A New Style of Education - Part 13

It is almost time for the field trip, so a dress rehersal sounds just the thing. But with a school like Hayfield Hall anything could happen!

A New Style of Education

by Karen Page

Part 13

The last week before the field trip to France, all lessons apart from Music and French were cancelled. The school became a hive of activity as the last minute polishing took place.

Our French wasn't perfect but it was certainly good enough to understand what was happening, what other people were saying and in most circumstances what was written.

"Tonight," said Mr Hobson during breakfast, "we will be giving a concert in the school. Think of this as a dress rehearsal for the trip in three days time. The concert will be at half seven. Therefore, you'll be having a light tea at four. That should give you enough time to get changed and ready to give the performance of your lives. The schedule for today will get updated after breakfast. Please understand that times might fluctuate so keep an eye on your PDA's."

As soon as he said that we would be giving a concert tonight, the butterflies in my stomach started dancing.

"It's a good job I'm sitting at your table today," he grinned. "Okay, ask away."

"What are we to wear tonight? I've not had the privilege of giving a concert to such a high standard before. The school orchestra where I lived was only small and we just did normal school stuff. My parents couldn't afford for me to go join the county orchestra."

"Men will wear dinner jackets and ladies will wear smart concert dresses. I'm sorry Sam, but you are going to have to wear one or the other. I will get your support person to validate your choices."

I could tell that Sam was going to ask who the concert was going to be given to, so I gave a little kick under the table and shook my head.

"Is that all the questions? Well I am glad to see that you are all beginning to regain your trust. Not just in the school, not to put you in any danger, but trust in yourselves that nobody will know. Yes, I'm very impressed."

"I've performed at the school before," said Jill. "I can assist Anne and anyone else who is worried about outfits."

"That's very kind of you Jill," said Tracy. "I'm sure that will help a lot."

As soon as breakfast was over there was a mass ting as all the PDA's updated. "Oh great," I said to Helen. "Year one, two and three are to clean the hall. I always wanted to do something like that, not!"

"It might be fun," she said. "With twenty-six of us doing it, it shouldn't take that long."

The day was hectic but everyone was in good spirits. While we did the hall, years four and five were busy doing the entrance area. Any area where a visitor might go was cleaned. I bet the normal cleaners wouldn't need to touch it for a month.

Over lunch Sam announced, "Tonight, I think I'm going to go for the dinner jacket. It will even up the trip to France, where I'll be female."

In the afternoon, the lower three years got out the concert music stands and setup the stage, while the older pupils scrambled to setup the lighting. Even a podium for Mrs Russell was dragged out of some storage area.

We were all finished with about ninety minutes before tea and we were wondering what to do when Stacy and Andy appeared. Stacy looked like she had done her hair and was ready for tonight.

Stacy called, "Jayne, Helen, Emma, Paula, Jessica, Jill and Anna can you please come with us."

We all followed them into the salon where Andy said, "You might not have noticed other people disappearing during the day but you have to look good. So if you need your legs and arms waxed, now is the time. You will also have your hair tidied.

"Is there time for all of us to be done?"

"I shaved my legs and arms earlier," said Jessica.

"I don't think I've got much," I said. "I've never been that bad."

"Well you're only thirteen," laughed Stacy. "Okay, we have four people doing hair and two doing waxing. There are four rooms, so Andy and I, who qualified a few months ago, will do a few. Legs and arms should take thirty minutes, maximum. Once you are finished go and find a hairdresser who will sort you out."

"Jill," I asked quietly. "Why don't we get done by Andy? That might stop some others getting worried."

"I don't mind," she replied. "I've been waxed before by both sexes."

"Andy, can you do Jill and myself?"

"It will be my pleasure," he boomed. "Do you want to go first?"

"Why not."

I followed Andy into a room and closed the door behind me. "I've never been waxed before, so I've no idea what to do."

"It's not a problem," he said. "Take off everything below your waist apart from your panties then hop onto the bed."

I folded things up and put them on the spare chair. When I was sat on the bed, Andy started examining my legs. "As you said, they don't look too bad, but we shall clear them up. If you wax instead of shave the hairs grow back weaker. If you shave, then they just get stronger."

He took a stick, dipped it in a pot of warm wax and spread it over an area at the bottom of my leg. He then took what looked like a paper towel, pressed it into the wax and pulled. Even though there wasn't much hair there was still a distinct rip sound.

