Hell on Earth Part 3

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Hell on Earth



Part 3

Personal Journal

I knew the little one was safe with Steve and Mary, Steve was like me in his attitude live and let live, we`d served together all over the world and seen just about everything imaginable. Almost every lifestyle possible so Amanda`s problem didn`t bother him one iota.

Both my friends were concerned about us being on the move so much and suggested that we stay with them at least until the weather improved in the spring. I wasn`t too sure about it myself but at least it would give the two of us a break hopefully without any trouble.

After a goodnights sleep I decided we would take Mary and Steve up on their kind offer, and after breakfast I told Amanda that we would be staying for a while, although I didn`t say for how long for.

During the morning I did a few jobs that needed doing to the motorhome, now I needed to go and replenish my spare parts in town Steve drove me down to motorparts store and I ordered what I needed, the next stop was the bank to draw out some cash. After we had done everything we went into the towns bar bar for a beer or in my case a coke, I`ve never drank but I don`t mind if others drink.

We had just got our drinks and sat down when a couple of big guys entered and started picking on a guy who was sat on his own and not bothering anyone. Steve told me that the guy was split slow and was always abused by those guys, nobody in the place said anything and just turned away.

Me I just hate bullies and the bigger the better, I walked over and told them to lay off, the bigger of the two threw a punch and ended up with nursing a broken arm, his sidekick ended up on the floor unconscious. Steve let out yell "Roaring Rory does it again" he introduced me around and a couple of minutes later the sheriff arrive and arrested the two guys.

I was introduced to the sheriff and he asked if I wanted to press charges, I declined but he carted the two morons to the jailhouse. Apparently the idiots used their size to cowe people and people just stayed out of their way, the sheriff had never managed to catch them doing their act so his hands had been tied.

We returned home and Steve told Mary what had happened, Steve had lost an arm in combat and fighting days were over although the people in town knew he wouldn`t back down.

Amanda was busy helping Mary in the kitchen and seemed to be enjoying herself,Steve showed me around the place and told me they were selling up to some big corporation that wanted to build a factory and would provide much needed jobs in the area.

Later that night after Amanda had gone to bed to I hande Mary an envelope that held a couple of thousand dollars, "Our contribution for staying with you, Both Mary and Steve protested saying thats what friends were for, but I insisted they take the money, I just didn`t feel right not paying my way.

Over the next few weeks I helped Steve around the place, not that there was much to do and did a bit of work on the motorhome.

The day before Christmas I took Amanda into town to buy her something special, the happiness she showed was uplifting and seemed to affect everyone around her, When we returned home I got one hell of a surprise, Steve had been busy over the past few days and had invited most our army buddies over for the silly season, It was good to see them all again.

We talked over old times, but funnily we never talked about the missions we had been sent on, but it was good was remember the old days with these guys, times both good and bad. They all met Amanda and fell in love with her straight away, all off a sudden she had a bevy of uncles and boy did they spoil her.

Amanda had always had an Aura about her except for holier than thou people seemed... well more happy around her she just seemed to exude natural happiness where ever she went. Such a shame that there people who hated and feared those that were and are different from themselves.

She had a way with most people that completely mystified me and I just hope that sometime in the future I`ll see her do great things but for now it`s enough to raise and protect her and give her as normal a life people will allow.

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Hell on Earth Part 3

Roaring Rory is a good moniker for him.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Does anyone else see a religious parallel here?

Like in Bethlehem!

Or am I reading to deeply?

I like the story a lot.


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
