Ladies Companion

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Ladies Companion



Part one

I woke up feeling something tight around my body, I could see I was in a room and lying on bed but how I got here I didn`t know. I eased myself up onto my elbows and looked down my body.

WHAT THE HELL? I was wearing a corset, my vision was still a blurry and my head hurt, the last thing I remember I was running across some land and fell and must have knocked out.

" How are we feeling today young lady" a womans voice said

"Young Lady ?? I`m a boy" I replied

"That may have been true but you are going to be a young lady" was the answer as she left

A short time later two young women entered, one said " now Miss we`re here to make you presentable for her Ladyship.

They stood me up and the corset was tightened then a pair of what they called bloomers were put on me,these came to just above the calf, then a chemise followed by several layers of peticoats and crimolines, I hadn`t realised it but my long hair had been styled and now hung down in ringlets, make-up was applied and a pair of button shoes and lastly a dress with hooped skirts.

I was led to a mirror and saw I was dressed like the pictures I had seen of Victorian women, I hadn`t struggled as I was still a bit weak, I can`t remember when i had eaten last.

I had run away from the orphanage a few weeks ago because I was beaten and bullied all the time and didn`t know where I was.

Eventually I was led down stairs, I wasn`t used to wearing heels and stumbled and wobbled with the two girls helping me.

I was taken to a well furnished room amd one of the girls knocked, a middle ages but good looking woman looked up and bid us enter, I was led and stood in front if her.

She stood up , looked me up and down and walked round me inspecting me "Thank you girls, you`ve done a good job with what you had to work with, you may leave and I`ll ring for you" the two girls courtsied and left.

The woman told me sit and gratefully I did, she sat down facing me and her eyes bore into me.

"Well now I know all about you, how much trouble you`ve have had and caused since you parents died" She took a folder of the table and continued, "six orphanages and four foster homes have rejected you and finally you ran away for the fifth time a month ago. Well you won`t run away from here, you can make things difficult or easy your choice but one or another you will learn what society expects from it`s citizens."

She put the down and continued" You were found on my land injured and brought to this house, and we have looked after you. We contacted the police and found out all about and to that end I have agreed to take charge of you with full consent of the authorities. Starting now you are to be called Lillian May Jeffries and will be brought up as a young lady".

She paused, pulled a streamer of fabric and a maid appeared " Tea for two please Abby" she said, after the maid left she continued.

The woman who checked on you this morning will be your teacher and Governess, responsible not just for your education but to teach you to be a Lady in all respect, The two girls who dressed you will be your personal maids and will bathe, dress you and be responsible for looking after you in general"

"Do you have any questions" she asked

"Why are you doing this? , I`m a boy not a girl " I said

"Correction you were a boy, a very troublesome little boy and now you are a girl, granted your body is that of a boy just now but that can be rectified when you are old enough"

The maid entered with the tea and a plate of sandwiches which she placed on a small table and left.

The woman continued " I am Lady Margaret Anne Fitzroy Smythe but you may call me Aunt Margaret, to everyone in this house you are Miss Lillian ny niece and companion. It will take time before you are ready to be presented in public but believe me you will be ready eventually, I`m well aware of your proclivity of dressing as girl that is why I offered to take you in hand." She smiled and continued " make the best of it dear and I think you`ll do well and we`ll become good friends."

She poured two cups and tea and we sat drinking tea and I ate the sandwiches.

I thought about what her Ladyship said for a while and could also read between the lines, I had no where to go, no family and no future. Here I was being a second chance, OK I would have to live as girl and if I was right and did as instructed wouldn`t be beaten anymore.

I looked up at her Ladyships and she said " you wish to say something my dear" I nodded

"If I get this right, I`m to all intent and purposes your niece and will be treated as such by your household, I have to live as girl all the time and learn to be a Lady in every respect. I`m also to be your companion and will be educated and taught the social graces of a young lady" I said

"That is correct" she answered

"But your staff all know I`m a boy underneath these clothes so won`t that cause trouble?" I asked

"Not at all, my staff are extemely loyal to this family and all you clothing belonged to another boy who is now my sister" she replied

"Now you may be wondering why you have to wear such old fashioned clothing, well after my father died and we found out about my brother , Mother made him wear this style to improve his posture and body language for a year and you will dress the same until you are ready" she said

She pulled the streamer again and another woman and the two girls appeared.

She smiled and said " let me introduce everyone"

The woman stepped forward and courtsied " I`m Ms Rose your governess" she said and stepped back, The two girls did the same and introduced themselves and May and Julia

Aunt Margaret took me by the hand and I stood next her " Let me introduce my niece Lillian May Jeffries" she said.

After the introductions we dismissed and we all went to my suite of rooms.

May and Julia started removing my dress, "Don`t worry, we`re just getting you ready for this evening when you will dine with her Ladyship" said May

Ms Rose who`d had a table laid with all a lot cutlery turned to me " Your first lesson will be what fork to use with what food" she said

She spent the rest of the afternoon going over table ettiquite me until I had it near perfect " All young Ladies should be able to conduct themselves at all times in a correct and proper manner" she simply stated

After May and Julia had left she sat next to me and said " Look at me child" I looked at her and she continued " The next few weeks are going to be very difficult for you, It is my job to prepare you for your future what ever that may be, I`ve seen your school reports and they tell me your very intelligent, so I will be pushing you hard with your education which will start at 7am till 1pm after lunch you will be taught the mannerisms, posture and eveything else a Lady of a high ranking family should know. I`ll be hard but fair with you and will not tolerate misbehaviour or slacking I hope we can be friends but that is up to you"

"I Promise I`ll do my best for you Ms Rose, I`ve never had a friend before" I said

With that she left and the two young maids entered.

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This is an interesting

This is an interesting story. You could expand it a lot, fleshing out feelings and what he saw. It went from "What the heck" to acceptance way too fast. You can expand on those to make this a really good story.

Keep up the good work.

Okay, uhm, this is an interesting take on forced fem.

But weighing her? options, she? readily agreed. Will Lillian actually be able to be a young lady of breeding? I guess we will have to wait and see. This is a very good beginning.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

Ladies Companion

Will be interesting to see if the rogue accepts his role as a girl.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Interesting start...

On the one hand, you could say it is forced fem...

On the other, his previous life was "in the pits", so to speak; he was a crossdresser; and it is being presented as a fresh start - if he behaves, he'll encounter love, friendship and respect - things lacking from his previous life. It may take a few days to get settled into the routine, but hopefully he'll prefer the proverbial 'carrot' method of training (literally turn over a new leaf, take notice, and stake steps to improve his attitude and behaviour) rather than the 'stick' (punishment for non-compliance).


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