Trailer Park Baby Chapter 57, 58 & End

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Chapter 57: Dave

That summer started to get much better after our little vacation, I took the day off that Thor had saved me and spent all day playing with him. We were in the yard between my house and Sarah's. It was fun, and people kept giving Thor hugs and treats when I told them what day it was.

That weekend I woke up Steve and we had a get together to watch a baseball game that day. He sounded grumpy, but came out and we had a blast watching the game, and playing with Ashley and Thor. I think Thor liked playing tug of war with Steve better than me, because Steve was so much bigger and stronger.

Steve came over at least once a week after that. Sometimes we just sat around talking, sometimes Sarah joined us and sometimes it was like a party with everyone together. I think I was happier then, than I had ever been before, not that that was saying much.

One Friday afternoon Ashley came over and said that Sarah needed me. She wouldn't say what it was about, but she seemed more hyper than usual. I saved what I had been working on, and shutdown my computer.

She dragged me over there. "Ashley calm down, you're going to pull my arm out of its socket."

"Sorry Dave, but it's important," she said as she pulled slightly less hard.

She pulled me inside and I heard a bunch of people yell, "SURPRISE!"

I nearly wet my pants, but realized that Ashley wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I looked around and saw all my friends there. Ashley grabbed me in a hug, and I heard another yell, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I hugged Ashley back, and thought, 'It's my birthday?' The more I thought about I realized that my birthday was on Monday. My birthdays hadn't ever really meant anything before. My parents certainly hadn't done anything for them.

I let go of Ashley and looked around, Sarah, Bob -holding Thor-, Joe, Judy and Steve were all standing there smiling at me. I must have had this stunned look on my face, and I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes. I was doing my best to hold them back, when Ashley gave me a little push.

I started walking over to where everyone was standing and I saw a big banner that said 'Happy Birthday Dave,' it looked like something was behind it. There was a cake sitting there with candles and something written on, it was upside down, and there were some tears in my eyes making everything a little blurry.

Sarah stepped up and actually picked me up in a big hug, over her shoulder I could see presents. There weren't a lot like we had for Christmas, but I think these were all for me, I wasn't completely sure how birthdays worked.

I got or gave hugs to everyone, Thor licked my face. Just as we were finishing the hugs, there was a knock at the door. Sarah opened the door and Deputy Wildler walked in.

"Dave I'm sorry I have to miss your party, but I have to work. I did want to drop off these cards though and say 'Happy Birthday.'"

I went over to give him a hug, and said, "Thank you. Stay safe out there."

He handed me two cards, waved to everyone and said, "Have a good evening everyone."

Sarah gave him a hug, and said that she would save him a piece of cake.

All of us went outside, where we chatted and played with Thor, while Bob cooked dinner on Sarah's grill. After we ate, it was back inside for cake and presents.

Sarah had me sit on the floor next to the cake, while she lit all the candles. Once they were lit, everyone sang Happy Birthday, and I was told to make a wish and blow the candles out. I thought about the wish, and then did my best to blow out all the candles. They all went out, with a little help from Ashley.

While Sarah was cutting the cake, Ashley started handing me presents. The first were the cards from Deputy Wildler, one was from him, and had a note to come and pick out a book. The other was from a bunch of the deputies, and had a Monopoly 'Get out of jail free' card in it. Everyone laughed at that.

Ashley and her parents got me a video game. Sarah got me this big electronic doggie door, it would let Thor come and go, but keep everything else out. Steve gave me a card that was worth a trip up to Chicago to get some more adult clothes in my size. Bob got me a big dog bed for Thor. Now he would have someplace warm and comfy to sleep at my house.

When I was done opening presents, Sarah passed out cake and ice cream. We ended up sitting around and chatting for another hour or so, before people started to say goodnight. I was a bit confused, it was still pretty early.

As Steve was leaving he gave me a hug, and told me to call him about going shopping. He cryptically told me to have fun that night before leaving. Joe and Judy followed him out, and said goodnight.

