The Silver Ghost - Book Two

The Silver Ghost- Book Two

by Danielle Leigh-Anne O'Bryan

Part One:

The Rift

Chapter One:

Jeff Materialized in the middle of the living room, scaring the bejezus out of Maxwell, the cat. Mom yelled at him, "Jeffrey, how many times must I tell you? Not in the house. Poor Max is going to have a cornary."

"Sorry Ms. P. I was trying for the back yard. Something bounced me in here." He went to the picture window and sure enough Patricia and Agatha, Terri's grandmother, were in the middle of some incantation and the back yard had a pearly dome over it. Knowing better than to yell at two witches in the middle of something he just watched.

Soon the ladies stopped what they had been doing and the dome started to shred. Patricia looked over at Jeff with an apologetic air. "Sorry Jeff, was that you coming in?

"Uhuh... Just what are you two doing anyway?" Jeff replied. No sign of anger. Actualy he was quite pleased that Patricia was getting so good at manipulating those Mendelson's spheres. It would go a long way to helping anyone say, in a collapsing building, sinking ship, or any one of a thousand rescues the Angels had performed in the last two years.

"Never you mind, young man, this is the domain of us womenfolk. Now, go chase an eagle, or something..." Agatha was getting on and Jeff thought that maybe she had forgotten who he was. Yes, technicaly he was a man, but he still was one of 'Ariel's Angels.

With a snap of his fingers he duplicated the pearly dome that had just dissapated, grinned and walked back into the house. He heard Terri's mom, Edith, yell at her mother. "Mother, what is the matter with you. Jeffrey is as much a women as we...... I mean he is an Angel just like the kids.... I mean..... Sheesh.... Mother, quit teasing him. Please..."

Patricia grinned at Agatha and then Jeffrey, who stuck his tongue out at the two, laughed and bounded downstairs to the Lab that he and Terri shared. He was followed by Agatha's words. "Very well young featherhead, you made your point. Now please release that dome." With a snort Jeff closed his eyes for a second then snapped his fingers once again. Poor Ladies, he thought, a man wasn't supposed to be able to do magic but Jeffrey had no problem. He thought maybe it was his third gift. It may also have something to do with him being an Angel. Nobody was too sure. But it sure stuck in Agatha's craw that he was better at magic (or ancient science) than she was.

Reaching the Lab he found his lover deep in thought, with a helmet on her head. Her Silver Skin was half on-half off showing that Terri was really deep in thought. Her poor skin couldn't make up it's mind which way to go. 'No way I'm touching her.' he thought. The last time he had the silver had coated his arm for six hours before fading. What a rush that had been. Not to mention a super geek out checking it out. They had had a blast.

He watched as his 'precious angel' worked. The computer monitor showed a barren plain. Nothing unusual about that, except the sky was orange, the sand or dirt or whatever it was, blue and writhing. Strange forms would try to 'grow' out of the blue soil but would collapse quickly. Terri must be checking out one of those part chaos realms that the 'All Father' had asked her to get info on. In the past year these quasi-normal realms were popping up on some pretty close adjacent Universes.

The 'All Father' didn't like the fact that someone else had opened shop in the Universe creation market. Especialy in 'His' Mega-Verse. Contrary to public opinion 'He' couldn't be 'Everywhere' all the time. Jeff got the impression the last few times 'He' had dropped by for a visit with 'His' youngest daughter that the 'Creator' was getting tired. Not in the physical way that Jeff used to get, but at a much deeper level than that. He sort of felt sorry for 'Him'. Humanity must have been quite a disapointment for him.

He felt an arm around his shoulder, fought the urge to jump, turned and smiled at the very Entity he was thinking about. "Not all Humanity, son, not all. An awful lot though..... So, how is she doing? Jeff shrugged and pointed to the monitor. "Hmmmm.... Another one... Not good, not good at all...." Jeff felt a slight hug then the hugger was gone. He had to smile though as he looked at his soon to be wife, the poor Gods and Goddesses just couldn't get an acurate read on the future when Terri was involved. She blanked them out. Not on purpose, to be sure, but quite thouroughly.

Terri started to stir and her skin went normal, or pink instead of silver. The landscape in the monitor flickered and was gone. She opened her eyes, removed the helmet, shook her head to settle her hair, then turned and smiled at Jeff. "He sure is worried about these new places, isn't he?" Jeff hugged her. "Yeah Babe, he sure is. Are you going to be able to help him?" Jeff didn't even comment on the fact that she had known what was was going on around her even when she was literaly Universes away. He had got used to the casual way Terri dismissed her incredible powers, and if it didn't bother her than he wasn't going to worry about it.

"I may just have an idea, Jeff, but to tell you the truth it scares the crap out of me!" Terri did actualy look worried....

Jezus. If something scared her than it was time to get out the emergency rations and hunker down.....

Terri laughed. "It's not that bad silly. Just a little worrisome...... Father, I would speak to you, Please." She held on to Jeff before he could leave. "No. Please stay love. You should know as well.

