Making of a Good Housewife Part 6

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Making a Good Housewife



Part Six

The weekend went as usual with the sewing club on Saturday the morning and in the afternoon we went modelling for aunt Sandra. The dresses we modelled were a new line of party dresses for little girls, once they had got us into the first dresses and made up, we looked about 7 yrs old, we modelled for about 2 hours and then went grocery shopping with mum and aunt Debbie.

We arrived home unloaded the car into the respective houses and unpacked everything, we met as usual in one of kitchens for a brew and a bun and chatted away, saturdays were usually quiet as the menfolk were usually away at the football or rugby in the afternoons.

Aunt Debbie asked if I had everything for starting back at school on Monday and I said I had until she handed me a new bag, I had intended to use my old one but this one had pink piping on it and looked better for a girl than my old black one, I thanked her. Mavis gave me a new pencil case full of pens and a bag with some of her old old uniform skirts in, she`d grown a couple inches and they were a bit short on her.

Sunday and the weather was blowing gale and the rain was lashing down, Aunt Debbie came rushing in and said her electrics were out, dad put his coat on and went round to see if he could fix them but the main fuse had blown and a spare couldn`t be got till the next day so I went round and helped Mavis and her aunt bring everything they needed for the next day.

Looking out the window we could see the road start to flood out you could see the water starting to come over the kerb edges, Dad phoned the council emergency number and was told that trucks used to clear the drains were already out and one would get to our area shortly but Dad kept an eye out on the water level though. It would need a lot of water before it reached the houses as the were build well above the pavement, but we didn`t know if the river had broke it`s banks or not and better to be prepared.

Eventually a truck did arrive and the drains were sucked clean of all the debris that had been washed into them and the water soon went down, Dad opened the gargage and the rest of took tea and sandwiches out for the workmen who were grateful for a warm drink. They thanked Dad for the tea and eats and one mumbled that not everyone was as considerate, I don`t think he meant us to over hear though.We chatted with them while they had their break and Dad slipped a bit whiskey into their tea, too keep the cold out he said, and then as they left Dad thanked them.

We went back inside and watched a couple of DVD`s, my brothers had gone to away Rugby match and it had been cancelled due to the rain flooding the pitch so they came home arriving just before dinner.With everything happening and the weather we didn`t go to church, after dinner it was the usual get ready for school and baths before bed/

It finally arrived my first day at school as Janet, I put on my uniform and went down to breakfast I didn`t feel like eating but I forced a couple of bits of toast down. Mum looked at me and asked if I was nervous I told her I was but that I would get over it. Mavis and her aunt joined us for breakfast and soon it was time to go to school. I put on my blazer, coat and hat picked up my bags and got in the car, Mavis got in gave me a cuddle and said don`t worry the girls will look after you.

The rain finally stopped as we arrived at the school and nervously I got out of the car and picked up my bags, there weren`t many kids around yet and I had to report to the headmistress when I arrived. I arrived at her office and her door was open waiting for me to arrived, she told me to go in and take a seat.

Once I was seated she welcomed me back to the school, there was a knock at the door and the headmaster entered,he also welcomed me back. I was told that the school had told the all the staff and pupils about what had happened and the usual warning had been given. we chatted for a few minutes and the headmaster told me any problems tell one of staff straight away and he left, The headmistress had me stand up and she walked round me saying I looked very smart, she had me lift my skirt so could check I was wearing the navy blue flannel knickers we had to wear, I was. she told me that when it got really cold tights could be worn instead of socks as long as they were either navy blue or black.

I could hear assemby start and the headmistress continued talking, she told me that Mum had told her what the hospital had done and that was why the Phys Ed restiction was lifted, she kept me talking until it was time to go to class. She took me into class and introduced me to the teacher and class and I took my usual seat. There were no snide remark and sniggering today.

The teacher had me move to desk near the other girls, in our school girls were on side of the room boys on the other. As I moved across the room I got thumbs up and smiles from the all girls Class finished and we were starting to move to next class but the teacher told me wait behind, I waited and then he took me to see the school nurse.