I turned around and saw Ashley still sitting there with a big smile on her face. I looked at Sarah questioningly, when I heard Ashley say, "Can we start Sissy's party now?"

Sarah walked over and picked me up, "Yes Ashley we can." And she carried me down to the nursery.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We decided that we would have a party for Dave, and then we would have a sleepover for Sissy and Ashley."

I let out a little gasp as Sarah started to undress me. She diapered me and dressed me in the frilliest party dress that Ashley had given me, actually as I thought about it, I hadn't taken this dress.

As I walked, well more like waddled back into the living room, I still wondered how Sarah made these diapers so thick. Ashley was sitting on the couch, she yelled "Sissy" when she saw me. She had pulled down the 'Happy Birthday Dave' banner, and a 'Happy Birthday Sissy' banner was in its place.

I sat next to her and she gave me a hug. Sarah came in carrying some stuff, and I asked, "What are we going to do now?"

Sarah answered, "First we're going do your nails and hair. Then we're going to do Ashley's and mine. Then we'll watch a movie and chat."

It didn't take them too long, before they had painted all my nails and braided my hair. Then Sarah pulled out a camera and took some pictures of me. While I was sitting for the pictures, Ashley handed me a small present.

The tag on the present said 'To: Sissy From: Ashley,' and Ashley told me open it. I did and found a pair of earrings with little baby bottles on them. I blushed when I saw them, and Sarah snapped a picture.

Ashley handed me one other present, it was from Sarah. As I ripped off the paper, Sarah took a couple more pictures. Inside the box was Tinkerbell pajamas. It was cute, and had a top and shorts.

I gave Ashley and Sarah hugs and Sarah carried me down to the nursery. "Time for another change of clothes. Ashley you should get into your pjs too."

"Why are we changing so early?"

She looked at me, "Because you really can't do anything in that dress, and we want to have some fun."

Sarah changed me into my new pajamas and sent me down back to the living room. I met Ashley on the way, she looked at me and giggled that my diaper made the shorts bulge. I stuck my tongue out at her.

We had fun all night, Sarah and I did Ashley's hair and nails, then Ashley and I did Sarah's. We watched a movie and talked. I guess we stayed up a bit late, because we were startled by someone knocking on the door.

Sarah peeked out the door, and saw Deputy Wildler standing out there. She let him in, and he said, "Hi everyone, I can't believe you're still up."

I looked at the clock and saw it was one AM. That surprised me, I didn't think we'd been up that long. "Hi Deputy."

Sarah asked, "Did you come by for your cake?"

He blinked, "I didn't even think about that, I just saw that your lights were still on, and thought I would check on you."

Sarah smiled, "Thanks, I'll get your cake."

I got up, walked over to him and gave him a hug, "Thanks for the present."

"You're welcome."

"Were did you get all those books anyway?"

"The aircraft books? I got them from my grandfather, he was an airplane mechanic in World War II and afterward. Sometime when we're both free and awake, come on over and pick one out."

Ashley yawned and waved at him, he smiled and waved back. "I guess it's past her bedtime," he mused.

I giggled a little, "It's past all our bedtimes."

Sarah returned with his cake. He thanked her, and said goodnight. Sarah looked at us, "It probably is bedtime."

We got everything set up for Ashley, and said goodnight to her. Sarah carried me down to the nursery, changed my diaper, and put in the crib. I gave her a hug and thanked her for the best birthday I'd ever had. I think I saw a tear in her eye as she turned out the lights.

We slept in on Saturday, and Ashley and I ended up playing video games and outside with Thor all day. Sunday all of us got together for lunch and I got to thank them all again. All in all it was one of the better weekends of my life so far.

Monday during my walk, Mrs. Parks gave me a card and a hug wishing me a happy birthday. When I got home the card was for a two year old, but it was cute. I put it and all of my other cards up on a shelf, they were the first birthday cards I ever remember getting.

