Ladies Companion Pt 6

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Ladies Companion



Part Six

It was late afternoon when we arrived home, Aunt Margaret was waiting on the steps with most of the household staff to welcome me home, after we entered the house I was taken up to my room and told a meal brought be brought up in a an hour and that I should rest. I went to the closet and was pleasently surprised to see all the Victorian style clothing gone and replaced with more fashionable up to date clothing. I did feel a bit tired and lay on the bed and soon fell asleep.

I was awakened I saw it getting dark outside the maid Milly told me that they found I was asleep when they brought the meal earlier and decided to leave me a while longer, I ate and afterwards showered and got ready for bed for which I was ready for.

I woke early the following morning and after washing and dressing went downstairs, there weren`t many people about, one of the maids saw me and told me that the rest of the houshold except for the duty staff were still asleep, it was only 5am. I decided to go into the kitchen and on arriving was handed a cup of tea and slice oif toast, i took a seat at the table with the cook who was preparing to get breakfast started and we chatted for a while.

Eventually I was informed that Aunt Margaret was in the small dining room and went to join her, when she saw me she greeted me and we chatted as we breakfast.

"I didn`t expect to see you this early my dear " she remarked

"I`ve been up since 5am "I told her

she told me the happenings on the estate while I`d been in hospital, who married who, who had a baby, who was sick and with what, just idle gossip. We finished breakfast and went to her study.

"While you`ve been in hospital I`ve had background check done on your jewellry on your family, It would appear you really are my sisters child " and she repeated the story she had told me days earlier.

"The hospital found out something most interesting when they examined you and conducted tests, your slowly turning feminine, your body doesn`t react to male hormones the way it should so you will have to decide what you want to do" she said

"You have three choices

1. You can remain as you are, but will always look like a girly boy.
2. You can start treatment to turn into a girl.
3. You can have treatment that will make you appear as a boy but you won`t be able to father any children.

It is your choice and I won`t pressure you to make a decision just to please me."

"The family lawyers will be coming to see you this afternoon and there is a specialist doctor coming to see you tomorrow. Now how would you like to meet them? dressed as a boy or as you are now?. We can go shopping for suitable boys clothes if you wish"

I left the study and went to my room, to think about what I had just been told, my mother had told me of these medical problems just before she died and told me that whatever decision I made I would still be loved by her and dad.

Just before lunch I went looking for Aunt Margaret, she was still in study so I went and knocked on the door, the door opened and I was ushered inside.

"I`ve made a decision" I said "I want to be a girl, but I want my mothers names"

"There`s no problem there, I can instruct the lawyers to get your names and all your paperwork changed" she said "Now I suggest that after lunch you get one of maids to help you get ready to meet the lawyers"

We had lunch and I got changed with the help of Sandra, on arriving downstairs again I was taken into the library were Aunt Margaret was entertaining a well dressed gentleman, she introduce us both and the lawyer Mr Grimes got down to business.

As I had been told previously my mother unknown to herself had been extremely wealthy in her own right, after a couple of very large inheritances, As she had run off with a commoner she didn`t know this, and all efforts to find her had failed until I produced certain itens of rather rare and priceless jewellry. They traced my history backwards and found my mother was the missing heiress and since her death everything was now mine as her only child, however until I became of age everything was now in trust.

He then brought up my medical problems and said he saw no problem with doing what i requested, he had been in contact with the doctors at the hospital and with statements from them could get my original birth records changes.

He spoke of several minor issues and I was informed that as I actually related by birth to Aunt Margaret the courts had deemed her to be a responsible person and was now my official guardian.

Some of what he told me was above me but he explained it wasn`t very important as he would be dealing with everything personally and that I was to call him Uncle Silas in future.

I didn`t know he was actually a distant relative of Aunt Margaret and I suppose myself now, but somehow i felt I could trust him.

The following morning I met with Mr Martin a specialist in gender surgery and phsychology, he explained what surgery I would have to have and that he would be monitoring with others my mental state before and after proceedure although surgery was a couple of years down the line, Mr Martin had to keep going back over things as I asked my questions and was very patient making sure I understood what he told me.

It had been a busy couple of days with the meetings, Miss Rose wasn`t to be seen anywhere and I was beginning to wonder were she was, until Aunt Margaret told me that she had gone to see her mother who was ill for a while. I did notice that everyone kept an eye on me to make sure there was no repeat of my last performance I suspect.

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I made some earlier predictions in chpt 3.

Then I vaguely remembered I must have read this before.

Guess what I had comments in chpt 4 & 5.

I guess there's one good thing about memory loss.

You meet new people every day!
And you can enjoy the same story over and over again!!!!


I'm a dyslexic agnostic insomniac.

'Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there's a dog.'

Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


Ladies Companion Pt 6

Will she be happy with her decision?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine