A Promise is a Promise - Sneak Peak -

A Promise is a Promise
By Angel O'Hare

Since the fire in our elementary school happened in the late summer, we all had to start this year in new schools. I was supposed to start the sixth grade this year, but since I’m one of the ‘brains’ they decided to have me skip a grade and start junior high school a year sooner.

Great, just what I didn’t want to happen. I mean I was the smallest in my class as it was; now, I’ll be the smallest in the whole darn school! Another year of utter torment, once I leave the house, get to the bus stop, the ride to school on the bus, and thankfully, quickly if at all possible into my classroom. I hope that the teacher will be there and I will be left alone. Safe until lunchtime, when again I am on the defensive until I make it into the library. Yes, I spend my lunchtime at the library, much safer and a lot more peaceful than anywhere else in school. After my so-called lunch and recess break, I wait for the last minute and head back to class. I wait with the others to board the bus; the ride home is anything but peaceful as the girls all the way home tease me.

Funny how things develop, the boys tend to leave me alone unless I do something stupid like try to join them in anything. I’m treated far worse by the girls. They don’t need any time at all to come up with new ways to torment and tease me. Well, you are probably saying, so what, the little people are always picked on in school. I agree with you, but try to remember it isn’t just in school!

The little guys like me have some weird stuff to deal with at home and with relatives as well. A mother who sees what she wants and treats you as the little kid she doesn’t ever want to grow up. You know how that is, you get a kitten and you want it to stay a kitten. Well, I’m that perpetual kitten. It’s hard to be convincing and defiant in the face of your parents. I mean, you stand there and put on your most serious face and use your most serious tone. All the while getting madder as you see your parents look at you with that ‘he looks so cute when he’s mad’ look.

No, no one takes you seriously when you are little and look so young. What do you think that does to me? How do you think I feel about this situation? FRUSTRATION and impatience; I can’t wait to grow up, to grow in size and to finally have my body mature into a young man! Oh, the time this takes is way too long! Too long as each day means the same torments and limitations.


Coping skills is what you quickly develop and hone to a fine art. The one thing that keeps me from just ending it all is the thought of the future. This period in my life will end one day. When it does end, I plan on being prepared to take advantage of all that life has kept me from having. I have a brain and a damn good one at that. I keep my small body in shape and secretly teach myself both defense and offensive techniques. I am learning to use the other person’s larger size to my advantage. I am learning to use others underestimations of me for my advantage.

When you are as small and young looking as I am, people tend to treat you as they see you. They take one look and make an instant assumption based on what they observe. Now that is their biggest mistake. I can use that to my advantage. I used to cry all the time about my situation, but I cry no more. I’ve learned to turn things around and to use others underestimations to my advantage instead of letting them hurt my feelings and pride. I have a secret weapon and that weapon is my vision of my future. I have the power to choose what I will and I choose to use others stupid assumptions for my advantage.

My parents are actually helping me with my plans. They don’t realize this though, they think they are protecting me by having me develop skills and talents the other boys would never willingly partake in doing. They wrongly think that if I am kept away from the ‘bigger’ boys, I won’t be hurt, both physically and mentally. I just wonder about their memories and if they really remember what it was like in school even back in their days. I mean, doesn’t my father realize that boys are mostly physical and rarely do they win any points verbally or even think things through. I can take a punch, the pushing, and the tripping they do as entertainment. It is just a temporary thing to make them stand out for a moment in time.

I wonder why my mother seems to have forgotten what it was like back in her school days. She doesn’t seem to remember that the real cruelty done to the smaller boys was and still is committed by the girls.

This is the time when boys try and impress the girls and to try and get a girlfriend. This is when the girls begin to realize their power over the boys and use it as a weapon. The girls seek out those that they can practice these weapons on, usually those they don’t have to worry about retaliating. Don’t get me wrong here; the girls are very cunning as they develop these skills. Rarely do they practice alone and usually attack in packs. They gather, plan something for someone, and get it all together and only then do they strike! I have learned a lot by watching and listening to them.

My mother doesn’t know this, but she has taught me more than she realizes. I watch and listen as she easily manipulates my father. Her most successful tactic is using her body in certain ways. She only does this when she thinks I’m not looking. My father seems to get an extra charge out of things when she does things to him while I am in the same room. Of course, he also thinks I’m not aware. It doesn’t take long and they vanish upstairs. The next morning father is all smiles and mother has got her way one more time.

Now, I know I can’t use that power, but I can be aware of it and that makes me protected for my future. I learned one major lesson so far and that is, nothing is freely given to another. There is always a price for what you receive. That is the grown up way! I’ve learned to watch out for the hidden cost to anything my parents seem to be offering me. I watch for the hidden price for anything anyone offers me!

Unfortunately, for me, most of the time I have to accept what is offered because I have no real choice in the matter yet. My small size and babyish appearance has made this a fact of life and something I’ve had to deal with for far longer than my peers have had to. My defiance is looked upon as cute, my few attempts at throwing a tantrum backfired on me big time! I’ll never do that again, it never works anyway and all you do is make things harder on yourself by giving your parents an excuse to treat you like the baby you acted like.

Like today, sitting at the breakfast table, enjoying my eggs, toast, and tea, mother won’t let me enjoy coffee yet. My father brings the upcoming school year and the fact that I will now be in junior high school. He says,

“Terry, last night your mother informed me that she is worried about you. I tend to agree with her that you will have to be careful which courses you will be taking. With that in mind, we have set up an appointment with your school counselor.”

As usual, my mother jumps in to take over at the earliest opportunity and continues this scenario by continuing it with saying,

“Honey, we will be meeting with Ms Pitman, she’s the counselor for children with special needs. Now, before you go off on me, all that means is that you are special in that you are so small. It has nothing to do with any real handicaps, mental or physical. It’s just that she specializes in children who might have a difficult time in a big school. You will have to change classrooms several times a day and even some of the standard requirements will need to be adjusted for you.”

