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The Silver Ghost-Book One
Danielle Leigh-Anne O'Bryan
Chapter One:
Hello! Believe it or not my name is Terri. Not Terrance or even Terry but the feminine diminutive. I have come to the conclusions that my Parents hate me. Even my sister, six years my senior, used me for her verbal punching bag as well as a living Barbie. I can remember times when I was so humiliated by her parading me in front of all the relatives in her baby clothes that I would lose conciousness. Nobody cared though. It was as if my sister had received all the Love my Family had and there was none left over for me.
Since I was a scrawny youth with no muscle power at all, sports, et. al. were not happening for me. I was the poster child for geekdom. I was, however, a powerhouse in the brain department and it was in this regard that I hoped to garner at least my parents respect. I was a straight 'A'+ student all through school! It wasn't that hard!
My teachers were appaled that my parents would not allow me to be advanced faster as I was head and shoulders above even them. My parents dithered on about social implications and my need to remain in my 'peer' group. My peer group was in the University across town! My teachers recognized my talents, bless them, and had arranged for Univeristy classes for me at least three days a week unbeknownst to my parents.
I swear that they just wanted to make sure that I was available to the jocks to torment and the stupid people to beat on. If I had a dime for every bruise, contusion, and laceration I would be very well off. The nursing staff at school had a pool running as to what I would need looked at each day. Did anybody do anything to stop this abuse. Of course not! Ruin their fun! God no!
I do remember back when I was in grade two that a new teacher called Family Services because of my bruises etc. A worker came to our house! My parents were scandalized! The worker was frostily shown my closet, ummmm! Room, with it's adequate accomadations, clothing, light,heat, and ventilation. The house was clean if somewhat spartan! The worker was invited to share our evening meal. It too was hot, bland, but nutritous. The worker left in disgust at the total lack of positive emotions in the house. Then again it was not against the law to not show your children 'Love' just that no one was supposedly allowed to abuse children. Sadly abuse was not only physical.
I continued to bring home report cards of straight A+'s loaded with my teachers accolades but nothing would get me more than "Adequate" from my parents. While my sister got a car for her first 'C+'! I think it was in makeup or something. While I may be the poster child of geek-hood she was the epitome of the 'Air-Headed Bimbo'. For some unfathomable reason my parents doted on her. This was and still is a very sore issue with me. I never recieved any explanations. I did as I was told, or else!
The year prior to my sister leaving to go to cheerleader school the weirdness started. I would find more and more of her clothes showing up in my closet and drawers as if I was expected to wear Them. I asked Sis about it but just got her blank bimbo look! I can remember waking up to pain in my buttocks as if someone had stuck me with pins but when a new vitamin regime was introduced I got suspicious. Hey! I was a kid but I was far from stupid!
I took a couple of the pills over to some friends at the University. (Yes I had friends there. They at least respected my intellect!) The results that came back staggered me. They were very potent female hormones. I got a copy of the lab report with their statement of where they received the drugs from and I added this to my mountain of pictures, videos, letters, memos and now medical information. When I found out who was responsible I would have the info to bring them down.
While I was at the lab I dropped my pants, to the whistles from most of the class, so that my friends could get swabs of whatever was being injected into me as I slept. I just shook my head at them in mock disgust. "Perverts!" They thought this was hilarious! When the results came back the whole class was shocked! Someone had implanted me with nano-pumps filled with congugated Estrogens, progesterones, and anti-Androgens. I was being led down the rose covered path to a female Puberty! Why?
My friends even asked various medical professors at the University to take a look and see if they could help remove them. Well at least I got free medical!
MRI's, Cat-scans,X-Rays, and Ultrasounds showed a dismal picture though. The implants were not meant to come out and could disintegrate, prematurely flooding my system with very powerful drugs, if messed with and the worst news is that they had already started their work. My pelvis was that of a young girl and my hips were growing. It wouldn't be long before the other secondary characteristics would begin. The students and professors alike were aghast that anybody would not only do this to a minor child, a boy, but do it on the sly. Had I been a 'normal' youth I wouldn't had thought anything about it. Puberty was expected to bring about strange feelings and bodily changes!
I now had enough information to put behind bars whoever was doing this to me. Sadly I had to concur with my friends at the University, It 'HAD' to be one or both of my parents! The forty-million dollar question was....... WHY?
So this brings us to my fourteenth birthday!
Imagine my surprise upon entering the house to see it all decorated with birthday stuff! I even backed out the door to check the address to make sure I had entered the right home. I saw this saddened my parents somewhat! Well, what did they expect? The first time in fourteen years that they show me any real emotion or kindness! Of course I'm shocked! The house was filled with all sorts of relatives, some I had never met. I was led to believe that the fourteeth year of a child in this family was an event! This was too much for me and I was all set to run away from this madness when Father took my hand and gently pulled me to the living room table. Who was this guy? A pod person? My shocked look at his tenderness made him start to cry.
Call the paramedics! Insanity had just struck this entire household! Who were these people? My family's only emotional response to date was mild anger! I guess I said this all out loud as the room quieted down as everyone looked guilty. "We are so sorry Terri! We had to do it! But not anymore! Now we can show you all the love we have had to hold back for so long!" "Happy Birthday, sweetheart!" The room exploded with birthday greetings!
I had tenderly been sat at the dining room table by this time and surrounded by all these crazy people! I was actualy terrified! I kept shifting in my seat waiting for a opening I could break through and get away. This was too bizzare for me, thank you very much. I had gone from being a recluse in my own home to suddenly having the spotlight on me. People were being NICE! This was not normal! I was starting to get angry. Was this a setup? Were the Child Services here again?
"Fuck off! Just FUCK OFF! For fourteen years I am treated like less than dog shit and now this! What kind of perverted, twisted, sick game is this." I screamed at them!
Many blanched and stepped back in shock and sadness from my tirade. I heard things like "Well it was to be expected!" to "Not very Lady like, Terri!"
This set me off even more. It was bad enough that someone was trying to turn me into a girl but now they were going to treat me like one. I reached into my school bag that was still miracuosly attached to my shoulder, grabbed one of the bottles of "Vitamin" Supplements, opened it and threw the pills at the assholes surrounding me. "Lady like! Lady like! Not bloody likely you sick twisted perverts! I never took this poison! I am still a boy! Now I am a MAN! I refuse to take this crap from you. I refuse to be turned into a girl for your sick twisted entertainment! Now get the FUCK away from me!!!!!!"
Both my Mother and Father had blanched at my speech and now were openly weeping! The extended family of Uncles, Aunts, Nephews,Neices, Grandparents, and cousins started to filter out. As they passed me they all had to pat me on the shoulder while whispering things like. "This was to be a happy time! We are so sorry you found out!" Weird!
Soon the house was quiet except for my parents cuddling each other, crying still, on the couch! I turned to them with distain. "Well! What did you expect? I was supposed to thank them and fawn all over them for the privilage of being their 'JOKE' of the week. I can not begin to understand why you hate me so! I have spent my entire life trying to get you to even 'Like' me. I gave up my childhood so that I could excell scholasticly! Never so much as a 'well done' or 'good marks son!' No! You made sure to hold me back to be the brunt of all the jocks and stupid people that resented my intellect. You made sure that my stupid sister would get all the love and attention in this house! My God! She got a CAR for a C+. She probably got her mark mixed up with someone else. She couldn't get a D+ without help but you doted on her and treated me like shit! And 'you're' acting upset! Jesuz H. on a popsicle stick! This is one sick demented family!" I pushed my way off my chair making it slam against the wall! My parents jumped at the sound and held each other even tighter. I left in disgust and went down to my lab in the basement.
I got downstairs to get another shock! It would appear as if someone had gone through all my stuff. Papers and books were scattered all over the place. Bastards! I found the hidden button and opened the door to the 'Secret' room. It used to be a cool room! You know, where canned goods were stored. But no-one in this household ever did any canning so I took it over for my lab. It was easy to extend the wall to hide it and simplicity itself to make a door that was so camoflauged as to look like the wall! The resultant room was fifteen by twelve feet and held my inventions!
This was my refuge! I had sound proofed the room as best I could with second hand acoustical tiles etc. I had even wrapped the whole room in a 'Faraday' cage. This small weave metal cage, when properly grounded prevented any electromagnetics in or out. I know, a little mad scientistic, but with some of the stuff I was doing in here it could be disturbed by other electro-signitures. What could be so dangerous you think, after all this boy is only 14?
Well, this brings up another wierdness I have been experiencing for the last three years. I have this incredible ability to 'bond', if that is the right word, with ANY machine. It would seem as if these machines would always try their best to work the very, very best they could. It was amazing as I exceeded all bench marks on ANY device. With computers it was down right scary! I would seem to meld with them as we would be trying one experiment after another. It got so (bad/good) as time went on and my parents seemed to get further away I would be getting closer with my various machines, computers, and some real interesting devices. (I'll tell you about some of them later!) These were my children and I felt as if they were giving me familial love and support. Maybe I was a tad crazy. You would be too if you had to live my life.
I closed the door behind me and sighed in relief. Here I was safe, loved and protected by my children!
Lately I had got a bit off my regular path as I discovered Physics, quantum mechanics, mesons, tachyons, et al. My brain had no trouble just sucking in all the information I could get. I was a sponge for esoterica as well as I was now entering into the possibily of 'Time travel' itself. It didn't take a genius to understand that tachyons were moving out of sync with everything else and that their 'temporal' signature was reversed from any other matter/energy in our universe. I was attempting to skim information from these burst of what I called 'time travellers' in an attempt to 'see' the past.
In order to even see to trap these slippery little suckers and hold them in place while I 'read' them required me to invent my very own devices. They in themselves could win me a Westinghouse prize at least. Utilizing coherent energy (Much like lasers) I shaped and moulded instruments of light that could grab, in a pincer like way, tiny particles of both energy and plasma (a combo of energy and matter) as small as .0005 Microns thick. Now your everyday wandering tachyon was usually in the range between .0099 and .0055 microns so snagging them was veritably easy. Of course I had to write a computer program to explain to my devices the care and feeding of tachyons in the wild. :-)
As usual the interchange of information went very fast and smoothly. I could, via my computer, grab a tachyon and utilizing another invention of mine, my 'reader', get data from them. I was very excited as I thought I had gathered enough 'data' to attempt to translate what I had!
I found that many tacyons (I'll just call them 't's' from now on) had pieces of the same 'data' so again I wrote a program to isolate similarities prior to translating. This may be an over simplification but picture a DVD reader grabbing data from a rapidly spinning disk while managing to get a coherent data stream so that a movie could be watched.
Oh! Did I forget to tell you that 'T's" spin. The opposite that a disc would but one could, with the right equipment, (Which I had built), read.
At first I was very excited to learn that my 'T's' held on them many layers of data arranged like the layers of an onion, but my excitment waned as I realized the data came from many various locations. These little suckers had really traveled. It might be possible if one could entice and read all the 'T's' that the past would be open like a book. Better as the data was similar to audio/visual data. We could watch and listen to the past! This technology would put the University and I on the map. I had no compunction with sharing with my friends and the University as they were there for me and allowed me access to all information at their disposal. These wonderful people had saved me from uneducated hell. They also were my family. I contantly amazed them with my little toys.
As I had been spacing out thinking of family and other dysfunctional things my grabbers and readers had been busy. Now you have to realize that I have been mining/reaping my 'T's' for almost four months now and I was getting slightly edgy for the information that they carried. The beep from the computer made me jump! There was enough info to make a rational segment. I was hyped! Turning to the computer I ran the playback and sat back ready to be amazed!
Amazement was mild compared to what I was seeing. Religious Experience was closer! I was watching the inside of this very house! My parents were there along with my Uncle Zeth (He was the family witch hunter! A bigger asshole doesn't exsist!) Brandy was there too! They were arguing something and Brandy was crying! This was all seen with me there as the actual participant. Okay! This was making sense. Of course the only 'T's' collected here would somehow been bonded to me. I was seeing either my past or future. They seemed to be talking about me with me right there! I wasn't moving as the picture was very stable. I was either drugged or restrained in some way.
I fine tuned the data stream for any audio and was soon listening to my Uncle Seth extoll the reasons why I should terminated and right now before I broke the control. I was apparently a super villian who would first kill them, then the world. (I told you he was nuts.) What was real sad was how my very own loving parents were nodding to his insanities. Brandy was crying out please don't kill my brother! Over and over until Uncle Seth turned and belted her really hard.
"Sit down you slut!"
My father got up at that and laid my uncle out with one punch. "You asshole! She is what you made her! If you touch her again I'll kill you!" My usual under-emotional father was livid and spitting out his words. From the look on Uncle's face he realized he had overstepped his bounds big time!
The data stream was getting patchy by now so I terminated playback and put everything back into collection mode. So, I was to be killed eh! I don't think so. My anger crystalized my mental processes and I began to devise the means to get answers. I had no limits to what I could do as I no longer thought of them as family. They barely made it to human in my book! Six hours later I had made six transdermal disks with intelligent programming. I also had made a 'Master' disk that I would implant in my cerebal cortex. When I implanted the rest I would be able to control whoever they were implanted in. The shoe was on the other foot now!
Slipping out of my lab I found all was quiet in the house. Ah! My guinea pigs were sleeping. I took two of my slave disks with the injector upstairs to my parents room and changed the hirearchy of the household with two hisses as the discs were placed in their new homes. Now I would get answers! I could wait for morning though as I was quite punch drunk from my intense lab work. First a nice cool glass of milk would settle my tum. Sitting down at the kitchen table with my glass of milk I noticed a thick pamphlet with a pink ribbon on it addressed to me. Turning it so that I could see I was at first surprised then angered beyond any anger I had ever felt. This was not a warm anger but a ice cold one!
"Summer Camp" was the title of the brochure and it showed blissfull beaches filled with bikini clad beauties sunning themselves. Buxome girls playing volleyball. Gorgeous girls dancing in clubs and dining in what seemed to be very exclusive restaurants! At first a paradise right? Then once read one would find out that not a single lady depicted was indeed a women.
This was a camp for fags, sissies, crossdressers, and tg people. Inside the brochure was a travel itinerary for one Terri Powell! Me! My so-called loving parents were sending me to a faggot camp!
I apologize to all out there of alternate sexuality but I was pissed! I mean, one of my best friends at the University was a known gay and his 'boyfriend' would constantly pick him up dressed to the nines in all her glorious femininity. George had great taste in girlfriends! I for one would not believe that Daphne was anything other than a real girl and thought the rest of them were having me on. Daphne herself expelled my beliefs by bending over in front of me, ostensibly to pick up a computer disc, and all doubt was gone. I could see her/his penis right through the thin silk panties she wore. How can it be comfortable to bend your penis back between your legs like that?