"If you think that Helen, Paula and Anna are going to have a problem with me doing their legs or arms, then it's a good job they don't know Stacy's birth sex," laughed Andy as he ripped off more hair.

I looked at Andy in surprise.

"Stacy told me that she'd told you her birth sex when you went to get Jill and Anna," he said.

"You both do so well at portraying both genders that I would never have known unless she'd told me. In this school it is pointless trying to guess someone's birth gender and for a lot of cases, it's probably irrelevant. As long as you are happy, why should it matter what gender someone is at birth, or now."

Andy put down the waxing items and gave me a great big hug. "Jayne, you have just made my day. I wish more year-one pupils understood that. How are you doing as Jayne?"

"It can be fun sometimes, but I miss being David. I've learnt so much about myself, that I don't know what I am any more. I didn't need voice lessons and it seemed I already walked like a female. Did David really exist before?"

"I met David and I thought he was a swell guy. I was sorry that you ended up being stuck as Jayne."

"Oh, you and Stacy knew Mr Hobson was going to announce the field trip and you deliberately invited Jayne to that meeting, so that I wouldn't go back and change. You wanted me as Jayne on the field trip."

"I think I'd better get Stacy," decided Andy putting things down.

"There's no need. You had your reasons and I don't really have an issue with it at the moment. I also don't want you to tell Stacy, till after the concert and are in bed. She's the leader of the orchestra and doesn't need the distraction."

Andy thought about it for a moment and agreed. It only took fifteen minutes to do my legs and ten minutes to do my arms. "Any chance of some assistance with makeup?"

"It would have to be after the meal," he said, after a few minutes thought. "Okay, give me a shout just before you put on your dress and I'll quickly do you. It will only take me a few minutes to get dressed, since I don't have to put on a dress for this one."

"Helen will be upset that I didn't get her to do it."

"I'll tell you what; I'll do her as well. Now send in Jill and don't say a word to anyone or I'll be doing makeup all night."

I went out laughing and went to see if there were any spaces left for my hair to be done. Since I was wearing a wig it would be styling it. I was in luck as they had a selection of wigs in my colour, so they recommended one for tonight which they would be put in my room during tea.

"I'd like you to come in tomorrow at nine," said the hairdresser as she helped me put on my original wig. "I think your hair is long enough to have a hairclip extension. That way you won't need a hot wig when you go on your field trip."

"Well done, all of you. You will do this school proud," said Mr Hobson before our tea. "There will be healthy and not so healthy snacks for anyone who wants it after the concert. Remember, you are a professional orchestra, so once on stage, follow Mrs Russell's cues and no talking. Your PDA's will show you where to congregate, tune-up and get last minute instructions. Under no circumstances will you go through the entrance hall. All doors to the rest of the school will be sealed, so you shouldn't be able get that way anyway."

I was glad we were only having soup and sandwiches. I don't think I could have stomached a full evening meal.

"Don't worry, it should be fine," said Jill. "I've done this before and its fun. Just sit back and enjoy it."

"How can you say that?" gulped Helen. "We'll have to sit at the front where everyone will see us."

"They aren't going to eat you. They'll just comment what a wonderful player you are. I think Mr Hobson revoked the licence for someone to sell rotten eggs by the entrance hall."

Mr Hobson, who was sat at our table, suddenly burst out laughing, nearly chocking on his cheese sandwich. "I never thought of doing something like that," he laughed. "I could make a fortune."

Seeing Quentin "serious" Hobson laugh, cheered us all and we were soon a lot more relaxed. The plate of sandwiches on our table was quickly demolished. I think Lewis had grabbed more crisps than the rest of us put together.

"Do we get ice-creams during the interval?" asked Lewis.

Mr Hobson just smiled and said, "You'll see."

* * *

"What do you think about this one?" I asked holding up a light red evening dress.

"Mmm, nice," answered Helen. "I take it there are matching shoes?"

I disappeared back into the closet and found them. "They are two inch, which is the limit I got up to in practice."

"Have you anything higher?"

I went back to look. "No, it looks like two inch is the maximum I have. I presume I'm not qualified, so they don't provide them."

"I have a few pairs of three inch. I can't believe we have such a selection of shoes. I wonder what outfits we'll take to France. I've seen no sign of suitcases."