Suddenly they were elsewhere. The Celestial Kingdom would be their best guess. The place just swarmed with a people that looked a little like Humans but Jeff and Terri knew that these were the most Ancient of humanity. The very first of humanity that had left Earth Millienia ago and gone to the stars. Humanity today had as much in common with these persons as Ants did to Anteaters. Well maybe not quite that bad but close. Looking up they could see a rather large group coming towards them in that wierd disjointed way they travelled. They seemed to arrive in spurts, yet still arrived at the same time. This place always gave Jeff the willies.

"Sorry about that Jeffrey, I know how our ways disturb you. You just keep coming with that sweet wife to be of yours and you will get used to us in no time." The smile from the 'All Father' was real and always had a calming effect on Jeff. He smiled back and nodded to the others in deferance. They even acknowleged him. They must be getting used to him as well, or the fact that the 'All Father' had talked to him.

"I may have disturbing news, Father." began Terri, squeezing his hand. "Those last three realms had disturbing conditions that were consistant with another place we know."

"Daughter, Please. I can no more read you than I could lift you. You are my precious one but you can be quite infuriating at times.... Please tell me this news, without the embelishments, if you would." 'His' harsh tone was enough for Jeff to push Terri behind him in an automatic defensive move. The 'All Father' noticed this and sighed. "I'm sorry, I did it again didn't I?

Ariel came forward and placed her hands on Jeff's shoulders as she smiled. "Yes Father, you did. It seems to be getting worse." then to Jeff and Terri, "Something is attacking Father and it is weakening him. I am quite worried!"

"Ariel, that will be quite enough!"

"That's it!" Terri said at the same time. All turned to her in surprise. "I know what is doing it. I just don't know from where or for that matter when it is doing it from." she explained as if we should all understand her. Jeff turned to her, smiled his most loving smile and asked. "Sweety, I am sure I speak for us all here. What the puck are you talking about?"

"Oh, I am so sorry, I get so wrapped up in things that I forget you guys weren't with me.... It is one of the 'Elder Gods' or one of their Kin. I caught a glimpse of it three times in the last three spaces. It was definately one of them. It was playing games with local time but It couldn't lose me. I play in time all the time......"She looked a little confused for a second then giggled. "If you know what I mean?"

"Oh my most precious, thankyou so much, now I have to find it and destroy it, before it destroys me. Now it all makes sense. Why is it, that when you are in the forest you can't see it?" 'He' crossed his eyes at Terri who dissolved into giggles.

"Well if I may, Father, I was able to get some specific vibrations off it today and I may be able to help."

"How......." Several of the others behind the 'All Father' were getting on their high horses about Terri's offer to 'HELP'.

Terri, in her usual fashion, paid 'them' no mind and just closed her eyes, started to hum, then broke out in the most beautiful song that Jeff had ever heard. The music didn't go away though, it just built and built until the "All Father' was cuccooned in the melody. It seeped into 'His' skin and you could see an immediate change in the 'Him'.

"By the sacred NOTE. I am saved. I feel my strength returning at an incredible rate. Oh! My most precious Young One, You have, today, once again shown your species' worth. Just as you did for my First Daughter you have done for 'Me'. Now I too owe you a debt! My Youngest Daughter I name you and so you are." There was a warm flash that made Jeff feel really good and they were back in the Lab.

Ariel had come back with them. She Hugged Terri to her and they stayed that way for some time. "Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Little Sister!" then she was gone.

"Woah, that was some fine singing Terri. If this super heroing gig ever falls through we can always get you into the music scene." He also hugged her tight. "That was very, very good! I am so in love with you, I am so Proud of you, and I am, without a doubt, most awed by you..." He had tears in his eyes as he hugged Terri to him even tighter.

Chapter Two:

Else where/when the Entity cursed............. Damn that little human Bitch... he was going to suck her eyes out and eat them. Two years...... WASTED ...... That smug so and so of a 'creator' was almost his...... So close!

Jeff and Terri were ensconsed on the couch with Maxwell recuperating on their laps. The other Angels sat around in various chairs and bean bags listening to Jeff's rendition of what had happened earlier. His love and admiration was very aparent but his greater honesty wouldn't allow him to overly embelish his tale. "I tell you," he continued. "I get the heebie jeebies in that place. Everyone moves wierdly. They don't walk, like us normal folk, oh. no, they have to slide, slip, or whatever it is they do. It always gives me a headache."

Just at that moment both Terri and Brandy moaned and held their heads. The rest were up in a flash, ready to do battle, but there was nothing...... that they could see or sense. Jeff had a sense of unease but that was it. The two girls looked to be in pain. Then just as suddenly it was over. Both girls had fire in their eyes! "That piece of excrement/ that bastard blob..." Both said at the same time.

"What is it Terri?" asked a seriously worried Jeff. He was just the quickest to say anything but the others wanted to know as well.