“Um, I figured that I would be able to pick a few courses, but I didn’t figure on needing any special counselor. I mean, there is nothing handicapped with me other than I’m small. What special needs have to be adjusted? The only changes that were ever done before was to give me more challenging school work.”

“Well, we’re going to find out later today, but first we have an appointment at the salon. Your father and I will be going out to a dinner tonight and I had scheduled myself for a complete makeover. I took the opportunity to make an appointment for you as well. I got lucky, and we will be able to get your hair trimmed while I have my makeover. Once we are done with your counselor, we will go shopping for your new school clothes and whatever other special things you might need.”

“Um, what do you mean by ‘special things’ I might need?”

“Honey, if there are labs or special clothing for certain classes, you’ll need those right?”

“Oh, yeah, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

“Ok, enough talking about all this now. Oh, Bob, (my father) would you stop by Elaine’s place for me, she has Terry’s costumes ready for the fittings.”

“Sure dear, I’ll stop by right after the noon meeting. I’ll be home early tonight so I’ll have plenty of time to get ready for the dinner.”


Oh yeah, Elaine is my dance and fitness coach. She’s the one who is secretly teaching me self-defense. I had to make a deal with her first though. The deal is that I would dance in the recitals her studio puts on and be part of the competitions when I can. It’s not to bad considering that my parents are paying for a self-defense course they know nothing about. If they knew, they would put a stop to it. Both of them think I’m just too small and according to my mother, “Too Delicate” for me to take part in those type classes yet.

Well, Elaine’s Dance Academy is putting on another performance as part of a community theatre production. Some of us were selected to take part in it. I don’t even know what it’s about yet. Elaine told me just to learn the routines and everything else was for her to worry about. The routines I learned are in a succession of progressed mobility. I start out walking crazy and my movements are jerky. I then progress to fluid movements, but I move slowly. The last part has me progress from the normal stuff to the real silly stuff. I have to show off my flexibility and grace in the weirdest ways. Jumping, hopping, skipping, running, and dancing. Crazy stuff, I just don’t understand how this could be part of a performance!

Anyway, mother has just informed me it is time to go. I guess I’m getting my haircut at her favorite salon, going to meet and talk to my school counselor, going shopping, and then trying on the costumes I’m supposed to wear for the community theatres production. Looks like a full and busy day today.


Car seats are a necessary evil in my case. I know they are needed to keep me from getting myself killed by the seatbelts designed for the average sized adult. However, mother has to strap me in and get me back out each time. I sit in the car seat, as she straps me in. Mother loves this part. It used to annoy the hell out of me, but I have my master plan now and these little things don’t bother me anymore. I just keep thinking ahead and knowing my future is going to be a great one.

Well, here we are and of course, mother sees a friend of hers as she gets out of the car. Somebody I haven’t met yet so I know what is about to happen. It goes like this every time. She starts talking and the woman comes over as mother unbuckles me and helps me out of the car seat. This usually starts the woman assuming I’m a toddler or something and they talk stupid at me. I used to throw a fit, but now I just smile and let them ramble on until they leave me an opening. That’s when I get them as I reply in my best English to let them know they have just made a big mistake. I have to be careful and cunning though. Mother will come down hard on me if I’m mean or nasty about it.

Sure enough, I have to put up with this woman’s baby babble talk for a few seconds and then I hold my hand out to shake hers, which she is very surprised at, but accepts it as I introduce myself and shake her hand. She turns red, mumbles something like an apology, and quickly goes back talking with my mother ignoring me as best she can.

Mother and I enter the salon and every one of course pauses for a brief second to see who the new arrivals are. I’m very surprised to hear someone come in behind us and… I hear,

“Oh thank God, I see I’m just in time! Jane, (my mother) we have a full dress rehearsal at the theatre tomorrow morning at nine. That means we will have to get Terry fitted in his costumes today! I really thought that we had another week before a full dress rehearsal and I have spent yesterday getting all the girls accessories and costumes done. As it is, there is not time for me to get Terry a wig. The theatres costume department doesn’t have one small enough. Thank God Terry has enough hair to do something with.”

My mother is shaking her head and I’m standing here with my mouth hanging open listening to Elaine’s babbling. The implications of what might just happen, has me wanting to run! My mother says,

“Elaine, calm down girl, now what’s all this about a rehearsal?”

“Jane, this production was chosen for its wide appeal and fund raising elements. The CT committee decided to advertise with pictures of the cast and that includes Terry because he has a lead role in the production. The play starts in just three weeks, a matinee performance for all the sponsors to the theatre. I just found out about the changes yesterday morning and have been running all day and night since then.”

“Elaine, calm down dear, we can figure this out as I get my makeover and Terry gets his hair trimmed.”

“Oh no, we need Terry to get more than a trim! He needs to have his hair done in a style that holds its shape well. Either that or have it trimmed in a style that allows for twin pigtails.”

I heard that and say in a no nonsense manner.

“Um, no way am I going to get my hair trimmed so I can wear twin pigtails! I would look like a dork, a super dork for sure!”

“Terry, it’s either the pigtails or a style that stays in place no matter how much dancing around you do. Remember your promise to me, I know this is above and beyond what you thought our deal was, but a deal is a deal. And a promise is a promise”

My mother looks at us and then asks Elaine,

“What deal are you two referring to?”

“I’m giving Terry advanced lessons at no cost to you or Bob. Terry was going to surprise you with his advanced skills, but now things have progressed beyond keeping that little surprise.”

My mother looks at me with that look and I am forced to say,

“I promised to take part in Elaine’s recitals and any productions I had time for. I didn’t know anything about this play other than learning all the steps and routines. I didn’t even know I had a leading role and I still don’t know what that role is.”

My mother then asked me.

