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An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam is sent to live with Miss Maggie and Miss Mona where he attempts to rebel and maintain his masculinity, only to fall further into his feminine role.
Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.
The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson
Sam slept in on Saturday morning. After rising and running through his normal routine he took out his lap top and set it on Harriet’s desk. He logged into his school account and spent the next two hours working on homework. The homework wasn’t difficult. Sam was extremely intelligent and his forced solitude the last few weeks had provided him with plenty of time to stay ahead on his work.
After finishing his homework he decided one last time to reach Bill. It was a futile effort and Sam discontinued his attempts at contacting him. He sent off an explicitly sexy e-mail to Lisa and then logged off. Sam put on his riding clothes and went down to the kitchen to make some eggs for himself.
Maggie found him in the kitchen. “Going riding?”
“Yeah, I thought it might be something to do this morning.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all, please come along.”
“Let me change out of my maid uniform and I’ll be right back.” Sam made his eggs and toast and sat down to enjoy his labors. He finished eating and returned the dirty dishes to the kitchen where he left them for the downstairs maid.
After dressing, Maggie found Sam and took him down to the stable. Maggie held Sam’s hand on their walk. Sam didn’t mind as much as he used to, now that he was holding the hand of Lisa’s “mother”. “Samantha, I asked Miss Mona if she would like to join us. She said she would like to go riding, but she had too much work this morning. She suggested the three of us drive down to the Big Farm tomorrow and go riding together. Would that be acceptable with you?”
As much as Sam still cringed when he had to confront Miss Mona, riding would be fine with him. “Good,” Maggie said. “I’ll have Jennifer trailer the horses over tonight or tomorrow morning.”
After riding, Maggie gave Sam another driving lesson. Sam seemed to have the feel of the standard, so they drove around the neighborhood for an hour. Maggie had picked out a convertible, so Sam had his wide-brimmed hat tied tightly under his chin. Maggie seemed to enjoy sitting in the passenger seat and letting the wind blow through her hair. Maggie always acted happy to be around Sam. Sam liked that too.
Upon returning to the estate, Maggie and Sam changed into their maid uniforms and made a light lunch for themselves and Miss Mona. Miss Mona was pleasant, but brusque. She essentially ate and ran. “How about hitting some balls?” Maggie asked.
“Sure, can I drive?”
“Why not? I’ll meet you out front.”
Sam changed into a short skirt and a pink blouse for the afternoon. He walked out front and found Maggie caressing her 1972 Mercedes Benz 380 SL. “Do you want me to leave you two alone?” Sam laughed.
“What do you think Samantha? Do you like her?”
“She’s beautiful.”
Maggie opened the driver’s door and helped Sam behind the wheel. “Please be kind to her, Samantha,” she told him.
They went to the driving range and hit a couple buckets of balls. Maggie showed Sam the long way back to the estate, and they drove around the countryside, chatting about cooking and cars and even boating. Once again Sam hinted that he would like to go sailing some time.
“I’m working on that Samantha. Miss Eunice has a boat on the Chesapeake. It isn’t a sailing boat, it’s a motor yacht. Lisa will be back next weekend, so I asked Miss Eunice if she would take you two out.”
“And …?”
“It’s all set.”
“I think we need to head home,” Maggie said. “Would you mind helping me with dinner?”
“We’re going to the ballet tonight, so we’ll need to eat early. I’ll be starting as soon as we get back.”
Because of their need to leave early, dinner preparation was quick. Dinner was at 5:00 so the girls could get ready for their evening. “We have to leave no later than 6:15,” Miss Mona told Sam. “Do you have something picked out for the ballet?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good, if you need help with anything call me,” Maggie offered.
“Thank you I will,” and he headed to his room. Sam had already picked out another little black dress of Harriet’s. It was sleeveless, fitted at the waist and the top of the bodice had a halter strap that looped around the neck and clasped in back. The dress was cut low under the arms to show more skin on the shoulder area, without dropping the neckline. Where the halter met the top of the dress, a cute and classy bow was placed. The hemline ended at the knees.
Sam thought it looked classy and elegant, and Sam was into classy and elegant. Because of the low cut under the arms, Sam couldn’t wear a brassiere, but that was fine with him. The dress had built in cups for his breast forms, and the halter top held everything snugly. He attached garters to his corset and wore nude stockings for the evening. For shoes he wore open toed 4 inch heels. Sam loved high high-heels. He had no trouble walking in them, they gave him more height which for a short boy was always nice, and they were sexy.
Now don’t misread Sam’s intentions. Sam was no girl — as he continuously told himself. But as long as he was playing the cards that had been dealt to him, he intended to perform to his highest abilities and standards, and that meant looking as convincing as possible. And for Sam, convincing was a synonym for attractive and sexy. He was playing a Hawthorne girl after all.
It was a role Sam loved playing. He didn’t want to be hit on by the boys — heavens no! But he wanted them to stare and drool. He wanted to tease them and leave their lust unrequited. It wasn’t a bright move, but Sam was new to his sexy female role. He had no idea how sexy he was, and how strong of an effect he had on the boys. He would eventually learn how to tone things down as Miss Mona had instructed him the night before. But for now, to Sam that meant keeping his hemline below the knees and reigning in his strut. It honestly never occurred to him that an elegant dress showing lots of skin, curly hair and bright red lipstick had to be controlled as well. And adding on his expensive jewelry gave him more sex appeal than he realized.
If he had been confronted by his conscience, Sam would never have been able to explain why he did what he did, and why he liked what he liked. Sam continuously reminded himself that he was a boy — a man — but then at every turn he did whatever he could to look feminine and pretty. More than pretty, he tried to look beautiful and elegant. Ok, he could rationalize his actions by the necessity of looking “real”. But Sam didn’t just want to look “real”. He wanted to look “really good”.
What he could not rationalize, and what he never tried to rationalize, was the pleasure he obtained by dressing and primping and posing and playing the pretty girl. Sam loved his breast forms and his underwire brassier. Sam already knew more about brassieres than 99% of the male population. And he loved his stockings; especially stockings that required garters. Damn! They were sexy! And heels? And makeup? Oh how Sam loved his eye makeup and mascara and liner. But nothing compared with his lip gloss. Not only did it look feminine and sexy beyond belief, but it tasted wonderful. Lipstick was second only to orgasms in Sam’s mind.
And girl’s clothing … oh my! And let’s stop pretending to be modest. Sam made the right clothes look SEXY. He could make them move and sway and perform! No boys allowed, but Sam really was sexy. And in spite of all that sexy innuendo and enjoyment, Sam’s mind just couldn’t make the connection between his enjoyment and his affect on those horny, hormone high-jacked boys. He truly was naive in a sexual and societal context.
But without a doubt, he was content in his female role. But don’t tell anyone. NO ONE!
Miss Mona and Miss Maggie understood the situation and merely smiled when they saw how he was dressed. They weren’t meeting clients, so Miss Mona didn’t mind as much as she should have. Instead, she decided to reinforce his confidence.
“You look beautiful, Samantha,” Mona told him. “Don’t go crazy tonight, but you can show a little more of your stuff if you want. But be careful, without a brassiere your breasts are going to bounce and move around a little more than normal. Don’t go crazy with your jiggle,” Mona laughed.
“I second Miss Mona’s thoughts,” Maggie added. “You are becoming a real beauty, and that dress is stunning. Tonight you’ve got us to drive the boys away, but please be careful. I don’t think you realize how sexy you are. I mean that, Samantha. You are beautiful and sexy. That’s quite an accomplishment and I congratulate you.
“I know you miss Miss Lisa, but it’s probably a good thing she isn’t with us tonight,” Maggie finished with a grin.
“Why is that?”
“Because I would have to give you another lecture,” Mona said in a mock serious voice. They all laughed. Sam still hadn’t caught on that Samantha was treated better by Miss Mona than Sam was. It was sinking in on a subconscious level, but it would be a while before “Sam” caught on to his disadvantage.
“Come on, you never know how the traffic will be, and I’d like to get a picture of us before we go,” Maggie said. They moved into the reception foyer where Maggie had her camera set up on a tripod. She flipped on some lights, took pictures of the three of them together, and then just Sam. “I think Lisa would like to see how pretty you look tonight, Samantha.”
When they stepped outside Sam saw their ride and stopped in his tracks. “Holy crap!”
Maggie laughed and Mona warned him, “Watch your mouth young lady.”
“I’m sorry, but it is fantastic,” he said as he walked around the car. Maggie had picked out one of her favorite cars for the evening. Chas was holding open the rear door of a cherry red 1963 BMW V8 2600L sedan. It was in mint condition and looked stunning. “We’re going to ride in that?”
“Sure thing,” Maggie said. “You and Miss Mona will ride in the back. I’ll ride up front.”
The ballet was ok, although not nearly as good as the New York shows that he had seen. But it was another step in Sam’s feminine development. Mona certainly wasn’t going to take Sam to a rodeo. The ballet was culture and the boys wore tights; just the things she wanted to reinforce with her future son-in-law. Plus, she was able to show Sam some more family money. They owned a box close to the front, and although it could easily have seated ten, only the three of them were there. And the situation wasn’t lost on Sam. “Money, money, money,” he recited to himself over and over.
When they returned home, Miss Mona suggested that Sam remove his breast forms for a couple of days. “You have to let your skin breath occasionally,” she smiled. Sam retired to his room and ran through his evening routine. He slipped a black negligee over his head then turned down his bed. He climbed in and called his squeeze at school.
Mona sat behind the big walnut desk in her study. She was running through a few work items, but she had the monitor on and she was watching Sam in his room. She was listening to his side of the conversation and smiling. The two kids were in love, and she enjoyed seeing young love. After finishing his call, Mona was expecting him to go to sleep. Instead he got up and pulled his negligee over his head. He had a large erection. “Is he going to masturbate?” Mona asked aloud and in a disgusted voice.
She watched as Sam went to the dresser, opened his lingerie drawer and picked up some panties. “He is!” she said. Mona was becoming pissed and angry. She was thinking about ways she could innocently intrude and stop him. Sam set the panties aside and looked around a little longer until he found what he was looking for. He held up a sleeping bra, and tossed everything back in. “What is he doing?” Sam put on the brassiere and then walked over to the counter top where he kept his breast forms. He slid his small “B” forms into the bra, and pushed them around to get them situated. Then he slid his negligee over his head, situated it and stood in front of the mirror.
He did a little posing in front of the mirror before he verbalized, “Sweet.” After a couple additional moments of posing he walked over to bed, crawled in and turned off the nightlight on his bedside table.
“Whoa,” Mona muttered. “He is there, he is ours! He is now committed to becoming a transformed, effeminate, girly boy. Whee, we did it. He won’t hesitate for a second when we offer him hormones. He was born to have tits. We knew it all along, and now he knows it too. He’ll jump at the offer. Lisa has her concubine. All we have to do now is send him to finishing school.”
Mona picked up her phone and called Lisa.
On Sunday the three girls drove down to the Big Farm for a day of horseback riding. Chas drove them down in the limousine, which disappointed Sam. He wanted to drive down in one of Maggie’s hot sports cars, but since there were 3 of them, that wouldn’t work. They stopped in for a brief visit with Miss Grace and Miss Eunice, then changed clothes and walked to the stables. Miss Mona held Sam’s hand on their walk.
Holding hands was to be standard fare for Sam. The family wanted him to become accustomed to a woman taking his hand and leading him where ever they went. He needed to understand that someone else would lead him, make decisions for him and generally take care of him. And that someone would always be a Hawthorne woman.
Jennifer saddled their horses and off they went on the miles of bridle paths around the farm. The farm’s bridle paths connected through a locked gate with bridle paths on adjoining state property, so they had plenty of places to ride. An hour into the ride they came upon a small picnic area next to a waterfall. Sitting in the parking lot was a large black limousine with the trunk open. George was carrying picnic baskets to a table while Miss Grace and Miss Eunice enjoyed the falls.
The five of them had a leisurely lunch of fried chicken and potato salad, washed down with sun tea. After lunch Miss Mona led them on a two hour ride through the park and back to the farm. Jennifer took care of their horses, while the girls retired to the big house for tea and cookies. An hour later Chas was driving them back to their estate, where Maggie cooked brats on a grill and they ate corn on the cob.
After dinner, Mona gave Sam his schedule for Monday. They had the entire week scheduled for Sam, but there was no need to tell him that. In fact, there was no need to tell him anything in advance. It was better to inform Sam of one item at a time, one day at a time, and nothing too far in advance, so that he became comfortable with the concept of someone else arranging his life at what seemed to be their own discretion. Sam was generally not allowed to make any decisions of his own.
Monday morning Sam rode into work with Miss Mona. He had an early salon appointment to have his hands pampered and a few finishing touches on his chest with the laser. He would have salon appointments every other day for the rest of the week. Helping Sam become more accustomed to the salon was part of their intentions. But also, he did need maintenance work on his hands to remove all of his calluses and to keep his hands soft and smooth. He also received a pedicure and manicure one day, and a body massage another.
Thursday evening after dinner, Sam was given his Friday schedule. It was going to be a special day for Sam. Lisa was coming home that afternoon, and they wanted to make Sam feel especially pretty for her return. Sam was going to receive a wash and set, hand wax and get some fresh polish applied to his nails. In addition he was going to make some money.
“Miss Eunice would like to do a photo shoot of you at the salon tomorrow. This is for her stock pictures of girls in beauty salons.”
“What are stock pictures?”
“They’re pictures taken without a specific purpose in mind. They are taken and held for those times when a quick generic picture is needed for an advertisement. Miss Eunice wants to have some fresh salon pictures and we all thought that you would make a great model. Plus, you will get paid.”
“Ok, I can do that,” he said.
“Sweet! Money!” he thought privately.
“We will get you all prettied up for Lisa’s return! Won’t that be nice?” Miss Mona said with enthusiasm. Sam had been kept at home, away from his future mistress and waiting for her return. This was what was expected of a devoted concubine and house wife. Roles were being reversed here, and Sam needed to be introduced to his new life. Sam was now an effeminate male being feminized and transformed into a submissive concubine to serve a wife that would control and care for the womanly Samantha for the rest of her life. It was that simple, really.
“Any questions?” Mona asked.
“One last thing Samantha, before you enjoy your salon shoot, you have a doctor’s appointment first thing tomorrow.”
Sam rode into work with Miss Mona and Miss Maggie. He was wearing a dark blue, long sleeve, knit top with a V-neck and detailed with sequins, beads and embroidery. His skirt was also dark blue, hung to his ankles and was covered with paillettes and detailed embroidery.
Sam’s first stop was at the doctor’s office on the fourth floor. The receptionist had Sam write his name on their log, then a nurse immediately took him to an examination room. On the way he had his weight and height checked. When they reached the room the nurse handed him a paper gown and told him to take his clothes off and change. Sam didn’t like the look of this; it was the same room where he had his examination three weeks earlier. And it had the same gynecological exam table. Nope, he didn’t like the looks of it at all.
Sam changed clothes and sat on the edge of the table flipping through a teen fashion magazine while waiting for the doctor. He didn’t have to wait long, “Hello, Samantha,” the doctor chirped as she came in. “How are you today?”
The doctor sat down in a little chair and opened Sam’s file. She read a few items and said, “Ok, you’re back because you’re iron was a little low. Have you been taking the vitamins that I recommended?”
“I’ve been taking vitamins, but I’m not sure if they are the ones that you recommended.”
“Which ones are you taking?” Sam told her. “Yes, those will do nicely. So let’s see if there is any improvement. Please put your feet in the stirrups and lie back.”
Nope, Sam didn’t like the looks of this at all. “For low blood iron?”
“This is the most important place that it manifests itself Samantha. And being sexually active I suspect that this is an important part of your life, is it not?”
“Sure, but …”
“Just relax then, this won’t take long.” She slipped on a latex glove and applied KY jelly to the fingers. “Have you noticed any change in your penis?”
Sam was turning red. “No.”
“Any differences in your orgasms? Has the strength of your ejaculation or the length of your erections changed at all?”
“Ok, I’m going to collect a sample of your semen. Please hold this bottle over your penis, and collect the semen if you would please.” The doctor handed Sam a specimen bottle and Sam grew even redder. The doctor instructed Sam to, “Bear down please,” and she slipped her fingers inside his anus. “Prostate still feels good. Hold the bottle properly, I’m going to begin milking you now.”
In only a matter of seconds Sam started flowing into the bottle. Once again he was amazed at how much the doctor milked from him.
“All in all, things look good Samantha.” She stripped off her glove and threw it in the trash, then handed Sam some Kleenex to clean himself. She took the bottle from Sam and screwed the cap on. “I’ll let you know how things are doing in a day or so. See you next time Samantha,” and she fled out the door.
“Fuckin’ eh!” Sam muttered. “Just friggin’ weird.”
Sam’s attitude improved immensely when he opened the door to the salon and took a deep breath. “I love this smell,” he thought to himself.
“Hi Samantha,” Florence called out. “They’re all waiting for you.”
“Samantha, come, come,” Mary called out. Sam had forgotten what a demanding personality she had, but he hadn’t forgotten her green eyes and pretty face. He smiled for her when she laid those beautiful eyes on his. Tripods, and lights and cameras were set up around the wash sink and Susan’s styling chair. And surprisingly, Maggie was in attendance and holding her camera.
“Hi Miss Maggie, I wasn’t expecting you,” Sam said innocently.
“I wanted to try my hand at taking a few pictures behind a professional. I hope to learn a few tricks by copying Mary.”
“Makes sense,” Sam said. “So what do I do?”
“You stand over here for some before pictures,” Mary said. The before pictures took almost fifteen minutes as Mary had several poses in mind. Then Sam was directed over to the shampoo sink, where he was seated and had a cape tossed over him. Susan set the water temperature then sprayed Sam’s hair. Snap, snap, click, click. Mary was working different angles and Maggie was trying to stay out of the way, but at the same time follow behind Mary. They bumped more than once during the afternoon, but unlike the last session Sam attended, Mary didn’t attempt to push Maggie out of the way.
Susan washed and rinsed Sam’s hair three times before Mary was satisfied. Then over to Susan’s styling station they went. Snap, snap, click, click. Susan combed out Sam’s hair and inspected the extensions and their attachments. “Everything still looks very good Samantha. You’re doing an excellent job of caring for your hair.”
“Thank you, that’s good to hear.”
Before Sam had arrived, Maggie had a meeting with the salon girls and gave them their instructions concerning Sam. Sam was going to see his heartthrob tonight for the first time in two weeks. The girls were supposed to talk to him as if he was a wife, and her husband was returning after a two week absence. Sam was getting made up extra special to surprise and seduce his “husband”.
“I understand Lisa is coming home tonight,” Susan said to make small talk. Snap, snap, click, click went the cameras, and roll, roll, roll went Susan as she rolled Sam’s hair on curlers. “Are you excited to have her coming home?”
“Yeah,” Sam answered calmly.
“I know I would be excited to see my boyfriend after two weeks. Do you have anything special to wear for her?”
“No.” Sam hadn’t given it much thought.
“You don’t? Really? I know I would if I were in your heels.”
“I guess I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Well you should. You don’t want her to take you for granted. Or worse yet, you don’t want her to think you take her for granted.”
“True,” Sam mused. He should wear something nice for her tonight.
“Do you have anything special planned?”
“You don’t? Samantha, really you should be thinking about these things. I would have had my plans made a week ago!”
“Like what?” Sam asked in earnest.
“Oh Samantha there are all kinds of things you could do. A romantic candle light dinner would be easy.”
“Hmmm. It might. But I don’t know anyplace to go, or how to get there.” Snap, snap, roll, roll, click, click, roll, roll.
“I might be able to help there,” Maggie offered as she snapped a shot using her new ring strobe.
“Really, would you please?”
Mary broke in. “Ok the set is all done. Before we shoot her makeover, I want just a few as is under the dryer.”
“We can’t,” Susan interrupted. “Her extensions will frizz.”
“I didn’t say you had to turn it on,” Mary said sarcastically. That was the Mary that Sam remembered.
“What can I do tonight?” Sam asked again.
“Cross your legs,” Mary said.
“There is a very nice bistro in the local village.”
“Some one give her a magazine. Hold it right side up,” Mary snarled.
“Is it … nice?”
“It’s cozy … and dark.”
“Susan, let her up, we’re done. Julia, makeup time.” Mary wanted different beauticians in the shots, just to make the pictures more flexible and varied. Julia took Sam by the hand and led him over to another styling station.
“Can I drive one of your cars, tonight?”
“No. Sorry, but I can’t afford to leave it parked in a public area.”
“Do you have something to wear tonight?” Julia asked as she started the conversation over. She also began spreading foundation on Sam’s face.
“I don’t know.” Snap snap, brush, brush.
“I’m going to make you up really special, Samantha. You should wear something special.”
Sam sat and thought. Julia added a bit more foundation using a cosmetic sponge. Mary closed in tighter for another picture. Snap, snap, wipe, wipe.
“Make it elegant,” Susan said from her chair where she watching the activities. “I’m going to put her hair up in a sexy updo.”
“Do you have a favorite dress?” Julia asked. Now she was looking for her big brushes and some translucent powder.
“I do, I guess.”
“What’s it like?”
“It’s a long red dress with a low back and butterfly ruffles around the opening. It is a sleek dress.”
“Red? Not a problem,” Julia said. Snap, snap as Julia used the big brush on Sam’s cheek.
“Wait, I know,” Maggie said as she set down her camera and pulled her cell phone from a hidden pocket.
“What?” Sam asked, but Maggie already had her back to Sam and was talking as she walked to a quieter location.
“Do you know what Lisa is going to wear?” Susan asked.
“No idea.”
“You should pick something out for her,” Julia said.
“Move over this way,” Mary said.
“Excellent idea,” Susan said. “That would be really romantic. You pick out everything for her, lay them out and dress her up sexy.”
“Something easy to get off later,” Jillian squealed. Jillian was serving as assistant to Julia.
Whistles and catcalls came from around the room.
“Jillian, change places with Julia. I want a few pictures of you with Samantha.”
“What would you set out for her?” Julia asked.
“I don’t know.”
“I’ve got it,” Maggie said as she came back to the group.
“Miss Samantha, look at me and smile.” Snap, snap, brush, brush.
“I’ve had a brainstorm.” She paused for dramatic effect.
“Come on Miss Maggie. Don’t hold back.” Susan pleaded.
“Is everyone here getting involved in my business?” Sam asked with a bit of humor.
“Of course,” Florence said. She was standing on the outside of the group watching the operation. “We’re your very own salon and that makes us family. Come on Miss Maggie, talk.”
“Julia, please step back in.”
“I talked with Miss Eunice and we’ve got a perfect set up for you. You’re going to go boating with her on Saturday.”
“She has a condo at the yacht club and you can use it tonight.”
“Tell me more, please. This sounds neat.”
“It’s in a gated community and it has a garage.” Maggie picked up her camera and began adjusting some of the settings.
“That’s great! So can I … may I please borrow one of your cars Miss Maggie?” Maggie either ignored the question or just didn’t hear it as she followed Mary’s lead on a picture.
“Maggie please?”
“Of course, Samantha dear. We’ll get you something really hot!”
“Freeze!” Snap, snap, click, click, brush, brush.
“Mary, how do you get that glare out your picture?”
“Miss Maggie, how do I get there?”
“Miss Samantha, turn your cheek please.” Snap, snap, click, click, color, color.
“We’ll Google directions at home.”
“You’re going boating, Miss Samantha?”
“You will have to pack for it.”
“You should pack for Miss Lisa too.”
“What are you going to pick out for Miss Lisa tonight?”
“Which car can I drive?”
“Pick out something elegant for her.”
“Don’t forget to pack a swim suit for her; for both of you.”
“Miss Samantha, don’t blink.” Snap, snap.
“Where can we eat tonight? Is there a restaurant there?”
“You better not drive a convertible. You will ruin my hair style,” Susan said.
“Don’t blink!”
“Jillian move in closer, I want both you and Julia. One on each side. Jillian brush on her mascara.”
“You have to pack a negligee for Miss Lisa.” There were a few snickers.
“Maybe she won’t need anything to wear to bed.” The salon broke up into raucous laughter.
“Ahem. Please remember who you are talking about ladies.”
“Sorry Miss Maggie.”
“But it was funny.”
“Miss Samantha, did you think it was funny?”
No answer. Everyone looked at Sam and he was quietly smiling.
“Someone has visions in her mind.”
They all broke up laughing again, even Miss Maggie.
“Dinner,” Maggie announced. “Do you like seafood?”
“Love it,” Susan said laughing again.
“Look up and don’t blink,” Julia said. Snap, snap, click, click, brush, brush.
“Miss Eunice says there is a wonderful seafood restaurant on the bay just two miles away.”
“What do we do with the car?”
“No more speaking. Pucker for me and give me a big cupid’s bow,” Mary said. Click, click, snap, snap, line, line.
“Stop! Freeze! Just hold the lip liner there. Pretend you are lining her lips, but do not move.”
“May I?”
“Sure Miss Maggie, but I would recommend you move here and stop down two steps. A bit under exposed on this is much more subtle than those in your face lipstick shots.”
“Thank you Mary.”
“OK, keep lining … but slowly! I want some more pictures of this.”
“Looking cute Miss Samantha.”
“Jillian, please step back, I want closer,” Mary said. “Ok, Julia, fill them in, but slowly. Only one half then stop. Here Miss Maggie, this is a good shot.” Snap, snap. “Ok, finish the lips.” Click, Click, snap, snap, brush, brush.
“Can I talk now?”
“No.” Everyone started laughing again.
“Miss Maggie, what do I do with the car?”
“You go to the condo first. Leave the car in the garage and take a taxi to the restaurant. When you drive in, tell the guard house to make the call for the taxi.”
“Are you going to dress at home or when you get there?”
“Dress at home.”
“Yeah, you want to greet Miss Lisa all dolled up and ready for her.”
“Yes, you want her climbing into your lap on the drive over to the bay.”
“No you don’t,” Maggie warned.
The girls laughed.