The nurse told me I was to have a checkover, the school doctor turned out to be our family doctor and I was quickly examined and told to get dressed once I was dressed the doctor explained the nurse needed to see what been done in case I got hurt or anything after he left the nurse started to fill out a new medical folder which she told me would be locked away, she asked me what my new christian name was and I told her Janet Louise which she wrote on the folder.

We talked till it was time for my next lesson which she escorted me to, before I went into the classroom she kissed me on the cheek and wished me good luck. I entered the classroom and found it empty I had forgotten it break time. I left my bags under my desk and went to find Mavis.

By the time I had used the toilet it was almost time to go class so I went back instead of looking for my friend. The teacher was present when I got back and again I had to move my bags across the room the teacher Ms Madison smiled and told me she would like to see Mavis and myself after school. The rst of morning classes went the same I was assigned to a new desk each class but at least it would only be today that happened, I would use that desk when in this classroom.

At lunchtime the rain was on again so all the girls stayed in the canteen, a lot of girls from our congregated around Mavis and myself and we talked and joked, and before we knew it it was time for class again. the next two classes went the same as morning classes with me being assigned a new desk.

After break it was Sewing class and there I didn`t need a new desk, The class project was announced and we had to produce a skirt of our own design. That meant we had to get patterns and material, the teacher came up to me and Mavis and told us that she wanted our`s with a matching top seeing as we went to sewing classes outside school. Oh I was up for that challenge and I would give mavis all the help she needed. The double period we spend drawing design after design some of which a few of other asked it they could have, so we let them have them. I knew what we were going to make and I wasn`t letting on just yet.

As soon as class finished Mavis and me headed over to see Ms Madison as we got there her class was just leaving, once we were alone the headmaster joined us. The school was going to do a Christmas play and as we were soloists in the church choir would be do a couple solo`s in the play. Straight away we agreed and were promised scripts as soon as they were finished, Ms madison taught ballet on Wednesday evening and although we had just started us she wanted to do a few ballet steps during the play, she would give us extra tuition for that, Ok we said and were finally allowed to leave. What the play was we didn`t know as yet but it sounded like it could be fun.

When we finally got home everyone was at home, Dad had closed his offices for the day and my brothers places of work had been closed as well, water had got into the electrics at their places of work and blown the electrical systems. Straight away after hugs all round they wanted to know how Janets first day at school went so I told them about the day I had. I didn`t know my brothers had been down to the school and warned all the boys what they would do if they hurt me.

The electrics in Mavis`s house hadn`t been fixed, the part needed was out of stock and would take a few days to get, so they were staying at our house. I liked that especially as Mavis and I could sleep in the same room now. I found life wasn`t just getting interesting as a girl but fun as well, every evening I wore heels round the house and was getting used to them, I was getting make-up and hair lessons and enjoying every minute of it.

Once a month Mum would take me to the beauty salon and we would both get the works, hair, nails and make-up. and have a real mother/daughter day on our own. I had always been close to mum but now I was closer than ever. She was teaching everything a girl need to know and could talk me about things that she couldn`t before.

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Almost Too Easy

littlerocksilver's picture

I will follow this story to what I hope will be a very happy outcome. Things seeem to be going almost too well, too easily, especially as they relate to the first surgery.



I like this story

May I suggest a little better editing would make it a lot easier to read?


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


Making of a Good Housewife Pt 6

The electricity in the house will have Mavis and her mum staying and helping the new girl in her role. Was that why the house was not repaired?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


is an interesting story. I'm not as familiar with your writings as I should be,
but I think that the part I like about this one the most is the scene setting.
I can honestly say, that i could feel the rain on my shoulders, and see the
rising of the water over the curbstone. Given a setting that is far away from
me, and about which I know very little, I found this most entertaining.

Thank you, Jacquimac.

Sarah Lynn

Hear, hear!

Sarah Lynn, i quite agree! You took the words out of my mouth. I did feel insecure as the water rose... The anxiety of the electrics failing, the boys out of work for a while due to the unusual amount of the water. It has me wondering if this is a precursor to something occuring that is going to link to the water's intrusion, something unexpected, or a source of help in a time of need?
