Ladies Companion Pt 5

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Ladies Companion



Part Five

It was almost dark when we arrived home, I expected to be in a lot of trouble when I got home but instead I was bathed and put to bed, it had been decided that the clothing I had been wearing were ruined and destined for the bin.

I was woken up by Julia the next morning and given a silk robe to put on, I was taken into another room and aunt Margaret was waiting for me, Straight away she hugged me and apologised for what happened the previous day, I apologised for my outburst and storming of like I had. We both went down to breakfast and afterwards we chatted once again about my parents, I told her what I had the previous the day and told her that was all I knew.

I went back to my room to get dressed and found that all the victorian costumes had gone and been replaced with more up to date clothing of course the corsets were still to worn. Julia helped me gte dressed and once finished she left as Ms Rose entered, I was told that corset were to be worn until my posture was corrected after that they would be discarded.

The rest of the day I was left to wander around as I wanted except for meal times, I spent most of the at the stables looking at the various pieces of saddlery I would be using.

The following day I was again with Uncle Alistair learning to look how to look the pony, later in the afternoon it was more riding lessons until I collapsed.

I woke up in hospital with a drip in my arm, and feeling really ill,I could see that there were people in the room but couldn`t focus my eyes making it difficult to see who they were, I felt a prick in my arm and darkness desended once more.

I don`t know how long I was unconscious but when I came to I felt a little better, the doctor was examining me at the time and when he saw I had come round he took a blood sample and proceeded to tell me what had happened.

I had collapsed with flu like symptoms and had been an injection of penicillin, which had thrown my body into anaphalactic shock and I almost died, fortunately they got it under control and one of the blood samples showed that I had caught an infection called leptospirosis which in the early stages shows flu like symptoms.which they treated with tetracycline another type of antibiotic. Nobody had known I had been allergic to penicillin not even me, funnily I had never been sick a day in my life before so my medical records were almost blank.

Thinking about my parents backgrounds were a blank to me, they had never spoken of any family and I knew they had very few friends. Were my parents trying to hide something from me? if so what was it ? was it for my protection ?, again more questions and the only people who could give me the answers were both dead. My life seemed to be getting more and more complicated all the time.

Another question popped into my head ,was it time to go on the run again? but I remembered my mothers jewellry that Lady Margaret had in her safe. Well I wasn`t going anywhere just now,not in condition I was in.

I hadn`t known but Aunt Margaret and Ms Rose along with a lot of the household staff had kept a vigil by at my bedside as I slowly recovered. When I finally did come round I saw aunt Margaret and Ms Rose sitting together sat my bedside. I tried talking but wasn`t very coherant until the drugs finally worked their way out of system.

When I finally got all the sedatives out of my system, Aunt Margaret told me all about my illness and the local gossip. Finally she got round to my mothers jewellry. The jewellry was very old and belonged to her family that was why she seemed to recognise it,but she couldn`t remember were she had seen it. After an extensive search it turned out that pieces were from her grandmothers collection and had been split between her and her younger sister who had run away from home several years ago.

The sister it turned out had been due to have been married to another very influencial and wealthy family but instead had run off and married a local master craftsman. There had been a bit of hue and cry about what had happened and that was why they gad changed their names and moved well away from the area. To help with deception they had both taken low paid jobs in a poor area and didn`t socialise much for fear of being recognised.The father had eventually disowned her and written her out of his will.

After further digging aided by a friend in some government department it was discovered that my mother was the missing sister who had absconded with her true love, that was why there were no photographs of them in our house.

I couldn`t take all this in at first and tried to blank everything out but the next morning after thinking about what I had been told I suddenly realised that Aunt Margaret was truly my Aunt and I was no longer alone in the world.

When Aunt Margaret arrived later on in day we chatted for a while about her family or I should say our family. Although my Grandfather had written mother out of his will, mother was very wealthy in her own right although she hadn`t known it.

Her grandmother had left her the whole of her estate with was a considerable sum so to had an Elderly Uncle and her mother had left her half her wealth.

We were interupted by several doctors who revealed the results of several scans other tests thery had performed during my illness, I was Intersexed leaning towards the female sex, I didn`t have any testies but i did have a full set female reproductive organs, and a choice would have to made soon about which sex I would like to be in case the internal organs turned cancerous. They allowed me time to consider but told me not to wait too long.

In the afternoon a battery of lawyers turned up wanting to deal with the various issues of my mothers estate,my father never had much but from both parents I got unconditional love the finest gift you can bestow on anyone.

Aunt Margaret showed them the door, telling them that her lawyers would handle everything on my behalf, too much was happening too quickly and I was going to need a lot of help and advice.

Oh don`t get me wrong I had some grasp of what I had been told, maybe not the specifics but in general and I needed time to think without being under pressure. Later on the doctor who had looked after me in the hospital came and after a final examination told us that I could go home the next day.

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Their must have been many families -

- in years gone by where love has split up and broken lives forever.

It's nice to see that sometimes it goes full circle and can become a happy ending.

There seemed to be some deja vous in the story, and did anybody pick up on it when she looked at the family portraits?

I wonder if our hero/heroine has a title.

Good story Jacquimac.


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


Ladies Companion Pt 5

Glad that things are working out.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


This is a very good story and well written. I hope you continue with it.

Debra Sue