Chapter 58: Dave

Judy came over one day, and asked me for a diaper. I must have looked at her strangely, because she said, "I'm going to put it in Ashley's drawer, and she can decide if she wants to wear it or not."

I gave her one, and she gave me a hug before leaving. A couple days later, Ashley asked me, "Dave, did you put a diaper in my drawer?"

"No, did you find one in there? I told you when you asked me for one before, it isn't up to me to decide what kind of underwear you wear."

"Then I wonder who did put it there."

"Santa?" I joked. She glared at me. "Did you ask your mom or dad?"

She blushed a little, and said, "I can't ask them."

I chuckled, "Ashley, I'm sure they both know you want to know what it is like to wear one. You know your mom knows."

"I know, but it's kinda embarrassing."

"Then just try it on."

She sat there for a minute, "Can I bring it over here and try it on?"

I thought for a moment, "No, I think that you should do this at your house. Maybe when you go to bed."

She tried using puppy dog eyes on me, but I held firm. "Ashley, you should do this at home, or maybe we could go over to Sarah's. She has certain rules though."

"No that's OK, maybe I'll wear it tonight, or tomorrow."

I smiled, I'd known that she didn't want to get stuck with Sarah's rules. Messy diapers weren't really fun to wear, and the smell was usually bad. I don't know how Sarah dealt with it.

Ashley came over a couple of days later and told me that she had worn it one night. I asked her what she thought of wearing it.

She sat there thinking for a few minutes, then she said, "It was OK, but I don't think I'll ever wear one again."

"That's OK, I didn't really expect you to want to wear one. To be honest I don't really like wearing them either. I wear them either because I have to, like when I am out walking, or when I am playing with Sarah. I don't dislike them, they are just another kind of clothes."

The rest of the summer went by quickly. It seemed like every weekend we were doing something. Steve and I went up to Chicago to go shopping, and then went to a White Sox game, neither of us were Sox fans, but their tickets are a lot easier to get than Cubs tickets.

It was weird having the new door for Thor. There were a couple of times that he woke me in the morning, or disappeared after we went to bed. Other times he would come in and get me to go play. Fortunately he wasn't the quietest dog, and he only surprised me if I was asleep.

Sarah surprised me, with a trip to see the Cubs, and I surprised her back with a trip to Memphis to see the Redbirds play. I even got the announcer to welcome her as their 'Biggest Fan' in between innings. She also took Ashley and I to one of the more local zoos.

Once school started back up, I resumed helping Ashley with her homework. I noticed that she didn't need as much help, although there were still times that I had to explain things differently than her teachers had. As it got closer to Halloween, she convinced me to go with her once again. Picking out a costume was interesting, and Ashley finally convinced me that matching cheerleader costumes would be good.

We had our Thanksgiving dinner together again, and this time Steve joined us. It was another wonderful dinner, this time Steve brought the wine, and I helped with the cooking. Steve enjoyed dinner, and even commented that Thanksgiving with family was good, but it was even better with friends.

We made plans to go get pictures and see Santa during the next week. Ashley got out of school, and the two of us got dressed up in Christmas dresses. Everyone was there, even Steve met us there. Ashley and I had our portraits taken, and this year I looked more like her little sister, than her twin.

We got into line to see Santa, and slowly made our way through the line. I wondered what it would be like to have tried this on a weekend or after school got out. Ashley went first and smiled for her picture.

I got up to Santa and sat on his lap, he looked at me and asked, "What do you want for Christmas little girl?"

I looked at him, and then over where Ashley was joining everyone. I saw all my friends, except Thor, standing there smiling at me and I realized that I now had everything that I could ever want right there. I looked back at him and said, "All I want is a picture with you, because everything else I need is right over there."


Epilogue: Dave

I had just finished my morning walk, showered and gotten dressed, when there was a knocking at my door. I was wondering who wanted to see me this early in the morning.

I opened the door and Ashley stood there with a big grin on her face. "Hi Dave," she said.

"Hi Ashley. What's up?" I asked as I invited her in.

Her grin got even bigger, "Do you know what day it is?"