“Terry, you promised Elaine you would do this even though you didn’t know what the play is about or what role you will be playing?”

“Um, yeah mom, so she could teach me those advanced techniques. Um, they are like dance steps that start out slow and graceful, but then progress to faster and faster movements using all of your limbs. They’re so cool mom! I’m only about half way through the lessons though. I wanted to wait and show you when I can do them all perfectly okay?”

“Okay Terry, it looks like you have promises to keep.”

My mother took charge right then and there. I was left to sit in a chair in the waiting area as Elaine, Betty, (the owner of the salon) and my mother had a quick conference. By quick, I mean at least twenty minutes as they looked through several picture albums Betty went and retrieved from behind the counter. Betty began writing things down and nodding to both Elaine and then my mother. That’s when things got real scary for me. The three of them approached me with big smiles on their faces and that meant trouble with a capital T! Mother said,

“Ok Terry, everything is going to be just fine. You have nothing to worry about Honey. You just go with Betty. Elaine and I will be back by the time you are ready.”

“Um, mother, what about your appointment?”

“I just gave it to you dear. You are going to need the time right now. Once Elaine and I are done with what we have to do, Elaine will take you to see your counselor and explain things while I get my makeover. I will join you both as soon as my makeover is done."

“But mother…”

“No buts Sweetheart, you be a good boy and do everything Betty tells you to do. We’ll be back soon enough. Now go on.”


Betty whisked me to the back room where she started to undress me talking to me as if I was a toddler. I tried to stop her from removing my clothes as I tried to explain that I was eleven, and all she had to do was ask me to do something and I could do whatever it was she wanted without her help. She replied,

“I believe your mommy has told you to mind me and do everything I say. Didn’t she say those things Honey?”

“Um, yeah, okay, I’ll do what you want.”

“Good boy, we don’t have much time to do everything that has to be done. Since all the women seeing you will think you are a little girl, I have something I want you to wear that will let them all keep thinking that way. You don’t want them all asking me why a little boy is getting a complete make-over and hair set do you?”

“Um, no ma’am, but I don’t need a make-over, just my hair done.”

“Sweetie, your fingernails are a mess, and you need a bit of special attention your mommy and Elaine wants you to have. Now, no more fussing about, we have to hurry as it is. Now we have to take these clothes and your boy’s underpants off.

With that said, I was quickly divested of all my clothing and Betty had me step into a thick pull-up that was designed for little girls! She said.

“Terry, you would look very strange to everyone wearing those boy’s underpants. I keep these here just in case, I have saved many a little girl from making a big puddle in front of everyone. Let them think what they want Terry, many a little girl and boy wear pull-ups.”

My day went from a full and very busy one to the promise of it being one long nightmare!

A little sheer yellow plastic cape and the thick pull up was all I had on and to make it even worse, they were a pair of Barbie pull-ups. On the back of them was written in bold pink letters, “Barbie Doll” and they had little Barbie heads all over them. Betty told me if I wanted them to disappear, all I had to do is wet in them. When the words and Barbie heads disappeared, that meant the pull-up was wet. I think I’ll live with the pink words and Barbie heads.


Jane and Elaine were rushing now. They had to get everything Terry would need and the theatre had nothing in his size. Elaine had thought she had done well by finding and purchasing those four first recital dresses in Terry’s size. Now they had to get the petticoats, ruffle bottom panties and the frilly-laced socks. Luckily, for them the same shop that sold the dresses sold everything else they would need.

Elaine rushed into the shop as Jane dropped her at the curb and then went to park. They were in that much of a rush. Since the finances were from the Community Theater’s account, Elaine gave the woman there a list of what she needed in the sizes she needed them in and told her it was a rush, rush order and needed filling yesterday. The woman seeing dollar signs in commissions, quickly asked the pertinent questions of Elaine.

“Ma’am, are these to match any existing costumes?”

“Oh yes…”

Elaine proceeded to show the saleslady the four recital costumes she had already purchased days ago. Unfortunately, the owner of this shop was not in today. She was the one who had helped Elaine before. The saleslady looked at the matching dresses that Elaine showed her.

The woman knew each dress and matched everything on the list to them. Rushed by Elaine, the tally totaled and the bill paid in nanoseconds.

Jane made it into the shop just as the bill was paid, and helped carry the packages to the car. They both climbed in and took off back to the salon.

On their way back, Jane grilled Elaine on what the real deal was. She knew Terry all too well. He wouldn’t have agreed to do all this just for extra dance lessons.

To Elaine’s credit, she tried every way she could to dissuade Jane from asking her to betray a promise she had made to Terry. It didn’t work though, especially when Jane threatened to remove Terry from the play. That did it! Elaine spilled her guts then. Elaine felt so bad about it she started to cry and added.

“Jane, it won’t matter now. You can slow down. Once Terry finds out you know about his and my arrangement, he will pull out of the play anyway.”

Elaine was startled, surprised, and elated when Jane said.

“I wouldn’t think of telling Terry I know about it Elaine. I’m mad as hell because he knows how both his father and I feel about that. I have a wonderful idea that will teach that young boy a lesson he won’t ever forget. You just keep on giving him his self-defense lessons, and I will be giving him other lessons until he figures it all out for himself. Now, you don’t dare tell him I know either Elaine, okay?”

“Um, okay Jane, so I should just keep giving him the self-defense lessons as before all this?”

“Yes, right up until he asks you to stop teaching him. He’s a tiny little thing, but he’s smarter than any kid his age is and even a little older. He’ll figure it out soon enough. When he does, he can return to be that cute and adorable son of mine. One that won’t lie or deceive me or his father to get what he shouldn’t have.”

