Making of a Good Housewife Part 2

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Making of a Good Housewife



Part Two

When dad arrived home that evening and saw I was wearing a bra he didn't bat an eyelid and just carried carried on as normal. He did speak to mum about it but she pointed out that I needed to wear one.

Over the weekend as well as helping mum around the house in the morning I started to get my uniform ready for monday morning. In the afternoon we went to the local supermarket and did the grocery shopping for the week after putting everything in the car we decided to walk round the local market and see what we could pick up.

I got some more wool and thread and a couple of knitting patterns, I was finding it very relaxing sitting doing some knitting or sewing and was getting quite good. I really liked it when we went to the to the sewing club although with the exception of me it was all elderly women.

Monday arrived and I found out that I needed two bags to carry everything in, today was my first Domestic Science class and we were going to be baking some what they called Fairy cakes. So I needed a second bag to carry all the ingredients in and mum had lent me one of her shopping bags, I new that I would get some stick form the kids for it.

As soon as I arrived and the some of older boys saw me the comments started "Show us your tits" etc but I just ignored them, at assembly the headmaster once again reminded everyone about discrimination and bullying.

At class registration the teacher check our names against the register names and got to mine John Davidson and I answered "here sir" and one bright spark said it should be Jane seeing as I was wearing a bra, the teacher sent him to see the headmaster and we didn't see him the rest of the day.

Lessons went well thought he day and the last period the other boys went of to Phys Ed and I went to Domestic Science, the girls were all giggling and talking until I walked in and everything went quiet and they all looked in my direction.

The Teacher walked in and welcomed everyone and one of the girls pointed out that there was boy in the class, the teacher said " I know there's a boy in class and he's very welcome" and the lesson began.

Mum hadn't been able to buy a suitable apron for me and hadn't really had the time to make one, so the teacher gave me one and just like the rest of classes aprons it had frilly ruffles along the edges. She told me tp take it home and bring it in for future lessons.

We were teamed up into pairs and I was working with a girl called Mavis who like me was smaller than everyone else and wore spectacles, we followed the instructions we were given and at the end of class has four dozen Fairy Cakes made. As there time was time left the teacher went round tasting our efforts, some of them were pretty bad going of her facial expressions and some were quite good, Mavis and myself handed out one of ours to each of the girls and divided the rest to take home.

Mavis and I became friends as we seemed to get teamed up with other on class projects, like me she was ignored by the other pupils except for the teasing that we both got. I found out she lived only a couple a few doors away and just moved into the area over the last couple of weeks.

We had another cookery lesson on Wednesday and this time it was Biscuits we made, On Friday afternoon the last double period was sewing the same girls were there and again I was teamed up with Mavis, the teacher was impressed when she saw that I could sew. At first after she asked if anyone could sew I put my hand up of course she didn't believe me until she tested me and proved I could sew better than most of the other girls if not as good. Before class finished she warned us all that later in the year we wou;d be doing a project, but wanted everyone to at least know the basics.

After class I was walking along the corridor with Mavis and could see some of the boys talking, one pf them asked why I wasn't doing metal and wood working with the rest and I told him I was hopeless with tools and had been put into the needlework class instead. The teasing started again and one of them said that seeing I was doing the girls lessons I should wear a dress to school and everyone started laughing, as usual i just ignored them and carried on with Mavis to get home.

I know dad was a bit upset that I would never be a normal boy like my brothers, but I knew he loved me just the same. Mum was glad to have someone to help her round the house, Me? I just carried on with my life as normal I couldn't help it that I was useless with tools or that I was more comfortable doing cooking sewing and cleaning.

Mavis and myself started to hang out together and she started to come to the sewing club with her aunt, who she lived with after the death of her parents, I had known her aunt since I was born as she was one of mums best friends but she hadn't mentioned that Mavis was coming to live with her.

Monday evening was drama class, Tuesday evening was dance class and Wednesday evening and Saturday morning was usually sewing club, It was called a sewing club but they did knitting crocheting and embroidery as well.

Mavis joined all the same clubs and we were soon good friends and were always seen together, my brothers teased me a lot about it but in a brotherly fashion with no malice and they like mum and dad liked Mavis a lot.

Mavis didn't have a computer so I let her come round and use mine until her aunt sorted one out for her and got her on line, Dad was going to sort a decent computer out for them. Mavis's aunt and my parents didn't have to worry about my whereabouts if we weren't at one of clubs we were usually at one our houses.

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Making a Good Housewife Pt 2

Wondering why the male child has breasts. Is he intersexed, or possibly producing estrogen instead of testosterone?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

PennyElaine I kinda think

I kinda think that He/she is a kind of a hermaphrodite, in a way, because hhe/she is inclined to a very feminine set of traits. If there is also a tendency to wider visual field, and lack of masculine spacial ability, then there would be a fair argument tosaying he had a female mind. We shall have to watch to see how the story developes, i think, and am looking forward to seeing if my overall suspicions are correct. Fun. Thanks jacquimac




'A condition in males,not uncommon,called gynecomastia caused by abnormally large
mammary glands. Becoming more prevalent in young males,possibly because of food additives,
although a hormone imbalance may also be responsible.I thought you would know that
one Stan, with all the research you do.Mentioned by the author in the first chapter.