A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 5
I couldn’t hide and I just stammered ‘Yes Miss’ in reply. She sat on the seat opposite scrutinizing me. I don’t know why I was so bothered since I’d left school years ago.
It seemed like yesterday and she spoke to me as if I was still in her class.
‘Robyn, what has happened to you? You are such a good looking boy so what have you done to yourself? Are you trying to look like a girl?’
What could I say. I was like a rabbit trapped in a car headlights. I couldn’t speak for a minute or so that felt like an hour.
‘Nothing Miss Hunter. I’m just on my way into town to meet my wife and we are going to a party.’
‘Well I don’t know what sort of parties you go to dressed like that young man but you should be careful. I thought you were your sister for a moment.’
‘I’m sorry if you are shocked but it’s just the way people dress nowadays miss’
‘Well Robyn I always thought you should have been a girl when you were in my classes and so I’m not as shocked as you might think. I always thought you missed your way in life. You should have joined the theatre group when I asked you after you played the part of Mary in the nativity play. I could have found some interesting parts for you and coached you.’
‘I was too frightened Miss because I already had enough stick at school for being quiet. I was bullied and even beaten up a few times.’
‘Robyn, why on eart didn’t you report it. We don’t treat bullying lightly at all.’
‘I know Miss but they’d have still got me. It was bad enough being called Sissy Boy because I didn’t play sport. ’
‘Does this mean you like dressing as a woman? What does your wife think?’
‘No Miss this is the first time I’ve dressed like this and I’ve told you that I’m meeting my wife in town later.’
‘Well at least let me walk with you to meet her or you might bump into some more bullies. Not that they’d know you were a boy dressed like that. You look more like a girl dressing in a boyish style if anything.’
‘Well that’s the look I’ve tried to create Miss and Helen is dressing as a man. I suppose my nose was getting longer and I was starting to get worried about her looking after me.’
Luckily she was then distracted by some unruly school children so she moved towards the back of the bus. I thought about how to get away from her but I didn’t want to offend her. At first I’d felt like I was 6 inches tall. Something inside me was saying I wanted to be seen but I didn’t expect the first person I saw to be Miss Hunter and for her to recognize me immediately.
It affected my confidence a bit and I thought everybody on the bus was now looking at me and it made me feel uncomfortable. She does have rather a loud voice. I looked out of the window and prayed for the driver to accelerate past the bus stops like they often do if I’m in the queue.
I was relieved when we arrived in town and I got up quickly to exit as fast as I could but Miss hunter was almost immediately behind me.
‘Come on Robyn which way are you going and where are you both meeting?’
‘Oh I’m early, we aren’t meeting till 6 pm so I don’t want to hold you up.’
‘Nonsense Robyn, I’ve nowhere to go so I can escort you anywhere you want. Would you like to come to Marks & Spencers for afternoon tea? It might still be available.’
I couldn’t turn her down after she was so kind so I nodded and we walked across the square and down the pedestrian street with me looking nervously right and left incase I saw anybody I knew.’
‘Come on Robyn don’t be so nervous. You look fine and you certainly know how to walk like a woman.’
I wasn’t doing anything deliberate. I think it must have been the effect of dressing like this. Oh if Helen could see me now. I’d thought it would serve her right if I was recognized but I hadn’t really meant it. I wasn’t sure how I felt. I didn’t know whether I should run home or just tell Miss Hunter that I wasn’t really meeting Helen for a party. But what would she think?’
Luckily my mobile phone rang. It was Fran checking that I was OK. I told her what had happened and she just giggled and said I should stick with Miss Hunter and asked if she was married. She said she might fancy me and I just whispered OMG no.’
Fran said I needed some training and proper treatment and she’d help me. Then I wouldn’t need an escort. I laughed and she had made me feel better. At least she cared and that was more than I felt Helen did today. She’d just gone off in a huff and was out enjoying herself. I thought about calling her but had second thoughts.
As we arrived at the café in Marks & Spencer I sat down whilst Miss Hunter ordered the afternoon tea to share. After all the excitement on the bus I needed the bathroom and when she sat down I told her. She just burst out laughing and said I’d got myself into this mess so it was up to me to sort it out.
I went over to the bathrooms. Should I use the mens or the ladies. I couldn’t decide. I was going to get some weird looks either way I thought. I was crossing my legs and bursting and the more I thought about it the worse it got. Then a cleaning attendant came out of the ladies side and said ‘OK dear, now you can go in. Sorry about the delay.’ That was all I needed.
I rushed through the door encouraged that I might not cause a problem. Luckily it was empty so I used the first cubicle. I sat down to relieve myself and closed my eyes. Was I going mad or what? But it was exciting and I had gone into a ladies bathroom. What if someone complained and called the police. OMG I didn’t need that just now with my poor luck finding a job.
I heard two women come in and waited until their doors closed. I thought I should exit quickly and cracked open the door to peep. It was clear so I quickly washed my hands and checked myself in the mirror.
Mmm I didn’t look much like a man anymore and I did look like my sister. Miss Hunter was right. I put on some more lipstick just to tidy my appearance and re-emphasize my new femininity. Well at least I’d escaped unharmed.
The afternoon tea had arrived when I got back to the table and Miss Hunter asked if I was OK and had I had any problems because she’d seen which door I selected. I just sighed and said I wouldn’t do that again if I could help it.
‘It’s a good job it wasn’t busy. Just imagine what we have to go through waiting in a queue. You men don’t know how lucky you are to be born with your own spout. ‘
I couldn’t believe this was the same school teacher who’d taught me English Grammar and English literature. I never knew she had a sense of humour like this.
After the tea Miss Hunter said she wanted to go to the second floor to look at the ladieswear department and suggested I went with her. Something inside me was urging me to take advantage of the invitation and I did like the idea of taking a longer look at items instead of sly longing looks I sometimes had if I was with Helen.
If I saw anything I might want to buy I realized that I didn’t have much money with me. I thought it would be dangerous to use my M&S card because Helen always checked the statements and paid the bills. But what was I thinking I was just looking with Miss Hunter.
She was looking for a new skirt and some shoes so I had a nice time commenting on her choices that she seemed to appreciate. A few of the assistants offered to help me. None seemed to be worried about my appearance but I did feel that the supervisor had her suspicions. Miss Hunter asked me to go into the changing rooms with her to look properly when she tried on the skirts.
I went with her and she surprised me by passing a skirt and matching top to me to try on and she pushed me into one of the changing cubicles. What on earth next. I looked at them and another urge came over me. How did she guess my size? The skirt looked fine and the top fitted like a glove.
We met in the seating area to use the big mirrors and Miss hunter said ‘There you are Robyn I told you that you just needed my coaching. They look good. It’s a pity about the shoes but we’ll soon fix that. What size do you take there are some shoes over there for customers to use.
I felt like I was going to burst. The seams of my tights were pulling as I tried on some black courts.
‘That’s it Robyn so you must buy them now and we’ll get you some shoes that are similar.
‘But Miss Hunter I can’t afford these things. I’m only working part time at the moment.’
“what with your qualifications. Have I wasted my time getting you though you’re a levels with high grades. Has the world gone mad?’
‘Sorry Miss but it’s not all bad because at least Helen is doing well in her career. But it means I can’t look very far afield for employment.’
‘Why ever not? What’s wrong with you. Does Helen wear the trousers then? ‘
‘No. Well she is doing very well and we’d have to live apart because she’d never leave her job or this area whilst she’s heading towards the Managing Director role.’
‘My My Robyn what are we going to do with you?’
‘Sorry Miss but that’s how it is. In fact we’ve fallen out and I’m not really meeting her for a party. She stormed out of the house this morning and said she was going to teach me how to be a man.’
‘Well if you don’t stand up for yourself then what do you expect.’
‘I do stand up for myself but it’s just that I have to cover for her weaknesses. She’s not so good around the house with domestic chores so she gets a bit frustrated . Sometimes I have to redo whatever she has done that annoys her. Then she loses her temper and takes it out on me.
I can’t help it if my mum taught me how to do housework. I’ve just grown to like it and I like to see everything tidy and in it’s place whereas Helen doesn’t see mess. I think she was spoiled at home and at university she had some friends who tidied up after her because she paid them.’
‘Well at least you seem well matched even if it I the wrong way around according to convention.’
‘I helped my neighbor today because she was in a jam because her baby is teething. I enjoyed tidying her house and helping her. When I left it looked like someone had waived a magic wand and so she offered me a job.’
‘You mean she wants you to be her hired help?’
‘I guess so.’
‘You mean she wants you to be a house help like a maid.?
‘No not at all. She needs help with some of her daily chores whilst her daughter is causing problems. It’s more of a favor than a job.’
‘Well what does her husband think and moreso what does Helen think’
‘Nothing really because we haven’t fixed anything up. She asked me and I said I’d think about it.’