“I’m not joking. One scratch and you will never drive again!”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Lighten up Miss Maggie.”
A serious voice warned, “Don’t joke with Miss Maggie about her cars. Seriously.”
“Sorry. I got caught up in the fun.”
“Not to worry.”
“All done Mary. What do you think?”
“Just a few more, then Samantha can look.” Snap, snap, click, click.
“What do you think, Miss Samantha?”
“Wow! I like.”
“Miss Lisa will like also.” The place erupted again.
“Manicure time. Greta you’re on.”
“Come this way please.”
“Wait, I want to check her curlers first. Ok, you can go now.”
“Miss Samantha I’ll leave your cosmetics at Florence’s desk.”
“Miss Samantha, you have to do something romantic when you get back from dinner.”
“A porno movie.” More laughter.
“I don’t think so,” Samantha said.
“Cooler heads will prevail,” Miss Maggie said. “Good answer, Samantha. In fact, that was your only answer,” she said with a grin.
“Candles. You need to do something with candles.”
“Music. Romantic music.”
“Soft music that you can dance to.”
“Accordion music you can polka to.”
“What about the restaurant, Miss Maggie? Is it romantic?”
“Miss Eunice said she would take care of it.” Click, click, snap, snap, soak, soak.
“I want you to use that sparkly polish I picked out.”
“Which one, you picked out three.”
“What color is your dress going to be, Miss Samantha?”
“Fire engine red.”
“There’s your answer, Greta.” Click, click, snap, snap.
Just then a young girl walked up to the group. “Hi Sally.”
“Hi,” and Sally gave a little wave to everyone. “Miss Maggie, these are for you.” She handed a stack of small cards to Maggie.
“Thanks Sally. And tell Miss Eunice thanks also.”
Sally left. Maggie held up the cards to show Sam. “These are for you. Don’t let me forget to give them to you later.”
“What are they?”
“Miss Eunice’s personal cards. She has signed three of them for you.”
“Oh my God!”
“What are they for?” the naive Sam asked.
“They’re better than money. They’re power.”
“Get out of jail free cards.” Everyone laughed again.
“When you need something tonight, just hand over one of these cards. No matter how difficult someone is being with you, these will get you anything you want.”
“I was right; they’re get out of jail free cards.”
“Can I have one?”
“Don’t you wish.”
“Yes, I do wish.”
“We all do, now Greta please hold her hand a little higher.” Click, click, snap, snap.
“Miss Maggie, which car do you think we can use?”
“Samantha, you can have anything in running order.”
“The Gull Wing?”
“You said anything,” someone said.
“And I told you don’t joke about Miss Maggie’s cars.”
“You’re right. I said anything. Samantha, be very, very gentle with her. Please?”
“I promise. I’ll set the cruise for under the speed limit.”
Maggie laughed. “It doesn’t have a cruise control.”
“I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“So what are you going to pick out for Miss Lisa?”
“I really don’t know. I’ll have to go through her closet and look.”
“Don’t forget shoes. You have to pick out shoes too.”
“What about tomorrow. What do you wear on a boat?”
“Miss Maggie, what does she pack for sailing?”
“For yachting Susan. It’s a motor boat.”
“How big is it?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Guess. Please?”
“It’s probably around 100 foot.”
“Twins for sure.”
“Does it have bedrooms on it?”
“Miss Samantha!” in a scandalous voice. Everyone understood the meaning and started laughing.
“I’ve heard that the motion of the boat makes the motion of the bed …”
“That’s enough,” Maggie said calmly. “Fun is fun girls; don’t take this into the gutter. A little decorum please.” Click, Click, Snap, snap.
“Does the condo have a hot tub?”
“I’m not sure.”
“That would be romantic. Especially with candles.”
“You are really hung up on those candles, girl. Did you grow up in the dark?”
“I like it,” Samantha said.
“Don’t forget to pick out a swimsuit for Miss Lisa. I suggest a two piece.”
“Why bother with a swim suit?” More laughter.
“Girls …” a warning voice said.
“Because it’s more fun when you have something to take off.”
“Especially in candle light.”
“Oh please!”
“And slowly. You have to take it off her slowly.”
“Is this Seduction 101?”
“She’s right. The slower the better.”
“Fine, but after the hot tub, fragrant oils. Miss Samantha, have you ever used massage oils and lotions?”
“Greta, please slide to your right and bend closer to her hand.” Click, click, snap, snap.
“She’s right. Do it right and they are especially erotic.”
“And what is right?”
“Slow and non-sensitive areas for starters. Then slowly move onto the breasts, then the nipples, then …”
“Girls, this isn’t a how to session. Let Miss Samantha learn some of this stuff by trial and error. That can be fun too.”
“You’ve totally forgotten about leather.” Everyone started laughing.
“I mean it girls.” Maggie’s tone made it final. Click, click.
“Miss Maggie, what else do I need to plan or do tonight? What about cash? Can we go to the bank when we leave here?”
“You won’t need any money. Let Lisa pay for everything.”
“Isn’t that being cheap?”
“Yes, but that is the way Lisa wants it. She insists.”
“What about money for tips and stuff?”
“Seriously Samantha, let Lisa handle the money.”
“Nice deal,” a voice said.
“Miss Maggie, I feel kind of … funny letting Lisa pay for everything. I have money. I’d like to treat her.”
“That’s a nice sentiment Samantha. But it’s better if she handles it. Don’t worry about it. Miss Lisa wants it this way, and I agree.”
“Don’t worry about it, Miss Samantha. The prettiest girl always gets treated.”
That wasn’t what Sam wanted to hear. He was NOT the prettiest girl and he had to say something. “I’m a boy pretending to be a girl. Lisa is the prettiest girl! I’m just a stupid boy!” He didn’t exactly scream it, but the affect was just the same.
The place went silent. Mary stopped taking pictures and everyone looked at Maggie. “Don’t some of us have something else to do right now?” Most of the girls walked away.
Maggie sat down next to Samantha and put her arm around him.
“They mean well, Samantha. They get giddy and stupid in a large group. Bu they all like you and respect you. In fact, I think they respect you more than you do yourself. We’ve discussed this before Samantha. We all know your situation and why you are here. You have nothing to apologize for, and you have nothing to feel ashamed about.
“You only need to keep two things in focus. One of them is you and the other is Lisa. That is all that matters. Lisa loves you. That is all you need to know and all you need to worry about. And she is in love with you … you Samantha, as you are. Not as you think you should be or how someone else thinks you should be.”
Maggie leaned back and sighed. “Sometimes I wish I could be younger and still know what I know now. Samantha, you have no idea how it would change your thoughts and views of the world. It would calm your worst fears and truly set you free. As you get older, you can look back at your fears and you realize how unimportant most of them were. Most of them disappear on their own, or never materialize in the first place. Believe me, in hindsight life was never as dangerous as you thought.
“If you could sit here in my shoes you would realize one very important thing Samantha. If you are happy, if you have the blessings of those who love you, nothing else matters. You are in a wonderful position Samantha; you have love and you have nothing … NOTHING … to regret or be ashamed of. There is no one that matters, unless you say so. You are your own destiny. The rest of the world is irrelevant.
“And finally, let me say something bold, crass and crude. You are with the Hawthorne family now. You bow to no one. We are immune to the petty thoughts of the rest of the world. I apologize for my hubris, but it’s true. I repeat: the rest of the world is irrelevant.”
Maggie gave him a tight hug and then slid away. “How are we doing Greta?”
“She can go with Susan, but I will need to come over for another coat of polish, and then the overcoat.”
“No problem,” Susan said. “Samantha, if you would please come with me.”
Maggie held behind and waited for Samantha to be out of hearing range. “Greta, tell everyone they did nothing wrong. Samantha is still getting used to the idea that he’s going to be girl for the rest of his life. He hasn’t totally accepted his situation yet, and he has his occasional doubts. It’s normal. But you girls shouldn’t worry about it. We had fun and no one did or said anything to set him off. He’ll get over it.”
“Thank you Miss Maggie.”
Susan began drying Sam’s hair with her hand held blower on low temperature. Mary was taking pictures like nothing had happened, and Maggie began shooting pictures also. No one said anything except for Mary’s instructions on posing for the camera.
Greta delivered Maggie’s message then slid a chair up in front of Sam. She set a pillow with a board on it, on Sam’s lap. “Hands please. It will only take a second to apply your second coat.”
Mary and Maggie shot pictures, but Susan waited until Greta finished. “I think your nails will match the color on the gull wing,” Maggie said.
Susan looked at Maggie and asked, “Does the front seat sit high or low?”
“Average I guess. Why?”
“If I pile Samantha’s hair too high, it won’t hit the ceiling and get all mussed, will it?”
Maggie looked at Sam and grinned, “Do you mind leaving the phone book at home?”
Sam smiled and answered, “No problem.” The mood was broken. It would take a few more minutes, but he was going to be alright.
“I’d be more worried about Lisa,” Maggie said. “She’s going to have trouble keeping her hands off Samantha.”
“Just tell her to leave the hair alone. I’m working hard here and I don’t want her to muss it too early in the evening.”
“No promises,” Samantha said. Snap, Snap, click, click.
Greta finished with the polish and said, “Fifteen minutes and then the over coat. Do you still want to do the hand wax?”
“Do we have time?”
“It will take 45 minutes at least. I have to polish the calluses off your hands and then the warm soak is 30 minutes on top of that.”
Maggie did the math. “As much as I think you should do it, it would be best not to push our time. Something might come up at home and cause a delay; like picking our Lisa’s dress and packing for the weekend.”
“I agree,” Samantha added.
‘That’s settled. Now please remove the pillow so we can shoot the styling,” Mary said. Snap, click, snap, click, unroll, unroll, pin, pin.
“I’ve got a really awesome style planned for you Miss Samantha. You’re going to have barrel curls piled on top with a phenomenal flip in front. With your highlighted hair this style should look cute beyond description.”
Just do it, Susan,” Mary said. Snap, click, click, unroll, pin, pin, snap, snap.”
“Do you mind if I use diamond studded hair sticks?”
“You’ve got diamonds here?”
“I have access to all kinds of neat things … for the right client.”
“Will it go with my dress?”
“Diamonds go everything; no exceptions,” Susan bragged.
“I agree with Samantha,” Maggie chirped in. Snap, snap. “Let’s look at the diamonds first. Do you have anything better suited to a hot red dress?”
“Absolutely.” Click, snap, pin, pin. “Ok, let’s slip in the diamond sticks.
Susan swung Sam around to face the big mirror, then held the small mirror behind her. Sam looked at the back of her style in the mirror. “What do you think?”
“I like it. But what about something red? Can we see what that would look like?”
“Not yet, Mary,” broke in. “I want you as is first. I want some after pictures as you are.”
“I haven’t given her her overcoat,” Greta said.
Mary gave Greta a nasty look and asked, “Will it make any difference in her appearance?” Mary didn’t even wait for an answer. She offered Sam her hand and pulled him out of the chair. “We’ll come back and get the other hair sticks.”
Snap, click, click, snap, snap, “Turn,” snap, snap, “More attitude,” click, click, “Other hip, leg forward,” Snap, click, click, “Perfect,” click, click, snap, “More pout, head down just a tad,” snap, snap. Ten minutes later Mary returned Sam to Susan and Greta. Greta applied Sam’s last coat of clear hardener to his nails, and Susan swapped out the diamond sticks for two incredible 6 inch hairsticks made from elegant hand carved wood and finished in a bright berry color. The ends had two deep red Siam crystals on each hair stick and finished with 24 karat gold.
Sam took one look in the mirror and said, “These are perfect. I’ll take them.”
Click, snap.
“Then you’re finished, sweetie. Your nails are still tacky, so don’t touch anything.”
“Back over here,” Mary instructed. “I agree these are going to look even better.” Snap, Snap, click, click, finished.
“Thank you Samantha, you were great. I’ll send the pictures to Miss Maggie in a couple of days. Enjoy your weekend,” and she gave Sam a sweet smile and wink.
Sam shook his head to test his new style. “Susan, how long will this hold?”
“As fragile as it looks, it’s pinned very tight. It won’t hold up to a gale force wind, but I think it will hold up to a yacht ride. But …” and she gave Sam awry smile.
“I don’t think it will last one evening. Not this evening at least. But that’s just my guess,” she said with a chuckle.
Sam had recovered from his earlier tantrum. He laughed also. He picked up his purse and cosmetics. He looked in the bag and found his lip liner, lip gloss, blush, foundation, mascara, eye liner, eye shadows; everything that Julia had used for his makeover. Sam said his goodbyes and followed Miss Maggie out into the lobby. She handed Sam a thick envelope. “One half day’s work.”
“But I have no where to spend it,” Sam whined. “You won’t let me.”
“That’s because we want you to save your money for yourself. When you’re with Lisa, let her spend her money. She has of tons of it.”
“So what do I do with it?”
“The bank is over here. Keep a couple hundred and put the rest in your savings.” Maggie took Sam’s hand and walked him to the bank where she introduced him to the manager. The manager deposited Sam’s money and gave him an updated receipt.
Hand in hand, Maggie led him down the lobby to another store. “You can spend some of your money here,” she told Sam.
“On what?”
“Condoms. A girl going on a big date should never leave home without them. Buy a big supply.”
Sam returned with a bag containing several boxes of condoms. “Put some in your purse as soon as we get to the car. Don’t forget!” Maggie again took Sam’s hand and headed to the parking elevator. “Samantha, let’s get you home and ready for your evening. I think you are going to have a wonderful time. In fact, I’m positive you will.”
Maggie drove them home in one of the company limousines. Sam sat in the back and plotted with Miss Maggie while she drove. It was still early afternoon and the traffic hadn’t reached rush hour proportions, so they made it home in normal time. “I’ll help you as soon as I print off driving directions,” Maggie said. Maggie headed to the office and Sam walked upstairs.
Fifteen minutes later Maggie found Samantha in Lisa’s bedroom. “I left the directions by the front door. How’s it coming up here?”
“Ok. I picked out this dress. Do you think it will be ok with Lisa?”
“Absolutely, my compliments on picking out a winner; a sexy winner. Lisa has great curves and this will really show them off. Did you pick out a push-up brassiere?”
The two of them went through several scenarios for Lisa and her clothes. They laid out lingerie, negligees, swim wear, and sun dresses, and finally toiletries and cosmetics. When they felt they had just the perfect earrings, bracelets and necklaces, the right fragrance and the necessary clothes for boating, they began packing. When they felt confident they had everything packed properly, Maggie took the bags downstairs and Sam went to get himself ready.
He stripped down to his panties and stockings and called for Maggie. Maggie helped Sam properly place his adhesive covered breast forms on his chest. Before placing them Maggie asked, “May I feel your chest? I want to see if you need additional laser depilation.”
Sam thought nothing of the request and agreed. Maggie smiled and caressed his chest as she “checked” for hair. “Glorious, what a sexy la femme,” Maggie thought to herself.
“Ok,” she said. “I don’t think you will need much more than occasional clean-ups. She helped Sam with his breast forms then asked, “Can I help you with anything else?”
“No thank you, Miss Maggie. I can get everything else by myself.”
“Call when you’re packed, I’ll help you carry things down to the car.” Maggie went downstairs to wait for Sam.
Sam dressed and packed all of his items for the weekend. He and Maggie packed the car then parked it in back where Lisa would not see it. Maggie placed a call to see where Chas and Lisa were.
“Twenty minutes,” Maggie relayed. “Are you sure you have everything ready?”
“I hope so.”
“How about posing for me while we wait for Lisa?”
Maggie played with her camera, trying some extreme close-ups and other “artistic” poses. “I received your wedding dress pictures yesterday. I’ll transfer them to a memory stick and I’ll give them to you when you get back. And of course I’ll give you a copy of everything from today. I’m sure you will want copies for your personal scrapbook. After a few more shots Maggie received another call. “Places,” she told Sam. Sam stepped into the middle of the foyer, placed his hands behind his back and waited in his most sexy, pouty pose. “Damn!” Maggie thought. “If he didn’t belong to Lisa I would take him in a heartbeat … or less.”
Chas pulled the limo up to the front circle and parked. Lisa waited patiently while Chas walked around to open her door. He offered his hand to Lisa to help her step out. Chas closed the door then led the way up the front walk. He climbed the steps to the front door and opened it for Lisa. He stepped back to allow her to enter first.
Lisa stepped into the house and came to an abrupt halt. She saw Sam standing in the middle of the foyer and she gasped. “Oh my,” she slowly drawled. “Oh my,” she repeated as she slowly walked towards him. Sam tilted his head down and looked up at her with wide open, puppy dog eyes. Sam drooped his shoulders as much as possible and twisted his body lightly to the side in his best “Aw shucks, ma’am,” pose.
“Welcome home Lisa,” he said in his sexiest voice.
“Oh, my. What do we have here?” She walked up to Sam and then around him, inspecting him front to back and back to front. Standing behind him she ran a fingernail down his back and watched his skin shiver into goose pimples. “Cute.” She looked at his hands and saw that he had a fresh manicure. “Samantha you got a manicure. They’re just the prettiest nails.” She sniffed the air and said, “Our favorite perfume. Oh my.” She stopped in front of Sam and looked at him with a huge smile. A bigger smile broke out on Sam’s face. With a big sigh she repeated, “Oh my.”
“Is that all you have to say?”
“I think that says it all, don’t you?”
“Well don’t I get a kiss?”
“Not yet. I want to look at you some more. Oh my,” and she sighed again. She leaned into Sam’s shoulder and sniffed again. Then she blew in his ear and said barely above a whisper, “You are the most heavenly vision I have ever seen. I want you now.”
Sam held his position but dropped his hands by his side. “We can’t,” he whispered.
“Why not?” she asked as she leaned back, took him by the chin and lifted his head so they could look in each other’s eyes. She leaned towards him, closed her eyes and gently placed a kiss on his lips. A soft and tender kiss that wouldn’t smear his lipstick, but would send her message to him.
He closed his eyes as she leaned into him. He accepted her kiss and kept his eyes closed. Still whispering he said, “Because you have to get dressed. I laid out everything for you on your bed.”
Lisa stepped back and reached for his hand. “My God you are beautiful. Why should I get dressed instead of you taking your clothes off?”
“Because I spent all day getting beautiful for you. Before I get undressed for you, I have a surprise for you.”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Is it bigger than a breadbox?”
“It’s huge.”
“Is it between your legs?”
Sam began giggling and losing his composure. “To be honest, it feels like it is going to break. But no, it is not between my legs.”
“Ok, what do I have to do?”
“Go to your bedroom, change into the clothes that I have laid out for you, then come back down here. I will be waiting for you.”
“Do you have plans?”
She had teased him long enough. She gave Sam a very soft kiss on the lips and said, “Tonight I shall be yours.” Lisa walked up the stairs and out of sight. Meanwhile, Maggie was bringing the car around front. Maggie came inside and found Sam stilling standing in the same place she had left him.
“Is everything ok? Where is Lisa?”
“Getting dressed.”
“Well, are you all ready?”
“Yes, no wait. Where are the driving directions?”
“Right here,” Maggie said. She picked them off a table and then stepped close to Sam; very close. Maggie leaned against Sam’s side and arm and smelled his perfume. Miss Maggie was getting horny. She showed Sam the papers and the two of them discussed the directions.
When they were satisfied that Sam wouldn’t get lost, Maggie gave him a hug and exchanged air kisses. “Have a wonderful time, Samantha. And be careful with my car!”
“Yes ma’am. And thank you Miss Maggie. You have been wonderful to me. I really appreciate it … and you.”
“Ready or not here I come,” Lisa yelled down from upstairs. Sam and Maggie turned to watch Lisa glide down the stairs. Sam knew only two colors when it came to elegant; red and black. He was wearing red and he had Lisa dressed in black. She had a black dress, black stockings, black shoes and a black clutch purse. She walked over to Sam and walked up tight against him. She pressed her breasts against his and her hips against his. Sam held his position and Lisa touched noses with him.
“Where’s my surprise?” she asked in a whisper.
Maggie was watching from across the foyer and she almost came in her panties.
“Is it a pony?”
“About 400, and they come with a red carriage.”
Lisa placed a light kiss on his lips and said, “Miss Samantha, I am yours. Please lead the way.” Lisa placed her arm through Sam’s and broke one of her rules. She allowed Sam to play the boy. She would correct that later, but right now they were having fun. Sam walked them to the door and held it open for her. Lisa stepped out and said, “Holy shit! Maggie’s favorite.”
“Uh, uh, uh,” Sam scolded her. “Ladies of refinement must watch their language.” But Sam obviously appreciated her comment.
“How did you get Maggie to give you the car?”
“I promised to be extra careful. No distractions while driving,” he warned her.
“I can’t promise that,” she teased.
“You have to,” he said as he took her to the car and opened her door. Lisa slipped into the car and Sam strolled around to the driver’s side. He looked towards the house and Maggie was standing on the front steps. She blew him a kiss.
“Do you know how to drive a standard?”
“I’ve been practicing for two weeks.” Sam started the car, let out the clutch and smoothly eased the antique down the drive and out onto the main road.
“So where are we going, Samantha?”
Sam explained his weekend plans for the two of them.
Lisa gave him her stamp of approval. “You and Maggie must have bonded this week.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because no one has ever driven this car except for Maggie. No one.”
For some strange reason Sam was surprised at the attention he drew on the drive to the bay. Half the cars they encountered waved or stared. On the interstate, cars would parallel them for miles as they stared at the car and the two beauties in it. The guys in one car tried to hand their telephone to Sam while driving 65 mph. Sam slowed way down so they would pass and leave him alone. The last thing he needed was to have some horny teenage boys sideswipe his 1955 300SL gull wing antique.
It took two hours to drive to the bay and reach the condos. Sam stopped at the gate house and announced himself. The guard refused to let him in. Sam tried for 5 minutes before he got frustrated enough to remember the cards in his purse. He rifled through his purse and found the cards. He handed one to the guard and the situation reversed so fast that Sam couldn’t believe his eyes. The guard was practically crawling on his belly apologizing. He opened the gate for Sam.
“Call me a taxi please.”
“Yes ma’am, immediately.”
“And I want my card returned.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Sam drove through the gate and found the correct condo. “I’m pissed,” he announced.
“Why did I have to get out that card? For crying out loud, two hot babes in a 1955 Mercedes gull wing pulls up and he questions our credentials? Come on, he was screwing with us.”
Lisa laughed. “Maybe, but if he was he was really stupid. Guys try strange things with girls, especially two “hot babes”. But you’re right, the money in front of his face indicates that he is really conceited or just plain stupid. Forget about it. Is this the place?”
“You’ve never been here?”
Sam parked in front of the garage. “Wait a minute,” he said as he got out to open the garage door. But Lisa wanted to stretch her legs, so she lifted her door and stepped out.
Sam drove the car in the garage and opened the interior door to the condo.
Lisa caught up with Sam and took his hand as they walked inside. Sam should have known better by now, but he was surprised by the opulence of the condo. It had a huge “fireworks” chandelier in the front foyer, a giant projection TV with audio power only Maggie could have assembled in the leisure room, leather furniture so soft it felt like velvet and a bedroom that … would be enjoyed later. They brought their luggage inside and barely had time to raid the refrigerator before a taxi was honking out front.
They exited via the front door and Lisa walked down to the taxi and waited for Sam to catch up. Sam reached the taxi and began reaching for the rear door. Lisa quickly grabbed his arm and stopped him. “The man will either treat us right or I’ll call a limo.”
“Taxi drivers won’t get out and open the door for you,” Sam explained.
“Want to bet? Samantha, we’re hot property. Let’s see if he has any class at all.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“Then we walk back inside, I’ll call a limo and we can wait on the balcony while sipping that delicious red wine I spotted in Miss Eunice’s wine rack.”
They had been standing there a bit over one minute. “How long do we wait?” Sam asked with a smile. He actually liked this power play.
“Thirty seconds. Then we walk.” With ten seconds to go the driver opened his door and stepped out. He had a nasty attitude as he walked back.
He opened the door and sarcastically said, “Princess.”
Sam didn’t know what to say, but Lisa did. She looked inside, sniffed the air and said, “It smells like a sewer.” Turning to the driver she said, “Go wash your carriage, sir.” She grabbed Sam’s arm and turned them away and walked back to the condo.
Sam let them back inside and turned to Lisa, “Wasn’t that kind of rude?”
“He was rude. Besides, I’m feeling sassy, sexy and silly tonight. I’d rather spend the time with you, Samantha.”
“But Miss Eunice has something nice set up for us tonight. We shouldn’t just refuse to go.” Sam had learned his lesson in New York City.
“You’re right,” Lisa said. “Sorry. I’m feeling stupid also. One minute,” and she walked over to the phone. She looked around until she saw the guardhouse telephone number. She dialed the number and said, “This is Miss Hawthorne in 50. Please order a limo for us. We need it ASAP.”
She returned to Sam and wrapped her arms around him, gave him a little kiss then laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I was being rude and stupid. I guess I’m giddy about seeing you again. I missed you Samantha. I couldn’t get you out of mind this week. I would be studying, really getting into the subject and then a blank. Everything went blank and all I could think about was you.
“I was so excited about getting home and seeing you that I must have psyched myself too much. Because when I saw you, I just … I just went blank again. I walked in and … my god.” Lisa stepped back from Sam and looked in his eyes, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Yes I said girl. But I know what you have under that dress and … and … and Samantha I just can’t explain what I felt. Or what I feel now. I don’t want to go out to eat. I want to explore the body and soul of the most beautiful person on this planet.”
She stepped back and said, “But that would be too selfish. Miss Eunice went out of her way to help us, so we must show our appreciation and accept her gift. Why don’t you open that cabernet and we can sit on the balcony, enjoy the view and sip the wine until the limo arrives. Is that ok?”
“We can do that,” Sam said as he began looking for a cork screw. He opened the wine and poured half a glass for each of them. Hand in hand they walked out on the balcony and looked over the harbor. “Do you know which boat is Miss Eunice’s?”
“No idea. There are too many.”
“Have you ever been on this boat?”
“Call it a ship. Miss Eunice doesn’t like the term boat — too small. It’s been a long time, but yes I was out on it once before. A long time ago.”
They leaned against the railing and faced one another. Lisa caressed Sam’s arm and looked into his eyes. She smiled and caressed his arm for several minutes. “So what did you do today?”
Sam told her about his day, except for one thing. He couldn’t bring himself to discuss his milking by the doctor. That was just too weird and embarrassing. “And what did you do today?”
“Dreamed mostly. I finished a term paper and submitted it this morning, then mostly I waited for Chas.” She touched Sam’s chin and caressed his cheek with the back of her hand. “And I thought about you. I’ve missed you, Samantha.”
“I missed you too.”
“I’m sorry for messing up your evening.”
“Nothing is messed up. We’re a bit behind schedule is all. And I enjoy being here, sipping wine and talking with you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Lisa. And you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you.”
She blew him a kiss. “I can’t wait to kiss you the way I want to.”
“I got mad today when Maggie said I couldn’t spend my money on you. She insisted that I let you buy everything. I asked her what good my money was if I couldn’t spend it on the girl I loved. She said there was something that I could buy.”
“Rubbers. I bought rubbers today,” he said with a giggle. “I’ve made thousands of dollars as a girl model and all I can buy is prophylactics.”
“And we will use them. How many did you get?”
“Several dozen.”
“It will be close, but we should be ok.”
They set their glasses on the balcony railing and hugged. “Two weeks to Paris, my love.”
“I know. I’m looking forward to it.”
“We have a lot of shopping to do before we go. And there is only one place to shop … New York City. We have to go back to New York and get some summer dresses, and cocktail dresses, some new shoes and for Paris we have to have big, big hats. We have a lot of power shopping to do, Samantha.”
“How about another show while we’re in New York?”
“Absolutely.” They hugged a bit longer then released each other. Lisa picked up her glass and took a sip. She looked over the harbor and wistfully said, “Paris. I can’t wait to stand in front of the Eiffel Tower with you, hold your hand and kiss you. Paris is the most romantic city in the world.
“I was there when I was 14. I went with mom. She had some business there and I caught up a couple days after she went. I walked around that city and watched the lovers and looked at the sites and I promised myself that someday I would go back with my lover. I’ve dreamed about Paris for too many years. I’ve probably romanticized it beyond recognition. But I don’t think so, and I don’t’ care.
“I always thought that going back to that city with my lover would be the epitome of romance and love. But I was wrong … and right, but in the wrong way. I’ve always dreamed of going to Paris. But now all I dream about is going with you.”
Sam was quiet for several moments. “You sure now how to flatter a girl,” Sam said with a giggle. He didn’t know why he called himself a girl, but it just felt like it was the right thing to say at that moment. Maybe because he was wearing an elegant red dress filled out with sexy breasts and a curvaceous waist and hips. Maybe his elegant hair style or professional makeup had something to do with it. But for whatever reason, Sam decided to become Samantha for their evening of lust and seduction.
Both wanted to seduce the other. They were both beautiful “women” and they both wanted to please their lover. Love was in the air. They lost themselves in each other’s eyes, and they might have stayed there for the evening, but the doorbell broke their concentration. “Limo is here,” Lisa said. “I’ll behave, I promise.”
“Only until we return, I hope.”
The restaurant was only ten minutes away. It was located on the waterfront overlooking another harbor. They were seated on a second story veranda around a table for four. No one else was seated on the veranda; they had it to themselves. There was a hurricane lantern sitting in the middle of the table. It was still light outside, but the lantern’s candle was burning brightly. The table was set with linens, the silverware looked like actual silver, and the glassware was crystal. The waiter was most gracious and he led them through a leisurely and delicious meal.
The two inamoratas talked about Paris, and New York, and shopping, and finals week, and horseback riding, and Samantha’s earrings, and his decoy ring, and Paris, and Samantha’s dress, and Lisa’s dress, and hot antique cars, and a specific red Mercedes 330SL gull wing car, and boating on the Chesapeake Bay, and Paris some more, and Switzerland, and Lisa’s sister, and New York shows, and on and on and on. Conversation came so easy for the two girls.
Lisa watched and studied and lusted for her courtesan. She marveled at how easy his attitude and movements were. Miss Grace had been right; Samantha was sinuous and graceful in his movements. The feminization of Sam was still incomplete, but Lisa could see exciting potential in her project.
And best of all, her effeminate boy was happy. He was accepting his feminization, his transformation, and his metamorphous into a beautiful and feminine courtesan, named Samantha. And later, Lisa would make him her sexy and submissive concubine. Lisa couldn’t wait.
At the end of the meal the waiter returned and said, “I have been instructed to ask for a card.” Sam immediately knew what he wanted and searched through his purse to find one of Miss Eunice’s cards. He handed the card to the waiter, who flipped it over to see the signature and thanked the two girls, “Have a great evening.”
Lisa answered, “We intend to. Thank you.”
The sun had set and dusk was descending over the bay. The west horizon was turning a dark purple as the two lovers held hands and walked to their limo. Upon returning to the condo Lisa asked, “Do you want to walk through the harbor and look for Miss Eunice’s ship?”
“Not really.”
“Me neither. It’s been a long day and I am really tired. I think I’ll retire for the evening,” she teased.
Sam reached for Lisa’s arm and turned her towards him. He held her by the shoulders and stepped closer. Sam looked in Lisa’s eyes and leaned in for a gentle kiss. They kept their eyes open as they kissed. “It’s time to retire Samantha.”
Lisa led them into the guest bedroom. She turned on a few lights and Sam closed the curtains. “If I know you, you want me to remain in my makeup.”
“Please. You are so lovely I hate to have you change a single thing.”
Sam stepped behind Lisa and pulled down the zipper on her dress. He helped her step out of the dress and then he hung it up for her. Sam unclasped her bra and removed it, exposing her perky breasts. He lavished a soft kiss on each nipple, pressing just hard enough to leave a little lip color on each. After removing all of Lisa’s clothing Sam opened her valise and removed her pink babydoll. He helped Lisa slip into her sexy sleepwear.
Then it was Samantha’s turn. Lisa loosened the cummerbund on Sam’s dress and unhooked the clasps. “I know why you love this dress, Samantha.”
“You don’t have to wear your corset when you wear this dress.”
“That’s part of it, but I do love this dress. It’s sexy, don’t you think?”
“When you are wearing it.” Lisa continued undressing her paramour and stripped him naked. Then she helped Samantha into a diaphanous gown of silk and lace. “Bring me your lipstick sweetie.”
Sam found his lip gloss and handed it with a lip brush to Lisa. “Pucker up my little cupid. I want to freshen those pouty lips. I am so glad you had those collagen injections. How about you?”
Lisa colored his lips, then said, “Please lift your gown.” Sam lifted his gown and Lisa gripped his pulsating penis. She used her brush to color the tip of Sam’s penis the same glossy color. She flitted the brush back and forth and watched Sam’s penis involuntarily twitch and jump and bounce under the brush’s soft strokes. Lisa colored in the entire tip of Sam’s penis. “There, everything matches. Now you are perfect, don’t you think?” she giggled.
“For sure.”
“Please hold you gown up and lie on the bed. I have something I’ve been wanting to do all evening.”
“Hot damn,” Sam thought to himself. He did as he was told, lying on his back with his gown pulled up just under his faux breasts. Lisa joined him lying in the opposite direction. She held his penis by the base and began licking Sam’s penis like a lollipop. Lick, lick, lick. Lisa looked at Sam and held her tongue out. “Do I have lipstick on my tongue?” she asked and held it out for inspection a second time.
“You’re acting silly,” Sam said.
“But you’re the silly filly,” Lisa countered. “Come on, does my tongue have lipstick on it?” and again she stuck it out.
“Yes it does,” Sam answered.
“Is it cute?”
She licked his penis a few more times, until she had smeared the lipstick all over his penis. Then she slid down his shaft and took him into her mouth. Using her hand to stroke him while she slid her mouth up and down she quickly had him on the verge of erupting. “I’m going to cum,” Sam warned. Lisa slid up his shaft and prepared for him to erupt into her mouth.
Sam was in seventh heaven with Lisa still on his cock as he ejaculated in her mouth. Lisa took only two eruptions then pulled off and allowed him to spurt over his own stomach. As he ejaculated Lisa continued to stroke him with her hand, helping him finish his job. Then she quickly moved up with her mouth full of semen and hovered over Sam’s mouth.
“Ofen,” she tried to say.
“Offen ur mouf.” Sam opened and Lisa dribbled his semen into his mouth. She used her tongue to push the semen out of her mouth into Sam’s, then she tongued her cheeks and tasted his cum. “Do you like it?”
He swallowed and said, “Can’t say that I’m crazy about it.”
“What does it taste like?”
He rubbed his tongue against the roof of his mouth and tongued his cheeks. “Sticky, and viscous. It has more smell and aroma than taste.”
“I agree,” Lisa said. “It is unique, isn’t it?”
“But not all together horrible, is it?”
“I don’t think I care for it,” he reiterated.
“From now on I insist on sharing. If I go down on you, you get to swallow too.” She thought a few more minutes and said, “Saline? Does it have a rather penetrating saline taste?”
“I don’t know,” Sam answered. Then he licked his lips. “Ahhh,” he thought to himself. “My lipstick tastes wonderful, and it helps cover the taste of the semen. Ok, now I know what to do next time.”
Lisa softly kissed Sam’s lips and used her tongue to pry his lips open. Still touching their lips together softly, Lisa pushed her tongue into Sam’s mouth and swished it around. “I like the taste of you. There must be some pheromones in your semen because I find this weird tasting stuff sexy. Sam I have a favor to ask.”
“If I lick the semen off your stomach, will you lick my cunt?”
Sam laughed. “You have a way with words. Please, clean me up and I will pleasure you to ecstasy.”
Lisa moved to his stomach and saw much less semen than the last time they had done this. She slurped up a string of semen and after swallowing she said, “There doesn’t seem to be as much semen as the last time I fellated you.”
Sam was quiet while Lisa licked up another section of his stomach. “Have you been doing something naughty?” she asked. She was insinuating that Sam had been masturbating.
“Never, Lisa. Everything I have I save for you. But …”
“But what?”
“This is weird Lisa. I had to go to the doctor this morning and she milked me.”
“Yeah, milking is when she pushes her finger up my …”
“I know what milking is Samantha. Is everything ok?”
“I guess so. She says my prostate is fine. She says it’s the best way to check for low iron. It sounds pretty weak to me.”
“No, I’ve read that, Samantha. I wonder if some of your taste is due to iron?” Slurp. Slurp. “Your tummy is finished.” She grabbed his penis and stroked the half flaccid penis, forcing additional semen out the tip. She licked it off the tip of Sam’s penis. “Finished.”
Lisa slid up to Sam’s mouth and gave him a gentle kiss. “Make me scream, my silly filly.”
Sam slid between Lisa’s legs and looked up for his instructions from Lisa. Lisa looked at Sam and marveled at how his hair was rolled and pampered into such beautiful barrel curls, pinned into an exquisite structure and then finished with those beautiful red hair sticks. She reached for Sam and caressed his cheek. “Let me look at you for just a minute. I am amazed at how beautiful you are. Not everyone can be put into an elegant updo, made up with heavy makeup and pull it all together into such a sexy package. It takes talent, Samantha. It takes an inner beauty to turn outer beauty into that something special. Marilyn Monroe obviously had it. So did Katherine Hepburn and Mae West and I loved —still do — Sophia Loren. Even the Mona Lisa has it. Samantha whatever that something special is, you have it. My god you have it.
“Please treat me gently. Kiss me and inhale my fragrance. Tell me what you smell. Tell me what you feel. Please.”
Sam was never so pleased to perform his duty. He very gently kissed Lisa and licked her vagina, barely penetrating between her labia. He took a deep breath, then licked her once more. With his nose a millimeter above Lisa’s most intimate spot he spoke, “What ever your smell is, I want it. I desperately want it. Going so slowly drives me crazy.”
“I know my little filly. It drives me crazy too. And that is why I love it so much. And why I love you so much. I love you because you are so slow. As I told you once before, males are too harsh and abrupt, and they have no patience. Hence, they have no ability to understand and truly please a woman. But you are so special, Samantha. You are so soft and gentle and patient and feminine that you can truly understand and please your girl. I have never had sex with another girl, but I can imagine that this is what it must be like. Women understand women, and you certainly understand me.
“You make an adorable woman when you’re between my legs and a beautiful man when I mount you. You are truly the best of two worlds; the dichotomy that exceeds and transcends all boundaries. I love you so much. Please continue my epicene enigma.”
Sam had no idea what an epicene enigma was, and he didn’t care; he was getting sex from a beautiful girl. But Sam wasn’t sure he wanted to be considered a woman performing cunnilingus on another girl. That was just too weird. But then again, this was his kinky girlfriend. Did she really consider him to be a lesbian? Maybe she did want to have that 3-way that Lydia Dahl had once offered. “That might be fun … and kinky,” he thought.
Sam kissed his girlfriend and then penetrated her labia with his tongue; just a bit deeper than the previous time. Little by little, kiss by kiss and lick by lick he increased his penetration, his pressure, his stimulation of Lisa’s clitoris. Little by little, kiss and pause, lick and pause, a breath of warm air, a little suck on her clit, a deep breath of her intoxicating and earthy aroma and a slow build up to an earth shattering crescendo.
Lisa arched her back, heaved her hips off the bed and lifted Sam with her. Her hands clutched the bed sheets, her head rolled back and she … screamed! She screamed like the Banshee swooping through a night sky filled with lightening bolts. Sam jerked and shot a glance at Lisa as she was convulsing in ecstasy. At first he was scared, then concerned, but all of that quickly passed when he realized the true situation. Samantha smiled.
Lisa returned to earth, her body glistening with tiny beads of sweat. When she had regained her faculties Sam asked, “Did we do good?”
Lisa petted her benefactor’s hair and cheek. She twirled Sam’s red hair stick and fondled the big curl in the front of his style. She was deliberately slowing down the conversation while demonstrating her fondness for Sam. “Yes my sweet Samantha, you done good. Please let me rest for a moment. That was so intense.”
Lisa rested a few moments, looked at Sam and smiled. “You’re getting very good at this. Do you know how I know?”
“Because you screamed like I was killing you?”
“No, my silly filly,” she giggled. “Because you hardly smeared your lipstick at all; just a smidgen. Obviously you have learned how to be gentle and yet extremely effective.”
Sam laid his head on Lisa’s tummy and tickled her pubic hairs by ever so gently touching and petting them. His hand rested on her pelvis and then a finger tantalizingly slowly slid through her pubic hair and touched her labium.
“Oooooh,” Lisa moaned.
Sam had never fingered his lover. He had always supplied her stimulation orally or with his cock. He pushed her labium open and slid his finger inside and into the moist nether regions below. He blew gently across her hair and labium, giving Lisa a small rush of stimulation.
“I like,” she whispered. “Go ahead, slide your finger in and then gently pull it up and over my clit. Up only, don’t reverse direction. That’s nice,” as she shuddered slightly. “Do it again Samantha. Enter me with your finger and swish it around gently to get it soaked in my juices, then slide it up and out over my clit.
“Niiiice,” she cooed. “You’re getting the idea. This time slide your finger in and out slowly. Yes, do it again. Wonderful, continue for a few more strokes. Now up over my clit and get ready to stop. There, hold your finger right there. Oh yes. Rub gently … gently! That is my g-spot and it is oh so tender. Use just the tip of your finger nail and touch me there. Careful … don’t scratch. Just touch. Back to your finger, stroke me very, very slowly and gently.
“Oh Samantha, you are so good. Please use your tongue now. Kiss me and lick me right where it counts. You know the spot. Do it with your softest feminine touch. Just once more bring me to ecstasy and then I shall return the favor. I want to make love to my girl one more time.”
Sam continued a routine with which he was becoming accustomed and proficient. He was confident in his abilities and most importantly, he truly enjoyed his task. The aroma, the feel, the anticipation and the satisfaction were wonderful rewards for his performance. But most of all, his success with Lisa was the ultimate reward. Her scream was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard; after his heart rate returned to normal. It signified the most important thing in his life; he had satisfied his beautiful, kinky and rich girlfriend.
Lisa’s hips bucked and her back arched again. Her hands reached for the sky then wrapped themselves around her as she tried to hold herself together as she figuratively fell apart. She shuddered, she shook, she bit her lip and then when caught in the final throes of an enormous orgasm Lisa let out another blood curdling scream. As her ass went arching towards nirvana Sam dug his well manicured and bright red nails into her supple ass. He squeezed harder than he intended as he too became caught in the moment. Lisa screamed a second time as pure pain pierced her skin.
Sam quickly realized what he had done and immediately released his grip. “Lisa I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized. “Really, really sorry. I lost my head.”
Sam continued for several moments while Lisa held her breath and squeezed her bun muscles, trying to assess the damage. Then she giggled. Sam looked at her and she looked him in the eyes. She giggled some more and then she began laughing. She slid her hands down under her tush to feel the damage, while Sam stared in disbelief and stopped his effusive apologies. Lisa’s laugh gradually died down to a giggle as she retrieved her hand and examined it for blood.
She put a finger in her mouth and slowly and seductively withdrew it for Sam. “No blood. Holy shit Samantha, what got into you?” She was still giggling.
“I’m sorry Lisa. I lost it … I just … I don’t know. You screamed and I just felt that … like I had to help somehow. It was almost like I was a part of you and I wanted to scream … or squeeze something hard.”
“I loved it, sweetie. It totally caught me off guard. But Shit! That was totally interesting!”
Sam giggled just a bit and said, “It’s a good thing I didn’t decide to bite something down there.”
The two of them laughed uproariously. “I’ll second that,” Lisa roared. After laughing for minutes, Lisa rolled over on her stomach and exposed her butt for Sam. “Samantha? How bad does it look? Will I recover?”
Sam rubbed his hand over the nail prints that he had embedded in Lisa’s flesh. He sighed and answered, “It looks kind of … ugly. I got you good. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry girl, I loved it. It surprised the hell out of me but I loved it. There is something to say for spontaneity, but next time …” and she laughed again.
Sam didn’t know what to say so he tried to rub and caress her injuries. He was very gentle and very soothing. “Don’t stop,” Lisa said. “I like that. Can you kiss my booboos?”
Sam grinned, she did indeed like it. “It would be my honor,” and he leaned into his assignment. “God this is sexy,” he thought to himself. “What a beautiful and sexy ass.” The urge to squeeze her firm flesh gripped his thoughts. So throwing caution to the wind he gently squeezed her ass as he simultaneously kissed her injuries. Lisa said nothing so he squeezed a little harder.
Lisa wiggled her ass and pushed it up at him. “Do you have designs on my ass?”
Sam began laughing. Lisa didn’t realize the pun she had made until Sam replied, “I think I’ve already got my design in you.” Lisa laughed until she hiccupped.
When she had recovered she asked in earnest, “Do I need any antiseptic?”
“No. I made some indecent indents and you’re going to have some horrible black and blue spots, but I didn’t draw blood.”
“Good, then I want something. On your back my little filly. I want that prick of yours pointing the way to heaven,” she ordered.
“Yeah ma’am,” and Sam obeyed. Lisa crawled across the bed and over to the night table, She picked up a condom that they had left there. She sat down and crossed her legs, placed the foil between her mouth and with extreme over-acting, she ripped it open with her teeth. Sam laughed.
“You realize that when we make love you have to do whatever I tell you to do. Those are the rules, right?”
“No yep. You respond with a proper “yes ma’am”.”
“Yes ma’am,” Sam snickered.
“Up the flag pole,” Lisa squealed as she rolled the condom over Sam’s stiff prick. “Now turn 90 degrees.”
“No!” she said it sharply but then smiled as if she were ready to giggle. “Yes ma’am.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good boy! Lie across the bed with your head and shoulders off the side.”
“Ahhh, I guess you know what you are doing. Yes ma’am.”
“Of course I know what I’m doing. While you and Maggie were driving all over the country, I was looking up sex positions.”
“By now you should know something Samantha.” In a deep and very serious voice she said, “I never joke about sex.”
Sam began laughing and she slapped his thigh. “Move. Get into position.” Sam followed his directions. Lisa threw a leg over Sam and straddled him in a kneeling position. She was sitting with her legs under her and facing Sam’s head. She rose up and squatted down over his cock and took it into her. She squeezed her thighs and wiggled her pelvis. “Like?”
“No! You say “Yes ma’am”!”
“Yes ma’am, me like.”
“Slide forward just a bit more and lean over the side of the bed. Backwards.”
“Can I do that?” he asked seriously.
“Yes ma’am,” Lisa answered for him. Sam leaned back and he could feel the strain in his abdominal muscles. But even more importantly he could feel himself inside Lisa. He felt wonderful. Lisa rubbed his stomach and said, “Holy cow, Samantha. You’ve got some awesome abs here. You have a six pack here.”
Sam smiled at the compliment. “Yes ma’am.”
Lisa playfully slapped those abs and said, “Arrogant little filly.” She rubbed his stomach muscles and then began rocking up and down on Sam’s cock. Up and down, forward and backwards, and squeeze. She squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. As Lisa stroked Sam’s cock, Sam melted and rolled back further over the edge of the bed, the blood rushing to his head was giving him a weird feeling. Sam felt giddy and silly and … oh wow. Sam erupted aggressively into Lisa, bucking as much as he could in his impossible position.
Lisa kept him pinned to the bed as she leaned backward and made sure that Sam was stimulating her clit to the ultimate … exquisite … tensing … “Aiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhh.”
She threw her head back, leaned back to put even more pressure on her clit by rubbing against Sam’s cock, and she humped her brains out. On the other end of that connection Sam was having the best orgasm of his life. His head was swirling and feeling dizzy and he had never … never! … cum so hard or so tenaciously in his life. The pleasure was driving him crazy and he wanted to stop it, it was literally hurting him. The pleasure in the tip of his cock was so intense it actually felt painful.
But Lisa was having none of that. She was in control and she humped and humped against Sam’s ultra-sensitive member and she drove him crazy to the point he finally began begging for her to stop. “Please, please, stop for a minute, please hold,” he said as he reached for her hips.
But Lisa was out of control and she was not about to stop until she was sated. It took only a few more squeezes and humps and bumps and thrusts, but Sam was almost in agony. The pleasure centers in his cock were overloaded and he couldn’t believe how intense the sensations were. With his head already dizzy, he felt like he might pass out. “Please Lisa I can’t take it anymore. PLEASE?”
Lisa had reached the end of her orgasm, luckily for Sam. She had reached her end and she tipped forward, taking all of that pressure and intense stimulation off Sam’s cock. Sam felt a relief, and a calming tsunami wash over him. What a rush, what an intense sensation, what a ride! “Oh god,” he whispered softly.
“Lisa was breathing hard but she had to ask, “You like?”
“Yes ma’am. I have never experienced anything like that in my entire life.”
With a smirk Lisa replied, “I guess the Internet is useful after all. I think I found us a good position.”
“Yes ma’am. And no shit!”
Lisa and Sam laughed. Lisa grabbed Sam’s hands and helped pull him back up on the bed.
They embraced with Lisa still holding Sam inside her. They kissed and deliberately smeared their lipstick over each other’s faces, then laughed at their mischief. After several additional minutes, Lisa dismounted Sam and hand in hand she led him to the powder room.
The two inamoratas cleaned off their makeup and moisturized their faces. Lisa massaged moisturizer into Sam’s torso and helped him with his liner and corset, lacing it tightly to its minimum girth. Then she set Sam in front of a vanity and took down his hair. She removed his pretty hair sticks, and plucked out the dozens of pins holding his soft barrel curls. She even brushed out his hair, being careful to not pull on his extensions.
Even without makeup Sam looked feminine and pretty in his negligee. He had nice curves, pretty hair and his demeanor (both physically and psychologically) were effeminate if not actually feminine. He was developing nicely. Lisa was very happy for both herself, and her girly courtesan. Yes, life was good for the boy and girls; Lisa, Sam and Samantha.
Lisa and Sam rolled around in their cozy bed until after 9 o’clock. Sam crawled out first, stripped off his girly raiment and quickly ripped off his daily allotment of 100 sit ups. Then he left for the bathroom to handle his morning routine. Lisa walked over to the balcony and looked outside.
“A beautiful sunny day,” she announced to the empty room. “I guess this is the perfect day to get engaged,” she said with a frown. Lisa was not happy. She was going to lie to her best friend.
The two of them dressed and had a light breakfast. Lisa wore the clothes that Sam had brought for her. Her cotton dress was a simple white dress with a nice flair around the hem, a straight neckline, and straps instead of sleeves. She added the pearls that Sam had packed and she was ready for her day. They sat on the balcony and looked over the harbor as they nibbled their bagels. Lisa looked at Sam’s hand and noticed that he was wearing his decoy ring. “Can I look at your ring, Samantha?”
“Sure,” and he handed it to Lisa.
Lisa slipped it on her ring finger and admired the ring. “Can I be engaged today?” she asked.
Sam shrugged his shoulders and said, “Yeah. I don’t think I will need it.”
“Cool,” she answered with another frown.
A little after ten o’clock, hand in hand they walked down to the docks. “We want slip 151,” Sam said as he looked at the “you are here” map. As they walked towards the slip, Sam spotted the ship long before they got there. He couldn’t have missed it if he tried. It was the biggest ship in the harbor — it was gorgeous. As they walked closer Sam could see people walking all over the ship. A bit closer and he could see that they were all wearing dresses. “It looks like Miss Eunice has invited some other people,” Sam volunteered.
Lisa said nothing. She knew how many people were going to be there. Almost the entire Hawthorne family was going to be there. And so was Jeff Winter. When they reached the gangplank a young woman with a child holding each hand greeted them. “Hi Lisa! Welcome aboard.”
Lisa returned the salutation and introduced Sam, “Rebecca this is Samantha. Rebecca is … nanny for my cousin Pamela.” Lisa almost said wife instead of nanny.
Rebecca released the children and gave Sam a hug with air kisses, which of course surprised him. He didn’t expect such a greeting from a “nanny”. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Samantha. I have heard so much about you, and I must say you are as beautiful as advertised. These two beautiful girls here are Cheryl and Christeen.” Both girls instinctively dove behind their mother and grabbed her skirt for protection.
Rebecca was actually Pamela’s female concubine and the “girls” — one born female and the other born male — were actually Rebecca’s children. But this day of all days, the masquerade had to be perpetuated. Sam was going to be meeting the complete Hawthorne family and he was still not going to meet any “men”. How strange for Sam, and how strange that he would continue to miss the importance of such a salient fact. Maybe Sam was subconsciously overlooking something … deliberately?
Lisa took Sam’s hand and led him towards the salon at the stern of the ship. On the way they met numerous people and made numerous introductions. Sam was especially pleased to see Gisela. She looked like an angel in her periwinkle dress, and beige sandals. She also had two jeune filles in tow, both dressed nicely in pink, frilly dresses. “Samantha, it is so nice to see you again,” Gisela said in her husky voice. They exchanged air kisses and hugs. “Let me introduce the girls; Bettina and Patricia I would like to present Samantha. Samantha is Lisa’s very best friend.” The two boys dressed in their Sunday finery complete with petticoats and Mary Jane shoes curtsied and said “Hello, Miss Samantha.” How cute. Even Sam smiled.
Sam was most surprised to meet Constance, Lisa’s roommate. “I didn’t know you two were related,” Sam said.
“Yeah, we’re cousins. Constance’s mother is my aunt Serena.”
In the rear salon they met up with their hostesses. Miss Grace and Miss Eunice gave Sam their greetings, and then Mona and Maggie joined the group. Mona called over her three sisters and reintroduced everyone to Sam. They had all met at work, but Mona realized that names did not always stick in one’s mind. Michelle, Joyce and Serena greeted Lisa and welcomed Sam.
And not least, Jeff greeted Sam. “Samantha, what a pleasure to see you again. Have you been well?”
“Great. And thank you again for your hospitality in New York. I really appreciated everything.”
“Well, you are more than welcome Samantha. Please come back soon.”
“I think we will be coming back soon. Lisa wants to go shopping before we go to Paris. Right?” he asked Lisa.
“Right. I’ll be visiting you often,” she said with a wink … and another frown.
“Now that everyone is here, let’s cast off.” Miss Eunice announced. “Samantha, would you like to join me on the bridge?”
Miss Eunice took Sam’s hand and laid his hand on her wrist. “We can go up to the bridge and watch the operation.” Miss Eunice took Sam to the bridge and he watched her coordinate their departure. Her crew was all female — no surprise there. She had a girl at the bow throw off the ropes and Miss Eunice used the stern ropes and the reverse thrust to pull the bow away from the dock. Another girl threw off the stern ropes, and Miss Eunice pushed the propellers into forward and pulled away from the dock.
She piloted the ship into the main channel and followed the buoys out into deeper water. Samantha was impressed with Miss Eunice’s skill. “Practice and a superb crew,” she told Samantha. Miss Eunice turned the bridge over to her beautiful first mate and took a seat in a directors chair behind the wheel. Samantha sat next to her as she began pointing out details of the ship and some landmarks as they passed out of the small bay and into the Chesapeake.
About fifteen minutes into the ride, another beautiful girl came by with a tray of glasses and drinks. In fact, every female crew member that Sam met was another beautiful girl with that “salon” skin. The crew girls reminded him of the salon girls. Everyone was thin, buxom, had perfect skin, large collagen enhanced lips, perky little noses, and long curly hair. “Where do they find these girls?” Sam wondered.
“Care for anything?” Miss Eunice asked.
“Sure,” and Sam took a diet coke off the tray. A little while later some warm Maryland crab cakes were delivered. “Wow, these are good,” Sam complimented his hostess.
“Would you like to see the ship?” Miss Eunice asked.
“Yes please,” Sam answered. Miss Eunice again took Sam’s hand and they left the bridge for a long and detailed tour of the ship. Miss Eunice’s job was to keep Sam busy for an hour or more while the rest of the family gathered in the rear salon.
Jeff was on one knee in front of Lisa and offering Sam’s ring to Lisa. “Lisa, would you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
“Of course,” she squealed as she clasped the ring in both hands and bounced on the balls of her feet. Jeff stood and Lisa literally jumped into his arms and gave him a kiss. Maggie’s camera clicked in auto shutter mode, while Janice video taped the ceremony on her new high definition camera.
With the cameras running, Jeff and Lisa received the entire family, hugging, kissing and crying. After the reception, everyone was seated around a huge teak table and champagne was served. The crowd toasted the newly engaged couple, called for additional kisses and watched and applauded as the children delivered small gifts and tokens. Jeff magically produced a red rose out of thin air and presented it to Lisa. They kissed again and were toasted again. It was a sweet and sentimental ceremony; and it was over in just a bit over one hour. And every little bit was photographed.
The group broke up and began filtering out of the salon and wandering around the ship. Mothers, wives, nannies and concubines kept a close eye on the children. Most of the little girls were put into large orange life vests before they were allowed out of the salon. Lisa gave her fiancée one last intimate kiss for the cameras, then excused herself and went to a stateroom. She locked the door before collapsing on the bed and crying her eyes out.
Thirty minutes later, Lisa washed her face, applied a bit of lipstick and returned to the salon, wearing her bravest face. Samantha was chatting with Miss Grace and Miss Eunice. “Hi, Lisa. Are you feeling better? Miss Grace said you had a bit of sea sickness.”
Lisa gave her lover a weak smile and said, “I’m much better now, thank you.”
“Would you like something to drink? They have champagne,” Sam asked cheerily..
Tears welled up in Lisa’s eyes and she merely shook her head no. She turned away and walked out to get some fresh air. Sam stood to join her but Miss Grace grabbed Sam’s hand. “Give her a few moments, Samantha. She is looking green around the gills and I think she would like to be alone. Just in case … .”
“Just in case she has to vomit,” Sam thought. Sam nodded his understanding. But like so many other things that Sam thought he understood, he was wrong. It was in case she started crying again.
Sam spent much of the ride sitting on the bridge watching the scenery. The bridge was enclosed and up high, so it was comfortable. Little snacks came by about every half hour. In the early afternoon the first mate turned the ship towards shore. She followed buoys through a channel and into a calm bay with a small harbor and a nice looking restaurant built over the water.
The ship was tied to the outer most dock, the gangplank was lowered, and guests began leaving the ship. Lisa walked up to the pilot house to retrieve Sam. “Where are we going?” Sam asked.
“The restaurant. We’re going to have lunch,” Lisa answered. Then for no reason at all she grabbed Sam and hugged him tightly. Sam reflexively returned the hug. Before she released him Lisa whispered, “I love you Samantha. No matter what else happens I really, truly love you.” Then she took his hand and pulled him along.
Upon reaching the restaurant, they were ushered into a large banquet room. Long tables were lined up in a large square with the corners left open for waiters to squeeze through. Lisa found Jeff and sat down next to him. Sam sat on Lisa’s left side and next to him was Miss Grace. Straight across from Lisa were Maggie and Janice, both continuously taking pictures of Lisa. Lisa would lean into Sam and give him a hug or kiss or toast together.
Sam thought that he and Lisa were the center of attention. But Lisa spent just as much time toasting with Jeff, making sure to show off the engagement ring on her left hand. Sam never discovered that Lisa and Jeff were not only the center of attention, but they were celebrating their engagement. With all the merriment and chatter around the table, no one ever said the words engagement or fiancé. The group had been well briefed and they were very disciplined. The Hawthorne family knew what they were doing at all times.
After a sumptuous seafood meal, the clan moved back to the ship and pushed off once more. They cruised around for the better part of the afternoon, had tea precisely at 4 o’clock, and returned back to their home slip after 5 o’clock. Sam, Lisa and Jeff stood at the bottom of the gangplank and exchanged hugs and air kisses with everyone. Even some of the children went through the line. During the entire time, Maggie stood on the stern of the ship and took pictures of the three. Sam would be cropped out later.
Twenty years in the future when Lisa would run for the Presidency of the United States of America, these pictures would be useful if anyone wanted to question her past. By the time of the campaign, Lisa would have 3 or 4 children and she would be divorced from her husband Jeff Winters. She would be seen everywhere with her executive secretary by her side. Stupid political tricks by the competition might want to insinuate something about Lisa and Samantha. These digital pictures would be well preserved along with their metadata which would prove their dates. The day after Lisa and Sam would leave for Paris, the engagement would be announced in the papers, providing public documentation of the engagement.
During campaigns all sorts of dirt, innuendo, rumors and lies would be thrown out. Miss Mona had laid out numerous scenarios, plans, contingency plans, and back-ups to back-ups in anticipation of Lisa’s political career. The Hawthorne matriarchy secret would be well concealed, but anything could happen in the heat of the battle. For example, an old college chum named Bill might surface with damaging information. If anything unplanned did surface, Mona would have legitimate and dated documents to deflect the accusations.
But as much as Miss Mona planned for the future, including these photos, these photos would never be needed. One person in particular would see to it that they were never needed. Lisa’s campaign manager would be too clever for everyone … including the opposition.
Lisa held Sam’s hand and led him back to the condo where they packed up their luggage and loaded the car. “Can’t we stay one more night?” Sam pleaded. Unspoken was the reason; sex. But Lisa was not in the mood. She had just endured a horrible day.
Even Jeff had seen through her, and he had offered his condolences. Jeff knew the full situation. This had been planned for a couple of years. His engagement to Lisa opened doors of immeasurable potential for him in the professional world. In addition it gave him cover for his true sexual persuasion. And even better, there was one document sitting in Miss Mona’s safe that guaranteed Jeff would receive 5 million dollars for each year of marriage. His responsibilities for attending birthdays, holidays and one vacation a year were also clearly laid out in the document. Jeff happily agreed to everything. In five or six years they would be legally divorced, Lisa would have her cover for children and Jeff would be comfortable for the rest of his life. Jeff would make sure that nothing went wrong from his side of the agreement. He was a true family friend.
Lisa said very little on the drive home. She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep most of the way. Every once in a while she wiped away her tears. At home they ate a late snack and went to bed early; to study she said. But in the middle of the night she slipped into Sam’s room and crawled into his bed, cuddled against his back and hugged him until the sun rose.
Lisa wasn’t much more animated on Sunday. They went riding in the morning and then Lisa left early for her return to school. She would be returning back to Sam on Friday afternoon. She lied to Sam and told him she would finish her last exam on Friday morning. She was actually scheduled to finish on Wednesday, when she would fly to New York City and spend Wednesday and Thursday evening with Jeff. They would announce their engagement to all of Jeff’s friends and family, before she would return to her effeminate and oh so pretty inamorato on Friday. The one she truly loved. She would spend the weekend at home with Sam before taking him back to New York City for shopping the following week. They would dine with Jeff in the evenings and Lisa would pretend to be in love with Jeff — when Sam wasn’t looking.
Sam also had his final exams scheduled for the coming week. “When are they?” Miss Mona asked on Sunday night. Sam ran down the schedules for his 5 finals that week. “Monday morning is going to be full,” Miss Mona said. “After your finals on Monday, I’ll have Chas run you into town so you can visit the salon. I have you scheduled for a full body wax, including your arms, and you will need to get a Brazilian wax. You can also have a paraffin wax on your hands to keep them soft, and the girls can check your face and chest for any necessary laser treatments. How does that sound, Samantha?”
“Why do I need to do all that? Isn’t that an awful lot? I mean, at times it seems as if I live at the salon.”
Miss Mona laughed and asked, “What’s wrong with that Samantha? The salon should be a girl’s favorite refuge.” Then she got serious, “Miss Eunice would like you to do a photo shoot on Thursday. Is that ok with you?”
Sam’s eyes lit up; money! “Sure. What does she want me to model?”
“Swimsuits? Can I do that? I mean won’t it be obvious that I’m a … you know … I have a …”
“You have a what?” Miss Mona asked innocently.
With a gulp and red face Sam said, “You know, penis.”
Miss Mona laughed. “Don’t worry, Samantha, these are professionals. They will know exactly how to position you and shoot you to minimize that little problem.” She used the word little on purpose. “Most of your suits are going to be swim dresses. They have little skirts that cover your predicament. Plus they have another trick or two up their sleeve. It will work out fine.
“So we have to get you nice and pretty for your shoot. That’s the reason for your waxing on Monday. And that is also the reason that you will have your arms waxed as well. Wednesday afternoon you will have to go back for a wash and set. They want your hair hanging straight for the swimsuits, so you will need to spend the night in curlers to take out your curly perm. And of course you can have another paraffin wax for your hands when you’re at the salon on Wednesday also. It is very important to have soft hands, Samantha.
“Will that work with your exam schedule?”
“Yes, Miss Mona.”
“Good. On Thursday you can ride in with me and get an early start on your day. I trust the usual financial agreement will be acceptable to you?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And on Friday you can return to the salon and get made up for Lisa’s return in the afternoon. I know Lisa loves to have you all pretty and feminine for her arrival.”
“Feminine?” he blurted out. Sam couldn’t help himself. He was a boy. Why did they have to insist on him dressing and acting and pretending he was a girl? And if he had to constantly dress up and pretend to be a girl, at least he didn’t have to be feminine. Hell no! Damn it! This was going too far.
Miss Mona stared Sam in the eye and in her menacing tone of voice asked, “Yes Samantha, feminine. Or effeminate if you prefer, but feminine has a much nicer connotation, don’t you agree? Lisa loves to see you all made up and wearing your prettiest dresses. We all do. Don’t you?” It was a clear challenge to Sam’s autonomy, psychological independence and his masculinity. And she used that tone of voice that made Sam wish he had never challenged her. He was going to regret it; he just knew it.
But now it was a matter of saving face. He had brought it up so he had to finish it. He wasn’t feminine! In a conciliatory tone Sam began, “Miss Mona I dress this way because it pleases Lisa, not because I want to be feminine.” Bad start, he thought. He hadn’t really expressed his situation accurately. He was dressing this way because they had tricked him into it. It started with a small favor and then just kept building until it was expected of him on a daily basis. And then it grew into more salons and beauty treatments and lasers and … shit!
It didn’t matter, he was going to lose anyway.
“Samantha, who dressed you this morning?”
“I did but …”
“You did? And who picked out your clothes?”
“Well technically I did, but …”
“And why did you pick out that specific dress that you are wearing now?”
Sam was losing fast. But he didn’t have the power of will to switch the way the conversation was going. He felt trapped and ended up answering her question. “That was so I would look nice.”
“Don’t you want to look nice for Lisa anymore? I know she tries to look nice for you. Aren’t you interested in making her happy? Don’t you like her?”
Shit! He should have just shut up and accepted his loss on this. But now he was sucked in and he had to answer. He couldn’t just say “never mind” to Miss Mona. No, that wouldn’t work. “Of course I want to make her happy.”
“Then you do like Lisa?”
“Of course I do.”
“The two of you have been playing dress up for two months now. You voluntarily went to school dressed as a girl. You voluntarily went skiing as a girl. You modeled wedding dresses and you went clubbing in New York City as a girl. Last week you did a salon shoot as a girl. You got a makeover and wet set, then spent the weekend with my daughter. I would bet that you even wore a negligee when you were in bed with my daughter. Did you?”
“Did I what?” He was stalling.
“Did you sleep with my daughter while wearing a negligee?”
“Oh shit,” he thought. “This was definitely a mistake.” Sam said nothing in response to Miss Mona.
Miss Mona looked at Sam and continued, “Samantha, I … we, we all thought that you were enjoying your time here with us. We thought you liked Lisa and enjoyed looking pretty and sexy. In fact didn’t I have to ask you tone down that sexy strut of yours before we went out with clients?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Maggie has tons of pictures of you posing and looking sexy. Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy wearing Miss Grace’s million dollar earrings. I could see it in your face Samantha.”
Sam nodded as he looked at the floor. Miss Mona knew she had defeated him. It was now time to save him.
Mona’s tone of voice changed 180 degrees. She became very soft and conciliatory with Sam. “Samantha, is something wrong then? We all love you as Samantha. And I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you how much Lisa likes you. Samantha, please don’t take this the wrong way, but before you came along Lisa promised me … she promised me that she would save herself for marriage. I know the two of you have had sex together, and you know what Samantha?”
She paused and Sam was about ready to wet his panties. He looked in her eyes and saw something he rarely saw in Miss Mona; empathy.
“Samantha, I don’t mind that Lisa has broken her vow to me. In fact, I’m glad she did, because I have never seen her happier. What you two do between the sheets is your business. Lisa is a big girl now and so are you. But I beg you to be careful.”
Mona paused and allowed Sam an opportunity to promise her he would be careful, and by way of apology accept her compliment that he was a “big girl”. Damn she could manipulate people!
“So is something else wrong, Samantha dear? I’m worried for you dear. Ever since that first dinner party I have marveled at how well you have adjusted and grown into those clothes. And I have watched you closely for two months since then. I know and understand what you are doing and how you are transforming into a beautiful girl. And I can only imagine what doubts go through your mind. And I suspect that the middle of the night brings the biggest doubts and fears.
“It’s something that every adult in the world knows about. When you are with friends that support you things always go better than when you are alone. It’s when you’re alone that those nagging doubts creep in. The time that Lisa is away is probably very difficult for you Samantha. But I want to tell you Samantha, in no uncertain terms, we all love you … you Samantha. Please don’t think anyone here judges you because you are wearing dresses and lipstick. We are all thrilled that you made this decision.”
“I made this decision?” he thought to himself. “I’m not the one that made this decision, you did!” But he said nothing.
“We talk about your transformation all the time and we marvel at how well you do. We are all very proud of you and happy for you, Samantha. And we are all rooting for you to continue and become even more feminine and pretty and successful. We know that Lisa wants this and we of course want our Lisa to be happy. But we all love you and we want you to be happy also. The entire family is pulling for you … Samantha.
“Samantha is that what is bothering you? Are you concerned about what other people think? Or are you worried that you can’t do this?”
Boy, she had turned him around. Damn it, he was a boy and he was not a girl and he was not … not supposed to be feminine. But they … loved him? They were rooting for him to
be even more girly? Feminine? Successful? Sam didn’t know what in the world to say.
He paused and Mona stepped back in. “Let’s take this one step at a time, Samantha. Do you still want to go to the salon tomorrow?”
“Yes,” he answered meekly.
“Good, honey. I’m sure you just had one of those doubting moments. By Friday you will be aching to get all dolled up for the return of your Lisa. And trust me; she will love to see you looking as feminine as you can possibly look. Trust me dear, you can do this. You should never doubt yourself again.”
“You lose Sam … Samantha,” he thought. Miss Mona was thinking exactly the same thing as she gave him a satisfied smile.
“Don’t forget to remove your breast forms tonight, Samantha,” Mona said as Sam slumped off to bed.
Monday morning he went on line and took two final exams. Because he was on line, the professor had made the test a little more difficult and presented it as an open book test. Sam never opened his text books. With all of the study time he had been given lately, he had more than covered every topic in his reviews and studies. Sam had no trouble ace-ing the tests.
At noon he went down to the kitchen in his maid uniform and made a chicken salad for lunch. Poor Sam was becoming resigned to eating salads all the time. Not that he particularly cared for salads. He could tolerate them, but he ached for real food. Bacon and fries and a greasy burger would have been a godsend. But for some reason god never sent that burger to Sam. Sam checked his weight on a daily basis. He was proud of what he had accomplished, but he really wondered if dropping fifteen pounds on his frame was a good idea. He was getting as thin as those girls at the salon. He’d probably dropped a dress size or two. Harriet’s dresses, and even his, felt a little big. And damn it! He knew the dresses were getting too big for him! Why in hell should a boy even be able to tell such a weird thing?
Sam finished his lunch and then changed into his salon clothes. He didn’t feel like wearing a pretty, frilly dress, so he opted for a short skirt and a sleeveless top with a deep neckline. And he didn’t feel like pretty pink and feminine niceties, so he picked out black. But in spite of his sour mood, he did add big gold, hoop earrings. He liked the feel of them dangling against his skin. He didn’t do it because he thought they were feminine or something. He just liked the weight and feel — period.
At one o’clock Chas helped the epicene boy into the back of the limo and set off for town. For one hour he rode in the back of that car thinking about his situation. Ok, forget about his appearance for a moment. Sam was surrounded with money, power and privilege. He had a legitimate, real chauffeur driving him in a real Rolls Royce Phantom Silver limousine into the nation’s capital. The windows were tinted, there was a refrigerator filled with water and wine, a full power stereo system was hooked up to an HD television with a blu-ray DVD player and tivo. The chauffeur was wearing an honest to goodness uniform.
He was being driven into Washington D.C. to a twenty story building that the family owned. On the first floor was a salon that catered shamelessly to him. Sam was not a girl — hell no! But they catered to him as if he was the most beautiful and most important girl in the world. And … and let’s be honest, Sam enjoyed it. He enjoyed the smells and aromas and the girls and the chit chat and the pampering and attention and their slavish devotion to his every whim and wish. The salon was full of beautiful girls that were compelled to turn Sam into the adorable and beautiful Samantha; a girl with the looks, charm, and sex appeal of a countess. Or a courtesan! Sam laughed to himself. This was a lifestyle that he could enjoy and thrive within.
But he wasn’t a girl. Hell no! Heaven forbid if he considered himself a girl. But … in the inner recesses of Sam’s psyche, he was losing that battle. Samantha and her soft fragrances and silky clothes and curly hair and that delicious lipstick and of course her wonderful, jiggling, bouncing breast forms was winning the battle for Sam’s identity and future. In the dark of the night when he was scared to death of what he was becoming he eventually, always, ended up being seduced by the feminine delights with which he was becoming accustomed. He hugged his breasts, caressed his silky nightgown and twirled one of his curly locks, and the nightmares and doubts steadily receded in his mind. Samantha was winning … and Sam had never been happier in his life.
And the more he thought about it, the more he convinced himself that a boy could dress as a girl but still be a boy. The clothes were just external affectations. Looking and acting feminine had no bearing on his ability to service and please a beautiful girl like Lisa. And he did that with some femininity — soft and slow — but also mostly with his masculine attributes. Yeah, that was ok with Sam … and Samantha.
Chas parked in front of the building and quickly came around to open Sam’s door. Chas offered his hand to Sam and he gladly took it. Two months ago there was no way a man would have to help him out of a car. But now everything was different. Chas wasn’t exactly helping Sam out of the car. Chas was showing great deference and respect to Sam. Sam liked the respect that was shown to him. He liked his new social status and if it came with a dress … well he would make that dress look pretty.
Sam thanked Chas and then strutted into the building and the salon. Yes, Sam strutted. He had been told to tune down the volume on his sexy self image, but Miss Mona wasn’t around just now. So flaunt it if you got it! If he was going to be pampered as a girl all afternoon, then by golly he was going to be a sexy girl.
“Miss Samantha! Welcome back,” Florence said as Sam strutted up to the desk. With a wink and a giggle Florence said, “That’s quite the wiggle you have there; practicing for something? Or someone?” and she giggled again.
“Ok Sam, tone it down,” he said to himself. “Don’t get stupid.”
“Sorry,” Sam said. “Sometimes it goes to my head. “
“No need to apologize. Once in a while we all like to do it. Susan is on vacation today so if you want a makeover Olivia will be filling in for her. But first Greta has you scheduled for a manicure and pedicure, followed by a paraffin wax and then a full body wax featuring a Brazilian. And finally, if necessary, Bridgette can do any laser touch up work. Sound ok?”
“It sounds heavenly,” Sam gushed. Yes, he gushed. Sam truly enjoyed his trips to the salon. He could relax, be pampered and forget about being a boy. This was one place where denying his femininity just would not work. After Sam’s discussion with Miss Mona the evening before, he was forced to reconsider his situation … and his attitudes. Yes, Sam was a boy. He was a male. And he was NOT effeminate. He was not an effeminate male or a sissy. But he did crossdress. He couldn’t deny that. And when he cross dressed he was very good at it. He was very convincing and pretty and … feminine. There, he admitted it. Samantha was feminine, but Sam was NOT effeminate. Period.
“Right this way,” Greta said. “Coffee, tea or me? I mean diet coke?” Greta giggled and flashed Sam a silly grin.
“Diet coke.”
“Diet coke it is. But if you change your mind later, me is still here.” Greta giggled again as she said it, but there was an underlying seriousness to her tone.
“Is she really offering herself to me?” Sam asked himself. “Don’t be silly you … you silly filly.” And with that thought Sam grinned also.
Greta started with Sam’s manicure while his toes dangled in a tub of warm water. “Your nails are getting very fashionable Miss Samantha. We are at the point where we can do a couple of things. I can square them off and give you a French manicure, or we can go with the traditional rounded tips. Which would you prefer?”
“I think Lisa would prefer the rounded tips. That way I can wear different nail colors too.”
“Right you are Miss Samantha.” Greta began the manicure and the girls talked about makeup and shoes and television and music and even the weather. What they did not talk about were boys. But then why should they? Greta knew Sam was a boy, and Sam wasn’t going to be interested in boys. Greta prepped Sam’s nails and let him pick out a nice red color with glitter in it. Sam always liked a little glitter in his polish.
With his nails freshly filed and buffed and painted, Greta rolled up a cart with a pot of warm paraffin wax. The wax was infused with emollients, aloe and a bit of chamomile, so it smelled splendid. It was just one more of those special scents that made the salon such a special place for Sam.
Greta took Sam’s hand and dipped it in the pot and allowed the wax to harden on his hand. She dipped his other hand and allowed it to semi-harden also. Then the first hand went back in for a second coat, followed by the second hand. Next came large oversize plastic gloves which she slid over Sam’s hands, and last she slipped large heated mittens over Sam’s hands.
“Ok, just let those pretty hands of yours soften in those mittens, while I take care of your pretty toes. And they are pretty, Miss Samantha,” Greta said with a big smile.
“Is she flirting?” Sam wondered.