I knew who was doctoring my body with the hormones now. There was no doubt they 'wanted' another girl in the house. That would explain the subliminal information being pumped into my bedroom at night. I found it two months ago while sweeping my room for bugs. Of course I followed it to the source in the living room. In the DVD player (It could play five in a row) I found five unmarked DVD's. In my lab I was able to find out what they were. If my family had been successful with them I would now know all I would need to be their subservient, sex starved, bimbo. Just like Brandy! ....... Was it possible? No! Maybe? Yes! It would explain a lot!. I had a lot of questions for the 'rents now.
Chapter Two:
You said you wanted the truth!
It was a beutiful morning, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I could hear someone mowing their lawn. I had slept incredibly well. I felt refreshed. Of course having control of you life back was a definate plus and the up coming knowlege I was about to get had me singing as I arose, did my morning routine. I still had to fight the urge to put on makeup but I 'Could' fight it. I guess those dvd's had been working on me for a while before I found them. Boy.... Someone was really going to pay for that. Screwing with a mind was just wrong.
I heard Uncle Zeth down in the kitchen. Well, all the players were here. Time for the play to begin. I grabbed my injecter, a mind control disk, and headed downstairs. (I know what you are thinking, with how I thought about the sanctity of the human mind how could I bring myself to do the very same thing? Right?) Lest we forget, this was my supposed family who had done it to me first.
I jaunted downstairs humming to myself. I was extremely pleased with myself. Just think, the very same intellect that they had tried to stagnate and hold down was about to change their very lives. For the worse if I had anything to say about it...... Oh. I Did. (Hee! Hee!) They deserved that insane giggle as they had programed it into me.
Coming up behind Uncle Zeth I had injected him and continued to the kitchen table as if nothing was wrong. I would have to wait a minute or two for the chip to invade it's subjects mind, so I got some coffee, made some toast and sat down to munch, all to the complete silence in the room. Well except for Brandy's crying. Holy Shit! This was one of the scenes I got from my 'T's'. Maybe one can rewrite history if you know what is to happen. There was no way that I would be 'JUST' sitting through this act.
Just for window dressing I grabbed the 'summer camp' brochure and asked my parents if this was to be my Birthday Gift? They obviously took my inflection the wrong way as they became quite animated.
"Oh yes, Terri, We thought you would just love it. We wanted to make up for our enforced attitude to you the past few years. Your Uncle Zeth was very concerned that excess emotion would upset your 'delicate' condition. We are so sorry for the past and want nothing but the very best for you. We always had but again your uncle Zeth was calling the shots." Both parents glared at Uncle Zeth. Brandy still cried, and Uncle Zeth just sat there with a superior look about him.
"So?" That got their attention on me again. "You love me so much that you would send me to a faggot camp? You would rather I was a simpering pansy rather than be a man?" I threw the brochure at my Mother!
"What are you talking about Terri?" She asked looking at the brochure as if for the first time. "Oh My God! George, have you read this?" looking at him she could see the answer in his face. "Jezus christ! I suppose you are the one behind those pills as well?" Again her stare was was returned with father's stoney face. Mother got up and without any warning slapped my father so hard he fell off his chair. "You preverted asshole!"
Turning to Zeth, who had the intelligence to watch her warily, said "This is your idea Zeth?"
She came around to my side of the table and sat in the chair beside me. "My God honey... You must believe me when I say I had no part of this. None!" My brother in law came to me with some cock and bull story that you were a potential 'developed' and that unless we showed you no emotion and kept you down intellectualy you would turn into some kind of Super-Villain that would kill us and then the world.
He showed us medical evidence that you have an extra gene that would give you some Super power when you turned fourteen. We have been terified of you for years! I always saw the frustation in you and the anger but never any sign of anti-social behaviour. I have had my doubts about this for months now. Now this.... hormones, brainwashing,( Yes I found the disks but to my shame I put them back. I don't know why?) Summer camp to train you to be....... That!"
'Thank you Mother, I believe you. You were probably mildly brainwashed yourself to go along with all this."
Mother's eyes opened wide at that. "You sons of bitches! George.... I want a divorce.... and if either of you two slugs try to stop me I'll turn you over for what you did to Brian and tried with Terri. You know I'll do it.... You may even try to implicate me but I don't care. You assholes deserve to be shot!" Wow Mom was pissed. Kewl. Now I knew she was on my side. Huh? Who the hell is Brian?
"Uhh? Who is Brian?" I asked stupidy. I just knew that she meant Brandy. When she pointed to Brandy with a trembling finger I gave her a hug. "You guys have done this already?"
Uncle Zeth got on his high horse about this time and tried to take control of our little breakfast klatch. "Yes, Yes, Edith. It was necessary and you know it. Both of 'Your' boys carried the gene. In fact all the boys on your side of the family carry it. You are a freak of nature Edith, bringing into this world the very disease that will destroy it. If it wasn't for me all would be destroyed."
"Shut up and sit down Zeth." I shouted at him triggering his implant. With a surprised look he sat down. He tried to say something but my shut up command prevented it.
To my Family I explained what was going on. The information had coalesced in my mind last night. The simplicity was staggering. I explained that 'poor' Uncle Zeth was just a envious bastard that the gene never came to him, He never got to taste greatness. This festered in him for years until he came up with this diabolical plan. Revenge on the boys that would be great was just a start. He had to heap abuse on them as well. Then when it became possible medicaly he feminized those boys as well. He loved porking Brandy by the way. He really gets his jollies over fucking what may had been a god!
The the beauty of the plan was, even if he missed the feminization route, the abuse that the family had heaped on the poor unfortunate would be enough for him to break and go crazy at puberty thus proving his point and allowing him to do this over and over. Turning to Uncle Zeth I asked "Isn't that true? Tell the truth now." That was just a trigger of course, but now Zeth could only tell the truth. He poured out his black festering soul on our breakfast table.
My parents first were unbelieving, then as warped information after disgusting data came spewing from Zeth their faces registered shock, anger, then a quiet cold came over the room as Zeth put the final nail in his coffin. I held up my recording device for all to see. "I am selling cd's in the lobby." I said, with some sarcasm, but an immense feeling of satisfaction.
Mother giggled. Then held her hand to her mouth. "Sorry Sweety!"
"Well!" Stated Father. "Now that I was so sucked in by this piece of shit that I have helped to destroyed two innocent lives a simple murder/suicide won't be noticed." He started towards Zeth with one of our BIG kitchen knifes.
As much as I would love to see this next act play out I had better plans for my dearest Uncle Zeth. "Please sit down Father and put that knife down on the table." Surprise suffused his face as he tried to fight my orders. How do you fight your own mind? "You can't fight it Father. I have complete control over everybody here. What did you expect. You pushed me to the brink. If I hadn't come into my gift three years ago I would probably be Brandy's twin sister by now."
Mother had the decency to cry. Father looked very pained. He sat down heavily and threw the knife on the table. Okaaaaay, I hadn't said how on either of my orders, but it was interesting to see how quickly my father found those loopholes. Maybe he was developed as well? I waited till I had Brandy sit with us and then I outlined my plans for the family. Of course Uncle Zeth had a place on honor on my revenge list.
My mother brought me back to mundania by pointing to my hand. "What is that?"
Chapter three:
Part one:
As you recall we had just heard the truth spew from Uncle Zeth, I had my recording, My father wanted to kill him, and my poor deluded mother was crying. Mother had suddenly stopped crying and pointing to the back of my right hand had asked. "What's that?"
Looking down to what she was pointing to I was surprised to see a growing patch of a silvery substance there. Further I could feel in my mind that it was acting as an antenna and the more it grew the more information I was getting. I also knew instinctivly that it was a protective barrier between me and the rest of the Universe. As soon as I wondered at the how and why the information was there.... This was yet another part of my Gift. I thought that having dominion over mechanical devices was a fairly good gift but it would appear that was just the tip of the iceburg.
The more information I gathered the greater my understanding of things grew. As I watched in a sort of detached amusement as the silvery sheen covered my body I also was aware of many things. This latest developement was because of my use of my gift in the lab. My gift was almost alive and it determined when more of itself was to be activated. When the Silver hit any clothing on my body it just seemed to disolve it. I later found the answer in my mind that it was converting the matter to energy and storing it for future use.
Soon I stood there in the kitchen totaly nude. It was very apparent that I was a female. A young lady of approximately my true age of 14. I was a statue of silver representing a very beautiful girl. I even had silver metalic hair. It even flowed like real hair and for that matter my skin was soft and supple, just silver. I remember giggling as I said to my Mother. "Well, it looks like Uncle Zeth got his wish. I don't think this is what he had in mind though?" Mother and I shared in a real Mother/Daughter moment when she got up and gave me BIG hug. I could feel it but knew that I could withstand a million times the pressure and it would feel much the same.
"No daughter dear, I doubt that this is even close to what HE wanted." She stared daggers at Uncle Zeth and he cringed in the chair where he hadn't dared to move from since he had spilled his guts. I believe he knew his life, as he knew it, was over. He was desperately thinking of ways to mitigate his involvment but knew it was in vain.
I was just so accepting of this feminizarion now when just a short while ago I would have killed to stop it. Deep down I knew, it just knew, that this was as it was supposed to be. My newest gifts and the ones to come would function better and be much stronger in a woman's body. If I had to be a girl to have these incredible powers, then so be it.
Brandy had come to life and in her inimitable way solved the most urgent problem at hand. "Mother, Daddy. You watch the RAT while Sis and I go get her some clothes." She grabbed my hand and tugged me upstairs. I 'knew' that if I just stood there no power on Earth could move me. I also felt a love toward my sister for the first time in, like, forever as I came to the realization that 'She' used to be my brother, Brian, and had been the third victim in the family plot urged on by Uncle Zeth to stop her from becoming 'developed' like me. For what she had gone through I would do my utmost to cure her as much as I could. She deserved no less as did my two cousins that had suffered her fate as well.
Brandy and I spent the afternoon going through clothes. I had a blast! I soon had a very good starter wardrobe of my own as I garnered all of Brandy's cast offs. These were all in great shape and of the latest styles but as Brandy was still a 'growing' girl they just didn't fit her anymore. I do not know when it happened but somewhere we bonded and I began to think like a girl. I'm not sure, but I think I absorbed it from Brandy. Every once in a while we would turn to see Mom giggling in the door way as she checked up on us.
Brandy put all my new collection of 'girl stuff' in her other closet, now MY closet, and all my under things went into the other set of drawers, MY drawers. It would seem as if it was a given that I would share her massive bedroom. I was in Girl Heaven and lost count (Not really as I could nor would ever forget anything again... I will explain later.) of the hugs and squeals of pleasure that escaped both of our lips that day.
Strangely, while one part of me was with my sister, enjoying the afternoon soaking up 'Girl' 101 and 102, I was also aware that I was absorbing the knowlege of the world. I had the ability, it seemed, to listen in to any transmitted data and whether it was encoded or not understood and filed away. For three point seven milliseconds I was concerned that my brain would explode. Not so. My gift had created a pocket Universe where my mind resided. It would expand as necessary to accomodate any upgrades in my data base. MY GOD! I was starting to sound like a robot or computer. My panic was quickly doused as I now thought of my increasing knowlege as normal and gave it no more thought. I had, apparently, intelligent saftey protocols, that would protect me from myself as well. I still knew that I was 'TERRI'. Just a little bit more.
I decided to experiment a little with an idea that had been forming in my mind and asking Brandy to stand at my side I held her hand as I concetrated on the room. I could feel as well as hear her gasp of astonishment as the bedroom started to shift. Soon the room was precisely 50% larger and contained Identical Queen size beds, covered in silks and satins, throw pillows, stuffies, with a gorgeous canopy. Mine in teal and hers in Fuchia. I could create......
This was the dream room of any teenage girl. Even I felt the allure. Brandy went Gaga as she Ooohed and Awwed at all the wonderful changes. We each had a computer desk with the most up to date system on it, a Completely outfitted Vanity with all the right cosmetics. Not that I would need it........ Yet..... The thought came to me. Was that my thought? I felt assured somehow that I could never again be swayed by anything other than my own thoughts again.
Our Bathroom had also increased in size and now had a jacuzi style tub for four, if we wanted. Three sinks along one wall of mirrored tile, a bidet,(That got a giggle from Brandy), toilet, and a shower stall with four sets of water jets at strategic positions. Oh yes, Sis and I were going to be very clean girls......
I felt a little fatigue as I realized I had used up my reserves of energy creating all the new things but I could feel myself recharging as I stood there with my sister at my side, jumping up and down, clapping her hands and altenatively laughing and squealing in joy. I recieved many hugs as she tried to get me bouncing with her. I finally got into it and we bounced all around the room to fall breathlessly on her bed. I bet we sounded like a herd of elephants from downstairs. I was happy for Sis. She deserved some real pleasure after all.
There was a sudden commotion at the end of our street, about three blocks down. I knew, even before looking out our window, that I was the cause.... It would appear that my data gathering had tripped many alarms around the globe as I had entered, filtered, and left with all their knowlege, regardless of security measures. I was gathering information from all the normal broadcast venues as well as satellite, internet ( at all levels... even government!) and sources not even known to but a few.
Needless to say goverments and large corporations were concerned but when they found out that they were not the only ones to have all their secrets aired out they positively freaked. I could hear thoughts (Yes... Another aspect of my gift allowed me to hear those thoughts around me that were detrimental to my continued exsistance) of possible Alien invasion. I quickly looked into myself and toned down my data collection to a much more passive and subtle drain rather than the Hoover style I was presently on. I had pretty much all the data of the world stashed into my other dimensional brain already.
To the world I just vanished!
"Like a ghost." I thought to myself.
Yes....... A Silver Ghost.
I was born!
Part two:
With the panic stricken people milling about down the street at my sudden dissapearance from their 'Radar' Brandy and I left our refurbished room and went downstairs. I was hungry.... I 'knew' that I would not need to eat anymore but it was a way for my converters to maintain my energy reserves and expand them. It was a sobering thought to realize that I was no longer part of the Human race, and getting further away every second. There were 'things' happening to me that, while terrifing, were extremely satisfying. I 'knew' that right at this moment I was the most powerful, if not 'Alien', being on the planet. There was even more coming. I was the sole recipient for the last four Gifts. Uncle Zeth had inadvertantly turned me into a 'Goddess'
We arrived downstairs to an empty kitchen... My God... Had Uncle Zeth escaped? Had he......, I suddenly 'knew' that he was with my Mother and Father in the den. I calmed Brandy before she could get too excited. I realized as I did that my feelings of dread had also diminished. I was getting them from Brandy... God... I was also a 'Empath'?
As soon as I thought it I had my answer. I was the benificiary of all the gifts that would have normally gone to the individual boys. It was theoretical that I might be able to infuse a copy of what gifts they were supposed to recieve at a later date but right now I was fast approaching Godhood! Well, Goddess-hood! There seemed no limit to what I could do.
Thinking it through I took a census of my gifts.
I could control any machine...
I could convert matter to energy and vice versa... (In my mind this had to be the strongest gift yet. What couldn't I do?)
I could control anybody with my thoughts.
I Had empathic abilities tied into that mental gift.
I could garner information from any source and understand it completely.
My body was coated in a molecular film that absorbed any thing I wanted it to as well as it kept me isolated from this Mega-verses rules and regulations.
I could ignore gravity at will. This meant I could levitate, I COULD FLY!
My coating could and would protect me from all force directed at me. If I wanted I could absorb the kinectic energy from projectiles and just suck up the energy of other attacks. So I was Invunerable.....
I could also use my 'skin' as a exoskeleton to give me almost unlimited strength. This coupled with my ability to ignore physical laws made me able to move the very planets and stars.
My safety (Mental) protocols allowed me to take this in without a total melt down. All this in just a few moments.
I could easily destroy the very planet I called my home as well as all on it as easy as breathing. I was learning more as I came to these realizations. I knew I was basicaly a 'good' person but with these powers I was very afraid of being corrupted completely! A small thought told me that if I was afraid of such a thing then I would fight such a thing happening. With my prodigious intellect and growing wisdom coupled with my inate desire to BE good, I would be fine.
Brandy glanced at me as I sighed and mistook that for concern for the empty kitchen. "I think they are in the Den, Sis."
"Oh? Yes.. Thanks Sis.." I smiled at her as we walked to the Den.
I was surprised that my whole introspection had taken only five point seven eight seconds. Oh.. Stop that.. I berated myself. The information faded, almost apologeticaly.. I was amused. Well at least I was still thinking in the singular sense. I would seek help if I ever started to refer to myself as 'We' or 'Us'.
Entering the den we saw 'dear' Uncle Shithead tied to one of the chairs. He was gagged and didn't look at all comfortable. I turned to Brandy as she turned to me and we both giggled at the sight! Mother came over and shushed us with a smile on her face.
"Your father is calling a family gathering to meet here as soon as possible. I think we may get lucky as most of the relatives are still here after your botched birthday Party... We should try that again, young lady, You need birthdays... They give you family foundations. God knows we sure need those now." She glanced over at Her brother in-law and if looks could kill he would be a pile of ash on that chair.
Father finished his calls and turned to us all smiles. "Well I heard you too having fun upstairs. I am surprised you didn't come through the ceiling at times." He wasn't mad as his face was still wreathed in smiles. "The family should be here by seven. I'll order pizza..." He strode out to the kitchen to get the number off the fridge door and to make the call on the kitchen phone.
"My that was quick." Mother thought out loud. "I should get cleaned up and changed." She turned to us. "What you girls are wearing should be just fine. Keep an eye on the RAT, will you?" She took off upstairs.
I couldn't help but stare at Uncle Zeth. There was something decidedly off about him and for once I had no ready answer for what it was. I could feel my 'Search Engine' though and thought that maybe, just maybe, if I was carefull and my systems quick I could go back to 'Hoover' mode temporarily. Again I looked within and switched the input speed. I had no sooner flipped it when It flipped itself back to the softer mode. I thought that odd until I realized I had an answer. Of sorts...
According to my information banks, which were by now probably the size of the solar system, my Uncle was *Possessed*. What? Now I was the amazing *Zelda*? No. It would seem that since I could discern any type of energy I could barely see a black aura surrounding him. The barely part gave me pause until I realized the energy was just of an unknown type til now. My senses were busy at work trying to find out what it was.
Father came back and asked us girls to set the dining room table to the max for the upcoming horde! While we were doing that and I was analyzing the power that was around Uncle Zeth the pizza arrived. Father paid for it and took it out to the kitchen. Mother took this as a que to come downstairs. She was 'resplendant'. Both Brandy and myself had never seen her looking so, well, gorgeous.
Brandy and I in perfect unison said, "Mother! You are just incredible! You are gorgeous!" We looked at each other, giggled then grabbed mother in a two way hug. They both *Ooooophed*. I backed off a bit as I realized that I would have to watch my hugs from now on. Father came in and saw his girls together for the first time and started to cry.. I ran to him to soothed him. He was just so happy he said. They were a family again.
Of course Murphy struck just then, the door bell rang and over the next five to ten minutes the rest of our Family arrived. I was an instant hit as all the women *Oooohed* and *Awwwwwed* at my beauty. Not one thing was said about me being a silver girl. Birthday wishes once again whooshed around as this time I gladly accepted them and Hugged everyone. Even the men got a hug.. No one flinched away from me and I was touched by the Family solidarity. Presents were passed out and pizza and pop inhaled.. It was a grand time. I was not in the least angry at all the feminine gifts I recieved as I was now, after all, a girl.
The party came to an end finally and the Family got down to serious stuff. The kids were sent down to the Family room to watch movies or something while we got ready to discuss Uncle Zeth. Father placed my recorder on the table and once silence was established he turned it on. The reactions were very predictable. The men wanted to cut off his balls and the women wanted to burn him at the stake.
THAT WAS IT, my mind screamed. His aura was the *Blackest of Dark Magic*. Uncle was indeed Possessed and by a most pussient deamon or black wizard. The men poo-poohed my revelation but the women and I went into the Den to look again. Yes.... There were no doubts as I pointed out to the women, many of who I now knew to be witches, the various swirls and eddies of the force that occupied Uncle Zeth. 'It was possible he had no idea of what he had done'. This evil was just eradicating any enemies that may confront It in the future. How was this evil to know that the gifts in our Family would not be denied. (The *Family Power* or *Gift* may have given the Men it touched great power but the Women also got their share. Usually in the more esoteric, and more powerful arts)
All the scrutiny by myself and the magical probes by the women had an effect. I could sense it gathering up to leave. I could not allow this and threw up a barrier of EM force around the house. A low growling laugh echoed through the house and a voice that made our blood run cold talked to us.
*AH, Terri my dear, that barrier is like tissue paper to me.* To add weight to his words the Entity left Uncle Zeth, who collapsed, and smashed through my barrier as if it was indeed tissue paper. I gathered myself up and followed it. Unknowingly I had also gathered up the women and brought them with me. This, I learned later, is all that saved my bacon. Now of course, much further in the future, I laugh at such magical threats as, you guessed it, I became a *witch* myself.
Time seemed to have no meaning as I rushed after this most foul evil Entity that had corrupted and nearly destroyed my Family. Eventually we arrived in a dark castle's throne room that sat in a dark castle, which sat in an equally dark fetid land. I knew not where we were but that it was the seat of EVIL I had no doubt. The Entity sitting on the dark throne was surprised when I popped into exsistance, bringing the light of my world with me. Many of his minor minnions expired at the very sight of me. Others keened out in agony. Looking down on myself I saw I was naked again.
That was one of my favorite outfits. I was pissed.....
Without a thought I launched myself at him in a power dive. I smoked him a good one in the head and it rocked him back but his returning swing of a massive arm caught me as well and I sailed back to smash into the throne room wall.
Damn. That hurt. Well so much for my invunerability.
I noticed out of the corner of my eye that when 'It' had hit me some of my silver coating had sprayed off onto some more of his underlings. They were writhing around in terror and incredible pain as the silver ate through them.
Mithril, I thought. A bane of many supernatural beings. I knew it could kill werewolves.
Without a thought for myself I once again launched myself at 'IT'. Again my blow rocked it and I'm sure hurt it. It was slightly slower in its retaliation but still quick enough to smack me a good one back into the wall behind me. I felt bruised after that one and noticed something that made me quail.
I was recieving no energy from this accursed place. Each time I hit this monster I was using up my own reserves. This was a no win for me.
*It sensed my fear*
It laughed in that soul freezing way again. "Oh. Yes my little neophyte. You do not have the power to beat me here. But I can KILL you and I intend to. It shot forward and began to beat me unmercifuly with it's massive strength. I was starting to fade when again the room blazed with light.
The women that had been caught up with me had gone a different temporal route for some reason unknown to me then and had arrived fifteen minutes behind me. I felt a surge in my reserves. I was not only full but over full. I felt the knowlege of what I had to do. I was the only one who could. They brought the power but it too was just a one time thing. I fended off his attacks with ease as I learned the 'Ritual' I must perform. As soon as I had it memorized I blasted 'It' with a Positive blast of prodigious power. It went sailing back, wailing in fear and pain, smashing into 'It's' throne and upseting it over on top of Itself.
Gathering the power, for the first time my mind could not even estimate its strength or volume, I shaped the power into the "Ritual of banishment". This Ritual was probably older than the thing it was directed to. As I built up the Ritual, there was no room for any error.
The Women behind me kept the hardier minnions off of me. I saw from the corner of my sight as a beam of bright light here and then there would drop many of the 'Minnions'. As the Ritual took final form many of the lessor deamons and 'Things' fled in terror. The Dark Thing had regained it's feet and was pushing It's way to me in a final attempt to destroy me before I destroyed it.
I could sense It getting closer coming as if through a hurricane wind. Bent into the force that held it back it stuggled like a mad man. I paid it no mind as I put every last erg of brain power I had into finishing the Ritual. It was right up to me and I heard the women wail.......
The ritual was complete.
I released every last watt of power I had into it and Sang the words. As each tone hit It, It fell back a step. I could hear the Women in counter point to me as I continued to sing out the words. In the very back of my mind I realized I had a most angelic voice and I was sure that this added more power to the Invocation.
Suddenly it was finished.
There was dead silence. Not a thing moved.
Oh! My! God! Nothing was happening. Had I fucked up our only chance. I could see the cringing Dark Lord start to straighten up and begin to laugh.
Then suddenly from the four corners of the Universe The Light surged up and not only lit up the Throne Room but penetrated the very walls around as if they weren't there and Lit up the World.
With a screech of pure terror the Dark Lord just exploded. Firey cascades of his essense filled the room and then vanished as it was sucked back to the abyss from whence it came. The Castle and surroundings vanished as well as the Evil was no longer there to support it. The Women and myself found ourselves in a small clearing on top of a small hill that afforded us an unrestricted view of a completely changed environment.....
I was shocked at first. I honestly thought I had screwed up royally.
I felt my energy levels fill up once again as The Evil was no longer holding back the 'LIGHT'. I looked around and saw that the land was no longer barren and dark. Greenery was resplendant everywhere. Fields of flowers, small glens, forests with waterfalls filled the landscape.
It was a fairyland of beauty.
At that thought I noticed my first little person. An honest to god 'Elf'. Looking around I saw more and more fairy tale creatures come out. All looking at me as if I was their 'Goddess' or something. The first Elf came up to me and bowed his head and went to one knee as he babbled at me in some language. My mind went into over drive to be able understand what was been said to me. It came to me in a rush. It was such an ancient dialect of gaelic that I doubt it had been spoken on my world for thousands of years. Also,without my knowing, my mind was also soaking up all the rules for 'magic'. Plus every spell these folk knew, but I wouldn't know of that until I returned to our world.
The Elf, who named himself Oberon, was apparently these folk's King. He was thanking me in flowery prose for saving him and his kingdom from the Dark. I infered from him that ten thousand years ago a wicked dark sorcerer had found his way here, to where the little folk had come when mankind started to fill the world, and at first seemed quite harmless.
Some of the sprites took to teasing him as sprites were want to do and one day he struck back. He had been building his power. With a mighty spell he sucked the very life out of the 'place' and put it into hibernation. No matter how strong Evil is it can not kill the Wee Folk. Seperate them from their power and make them unable to fight him, yes. Over the years that passed the sorcerer became darker and darker until one day he had changed to It. *The Dark Lord*
Even in it's infancy the Dark Lord could sense it's nemisis off in another world. Unable to do anything yet it bided it's time. Finally it came to a weak mind that could not fight it and entered the world of it's nemisis. Uncle Zeth was that poor mindless dupe. Having no power himself and pissed off and jealous of those who had it he made an easy target for the Dark Lord. From It's new vantage point it went about the systematic destruction of all that could hurt it in any way. If not for my early puberty and coming into my powers that go hand in hand with puberty I would never had fought off my family as they tried to destroy the last of the Dark Lord's enemies.
I introduced the other Women from my Family and noticed that they too were recharged. I saw this with a new portion of my mind that was rapidly learning magic. It was after all just another form of physics, and that was my favourite thing. The Source of Power from 'THE LIGHT' was very strong here.
We spent several days with the Wee Folk learning of them and they of us. We were, of course, invited back anytime. They named my entourage Princesses of the realm. Each recieved a ring or pendant as thanks. This item was also their key to return when they wished. I had a very happy group as we wished our hosts goodbye.
Just as we were about to leave I suddenly had a thought, turned and was very surprised as all went to their knees as I gave them a Blessing in their own language. Was it my imagination or did the place brighten up a little more after I finished. Oberon, himself, kissed me on my cheek, with tears in his eyes. All were overcome with emotion and just waved, smiling, as I opened the portal (This time with ease. I understood the physics of the world better.) and we all stepped through.
We all had returned to the den about five minutes after we had left, just as some of the men folk were coming into the room because of that EVL laugh. Their eyes popped open and their jaws dropped. I looked around and had to laugh. Apparently clothes don't apport well and we were all naked. All the women laughed at the antics of the men. All hillarity ceased when, with but a wave of my hand, all were clothed again. I had outdone myself as all were redressed in fine silks and satins and looked every inch the Princesses of Oberon's world. When I mentioned this my minor miracle was forgotten in the attempt of all to speak at once as to what had happened. It was bedlam! A fun bedlam, perhaps, but......
After the men had been convinced. Mostly. It was discovered that we had one fatality. Uncle Zeth did not recover from the rapid removal of the Dark Lord and passed away quietly during our bedlam. We Morned our loss of a family member, his standing renewed, he was taken out to one of the cars by three men. Us women desended upon the kitchen. We may have only been gone for five minutes here but it had been a long time since our pizza.
As several women prepared a dinner for us starving girls my Mother came up to me, kissed me on the forehead, and said "I am so proud of you my darling. You know what this means don't you?"
At my total blank look, (I was not used to those anymore), all the women laughed and touched and one-arm hugged me in a manner that made me feel like one of them.
"You just defeated your first Evil. Just a beginning I'm sure. Right ladies?" The kitchen erupted with praise and knowedge that this would not be my last defense for the Light.
I was inducted into the Family Coven that night and felt so interwoven with my Family as well as, to a smaller degree, the whole world.
I cried for the first time as a woman.
It felt GREAT!
Chapter Four:
We held the funeral for Uncle Zeth today. We, the FAMILY, had come to understand the nature of Uncle Zeth. We accorded him, in death, that which he had so casualy thrown away. His humanity. His envy and almost insane anger had left him easy prey to one of the minor "Great Evils" to possess him. It would seem to me to be almost an oxy-moron, minor great evil. Kind of like 'JUMBO shrimp'. I have been assured by the coven that, while powerful in It's own way, this particular Evil was tame in comparrison to those that still lay in waiting out 'There' for the next fool to invite them in.
I had barely won against this 'lesser' Evil and my feelings of superiority had been dashed and replaced with caution. I still had much to learn. I may have access to all knowlege but without the Wisdom to use it I could still be very vunerable. Also I was just learning about the most primal science of all, *Magic*. Sure I could do a few minor parlor tricks but I knew I was but a tyro compared to the other women in my family.
