Making of a Good Housewife Part 4

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Making of a Good Housewife



Part Four

Mum took the headmistress into the lounge were Mavis`s aunt already was, and told me to put the kettle on, Mavis and I went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea and dad arrived home earlier than usual. He joined the three ladies in the lounge after hanging his coat up and putting his briefcase in his office.

We made the tea and putting everything on a tray carried it into the lounge and put it on the coffee table, dad saw me and pulled me on his lap, smiling he asked if he now had a daughter ?, I knew he was joking a smiled back. The headmistress had explained what had happened and why I was in a girls uniform and my parents told her that there was no problem as I hadn`t come to any harm.

Mavis and her aunt went home as the rain as eased off a bit, and the headmistress was asked to stop to dinner which she accepted, she turned out to be another friend of my parents and I ended up calling her Aunt Eileen, she was also my godmother.

As usual I helped mum with dinner and except for putting on my apron still hadn`t changed, I felt really comfortable and at ease with myself for the first time. My two brothers came home grabbed a quick sandwich and wnet to get changed for their rugby training, if they noticed how I was dressed they didn`t say a word.

I had laid the table and went and told our guest and dad that dinner was ready, they came and sat down and mum and I put all the food on the table so everyone could help themselves and after dinner we all went back inito the lounge and I still hadn`t changed.

I didn`t have any homework as usually did it at break or lunch so we sat there talking, dad asked how I felt having to dress as a girl all day at school and I admitted that I really felt comfortable and at ease with myself. the three of them smiled and mum asked if I would be prepared to wear dresses all the time?. I thought about it for a while and admitted I would rather wear girls clothes than boys.

Dad said that the time had come to tell me what all the medical tests had revealed, my body wasn`t reacting to testosterone like it should in a normal boy and that I producing more oestrogen than I normally would, My body was going through puberty as if I was girl that`s why I was developing breasts, it wasn`t as was thought gyneacomastia and the last set of bloods finally showed it.

Everyone went quiet and looked at me as I thought about what had just been said, I looked at dad and said "in other words I`m starting to turn into a girly boy" he nodded and told me that the doctors could try testosterone injections but they didn`t think they would work so that left two choices, carry on as I am or start living as girl fulltime.

Mum and Aunt Eileen were sympathetic and mum said " to be honest you make a better looking girl than a boy, you do all the home skills girls do and are hopeless at boys skills and sports". Dad told me to think about it but not to rush into making a decision, if needed I could change school and that whatever I decided the family would always be there for me.

I went up to my bed room and lying on the bed thought about what I had been told, if I decided to be a girl I knew it would cost my parents a lot of money having to replace everything everything I had. I hadn`t heard my brothers return home and when i went back downstairs they were sat with mum and dad in the lounge.

Everybody looked at me and mum handed me a cup of tea as I sat down, I looked at my family and could see the tension on everyones faces, I asked dad if he realised that it would cost a lot of money to replace everything I and he told me that money wasn`t a problem his business was doing well. Mum said that one one the spare rooms would be redecorated and furnished as girls bedroom if I wanted and that she would take me shopping and get everything I needed.

I asked my brothers " would you mind if i became your sister" they both came over and kneeling down in front of me said "sister or brother they would love me just the same and would support whatever I decided".

I thought for a few minutes and said "OK if I stay as I am I'll always look girly, everything I do is girly, and the only friends I have are girls so I want to become a girl. I was swamped in hugs and kisses by the family and mum phoned Mavis`s aunt to come round and bring Mavis with her.

It wasn`t long before all the neighbours arrived and dad told them what was happening and why, everyone hugged me and told me that like my family they would help and support me, one or two of the women said it`s about time you stopped being tomboy anyway, they didn`t say it out of malice but encouragement. Mavis hugged me and said she was glad and we would be able to really have fun shopping for dresses and eeerything else I needed.

When I got up the next day for school, mum told me that for the time being I wasn`t going to school, the headmaster and aunt Eileen were coming to dinner tonight to talk about school, so instead we were going shopping for my new clothes.