They talked some more about Sam’s exams and the end of the school year. Greta asked him about Paris and tripped him up on several questions. It dawned on Sam that he had done no research on Paris. He knew a few tourist spots like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and the Arc de Triomphe, but Sam was woefully unprepared to spend 3 weeks in the city. He would have to start doing his research that evening.
When she had finished Sam’s feet, Greta removed his mittens and cleaned up his hands. “Let’s go back to the waxing room,” she said. Once inside the room Greta told Sam, “Please remove all your clothing and put on the large robe. Do you have a preference on where we start? Top or bottom?”
“Whatever is easiest for you,” Sam answered.
“Then top it is. I’ll let you undress then. Just knock on the door when you are ready.”
Sam left on his panties, just so he wouldn’t flop around and embarrass himself. When Sam was ready he knocked on the door, and Greta returned. “Take you arms out of the robe please and you can let it drop around your waist. Then just lie on the bed. Before we start, I’d like to inspect your chest and face. Let’s see if we need to have Olivia prep the laser room.” Greta looked very closely at Sam’s face and chest and carefully ran her hand over several spots. She seemed to make it a point to rub her hands over his nipples a couple of times. Sam noticed that she had very soft hands and a very soft touch. And he also felt a little electric shudder each time Greta touched his nipples.
“You have very soft hands,” Sam said to Greta.
“Thank you,” she replied to Sam’s compliment. “You know, we also give massages here. You should consider it some time. It is very relaxing.”
“I’ll think about it, thank you.”
“And we have a sauna and a steam room on the premises. We can combine those with a massage before or after. Some of the girls use the Sauna to drop a few pounds before a modeling gig. We have lots of combinations, Miss Samantha. If you’re interested just let us know.”
“My pleasure. Now, it seems as if your face and chest are clean as a whistle. When we finish would you like Olivia to give you a makeover?”
“I guess not,” Sam said reluctantly. “I don’t have anything going on tonight, so it would just go to waste.”
“So? Every makeover is an opportunity to learn something. In fact, this would be the perfect time to ask Olivia to try something new. If you don’t like it, no problem.”
“True,” Sam mused.
“Is there anything that you’ve been interested in trying? Something a bit more adventurous?”
“I’m not sure,” Sam conceded.
“I’ll tell you what, why don’t I get you a couple of magazines and when I’m doing your legs, you can look through them for an idea. How does that sound?”
“And may I make one more suggestion?”
“Yeah, please.”
“I see you had your lashes removed. You might want to consider getting new ones. Especially since you’re going to Paris; you should consider glamming up.”
“That’s a great idea. Yeah, please let Olivia know that I would like to get new lashes.”
“Absolutely. If you’ll hang for a mo, I’ll tell her and get you some makeup books.” Sam laid down and waited just a few moments for Greta to return. She tossed 4 or 5 books on a table and said, “After I finish your arms and pits, you can read those.”
Greta prepared to apply wax to Sam’s arm, but just once more she ran her fingers gently over Sam’s nipple. “Miss Samantha, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you are small on top.” Sam knew immediately what she was referring to, and he wasn’t sure that he felt comfortable talking about it. “Have you considered taking steps to enlarge or enhance your breasts?”
Two months ago Sam would have put this topic to a quick end, but today was just a little bit different. He wanted to see if he could nonchalantly pick up more information. As Greta spread her warm wax on Sam’s arm he asked, “What do you mean by enlarge?”
“Hormone therapy; estrogen and progesterone. With some boys if they’re started early enough hormones can have dramatic affects. I’ve heard of some boys going all the way to a large B cup with just hormones. And then with implants you can go as big as you want. Have you ever thought about it?”
“No, I haven’t,” he said bluntly.
Maybe because she was busy but for some reason Greta didn’t pick up Sam’s tone. “You should. Its amazing how much better you feel about yourself with larger breasts. If there is one thing that defines a girl it’s her boobs. You know how everyone always says that beauty is only skin deep and personality is more important? Well the truth is cleavage gets more boys than a great personality.”
Sam was feeling uncomfortable again. In his mind he was constantly fighting his fear of feminization. He didn’t need to be reminded of it when he was in a salon being … feminized. He wanted to yell at her and tell her to stop. But he couldn’t do that. He liked being here and he liked Greta. He said something stupid and cruel once before when he was here and he almost lost Florence’s friendship. “Tone it down,” he told himself.
“I’m not trying to catch boys,” he finally said. “Good wording,” he congratulated himself.
Again, Greta didn’t pick up the coolness in his voice. “Oh, I know,” she laughed. “You have a better target in your sights. But I think Miss Lisa prefers big breasted boys. I think she would love to see you with a pair of B’s popping out of a push up bra; especially in a low cut dress. I know I would.”
Sam was confused. Did everyone in this world want him turned into a girl? “Huh? Why?”
Greta paused and looked Sam in the eyes. “Because you’re hot Miss Samantha. I’d love to have you.” Then she averted her eyes and Sam could see her face blushing hot. “I’m sorry. That was very forward and very unprofessional. Please don’t tell anyone I said that Miss Samantha. I was totally out of line.” She walked over to the counter to collect her thoughts.
Sam needed a few minutes to collect his thoughts also. “I’m hot to girls when I pretend to be a girl? Why? What am I missing here? Do all girls think this way? They want boobs on a guy? This doesn’t make any sense. What the hell ever happened to James Dean and Humphrey Bogart?” Hundreds of questions ran through his mind. He wanted to ask Greta all kinds of questions but he didn’t know what to ask. He didn’t know if he should ask her anything. She already seemed ashamed of brining up the subject. Sam was at a loss.
Greta looked away from Sam and smiled. “That was good if I say so myself. I hope Miss Maggie heard everything. I hope I have my cell turned to full volume. Now I wonder if he’ll say something or let it drop?” Greta patted herself on the back for a few more minutes and then returned to Sam.
Greta walked back and pulled a chunk of hair off Sam’s arm. She worked in silence as she spread another glob of warm wax over Sam’s lower arm, pressed a cloth against the wax then yanked it, pulling another swath of hair off Sam’s arm. She went through several more cycles before Sam spoke.
“Greta, I’m glad you said something. But I am confused. Would you please help me?” His tone of voice was contrite and soft. Greta met his gaze and nodded her agreement. “Why do you and Lisa want me to have large breasts? And why do you think it would make me hot?”
“Oh perfect question, Samantha dear. My approach was perfect. Miss Maggie is going to love me. I’m going to get that secretarial position for sure,” she told herself.
“Miss Samantha, this is only me talking, so please don’t take it as gospel. But I have watched Miss Lisa watch you. She loves to see you in here as we work on you. Miss Lisa likes it when we make you pretty and sexy and feminine.” Two points from Miss Maggie for using the work feminine! “And so do I!”
“But why? This isn’t natural … or normal. Girls love the rogue macho guy. Girls don’t like the nerdy or quiet or girly-femme guy. Do they?”
“Again it’s just me, but like they say, “different strokes for different folks”. And you’re wrong about girls only wanting the hairy macho guy. In fact, I’ll bet that over half the girls hate those guys. It’s just that there are so many of them we run out of the boys we really want. To be honest, I think most girls are totally tired and fed up with boys that define their sexuality by what they see on ESPN.
“What we really want are boys like us.” Oh great pun dear Greta! “We want someone that is sympathetic to our needs and our likes. You’ve heard the saying “like attracts like”, haven’t you?”
“Yes, I guess so. I’ve also heard “opposites attract”.”
“Only temporarily; opposites almost never last. And prissy girls don’t like macho guys. I mean that is as far away from “like” as you can get.”
“So girls like guys that are girls? I mean guys that act like girls? Swishy, sissy guys?”
“Oh no Miss Samantha. That’s not what we want at all. First and foremost we want guys that are gentle, soft-spoken and kind. We want guys that listen to us, talk to us and share their feelings with us, because that’s what we want to do also. But then … this is hard to explain … if we had our way … really had our way without all the macho posturing and such … we would want a guy that can be like us and enjoy our lifestyle all the way.
“One of the best parts of being a girl is the physical part; the clothes and makeup and massages and salons and hair styles. Boys have no idea what they are missing, and we would love to have a boy that likes to go to the salon and have a wash and set when we go. We could talk about movies and makeup and books and friends while having our nails done or lying side-by-side and having a massage. And if you could become pretty and soft and truly feminine like us … well that would just be the ultimate. That would be so much better than going to the salon and bonding with an ordinary girl friend. That would be the ultimate in bonding and in … love. True love partners.”
“Well that is certainly news to me.”
“But why? You’ve been doing this with Miss Lisa for … for months it seems. And it seems like you understand all of this. And I know Miss Lisa understands all of this and I know … I can see it in her face and her eyes and her hips … I know that she loves coming here with you.”
“In her hips?”
Greta was really proud of herself. She was laying it on thick. “A woman’s hips never lie. They tell you exactly what she is thinking. The way she sits, the way she walks the way she stands. Miss Lisa’s hips love you.”
“And so you want a guy that is a girl? But what about … sex?”
“Oh, well that is different. Yeah we want a pretty boy to take out and show off to our friends. You know how boys like to marry trophy wives and show them off? It makes them feel more important. And it is so easy to do that because everyone understands what makes a woman beautiful. Anyone can look at a girl and tell if she is beautiful or not. It’s easy to see and identify a trophy girl.
“But it’s not as easy to see in guys. When the shoe is on the other foot, when a girl wants a truly trophy guy, the best way for her to show off to the world is to make him look beautiful in a feminine way. You know, graceful, curvaceous, with pretty skin and ample breasts. Breasts that you can show off with push up bras and low cut dresses. But that is where it stops. With his appearance in public.
“In private, in the boudoir we want our man. We want all of those same traits of gentleness, grace, a soft touch, a slow approach, a willingness to listen and of course stamina. But most important is that penis of yours. Oh yeah, we want that!” Greta giggled and came to a stop, as she moved to the other side of the table to begin on Sam’s other arm.
“We want sex alright, but not the kind you see in porno movies. The easiest way to describe it is we want a man with a woman’s sensibilities and man’s dick! Get it?”
“Chicks with dicks,” and they both laughed. “Yes I think I get it. Lisa has told me the same thing. You two girls seem to have the same preferences.”
“Isn’t that funny?” Greta said to herself. “Because Miss Lisa may be a girl, but I sure as hell am not!” She grinned at Sam. “I want my boys to forget that effeminate, sissy shit and ravage me. But that’s just me,” she giggled and kept her thoughts to herself — himself.
“So Greta, does this mean there is a little lesbian in every girl? I mean you want a girl-like partner?”
“Not at all. You’re thinking like a guy, Miss Samantha. Pardon me, but I think you’ve seen too many lesbian porno flicks.”
“But I haven’t,” he protested.
“Then I apologize,” Greta replied. “I wasn’t thinking again. Think of it in terms of fashion. Many years ago guys wore powdered wigs. In some places guys have worn kilts and sarongs. On and off through the ages guys have worn makeup. Catholic priests have worn vestments that look just like a dress. In the sixties guys wore their hair long — although they did a horrible job of caring for it. And thirty years ago no guy in the world would have had pierced ears, yet here we are today.
“Fashions come and fashions go. All I’m saying is that we would like to see our boys wearing contemporary fashions that are similar to ours. Like dresses and heels and stockings. You have absolutely great looking legs Sam. You owe it to the world to show us how beautiful you are. Understand?”
“I think I do Greta. Thanks for the conversation.”
“Good, I like talking with you also, Miss Samantha. I’m done with your arms. Please roll on your stomach, I’ll give you some of these makeover mags to read, and I’ll start on your gorgeous legs.”
Twenty minutes later Greta had finished the back of Sam’s legs, hips and after stripping off his panties, his callipygian assets as well. “Please roll over and I’ll start on the front of you.” Greta worked her way up to Sam’s crotch. “Miss Samantha, would you please pull your robe up to your tummy?”
This was a difficult time for Sam. He felt so vulnerable and weird when he exposed his penis to Greta. And the fact that he was pretending to be a girl made it even stranger. Sam was extremely self-conscious.
“This is a sensitive area, Miss Samantha. I’m going to give you a Brazilian and clean off everything except a thin strip right in the middle. If this hurts tell me and I will slow down.” Greta spread her wax on one side of his pubic hair, applied the cloth and … rip!
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah. One more right?”
“Yes. Hold tough.” She ripped off the hair on his other side and he barely jumped, but Greta could see his abs tense up. Then Greta startled him again. She took her soft hand and caressed Sam’s penis and scrotum. He couldn’t help himself and he automatically started getting an erection. He tried to pull his robe down over his crotch but Greta stopped him. “Please don’t, Miss Samantha. I’ve seen this before. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s natural. You have hair on your scrotum, would you like me to remove it?”
“Wax me?” he said in panic. Just the thought of Greta ripping hair out of his scrotum made his penis go flaccid.
“No,” Greta laughed. “That would be cruel. I’ll shave you. Don’t worry, I’m very good and very careful at shaving. I won’t hurt you … or cut anything off. I promise.”
Sam chuckled a bit. “Ok, I’m going to trust you.”
“You’ll love it.” Greta was sure he would love it. She had done it many times to herself and the other “girls”. Greta loved having a soft penis in her hands! She used warm shaving cream and the moment she erotically rubbed it over his balls, shivers would go up and down his sack and he would get an immediate erection. It never failed. And it didn’t fail this time either.
As Greta carefully shaved his scrotum, Sam tried to apologize for his embarrassment.
“Please don’t apologize Miss Samantha. It makes me feel like I did something wrong or immoral. I think you look very attractive.” Then to make things worse she filled her hand with warm shaving cream and rubbed it over his penis, gripping him and starting to stroke him.
Sam quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her. “Thank you for the … consideration Greta. But that won’t be necessary.”
“I apologize Miss Samantha. That was my initiative and I hope it doesn’t reflect on the salon.”
“No problem,” Sam said. “I’ll get dressed now.”
Greta turned away from Sam and left. He dressed and left for the front desk. Olivia intercepted him and took him to her styling chair. “How are you today Miss Samantha?”
They chatted for a bit and Olivia confirmed her intentions to apply those thick, super-curly lashes for Samantha. “And do you want to try something new with makeup?”
With a straight face Sam asked, “Do you do Goth?”
Olivia looked him in the eye for a few moments, then a little smile started turning up the corners of her mouth. “Are you sure?”
Sam smiled and said, “Yeah. Let’s see if we can shock somebody. Don’t hold back, ok?”
Olivia laughed loudly and began hiccupping, “Ok. But let me get someone to help. We have a girl here that is into … alternative night scenes. She claims she’s good at this. Let’s find out.”
“Do it,” Samantha said with a big grin. It was time for her to turn the tables on Miss Mona — if that was even possible.
Olivia handled the lash attachments then called over Stevie. Stevie was typical of all the girls in the salon. She was taller than Sam, very big on top (at least a C cup), had a tiny waist (it never dawned on Sam that they were all wearing corsets just like him!) and she had that perfect salon skin. Her nose was tiny (rhinoplasty) her lips were plump (collagen) her cheek bones protruded (more surgery) and her hair was long with bangs to her eyes and black as a raven. Stevie looked like a good Goth expert.
Stevie handed a photo quality print to Sam. It contained the same female face with several different variations of Goth makeup. “Miss Samantha, take a look at this. Do any of these look like something you want?”
“Oh neat!” Sam said as he looked at the print. “Yeah, these are good. Let’s see, I like the dark eye, overdone eye shadow like in 2 and 4 and even10. Oh that would be just awesome. And I like the blood red lipstick, but I’m wondering if black might be better.”
“It depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re going for the shock value go for the black lipstick. The red lipstick gives you a softer appearance; more feminine and less aggressive. Let me ask, do you have someplace you are going or something specific planned?”
“I don’t have anything planned. It was just a spur of the moment thought. I was thinking that maybe … it might be fun to wear for Miss Mona.”
Both girls gasped. Sam was expecting them to break into a laugh but neither did. Olivia finally said, “Miss Samantha, I would be careful with this. Miss Maggie might see the humor, but I’m not too sure about Miss Mona.”
That almost convinced Sam to opt for the black lipstick, but then a bit of common sense kicked in. “Then let’s go red, red, red.”
“Probably a better choice,” Stevie said with a bit of relief. And I have something else that I think will go very nicely with the look.”
“It’s a secret for when we finish.” Stevie began Sam’s makeover by applying a foundation several shades lighter than his normal color. She applied it with a sponge, then used a large brush to cover it with translucent powder. Sam’s face looked very smooth and uniform. “You need strong, curved eyebrows,” Stevie explained as she used a pencil to darken and accent Sam’s brows.
Next, Stevie applied a dark lavender eye shadow over the entire lid and under the eye. She used a sponge to soften and smear the shadow. Then Stevie switched to a dark brown and covered a bit less of the lid, leaving the lavender peaking out at the top of the lid and just under the brow. She softened that color, then moved on to a dark black that covered a little less, leaving the lavender then dark brown peaking out at the top. All of that was softened and blended to look like picture 2. Then Stevie used a dark charcoal kohl pencil to line the top and bottom lashes and give the eye a heavy dark look. And finally Stevie applied not one, not two but three heavy coats of a lash building mascara.
She applied no blush or other colors on Sam’s face except for his lipstick. She used a dark red to outline Sam’s lips, painting them a bit large and accenting his cupids bow. Then she brushed in a brighter red to fill his lips. “Miss Samantha, have you had any lip injections?”
Sam loved being addressed as Miss. Not because of the female connotations, but because of the respect. It was neat! Here he was, only 18 years old, and yet he was commanding tons of respect from people. It really was an ego trip! “Yes. About 7 or 8 weeks ago the doctor injected my lips with collagen. Why?”
“Well, it’s just my opinion, but I would do another injection. I think you have beautifully shaped lips, and plumping them up would make them truly gorgeous. And even more kissable. Miss Lisa would love them, trust me.”
“Ok, I’ll think about it. Now, what was your secret?”
“You are going to love this,” and Stevie presented Sam with a black lace choker. It was totally Goth!
“That is totally awesome,” Sam crooned. “Awesome. I love it.”
“I knew you would, Miss Samantha. And voila, you are now a Goth girl. How do you feel?”
Sam looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled. “I like it,” he said. “I feel mysterious and beautiful. And mischievous. I hope this doesn’t get me in too much trouble.”
“So do we,” said Olivia with a bit of trepidation in her tone.
Sam stood and gave Olivia a hug, “Don’t worry, I take full responsibility for my makeover. There will be no repercussions. I promise.”
Sam received numerous comments as he proceeded to the front desk, signed for his appointment and retrieved his purse. He pulled out his cell phone and called Maggie. “Hi Miss Maggie, I’m finished with my salon appointment. Can I come visit?” Sam put his phone back in his purse, said his goodbyes and as he strutted towards the door he said, “Now the fun begins.”
Sam opened the frosted front door and click-clacked his way across the first floor lobby to an unmarked elevator. He slid his card in and typed “sexygirl”. Sam hated that password. It only reminded him of the fact that he was supposed to be a girl and not a boy. He stepped on the elevator and pushed the button for the executive floor — 20 — and then glanced at his image in the mirror. He looked hot. He liked his new Goth image. Sam couldn’t deny that he liked red lipstick, and boy did he have red lipstick!
He reached the executive floor and the receptionist was waiting for him. She had watched him on the elevator camera and even though she was stunned — no shocked — she had already put out the word. When she buzzed Sam through the security door and into the executive wing, the receptionists had already staged themselves to see his Goth look. In fact, they had literally run down the hall to catch a glimpse of Sam before he turned into Maggie’s office.
“Hello Miss Samantha,” rang out as he stepped through the heavy doors and walked down the hall towards Maggie’s office. Sam returned a few of the greetings, but it seemed like there were too many girls to contend with. At Maggie’s office he stepped into the alcove and was again greeted by another receptionist, Maggie’s.
“Hello Miss Samantha, you like nice today.”
Sam grinned and asked, “Really?”
The girl grinned back and said, “I like your new look ma’am. It’s … bold. And really pretty. I bet you surprise a few people today.”
Sam laughed and said, “Yeah … probably. May I see Miss Maggie?”
He was buzzed into the next office, where Maggie’s executive secretary was waiting. She too had been called with a heads up. She saw Sam and couldn’t help herself. A huge grin broke out on her face and she started giggling. Sam looked at her for a few minutes and then asked, “Do I look that bad?”
“Heavens no! You look really pretty. But your new look is a bit unconventional. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that look on this floor.” And she laughed some more.
“How much trouble am I going to be in?”
She stopped her giggling and said, “I honestly don’t know. But don’t worry, I don’t think anyone will go berserk or any anything.”
“We shall see,” Sam said. “May I go in?” The secretary buzzed Sam into Maggie’s office.
Sam opened the door and stepped onto the soft and plush carpet. Maggie looked up and began to push her chair back so that she could stand and greet Sam. But Maggie never got that far. She froze in position and just stared at Sam. And she stared at Sam. And she stared some more. All of a sudden Sam began to think this might not have been such a good idea. He had forgotten how quiet the room was. There were no sounds from the A/C or outside traffic and you could have heard another person breathing — if anyone was breathing.
Sam stepped in a few feet then stopped. Maggie eventually caught her bearings and she pushed back her chair and stood quietly behind her desk. She looked Sam up and down several times, then walked around the desk and leaned against the front of the big walnut monstrosity. She looked Sam up and down a few more times then asked, “New shoes?”
Sam started smiling, still not sure what was happening. Maggie started grinning and then burst out laughing. She continued laughing as she walked to Sam and gave him a hug. After getting the laughter out of her system she stepped back and held her future son-in-law by the shoulders. “Holy shit Samantha! What is this all about?”
“It’s Goth. I thought I would experiment a little and try out a new look.”
Maggie began laughing again, put her arm around Sam and walked her over to a chair. She motioned Sam to sit and she walked over to her desk. She pushed a button and said, “Sybil, diet cokes and cookies please.” Then she joined Sam, sitting in one of her wing back chairs. “Ok, tell me what is going on.”
“Nothing, really. I wanted to try something different. And I couldn’t think of anything more different.”
“Are we rebelling?”
“Maybe just a little. But truly, I just wanted to try something drastically different. It’s a free day with nothing going on and the girls suggested that I use the day to experiment a little. You know, try a different look.”
“So they put you up to this?”
“No, not at all. They suggested that I experiment, but they had no idea that I would do this. In fact, I didn’t have any idea until 2 minutes before I asked for the makeover.”
“Who did it?”
“One of the girls. It doesn’t matter, does it?”
“You swear it was your decision only?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Then it doesn’t matter. But trust me, I’ll find out.”
“Miss Maggie, please don’t do anything. I had to talk them into it. And I promised that nothing would happen to them. Please?”
“I promise. So once more; why?”
“Ignorance and lack of experience. After they suggested experimenting I decided that I wanted to try a new look. But I didn’t know what to try. So as I was looking through the books, I just didn’t have enough experience to see the subtle differences between the different styles. But Goth I could see the difference. And it is kind of glam, isn’t it?”
Sybil brought in the cokes and cookies. They sipped their cokes and nibbled their cookies and said nothing. Finally Sam asked, “So what do you think Miss Mona will say?”
Maggie chuckled. “So you did do it to get a reaction, did you? A little shock theater?”
Sam shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “Yeah, I guess so. We had a little discussion last night and I guess that was still in the back of my mind.”
Maggie nodded her head in a knowing manner. “It depends on her mood. Either she’ll hit the ceiling and go crazy or she’ll shoot you.”
Sam was concerned. “Really? Doesn’t she have a sense a humor?”
“Sure … but today is probably not that day. Is that the reaction you want? Or something else?”
Sam looked at his pretty red nails. “Well, I hope she gives me just a little credit for being my own person, but then I hope she finds her sense of humor. I don’t want to get kicked out on the street.”
“That won’t happen, Samantha. In this one situation, Lisa has more power than Miss Mona.” Maggie threw her hands up and confessed, “I honestly don’t know what she will do. You will just have to go find out.”
“You mean to her office? Now?”
“Now is as good as anytime. Let me call her and see if she is free.” Maggie pushed a few buttons on her desk and Miss Mona’s voice came over the speaker. “Yes Maggie.”
“Miss Mona, Samantha is here. She’s finished with her salon appointment and she would like to come see you.”
“Why?” she asked tersely.
“You really have to ask her.”
“Give me two minutes, then send her up.” Miss Mona disconnected.
“We’ll be leaving at the normal time tonight. Is that ok for you?” Maggie asked.
“And if you finish early with Miss Mona, you can come hang here until we leave.”
“Thank you Miss Maggie. Well, I better get going.” Sam left and walked out into the hallway again. And there seemed to be even more secretaries hanging around and greeting Sam. Sam wasn’t stupid; he knew what they were up to. He just didn’t realize how fast their communication system was. It was fast.
He strolled down the hall until he reached Miss Mona’s receptionist. “Hi Kristin, may I see Miss Mona?”
“Certainly Miss Samantha, go right in.”
Inside he met Sophie who also was wearing a big smile. “Go right in, she is expecting you.”
“Gulp, here I go.” Sam walked in and Miss Mona was at her desk bent over some paperwork. Without looking up she said, “Hi Samantha. Please come in and take a seat. I’ll be right with you.” Samantha tip toed to one of the chairs in front of Mona’s desk. She sat as femininely as she could, crossed her legs, and laid her hands in her lap; a very feminine gesture. Her hem rode up just above her knee. And there she waited for a full minute.
Miss Mona finished her reading, took off her reading glasses and switched to her bifocals. She leaned back in her chair and looked at Sam. “I’m sorry for holding you up, Samantha. I have this work ethic or something where I want to finish something before I start the next. I’m not good at multi-tasking. So how was your day? How did the tests go?”
“This is weird,” Sam thought to himself. “This is not what I expected from her.”
“Pretty good I think. I’m sure I did well on both of them”
“Good for you. And you’re finished with your salon appointment? Everything go ok?”
“Great. So what can I do for you?”
“Uhm, I was just wondering when we would be leaving today? You know, driving home?”