"That nameless piece of shit that was attacking the 'All Father' just tried to take Brandy and I out. I want him on a stick... I'll B.B.Q. his tentacles...... I'll, I'll ...... Oh never mind. I can't find him now anyway. That As*hole has found an hole somewhere and pulled it in on top of him. Why is it that the bad guys can do that? They run up, smack you, then run away. Is this their idea of fun?"

Brandy got a speculative glint in her eye."Ya know, Sis, that stupid booger just gave us his fingerprints. I'll never forget that mental stench if I live to be a million."

"Damn, you're right Sis." with that she jumped up off the couch, spilling poor Max, and ran to the lab. The others followed at less than the speed of light right behind her. Maxwell went to the kitchen to bewail his fate to Mom, maybe to get a treat.......

Down in the Lab, Terri had the system running and was just putting on the helmet, readying herself for the trip to wierd 'places'. Turning to the others she admonished them to NOT come with her mentaly. They could watch on the monitor, but that was all. When she got the nods from us she put the helmet on and we watched the monitor come to life. The strange vista was mind wrenching. This particular 'place' had a vivid green sky, with lightning constanly flashing from one sky point to another while the 'ground'(for lack of a better word) was a putrid yellow. There were millions of black stick creatures milling about. Some were trying to built a structure while others just ate any of their fellows if they got too close. Lovecraft would had loved this place. There were also several floating 'creatures' that looked like gas bags with drooping tentacles. They appeared to be supervising something, what was not aparent.

Patricia said in an aside to the others, "Those floaty things look like octopi, but with way too many tentacles. Creepy.."

Suddenly without any warning one of those 'floaty' things appeared in the lab to be immediately wrapped in a force bubble. In just the microsecond before the 'cell' had appeared the Lab was filled with the stench of fetid matter and Ozone. Now that would take a 'case' of air freshener to cover. Everyone had their noses covered as Terri returned, removed the helmet, wrinkled her nose and gasped. "Awwwwww! Who cut one?" Four fingers unaminously pointed to the critter. Thankfully the Lab purifiers came on and shortly the smell was gone. After which Terri pulled out one of the filters and placed it under her greatest geek out scanner. This baby could slice, dice..... well you get the idea. Almost immediatley data started to come out.

The 'creature' took this opportunity to 'wake' up. It's eyes were a deep red and malignant intelligence resided within. Suddenly the inside of the 'Cage' was lost from view in the corruscating energy that the creature was emitting struck the walls. Several meters on the wall nearest showed some small movement as they read and quantified the enegy that was being expelled. Jeff leaned over to take a look at the readouts. "Not very strong, is he?" The creature was fading then snapping back into focus as it tried to escape it's prison. This time two of the meters went off scale. "Woah! That was a little stronger.." Once again the critter vibrated and the 'Cage' walls burned a bright orange for two seconds. One meter was fried, the other smoking, but the third was proudly showing it data. "Cripes! Over a billion mega-joules of expended energy, that asshole just fried two of my meters, the son of a..... " Jeff stopped his tirade when he realized there were women/children in the room. "Terri." Jeff cried. "What is this thing?" the 'thing' in question had fallen to the floor of it's 'Cage' having used up it ability to even float.

"That, dear husband to be, is that nameless piece of crap that was attacking 'Father' and then tried to kill Brandy and I. I am sure Father will just love to get his hands on this...... The only problem is.... I wasn't fast enough. It has bred. There are hundreds of IT out there. I feel so stupid. Brandy was right, that bastard left it's fingerprints but I was just too slow." Terri was in tears as she felt she had let her 'Father' down. Jeff wrapped her up in a comforting hug and gave her as much Love and Understanding he had.

The room was filled with the smell of flowers as Ariel and 'All Father' appeared and also joined in the hug. "My Dearest Daughter, You have accomplished more in your short life than any single entity in this Universe has in billions of years. Now stop your tears and bask in my gratitude." The room filled with LOVE. It was palatable. You could have smeared it on toast it was so thick. Terri did indeed 'bask' and her whole demeanor underwent a metamorphisis. They all were brought back to the moment as the 'Creature' screeched in agony, died, and turned to ash in a heartbeat.

"Sorry Father." she said quite abashed but much perkier. "It's these darn hormones....." She giggled! The angst had left the building.

"I got it for you, though. We also have the assay on it's constituants. Would you like the ashes to do something vile to?" Terri gigled again. "I know, we don't do 'VILE' but we could come up with something creative. This bastard was trying to kill us Father, Why?"

"My sweet, that is what they do. They are total opposites to us. The dark to our light. Of course they are much worse than the opposites I created. We need opposites in order to more fully appreciate the nice ones. These.....Creatures however need to kill, hurt, maim,damage, destroy, to exsist. They have no opposites just nastiness. Thank you for the gift. We now know what we are dealing with and thanks to 'YOU' we will live to win this battle once again. So what if there a few hundred out there. My people will have them isolated before they have killed enough to have the energy to breed. We have won the day!" Once again the room was filled to over capacity with tenderness, love, and understanding as Ariel and her Father faded away. The cage with the remains of the 'Old One' also faded.

To be continued

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