Elaine spent the rest of the drive apologizing to Jane for taking advantage of their friendship by teaching Terry the movements for several styles of self-defense. She explained how she combined the movements into one long dance routine that required total body control. She added that Terry was a natural and was already halfway there. His only drawback was Terry insisted on wearing swimming trunks and a t-shirt instead of the leotards and hose the girls wore. His movements were limited as to range and full extension do to his swimming trunks and the fact that he wore his socks and not the dancing slippers.

Jane smiled and said.

“Elaine, I want you to get Terry what he needs to do his lessons properly. Get him exactly the style and colors the girls wear, and I mean everything he needs! If he really wants to learn this self-defense dance, then he will do it properly and in full compliance with the dress code all the students comply with for their dancing course.”

Elaine smiled for the first time since she spilled the beans. She could just picture Terry dressed in the pink leotards and white hose with the pink dancing slippers. He was much too small for a dancers gaff, but she could get him a special dancer’s panty that would do the trick. It is a special, spandex thong, which fit snuggly and wouldn’t show under his new dancewear. She then thought about something else and said.

“Um Jane, I require all the girls to wear a dancers bra, even the girls who aren’t showing yet. It helps them get used to the feel and when they do need it, they are already used to wearing one. Um, should I insist Terry wear one of those as well?”

Jane grinned and answered.

“Of course you should Elaine. After all, you’re the teacher and Terry is the student. He has to keep his promises, which is one thing Bob and I always stressed to him. Once he has given his word to someone, he has made a promise he must fulfill. Once his obligation he made is completed, he will have the choice to continue that special self-defense dance or not. If he does choose to continue, he will have to wear what you require everyone else wear for dance lessons. This is a dance lesson after all isn’t it Elaine?”

“Yes Jane, he learns all the base movements in this dance. Once he learns the dance is when he can progress to learn the actual individual moves. He is not learning the actual disciplines of the Karate styles yet. That comes later. How each of the dances steps progresses towards a specific self-defense movement he won’t learn until he has the dancing movements perfectly executed.”

Jane was even happier now, she said.

“What you are telling me is that Terry doesn’t know how to translate his dance to actual self-defense moves yet? Like, he really doesn’t know Karate at all, just is learning the basic movements and will only learn the actual Karate techniques later on?”

“Yes Jane, that’s right. He has about six more months of dancing I would guess. That is before he will be ready to learn the actual techniques of the Karate itself.

“Jane, my husband Len, is the master and his dojo is across town. I have a black belt in three Karate disciplines, but he is a certified master in the three. I developed this dance incorporating all three of the basic disciplines movements into one long dance. Len loves it, and has learned the dance himself and offers it as a special for those students wanting to learn all three disciplines. Terry is the first to learn the dance as all Len’s students have only picked one discipline to learn so far. Once Terry perfects the dance Len will take him on as a student guaranteed.”

“Elaine, I’ll talk it over with Bob, but I think if Terry sticks with going through all we are about to put him through, we’ll probably allow him to continue with your husband Len. If he does stick it out, until he learns that dance perfectly, he will have shown us that he means what he says and keeps his word. That level of maturity will earn him that right. That is, if Len agrees to teach him. He is a tiny child you know, and can be injured rather easily.”

“I know that Jane, but he is tougher than you think he is. He is a tiny little one, but he is as tough as nails inside. Once he has made a decision to do something, he does it. I haven’t seen him give in to anything so far. He has worked so hard and I’ve seen the tears of pain in his eyes. Most girls will quit dancing when they reach that point, but Terry has that determination only few have. Just like my advanced girls, Terry has passed each point through pain, awkwardness, blisters, and frustration by becoming more determined than ever.”

Jane just smiled, so proud of her son, but he did violate the golden rule and he would have to suffer through the consequences. If he did so with as much determination, he has had so far. His reward will be to take lessens from Len. Real honest to goodness Karate lessens.


Bob called Elaine’s studio just before he left work. He found out he didn’t have to go there after all. He decided that he could make the meeting with that special needs counselor after all. He would surprise Jane at the salon and they could leave from there. He stopped at the florists and picked up a nice bouquet for Jane. She would love this; he would definitely get a special treat tonight! He chuckled, paid for the flowers, and drove to the salon.


Jane and Elaine had to park down the street a good distance from the salon. The town center was quickly filling up with people and their vast array of vehicles. Elaine selected the prettiest, frilliest, girliest dress and all the accessories right down to the frilly socks and shiny black leather topped dancing shoes that looked just like little girl’s Mary Jane shoes. Elaine and Jane, each carrying a garment bag and a smaller bag made there way to the salon, each wearing a big smile as they happily chatted away.


Meanwhile all that was going on Terry went through an array of amazing things. He was shocked to the core, but behaved and let Betty and another woman named Lucy do what they decided had to be done.

The first thing was getting his hair washed, rinsed, conditioned, and rinsed again. Betty then wet his hair with smelly stuff and covered it with a plastic cap. All this was done while he sat in a special chair designed to let the hairdresser work on little children, it resembled an adjustable highchair for little babies complete with an attachable table, which Lucy was now using to do Terry’s fingernails.

Terry was paying rapt attention to what Lucy was doing. After soaking his fingers and thumbs in a little bowl of soapy liquid, Lucy cleaned, trimmed, and then roughened the surface of Terry’s nails. She then coated one with a paste she had mixed up using a small mold to give it a rough shape. She did this with each of his fingers and his thumbs. She made him hold his hands under this blue light that also blew heated air on his hands. Once they were dry and hard, Betty took over.

Betty tilted the chair back as Lucy adjusted the attached table. Terry’s hair was being rinsed again, but this time when he was sat up straight, Betty began to snip at it with scissors. When she was done with the snipping, she put in small curlers. She would comb out a section of his hair, hold it between her fingers and put a piece of paper on it and then roll it super tightly and clip it close to his scalp. Each curler felt like it was pulling his hair out! Lucy was busy again; she was now shaping his fingernails using a little electric sander. She changed the sanding wheel several times until Terry’s nails were a gleaming white and shaped like girls nails were. They were longer now, but not by much, a quarter inch longer than they were before, but now they were perfectly shaped.