"I presume we will be told at the appropriate time," I laughed. "It's no use asking yet. Let's get tonight's concert out of the way first. So have you chosen an outfit?"

"I've chosen this silver dress. It has a slight sparkle to it but shouldn't be too flashy. I've got a nice pair of earrings that should look nice."

"How long do you think your hair will stay like that?"

"Till I take out the sixty hairclips they put into it. There is no way I'd be able to do this style myself."

There was a knock on the door, which I answered. "Hi Rachel, just on time. These are the dresses we've chosen. Are they acceptable?"

Rachel looked them over and gave a nod of acceptance. "I like that wig," she said pointing to the one on my makeup table.

"That's what I'm wearing tonight."

"You should look stunning. Just fit for a soloist."

Rachel disappeared to check on Jill and Anna. I got undressed and put on my dressing gown.

"Would you like some help with your makeup?" asked Helen.

"Thanks for the offer but I secured us some specialist skills," I said tapping away on the PDA. Two minutes later Andy came into the room, still in the clothes from earlier.

"Okay, who's first?" asked Andy.

"You asked Andy?" asked Helen incredulously.

"I heard he's the best," I retorted. "Since Helen is so disbelieving then I'll go first."

"Okay, take a seat on the edge of your bed. The light should be best there. I'll use one of your chairs."

He grabbed a selection of cosmetics from my makeup table and started to apply it gently to my face. "You have a lovely complexion," he remarked as he brushed off the excess powder.

Helen watched as he gradually did things to my face. "I'm sorry I sounded surprised earlier. Would you mind doing mine next?"

I laughed, "I'd heard a rumour that he was better than Stacy. Actually the rumour was that Brenda was better than Stacy."

"Sasha has a big mouth," chortled Andy. "Don't look in the mirror but put on your dress and I'll secure your wig."

I did as instructed and when I was ready I was allowed to look in the mirror; I could have wept. I looked older and oozed confidence. I looked every bit ready for the concert. I saw Helen's face and I backed away. "Helen, we don't have time for that. Go sit down and let Andy work his magic."

Reluctantly Helen went into her room. Before Andy followed he said, "Be careful there, I think she likes Jayne."

"Don't I know it," I said.

"Hey, I love David as well," called Helen. "Jayne didn't look very feminine when we had to shower together the other week."

Helen was stunning, Andy had done something with her eyes and I just couldn't tear my glance away. I just wanted to tumble into them.

"Earth to Jayne," said Andy. "Come in Jayne."

I didn't respond till Helen turned away, which broke my trance. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" asked Andy innocently.

"I find Helen attractive at the best of times but I just couldn't take my eyes from her."

"Like you, she has excellent potential, which is hidden by the way you normally have your hair and the clothes you wear. With the clothes and hair correct, it was very simple to bring it out."

"Well at least two of the four soloists will look good," I said.

"Wendy is very good herself, she will look impressive," replied Andy.

"I hope Jill or Anna is good enough," Helen mused.

Andy looked at his watch. "It didn't take long to do you, so let me see what I can do. Will you be happy to be a sample of my work?"

"It would be our pleasure," I said, taking Helen by the hand.

I knocked on Jill's door. "Jill? It's Jayne. We have a present for you, can we come in?"

"Of course," she said.

As we went in, we saw that her makeup was good but she seemed to look quite a bit less mature than Helen's and mine.

"You look stunning," said Anna, from the interconnecting doorway. "How did you manage to look like that?"

"A secret weapon."


"Andy did it for us. He's trying to make the soloists look slightly more mature to give a confident looking presentation."

"Sorry Anna, but I've only got time to do Jill," apologised Andy.

"Hey, I'm not a soloist," she grinned. "Heck, a few weeks ago and I wasn't even in this concert. Anyway, you can give me some tips when we sit next to each other when we practice the Mozart tomorrow."

When Jill was perfected, Andy disappeared and we all looked at each other and giggled. "We all look wonderful. Can we rig one of the PDA's to perform a timed shot so we can all get in the picture?"

"I saw something that will do that already," I said tapping away. "Okay, I'll position it near the television and bounce the received picture through the television. That way we should be able to pose and still see what's being taken."

"Show off," giggled Helen.

We took a few and forwarded the best to Rachel with a message saying, 'With love from your year-one patients.'