Miss Mona leaned forward and made a production of removing her glasses and placing them on the desk in front of her. “You didn’t come here to ask me when we’re going home. Come on Samantha, spit it out.”
Sam screwed up his courage, which was actually kind of dumb. He was deliberately walking into the lion’s den looking for a fight. Stupid! “I wanted to ask if you like my new look?”
“Absolutely! It’s Goth isn’t it?”
“Yes,” a stunned Sam replied.
“What’s not to like? Samantha, you are so pretty that I can’t imagine any look that you can’t pull off and continue to look utterly beautiful. Seriously. So let’s stop beating around the bush. What do you really want to say?”
Sam was dumbfounded. Why was he here? He wanted to throw his independence and individualism in her face. So do it. “Well, about last night. Our conversation.”
Miss Mona cut him off with a wave of her hand. She slipped her glasses back on and said, “I apologize.”
“Close your mouth Samantha, it’s not lady-like. I was goading you and trying to intimidate you. I was trying to push you into something faster than you are probably ready for. I apologize. Do you accept?”
“Uhm, yes.”
“What else?”
“Uhh … nothing I guess.”
“Good. I’d like a little more time tonight. Do you mind if we leave at 5?”
“No, that is ok with me.”
“Good. Please let Miss Maggie know also.” The discussion was over. Sam stood and began walking out. But Miss Mona stopped him, “Samantha?” Sam turned and looked at Miss Mona. “I apologize, but I was right, wasn’t I?”
“You went out of your way today to make yourself even prettier and sexier, and more feminine, didn’t you?” Sam looked at his nails and said nothing. “Lisa is truly blessed to have found you Samantha dear. We all are.”
Sam didn’t know what else to say, so he said, “Thank you.” He began to leave but he was stopped once more.
“Samantha, may I ask a favor?”
“This Saturday evening I would like to do a theme dinner party. Let’s make it Goth. Would you and Lisa dress Goth for it?”
Sam laughed quietly. “I guess so. Why not?”
“Good. Get with Miss Maggie and make arrangements. Invite anyone you like, but they have to come dressed in Goth. And one more thing; can you buy a Goth dress for me? I doubt I will have the time.”
“Ok.” Sam knew what he would be doing Saturday. But who to invite?
Back in Maggie’s office he relayed the new departure time. “And Miss Mona asked me for a favor.”
“She wants to have a Goth party Saturday evening. And I am supposed to make the arrangements.”
Maggie started laughing. “She is full of surprises isn’t she? What else did she say?”
“Nothing much. I am to invite whoever I want and she wants me to buy her a Goth dress for the party. So who do I invite? I don’t know anyone.”
“I’ll help you there. It’s short notice so we will be lucky to get half our guests. We can start with the cousins and their concubines. Miss Grace and Miss Eunice of course. And I’ll check to see if Miss Mona has a politician she wants to invite. Jeff Winter might be in town, I’ll check. We don’t’ have time to mail proper invitations, and email is too gauche, so you will have to call everyone and invite them personally. It is the only proper option we have.”
“Of course, it is going to be your party. You are going to be the host. But don’t worry, I’ll help you handle the details.
“Before we go any further though, I want to change the topic while I’m thinking about it. Have you called your foster parents and told them about your summer plans?”
“Not exactly.”
“Aren’t they expecting you home for the summer? Don’t you think you should tell them you won’t be going home?”
“Well … it’s kind of hard calling them. I don’t sound exactly the same.”
Maggie smiled, “I understand. Your voice is progressing nicely. You don’t sound perfect yet but you are sounding much more feminine.” There’s that word again! “We will be getting you some advanced training this summer. So why don’t you text them at least?”
“They’re old. I mean they don’t text, but I can e-mail them.”
“I think you should do that Samantha. And when you do I have a favor to ask you. Please don’t use Lisa’s name.”
“I already have.”
“Last name too?”
“I don’t remember for sure.”
“Ok, what’s done is done. Just please don’t use her name anymore. Tell them about Paris and you can send them some pictures of the Eiffel Tower when you get there. And tell them you are interning in D.C., but again please don’t name names. Ok?”
“I guess, but why not?”
“It’s complicated Samantha. It has to do with several reasons, all of which concern Lisa’s and your future. Lisa will explain more later, but please hold off for now. Ok? And along those same lines, please don’t give them our address or the name of the company.”
“Miss Maggie isn’t this a little strange? A little cloak and dagger?”
“It’s not that Samantha.” Maggie paused. “You are as good as family Samantha, so I can tell you some things. Miss Mona and Lisa have big plans for Lisa’s future. Miss Lisa will be going into politics.”
“Yeah, she told me. She even said that she wants to be president some day,” Sam said with a smile. Maggie didn’t smile. Sam just looked at Maggie waiting for a reply. Maggie didn’t reply. Sam’s smile slowly faded. “She’s serious?”
“Absolutely Samantha. And so to make a very long and complicated story short, plans are already being drawn up. Until everything is finalized, Lisa’s past — or in this case her present life — must be protected. The less people know the better. Politics is a very dirty business and no one can be too careful.”
Sam slumped into his chair. He wasn’t stupid. “I’m a liability. No family, no money and no connections. So how long is she going to keep me before she has to dump me? Is Paris her last gift to me?”
“Samantha! No, no and no! Don’t ever think that! Never!” Maggie calmed down and lowered her voice. “Lisa is in love with you. She will never let you go. You two will get married — trust me.” Maggie paused again. “Please don’t let anyone know that I just said that. Samantha … I’m saying too much. I’m ruining everything for Lisa.”
Maggie got very quiet and very serious, “Samantha, please do as I say. For the time being, please keep your relationship with Lisa private. And don’t worry about your future with Lisa. It’s as bright as a thousand suns.”
Sam smiled. What a relief. “Thank you Miss Maggie. I won’t say anything.”
“Thank you.” Maggie jumped up and announced, “Now, before we get down to business, I want some pictures of your first Goth makeover. Lisa is going to want to see how cool you look.”
“Miss Maggie, before you get your camera, can I ask a favor?”
“I don’t have any friends — other than you and Lisa that is — so can I invite some of the girls from the salon?”
Maggie looked towards the ceiling thinking. “Samantha, with our social level there are sometimes some unwritten rules that we must follow, even if we don’t want to.”
“Miss Maggie I think I know where you’re going, but I’ve seen the girls at other parties. And Florence came to your party that first time.”
“It’s complicated Samantha. They came as invited … companions of other guests.”
“Miss Maggie, I know what they do. But I don’t have anyone else to invite. And Jennifer too. She has been really nice to me.”
“I can’t make that call,” and she handed the phone to Samantha. “You have to ask Miss Mona.” Maggie dialed and left the room to get her camera.
Maggie dallied allowing Samantha ample time to talk with Miss Mona. Upon her return she found Samantha sitting behind her desk and looking at pictures. “Harriet?” she asked.
“What did Miss Mona say?” Maggie was trying to change the subject.
Sam was having none of that. He had just won a giant concession from Miss Mona and he was pushing his advantage. Sam continued to look at the picture and he said, “She is very pretty. You must be very proud.” Maggie said nothing. Sam set down the picture and looked at Maggie. “A while back I was in Miss Mona’s office and I had to use her bathroom. I peaked in her bedroom and I saw a picture on the wall.”
Maggie walked over to the edge of the desk and put her hand on the desk as if to steady herself. “I saw a wedding picture of two very beautiful girls … both in wedding dresses.” Maggie’s complexion was turning white as the blood drained from her face. “You made a wonderful couple and I think Lisa is the luckiest girl in the world having two mothers that love her so much.”
A look of relief washed over Maggie’s face. Sam stood and asked, “May I hug you?” Maggie’s head was still spinning a little as she embraced Sam.
“Thank god he didn’t put it all together,” she thought.
Sam broke their embrace and said, “Miss Mona said yes. I can invite them.”
Maggie was still trying to clear her head. She had to relay this latest development to Lisa and Mona. They would need to know. “What?” Maggie asked.
“Miss Mona said I can invite whom ever I want. It’s my party.”
“Ok then,” Maggie said and she flashed Sam smile. “Then … then you should stop by and invite them today. That way they can get a little more warning. They might have to do some shopping also. But first, I want 5 pictures — just to cover all the f-stops — then you should run down to the salon and make your invitations in person. Then why don’t you wait there, and I’ll come get you when it’s time to go home.”
“Great! And Miss Maggie … thanks ... for all of our conversation.”
Samantha could hardly wait to call Lisa that evening. “Congratulations Samantha. Your first dinner party and it’s a theme party. You’re becoming quite the socialite!” This would be great training for Samantha. As Lisa’s concubine one of her responsibilities would be organizing and handling dinner parties in the future. Lisa was thrilled.
“You have to come dressed in Goth,” Sam said.
“I’ll pick up something. Don’t worry, this should be fun.”
Sam had a wonderful week. His exams were easy. If he didn’t get As in all of his classes he would be shocked. He emailed his foster parents and gave them the great news; he had a summer internship in Washington D.C.. He went horseback riding and chatted with Jennifer. She was thrilled to get his invitation. She had never been invited to a dinner party in the “big house” and she was so excited she almost wet her panties.
“May I bring a date?” she asked.
“For sure! But he has to be in Goth!”
Sam went shopping Wednesday morning and bought all kinds of neat stuff. He was even allowed to use his own money. He bought dresses for Miss Mona (size 12), Miss Maggie (size 14) and himself (size 10). Size 10! And even that felt a little loose. A few more pounds and Sam, I mean Samantha, would be smaller than Lisa! Sam was happy but Samantha was ecstatic. Samantha was slowly taking over.
At the local Goth shop Sam bought skull earrings and spider necklaces and black chokers and chain belts and a pair of black stiletto heels with straps that wound around his legs up to his knees! Cool! He bought black and red wigs for his mother-in law and grandmother-in-law. Well they weren’t his “mothers” yet, but he had high hopes. HIGH hopes! He bought black mesh stockings and black nail polish that glowed under ultraviolet.
He found table settings and bats to hang from the ceiling and cookie cutters for bat cookies. Sam was going crazy. Ultraviolet lights were purchased and he would have to get help from Chas to hang them in the salon. Maggie suggested dry ice in the punch. Red and black lace would be laid over the lights. Eerie skull candles would be used at the dinner table. Black roses were ordered for a centerpiece.
Maggie sent one of the maids out to buy Goth maid outfits for the help. Chas rented a tuxedo with long tails. And all of them, (even Chas!) wore black nail polish and lipstick.
Sam had never been involved in anything Goth before, but this was turning into fun. Stevie volunteered to drive out early with her boy friend and help everyone with their makeup. She brought even more jewelry and some other “interesting” items. Handcuffs, whips, studded collars and riding crops added to the fun. She brought enough to pass around at the party. Sam set up a table in the entry foyer with all the “extras” and Chas was to invite people to accessorize their outfits.
And in between all of the plans Sam took his tests, spent evening hours looking up Goth and Paris information, chatted with the love of his life, held hands with Miss Maggie and drove antique cars, hit golf balls and rode horses. It was a very exciting and eventful week.
After Wednesday shopping he returned to the salon in the afternoon. Greta gave him a paraffin wax for his hands, and left him in his warm mittens while she turned him over to Olivia. Olivia washed and set his hair on large rollers. The rollers would allow Olivia to brush out Sam’s hair into a straight style for Thursday’s swimsuit shoot. He had to sleep in the rollers Wednesday evening and Sam even enjoyed that. Well, not exactly enjoyed, but it was a girl thing and he decided that he now liked being a girl. At least for this week. And maybe next. And certainly in Paris. But after that? After that who cared? It was too far away for Sam to be concerned with. He was having fun now. He was having sex with a gorgeous girl, he was being pampered by more gorgeous girls and he was living in the lap of luxury.
Mary and Alyne joined Sam for a short while and gave him instructions for Thursday. Along with logistics, Sam was told to not wear breast forms, a brassiere, his corset or anything tight that might leave marks on his skin. He was not to wear any makeup — typical — and he was told to take 2 — two! —enemas in the morning. And no solid food, only a limited amount of liquids. Sheesh!
After his hair was rolled up, Stevie gave him another Goth makeover using lighter foundation and black lipstick. Sam was having the time of his life. All the girls could talk about was the party! They were planning makeup and clothes and jewelry and even boys. Sam wasn’t too interested in the boys, but Maggie was.
Maggie called the girls together later and warned them in so uncertain terms to be on their best behavior Saturday night. “Be careful what information you give Samantha. You are responsible for your boy friends. If one of them hits on Samantha or Lisa one of you may be leaving the country!” Maggie was deadly serious. “And remember Miss Mona, Miss Eunice and Miss Grace will be there. Enjoy but don’t go crazy. Don’t over imbibe. Your futures are on the line here.” Maggie could be a real joy killer
After his set and makeover Sam asked Stevie, “Can you make me look Chinese?”
“Yeah, can you pull my eyes tight so they look slanted? And give me a Chinese look in makeup?”
“In Goth?” she asked.
“Oh no. Lisa is coming home on Friday. I’d like to come in and get a Chinese makeover, updo hair and hair sticks and whatever else you can do. I have a pretty Mandarin dress I want to wear to welcome her home.”
“I don’t know about the eyes. I can pull the skin back and tape it close to the hairline. You would have to wear your hair down to cover the tape. When do you want to do this? Friday?”
“Early afternoon so I can get back and changed before she arrives.”
“Let me do some research and then you should call Friday before coming in, because I just don’t know.”
“That’s fair.”
Thursday morning Sam rode into town with Miss Mona and Miss Maggie. Sam had coffee with Maggie in her office and they talked about the party. At nine o’clock Sam left to get ready for his shoot. He strolled into the salon and took a deep breath. He loved that smell. All the girls greeted him and Olivia took him to her styling station. “How did you sleep?”
“Really? The curlers didn’t bother you?”
“Just a bit. I considered them part of the job, just a tool of the trade. And then I think of the money. Puts me right to sleep.” They both laughed.
Alyne and Mary arrived and supervised Sam’s brush out. Olivia did a very nice job and gave Sam long straight, shiny hair that was perfect for swimsuit modeling. They all walked up to the second floor photography studio together, where Maggie was waiting for them. She wanted to “practice” taking pictures of a professional model.
What Maggie and the others really wanted was an update on Sam’s progress. They wanted to see what he looked like with a minimal amount of clothing. They wanted Alyne to measure him from head to foot and around every thing except his penis. They wanted to see what his body fat was and where his extra fat was sitting. Could they diet it off him or would they have to work it off him? Would he need liposuction? And how was that tightlacing coming along? His waist looked nice with the corset, but how about without it?
And then there was the objective of seeing their pretty little girly-boy in a swimsuit. Did Sam have what it took to present a sexy figure? Could he model and stand and strut like a real female model? How far had he come and how far did he have to go. Inquiring minds were more than curious. They were infatuated with the boy and his progress.
Mary handed Sam a bikini bottom and instructed him to change out of his clothes and just put on the bottom. Sam stripped down and pulled on the bottom. It was then that he realized he shouldn’t be modeling swimsuits. He became very self conscious and concerned. The bikini bottom was so small that even in a flaccid condition his penis poked out the top. He tucked himself but found the bikini short on material between his legs. He had to be very careful holding his thighs tightly together to keep from exposing himself.
But that wasn’t the most awkward part. Exposing himself on top felt even odder. Sam was a boy, he knew that. And boys didn’t have breasts, or at least they didn’t have boobs in the female sense. But he felt that he should be covered on top. He had been wearing breast forms and bras for long enough now that they felt comfortable and correct for him. He didn’t like flashing his non-existent breasts. Forget common sense, it just didn’t feel right.
From behind the dressing screen he called out, “Alyne, do you have something bigger? This isn’t going to … cover everything.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Mary answered. “We know your situation. We’re just shooting for range with this first suit.”
“But … it doesn’t feel right.”
Mary looked at Maggie and smiled. They both understood. “Don’t worry, there will be no pictures taken. Alyne, give Samantha a cover. That one,” and she pointed at a sheer silk cover top.
Sam still didn’t feel quite right. He held his thighs tightly together and waddled out to everyone’s stares. “Samantha, take a moment to become comfortable, it’s only us girls here.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he said.
Everyone chuckled politely. “I understand,” Mary said. “But remember, we’re all professionals here. As soon as you’re ready, you have to take off your cover so Alyne can measure you.”
Sam gave a feeble smile and said, “I know this is stupid, but I feel … naked without a top.”
“That’s a sign of growth, Samantha,” Maggie said. “Take your time honey.”
Sam took a deep breath and removed the top. Alyne quickly moved in and measured his neck, chest, bust line, waist, hips, arms and very carefully his thighs. “Put your top back on Samantha. You can wait behind the screen if you prefer.” Sam quickly hustled back to safety. While Alyne and Mary began going through their collection Maggie took out her phone and texted Lisa.
“36-27-35” Sam had some more weight to lose. While his 26 “corset was fitting him nicely, without it he was expanding back to 27 inches. Part of that was relaxation of his tummy, but some was due to fat around the waist. The dieting would continue.
Maggie was very pleased with his overall shape. His arms were not muscular or big, and neither were his thighs. His calves were small and shapely. He couldn’t have weighed much more than 115 pounds. Sam was coming along nicely.
Alyne and Mary started Sam with bikinis. They made the bottoms a bit more substantial and on top they inserted breast forms. Sam had not seen these types of forms before. They were smaller in diameter and didn’t feel as full under the arm. But they were plump and filled out the bikini cups very nicely. Mary worked with Sam to put him in poses that didn’t show his tightly clenched thighs. She shot a bit from the side and usually posed him with one leg in front of the other. Then they shot one piece suits, with halter tops, and neck scoops and square lines and eventually moved into swim dresses where he could spread his legs and stand more comfortably.
Sam went through 30 different combinations of suits before Mary was satisfied with the day’s work. And Sam had learned something also. Along with additional modeling tips that he picked up, he learned something about himself. He was starting to think of his body as if it were female. He didn’t feel comfortable stripping down like a boy. He wanted to protect his modesty, and that included his top. He might not have real breasts, but when clothed he felt he did. For the last several weeks Sam had pretended to be a girl with real girl attributes. That included breasts. And he had learned how to walk and sleep and even bathe with those breasts. And most importantly, how to use them in public. Sometimes you displayed them and sometimes you minimized their profile. He had become comfortable with his faux breasts and he wanted them back.
Psychologically Sam was developing breasts. And when he looked in the mirror at the end of the day, he realized just how flat, and just how under-developed he was. Sam didn’t linger too long. He quickly slipped his arms through his bra straps and clasped it behind his back. The snugness of his brassier felt comforting and safe. And when he added his breast forms he looked better too. After pulling his dress over his head and smoothing it into place Sam felt better. He felt more complete, and more finished. Sam might not want breasts, but Samantha depended on them. She needed them.
Friday morning Sam ran through his normal routine, moisturizing his skin and slipping back into his hip length corset. Sam had two corset lengths, one for the waist only and the second that extended down over the top of his hips. He wore the short one to bed every evening and the long one during the day. He felt comfortable in them, they no longer seemed as restrictive. They didn’t feel as tight since he had lost some weight, and he had learned how to bend and maneuver despite their rigid confinement.
Sam pulled his hair back into a ponytail, then sat in front of his vanity and applied his face for the day. He was happy to have his long and thick lashes back. As he fluttered his lashes and made himself look pretty he wondered how he would look with blue or green eyes. He would have to ask about contact lenses for changing eye color. Sam chose his large breast forms for his morning ride and after slipping them into his brassiere, he put on his riding clothes.
He made eggs for breakfast and enjoyed a leisurely pace. He chatted with the downstairs maid, Janice. She was looking forward to seeing everyone made up in Goth. She thought the whole idea was a hoot. At the stable, all Jennifer wanted to talk about was the upcoming party. She had bought a Goth dress and was looking forward to bringing her boyfriend to a “big time” party. She had met her boyfriend at a horse show and she wanted everyone to meet him. Jennifer gave Sam an extended lesson, mostly because she wanted to talk.
After riding he spent some time on the internet checking out tourist sites outside of Paris proper. This Paris and France and Switzerland trip was going to be the best time of his life. He just knew it. Lisa and Samantha all alone for 3 weeks … oh wow! Sight seeing during the day, clubs at night (Lisa had already made that clear) and then sleeping together for three weeks in a row was going to be awesome.
They were going to dress like rich girls every day, wearing pretty sun dresses and big hats and heels. Going to the museum or the salon or maybe some power shopping, just the two of them … two hot chicks in Paris. He wasn’t a girl! How many times does he have to tell you this? Just ask Lisa after a marathon sex scene in her boudoir! But out in the real world he could pass for a girl. Oh wow, he could pass! He was down to a size 10, his waist was tiny and his boobs were big. With a little padding his hips looked pretty damn good also! And he knew how to wiggle everything if he had to.
His long, curly, high-lighted hair was pretty awesome too. He could put it in a ponytail and look the perky teenage chick, or he could brush it out and go the twenty something, sophisticated look complete with 6 figure earrings and red lipstick that begged for kissing. And Miss Maggie had agreed that he could get a little more collagen injected to puff those lips up even bigger.
Europe was going to be awesome. He just knew it. Would he ever want to come back?
Chas drove him into town for his afternoon appointments. He had brought his evening gown with him, so Olivia could make sure his makeup matched his outfit. Maggie had found him an upscale Chinese restaurant and he had already laid out Lisa’s dress for the evening. They were going to a movie after dinner and then who knew? Maybe hit a club and go dancing. Sam still didn’t like clubs and the possibility of a guy approaching him, but he wanted to go clubbing in Paris. He needed practice and he needed to get more comfortable. Or maybe he would bring Lisa home and … .
Sam ran into the salon and dropped off his dress, then popped into the elevator and rode up to the doctor’s office. Sam did not like the doctor and he really felt uncomfortable around her. But today was going to be different. He was going to become even cuter. But she had another surprise for him. The nurse took him to a waiting room and had him change into a paper gown. “For lip injections?”
“Yes ma’am,” she answered.
His worst fears were confirmed when the doctor announced that she was going to milk Sam. Shit! Sam didn’t want to be milked. He never liked to be milked and this was horrible timing. He wanted a full load for Lisa tonight. “This seems excessive. Every time I come here you want a semen sample. Do you really have to keep doing this? Today?”
“We have to make sure that everything is working properly, Miss Samantha. We won’t have to do this much longer.” She was right. They were building up a nice bankroll of Sam’s semen. They would have more than enough to get Lisa pregnant several times.
Sam tolerated his milking and then received his lip injections. At least his lips looked fuller and cuter. As he looked in the mirror he wondered if maybe his nose was a little too big. Maybe someday he would consider it, but not tonight. He was getting his girlfriend back. Sam was getting laid tonight. Oh boy!
Sam popped back into the salon and stopped momentarily. He spun around and took in the sights and smells and ambiance. The girls watched him and just smiled. They liked Sam. He had invited them to a party with the rich people. This was going to be cool!
“Florence, make me beautiful,” Sam said when he reached the desk.
“Yes ma’am! Hot date tonight?”
“Then you better get going.”
“Can I have my dress? I want Olivia to see what I’m wearing tonight.” Florence carried the dress for Sam, as the walked to Olivia’s station. “Hi Olivia. This is my dress for tonight. I want to go as Chinese as possible. What do you think you can do?”
“Hello Miss Samantha. I’ve been talking with everyone. I’m going to try and pull your eyes tight and give you a slant to your eyes. None of us have ever done it before so it may or may not work. But I need to wash and shampoo your hair immediately. It takes so long to dry you know.”
Olivia led Sam to the wash basin, wrapped a white plastic cape around him, tucked a few tissues around his neck and laid him back into the basin. “Why Chinese Miss Samantha?”
“Just something different. I found this really nice dress with the Mandarin collar and I wanted to wear it. Since it looks very Chinese, I was wondering what else I could do.” Sam paused for a minute then said, “To tell you the truth Olivia, I’m new to all of this girl stuff, and I guess I’m enjoying it. I want to try new and different things. The Goth makeover was fun and so I want to see what else is out there. It’s kind of fun.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Then the topic changed to the upcoming dinner party. The salon girls were still totally excited about it. Olivia shampooed and added crá¨me rinse to Sam’s hair. She tried to dry it as much as possible with towels, and she even used her hand dryer a little before setting his hair on big hollow rollers.
With Sam’s hair up in rollers Olivia started his makeover. She used a slightly lighter than normal foundation. “We not going to make you into a Geisha girl, but we’re going to use that as a model. We’ll add some pink around your eyebrows and eyes to help with the look. I am going to shape your eyes to make them look much wider and hopefully narrow.”
‘Then we need to minimize your nose. The Chinese have small noses. Have you ever considered a nose job?”
“Not really.”
“Well, it’s worth a thought. And bright round dots of pink blush on your cheeks. I’ll be honest Miss Samantha, I don’t know if this is going to come out very well.”
“That’s ok, Sam replied. “I like the idea of trying something new. It’s fun, isn’t it?”
“Yes. You are an adventurous girl, Miss Samantha.”
“It’s easy when you’re not really a girl.” That stopped Olivia for a few moments. She didn’t know what to say, but Sam came to the rescue. “It’s ok Olivia. I know what I am, and I’m beginning to accept it. The truth will set you free. Maybe I will be set free.”
Actually, the opposite was going to happen.
Olivia arrived at Sam’s lips. “Bright red for your new lips. They look mighty sexy Miss Samantha.”
“Thank you. That was my hope. I’m hoping that Lisa will find them so sexy that she gets real … well I should show some decorum here shouldn’t I?”
“But of course Miss Samantha.” Olivia finished the make over and admitted, “I don’t like it. I’m sorry Miss Samantha, but it didn’t come out like I had hoped.”
“Let me see.” Olivia turned Sam to the mirror. “You’re right. It’s not as Chinese as I had hoped, but it is kind of sexy. I’ll take it gladly.”
“Most real. Now then, what are you going to do with my hair?”
“You have to wait and see, because it is too hard for me to describe. But I promise, it will come out better than the makeup.”