So my training began. I was shown the intricate mysteries of motion, form, and word (Sound) behind even the most simplist of 'spells'. I had one ability that put me head and shoulders above my teachers, that of matter/ energy conversion. It would take time but I would learn.
I had another heavy weight on me. It would appear that "THE GIFT" that was bestowed on the family was almost a quasi-living thing and even though one could not say with all certainty that it was aware, it was agreed that there was primal need for it to survive. When Uncle Zeth, with the aid of the 'Dark Lord' interupted the natural flow of "THE GIFT" it would not be denied. This was the one foremost reason why my puberty advanced so quickly. All that was to be rationed out to my cousins and brother were instead dumped on me. I was given almost an insane amount of power. I had decided that I just couldn't keep it all. I was determined to give my poor relations their gifts back. I felt like a thief in the night that had purloined this power from those who deserved it more. I would purge myself.
There were problems. There are always problems. The gifts I had were meant for young, just entering puberty, persons. All of the victims of Uncle Zeth and the D.L. were far from puberty now and had actualy gone through the wrong puberty. All the wise ones in the Family urged caution. I was at a loss as to what to do until the dream.....
The Dream
I dreamt that I was in a very ancient place. A place of great power. I was approached by a young, beautiful woman in her late teens who consoled me at first, then applauded my instinctive need for fairness. She seemed wise far in advance of her age and I began to suspect that she was far more that she seemed. Her beautiful countanence turned and smiled at me as she sensed my seeing.
"Yes, young Terri, I am SHE who blessed your family with the gift in reward for your ancestors unselfish sacrifice. I am and will be forever indebted to you and yours. I am so pleased that the very same traits that I valued so highly in them I see in you. I will help. Are you sure that you wish to part with your gifts so that they may be returned to those it was intended for?"
At my nod she leaned over and gave me a sisterly peck on my cheek. "Even though this will leave you much weaker and much easier prey to Evil?"
I nodded once more, quite determined to do the right thing. She beamed at me as a mother would at her favourite child. "So be it then. This is what you must do."
She entered my mind with an ease that frightened me, but after her calming words I relaxed and my new training began.
How long I was there I have no knowlege but I did learn a great deal of the nature of 'The Gift'. I learned how to manipulate it's power and watched with amazement as the ebb and flow of the energies within me became more and more under my concious control. The Goddess Ariel, or as 'She' had me call her, 'Ariel', even taught me the very ways of the Gods themselves. I was amazed that such trust was placed in me as such knowlege could destroy them. 'Ariel' assured me that I would never hurt an undeserving soul. 'She' had read in me the iron code of ethics that governed my life. I had no idea at the time that I was being groomed for Goddess-hood itself and soon would be 'one' of them. There were few left, she informed me sadly one evening, as we watched the setting of the triple moons. Many just grew tired of immortality and rejoined the 'MAKER' (The same deity I called the 'Creator'). While others created their Own universes and settled in to enjoy their people.
It was very surprising to me to discover that all the Diety's that 'Ariel' was part of were of the 'Light'. When I asked of the origin of Evil, she shuddered and pointed to a Great Stone Gate that stood in the middle of the only area that could be called desolate.
'Beyond that Gate lives Evil incarnate. The 'Old Ones' had no redeaming qualities and just lived for pain and suffering. It is their way. They have been here even before their 'Father' came and created this Mega-Verse we live in. It is thought, with some trepidation, that 'HE' was not even aware of them and they slipped unknown into this newly minted creation. There was a GREAT WAR between the 'HIM', his Architechs, other like minded entities and the 'ELDER GODS' and their minnions. In the end neither could destroy the other but with cunning and guile the 'Light' entrapped the 'Dark' beyond that Gate. There is a place (A non-place?) that exsists beyond that does not allow any enegy in or out thus trapping the then weakened 'Dark' ones forever.'
The 'Maker' created a race of beings to be the stewards of the Gate. Their only purpose was to maintain the seals and keep the 'Evil' within. They were the "Three Hundred" a blessed family of semi-divine soldiers of 'Light'. This balance was maintained for milliena til there came a new 'Evil'. This new 'Evil' came from within the very Family of the 'Father' itself. Another great war was fought and many were destroyed. The 'Evil' was eventualy cast out of the 'Father's' Family and made to wander for eons till it found It's own home.
Lucifer, once a proud member of the elite inner Family, A very leutenant of the "All Father' Himself, thought that he could devise a better plan for the running of the Mega-Verse. The Family was torn asunder as one by one the Patriots of Lucifer were rooted out and cast out as well. It was not without some significance that their number also was '300'.
Lucifer, a prince of the family of the 'All Father' had been stripped of his power but still had in his possesion ancient artifacts that alowed their wielder to do many wonderous things. A portal was created that led to a small pocket universe adjacent to this one and there the '300' and Lucifer dwelt. His madness grew and his anger at his expulsion tainted his very soul. In his madness he craved revenge. The only beings capable of dealing with the 'Maker' on more equal footing were the 'Elder Gods' themselves. So Lucifer set about to destroy the gate and release the Ancients Old Ones, *The Elder Gods*. In his madness he did not even consider that they would just destroy him as well. They were not known for recognizing a debt!
Over time uncountable he scratched at the Gate from his own place and gradually wore a tiny, minute, sub-microscopic hole in one of the seals. The evil started to ooze out. Slowly to be sure, but bit by bit the Evil managed to corrupt the stewards of the Gate until all but one were darkened beyond redemption. The 'one' cried to his 'Creator' for help. Once again a great war was fought and all 299 stewards were destroyed, the Gate once again restored and Lucifer's access to this Universe was blocked.
The one remaining stalwart 'Angel' was rewarded. All around the Gate for Miles was created a veritable Pleasure Garden. A place of lush delights and never ending pleasures of sight and sound. For his unswerving loyalty to the 'Creator' he was given a 'NAME' This was both a source of great power and vunerability. His ( He was the 'First Male') demi-diefic powers resided in his 'NAME'. and as long as only he knew it he was protected from anything. Even to this day it is known that practioners of the 'Dark' arts can only really hurt you if they can acertain your 'True' name.
Millienia passed and 'Adam' was content in his 'Eden', but once again Lucifer was able to reach out and cause Adam distress. He felt lonely! His cry to his 'Creator' did not go unheeded and once again the 'Creator' rewarded Adam. This time with a companion. Adam's companion was created from one of his very ribs. As such the bond between them was intense. Adam was lonely no more.
I held up my hand to 'Ariel' to pause her story as I assured her that I knew the rest of THAT story. She smiled, patted the back of my hand, and said softly. "We shall see, young one, we 'will' see." With that she disapeared and I woke up. Besides having a ring side seat history lesson I had also learned how to 'channel' my gifts so that I could return that which had been denied to my Cousins and Brother/Sister.
Chapter Five:
Excuse me miss, Where do I go to return this?
Pulling on jogging gear I went down stairs to my secret lab. Once ensconsed I removed my clothes, not that I really needed them, I came with my own silver suit, and settled into a very comfortable Lotus position. I took three cleansing breaths, thought of my destination, made the desired calls, and I was there. "There" wasn't really a place. At least not physicaly. I was quite surprised though, when I recognized certain aspects. Maybe I didn't see them before but now I saw that the "Place" the Family Coven met was almost a duplicate of the domain of the Goddess 'Ariel'.
Slowly the rest of the coven drifted in. You had to remember time zone differences when you called these. Even my Mother had come. This was good as she was beginning to forgive herself for the whole 'Brandy' incident. We had forgiven her weeks ago. She, however, just could not get over how she so blindly followed someone and destroyed her 'Son's' life. Brandy wasn't here though as she just didn't have the intelligence to even learn the easiest cantrip. She had been inducted into the coven but no one expected much from her because of what Zeth and D.L had done to her. I hoped my news would change that.
All were there now so I indroduced myself, not necessary but part of coven edicate, and gave a brief version of my dream with 'Ariel". At the name many women gasped as 'She' hadn't been heard of or seen for ages. Once everyone was once again settled I spoke. "Ladies, before I summon Brandy here, I would like to inform you of what I have discovered of the 'the gift'." I went into great detail of what I wished to do and only three dissented. In the next half hour we went through all of their concerns one by one until we had all reached a concensus. Their biggest concern was for me and what might happen to me when I gave up the gifts. I assured them that this was something I had to do. I felt like a thief and would return the gifts anyway but would appreciate the coven's assistance, not for me as much as for Brandy. Then later for the twins. I recieved unaminous support.....
Summoning Brandy was easy but I had to go slow so as to not startle her. Suddenly she was there in the middle of the circle. I could hear her "WOW" as she looked around. I waited a few moments as she settled in and accepted where she was. I then proceeded, with much help from the coven, to explain just what was going to happen. At first she was frightened but slowly exitement suffused her features. I loved to see her this way. She was so beautiful. I had worked on the hard part for quite some time. I had been collecting bits and pieces of her past when she had been 'Brian' and I was going to try inserting those memories and bits of his personality back into him. Never would she be truly a man again as she had gone through a woman's puberty. Also she had lived as a woman for much too long for me to safely change her physicaly. I was going to try to reverse what the Family had taken. As I prepared I could sense much futile self recrimination flowing through the group!.
I was ready. Before I could proceed though I had to cleanse the circle. "Ladies! Let the old go and embrace the new. As long as we learn from our mistakes then all is not lost. Now I need this circle to cleanse itself of anger and guilt. We have a Sister to heal."
With some scuffling and various sighs and deep breaths I felt the color come back to the circle. I had them all hold hands as I went into the circle with Brandy. I folded myself down into a lotus position in front of her, took her hands in mine, smiled and said. "I love you Brandy and I want you to be whole once more. All I ask of you is your trust." She smiled her belief in me and I started. Slowly so as to not burn any neural pathways I removed a lot of the hienous programming and in its place I refilled her mind with her true self. Before I was finished I was sweating profusely. I didn't know that "THIS" was possible. For a moment I felt as if Brandy and I 'were' here. Maybe we were, maybe that was necessary for the bonding I had to do. As interesting as this was I had to get back to what I was doing. Carefully, brick by brick I rebuilt Brandy's mind. As I was doing this, another potion of my mind was taking care of her physical attributes as well. If this poor person had to be the gender she now was then, by all the LIGHT, she was going to be *complete*.
I was exhausted. I Looked around at the worried and expectant faces of my Sisters and smiled. "Well, that was the easy part." I joked. Their laughter was a tonic. Brandy was looking at me in awe. I could see that the she/he within were working to gain a balance. At least I prayed it would balance. I opened myself to the *Universal Power of Protection* and recieved a flood of energy. As it flowed through me, the Sisters, and Brandy it cleansed and healed.
Brandy, who was looking a lot more intelligent, gazed around her and then grabbed me and cried deeply in to my breast. It was a good cry and I let her vent. Slowly she stopped and once more looked around at her Sisters then looked deep into my eyes. "I can never repay you for what you have done for me but know that you have my most sincerest thanks for returning me. I was *so* lost but now I am found. I feel complete."
I squeezed her hands. "Ummm.... Not quite done yet Sis. There is still the matter of your gift."
At her round eyed look I could see that this was the furthest thought from her new mind. "My gift?" She breathed.
"Yah! I've kind of been keeping it warm for you. It may seem strange at first and I must caution that you not to put in into full drive until you have full control and understanding of it, Okay?"
She wonderingly nodded. So I explained about the power to know everything. I explained how to adjust the speed of input and to keep an eye and mind on the Authorities as they were still on edge from *my* learning spree. I explained that she would have to gather her own information as I could not give her what I had garnered. It would probably kill me to lose all that I have so quickly. I am sure that it will slowly dissipate as I lose the gift. I could see the love and wonder in her eyes as she realized what I was about to give up. "Just you remember, Sis, I will need you for information from now on, Okay?"
She laughed/cried that she understood. We held hands again and I summond up her gift. I have to tell you I was *terrified*. How stupid would I become? All had happened so slowly and smoothly comming in that I really didn't remember how much inate intelligence I had before the gift. I firmed up my resolve... Regardless of the outcome this was NOT my gift to keep. I found the gift and then slowly directed it toward her as 'Ariel' had taught me. I could feel it flow from me like thick honey. It wasn't unpleasant, really, just wierd. It was over a lot sooner than I was expecting. I felt numb. like the after effects of getting a tooth pulled. I snorted to myself at the apt similie.
Brandy on the other hand had a rapt look of total wonder on her face. The sisters around us where clapping and sighing in relief. They had worried even more than I had. Slowly Brandy's face grew more studious and I felt the tug of her gift gathering information at a prodigous rate. It must be like an amputated limb, I thought, I would probably feel her gift for a while yet. I reached over to her. " Whoa! Sis, not so fast! You have all the time in the world. Just trip that switch I showed you over to soft aquisition mode. No sense letting the world know that there is another one of us." I laughed but deep inside I was still sad that I had lost my ability for instant knowlege. My sad look must have shown as Brandy reached over to me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much. I don't know how I ever will repay you for all that you have done, and especialy for what you have given up for me. I LOVE you so much."
As the rest of the coven dispersed back to their homes as they knew that was all I could do tonight, Brandy and I stayed entwined in the center of the circle being bathed in the glory of the *Universal Power of Protection*. We relaxed into each other and I did something I never thought was possible.
I fell asleep!
Chapter Six:
And now the Twins
Awakening was different. I mean, I became consious of the world around me as usual, but.... Something was different... I felt different. Then it hit me. Of course. The extra gift must be gone. I felt just as knowlegable, I could get any little tidbit of information I wanted, it just felt..... Smoother. Yes, smoother and less demanding. I would eventually get used to it being gone but for now I still seemed to have everything I went to sleep with. Ah yes, wasn't that unique, falling asleep in the circle like that. I know that has never happened before. Did that have any signifigance? Well, I would have to ask Sis, that would make her day. I smiled as I stretched langurously, like a cat I thought. I was in my own bed so either Sis had brought me here or the power of the circle had.
That woke me up.... I had started last night's journey from my Lab. No one knew of it or I thought no one knew of it. Geeze! I hope that no one had discovered it. That was still my last refuge, my playground with my 'KIDS', a well protected sanctuary to flee to. I was reving up to a real thumb suck when Brandy breezed in.
"Good Morning Lil' Sis."
"Come on, time to get up, breakfast is on the table and we won't wait forever ya know." She gave me an impish grin as she handed me my robe. "Oh? I hope you don't mind, but I had to borrow a tampon and pad from you, I'll replace them later Okay?"
I had one arm in my robe and was struggling to find the other arm hole when what Brandy had said hit me.
"Whaa..... "
With a serious face she looked into mine. "Yah... Now, thanks to you, I am a complete women..... " Her face changed once again to the bubbly version that I had come to love. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" She had grabbed me and was dancing me up and down in glee as she giggled and whispered over and over into my ear as she kissed me all over my face. "Thank you........"
Making a wiping gesture to my face I answered. "Geeze Sis, you're welcome already."