"Come on or we'll be late," said Helen. "Don't forget we've got to go the slightly longer way."

I don't know why Helen panicked, as we were there in good time. "Oh God, you make me seem so plain," said Paula as we walked in.

"Special treatment for the soloists," explained Anna. "Though I know what you mean."

We were soon all warming up and preparing for a ninety-eight minute musical extravaganza.

"Ten minutes till stage door," announced Mr Hobson.

"We will tune up now and then do a minor 'for show' tune up on stage. Okay Jill, give me a long and steady A," asked Stacy.

Stacy tuned up first and then the rest of the orchestra joined in. The nervous that I'd had all day were gone. There was no time for nerves. The concert was upon us.

"Strings on first, then woodwind, brass and lastly percussion," ordered Mrs Russell. "Stacy will be on after you're all settled."

The strings marched on and I watched Helen disappear with the woodwind players. I took a deep breath and followed Kevin through the side curtains and onto the brightly lit stage. The lights were still on in the hall and I could see that the hall was packed. As Stacy walked out, her violin in her right hand, the murmuring in the audience petered out and was replaced by the sound of applause. When she reached her seat she bowed to the audience and the applause grew.

As she turned her back on the audience they grew quite. She signalled Jill who gave a clear A. The single note filled the hall and made me smile. It was happening; it was really happening. I had no more time for self-indulgence as Stacy pointed to us and I was making sure that I sounded in tune.

Satisfied that everything sounded correct Stacy sat down and the orchestra went quite. The silence that filled the hall was broken with applause as Mrs Russell came through the doors and made her way to the podium. The orchestra all stood up as a sign of respect. When Mrs Russell reached the podium she shook hands with Stacy which caused the audience to applause even more. The lights in the hall dimmed leaving the lights shining onto the orchestra.

With a small hand gesture we all sat down and looked straight at Mrs Russell. She gave us all a small smile and with practiced hands raised the baton. All the eyes of the orchestra were on her as we waited to play. All the eyes of the audience were on the players. After what seemed like minutes, Mrs Russell's hand dropped and the sound of Claude Debussy's La Mer sang to the listeners.

After the much lighter Music for the Royal Fireworks, it was time for the interval. Lewis's joke about ice-cream had turned out to be spot on and was just what I needed. The lights beaming down on the orchestra had made me very hot.

"Don't drink too much," warned Mrs Russell. "You don't want to need the toilet half way through the second half."

As I passed by Stacy and Andy, I turned to Andy and said, "I saw the small cannon in the percussion. Just make sure that it's nowhere near me."

"It won't be," he assured me with a wry smile.

"I'll kill him if he does," assured Stacy.

Despite looking, I didn't see Wendy during the interval. It wasn't till after we'd played the Karelia Suite and I'd moved ready for the Mozart that I saw she had done an excellent job with her makeup. Being closer to the edge of the stage I was able to make out the front two rows of the audience. It was during the thirty-minute playing of the Sinfonia Concertante that I saw something strange. A lady had taken something out of her handbag and fastened it to the underside of her chair. She had done it rather subtly but I'm sure it looked rather strange.

During the massive applause that we got, I carefully whispered to Stacy what I'd seen. "Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied as I took another bow.

"Tell Mr Hobson when you place the flowers outside the stage door," she said.

Mr Hobson, Dan, Keith and Mr Yates all come on carrying enormous bouquets of flowers, which just raised the volume of the applause. I felt giddy with excitement as Keith kissed me on my cheeks as he presented me with the flowers. I'd remember this day for the rest of my life.

The four soloists followed the departing staff out of the hall, so we could put the flowers somewhere safe.

"Well done," said Mr Hobson. "That was outstanding. You played, not as four soloists but as a single heart. I've never heard playing like it."

I tilted my head to one side, when I saw Mr Hobson looking at me. "Yes?" he said as he came close.

"There is a lady in the front row wearing a fuchsia suit. It is the fifth one from the centre. She took something out of her handbag and stuck it the underside of her chair."

"Are you sure?" he asked, his face beginning to frown.

"I know what I saw," I said with confidence.

"Okay, I'll deal with it," he said. "Well, this is a turn up for the books. You'd better get back or you'll miss the 1812."

"I don't think anybody in a ten mile radius will miss it," I said dryly as a rushed back inside.

"You didn't need the toilet, did you," teased Kevin.

"Shut up," I hissed back as his prompting put pressure on my bladder.

Go faster. Go faster. I willed Mrs Russell, but she conducted the 1812 at the proper speed. As I predicted though the ending was very loud and it took a while for the applause and general buzz in hall to die down.

The audience wouldn't let us go as they kept applauding. Mrs Russell mouthed the word national anthem. We had no music but that wasn't a problem, as we all knew it off by heart. She stretched out her right arm and pointed straight at Andy who started a drum roll, which rose in volume as Mrs Russell wiggled her fingers. The audience fell silent as they wondered what was going on. They were soon put out of there misery as the orchestra joined in. As the audience heard the tune they stood and the sound of singing filled the hall. It was the perfect ending to the first real concert I'd ever been in.

"I'm not having you go and eat, wearing clothes like that," we were informed as we left the hall. "Go and change and there will be snacks available in each of your common rooms. All curfews are extended by two hours giving you chance to wind down."

Helen and I didn't get chance to go as we were grabbed by Mr Hobson, "Helen, did you see anything strange during the Mozart?"

"No, why did something happen?"

"It's okay. Why don't you go and change. Jayne, will you come with me for a few minutes."

As I followed Mr Hobson, we passed Stacy who he also grabbed. He took us to his office where is punched a few things into his computer and it bought up what appeared to be a picture taken by a security camera. "Is that the person?"

"That's her," I said.

"Very interesting," he murmured.

"I thought they guests were vetted or known."

"Oh they are. I know who she is. What I find interesting is what she was doing. Do you recognise her, Stacy?"

"Mavis Brown from MI6. She is one of their department heads."

There was a knock on the door and Julia appeared. "Oh sorry, I'll come back later."

"Come in Julia. Did you find it?"

"Eventually. It was very well hidden and looked like it was part of the chair."

"What was it?"

"It's being analysed now, but it seems it was a bit more than a listening device. It was also short range so we are looking for a base unit. One interesting thing I'm told is our scanners wouldn't have detected it. They're being amended now."

As Julia left, I felt glad I was trusted to have been privileged to that conversation but I also knew it was something I would never be able to discuss. Why am I so observant? It might have kept me alive before I joined the school but at this rate it will get me into serious trouble.

"The Mozart was added to the concert so you could be observant like that in France," explained Mr Hobson. "Though I never dreamed it would be needed in our own school. The French have very good security measures so we are worried about being detected. The head of French security loves classical music and feels very privileged at being invited to the concert. He also likes to be informed of anything strange. So if we are detected there is a good chance he'll be informed."

"So you would like me to be observant?"

"Yes, roughly at the time of us going in will be the time you are doing the Mozart."

"So who do I inform?"


"Me?" asked Stacy who had been sitting quietly.

"Yes, I'll make sure you have a way of getting a message out of the hall to a specific person, who should be able to contact the team."

I wonder if Mr Hobson is on the Alpha team or just a head of school. I'm still not sure of who is involved and who isn't. In some ways Julia being involved was a surprise, but on the other hand they would need a computer expert and she does know her stuff.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'd like to see if Mrs Brown is still here."

Mr Hobson got out of his chair and disappeared out of the room. Stacy and I sat in silence for a few seconds before I asked, "You seem awfully quiet."

"I was just thinking of the implications of that conversation," said Stacy. "Firstly we aren't supposed to know who is involved in security and that has just been breeched. Also, we aren't supposed to get involved in fieldwork while we are at school unless something goes wrong. Nothing has gone wrong, but we are being asked to be the eyes and ears watching their back."

"So why didn't you say anything?"

"What could I say? Someone needs to watch their back and it's a safe and unobtrusive plan. It just sets a president for future missions and that worries me."

"I suppose you're right. What do we do?"

"I don't think there is anything we can do at the moment. You have a steep learning curve though."


"I leave in just under a year and I think you are being groomed to replace me."

"What? I'll only be in year two. Wouldn't it be better for Ingrid or Fran to take charge?"

Stacy didn't say anything but just gave a sad smile and slowly shook her head. Before I could say anything Mr Hobson returned with a jovial smile on his face. "A base repeater was found just outside the school, hidden inside a fake rock. Once everyone has gone, we shall conduct a secure sweep of the area. Now how would you like to meet some of the guests? It's time to subtly tell Mavis she failed."