I looked up at her, "Um, Tuesday?"

"Yes, but what Tuesday is it?"

"August the 9th," I said playing dumb.

She glared at me, "And do you know of anything special about that day?"

I looked around the room, "It seems to me that it is someone's birthday, but I can't remember exactly whose it is."

She started tapping her toes, "It's my birthday, my 18th birthday to be exact. Now since this is a special birthday for me, I am going to choose my own first gift for the day."

"I don't seem to remember that being a rule, of course I didn't get any birthday gifts until I moved out here."

"Well, it is for me, and I need you to put on some shoes and come with me, so I can have my first gift."

I slipped on my shoes. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," and she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

I barely got the door shut as we left. "Slow down." She pulled me over to Sarah's. She knocked and opened the door.

"Hi Sarah," she said, and yanked me down the hallway.

"Oww! Hi Sarah," I yelled as I was pulled down the hallway.

I heard a vague, "Hi Ashley, Dave."

Ashley pulled me into the nursery, and quickly set me on the changing table. "I've been waiting almost 7 years for this."

"Huh," I said as she quickly started pulling off my clothes. I tried to stop her, but she was much bigger and stronger than me. "Ashley, I don't think that you should be doing this. What would your parents say?"

She paused for a moment, "I'm 18, and now considered an adult, they really can't say anything, besides I told them what I planned before I left my house."

"Uhh," I wasn't exactly at my best at the moment. The next thing I knew she pushed me flat and pulled out one of my diapers. She diapered me and then put me into my crib.

"You have a nice nap, and I'll be by later to change you," she said and kissed me on the forehead.

I sat there kind of stunned as she gathered up my clothes and walked out of the room. I heard the door shut and a "Bye Ashley" from Sarah. A moment later Sarah walked into the nursery and chuckled.

I stood up in the crib, and held out my arms. "Sarah help me out of here."

"I don't know. Apparently your babysitter put you down for a nap."


"I guess you do need a nap, besides Ashley ran off with your clothes." She kissed almost exactly where Ashley had, and said, "You lay down and take your nap, and I'll get up in an hour or so."

I gave up, laid down, and closed my eyes.

Authors Notes:

When I started this, I never expected it to be this long, or to take this long to write. There are few things that I would like to comment on though.

No, much to my regret I am not Dave's size, nor do I own or know a dog named Thor. If I ever do get a dog, it will be named Thor though.

A few of the things that happened or are described are based upon real events in my life though.

I do live in a trailer park, but my landlady hasn't made me her baby girl.

The fear that Steve describes is based upon my own fear of heights and the drive through Charleston, WV actually happened with me and a friend of mine. I was driving and terrified, if something had happened I could not have reacted. I also thought that I drove across at least six bridges in the city, not the four that exist. My heartbeat does race and I do shake a bit while thinking about it. And certain scenes on TV do scare me. And like Steve in the story, I do my best to avoid the places that scare me.

The scene in the hotel room with crib actually happened to me with my parents. I was twelve or thirteen, and we had gone to Michigan for the weekend. We walked into the hotel room and my dad said, "Look there is even a separate bed for you." It took me a moment to realize that he meant the crib. I was at a point where I was had just begun to really understand what infantilism was, although it would be a long time before I ever heard the term.

The characters are based quite a bit on my family. Sarah is a bit of me and my sister thrown in with what I would I want as a “mommy.” Bob is very much like my brothers. Judy is very close to my sister that is a nurse, and Ashley is based a bit on my nieces. Physically Dave is what I wished I was, his background came from me thinking up about the worst way you could raise a child, without really physically harming it. His reaction to his fears are based upon my own, but exaggerated a bit, you have my condolences if you have a phobia as bad as I or Dave have.

Thor is special, he is not a normal dog if you hadn’t noticed. He is based a bit upon what I imagined a Mercedes Lackey Valdemaran Companion would be if it was dog (if you haven’t read Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar books, I suggest that you do), along with what I would want in a pet dog.

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