Lucy smiled and then stuck a tiny patch on both of Terry’s earlobes. Betty then put a hair band around Terry’s forehead and around his ears. She tilted the chair back once again and proceeded to saturate each curler on his head with the foulest smelling liquid Terry had ever smelt in his life! Once that was done, Terry was sat under a very loud professional hair dryer. He couldn’t hear anything over the loud noise the hair dryer made. He just looked around and every time he saw one of Betty’s customers, they were looking at him. They smiled and mouthed words at him. He knew what they were saying, all baby talk, telling him he was a pretty-little girl, a princess, and all the rest of that rot! He just smiled and didn’t look around anymore. Instead, he just closed his eyes and tried to relax. Yeah right!

His mind started thinking right away. How the heck did he get in these situations? He made a few promises to get what he wanted and now look! He didn’t know what he would look like when they finally finished with him, but he knew he wouldn’t like it at all. He then reminded himself of his long-term plan. His determination and resolve renewed, he relaxed and focused on his future instead of the here and now.

He made another glance around the salon and spotted his mom and Elaine. They were removing things out of a couple of garment bags, and a few boxes and plastic shopping bags. Terry’s eyes bulged out seeing that fancy, frilly dress! Then they were blocked from view as several of the woman customers, Betty and Lucy surrounded Elaine and Jane. Lucy came over a few minutes later carrying a covered tray. She sat down next to Terry and then proceeded to paint his fingernails a shiny pink, three coats, drying each before adding another and then another coat of this clear stuff that made them even shinier! OH GEEZE, not shiny pink fingernails, and he still had to meet with that counselor woman!

Terry had to work hard at centering himself and focusing on his master plan before he could relax once more. It worked though, just as it always worked. Now he could focus on that and it made things much easier for him.

The loud dryer shut off and he heard a loud ding sound. His ears were ringing and it was still hard to hear. Lucy came around behind him and he felt a pressure on one of his earlobes, then the same pressure on his other earlobe. It felt like someone gave them a quick squeeze and then was just holding them between their fingers. Lucy came around front looking hard at each of his ears and smiled saying.

“Just perfect, the keepers are in and those earrings will match your pretty outfit perfectly.”

EARRINGS, did she just say earrings? What are keepers?

Terry felt his earlobes and sure enough, he felt an earring in each. Betty walked over with a huge smile on her face as she wheeled his chair back over to the sink, reclined it and saturated each curler with yet another very smelly liquid. She left him reclined like that for a few minutes and then rinsed his hair. Back under the dryer he went. He looked around and saw that the dress was gone, but all the women including his mom and Elaine were looking at him. All wearing huge smiles and each trying to mouth those stupid things grown-ups say to little girls. Little girls getting their hair done, fingernails painted, and even their ears pierced! He could tell most were saying he looked like a real princess, GEEZE!

He was forced to focus again, and then he relaxed. He could do this; nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted or stop him from his future-plan! He actually smiled; this surprised his mom and Elaine. They had thought Terry would be very upset by now, but there he sat with a smile on his face! Could he be enjoying himself? Could he be enjoying this treatment? Maybe, just maybe, Terry loved all this pampering. They would soon find out when they dressed him though. The reaction he gave them when he was all dressed up and looking like a little beauty queen would tell the tale for sure.

The dryer stopped once again and the tell tale ding sounded. Betty came over wheeling a cart with a bunch of stuff on it. It had a mirror with lights too. Elaine and Jane walked over soon after as Betty was removing the tiny perm rods. That was what she called them as Terry listened to her chatter on. He asked her.

“Miss Betty, what are keepers?”

She answered.

“Well beautiful, keepers are tiny special inserts with a hole down the center. We soak them in alcohol and pop them into your earlobes. That way you can wear any style earrings you want instead of having to wear starter studs. The keepers absorb the alcohol keeping the holes germ free and they heal a lot faster too. The holes will stay open in just a few days instead of a few weeks.”

“Um, what’s a perm?”

“Just what you’ve just gotten Princess. A perm is a special hair treatment that makes your hair very curly and will keep those curls just like new for weeks. You won’t need to keep putting your hair in curlers every night. Sleeping in curlers is very uncomfortable, but you get used to it after a while. You won’t have to worry about that now though. This perm turned out beautifully! The coloring is much nicer now as well.”

“Um, coloring? It changed the color of my hair?”

“No, silly girl, a perm doesn’t do that, but the hair dye I used sure did. From a mousy brown, to a wonderful strawberry blond, you look just like a beautiful princess now Terry. Everything turned out perfectly. Now Lucy will add just a bit of lippy and do your eyelashes. Once those are done, you can get dressed. Everyone here is just dying to see you all dressed in your pretties.”

Lucy walked over and smiled at Elaine and Jane’s expressions. They hadn’t said a word during Terry’s comb out. They just stared with their mouths agape. Lucy sat down and turned the light on that surrounded the mirror on the cart. Terry’s eyes bugged right out of his head when he saw himself in that mirror; he actually turned around to see where that beautiful little girl was. Lucy took hold of his chin and turned his face back to facing the mirror. She said.

“Yes Terry, that beautiful little girl you see IS you.” She chuckled as she painted a liquid on Terry’s lips that made them tingle and go numb. While his lips were going numb and actually puffing up a bit more than they were just seconds before, Lucy coated Terry’s eyelashes with a clear liquid using a tiny thin curved brush. She then used a funny shaped tool that she squeezed his eyelashes with giving them a definite curl. She then coated them with a dark colored liquid using another tiny curved brush. Terry’s eyelashes were longer and fuller now. He could actually see the ends of them as he blinked. While he tried to look at himself again, she drew a dark pink outline around his lips with a pencil. She then used another tiny brush to coat his lips with a pink colored liquid. That done, she used a clear liquid to cover the pink color using another tiny brush, and now Terry’s lips looked wet, full, and shiny pink.

