Making of a Good Housewife Part 5

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Making a Good Housewife



Part Five

When we arrived home after the sewing club dad called me into the kitchen, when I walked in I saw the family doctor having a coffee, after we both said hello, dad said the doctor wanted to talk to me.

Appointments had been set up with a gender specialist, the doctor had shown the test results to the specialist and between them agreed that it would be better if my boy bits were tucked away so they couldn`t be seen, a provisional admission had been set up at the local hospital for it to carried out at the local hospital and if I agreed I could be admitted on monday. The doctor explained that they would remove my testicles as they were no longer needed then small incision made so everything could be tucked inside me, the would have reroute my urethra so I would have sit to pee.

After I heard everything and knowing and trusting the doctor I agreed and he immediately phoned the hospital to confirm the admission, before he left he gave us the usual no eating restrictions and told me I would be in hospital for two weeks.

At church the next day the vicar and congregation what was going on with me and only one family started to cause problems and they were politely told by everyone to leave, I again was assured by everyone that I would be given their full support.

Monday arrived and I was admitted to hospital, in the afternoon the proceedure was carried out and after a ten day stay was allowed to got home, they had kept me in to make sure that there was no infection or rejection, and I was not to attend school for another week.

It was windy when we left the left the hospital and I was bit worried in case my dress lifted up in the wind as I wasn`t wearing any panties underneath, but dad had fetched the car round to the main doors.

I spent the next week relaxing and helped mum when she allowed it, we were sitting in the lounge with Mavis`s aunt or aunt Debbie as I now called her and mum said she was happier than ever having the daughter she always wanted and hugged me. I was having the time of my life, I didn`t have to worry anymore that people thought I was weird doing sewing and cooking at school.

We finally got a letter from the board of education saying I could return to my old school or I could start afresh at an all girls school, I said I would return to my old school as I had finally started to make friends and Mavis being a real friend went there.

Mum asked aunt Eileen to come round so we could tell her and she was to bring the headmaster, they both came round that afternoon. I told them I had decided to stay at their school and that pleased them. I told however that I would now have to do Physical Education like the rest of the girls and that the all the pupils would be told of my return. The next day we went to buy my new school uniforms, as the girls were now wearing the winter unforms mum didn`t bother getting the summer uniform dresses we could get them when the weather got better. We did get books on the various girls sports, netball and hockey etc so I knew at least the positions and basics of the games.

We called in at aunt Sandra`s and I thanked her for the present my first doll, she had given it when we bought all those dresses, straight away she offered me a Saturday afternoon job modelling a few dresses and if I knew another little girl about my size she could model as well. I told her about Mavis and that I would her and her mum if she could and let her know. We left the shop with me being a few party dresses with accessories and mum decided I needed some shoes with heels so we got a few pair with one and two inch heels.

When we got home and unloaded the car and put everything away mum told me put on a pair of the new shoes but use the low heels first and I spent the rest of day helping her wearing one inch heels.

Aunt Debbie had gone to see her sister and Mavis was stopping with us that night so mum picked her up from school while I got something ready for us all to snack on till dad and boys got home for dinner. I told Mavis about about the job offer and when her aunt called and found out agreed she could it.

Dad arrived home and I didn`t hear him, he picked me up from behind and after a cuddle and a kiss looked at my feet and said" well aren`t you becoming the lttle lady" mum, Mavis and I giggled at that. My bothers finally got home and we sat down to dinner. I helped Mavis with her homework and told I would be back at school on monday she told me everyone was asking about me and that she hadn`t told anyone anything yet.

The phone rang the next morning before mum took Mavis to school and told them school was cancelled until Friday as the heating was broken, so Mavis changed and we had fun day playing with our dolls. In the afternoon some of other girls from our class came round, we were still upstairs and mum answered the door, she invited them and came to get me I knew I was going to school as Janet Louise on Monday and thought well lets start showing people now.

i thought there might have been a bit of problem but when they girls saw me they hugged and kissed me and told me I looked good. We all wnet into the kitchen and mum fixed sandwiches and drinks for everyone. the questions started was I going to be doing gym classes with them etc. I told them I would be doing all the lessons they did including gym they did suggest that I stick to netball because of my spectacles and they would help me with anything I was having problems with.

One of them asked if I was willing to join their Ballet classes on Wednesday evenings and she gave Mavis a look, I said I would if Mavis joined as we had been friends a long time and no way would I stop being her friend. The girl went quiet and the rest of them said "too right, there`s nothing wrong with Mavis she`s just a bit shy" and they hugged her.

No there was no way I would ignore or abandon Mavis we had been friends too long especially when all the other kids didn`t want to know us, we`d always been there for each other and always would be. Any person, club or organisation that rejected Mavis could forget it as far as I was concerned they weren`t worth joining or getting to know.

Mum and dad had always taught us about courtesy, manners and loyalty, as they said they didn`t cost anything and always said something good about type of person you were.

It was Mavis`s 12th birthday on Friday and I wanted to get her someting special, I went shopping with both women and told them I wanted to do something special for Mavis. I had plenty of money in my savings as i spent very little of of what I earned or my pocket money so we looked round the shops, I had asked aunt Debbie because I didn`t want to get something that had already been got for Mavis, we went into a jewellers and I was looking at some lockets, the two women helped me to pick one and I asked if it could be engraved, the jeweller said he could do there it and then, so I got it and had it engraved.

When we went to Mavis`s party that night and she opened her presents as people gave them to her I waited till last. I handed her the small package which she opened and reading the inscription started crying, she opened it and inside there were two pictures of me one as John and a recent one as Janet. She showed her mum and everyone else and thanked me, for as she said a very special gift from a very special friend.

The Engraving Read " To Mavis ---Best wishes and love to a special friend--- Janet.

Although my mum and aunt Debbie had seen it when I bought it the hadn`t seen the inscription I asked for. Both of them told me that I was sweet, caring and thoughtful and Mavis would treasure it always. All the years I knew Mavis except for school she never had it off. To me Mavis was a sister and I loved her as such, she was my only true friend and always would be.

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Making of a Good Housewife Pt 5

Glad she has the support that she needs.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Nice sweet story Jacquimac

She was born to be a girl.


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