She batted at my arm playfully. "Oh. You. Come on breakfast is getting cold." With that she dragged me downstairs. Our parents sat at the table with big smiles. As Brandy and I sat Mother got up and served a still warm breakfast. "Getting cold Huh?" Brandy cocked her head and with a big smile stated. "Uh huh! The eggs themselves have dropped in temperature . 5783 degrees." She gigled. "I betcha..." We all had a good laugh as Brandy showed off her new gift. The next little while was taken up with the normal banter at a kitchen table while we all ate. I was very hungry as , it seems, so was Brandy. We had just finished our third helping with Mom and Dad staring at us with expessions of surprise. Mother summed it up. "Well I guess you two used up a lot of energy last night. How do you girls feel?"
We both looked at each other, giggled, and assured Mom that we had never felt better. Again Brandy reached over and gave me such a hug. Ah. This family had it's love back and it was intoxicating. Mom and Dad joined in and we had our very first group hug since I was four years old. I could remember it clearly... Mother seemed to know what was going through my mind as she started to cry. "I am so sorry!" she whispered. We re-engaged in our group hug to affirm that all was forgiven.
"So Sis." I asked to change the mood. "Do you know how we got back here from the circle? That was a first. I know that no one has ever fallen asleep in the 'circle' before." I was surprised that I did know. I also saw in my mind how I had returned to my bed last night. Now that was strange. *I knew*. There wasn't the drawing sensation I usually felt when getting information, I just knew. This was so different.
While I was in my introspective semi-trance Sis had got a long off look on her face then brightened. "Well Sis, I think you were the very first to ever fall asleep in a 'circle'. I know it was alright though as we were both, like, totaly saturated in the 'Light'. We were safe. But WOW! You should have seen how you came to your bed last night. It was so cool. I was, like, just sitting in the middle of my bed, blissed out on that 'Light' when suddenly the four corners of your bed got all sparkly and 'WHOOSH!' this big blob of pearly light went to the center. When it cleared there you were. All I had to do was cover you up. That was the coolest thing I have ever seen." Brandy was glowing herself as she described my return. It was exactly as I saw it in my own mind. *Wierd*. It was as if I hadn't lost anything, better even, as it was all so much smoother now, more natural.
Turning to Mom I asked. "Will you be able to help me today? I have quite a bit of work to do to get ready for the twins. I think it will be better if we heal them both at the same time. Maybe a little more exhausting and probably more exacting then Sis here." I smiled at Brandy. She was nodding her head in agreement at my statement and I knew that she knew (Phew!)that would be the way to go. "We will have to talk to the others as well. This will take a lot more power too as they are a whole lot older. I will have to make major changes in both their minds and bodies. This will be a lot more delicate as well, and lest we forget, this will be a one shot deal. As soon as I give them their 'Gifts' I won't be able to do that anymore. So WE will have to be extra careful and plan for any contingency. Okay?"
"Of course dear," Mom said. " I will talk to the others and we will get all prepared. All you have to worry about is the information you need to gather. I am sure that Brandy can assist you with that now." She and Brandy smiled at each other. "How long will you need dear?"
In perfect unison Brandy and myself answered Mom. "Two days, six hours, and twenty-seven seconds." Turning to each other we hugged and giggled as Mom and Dad sat with a priceless look of surprise on their faces. Brandy looked very serious for a second, looked at me, then Mom. "There is something very strange going on here." She got up and went up to our room without another word her face a study in concentration. I could feel the strong tug of her 'Gift' as she was trying to figure out something. I turned to Mom and Dad. "Not to worry, I am sure she will figure it out. She will tell us when she is ready. This is something we will have to get used to with Miss Braniac now." I giggled as my parents laughed.
I got up and helped Mom with the breakfast cleanup as Dad said he had to check a few things out as well. So Mom went to contact the Coven, Dad had gone to do his thing, Sis was busy upstairs thinking up a storm, so I decided to go to my Lab and check out my very special collection proccess. I had to utilize a different approach to collect these special 'T's'. I had Dad go over and get some samples of the 'Twins' DNA and I then had to fine tune the collection technique for them only. I had discovered this little trick when I collected Brandy's past. Checking the process I noted that I had gleaned about 55% of what I needed. I gave my little 'babies' a tender touch and left them to their gleeful task. It was so strange. I could feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction in my little machines as they burbled away. They were practically alive!
I went to the other side of the Lab where I had set up my 'area'. Kind of a smaller copy of the 'circle'. As I sank into my lotus position I prepard my mind. I sank myself to that special place in my mind and began to prepare for what, I knew, to be a milestone in this Family's history. What we were preparing to do had 'never' been done before. Then again, there had never been a Dark Lord screwing with our Family before.
I had sorted what I needed to do for each of the twins and what order to do everything. I had scried what 'Gift' went to what twin and had prepared myself for those transfers as well. I knew I had been working for two days but I also knew that no one was concerned as they understood what was needed. I had not wanted for any nurishment as the 'Light' had sustained me for the whole time. I also noted that I was becoming much calmer with my powers. They weren't as glaring and unwieldly as before. It would appear as if 'we' had come to some sort of understanding and the seams between me and 'them' were no more. I hoped that when I gave the Twins their 'Gifts' back that it wouldn't cause me to become unbalanced in 'any' way. This was new territory we were travelling and there would be unknowns at first. It was necessary, I thought, this had to be done. It was the 'Right' thing to do. I felt better as I rationalized my sacrifices. It wouldn't be so bad. I still would have my 'Babies'. I chuckled... Well, all seemed in order, I could do this now. I resurfaced to the Lab, checked my collection process, acertained that it would be ready in two hours. Good... Things were coming together.
While I had been sequestered in my 'Circle' the rest of the Family had been preparing. The twins were in total awe that this was going to be done. Their lives had become normal for them and they had never missed what they never had or remembered they had. The women of the 'Coven' had prepared them and had taken a great deal of time to explain what had happened and what their cousin was prepared to do to make things right! All was in readiness. I sent a prayer to 'Ariel' to watch over us this night or nights, as I was not sure how long this process would take. I felt 'Her' response and knew that 'She' would look over us, regardless of how long it took.
We had planned all meticulously. We had all the power we would need at our disposal, we had all been cleansed, and it was the night of a new moon. We couldn't get any more prepared. I gathered up all I would need and Our Family went over to the 'Twins' place. All was ready for us when we arrived. I had to take a moment with the twins as they had latched onto me as soon as I entered their house. I tried to calm their fears and aprehensions only to find out that they had none. They were so trusting of me. They just had to show their appreciation but didn't have a clue how. How do you thank someone who is about to give you your life back. They just hugged an arm each and stared up at me in total adoration. It was quite unsettling. How did anyone get used to this, this complete trust and love? I didn't know.
The ladies saw my slight discomfort at all the angst surrounding me and gently pried the twins from me. I shot them a look of appreciation and they smiled tenderly at me. The men had been busy and the house was secure from all physical forms of interuptions. The 'Coven' had secured the Spiritual aspects. All was in readiness and I couldn't stall any more. The living room had been prepared and all furniture had been moved back and a soft spongy mat had been placed on the floor. We shooed the Menfolk away, closed the doors in many ways, they sat in a circle surrounding us; Brandy, Peaches, Alana, and myself. I had asked Brandy to join with us in case I forgot anything. She had agreed but had this knowing smile on her face. I hoped that it boded well for us. The 'Coven' joined hands and began to chant to summon the power. We, in the center sat facing each other, joined hands, and sank into the mental 'Circle' I had prepared.
I summoned all the data I had collected from my 'T's' and began the laborous job of rebuilding their minds. It didn't take long until I was wringing wet, the sweat pouring from my brow as I maintained a level of concetration never before attained by anyone or anything for that matter. I was one with the twins as I replaced brick by brick all that had been taken from them. Hours, Days, Years... Seemed to pass. I was lost in the effort. I could feel the Power as every once in a while I would get a cooling bath of energy. It would refresh me and I would dive back into the job. I knew that the 'Coven' was maintaining me, and the others as well, and we never felt thirst or hunger. Thank the 'Light' for that as any interruption could have proven fatal. We were blazing new roads for the 'Light' today that would stand us in good stead in the years to come. We had discovered Immortality. This would become yet another gift for the Family. All here today would benefit from what we were doing now.
I sighed in complete relief as I placed the last bricks back into Alana's mind. Peaches I had finished first. Just the luck of the draw I surmised. I sat back and soaked up the rejuvenating power of the 'Universal Power of Protection'. As before I could feel the burst of soothing energy shoot through me and out to the assembled others. I watched with immense satisfaction as the 'Twins' faces registered first shock, amazement, and finaly peace. They were once again whole persons. All that had been done to them, mentaly at least, by Zeth and the Dark Lord, had been reversed. I also had made the necessary adjustments physicaly as I had done for Brandy. If I couldn't give them back their Manhood I could, at least, give them full membership in Womanhood. I felt such satisfaction as I basked in the power of the 'Circle'. The twins were softly crying as Brandy and I hugged and rocked them. What a supremely satisfying moment. I gave them a few more moments to come to grips with their repaired selves.
"Okay Ladies, it is time for step two. Are you ready?"
At their blank looks Brandy giggled then bent forward to whisper in their ears.
"No Way!" They both exclaimed in unison. This cause a brief giggle fest amongst us.
"Yes Way!" I said laughing. "I can't believe that no one didn't tell you."
I heard my Mother say. "We are so sorry sweetheart but we didn't wish to get their hopes up prematurely."
"Oh! Okay Mother." That made good sense so I just moved on. I explained what was about to happen, how it would feel, and how they should just let it settle first for a while and listen to Brandy. At her shocked look I had to remind her that I would, no doubt, be unable to help in any way directly after the transfer. She smiled and assured me that she would be there for her cousins. I got the impression that she knew more than she was letting on but I was way too busy getting ready for the transfer.
With understandable eagerness the Girls held my hands again. This time it was just us and Brandy sat back waiting to offer any assistance. I reached inside and felt the Gift for Alana. I had determined prior that she would have recieved the ability to convert energy/matter so I had that transfer ready to go first. Again I could feel the slow pouring honey sensation as I poured the gift into her. I also gave her my benefit of knowing how to use it. This would stop any fumbling and keep accidents down to a minimum. This was, after all, the most incredible and powerful 'Gift' ever bestowed on any of the Family. Alana was, in my estimation, more than capable to handle such power, as she was gentle and kind to a fault. Once again I felt that 'Numb' sensation as the final bits of the gift oozed into Alana.
This time I would have to rest a little bit in between my 'Gift' giving. I giggled inwardly as I thought of myself as Santa.
While I watched Brandy point out the finer points of Alana's 'Gift' I saw the wonder in her face as she tried small experiments. I saw a small burst of energy borrowed from the 'Circle' become a silk blouse. Alana smiled. "It is the least I can do for you." When she handed her very first creation to me as a gift I was temporaily overcome with emotion. It took a while to get my self under control again but with the kind words from the 'Circle' around us and the purifying forces of the energy of the 'Place' we were in I was soon ready for Peaches.
Taking her hands in mine I waited for her to calm down then reached once again inside for her 'Gift'. The last was the force shield that would make her invunerable and superstrong. I would miss this gift most of all. I forced aside my selfish thoughts. This was Her 'Gift', not mine. Again the pouring honey sensation started. This was the longest transfer by far and it felt like hours had passed. ( I found out later that it had taken two hours.) Once again that annoying numbness filled me. I can remember losing my grasp on Peaches hands as I fell into a Milky, pearl colored, mist. That was the last I remembered as I went unconsious.
Chapter Seven:
What Now?
Once again I awoke in my own bed. This time I was far from alone. My bed was surrounded by Brandy, Alana, Peaches, and my Parents. There was a palatable feeling of incredible love and I smiled up at them as I basked in the emotion. I felt a little fatigued but that was all. The Silver skin was gone. The numbness had left so I presumed that some time had passed. 'Two days'. The information popped into my mind. I smiled as I realized I still had a remnent of my 'borrowed' gift. I stretched languorusly, like a cat, I reminded myself. I felt, well, Fantastic. As soon as I started to get to a sitting position everyone lunged in, as pillows were adjusted, my back supported as I got into position and Mother handing me a cup of steaming tea. She laughed at my expression. "Your sister let us know when you would wake up so we were ready." She giggled and Brandy blushed.
"So? How is everyone? No planets destroyed or buildings moved I hope." I laughed. I was assured that all was well and the girls were learning all about their gifts, as well as their new full membership in womanhood. There were embarrased giggles but everyone was tickled pink.
The room exploded in a chorus of thank you's as all the girls tried to hug me at the same time. It was bedlam. I couldn't have been happier. I was also informed that Peaches had thrown her 'stupid' name away and now wished to be known as Patricia. I couldn't have agreed more. I always thought the name 'Peaches' was derogatory. I mean she was a person not fruit. I guess I spoke this last out loud as the room errupted in peals of laughter. More hugs, numerous kisses, and more graditude than I could handle. "Please ladies. What I did was the right thing to do. I did not expect to be thanked for doing what was right........ but, I am pleased that everthing worked out so well." I smiled at them all.
"Now what is on the agenda, ladies?"
"Breakfast!" My mother said. We laughed. I was hungry though. I would imagine that I would have to get used to being merely human again. I sighed... Brandy handed me my robe and we went downstairs. While we ate the girls filled me in on what they wanted to do. They wished to form their own 'Super' group and start looking after the neighbourhood first for practice then branching out to looking after the World.
"Wow." I sighed. "Very ambitious. I approve completely. It is about time that this family came of age and started to do it's duty." I shocked myself at my vehemance but realized it was true. For centuries the Family had kept in the shadows and not allowed itself to mingle with the world. We had tried to hide our gifts because of our fear of being shunned by the normal people. The world needed us now more than ever. Evil was pretty predominate and it was time for some 'Light' smackdown. I sat back and listened to my new 'Super' family as they discussed important details such as "Just what colors to use for their Super costumes". I shook my head as they were like little Girls again as they made suggestions for design, shape, and colors. Even Mom was in there. It was glorious. I couldn't help but laugh in glee. They all looked a little abashed at their childish enthusiasm but that quickly passed as I jumped in and started to help plan their grand debut.
Some of the Menfolk came into the kitchen, listened in to the hardly recognizable chatter, looked at each other in total confusion. "Uhh! Ladies, we will just go down and get take out Okay?" They were waved out of the kitchen as we enthused about one thing or another. I realized that I was having a blast. For the first time in my whole life I felt part of things. I felt the tears gather and slip down my cheeks but I let the concerned ladies know that I was just SO happy. This got us all going and for the next several minutes we cried, laughed, and bonded as a Family.
Later, after we had eaten lunch, brought to us by the menfolk, we had regrouped outside in the backyard as the girls practiced their signature powers. I had slipped downstairs to my Lab and brought up some of my wonders. I gifted each of the girls with devices, powered by cosmic energy no less, that gave them what they lacked. Patricia could fly and was pretty much protected from attack, Amanda had incredible forces of both the defensive and offensive, and Brandy had her vast intellect and information gathering abilities.