The salon was so still and quiet, it was as if no one was there! Everyone was just starring at this tiny vision of beauty seldom seen. Huge, deep, sapphire blue eyes flashed as they gazed in the mirror. Bambi eyes people called them. Beautiful full perfectly shaped eyelashes complimented those striking huge blue eyes. Perfectly shaped glossy wet full lips slowly turned up into a smile that dazzled everyone once again. Terry turned to look at his mother and said.

“That’s me! I can’t believe that’s me!”

He noticed the tears in his mother’s eyes and Elaine was just starring as were everyone else in the salon. Terry smiled and said.

“Why are you crying mom? Don’t I look pretty?”

Jane shook her head as did Elaine and Jane said.

“OH Sweetheart, you are the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen!”

That broke the spell and soon verbal bedlam broke out in the salon. Terry was whisked into the back to get dressed by his mom and Elaine.


Bob was swearing now, trying to find a parking space downtown during lunchtime was a nightmare and near impossible. He finally spotted a space and it was just two cars up from Jane’s car! He lucked out big time and now he was smiling. He grabbed the flowers, got out of the car and walked to the salon. He walked in and waited to catch Betty’s attention since he didn’t see Jane or Terry anywhere. The shop was abuzz with talk about a very-beautiful little girl, transformed right before their eyes. She was a pretty-little thing when the transformation began, but now she was beyond beautiful, a rare beauty seldom seen anywhere. Bob couldn’t believe his ears! He finally caught Betty’s attention and she was very surprised to see him. She quickly motioned him to follow her and she took him into her small office. She said.

“Bob, you’re not going to believe this…”

He interrupted her and said.

“Yeah Betty I heard that you transformed a little girl into a rare beauty, But where is Jane and Terry?”

“Um, Bob, have a seat and I’ll tell you.”

Bob began to feel a bit uneasy as he sat down. Betty continued.

“Bob, Elaine showed up all upset and excited. It seems Terry had agreed to perform for her with her studio dancers for teaching him some advanced dance things. Turns out, they cast him in a starring role for the Community Theatres coming production. The schedule was pushed up by a lot and Elaine was stuck without a wig for Terry. His head is too small for anything the theatre has. Anyway, she went out and bought his costumes because again, nothing the theatre had was small enough for Terry. The first dress rehearsal is tomorrow, so we had to do everything we could for the production today. Um, Bob, that beautiful little girl everyone is talking about is actually Terry. You won’t believe your eyes, nobody did! She’s just, um; he’s just so beautiful! Please don’t be upset and ruin this by getting angry. It wasn’t anyone’s fault Bob. It just happened. Let me get Jane and she can talk with you before you see Terry okay Bob?”

Bob was stunned and in shock. He shook his head and just nodded as he tried to gather himself together and hash this all out. Jane could help with that, he really needed her right now! He glanced down at the bouquet of flowers he was still holding, smiled, and thought everything would be okay.


Elaine and Jane were still reassuring Terry that everything would be okay as they dressed him. They made him keep the pull-up on saying it would hide the tell tale little bulge his ‘Little Willy’ would make. Elaine promised him she had something else he could wear under the pink satin, frilly laced edged, ruffled ribbon lace covered bottom rumba panties he now wore. They fit snuggly because of the pull-up, but they still looked good. It made him appear to have a full puffy bottom and that was a plus. Terry just sighed and rolled his eyes. The full petticoat lowered over his head and arms very carefully. The white socks with the frilly pink lace trim above his ankles were slipped over his feet and then the shiny black leather topped dancing shoes. They did look just like a pair of little girl’s Mary Jane Shoes. Finally, the dress was carefully lowered over his head The dress was a sheer white taffeta, with pink lace trim and embroidered with tiny pink flowers in the center of tiny pink satin bows. It had a white satin cloth belt embroidered with the same tiny flowers and bows. With his waist cinched by the belt, the dress now showed off Terry’s new charms. His chest puffed out just enough and his hips appeared wider. He looked beyond stunning! He was beyond pretty; he was the most beautiful little girl anyone had ever seen! A head turner was an understatement. He would stop people in their tracks when they saw him.

Betty knocked on the door and insisted Jane has a chat with her. It was just a minute later, that Jane popped her head in the door and told Elaine and Terry to stay where they were until she came and got them.

Jane walked into Betty’s office expecting to see a very upset husband, but instead found him handing her a bouquet of flowers, giving her a hug and a kiss, before he asked her to explain what was going on. A very relieved Jane filled Bob in on everything. She told him about Terry’s subterfuge he pulled on them and the promises he made to Elaine. She quickly explained everything including the part about Len and the future Karate lessens. Bob just nodded and said he agreed. Now he wanted to meet his beautiful new daughter everyone was raving about.

Terry was looking at himself in the full-length mirror, swaying back and forth making his petticoat caress his legs. He just loved the way that felt and he still couldn’t believe that beautiful little girl in the mirror was him. Elaine just kept repeating how beautiful he was and she was sure his leading role in the play would be a huge success. That was when the door opened and Terry glanced in the mirror seeing his father! OH GEEZE, what was his dad going to think of him dressed and looking like this! Terry actually lost it for a second or two before he once again centered himself and concentrated on his future-plan. He just calmed when his father scooped him up in his arms, gave him a hug, and told him how proud he was that he was doing this for Elaine and keeping his word and promises. Terry said.

“Um dad, are you sure it’s okay”

Bob answered.

“Honey, I think you should use daddy and Mommy now. Little girls don’t call their mothers and fathers mom and dad. And yes, it’s more than okay Princess. You make a very beautiful daughter and one a daddy would be very proud to call his own.”