"After you," I said rising from my chair. I understood that this wasn't a question but a request.

As we walked into the main school, I noticed that the entrance hall and dining area had been converted to makeshift reception rooms. Members of staff were working as waiters, carrying trays of drinks and nibbles for the guests to consume.

"You look stunning," said Rachel Ruiz as she breezed passed, giving me no chance to respond.

"Ah, Jenny and Thomas," said Mr Hobson as we approached a middle aged couple. "I'd like you to meet Stacy and Jayne. Stacy is the leader of the orchestra and head girl. Jayne is one of the soloists tonight."

"It was exquisite," replied Thomas. "Thank you so much for putting on such a wonderful performance. You also both look stunning. They certainly teach you a wide range of skills in the school. Do you both enjoy it here?"

"I'm in the last year of the school," said Stacy. "So I've seen the school mature over the years and yes, I love it here. I've learnt so much, not just educationally but also about myself. It is something I will dearly miss when I leave."

"Will you go on to do a degree?"

"By Easter I should have enough Open University credits to have my degree," informed Stacy. "This school has a new teaching method which brings out the best in pupils. Before I joined this school I was just another someone at school. We also show the value of British Education when we play concerts abroad. For instance in a few days we will be playing two concerts in France. One to the government and various invited guests. The other is to the general public."

"Impressive," murmured Jenny. "What about you Jayne?"

"I'm in the first year of the school, so I've only been here about a month," I replied. Jenny and Thomas looked stunned so I quickly continued. "It has been such an eye opener. I think I cover in a week what I cover in a month at my previous school. I've found the music in the school impressive and it really brings the students together. Not only is it good academically but they also teach you other skills which will help you vocationally."

"I'm sorry," interrupted Mr Hobson. "There are a few others that have asked to meet some students."

"Of course," replied Thomas. "You have given me a lot to think about."

"Who were they?" I asked as we moved off.

"Thomas Johnson is the new head of the committee that oversees the school on behalf of the Department of Education. I wanted him to see that the school and the results it gives. Well done, you both impressed him and his wife."

"Ah Mavis," said Mr Hobson. "I'd like you to meet two members of the orchestra. Stacy is the leader and Jayne was one of the soloists."

"Pleased to meet you both," she said. "That concert was outstanding. The way the orchestra and soloists played against each other in the Mozart was the best I've ever heard. Truly outstanding."

"I'm sorry if you found the chairs slightly uncomfortable," I said. I saw Stacy's eyes slightly twinkle and I presumed she was stopping herself from laughing.


"During the Mozart you appeared to be quite fidgety."

"Was I? It was probably a long day in the office."

"Do you do anything interesting?" asked Stacy.

"Oh I just work for the government. Nothing very interesting."

"Oh that's a shame," I replied. "I hope I get to do something interesting when I leave school. I'd hate to be stuck in a boring job."

"It must be awful," lamented Stacy. "I take it you work in London."

"Mostly," she replied.

"Oh, I hear there is such awful traffic."

"And what about all those silly buildings," continued Stacy. "I saw the new one the London Mayor has, is very strange. But there is that crap one just further down the Thames, which looks like it's made out of Lego."

Mr Hobson who was standing silently next to us almost sprayed me with his drink. I later found out it was the MI6 building that looked a bit Legoish.

"Are you okay, sir?" I asked innocently

"I'm fine," he said.

"So do they teach you about architecture?" asked Mavis Brown.

"We get taught everything from mathematics, architecture, music, geography, electronics and physics," I said. "I love physics and electronics. It covers such a wide range of topics such as how short distance radio waves can be boosted by receptors."

"I think I'm starting to feel a bit tired," said Mrs Brown. "I've had a long day."

"I think I've bored her again," I said to Stacy.

"Not at all," Mavis quickly said. "I've just had a long day, so if you will excuse me."

"Of course," said Mr Hobson magnanimously. "I hope you have a safe journey back."

When she was gone, I noticed that the crowd had started to thin. "I think you should get back to your partners," smiled Mr Hobson. "I'm sure you both will have a lot to tell them in the privacy of your own rooms."

"Isn't that study partners?" I innocently asked.

"I know what I said and I'm not yet senile. Good night."

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