So you are a highly qualified nanny or maid. Which is it?’
‘neither I’m doing her a favour.’
‘Oh you’ve decided then?’
‘Well yes I can’t let her down.’
‘Can’t you see this is a mistake. You can’t just give up and waste your time washing and cleaning. You’ll be child minding next.’
‘No I won’t it’s just until Beth stops teething.’
‘Robyn Cooper you are making a big mistake. Just look at you already. You can’t give up on work or you’ll never get catch up. There’s lots of talent coming through all the time.’
‘I know but I don’t have the personality to get jobs. I have the qualifications but it seems that means nothing these days.’
‘Come on Robyn I’ll help you. I have some past pupils who keep in touch. Let me help you to find a job and once we’re over that hurdle you’ll never look back I’m sure.’
‘I don’t know really since I don’t want to let Fran down and at the moment I need a friend since Helen is so awful.’
‘You’ve only just met the girl. What are you talking about?’
‘Well I want to help her for a bit at least. But if you will help me too then I’d be very grateful. I need some luck.’
‘OK give me your mobile phone number and I’ll see what I can do. I just hope that you and Helen can hang in there. All marriages go through difficult patches. Just try to see things from her point of view.’
I don’t know where she learned to be an expert on marriage since she never married to my knowledge.
Look Robyn please call me anytime and let’s do this again on Thursday. I hope to have some contacts at least by then.
I bought the skirt and top having plucked up the courage to use my card. Oh and by the way I bought two pairs of shoes. So I had started my own wardrobe at least.
I caught the bus home and thanked Miss Hunter. Dear Miss Hunter I should thank her really for showing concern. It seemed like Robyn the girl was better than Robyn the boy at making friendships.
By now it was 5-30pm so since the shops were starting to close and rush hour was starting I headed home.
I called Fran to let her know so since Helen was probably arriving home late as per her message I agreed to call around to show Fran my purchases.
Beth was awake and laid in her cot chewing on a teething ring when I arrived. I told Fran all that Miss Hunter had said to which she just said ‘Cheeky buggar, what right does she have to interfere.’
I found myself trying to calm Fran and I re-assured her that I’d be round tomorrow to help. We even agreed a time so that made her relax.
I helped her to get Beth ready for bed and Fran fed her whilst I made some spaghetti and we opened a bottle of wine. Beth seemed to go to sleep early so perhaps the previous nights crying had worn her out.
It gave Fran and I chance to chat. I’d never talked to her before even though we’d been neighbors for 4 years. She was obviously missing her husband and finding life difficult as a mother. I think the wine hit her immediately since she soon was asleep on the sofa. It gave me chance to tidy up and I left the kitchen as tidy as it had been when I’d left earlier in the day.
Then I looked out of the kitchen window and saw two cars parked in our driveway. Helen must have returned early afterall. OMG what was I going to do? She’d see me like this if I went home now and so would the visitor. I wasn’t ready for a confrontation or any embarrassment.
I checked my phone. No messages. What was Helen doing?
I heard a car start and just saw Helen climbing in beside the driver. I think it was her personal trainer and they were obviously going out because Helen had changed from her business suit.
I decided to wake Fran and tell her what happened.
‘Look Robyn she obviously is trying to upset you so why not get in first and make her worry about you instead.’
‘Well don’t go home just stay here and send a message on the answer phone like she did.’
‘I can’t.’
‘Why not. Come on let’s do it. I can lend you some things and show you how beautiful you really are. What do you think?’
‘Err I can’t. I never let Helen down.’
‘Come on Robyn. Stand up to her.’
To be continued ………………………
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Great chapter
julie ,Great chapter things are moving in the right direction for Robyn,
Thank you,Julie,
Thanks again Julie,really a story with a different twist,but so interesting.You are blossoming in more ways than one:) Robyn now has two GG's on her team!
What's Helen up to Julie?
I think she (Helen) already has a Lover, is it M or F?
Is next door a setup? I think so!
My feeling is he should listen to his teacher and do his home work!
This could be fun soon.
Good story Julie, thankyou.
I'm a dyslexic agnostic insomniac.
'Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there's a dog.'
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Reminds me of my own marital marriage
Wow, this just brings things back to me, and it has been years since 2004. My relationship with my wife in the last few years of our marriage was so much like this.
Quite nice
A Change in Lifestyle chapter 5
Worried that Helen will NOT like it.
May Your Light Forever Shine