With my devices I had both Brandy and Amanda flying around like tinkerbells. Patricia was giggling as it degenerated into a three dimensional game of tag. When they had 'That' out of their systems. I bequeathed them with my most precious devices. I implanted them with telepathic abilities, then showed them my Inertia shields. Worn as rings, when powered up they would surround each girl with a wall of force that would absorb kinetic energy of any projectile that hit them as well as the energy of other things, like, say, flamethrowers. The energy was stored in another of my devices and could be let out in small spurts of energy such as ice shards, or as a gigantic ball of flame. I had tied these devices into their telepathic devices and that made everything automatic and controlled. Now each girl had the abilities of the other albeit in smaller form. They could augment each other and as a threesome would be awesome. *The triple Threat* I called them.
Brandy laughed. "No, the 'Fantabulous Four'" I just shook my head, sighed, and had to go inside as I didn't want them to see my tears. I scolded myself for this childish display. I knew what I was doing. I knew what I was giving up. Still it was a little hard to take. I sat in the kitchen crying as I tried to come to grips with what my life would offer me now. God... I was feeling sorry for myself...... That's disgusting.
Outside Alana was looking at Brandy as if she had just grown an extra head. Patricia was stuned. "GOD! Brandy could you be any more cruel? I can't believe you."
"What?" Brandy couldn't understand their anger. She was feeling it through their artificial telepathic connection but still couldn't understand it. "What are you so upset about?"
"Jesus Brandy. Terri has just given us the gift of not only life, which I will never be able to repay her for, but then on top of that she ripped out her gifts and gave them to us. A more noble thing I have never heard of. I mean it is like tearing off your leg to give it to a lame person. Then you say that... 'Fantabulous Four'. Wait, let me go and get some salt so you can rub that in as well. I just can't believe how callus you are." Patricia was vibrating in anger and her shield was going murky then clear as her emotions flared.
Brandy suddenly realized. "You don't know?
"Know what!" Both Alana and Patricia said together.
"Just think for a moment. Everytime you use your gift don't you feel as if you are attached to something, or someone? My God. I guess she doesn't know either. *Holy Shit*. What an idiot I am. I have all this information at my beck and call and yet I don't know anything. She actually gave away her gifts. Wow. I am amazed that anyone could be that unselfish." Brandy was astounded. "Hey guys, I'm sorry, but I thought that you and she knew."
"Brandy... If you don't start making sense I'm going to bop you one. Patricia was looking menacing. Alana had a ball of fire building in her left palm. She too was looking quite grim.
"Jesus girls! Calm down and let me explain. All those gifts that Terri recieved she incorporated into her very being. There is no way that she could just transplant them to someone else. Now with her *incredible* power she could duplicate them and insert that duplicate into someone else. Of couse the duplicate would be merely a shadow of her power and she would always have to augment those powers if necessary. I wouldn't worry though... I doubt that anyone on this planet is more powerful than any of us. Terri.... Well let's just say that she is the next best thing to a Goddess. She is a thousand, no a million times stronger than either of us. She hasn't lost a thing. I wonder why she can't see that. Hmmmm.....?"
"Bullshit Brandy. I felt that power pour into me and out of her. How could she NOT know she has power or not?"
"Good question Alana,,, A very good question. Why indeed? I sense a purpose here." Brandy was in deep thought and the other girls would get a flash or two over their mental network when ever a thought would peak and escape into the network.
"Got it." She exclaimed, making the other two start. "It all goes back to the original gift! The Goddess 'Ariel' was so touched by our ancenstor's sacrifice that She blessed our Family with the 'Gifts'. Now Terri has gone and done that again. You can betchya that 'Ariel' is in the know and is impressed with this family even more or more to the point with Terri. I can't even imagine the strength of character my Sis has. She honestly thought she was 'giving' all her powers away. She was doing the "RIGHT" thing. I'm sorry to admit that I don't think, no, I know I would never had been able to do that. My God! I am in such AWE of my little Sis!" Tears were pouring down her face as she came to these realizations.
'AH! SO NOW YOU KNOW, GOOD!" The girls spun around to see a young girl floating about a foot above the ground with a milky glow above her head. It looked a bit like a halo.
"Ariel" All three girls fell to their knees.
"Girls, girls, please. We are family. You don't kneel to family." She went to each and helped them up then smiled and hugged them to her. "I am just so pleased with my family. It took awhile but you turned out really well. That Grand niece of mine, Terri, is a pure 'pleasure'. We have been grooming her for some time now. I think she is ready, don't you?"
Brandy, Patricia, and Alana could only nod dumbly. "But Ariel." stuttered Brandy. "She doesn't know. She thinks she gave her powers away...."
A warmth spread out from 'Ariel' and put all their fears and anxieties to rest. "Yes. I know. Isn't she precious? All you have to do is involve her in a small trifle of danger and it will all come back to her. She was so convinced to do the right thing that she has convinced herself that she has. She doesn't realize just how incredibly powerful she is. I could be wrong but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she wasn't as strong or more than I. I am just so pleased with this family!"
Those last words echoed a bit and the girls saw that Ariel was gone.
"WOW!" They all said at the same time. This caused them to break down into a giggle fest.
Put Terri in harms way........... How?
Chapter Eight:
Learning a few Tricks
I finally pulled my head out of my ass and rejoined what I refered to as 'My Sisters' in the back yard. I even allowed them to convince me to use the same devices that I had given to them so that I could join them. I did this just to facilitate their training. I had absolutley no intention in joining them in their 'Super Heroing'. I wanted them to have the very best readiness that I could give them. The world that they were about to save was not as forgiving as our back yard... A mistake out in the world could cause a world of hurt to not only them but those around them.
I was a merciless taskmaster. I was quite surprised that they allowed me to run so roughshod over them. They bowed to my experience with their powers and did as I asked. I must admit to a certain pleasure in moulding these budding 'Hero's' into a sharp, incisive, and very effective trio. They had already experienced quite a few minor excursions into the neighbourhood and had started to gain quite the reputation. The victims were most appreciative and the villians had become wary. They even had a 'nomme de guere' (Working name) They called themselves "Ariel's Angels". I thought Ariel would be pleased. I tweeked a little on the devices I had given them and created a slight shift in the shields around their heads. It did nothing to impare their vision out but created a pearly cloud around their faces. A good protection of identity. Further I had the power 'inputs' seem to look like wispy wings coming out of their backs. They really were Angels.
What I couldn't understand though was the powers that I had given away, while feeling very different, hadn't seemed to completely leave me. I thought that maybe because of my closeness to the girls that I was still resonating to their 'Gifts'. Any time I would try to get into this train of thought with them something would come up and I was involved with 'Family' matters or 'Coven business, or 'Hero' training. I never realized that I was being 'handled' until such time as the girls could come up with the 'plan' to get me involved. I also couldn't understand the deferance I was receiving from the 'Family' either. Yes, I had done some miraculous things and I 'had' taught the 'Coven' new tricks but that was back when I was somebody with powers. Now I was just a normal Girl. Well, I did have my 'babies' in the basement and I still kept comming up with the most incredible 'toys'.
The toughest thing I did do though, was to re-aquaint myself with my University friends and teachers. Shall we say they were astonished at my changes, and once over the shock the girls became even closer and some even took me under their wings to teach me all that I would 'need' to know. The guys? Well they dribbled alot, but seemed to get used to the new me. I love Academics. They can use that wonderful toy, 'logic', to make anything seem right. I did have many a heated argument with the professors about 'not' bringing the Authorities into what was blatantly 'Child Abuse'. When I informed them of Uncle Zeth and his recent demise, they became more tractable. I guess I went up in their estimation though for being such a 'forgiving' person.
I did discover, however, much to my sadness, that I was so far beyond even the most intelligent of my friends that my visits were fewer. I brought a few new 'toys' for them to 'oooooh' and 'ahhhhhh' over and even explained some of the more simpler devices as well as help dissect a few to show how they went together! It was still fun to 'geek' out over them. Especialy with my closest friend, Jeffrey. Who, I thought was the smartest there. We would 'geek' over the latest inventions in the world and try to work out better ways to do this or that. He was kewl.. I also went out quite a bit more with the University girls as they continued my education into the 'perfect' outfit or 'cutest' hair style. It also really helped me to fit in better now that my silver coating has dissapeared. I was just another girl. A very cute one but quite normal. That, I think, was what kept me the most sane in the ensuing months after losing all those 'wonderful' powers.
I had started to make sure that I kept a couple devices on my person now as since I 'was' just a normal girl. I was in danger of all the trials and tribulations of any other girl. I had to watch to keep out of dark alleys or get caught out late at night without any companionship. The 'Sisters' had of course much better things to do than hang out with me so I found myself on my own a lot. Oh! Yea. Remember that real good friend at University, Jeff? Well I think he fancys me a bit and I have gone out with him with, of course, other couples, on a few 'Dates'? I get the impression he would like to go out on a few 'solo' dates with me. I am not sure how comfortable I am with my 'budding' femininity yet and had til now made sure we were 'chaperoned' by other couples. I did like him but wasn't sure if I 'liked' him Ya Know? Sometimes this girl stuff is quite hard to get a handle on and I was way far away from talking to Mom about this stuff... I just hoped that I would get some education by watching and emulating my newest 'girlfriends.
Chapter Nine:
Where did they come from?
Isn't it the strangest thing? In all my fourteen years in this neighbourhood I had never so much as even heard of a 'hero' or 'villian' yet now it seemed as if they were coming out of woodwork. Well, the sewer, it seemed, was where they mostly came from. What? Did they live down there and only came out when there was a hero to bust chops with?
The 'Angels' were finding more and more 'evils' and 'villians' to subdue and it seemed that each succeding bad guy was a little craftier, more powerful, and just down right nastier then the last. I was beginning to see a disturbing trend here. I tried to let my 'Sisters' know of my concerns but they just poo poohed me as they were having no problems with these new comers and I was just a worry wart. If I had stayed a little longer I might have seen their sad looks as I stormed off. "What ever!" was becoming my favorite expletive.
"This isn't working well at all girls." Alana said after my latest stormoff (Stomping was in there too.) "It seems as if we are driving her further and further away from us. It is very sad and I for one can't keep doing this. I miss her!"
The other 'Angels' agreed but didn't have a clue what to do.
I had decided that they could look out for themselves now and at the last training session I had given them my blessings and stopped doing anything with them. After all they were the 'Super Hero's' now and my usefulness had come to an end. I started hanging out more with the University gang and even went to a few parties. Jeff and I were getting very close. I stopped having anything to do with the 'Coven' and Family and spent my time between my Lab and my new friends.
I even tried to get the conversation away from the "Angels" when ever they had another run in with some two-bit criminal or other. I was really starting to resent them! My friends were quite surprised at my lack of usual embulience over the newest heros but they saw my, not really anger, but dissapointment and usualy changed the topic to something University related.
Mom pigeon holed me one day about a week after I had said sayanora to the girls. "What ever has come over you Terri? I don't understand your reluctance to be with your sisters. Is there something I should know? Did they say something to you? You seem so sad lately, I am quite worried!"
"Oh Mother. Those bitc.... guys don't need me anymore. They have the powers, not me. No, I've done my duty and I have trained them. Rather well I think. They don't want to have anything to do with me now and won't even listen to me any more. So why should I give a shi..., Why would you think I want to be with them anymore. Listen Mom, we just have nothing left in common anymore. I am so sorry I ever gave them their gifts back. They are 'JUST' so hot now! God! I am so disgusted with them. Nothing I can do about it though... I made them so I have to live with that. I sure hope they grow up soon or they may be turned to the 'Dark'. Maybe you and the coven should try to talk to them. I want nothing to do with them anymore. Okay?" I pulled myself out of her more and more astonished grip and stormed out of the house. I had no idea I had left her in tears. What was the matter with everyone? I was, after all, just a fourteen year old girl. What did they expect?
Mother did indeed call the 'coven' together in an emergency session. When all had arived and settled in She told them what had been happening the last few weeks and her concerns for not only me but the 'Angels' as well.She didn't have to embelish anything as most of the 'Coven' had seen the disturbing changes in both. They decided to take some action.
Forming their circle and using the new techniques that Terri had taught them summoned the 'Angels' and Terri into the circle to get to the bottom of everything. It was easy to bring the 'Angels' in but no matter what they tried they could not compel Terri in the least. The coven stated their concerns and were flabergasted by what the girls had to say. They admitted to really screwing up with Terri. Just how do you play a Goddess anyway? They and the 'Coven' spent hours trying to come up with some way to help Terri into her powers while at the same time alowing for face saving for all concerned. Especially Terri. This was such a prime time for Evil to worm It's way in and everyone was to be on constant guard.
Meanwhile Terri was 'out' with Jeff on their first solo date. At the same time 'Evil' was planning a major coup....
Chapter Ten:
And The Truth Shall Set You Free
The movie had been hilarious, the company nice, and the following meal quite delicious. Terri could get to enjoy this Boy and Girl thing. Jeff had been in every way a gentleman. He had opened doors, helped her to sit, and all night had made her feel appreciated. Quite heady stuff for a former boy who had been shuned for most of his life. Some inate ability had kept her balanced though and even though she had really enjoyed herself she was not about to fling herself at the first person to show her such a wonderful time. She saw nothing wrong with a kiss and a cuddle though. Terri had learned well from her friends at the University and Jeff was the lucky recipient of her charms.
They were walking back to Jeff's car after dinner when they noticed the orange flashes being reflected from the windows of the buildings around them. It took Terri no time at all to do the math and find where the action was.... Jeff followed her gaze...... Woah! There they were, 'Ariel's Angels' battling it out with a group of real bad guys.
"Lets check it out," started Jeff as he tried to pull Terri towards where the battle was raging. He might as well tried to pull the moon as he got the same results. He almost dislocated his shoulder when he came to the end of his arm that was attached to Terri. "Owww! What the Fu......" He stopped as he looked at Terri. She was a study in concentration as she obviously had not even felt the pull from Jeff. Just as quickly she seemed to snap out of it. "They can handle it." she said under her breath. It was then she noticed Jeff staring at her as if she had horns growing out of her forehead. She felt the pain he was in and without even thinking about it she rubbed his shoulder and arm for a few seconds.
"There you go big guy, I think you will live." She smirked at him in a teasing way but he was having none of it. He had felt her touch first numb the pain then watched as the inflamation and swelling had just disapeared. He knew that sort of injury. He had it before from football. It took a few days with ice, massage, and rest to do what Terri had done in seconds.
"Who are you?" He asked in amazement.
"What?" Terri began. "Hello Jeff.... I'm your date this evening, don't you remember?" She smiled up at him tenderly, "Did you hit your head too?"
"Come on Terri, you know what I mean. You just touch me and I'm okay? That just doesn't happen!"
"What are you talking about? I'm just standing here. I'm not doing anything. Why are you spassing out for?"