“Then I am in good hands” Sam said. Olivia smiled; she liked this boy.
Olivia turned the back of Sam’s hair under at the nape and puffed it out like a low hanging bun. Then she pulled the front of his hair back over the top and pinned it in place. She left a large amount of the front hair, and primarily front side hair, so that she could pull it tightly past and above the ear. She was hoping that this would help pull Sam’s eyes a little tighter. But alas, Olivia would have had to pull too hard to make much of a difference in the slant of Sam’s eyes. Then she used the ends of that front hair to pin in lots of big, loopy curls. And voila! Sam had his updo.
Olivia pinned a small doily in the back to finish everything. She handed Sam the mirror and waited for his response. “Olivia, do you still have those diamond hair sticks?”
“I’m sure we do.”
“What do you think if we replaced the doily with the sticks?”
“Let’s see.” A few minutes later Olivia stepped back and said, “Excellent idea Miss Samantha. You have a discerning eye for style.”
Sam laughed. “I have a boy’s eye, but sometimes he knows what he would like to see in his girlfriend. I was lucky. Thank you Olivia, you did a lovely job. Now I need to rush back home and prepare for Lisa. See you tomorrow. Dark and Goth, remember.”
“Dark and Goth. Thanks Miss Samantha.”
Chas opened the rear door to allow Sam to step out. “How soon Miss Maggie?” he asked into his cell phone..
“I’d say an hour. The traffic is heavier than I anticipated. Do you have everything ready?”
“Not yet, but I will by the time you get here. Bye,” and he closed up his cell phone. He took his dress from Chas and rushed upstairs. Sam slipped into some clean lingerie and hooked some suntan stockings to his corset garters. He pulled on a heavily padded hip girdle over the garters, trapping them underneath. If he had to go the ladies room it would be a cumbersome affair. But then beauty was often a tough and nasty business. It wasn’t for sissies. And Sam needed more hip with this dress.
Sam wasn’t sure what to do for shoes. He was going to wear 4 inch heels — he loved 4 inch heels — but he wasn’t sure what color to wear. So he minimized the color and went with strap beige heels. He could ask for a female opinion later.
He put on his very own diamond earrings and was about to add his “engagement” ring when he realized that he didn’t have it. Lisa hadn’t given it back. He would have to make a point of asking for it back. It was his after all!
He spritzed on “their” perfume and prepared his purse. In front of the mirror he carefully inspected his appearance and did a few pirouettes to check everything. It was then that he realized the skirt was tight all the way down to the hem. He wouldn’t be doing any long jumping tonight. But he … kind of … maybe liked his image. Not exactly. It was the first time that he ever questioned his fashion sense. This was the first time that he had tried to put together a new look for himself, without following a recipe — like Goth.
It was a sign of growth for Sam and whether he recognized it or not, he was becoming more interested in the fun of style and fashion. Sam wasn’t totally ready for new looks like this, but he would be soon. In just a few weeks he would begin his fashion studies in earnest. It would be full time under the tutelage of an experienced master. And it would all be in French. Sam was in for the thrill of his life … and the shock!
Sam grabbed his purse and a small fan which he was sure would be popular on the dance floor, and sashayed over to Lisa’s room. He checked on her clothes to make sure everything was perfect. Lisa was a getting a blue Chinese dress with a mandatory Mandarin collar.
Sam sashayed downstairs and practiced his over the top strutting. It wasn’t exactly a smart habit to get into, but Sam liked playing the sex doll once in a while. Chas was waiting downstairs. “Hey Chas, waiting for Miss Maggie?”
“And Miss Lisa. You’re looking very nice Miss Samantha.”
“Thank you Chas. Are you ready for tomorrow’s dinner party? Do you have your black nail polish and lipstick?”
Chas laughed. “Yes I do. Janice is going to help me with them tomorrow. You’ve made some people happy, Miss Samantha.”
“How so?”
“Jennifer is just thrilled to be coming to a dinner party. She wants to show off her new boyfriend. And the girls here think it will be fun to dress a little sexy with their Goth uniforms. And I even heard that the girls at the salon are excited to be invited. You’ve made some friends Miss Samantha.”
Sam smiled. “I like them all, Chas. I hope they have a nice time. And how about you Chas? Are you looking forward to the party?”
“Other than the dress-up, it’s another job Miss Samantha.” Chas was too old and too long in the real world to get excited by random acts of kindness. At least that was his usual demeanor. Today was slightly different. Chas was quiet for a few moments then said, “How about you Miss Samantha?”
“I’m looking forward to it. But I’m nervous because it is my first dinner party. I hope everything goes ok.”
“I’m sure it will. But what I really meant to ask is, are you happy here?”
“What do you mean; like living here?”
“Like living as Miss Samantha.”
“Oh,” and he paused to think. “It’s been interesting, I’ll give it that. And just between us I must say that some of it has been fun. But it’s only temporary. When we return from Paris I’ll return to my boy clothes and spend the summer as Miss Mona’s intern.”
Chas slowly shook his head. “No Miss Samantha, you will not.”
“What?” he asked with a bit of curiosity and a bit of foreboding.
“I have said too much already, Miss Samantha. No matter what happens, be honest with yourself.” He paused again and then added, “And remember, do what makes you happy; not what makes others happy. You deserve that much.” Chas walked out the front door and closed it behind him, effectively cutting off anymore dialog.
“Well that was cryptic as hell,” Sam said aloud. “What in the world does it mean?” Sam found a chair and waited for his inamorata to arrive. A while later Sam’s phone rang.
“We’re coming up the drive,” Maggie said.
Sam took his place in the middle of the foyer. He liked the way Lisa greeted him last time and he wanted to replay that scene. Sam enjoyed playing the demure sex kitten for his returning tigress. He would be receiving her affection, attention and compliments while playing the shy, innocent, wide-eyed and apprehensive girly-boy. Yes, he was going to be the girl. It would be like a movie or fairy tale, only the sexual roles would be reversed. Sam found this exciting, but he truly believed that he was role playing. It was all an elaborate play with temporary role reversals that would titillate both of them and lead to an exciting evening of romance and hot sex. At least that was his fancy.
As usual, Sam failed to realize how wrong he was. This was not to be a temporary fairy tale, and the roles were not reversed. Sam had been manipulated into his future role as Mrs. Lisa Hawthorne; concubine, hand maiden and executive secretary of Miss. Lisa Hawthorne. This was practice for his new position. And to make matters worse, Sam would be getting no hot sex this evening. On the plus side of the ledger, Sam wasn’t unhappy playing the role of the sexy Samantha.
This evening’s show was every bit as good as the last one. “Oh my,” the returning mistress whispered when she spied her young courtesan. The pretty epicene courtesan fluttered his lashes and demurely averted his eyes from his regal Lady. The noble princess slowly circled her young prey, breathing in the scent and pheromones from her voluptuous girly-boy. She observed the elaborate hairstyle and touched it lightly and gave an appreciative moan. She caressed the porcelain skin on her teenager’s neck as she whispered in his ear, “You’re beautiful beyond words,” and sent shivers of anticipation cascading down his corseted body. Then she playfully batted the expensive earring she had bought her young kitten, and set it to swaying seductively.
The teen-age boy rolled his narrow shoulders but continued to avert his eyes. He kept his hands locked behind his back in a defenseless posture, totally surrendering his young, effeminate body and soul to his regal Lady. The noble princess finished her inspection tour and returned to face her young courtesan. She placed a single finger under the child’s chin and lifted it with the most tender touch imaginable. He raised his head but kept his eyes lowered, continuing to play the shy and demure sex kitten. The princess desired the taste of her boy’s lipstick coated lips, and she tilted her beautiful visage slightly to one side as she slowly closed the distance between their ruby red lips. The effeminate boy raised his eyes and despite his innermost reservations, tilted his head to meet the on-rushing lips of his beloved princess. With eyes wide open and his trembling lips parted in anticipation of his Lady’s gentle kiss, he remained frozen in space and time awaiting her initiative.
The beautiful princess stopped just short of the boy’s collagen enhanced lips and gently touched them with the tip of her tongue. The concupiscent boy’s eyes closed and his hands reached for the hips of his beloved mistress, as if he were bold enough to pull her to him. His rose petal soft hands reached their target and gently rested upon his Lady’s hips, as he leaned closer to her lips, begging for that irresistible kiss that he so longed for. Hoping for the approval and permission that he desperately desired from his mistress, tigress and sensual lover, he begged to be magnanimously accepted into her heart and loins.
And after enduring the pangs of his lust and desire, she finally rewarded him; gently placing her lips upon his. The princess gently gripped his elbows and held him in space and time while their souls exchanged the gift of love. Her love for his. The love of a beautiful young courtesan, and effeminate teenage boy met the love of his noble born princess; the regal Lady that would make him complete.
“You are one hot babe,” the smiling princess said to her pretty chattel. “Do you have something planned?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Do I need to dress?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Have you laid out my ensemble?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She placed another tender and gentle kiss upon the boy’s lipstick coated lips. “You make a precious courtesan, my darling Samantha. I shall return.”
Sam watched his princess glide up the staircase before he wrapped his arms about himself and spun in place, his head thrown back and his eyes looking to the heavens and chandelier. With less than a single spin he promptly fell on his callipygian asset. Chas was standing by the door looking at him and grinning. Sam did not even blush. He held his hand up and waited for Chas to come rescue him. As Chas pulled Sam up on his heels he said, “Perhaps ballet lessons will help. I guess you two are in love.” Then Chas returned to his inconspicuous position by the door, waiting for his two charges to return for their carriage ride to the restaurant.
Lisa took a little extra time to make sure she presented herself properly to her adoring, young puppy. She applied a dark eye shadow, curled her lashes and applied a heavy dose of mascara, then used extra liner to bring the edge of the eye shape out into a cat eye. It was the best she could do to try and give herself an oriental eye look. To compliment the Chinese look, she too switched to a redder than red lipstick, a bit too much pink blush, and some red shadow around her brows.
And like her effeminate boy waiting downstairs, she too was unhappy with the final effort. But what could she do? She slipped into her blue dress, plumped up her ample bosom inside her push-up bra, stepped into her heels and dropped four extra tampons in her purse. The reason her effeminate inamorato was going to be disappointed this evening was due to a heavier than normal first day flow from Lisa’s period. “Samantha is going to have some of those blue balls tonight,” she announced to the mirror. “Should I allow him to masturbate?” she asked herself with a wicked grin. “Or should I be generous and help him? Let’s see how we feel about this later. For now, you are one hot girl Lisa Hawthorne. Let’s go drive our sexy young boy crazy!”
Lisa returned to the boy who was wearing a dress and looking oh so pretty, and she offered her arm to him. “Come Samantha, I am starving.” Sam took her arm and followed her to the limousine. Chas drove them to a nice Chinese restaurant where they ordered sizzling rice with shrimp soup for an appetizer. They stared into each other’s eyes as they ate their entrées of shrimp and peas and shared a single Tsing Tao beer. For desert they chewed and chewed their way through tough, spongy rice cakes.
At the conclusion of dinner the Lady asked the boy, “Do you have something else planned for this evening, jeune fille?”
“What did you call me?” he asked suspiciously.
“It’s French for young girl.”
“You know French?”
“It’s passable. Someone has to be able to order dinner for us in Paris,” she grinned. Lisa changed the subject slightly and asked, “Would you consider studying abroad?”
“I’ve never thought about it. Actually, it was never within my means, so I never considered it.”
“Would you now?”
“I don’t know. Why?”
“Well … you know that I am going to grad school. And I just thought, maybe while I am there you could be learning French while studying in Paris.”
“Paris? Studying what?”
“Political science of course. It might be interesting to study it from a different perspective.”
“Are you serious?”
“Of course Samantha. Anything is possible now. You can do whatever you want.”
“Boy, I’m not too sure about that. It would be a long way from you.”
“I would come visit occasionally. Any excuse to go to Paris would be fine with me.”
Sam was silent for a minute or two. “I’m not sure. Even if I wanted to I would need too much help just getting around, learning the language and … just surviving.”
“It’s something to think about, Samantha. It’s totally up to you. We could get someone to help you … survive. She could be both a body guard and tutor.” Lisa’s mention of a bodyguard was an indirect message that Sam could live as Samantha. Again Sam had to reflect on the offer. “Think about it ok?”
“Ok.” Sam had been caught totally off guard.
“So do you have anything else planned for tonight?”
“A movie. Would you prefer a chick flick on Earth or a chick flick on another planet?”
“Which movie are you referring to?”
“Sure. I’ve never been to a 3D, is there a 3D theater near by?”
“Yep. We should get going.”
“I have to run to the girl’s room first. Come with me.” Lisa had to change her tampon, and she wanted to watch Samantha freshen his makeup in the ladies room. She loved watching her little boy practicing to be a jeune fille.
Chas handed the girls off to an evening chaperone … who also knew karate. He drove the girls to their movie. The movie was long, the 3D and special effects were awesome and in the end it was a chick flick — the “girl” got her “guy”. With Sam once again on Lisa’s arm, she walked them to the little girl’s room and took care of necessities. Sam was primping in front of the mirror and Lisa stepped behind him and fondled his elaborate hairstyle. “This is nice,” she whispered. “Very feminine ... and sexy.” Then she asked, “Do we have anything else planned?”
“Well, I thought we might go to a … club?”
“Well, I know you like clubbing and dancing and I could use some more practice. Don’t you agree?”
“Do you think you need more practice?”
“I can’t dance worth a hoot. Yes, I would like you to help me.” And then Sam remembered, “Do you still have my engagement ring?”
“Can I have it back?”
“Are you an Indian giver?” She was smiling as she handed it over to Sam. “If it makes you feel more comfortable then you should have it. But you know I like it too. Can I wear it sometimes?”
“Sure, why not? It’s a great rock. I’ll tell you what; while in New York can I have it for dinner and you take it for dancing? We can both practice being engaged.” Left unsaid was Lisa’s need to appear engaged when out with Jeff’s friends and family.
“What about Paris?” he asked mischievously.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little hair style about that. It’s too far away.”
Sam grinned. “Maybe …” he thought to himself.
The chauffeur dropped them off at a local club and walked in about five minutes after the girls. The club made him pay a cover charge, but he would be reimbursed later. He ordered a coke and watched the girls from afar. Lisa took Sam on the dance floor and they discovered that Sam’s dress made dancing almost impossible. It was tight, rather long and as far as dancing was concerned, it could have been a hobble skirt. Sam couldn’t do much more than stand in one place and sway to the music. Actually it worked out well for Sam. Even a clumsy boy can successfully imitate a girl under those circumstances.
They were propositioned by boys several times for dancing, and Lisa deflected all of the advances. “See how it’s done, Samantha? You can take the lead in New York.”
“Oh joy.”
Saturday was going to be a long day, so they called an end to their evening at midnight. Back home Sam’s anticipation was getting the better of him, and he was getting very horny. His tucked penis was engorged and painful. Lisa had not yet popped his bubble and he was expecting a carnal encounter with his mistress and duenna when they climbed the stairs up to their boudoirs.
Sam tried to lead Lisa into his (Harriet’s) bedroom. “Not there,” Lisa thought. “I don’t want to be on camera.”
“No, come to my room Samantha.”
“Yes ma’am,” he answered in a whisper. He knew the rules of the boudoir; Sam must always agree with his kinky lady.
Lisa closed the door and took Sam in her arms. She gently kissed his lovely lips and caressed his cheek with a finger nail. “Samantha dear, I am sorry to disappoint you tonight, but my period started today. We can’t have sex.”
His silly grin drooped all the way to his chin. “Oh.”
“I would still like to share my bed with you though. I suspect that you are going to have a blue night, and I don’t want you having a wet dream and ejaculating all over my clean sheets. So I think we need to empty you somehow.”
Sam was thinking blow job. “Ok,” he agreed.
“Strip down to your corset, and find a negligee to wear. I need to find something.” Lisa went looking through drawers until she found a glass vial.
“Is that a test tube?” Sam asked.
“No silly, it is for flowers. But it will serve our purposes. Go clean off your makeup while I get ready for bed also. When you’re ready I’ll help you with your hair.
“No lipstick tonight?” Sam asked.
“We’re not having sex tonight — just relief for you, my pretty Samantha.”
Sam went and washed his face and Lisa changed into her negligee. Lisa plucked the hair sticks from Sam’s sexy style and she picked out all of his hair pins. Sam shook his hair loose in his best come hither manner. Lisa really did want to come hither all over her petite filly. But alas, not tonight. Lisa took over the bathroom, cleaned up and changed her tampon. She returned to Sam with a bottle and a pink ribbon.
“What is all that?” Sam asked.
“Just a little something to add to the fun my pet. Please lie on the bed and bring your legs up to your chest. You can use your hands to hold them up. I want full access to your love stick here.” Lisa knelt against Sam’s bottom facing him and with his erect penis lying fully exposed before her. “The vial is yours, and when you erupt I want you to squirt your semen into the vial. Ok?”
All of a sudden Sam didn’t like this. Everything looked too close to the setup the doctor used to milk him. He had to know, “You’re not going to milk me are you?”
“Is that what you want?” Lisa acted surprised.
“No! Please don’t.”
“Then I won’t. That wasn’t my plan. Do you have some other request?”
Sam decided it was best to let Lisa do what she was planning. “No, I’m sorry for interrupting.”
“Fine. Please lie back and enjoy, but make sure to catch that semen. We don’t want to stain that beautiful corset you wear.” She unscrewed the bottle of baby lotion and poured a small bit in her hand. She rubbed the baby oil on Sam’s penis and began stroking him.
“Oh wow,” Sam said. “Is that ever smooth. What is it?”
“Baby oil.”
“Baby oil? They don’t actually squeeze down babies and make it out of them, do they?” He grinned at Lisa as she stroked him. She pulled his penis backwards towards her until it couldn’t go any further and actually hurt Sam. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It was a weak joke,” he chuckled.
Lisa continued to stroke her boy. “Make sure you catch it all, you don’t want to soil your corset.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Lisa pinched the head of his penis, then stroked the underside with her nail. She switched hands and made sure both of her hands were lubricated with the baby oil, and rubbed and fondled his scrotum and testicles. “Tell me when you are about to cum, Samantha. Give me as much warning as you can.”
A minute later Sam announced, “I’m getting close.”
Lisa began squeezing tighter around the shaft of Sam’s penis with one hand, and with her other lubricated hand she quickly shoved a finger up his ass. Sam bucked and squeezed down on Lisa’s finger just as he began squirting fluid from his penis. He held the vial over the head of his cock as Lisa stroked and squirted fluid out of his penis and into the vial. “Catch it all,” she commanded.
Sam’s hips bucked as he tried to stay in rhythm with Lisa’s stroking and she gradually milked all of the semen from his penis. “Keep your legs up and I’ll get a tissue to wipe you off. Don’t spill that semen.” Sam lay still, holding his legs up while Lisa retrieved a box of tissues and cleaned off both Sam and her hands.
After the cleanup, Lisa retook her position and slid up against Sam’s crotch. She took his balls and penis in her hand and gently played with them, feeling them go flaccid as she looked at Sam. She took her pink ribbon and tied it around his penis and balls. “You have to sleep with that on. I want to see it in the morning. Understand?
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good, so how was that?” she asked.
“Great. Now you know what to do with your semen. Please go ahead.”
“What?” he tried to ask in an innocent voice.
“The correct answer is yes ma’am. Please repeat after me, yes ma’am.”
“Yes ma’am,” and Sam held the vial to his lips and tipped it up. The semen slowly flowed down the inside of the vial and into his mouth.
“That’s better Samantha dear. That looks delicious. Do you like it?”
Sam had drained about half of it. The rest was hanging to the inside surface of the vial. “Please let me have it,” she said. Sam handed her the vial and she tipped it up to her lips. She had to tongue some out of the vial. She licked her lips and looked pensive. “What does it taste like to you?”
“Samantha, if you don’t work with me here, if you don’t cooperate with me, what incentive do I have to work with you? Why would I ever want to do this again?”
Sam got the message. “It might have a bit of a metallic taste,” he said.
Lisa licked the mouth of the vial again. “Maybe. But I’m getting tired and I really want to go to sleep. Are you clean enough?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Lisa tossed the tissues in the waste basket, set the vial on her night stand and turned off the light. She cuddled up next to Sam and French kissed him while she reached down and checked on his pink ribbon. “Good night Samantha. Sweet dreams.”
The next morning their positions were reversed and Sam was spooned against Lisa’s back. His hand was over her and his fingers found her nipple poking through her negligee. Sam began caressing her nipple when she said, “Yuck!”
Sam pulled back in surprise and asked, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s my tampon. Excuse me please,” and she gingerly left their warm bed and waddled off to the bath. Sam heard the toilet flush and then the shower come on. He guessed she wouldn’t be returning to bed. He remembered his ribbon, and he tightened and straightened it out. Then he removed his corset and ripped off one hundred sit ups.
When he walked into the bathroom with his flaccid penis sporting his pretty pink ribbon he had to wait for Lisa to exist the shower. He gave her a sexy pose and waited for her to notice him. “I’m sorry Samantha. I thought we might be able to play with your ribbon this morning, but my period ruined all that. At least let me remove it.” Lisa made a big production of fondling Sam’s balls and cock as she untied the ribbon. She gave him a gentle kiss and left him.
The girls changed into … wait … guess! Riding gear! Lisa wore her jodhpurs and Sam put on his riding skirt. Sam decided to show off and he cooked breakfast for the two of them. “I’m impressed,” Lisa confessed. “You’re becoming very domestic Samantha. How sweet! You will make someone a wonderful wife.”
Sam grimaced. “I’d rather hope that I make you my wife.”
Lisa smiled and batted her lashes at Sam. “Perhaps we can reciprocate for one another. Might you like that?” She batted her lashes and gave Sam a sexy pout. To elicit the answer she wanted she inserted a finger in her lipstick lined mouth, and slowly and seductively pulled it out. She continued to give Sam her most sexy come hither look.
Sam giggled, but refused to answer. When Lisa realized that she wasn’t getting an answer she answered for him, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Sam secretly found that proposition interesting.
At the stable they ran into a non-stop talking Jennifer. She was totally excited about the evening’s party. “I’ve got an awesome dress picked out. It’s leather. And I’m wearing a studded collar and get this … boots with spurs!”
“Be careful with those spurs,” Lisa warned. “You don’t want to snag someone’s hose, or puncture a leg.”
“I will,” Jennifer promised. “And I can’t wait to introduce my boyfriend to you. Will he be impressed.”
“What does he do?” Sam asked.
“Horses, what else? And on weekends I barrel race against him.”
“Who wins?”
“Me of course,” she bragged.
“Is he coming in Goth also?”
“Of course. Leather and full makeup. I wish I could make him as cute as you Miss Samantha. But he’s not built for girly stuff. Too bad.”
Sam shrugged off her comments and smiled. How could he continue to whine about such comments when he was wearing a bra and panties? “I’m looking forward to meeting him, Jennifer.”
After riding, the two girls returned to the house and Sam’s computer. He wanted to show Lisa his latest Samantha pictures, and a few sites from Paris. “I’m really looking forward to Paris,” Sam said.
“I’m looking forward to Samantha and Lisa in Paris.”
“That’s what I meant,” Sam said. “I definitely want to be going with you. Do you know where we are staying?”
“Of course; the company condo. Four bedrooms, three of which we will ignore, a kitchen we will also ignore and a balcony view of the Eiffel Tower. It’s just a short walk to the Eiffel Tower. And Miss Michelle says there is a wonderful sidewalk café across the street. Have you ever had Grand Marnier crepes?”
“Me neither. But Miss Michelle says we must have them on our very first day, because we will want them every day after that.”
“I can’t wait,” Sam said.
“One week Samantha dear. We shop in New York City this week and come back on Thursday. Friday afternoon we get our hair set and then fly over that night. We arrive in mid morning and have a full day of sunlight to help us stay awake and adjust to the time zone. We can sleep on the jet, and then finish our hair and makeup before we land. We will be rested, pretty and primed to enjoy the City of Light. Look out Paris, here come the Hawthorne Girls!”
“Woo hoo!”
Lisa and Sam spent the afternoon preparing for the party. Maggie helped but Mona totally ignored the preparation. She looked upon the situation as an opportunity for Sam to see first hand the problems with coordinating a large party. And it was going to be a large party. Miss Mona’s dinner parties usually had 10 to 15 guests. Sam had invited almost forty people, but they knew upfront that 10 or 15 already had prior commitments. It was mostly the cousins that would miss the party. But that still left 30 guests.
Thirty would be too many for the large dining room, so tables were set up in the large hall. Thirty guests was also too many for the normal receiving party in the salon. So the large hall would handle pre and post dinner receptions. At least it made decorating easier. And Sam wanted to go crazy on black bunting, UV lights, bats and spiders and medieval posters. It was amazing how much paraphernalia could be found in a Goth shop. Sam had never been a Goth fan and so he was surprised at what a big industry it was. Sam was going to enjoy himself, but he still wasn’t going to convert to Goth. Sam was getting into Samantha, and Samantha was into red and prissy.
Maggie pushed as many questions as possible on Sam. He had to make decisions on food preparation, table settings, and timing and order of appetizers and hors d’oeurves. Maggie did help with the really technical decisions on when different items went in the ovens. But Sam learned a great deal that afternoon. Late in the afternoon he changed into his dress.
His Goth dress had a red bodice with a black skirt that fell to his ankles. The red bodice was V shaped and dropped over the waist in front. The neckline was square and it had wide straps over the shoulder with no sleeves. Over the entire dress was a black lace mesh including long sleeves that had large cuffs that draped down at the wrists.
Sam and Lisa painted each other’s nails with an ultra dark purple polish. Their shared engagement ring was set aside for various rings with skulls and spiders. Lisa gave Sam a cameo choker to add to his costume. It wasn’t Goth, but it looked pretty. And as usual Sam finished it off with 4 inch heels. Sam hated taller heels, they hurt his insteps, and shorter heels left him too … short.