Betty announced it was overdue for Princess Terry to make her appearance. All the women customers had stayed just to see her come out all dressed and beautiful. Betty wanted a few pictures as well. Then they would have to rush to make that meeting with the school counselor.

Everyone but Terry made there way back into the main salon. Terry heard Betty announce him, well her and he walked through the curtain to applause, gasps and flashes. He smiled his sweetest smile at all times and even made a perfect curtsy! He loved the attention and all the praise he received. His parents were beaming with pride and love. It was then they posed for a few quick pictures and Bob took Terry with him for the meeting as Jane stayed behind to get her makeover. It was the quickest makeover she had ever received and that Betty had given, but she was ready in an hour and looking beautiful.


Bob, holding onto Terry’s hand walked into the school and down the corridor to the counselor’s office. Ms Barbara Pittman was waiting inside seated behind her desk. The door was open so Bob and Terry just walked inside. Ms Pitman smiled and said.

“Mr. Ames, I’m so glad you could make it today. I see you have brought your very-pretty daughter with you, but where are your wife Jane and your son Terry? My meeting was scheduled with them.”

“Ms Pittman, please call me Bob, Jane will be here as soon as she can. She’s been delayed with a previous appointment. Before we begin with what you have planned for Terry, I would like to hear your ideas on what would be best for him. By then my wife should be here and she will tell you a story. After that, you will meet Terry and I hope we can work things out to everyone’s needs and expectations.”

Ms Pittman said.

“Well Bob, this is an interesting development, please call me Barbara, but when Terry arrives it would be best to go back to calling me Ms. Pittman. Is that all right with you Bob?”

“Yes, that’s fine Barbara.”

“Bob, I have Terry’s files and reviewed all of them very carefully. This is a unique case because your son has no real handicaps other than his extremely small size for his age group. The fact that he has been advanced a grade makes this even more difficult. He will not know anyone or have any friends attending this school with him. As I understood the files, he has always had problems with his fellow students. He does cope very well under these trying circumstances though and that is a huge plus.

Bob, I have organized a mentoring group here as well as a buddy system for children with special needs. Terry qualifies for the buddy system, but I hesitate to assign him a boy for a buddy. If I did this, I would be in affect, assigning him a bodyguard. That would be the wrong message to send. I instead want to assign him a girl as a buddy. I have one in mind that I believe would be a perfect match. This will work for several reasons.

1. Terry is too small to use our student bathroom facilities. The ones with toilets low enough for him to use are reserved for wheelchair bound students. Unfortunately, we have no urinals of the old style. All the urinals in this school are the wall mounted units and they are too high for Terry to utilize do to his small size. That leaves us with just two alternatives and I propose a combination of the two. We have purchased an appropriately sized potty chair for Terry’s use, and are keeping it at the nursing office. Terry is to go there each and every time he needs to use the bathroom. That leaves a problem of time and distance. I understand that Terry needs to use the facilities more often do to his size. It just isn’t realistic or practical to expect him to be able to go through the school day without having an accident. You see Bob, Terry needs to wait for his buddy when he is in between classes or has to walk the halls for any reason without a someone with him. This is for his safety and the liability of the school. I propose that Terry wear some type of protection to school. Be they disposable diapers, pull-ups, or some form of catheter system. I warn you against the catheter systems though. They are not that reliable and he will have to remove it for his dancing and swimming classes.

2. The student I have in mind, lives near you, and will be taking the same bus as Terry. She can meet him at your house, walk with him to the bus stop, and then ride with him on the bus to school. The same for the return trip home because she has the same class schedule and activities I have assigned Terry to take.

Bob, I can tell you this much about her and her family before you decide. Her parents are very loving and her mother volunteers to watch and care for handicapped children in her home. She has a little sister that is handicapped and requires full care. This girl has been taking care of her little sisters needs for several years now. She is mature, very understanding, and an all around wonderful person. I think she and Terry could help each other. Oh yes, she is also in gymnastics, so in that vein I have enrolled Terry in that gymnastics class. I know he has no experience with gymnastics and this is a girl’s class, but do to his size and his dancing experience I think this would be good for him. A cross training that will help him develop even better skills with coordination and strength.


Terry was taking all this in as Barbara was openly talking about her plans for him. He couldn’t hope for this type of disclosure complete with the reasons if she knew he was sitting right there. She was being open and honest with Terry’s father and Terry appreciated this fact. He respected Ms Pittman the more he listened and heard her reasons for the decisions she made on his behalf. Even though she has never met him, she has shown her genuine concern for him.

Just then, Jane walked in and Bob quickly asked Barbara for a minute to talk with his wife. She nodded and all three, Terry, Bob and Jane walked down the hallway out of Ms Pitman’s hearing range.

Bob filled Jane in on everything that was said, and went on so far. Terry added that he didn’t really like the catheter or diaper ideas, but would live with it if he had to. He wouldn’t wear a catheter under any circumstances once his parents explained to him what it was. Have a thing stuck over his Willy with a tube leading into a bag either stuck or strapped to his thigh, no way!

Terry added he liked the buddy system idea and wanted to meet this girl. She did live nearby and he wanted some real friends desperately. He than asked the most important question of all. He asked.

“Um mommy, daddy, what about the way I’m dressing for the play, um, and the way I look now. Do you think Ms Pitman will understand this?”

It was decided that Jane would tell the story to Barbara while Bob and Terry took a walk around the school. If everything went all right, Barbara could come and get them. They would wait near the front entrance after a walk through the school.

Barbara was surprised to see only Jane come back and was soon listening to a fantastic, but interesting tale. Once the tale was told, plus a few other personal worries and concerns Jane had, an hour and a half had elapsed.


Terry and his dad explored the school, the pool, the gymnasiums, and the grounds. They were patiently waiting out front for Jane to come and get them, or just get in the car and go home. While they were waiting, a car drove up and a mother and a girl got out. They opened the trunk as the girl readied a special large stroller as the mother removed a girl about Terry’s size from a car seat. She gently and lovingly strapped her into the stroller and they made their way to the front of the school where Bob and Terry were waiting.