Jeff looked deeply into her eyes and only saw truth and concern. She didn't even know what she had done. Jeff was far from stupid and the last several weeks began to make some wierd sort of sense. Her incredible little gizmos, his total impossibility to even budge her, then the healing. He looked up at the continuing battle the 'Angels' were engaged in and saw what they were doing. It all came together in a snap in his head. He staggered slightly under the incredible for a moment. He knew... Now to prove it if only to himself and maybe Terri too.
"Hey sorry babe. Let's go watch." He pointed to the 'Angels'.
"Aw let's not, Please!"
"Come on Terri. How often do you get a chance to watch real live Hero's in action? I would hate to miss this opportunity. Please, please....... for me!"
"Sheeze! Okaaaay....."
Jeff smiled, gave her a little kiss on her cheek, and now had no problem pulling Terri towards the battle. Jeff kept watching how the 'Angels did their thing. Yes, he was right, he thought. Incredible. How is it that no one else at the University had caught on? They knew of most of Terri's inventions. How could no one else see? They had ring side seats soon and watched as the "Angels' slowly but surely put the bite on the bad guys. Soon it was over and the police had moved in to grab the nasties while waving their thanks at the retreating Hero's.
"There.... Happy now?"
Jeff couldn't help but hear the bitterness in her voice. He thought he knew why, but how to ask? Aw.... the heck with it, you just had to go for it.
They had reached Jeff's car and he had her in the passenger seat all buckled in and safe. She had giggled at his attentivenes, and had slapped playfully at his hands as he had made sure she was buckled up. He got in his side, started the car, thought for a moment and started to drive her home. "So, Terri...... How long have you known the "Angels"?
"Come on Terri luv, it's obvious!"
"What ever are you talking about?" her nervousness could be felt as well as heard. My God, she thought. How much does he know? How did he know? It was obvious that he did know...... something.
"Terri, please trust me. I understand all that secrecy stuff and I would never tell a soul. I think that what you and those Angels are doing is fantastic and I would do nothing to jeproadize that. You know though you shouldn't bring in any more of your "Little toys" as you call them. Someone else is going to put two and two together, Ya know?" He gave Terri an adoring look that just melted her.
"God! What am I going to do with you now?" She asked the universe in general. "You are just too smart for your own good or mine for that matter." She looked over to watch alarm spread over Jeff's face. He just realized that he was in a rather precarious situation. Terri laughed! "Oh. Don't look so striken, I'm not going to kill you or anything. Remember? I'm one of the good guys.
With a whoosh of expelled air that he didn't even know he was holding Jeff relaxed and looked a little foolish as he turned to her. "Yah... That's right, you are. Wow..... what a night. So....... How long Have you know them?"
"Geeze...... Persistant bugger aren't you? Well...... I've known them all my life. They are my Sisters. Well not completely, I mean we call each other Sis, but two of them are really my cousins. Do you want to meet them?"
"What.... well yah..... of course.... are you serious?
Terri had to laugh again. This could be kool. To have a fellow conspirator and all. Not to mention that he was one of the smartest guys at the University. Some of the theory behind a couple of her inventions had been his. Shit! That was how he did it....... He recognized the effects of the inertia shield. It was his idea. Besides he was cute too... She laughed again.
"Yah! I am serious. Come on and I'll introduce you. After all you are the Father of some of their technology but you already knew that, didn't you?"
"Well, honestly..... yea. The effects of the inertia field is pretty well documented in my head. Sheesh.. We worked on that one together. I can remember how excited you were when I mentioned it. Gosh, that was a brainstorming night. Two Pizza's and a flat of cokes." Jeff had to laugh at the intensity of that night. Terri and he had left the others in their dust. They had gone on a wild night of conjecture, theory, and just plain old caffine. What a blast! God, he missed that. It had been a long time since they had done that. He looked over at Terri and saw the same longing in her eyes.
"Why? / How come?......" They both started and then laughed. Terri finished both of their sentences. "I don't know why we stopped. We always had a blast. We should get back into that..... at least that..." she finished coyly while she grabbed Jeff's hand. They had arrived at Terri's house by then and just sat. Enjoying each other's company.
Suddenly she snapped off her seat belt and leaned over and gave Jeff a light kiss on his cheek. "Come on in and meet the strangest FAMILY in the world then." She was out the door while Jeff was still savoring the kiss. She had come around to his side of the car, and with her patented quirky smile asked. "Unless you're chicken? Bruck, bruck!" she danced around in circles, flapping her arms, sounding like a demented hen. He had to get out and get her inside before the men in the white coats came...
Instead of going into the house, Terri led Jeff around to the tree enclosed back yard. They could hear girlish laughter and coming to the rear gate Terri grabbed Jeff's hand and made shushing hand guestures as she pulled him 'through' the gate and then Jeff saw wonderous things. Three Angels flying around, laughing, as they threw bolts of energy at each other!
"Oh Children!" Terri said in a sing song voice.
The Angels stopped what they were doing and with a glad cry swooped down to hug the stuffing out of her. Just as suddenly they noticed Jeff. "Holy Shit!" Alana, always the outspoken one was the first to state the over all feelings among the three. Jeff just stood there, not sure what to do, with this silly half smile on his face.
"Oh... Girls, this is my 'BOYFRIEND' Jeff. Not to worry he knows all about you guys. He helped me design some of the little toys you use. He's kewl." Terri gave Jeff a big hug and kiss, right on the lips, as her sisters just watched open mouthed with total shock.... Jeff suddenly realized what Terri had done and his tension just melted. He turned to Terri, lifted her face to his, and gave her such a kiss back. Terri felt her legs give way under the sudden asault and in the background heard the oooooooohs and aaaaaahs. Jeff supported her and easily lifted her up into his arms, his big strong arms, and carried her to one of the swing chairs on the back veranda. She was still starry eyed when Mother came out demanding to know just what the heck was going on. When she saw Jeff and then the look in her daughter's eyes she new what had happened. She smiled and went back to her kitchen humming to herself. Everything was going to work out just fine!
Chapter Eleven:
Where Can I Get One?
Jeff became almost a house guest, he was over so much. The Family thought most highly of him and with Terri's constant bragging how smart he was he was accepted as one of the brains in the family. Most could see the writing on the wall and knew he would be part of the Family soon. Most treated him AS family now. All could see that Terri was smitten and vice versa. The house hummed in harmony again. Many days would find Jeff in one of the backyard swings going over tech manuals or checking benchmarks on some gimmick he and Terri had devised as the Girls played in the skies. Even Terri, using her devices, was up, up, and away. She didn't realize it but she was STILL teaching her sisters. She would often help them fine tune a specific routine or show a new twist to an old device that had even Brandy struggling to keep up. To Jeff she was the mother hen showing her chicks how to do this and that. It made him happy that she was so happy! He knew, though, that he had to talk to the other girls as soon as he could without Terri around. It was very important and he wasn't sure if they had any inkling at all of the problem.
His chance came the very next day when 'MOM' grabbed her for some shopping. Terri was a growing girl and needed new clothes. The other girls had pretty much finished growing but it would appear as if Terri would be doing that for a few more years yet. She was such a willowy beauty. She now stood at 5'9" and didn't weigh any more than 125 lbs. She had a delightful figure of 34C - 22 - 34 and looked rather fragile. We all knew that she was made of iron though. He was, as usual, ensconsed in one of the swing chairs on the back veranda, going over the latest specs of model helicopters when Terri and her Mom went off. The girls were hard at work trying to master the latest trick Terri had taught them and had collided in mid air. They fell to the ground in a tangle of legs and arms laughing at how inept they were, making out how it was the other girl's fault. Jeff had to laugh and then got a little worried at the predetory look he got from them. That broke them up again. Jeff relaxed. Boy, never a dull moment, that was for sure. Now, however, was his chance. He called the girls over and as soon as they were comfortable he just dove in. He had learned from experience with this family you just didn't beat around the bush. You might get beat by the bush if you tried!
"Girls, we have a serious problem, and I am not sure how much you know of it?"
That got the attention of Alana and Patricia. They sat up straighter as they respected Jeff's intellect. Brandy was just nodding as she already knew most of what Jeff was about to say. She was shocked by his intuitive reasoning though and decided to let him get it off his chest his way before she waded in. "What is it? Alana asked.
"Well let's just start by my telling you that I know that you three wouldn't be anything without Terri... I know that you three are very powerfull in your own right but I get the impression that Terri is the Queen to your Princesses. What I can't understand is why she doesn't know that. She is just about bursting at the seams with all this unimaginable power but she doesn't even sense it? When I see her out there with you I see her as the Goddess teaching her Priestesses the rites of the grove or something... It is down right awe inspiring...... Please don't get me wrong but has someone here got a whammy on her or something?"
Dead silence met Jeff and he thought he may have over stepped his bounds....... Then first Brandy, then Pat, and finaly Alana were nodding. They got up in unison and gave Jeff a tender hug. A hug one would give a brother. He felt the warmth and relaxed.
"You have incredible insight Jeff. You will make a wonderful addition to this family." Brandy said with the other two nodding in agreeance. "Yes, you are right, Terri is the Goddess to us neophytes. She is the one to even give us our powers. That is the problem. She honestly thinks that she Gave us Her powers not just the duplicates of her own." Brandy had known this day would come and was ready with the entire story. Jeff learned of the Family's shame and then their Pride and now he sat with them in contemplation on how to help Terri recognize herself. He was so much in Awe of her for such an incredible display of ultimate sacrifice. He was already so much in love with her but now he respected her above all else! Not being a normaly religious person he was surprised at the feelings he was having for Terri as a Goddess as well!
"Okay, Ariel said to put her into some small danger to bring it all out, why haven't you been able to do that?" At their looks he had to laugh... "Yea, I know, Can't get her to do anything SHE doesn't want to do......" At their nods he understood their frustration. "Maybe I could devise some sort of temporary blocker to the shield or something..... No, you're right, she wouldn't even know when her real one kicked in. Jezus! How do you bamboozle a Goddess?" All three sisters shrugged in shame and frustration. They felt that they had not only let down their Mother Goddess Ariel but their sister Goddess as well. Not every lifetime you get to screw up two Goddesses!
"Wait! Why doesn't Ariel do something?"
The musical sound of Ariel's voice sounded behind them and they all spun around."And just what should I do Young Jeffrey? She is the stronger of us and I am not able to coerce her in any way even if I wanted to, and I would never do that anyway. No. She must make the concious choice to use her gifts and then she will know of them. Ah, a cunundrum to be sure. I am sure that you fine children will come up with the answer. It has to be soon though as I can feel an incredible up surge in Evil and know that we will need HER soon. You, my dear family, are very strong, the very backbone of this world, but even you will not win against what is coming next. Then there is what may come after that! I am sorry, children, to bring such sorrow, but I have Faith in you." She was fading even as she finished her words. As the last echoes died she was gone.
"Well..... " Jeff trailed off. What could you say?
"The only way I can see this having even a ghost of a chance is if we somehow get her involved with the fight. The next time you Angels are called out to do battle she MUST be with you. It only follows that with her inate sense of what is right and wrong she will have to join in......" A gleam came to Jeff's eyes! "Especialy if one or more of you seems to be bested."
The surprise on their faces at the very simpicity of the plan got a chuckle from Jeff. "Hey Ladies, don't sweat it. You couldn't help it. You just don't have a devious bone in your bodies. I, fortunately, haven't been totaly corrupted by the virtues of this Family yet. I still have a least two devious bones left." The birds were startled to flight by the sudden high laughter that ensued from the mysterious wooded back yard.
Alana looked at her Sisters. "I want one JUST like him!"
More Insane laughter!
Chapter Twelve:
What kind of bait do you use?
It was a war! Two World known Heros were duking it out with an incredible army of assorted Villians. The National Guard was even involved as it tried to get civilians to saftey. This was proving difficult as the Bad Guys loved taking pot shots at the military. Hmmmmm? Issues there perhaps? So far there were no fatalities but the paramedics were kept busy patching up minor wounds. Most were hustled off to saftey and bit by bit the streets were clear but for the filth and the cleaners.
'Dr. Zen', a paranormal individual with the ability to confuse and misdirect, was keeping most of the bad guys off balance as 'Majestic Mountain', a huge man rippling with muscle, was doing some serious smackdown. Several of the 'Dark' gang had been knocked uncouncious and local Police had them handcuffed and sitting in paddy wagons. All was looking good for the good guys when all hell broke loose!
From literaly no-where this black cloaked figure appeared. Then the insanity started. All the 'Dark' gang started to melt. There were screams of surprise and fear as even those previously shackled in the paddy wagons just turned to a black sludge and flowed to and into the new figure. As more and more of the bad guys flowed into the dark figure the larger it became. Soon he was all there was. All the others that the hero's had been battling were gone. The new Dark figure stood at easily ten feet tall and probably tipped the scales at a ton. There was a miasma of 'Evil' that spread out from this creature and where it touched darkness remained. The very light was being absorbed. Granted, this spread of darkness was very slow, but nothing seemed to stop it.
Dr. Zen attacked. The Dark behemoth just laughed. With a careless back hand guesture Dr. Zen was smacked from the sky to fall just behind M.M, a crumpled heap. Yelling for paramedics to care for his friend, the giant leapt at the Dark figure. They locked together in an incredible tour de force of strength and fortitude. First the dark figure was hurled into a building, causing severe damage, then M.M was hurled into another building with just as much damage. It didn't take long for the street to look like a war zone. It looked like the area had been bombed. Neither combatant seemed to be hurt though as they heaped abuse upon each other. Then M.M slipped and fell for the first time. He was up in a thrice and back at the Dark One then a few minutes later he was on the ground again. He was a little slower getting up this time and was on the ground again quicker. The Dark One was starting to laugh as he realized his nemisis was tiring. The Dark One seemed as fresh as when he first appeared. He was going to win by attrition. No human could keep up to this prodigious display of power. Eventualy one would tire. So it just followed for all watching that this 'Dark One' was not Human.
A sudden ball of white light hit the Dark One and he staggered back falling to one knee! The watching crowd cheered! The Angels had arrived. One swooped down and lifted M.M tenderly as if he weighed nothing and flew him back to where Paramedics were waiting. The Dark One had recovered and had thrown a ball of a crackling black energy at one of the Angels. This seemed to drain him and the next blast of white layed him out. There was a scream from the sky, as the Angel that had been hit by the black blast, fell from the sky! Instead of dissipating the black ball had clung to the Angel and was eating it's way through what ever protected her. The other Angels converged on the one and attempted to 'Wash' the black energy off. Nothing seemed to work. Then with a groan and a pop the black energy seemed to be used up. Left behind was a young blonde girl, unconsious, just laying there. The other two tried to rouse her but she was out. The closest paramedic rushed up and carried her reverantly to an ambulance.