I has my school uniform on when we left the house and mum took me to a shop owned by another friend of hers, when we arrived she introduced me to aunt Sandra and explained to her the problem I had, aunt Sandra looked at me and smiled and said " well young lady lets get you out of those things into something more appropriate"

She took me into a backroom and told me to strip, handed me a pair of lacey panties and we spent morning trying on dresses,skirts etc after which we went to buy shoes, jewellry and all the other accessories needed. Mums credit card was busy and several hundred pounds had been spent. After we put everything in the car we had lunch and then it was the beauty salon for my hair and nails to be done, my ears pierced and a bit of make-up put on.

We left the salon with everyone hugging me and wishing me luck and it was back to aunt Sandra`s, as we entered she came over and hugging me said "thats better now you look like a young lady" she handed me a box which she told me not to open till I got home and I thanked her.

We arrived home around 6pm and started to carry everything in to house, dad, my brothers and all the neighbourhood women decended on the car and soon everything was in the house. I didn`t know that dad had taken the day off work but he took me upstairs and showed me my new room, he had gotten decorators in and bought all new furniture, it was definately a girls rooms now with all the pink and white. I hugged him and thanked him and he picked me up and carried me downstairs.

Aunt Eileen and the headmaster arrived just before seven and we had dinner, the two guests said how pretty I looked. After dinner we went into the lounge and the headmaster told us that as far he and all the was concerned there was no problem with me returning to school, but a meeting was to held the next day with the Board of Education before a final decision could be made.

Mavis came round the next round and said she had been given the rest of the week of school to help me, we went upstairs and she tried to get into my old room, I led her down the hall to my new room and she liked what she saw. She saw all my new clothes and wanted a fashion show but mum called us down.

The two women took us shopping again, the first shop we went to was a toy shop and dolls, a dolls house teasets and other toys were bought to be delivered the next day.then a new desktop and laptop computers were ordered, and we went for lunch. Yes it was definately a girly day all new barbie bedding was bought, towels toiletry items, hairdryer etc, and I know mum was really enjoying herself spoiling her new daughter.

The next couple of days was spent getting rid of my old stuff to various charity shops, my old uniforms were cleaned to be donated to the school and as everything ordered arrived it was unpacked and set up. Dad and my bothers made a fuss of me when they came home and all three admitted they were glad about my decision and were happy to have a daughter and sister. I felt relaxed and at peace at myself, I had never been so happy, I felt free although I had never thought anything about girls or being a girl.

Saturday morning and I went with Mavis to the sewing club as usual, the two women had gone while we were finishing breakfast, as we entered the women alll cheered and hugged me. They started to measure me and I was told they were going to make me some dresses, I thanked them and told them I had plenty. One of the older women said" nonsense a girl never has enough dresses" and everyone started laughing, one of the other women said "you have a lot to learn but don`t worry we`ll soon teach you"

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Making of a Good Housewife Part 4

Hope the child enjoys the change.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Steriotypical Ideas About Gender Roles

I don't nessessarily disaprove of it in this story, but do note that it is there.

It is something that every T person who is living as a woman, or man must confront and decide how to handle. Even women have told me that I am more girly than them, but how do you forget a skill set that took you a life time to learn? Curiously, these ideas pervade our society to one extent or another. In my past life, I was an Electrician and very accomplished remodeler. In this life, Men frequently blow me off when I offer to do things for them, and not to be arrogant or anything but frequently, I am sure that I could have done the work better than they.

Oddly, I have even been taken to task by other women who do not want me to do "men work" because they do not want to be pushed into doing it themselves.

However, we get to a decision point where we have to decide if what life we want. For me, it has meant just letting the men do their thing, and devoting myself to more womanly activites. I won't say it is right but I came to a point where waring with the conventions of the culture I am in has lost its glitter.

Much peace


One question

So what was in the box that "Aunt Sandra" told her not to open until she got home?

Looks like a day or two went by after that event and she never opened it.

Enquiring minds want to know!


hormone imbalance

Well done, Alison Mary! You were right! It seems odd, though that the adults haven't taken this more seriously. I can imagine them putting far more thought into this. It is a huge step when you come to think about it, and probably, a lot of that thought would have been done "in camera" so to speak, like away from little ears?
