saw when Thomas took off the dress he was wearing.
Others have feelings too.
School girl mix up mom
This story gets better and better
Girls rule
Schoolgirl mix up Mom
This story really pulls me in
I am really loving this story
Can't wait to see what happens next