Behind them all the Dark One had regained his feet again and without any warning launched another of his black globes of destruction at one of the other Angels. The one not struck screamed with rage and struck back with a huge ball of energy that struck the Dark One in the chest. Again he went down. Meanwhile the second Angel had succumed to the black energy and she, also a young blonde girl, was laying next to her 'sister' in the ambulance. Again the Dark One rose up. He was definately feeling pain from the Angels attacks and his cowl was smoking. He was staggering but formed yet another black ball and let it loose on the last Angel. She screamed, he fell, apparently exhausted, and all was quiet. Soon the third Angel lay next to her 'sisters'.
The crowd gasped as the Dark monster once again crawled first to his knees, crawled to a building, and clawed his way upright. He left great rends in the concrete in his bid to stand. Even though police and National Guard were pelting him with small arms fire he seemed to not even notice. 'He' stood wavering for a moment and seemed to gather strength from somewhere and then with grim purpose advanced upon the Ambulance wherein lay the three beautiful Angels. As soon as his direction was acertained the National Guard started to unlimber the 'heavy artillery'. 'He' was hit by blast after blast of rocket launchers. It did little but slow him momentarily. 'He' was starting to laugh.
Suddenly a young man raced from the crowd. As he ran golden wings grew from his back and he launched himself into the sky. This stopped the Dark One. His whole demeanor registered surprise. Then he was rocked back by an incredible blast of a colorless energy. 'He' screamed in frustration and rage as this 'puny' human birdman was keeping him from 'his' prey. Everyone could see his concentration as yet another black ball of malicious energy formed in his hands. He was preparing to fire upon his newest flying nemisis but was delayed as blast after blast of the near invisible force rocked him back. Finally 'his' back to the wall of a building he just allowed the next blast to hit 'him' so that he could throw his main weapon at that annoying gnat. The Ball flew! There was a timeless moment as the crowd watched the Ball unerringly raced after the newest Angel. No matter which way he flew the Ball would follow and get closer, closer, then just as it was about to hit....
The one word reverberated throughout the entire city. It was as if GOD himself had spoken. The Dark One clapped his hands to where 'his' ears would be and screeched in great pain, falling once again to 'his' knees. The black Ball had hit. The Male Angel stood unscathed. The Ball had never hit him. There was a shimmer in the air in front of him. There stood a Silver Girl. The last of the Black energy being absorbed into her. She turned and you could sense incredible love flow between her and the Male Angel. Taking a final look at him she once again turned to look at the Dark One.
The Crowd gasped! It was .....................The SILVER GHOST......................
"NO!" Screamed the Dark One! "You exsist no more! I felt your essences drain away. How can you BE?"
Again the Dark One screamed in frustration and launched black ball after black ball at her. She just kept walking towards 'him' absorbing his most ferocious attacks as if they were just light shows rather than the screeching black energy they were. The Dark One reached out to somewhere and grew with incredible speed to about Twenty feet tall. The miasma of "EVIL" pulsed around him and he Laughed . A gravel grinding sound that caused many in the crowd to bleed from the eyes and ears. A wail went up from the crowd as it was struck by the 'EVIL' but just as suddenly, with but a wave of one of her hands all were healed. A sense of wonder grew within the crowd as they knew that they were safe. Many had fallen to their knees in a prayerful way towards the Silver Apparition.
With a snarl the Dark One leapt upon the Silver girl and was wailing away at her with blows that thundered. She stood there totally unmoved by the ferociousness. The only sign of concentration was her clenched fists. Once again 'He' screamed with frustration! He wrapped himself around her and became a crackling furnace of Black energy. The crowd nearest could feel the blast furnace heat from over a hundred yards away. Then with a strange urgency the Dark One was trying to get away from the Silver Goddess. No matter what he tried he was stuck to her. Then slowly, inch by inch, he was being absorbed into her. He screamed and screamed, pounding her with his enormous fists. Then one by one his fist hit and stuck to her surface. She seemed to grow almost twice her height and with a final wail 'He' was gone!
The silence was deafening. Then the crowd roared with happiness. Never before had this world seen such a titanic tug of war between 'EVIL' and 'GOOD' It warmed the soul to see 'GOOD' prevail! Unknown to most there that day this heralded the rise of the 'Light'. The Silver Goddess before them had brought the strength of the 'Light' back and the world would gradually realize the ascendancy of 'Good'.
All watched as the Man Angel went up to and hugged the Silver Girl. His great golden wings wrapped around her. She had once again assumed the normal height that she was at first. The crowd 'aaaaaawwwwed' at the display of great love between the two. They then went to the Angels in the Ambulance and with a tender touch to each she healed them. They sat up and also hugged the silver girl. This was obviously a loving FAMILY. With a flash of warmth that the whole city felt the Angels were once again wrapped in their cloaks of invisible energy. Their faces obscured by a pearly light. No one could remember what the Angels looked like. The Male angel had folded his wings and he too was covered in that cloak of energy. His face as well obscured by that pearly glow. Everyone was murmuring with awe. The man had never been covered yet no one could remember his face! With a 'POP' they were gone. In the wake of their leaving everyone who had been hurt, regardless of severity, was healed! Dr. Zen and M.M were flabergasted at their sudden healing but extreamly grateful. It was a City, no a World changed. Everyone felt renewed. Their faith in what ever Deity refreshed.
Chapter Thirteen:
Just What Was That?
As the familiar sights of their back-yard faded in around them there was a collective sigh of relief. As one all the girls turned to stare at Jeff. "What?" He had stepped back from the onslaught of four sets of eyes. They were all smiling though, that made him feel better.
Terri enfolded herself around Jeff, her body no longer a silver statue, and lovingly hugged her man. "Welcome to the Family sweety. I just love those wings. You were always my Angel, now you are also the World's. And what's up with those energy blasts? They were awesome."
The other Angels gathered around and we had a group hug. It didn't take the rest of the family long to realize we were back and they poured out into the back yard. First they had concerns for Brandy, Alana, and Patricia. They had seen the whole battle on T.V. and were very worried, well, until the Silver Ghost made her entrance. Then they turned to Jeff and welcomed him to the family. The 'Gift' Had obviously chosen him so who were they to argue. Besides all the women already knew he was destined to marry in. They winked at Terri who promptly turned such a delightful shade of pink. Once again they turned to Jeff. "Let's see those beautiful wings again sweetheart!" Jeff, also turning a tad pink, grinned at Terri, who grinned back with a little nod. This was all the Okay he needed and those glorious golden wings again unfolded. He looked like a Michalangelo painting. His naturaly strong chiseled chin, his gorgeous curly blonde hair, and now his incredible wings made him a most believable Angel. He felt incredible!
Trust Alana to bring it down to earth. "What can we call ourselves now?"
"Well I kind of liked 'Ariel's Angels' myself but that is completely up to you." Laughed the flute like voice of Ariel as she faded into view in front of the group.
Half of the women and men fell to their knees as their own personal Goddess just appeared in front of them.
"What is wrong with you guys, as I have said before, we are family and family do not bow or kneel to family." She turned and winked to her Angels as they laughed and fell into a group hug. Ariel turned her voice down a tad and taking Terri in a special hug, kissed her on her forehead. "I am sooooo glad to have you back my sweet. I was afraid that your Sisters and Husband would never get you involved enough to get up and running again. I was actually concerned. With you there is just no knowing what will happen. You are at the center of a complete future seeing blackout." She turned to Jeff and enfolded him into a loving hug and kissed him as well on his forehead. "You, young man, are a most welcome addition to our Family. The 'Gift' blessed you thrice because you're so nice!" She laughed gaily at her wittisism and once again faded from view.
"How does she do That?" Patricia asked. Then screeched as Terri, Jeff, and Brandy faded from view and reappeared ten feet away. "Like that." Brandy said matter of factly. The whole family was in shock. Three of their children were Gods! No Five of them were as Patricia and Alana faded to reappear next to the others. "Oh... Thanks. I always wondered about that folded space thing." Patricia was discussing teleportation like they were discussing a new fashion trend. Would these children ever cease to amaze them. Samantha and Edith had an arm around each other as they smiled the very Proud parent smile.
Suddenly there was a squeal. All turned to see Terri fling herself into Jeff arms. "She said Husband. Did you hear?" She was smiling so much you would think her face would split.
Edith and George, in unison, stated quite loudly. "Not until you're eighteen, young lady!"
The whole family dissolved into laughter.
Then the party began. The barbeque was lit, the punchbowl brought out, and platter after platter of food.
It had been hours since the last of the family had hauled themselves off. Quite a few of the elders a few sheets to the wind. The children worn out with all the games and special fun thanks to Terri's and Jeff's gizmo's. Quite a few parents had almost had a heart attack to see little miss or junior fly by the kitchen window laughing like loons. What a hoot! Terri was ensconsed in her beau's arms rehashing the day's adventures.
"I just can't get over how great I feel. All those powers still in me and running so smoothly and effortlessly together. I just do. I don't even think. Why didn't you tell me?" Terri saw the looks and held up her hands in surrender. "Sheesh, Okay, okay already. Well it worked out well though as now all my powers are really smooth. Hey Jeff, do you realize that you are the first guy in ten years to get a gift? Kewl eh? Have you figured out the third one yet?" Terri was just chattering away as everyone else just stared at her with such love for this most simple yet most complex individual they had ever known. She had a heart as large as the great outdoors, Powers to scare a God, yet the over all child like qualities that you just had to admire.
Once again Alana narrowed the conversation down to what was on their minds but were hesitant to ruin this wonderful night with. "So, you brains, just what was that we fought today? I have never felt such pain as that damn black shit it threw at me gave me." The Three original Angels nodded at their recent defeats and remembered that searing black pain that knocked them out of the sky so easily. Terri started to explain at the same time as Brandy, they looked at each other, and Terri guestured for her to continue.
"It was another one of those Dark Lords. Just like that one that had Uncle Zeth only a lot stronger. Here's the thing though, I don't know if you have seen it but I have noticed an increase in each Evil we fight. It is almost as if we are being tested or gauged somehow. Each *ass* is just a quantum level stronger than the last. I hope we don't see anything like him again for a while. The next one could be a real doozy. It's a good thing we have their nemisis in our camp!" She slapped Terri on the head. "Hey!" She chuckled.
"Well I wish we knew what that shit was that was being flung around by that big black nasty." Patricia was still antsy over the fact that just one hit by that crap had taken her out. What about that shield of hers? She just about shit herself when Terri formed a ball of the very same shit. "Jesuz, Terri! Put that shit away..... What is it?" Despite her hatred of it the black energy fascinated her.
Terri could not hold back her grin as she saw the dichodomy in her sisters reactions over the energy. "I just saved a little from that asshole before I ate him...... Sheesh, did he ever leave a bad taste in my converters. Any who.... all this stuff is, is negative energy with a twist. It seems to go into harmonic dissouance with any other energy. Just like Anti-matter hitting matter but without the big boom and radiation. Well actually there was radiation...... that was what hurt you guys so bad. This stuff ate your shields and the resulting radiation burned you. You are lucky you are made of stern FAMILY stuff or it could have killed you. I think that surprised old nasty today, that was what pissed him off the most. How dare you guys not just die like you were supposed to." She giggled.
"Terri?" Asked Brandy in a awed whisper. "You just described this energy having intelligence?"
"Huh? Oh, well not really intelligence just a preceived notion of survival. This stuff as well as those Evil dudes, come from the same place. The energy signature is quite distinctive. It is from the Abyss. Most of that stuff is in a state of chaos but I think someone or something is giving it form and reason. Doesn't change the fact that it is still chaos though. I wonder what the 'Creator' would think of this stuff?"
There was silence then a quiet voice asked. "What *stuff* are you referring to Terri dear?" Everyone but Terri just about had a heart attack as they had no idea anyone else was there. Their 'Radar' usually warned them of these things. Poor Jeff was half way up in the air his reflexes were so good and the girls had their hands to their chests in shock.
"Oh, Hello Sir, you should really tie a bell to your foot or something before you kill my Family from fright. Oh, Hello Ariel, welcome back."
The kindly old white haired gentleman and Ariel had a quiet chuckle over Terri's statement. "I am so sorry children, I will try to make more noise next time I visit. Now dear, what would I think of what?"
His and Ariel's breath was sucked back in surprise as Terri manifested some more of the 'Negative' Energy she had duplicated. Very carefully the gentleman picked the ball from Terri's outstretched hand and scrutinized it carefully before handing it to Ariel. "Just what do YOU think it is Terri dear?" You could hear in his voice that he hoped that Terri wouldn't say what he knew she was going to say!
"Well Sir, I and Brandy are of the opinion it comes from the Abyss. I am, however, having difficulty in figuring out who, besides yourself of course, could manipulate this stuff. Of course I can now because I had some of it to play with, but your everyday Dark Lord or High Deamon just doesn't have that ability, do they?"
"No, not as a rule young lady, and I would appreciate that once you teach your Family how to deal with this, that you will not either. It is very volatile in its natural state. Even this sample, which is quite organized, is quite unstable. Please take care." The old man sighed, turned to Ariel with a very tired smile. "You were quite right, my dear, She is quite formidable. I feel very old right now." Ariel snorted in laughter. "I wouldn't know why Father."
Silence again...... then the kids realized they were alone once more. "Goodbye." Terri said to the empty air.
Patrica and Alana both asked in perfect unison. "Was that...... Him?"
Terri and Brandy looked up from their thoughts and did the same back. "Hmmmm? Oh, Yes that was 'THE CREATOR', our Father.... sort of...."
Brandy turned back to Terri with some worry. "You know you caught *HIM* by surprise tonight? That was probably the last thing he wanted or expected to see. Even I could tell he was taken quite aback. So tell me more about this stuff."
Jeff and the other Angels were all attention as Terri explained all about the Black Energy, where it had come from, and even showed them how to defend themselves from it, much to the Angels relief, but there was still the underlying worry about what was going on out there in the Universe. Or more to the point, outside our Universe. Most humans would have gone screaming out into the wilderness if they just found out that their relatively safe, stable Universe/Mega-Verse was surrounded by a material that made Anti-matter seem tame by comparison. Now add, that besides the very Creator of this Mega-verse, there was another who could manipulate chaos. Also whoever was doing so was their Enemy.
Five very sober young persons sat under the stars that night, hugging each other for warmth to ward off the deep cold of space.
Elsewhere an Evil presence was waiting patiently. Soon....... very soon now!
End of Book One
To come:
Book Two;
The Rift,
and Endings.
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Just finished book two. This is a terrific action story. It has about everything Sci-Fi, Magic, Role play, teen angst, and even religion, sort of. Obviously there is a lot more to come. The readers of the second book will look forward to it with much anticipation.
I almost missed this story because the title wasn't what I expected, but the story was way better than I had expected, and I thank tou for sharing it with us.
Hmm five angels. Are each stationed at a point in a pentagram? If Teri absorbed the chaos and the Dark Lord, why did it not diminish her in some way? Can she absorb all evil beings that way? And the dark one cries that the Silver Ghost couldn't do battle because it had been defeated. Did I miss Something? Or is there a back story I need to read to catch up to the plot?
Thanks again. Early june.