The girl was holding a cell phone, which she kept checking every few seconds. As they made there way to wait next to Bob and Terry the mother said.

“Hello, I’m Kimberly Townsend and these are my daughters Carolyn and Betty.”

Bob stood as did Terry and he introduced himself by saying.

“Hi Mrs. Townsend, I’m Bob Ames and this is my daughter for now Terry. My wife Jane is inside talking with Ms Pitman.”

This got a surprise reaction from Mrs. Townsend, but she just gave Bob that look that asks what that weird statement meant.

Bob chuckled and looked at Terry who giggled and Terry prepared to tell his story. He first raised both his arms straight up five times in succession while he concentrated and then began his tale. The story of how he was a boy looking like he was now appearing. Surprisingly the story came out easy, carefree, and very accurate, as if it was a normal thing to have happen to a tiny eleven-year-old boy. Carolyn said.

“KEWLIES, that is so neat! Um, Terry, you make the prettiest girl I’ve ever met and that means all of them. I don’t know any girl around here as pretty as you are. Hey, I’m supposed to meet a boy with special needs in a few minutes. Is that you Terry?”

“Um I think so; Barbara said she wanted me to have a buddy, but not a boy buddy, but a girl. She described you both pretty well I think. She said…”

Mrs. Townsend and Carolyn felt good that Ms Pitman thought that highly of them both. Carolyn then asked Terry.

“Um, Terry, why did you keep raising your arms like that?”

“Oh, it’s a technique to help you remember what you want to remember and link the left and right sides of your brain so they work better together.”

“Really, does it work?”

“Yeah, it works great, you should try it. You raise your arms straight up five times; you can do it slowly or fast. It’s up to you. While you are doing that, try to concentrate on a colored symbol pictured in your mind. The combination of using both your arms like that and concentrating on a symbol and color link both sides of your brain. You can remember stuff much better then. I like to use it before tests and important times I need to remember stuff. It works great! Just by doing the arm lift thing, five times helps all by itself. You should do that at least once a day.”

Terry couldn’t help smiling as everyone did the arm lift thing and looked like they were concentrating too. When they were done, they each paused a second or two and then smiled. Betty squealed and Terry went up to her and asked if she wanted to try it. Betty smiled and squealed again so Terry lifted her arms for her five times slowly. When he was done, Betty had a different expression on her face, it was one of wonder, and she was looking all around as if she was seeing things for the first time. Mrs. Townsend was surprised as was Carolyn. Betty was actually smiling, and very calm. This was a first for her.

Carolyn asked.

“Terry, how do you know all this stuff?”

“Um, I have a friend named Kimmie online that knows all about this stuff. She taught it to me one night while I was chatting with her and we just expanded things from then on. I have a link if you want it. It explains all this stuff and how it works, if they know how it works. Some of the stuff works, but they don’t know why yet.”

Carolyn said.

“KEWLIES Terry, I’d like that. Hey, you want to be my girlfriend. We’re already buddies I think.”

That got them both giggling and they walked away from the adults hand in hand to chat. Bob and Kimberly looked at each other and smiled, shaking their heads.

Kimberly said.

“That is one remarkable son you have there Bob, or should I say daughter?”

“I think daughter for now Kimberly. I don’t understand this myself, but she took to this as a duck takes to water for some reason. I think it’s all the positive attention she has received, while in girl mode. As a boy, Terry has a very hard time. Being the small size he is, and looking, well, pretty, he’s a target for both the girls and the boys. In girl mode, he’s just another pretty girl.”

Kimberly laughed, she really laughed, when she stopped laughing she said.

“Bob, she is definitely not just another pretty girl. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Those eyes, that face, that smile can melt ice cubes! You better watch out for her, those lips scream kiss me!”

Bob got a worried look on his face and that made Kimberly laugh even harder than before. It was then that Jane came out to get Bob and Terry. The introductions were made, a short explanation was given, and they decided they should go inside and talk with Ms Pitman.


The meeting began, the small office a little cramped for six people with one being in a stroller. They all managed to fit comfortably though. They talked freely and openly even about the idea of Terry wearing some type of protection to school. Mrs. Townsend had just the item Terry would need and she had plenty of them. The way she described them they would be ideal for Terry. He would be forced to wear dresses though. They would show through slacks, shorts, or snug fitting skirts. Terry rolled his eyes thinking that his days in boy’s clothes could be over.

Things got even more serious when they discussed Terry would more than likely be coming to school dressed as a girl. Giving that the play would still be going on and he was one of the leads in the play. It would be too much work to keep changing from a boy and then back into a girl so many times. Since he decided he was definitely going to keep his promises, he had given his word after all; the only solution was for him to get special permission from the school board. Ms Pittman, knowing that several of the board members were also members of the community theatre and strong supporters of it, knew that permission would be granted, started amending Terry’s schedule. She also pointed out that to some people and students this would be crossing their own lines of understanding. There would be trouble, but nothing the school and its staff couldn’t handle.

The Ames family was given a list of things they would need to purchase and Terry needed to have for school in the fall. The dancing program required leotards, hose, and dancing shoes. The gymnastics program had a few specific required items as well. The swimming program it was decided Terry would wear the girls swim suit. Finally, the meeting ended. Bob and Jane were running late for their dinner date, they would be rushed to get to their dinner on time. Mrs. Townsend offered to watch Terry and they quickly agreed, so it was that Terry went over to the Townsend house dressed in all his finery riding in their car as Bob and Jane drove their cars home.

Terry would be spending the night and Jane would pick him up early the following day. It would then be a little busy getting ready for the nine o’clock rehearsal at the theatre.

Any comments and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated....

Huggles All

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