The reception was set to start at 6:00. Stevie and her date arrived at 4:00 to do makeovers for all the Hawthornes. Stevie introduced her beau Timothy to Lisa and Sam. Timothy was … odd looking. He was six foot tall and anorexic. He had long hair, a large Adams apple, and fingernails that were too long for a guy. Tim was totally into Goth. He had black leather clothes, spiked bracelets and choker, chain and skull earrings, and the full Goth makeup.
Sam wasn’t too impressed, but Stevie pulled Sam aside and said, “Isn’t he great? He’s really into Goth. We go to the clubs all the time. And believe it or not he’s a commercial artist. He makes over $200 grand a year!”
“Wow!” Sam answered.
Timothy really was into Goth, and he wasn’t a bad makeup artist. He helped Stevie with the makeovers. Stevie and Timothy did Lisa and Sam’s makeup first. Then Miss Mona and Miss Maggie were given their make up. And later, Miss Grace and Miss Eunice arrived for their makeover. Everyone was all Goth and “Ultra Cool” as Stevie described them.
By 6 PM everyone was ready to greet their guests. It didn’t take long for people to arrive. Jennifer was there at 1 second past 6. She brought her barrel racing friend Josh. Josh was a barrel himself. Not much taller than Sam, he was twice as wide and probably double Sam’s weight. He would have made a better friar than Goth boy, but Jennifer and he had obviously put a lot of work into his costume. And Jennifer was just wonderful with her spurs, spikes and … whip! Jennifer looked down-right dangerous!
None of the salon girls believed in being fashionably late. Olivia brought a rather handsome looking man who was as tall as she was. Susan brought a female date, which Sam thought was a bit odd. Sam had never seen the girl before, but she had that “salon skin”. Sam figured she worked in one of the shops or was a receptionist. Greta had a pretty looking date that looked very comfortable in his Goth makeup. He acted a bit swishy and Sam wondered if he might be a closet gay.
Tiny Gina came with a tall Thai boy. Neither was very good at Goth. Perhaps Thai and Goth didn’t go together, or maybe they just weren’t into Goth. Bridgette was the last of the salon girls to arrive. She had a dashing young man at her side. And young was the key word. He had a baby face that would have looked nice in regular makeup as well as his Goth. Two girls couldn’t make it. Sam knew Florence wouldn’t be coming because her date did not play well with Samantha or Miss Mona. And anyone that didn’t play well with Miss Mona best not show up. And Jillian had a previous engagement in Los Angeles. Jillian was acting in a porn movie, although she didn’t share that information with Sam.
Fourteen cousins and aunts were able to make the soiree. Aunt Michelle brought her concubine Donna and “Aunt” Serena brought her wife and concubine Mardelle. Mardell was a petite and very sweet woman. Among the cousins was Karin and her boy-wife and concubine Gail, and Elizabeth with her boy-wife and concubine Isabella. Both Karin and Elizabeth belonged to Serena. Aunt Joyce couldn’t make the party, but she had two children attend. Christine was accompanied by her boy-wife and concubine Chloe, and Pamela brought her wife and concubine Rebecca. And finally, much to Sam’s pleasure, cousin Janice brought her boy-wife and concubine, the beautiful Gisela. And Gisela looked absolutely beautiful in her Goth costume. What a beautiful “girl”!
With Lisa, Samantha, Mona, Maggie, Grace and Eunice the total came to 32 participants. It was a large group but Miss Maggie’s staff handled everything with their normal excellence. Practice and experience make things much easier, and the maids had no trouble with the excessive hors d’oeurves and drinks. The salon girls had all taken Maggie’s warning to heart and very little alcohol was consumed. Instead, the party relied on intelligent and stimulating conversation. And as it turned out, Sam was very good at the conversation part.
Normally Sam was not a good conversationalist, but this was his party and he had to make an extra effort. He did very well, talking about his shopping experiences and his new-found expertise on Goth, although Stevie and Timothy were the true experts. Sam talked about riding with Jennifer. He talked makeup and dresses with the salon girls, which was very enlightening. Sam chatted about being a boy buying girls clothes and wearing them. And he openly discussed his feeling and emotions the first few times the girls gave him a makeover. Sam’s openness was surprising to everyone, but the salon girls all knew the truth, so maybe that was why he felt safe talking about those experiences with them. It was as if he felt he might be one with the girls. And he talked Paris with anyone that would listen. Paris was certainly on Sam’s mind. And he especially enjoyed talking about Paris with Miss Gisela.
Miss Mona and the others carefully observed Sam throughout the evening festivities. They were pleased with his ability to mingle and with his aptitude at keeping the party organized and moving. Maggie certainly helped on the organization part, and the maids were so good they could have handled everything with no supervision, but Sam still deserved praise for his first party. The boy-hostess did a very nice job decorating; especially the UV lights. Everyone liked to walk through them and look at their glowing nail polish or other paraphernalia.
Yes, it was a successful party, but number one on every woman’s mind was Samantha himself. They wanted to see how feminine he acted, how he walked and talked and sat and ate. They watched for his strut and those sinuous movements. And Samantha did not disappoint. He looked gorgeous with his tightly corseted waist and a “corseted” dress that stressed his tiny waist. Samantha seemed as comfortable in tall heels as any real girl they had ever seen. He could glide, walk or strut whenever he wanted; and with stunning effect. And at other times, he could turn, bend and lean with a grace that Miss Grace called “sinuous”. Samantha had his pretty auburn hair pulled back in a pony tail that moved with the same feminine grace as his body. Genetic girls took years to move a ponytail as sensuously as Samantha did, and it didn’t even appear as if he knew he was doing it. Sam was born to be the pretty and feminine Samantha.
His voice was getting more feminine sounding. Coupled with his facial expressions and physical mannerisms such as his hand and shoulder movements, his voice seemed normal and female enough to go without notice. And he was no longer using his throat spray. His face was still a little too square and sharp, but facial feminization was on the horizon and that would handle that little problem. A smaller, upturned nose would do wonders for his attractiveness. He was going to be very pretty and utterly hot.
Miss Grace was also interested in how Samantha interacted with Gisela. Miss Grace thought the two of them would be the diamonds in the family. Gisela had turned out to be not only the prettiest epicene concubine in the family, but he was totally immersed and assimilated into his obedient female role. No one enjoyed his life and position as much as Gisela. Miss Grace thought that eventually Gisela could be another mentor and friend to Samantha. With Gisela’s native beauty and femininity, he would have no problem capturing and guiding Samantha’s fancy.
Everyone was pleased with Samantha’s performance and progress. But no one was as proud as Lisa. She constantly stopped by her mother and grandmother and bragged about something Samantha did or said. Love can come with blinders sometimes, but Lisa didn’t care. And Samantha truly did turn in a wondrous performance. Lisa had reason to be proud. Her discovery had successfully been transformed into a sweet, effeminate transvestite. Next he would be transformed into a soft and feminine pre-op transsexual, which is how he would spend the rest of his enchanted life.
And that was the single most important reason for the party and everyone’s attention. In a matter of 4 weeks, Samantha would be turned over to Mistress Ann. This was their last chance to be absolutely positive that they were making the right decision with Sam. Sam had passed numerous psychological tests, observations and discussions and everyone was sure that Sam would succeed as Lisa’s demure and pretty, she-male concubine. Everything they learned about Sam said he was a girl trapped inside a male’s body. Even if Sam couldn’t recognize that on a conscious level, on a subconscious level he knew it.
Sam’s French mistress would spend almost two years teaching him to accept his feminine lifestyle and role as concubine to Lisa. The Hawthorne matrons did not want to spend those two years of time and equity only to have a failure on their hands. But Sam would not be a failure. He would be beautiful, he would be obedient, he would be talented and he would be happy. Sam passed his last test.
In bed that evening, with her arm wrapped over her negligee clad boy, Lisa thought about his final steps. Lisa was excited about the promise that Sam held, but she was going to miss him. She didn’t like the idea of having to live without Sam. And she did not like the idea of living as Jeff Winter’s wife. Even if it was temporary, being a submissive wife to a male chafed against her option of nirvana with Samantha. Samantha would be her submissive wife; dressing her in the morning, preparing and serving her meals, taking care of her house and children, meeting her at the door after work, bathing her in the evening and then sexually satisfying her in their love nest at night. That is the life that Lisa wanted.
Lisa tightened her hug on Sam and dreamed of taking care of him. She would send him to the salon everyday and keep him looking beautiful and stunning. Sam would never go casual, but would either be dressed as her serving maid, or dressed elegantly in sexy dresses with million dollar jewelry. He would be feminine, demure, sexy and real. Sam would not be allowed to become aloof and snobby. Everyone would like him and envy him. Lisa would strut into restaurants and plays with Sam on her arm, and all eyes would turn towards them. Mouths would fall open and conversations would stop.
It was a magnificent dream, but Lisa knew that some parts would have to be minimized or even hidden in public. Their true relationship couldn’t be fully exposed in public. She would strut Sam into public situations, but usually not as her wife; Sam would have to be her executive secretary. But she could still take Sam’s arm on occasion. They could look cozy and still not spark lesbian rumors. Her children by a previous marriage would protect her from nasty rumors and political repercussions. People would accept her sexual identity with no problem. And they could drool over Samantha and envy Lisa for having such an exquisitely fine creature in her embrace so often.
Lisa would have no trouble traveling and living with her right hand girl, her executive secretary, political strategist and girl-Friday. No problem. They could take adjoining rooms in the best hotels; but of course always with connecting doors, for late evening consultations. Yeah, consultation between her legs! “My god you are going to be a beautiful boy, Samantha,” she whispered to herself. “My beautiful girl with that little boy attachment — how delectable.” Lisa finally fell asleep with her arm over her beautiful dulcinea, courtesan and future wife.
Sunday morning they went riding one last time. On Monday morning they would fly up to New York with Aunt Michelle on the company jet. They would again stay at Jeff’s apartment, but this time they would share a bedroom and bed every night. They would be inseparable for the next 4 weeks. This would be Lisa’s last opportunity to live with her effeminate inamorato; before he permanently became her feminine inamorata.
After these 4 weeks Lisa would have to settle for her studies and dates with Jeff. It wasn’t far from New Haven to New York, and she would be expected to be spending her time with her fiancée and then her husband. She would spend her time at their apartment in her own room. With the exception of one night, Lisa and Jeff would never share a bedroom or bed. She would decorate his apartment and give it a woman’s touch. She would join him for a public dinner once per week. She would take him with her to the opera or a Broadway show. She would wear her/Sam’s faux engagement ring and then Jeff’s wedding ring. She would hold hands and give him an occasional peck on the cheek in public. They would be the epitome of a perfect couple.
And then Lisa would retire to her bed and dream of her opulent gem studying under Mistress Ann in Paris. She would count the days until her next trip to Paris to visit her true love and secret fiancée. They would speak French and hold hands and discretely kiss in public and go to salons and shop in top end boutiques and dance in high energy clubs. The time to their graduation would crawl along but the day would eventually come when Lisa could bring her boy home and marrying him in front of her family.
Full of daydreams, Lisa reached the stable, quickly saddled Cinnamon and rode out to the jumping paddock. Jennifer helped Sam saddle Abigail as her boyfriend worked out in the yard. Jennifer wanted some privacy with Sam. “Miss Samantha, I want to thank you for the party last night. Mike and I had a wonderful time.”
“I am most happy that you could make it Jennifer. I enjoyed having you there.”
Jennifer produced a small box from her pocket and presented it in the palm of her hand. “This is just a little thank you, Miss Samantha.”
Sam was duly surprised and he smiled gently. As he took the little box he said, “Jennifer you really didn’t need to do this.”
“I just wanted to say thank you, Miss Samantha. I really like you and I think that in different … socio-economic conditions you and I could have been soul sisters.” She gave Sam a nice smile.
Sam opened the box and withdrew a necklace with a small pony hanging from it. “It’s a horse,” Jennifer said. “It’s the one thing that always makes me happy. I love horses. When I am having a bad day no matter what the reason, I can always come down here to the stable and talk to Jesse and everything is better.
“Miss Samantha, if sometime you are feeling lonely or sad or … isolated from everyone you love, you can hold your necklace and it will remind you that you have one real friend; me. I’ll miss you.”
“It won’t be that long, Jennifer. I’ll be back riding with you in 4 weeks. And then I can tell you all about Paris.”
Jennifer grabbed Sam and gave him a hug. “I wish,” she said. “When you do return, when you and Lisa get married, if you ever need an equestrienne please keep me mind. I would love to work for you.” Then she quickly walked away and went looking for her boyfriend.
Sam was surprised and more than a bit confused. If there was such as thing as an ominous gut feeling, he was beginning to feel the onset of one. Chas had talked strangely and now Jennifer was speaking in riddles. “Most weird,” he said. Then he tightened the strap to his hat, mounted Abigail, and went looking for his girlfriend.
After riding, Lisa took Sam’s hand and led him back to the house. “Can you make us lunch?” she asked.
“Sure. What would you like?”
“A salad. Maybe with some snow peas and bacon?”
“And don’t forget to change first.”
“Yeaaaah,” she drawled. “When you cook you need to wear a uniform. Miss Maggie always does.”
“But …” Lisa just stared at him until he backed down. “Ok,” and he stomped off to change. Lisa smiled and blew him a kiss behind his back.
After lunch Lisa suggested packing for Paris. “We need to go through our closets and pick out what we want to take with us. We can see what else we need and then put it on our shopping lists for New York.”
“Let’s start in your closet,” Sam said. “I need to get an idea of what you are taking. I have no idea what to pick out.”
“Fine,” Lisa said as she took Sam’s hand and walked him up to her room. They both stripped down to their lingerie. Sam was impressed with his girlfriend. She had a beautiful body with slinky curves and a sumptuous cleavage. He wanted to put his hands all over her and more than once she had to push him away — always with a grin and giggle.
“Aren’t you going to wear a corset?” Sam asked.
“No, why should I? I’m already perfect,” she said.
“That you are,” Sam agreed. “But then I don’t need to wear one either.”
“I beg your pardon, but yes you do.”
“Why? I’m already smaller than you. I just don’t have the bountiful handfuls on top, and a corset won’t make any difference there.”
“You think you’re as small as me?” she asked incredulously.
“I bet I am. Find a dress that is a little tight or too small for you, and I’ll bet I can fit in it better than you.”
“It’s a bet. What are we betting for?” They both laughed at the foolishness of such a question. Lisa walked through her closet looking at dresses, trying to remember which ones she had outgrown; or at least hadn’t worn for a long time. She found a long sleeve LBD that she couldn’t even remember. “This has to be too small, I forgot I even had it. Me first,” and she tossed it over her head and slid it over her body. She tugged it down into position and it was obviously too small for her. She spun around in front of her mirror and asked Sam, “So you think you can fit into this?”
“I think so,” he said. He had to help Lisa pull it over her head to get it off. Then it was Sam’s turn. He lifted it over his head, slid his hands into the sleeves then let it slid seductively over his body. It hung up a little around his boobs, but with a little help it slid down into position. Sam did a little twirl to show how loose it was around his waist.
“You owe me,” he said smugly.
“Wow,” Lisa said as she admired Sam and the dress. “I’m impressed. That’s an 8 — 10 size. It’s a bit tight in the shoulders, but otherwise it fits you.”
“It is not too tight in the shoulders,” he protested. “Don’t try to squirm out of our bet, you owe me!”
Lisa leaned into Sam and touched their lipstick covered lips together, being careful not to smear it. “I promise to pay my debt,” she said with a smirk. “But I am impressed. You have a beautiful body,” she told him. “How much weight have you lost?”
“I don’t know for sure, since I never you used to worry about it. But if I had to guess I would guess somewhere between 15 and twenty.” Without a scale people always over-estimate their weight loss. He was off by 5 pounds, which was still impressive considering his petite bone structure.
“Let’s see if you can fit into an 8,” and Lisa dove back into her closet. A few minutes later she surfaced with a pretty white dress used for Sunday socials. “Try this one Samantha.”
Sam stripped off the little black dress then slid the white dress over his head. It was a bit too tight. “Still impressive,” Lisa told him. “I wonder if you can fit into some of Harriet’s smaller things. There is no need to go through her “big” closet. Right?”
“Yep,” Sam said.
“But first, since we’re here, let’s see what I have for Paris. And we might as well see if they fit you also.”
“Maybe we can cut down on luggage,” Sam added.
“Why would we do that?” Lisa asked in dead earnestness. “We can each expand our wardrobe if we can share.” She gave Sam a satisfied grin and added, “You have to think like a diva, Samantha.”
“I don’t think I could be a diva. But you could.”
“Is that a slam?” Lisa asked with mock anger.
Sam acted defiant and retorted, “Well if the shoe fits …”
“Well! I have never …”
“Maybe that’s your problem,” Sam smirked. They both broke up laughing. “You’re beautiful Lisa,” Sam said in way of an explanation and a little apology. “You have spent a lifetime being a girl - duh! — and you know how to act and use that bod. You could be a diva and I mean it in a good sense.”
Lisa smiled and took Sam’s hand, “Thank you Samantha. But you are selling yourself short. You have a great looking bod too. It’s a little synthetic in some places, but that can be corrected if you want. And you already act like a real girl. Everyone was marveling at how wonderful you were last night. You’ve only been doing this for two months or so. With more practice you could be a better diva than me.”
Sam smiled politely and looked at the floor. Lisa continued to hold his hand but he said nothing. Lisa waited a moment then used her finger to raise his chin so he was looking at her, “Penny for your thoughts?”
He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I was just thinking is all.”
“About what?”
Another deep breath and slow exhale, “What you just said.”
“And …?”
“Just thinking,” he said with an introspective smile. “Come on, we have dresses to try on. And you have to explain them to me.”
“Explain them?”
“Yeah, why are you picking out certain dresses to take with us. What is so special about them? Where are we going to wear them? And what do we wear with each of them; how do we accessorize?”
Lisa smiled, “Girl you’re going to be awesome in Paris. We might need two bodyguards to keep the boys away from us.”
“Just don’t keep this boy away from you. Please?” It was almost a plea, as if he knew something. The comment caught Lisa off guard and she wanted to ask him what he meant, but she didn’t want to go there.
“Never. We’re the perfect couple. Sexy, gorgeous, smokin’ hot and totally in love.” She grabbed Sam around the neck and gave him a hug. “Samantha, I’m in love with you.”
He returned the hug and whispered in Lisa’s ear, “Me too.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing dress up. It was a wonderful time for the two inamoratas. Especially for Sam who totally enjoyed his afternoon of playing dress-up. Lisa was more than happy to discuss fashion and accessories and time and places for their various outfits. They each tried on the same dresses and played with jewelry and accessories. They wore pearl necklaces and gold bracelets and big hoop earrings and tiny diamond stud earrings and silver rings and cameo chokers and strappy heels and threw colorful purses over their shoulders and evaluated silky stockings in different colors with lots of back seams and elaborate designs and even sequins. Lisa had closets and drawers and jewelry cases of fun things to try out.
And after they went through everything in Lisa’s room, they went to Harriet’s current bedroom and picked out pretty dresses and open toed heels and more purses. It was a wonderful afternoon for both, but especially for the new girl. Sam had a glorious time trying on clothes and modeling different accessories for Lisa’s appraisal. And every perfect combination that they discovered, Sam memorized. Every combo! He would be able to dress like a diva in Paris.
And late in the evening, after missing dinner with Lisa’s parents, they had their wardrobe laid out and ready for Paris. And in spite of the enormous amount of clothes and paraphernalia, Lisa still had dozens of items they would have to shop for in New York City. “We’re going to be busy in New York,” an exhausted Sam said.
“Maybe. But remember, that doesn’t mean we can’t buy other things that strike our fancy. That’s important to remember, Samantha. When we go shopping we don’t have to be practical. If we see something we like, then we go for it! And anyone getting in our way better pray for mercy.” Lisa said it with mock seriousness.
Sam was enjoying this girl stuff more and more. Maybe he wasn’t a girl, but it didn’t really matter anymore. He was playing the girl and having the time of his life. Yeah, he could live with this … and Lisa of course.
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Like A Moth To The Flame
I HATE this story; its whole premise just makes my blood boil. I hate those women! I really, really hate those evil, women! And here Lisa, who I thought was so sweet, SHE's one of them! What is this? Why don't I just stop reading it?
i don't know?
What is this? Who am I to complain? So many of my stories have an element of FF in them?
Grrrrrr! this girl needs a spanking! she needs to cry a while.
I totally agree, Gwen!
I felt that way about Fleurie's "Deception of Choice" and Linda C's "Prom Princess" and almost all of Vickie Tern's stories, but I read - and re-read - them anyway. There is definitely a love hate relationship going on.
I think it's because, as a TG, I love the feminization process; I love the salon hair and makeover scenes and the fashion scenes and the feminine activities. (although the whole domme/sub thing leaves me cold) If it comes to a choice between watching the Superbowl or "What Not to Wear", Stacey and Clinton get my vote!
On the other hand, as a human being and a citizen of the United States, I believe in the individual rights stated generally in the Declaration of Independence and spelled out specifically and protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights; I am a member of the American Civil Liberties Union and believe, as President Lincoln stated, "Just as I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master." In this story, or Fleurie's, or Ms. Tern's, there is no respect for individual rights and the females would be good Nazi's; they are all amoral, having no behavioral standards other than their own desires.
I would feel a lot better about this story if the females were guiding Sam to become an equal Samantha - I can certainly understand his growing love for all things feminine - but there is no real love here; Lisa really just wants a servant she can boss around, and that's what the others want for her.
I hope Sam finally wakes up - hopefully he'll see the video of the Lisa/Jeff engagement party or something.
I think it'll be interesting to see what happens when Sam is turned over to Mistress Ann and the velvet gloves come off, as I think they will have to; he would finally have to know that he is a prisoner of war.
BE a lady!
It's funny how we change!
I used to be so fascinated by Vickie Tern's stories. At the time, I was grappling with what I thought were moral issues surrounding being what I thought was a pervert. Later, I discovered that something else entirely was going on. If you are forced, then you can't posibly be doing wrong, right? :)
Deception of Choice really threw me for a loop, and I have no idea why? Though, looking back DofC came out almost the day I began my transition. 2005/02/03 At times, I wept as I read this story. Perhaps it helped me to grieve all that had happened to me. I'd been outed involuntarily, and they had thrown me out two days before Christmas. At the time, I had intended to get a castration and remain with my family til I died. I'd been impotent for years, and figured that my talented tongue could take care of the Marriage bed. :) No one was to know of my Castration. I'd remain a man and live with my wife. No one even suspected that I had a little cashe of clothing hidden in a secret space that I had built behind the furnace.
So, after they threw me out, I imaturely decided that since they were accusing me of so much, I might as well just do what they thought I was doing. The first time I went out in public, I got dressed and went to a GID support group; wasn't nervous a bit. And that is how it all came into the real world.
So, D of C was both a torture instrument and a healing tool for me. I love that story.
Another aspect of all this, is that I strongly identify with Sam and would happily go his way save for the fact that there reallys seems to be NO emotional love between he and Lisa. It is like White Slavery, but in a way that is not usually seen.
The way I was bred, and conditioned all my life, I could fall right into it.
Much peace
I love this story!
I understand that some people have issues with forced feminization but they don't have to read those stories or comment on them.
Authors like positive feedback. I think this story is very well-written and the plot is getting more interesting. Yes, it is forced feminization but it is only a fantasy.
Waiting for the shoe to drop
I continue to be astounded by how much work and effort you have put into this story. The word pictures, the 'real' pictures, the scenes you set, the dialogues, the insight to the character's thoughts – all so well done. You have my thanks for all your effort.
I didn't like the characters in “The Godfather.†They were not nice. But I loved the book. I found it fascinating. For the most part I do not like the Hawthorne women. They are not nice. Even those coming late to the family seem to succumb to the allure of “the good life†and buy in to doing the dirty work and happily run roughshod over any dissenters. Actually, with only slight modifications, this story has a lot of similarity to “The Godfather.†Mona, with a hitman on call, would appear to fit in rather well. I guess there ARE things money can't buy.
What they are doing to Sam is despicable. But that said what about Sam?
It appears that he is making a Faustian deal with the devil. Other than dating men I don't see him much objecting. Mentally he is pretty much there. Even if he now had the choice to wear male clothing do you think he would? Not likely. So he is now a transvestite on his way to being a pre op transsexual? Notice how he now likes the respect of the “Miss Samantha†title. Oh, he is on his way.
I am waiting for the shoe to drop. I cannot believe he has not yet figured it out with all the clues he has. While he is young and naïve he is not stupid. I would have thought he would have worked it through. That will be a very interesting scene to read.
I guess I should be careful what I wish for. When I thought that Bill might make a good partner for Connie it was the with the thought that it would be mutually consensual. Guess not. Guess Bill wasn't good enough. Without Maggie's intervention was he on his way to being disappeared?
A Hawthorne in the White House? There's a chilling thought. No, they would ALL be in the White House. Lisa, as a character, has not been developed much beyond her desire to transform Sam. Exactly what does she intend to do as President?
Thanks for sharing.
Good point!
Despite being the primary instigator of Sam's future and the major plot instigator, we know virtually nothing about Lisa other than that she's a Hawthorne, Sam is her project, her family are pushing her to be a future President of the United States, and in order to protect the family secret she's being herded into a sham marriage to Jeff (which she clearly doesn't want herself, but evidently is going ahead with out of a sense of duty - and the wishes / desires of her family).
I do hope that at some point in time, Sam starts making connections and the family secret can be revealed to him. After all, I'd like to see how the family intend keeping what is likely to be a very public marriage to Jeff hidden from Sam.
As for Sam's eventual career, given that he's been busy studying politics, he'll probably be the true intellect behind Lisa's policies, although the family will ensure that such information is never leaked out. He may be resigned to a future as a she-male concubine to Lisa, but please let him retain some control over his life beyond that which the Hawthornes have planned for him.
Maybe his own research skills, combined with any political studies he carries out in France, will prepare him to successfully negotiate favours from the Hawthorne clan, and take them in a direction they weren't expecting.
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
very twisted family
very twisted family