A Change in Lifestyle chapter 9

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a short Chapter.....the change begins...

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 9

For a few moments I was stunned. Something inside me wanted this experience but at the same time I felt that I shouldn’t. I was feeling mixed up inside and any tingling sensation in my groin was now gone.

I couldn’t let Helen make love to me. That’s supposed to be my responsibility.

‘Helen this is wrong. I can’t. Please I can’t.’

She whispered to me. ‘Come on Robyn you don’t need to be frightened. I won’t hurt you.’

I’d never seen Helen like this before.

‘Helen I can’t. I shouldn’t be dressed like this. It’s wrong.’

‘Robyn just relax. You’re not exactly taking the initiative anymore in our love life so it might as well be me. So why not let me make love to you.’

‘I can’t, it’s not right.’

She was stroking my body as she whispered. ‘Come on Robyn, you know you want to.’

‘Helen, stop please. I have to take off this nightdress. This is not right. It’s not me. What must you be thinking?’
‘Don’t be silly, I’m not thinking anything. You looked so nice tonight and I’ve been wondering about you for a while now. Wouldn’t you like to explore a little at least?’

‘But Helen I’m your husband and I’m a man.’

‘Well you are my husband but you’re also you’ve been a wonderful wife as well.’

‘I’m not a wife….. I’m a man.’

‘Robyn you make a wonderful wife, so much better than me. You’re so good at all the wifely things. You are so good making a home. Don’t you think you’d like to experience being my wife upstairs as well as downstairs?’

‘Helen, no, I mustn’t. I’m your husband.’

‘Robyn, you have been a wonderful husband but tonight I want you to become my wife.’

‘No,no,no please. Helen what has come over you.’

‘Robyn I just fancy to make love to you. I can be the man and show you how to make love to a woman. Or we can make love as woman to woman. Which do you prefer to try?’

‘Helen are you crazy. Please stop before we do something we’ll both regret. I’m a man, I’m a man.’

‘No Robyn you’re a woman tonight. My woman.’

‘Ooohhh please Helen you know how I’m ticklish with my ears.’

Helen was blowing softly and kissing and tugging gently on my earlobes. She then bit one just enough so that I squealed slightly. Yes I squealed. Was that really me?

’Robyn just look at the moon and how it lights the room. Look at the stars. This is the pefect night for you to lose your little cherry.’

‘Helen please I like it, omg I like it please don’t stop.’

Helen had lifted the nighty and was kissing my tummy and then my ‘breasts’ They felt like breasts rather than a manly chest and she tugged gently on each nipple.

‘robyn this is how to arouse a woman. Don’t you feel how nice it is?’

‘Yes,Yes it’s fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. Please don’t stop.’

‘Robyn just look how exited you are. That’s not very ladylike. It’s not so strong as it used to be but I’m sure it’s enough.’

Helen carried on kissing me and moved to my tummy again. I raised her face to mine and urged her to kiss my lips. She pushed me back and her tongue darted in and out of my mouth touching mine and then pushing deeper each time.

She climbed over me and with her knee she parted my legs and held back my arms. She pushed her groin to mine and gently rocked backwards and forwards as if she had her own penis ready to penetrate me. It was like we were making love and I felt I wanted to be penetrated. Helen increased the intensity and became the aggressor pushing hard into my groin. Then harder and harder.

We carried on for several minutes and probably longer before she seemed to explode and this was followed several more times. Unlike me where I would explode once and fall away she was able to repeat the explosion and then
Finally she seemed finished and just bit my lip, kissed me passionately and sank back to her side of the bed where she let out a huge sigh of satisfaction.

’You see Robyn now how a man should treat his wife. With love and passion. I think you lost your cherry. Am I right.’

I felt between my legs at my softness. I’d obviously been so entranced I hadn’t realised that I’d ejaculated and I was damp.

Helen put my head on her shoulder and gently kissed me before closing her eyes and falling to sleep.

I felt like I was floating above the bed. That had been so wonderful. Had I really allowed Helen to seduce me? What on earth will she thinks when she wakes up. Should I get out of bed and change. OMG what on earth is happening to me. I wanted this feeling to last forever. I looked out of the windows at the stars and the bright moon.

‘What will Helen think when she wakes up. She is going away for a few days so I won’t have chance to explain that this was all a mistake. Oh Helen what have you done to me?


To be continued ……….

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Hi Julie,

Loving the story,why is Robyn fighting it,--I thought this is exactly what she wants?
Hugs Roo

ROO Roo1.jpg


old patterns

Robyn needs to learn that old patterns do not serve her new reality. The new one is wonderful and needs to be explored.

The only bad question is the one not asked.

The only bad question is the one not asked.

Thank you,Julie,


'Methinks Robyn protests too much'. She is now reborn and a whole new life awaits her !!
An excellent and well handled story,as usual,and she should thank her next door neighbor
for starting her on this path.


A Change in Lifestyle chapter 9

Helen hurt Robyn in a way that will destroy any trust.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Methinks he doth protest too much!

This is getting Shakespearian! I saw Rula Lenska as Titania once, and have dreamed of her having her way with me, just like this EVER since! xx