The Working Girl Blog #39: That's it
As usual, to see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/19261/working-girl-blogs
Someone who I know from Big Closet sent me an email last night, but I was only able to read it this morning (I suppose we have different time zones), Anyways, I won't go into the particulars of the email, but the gist of it was that the person that wrote the email was "disappointed" at the quality of the posts in my blog, "The Working Girl," here in BCTS. The person said that he/she liked it when it started, but the quality has steadily gone downhill. (Funny thing though, is that she said that I wrote so bad, she never even read any of my stuff here in BCTS...)
Well, I suppose she's right. I also think it has. As I had dreaded, it has come to the point where I have less and less to blog about - my humdrum life is generally not interesting, and what I have already written - I think that has exhausted all the interesting stuff that I can write about my day-to-day. New stuff will come, I am sure, but I am not confident there would be enough to keep the blog running. Recently, I have been struggling to write about things that would be interesting to the readers, as well as to remain true to the spirit of the site - a site for TG fiction, and a forum for TG (and TG-related) discussions and topics.
True, I can stray from that spirit, as Erin is quite liberal in allowing contributors to write about almost anything in her site, even if they're not TG-related. And a few contributors do. But I guess I don't want to do that - after all, I go to the site for TG stories and topics. So I don't want to water down the TG content of BCTS.
When I wrote the first blog of what turned out to be the first of thirty-eight Working Girl blogs three months ago, I had never thought that it would even reach thirty-eight. And when I decided to organize them into The Working Girl Blogs, I had this constant fear that the fount would eventually dry up and I wouldn't be able to continue on. It is a "working girl blog" after all, and there's only so much office stuff I can write about and still keep the blog interesting.
That person who wrote that email accused me of showing off, of bragging, and that what I wrote was just a lot of self-indulgent stuff. That hit me real bad. I never thought I was bragging. Ever since I started these blogs, I have tried to stay on what Anne calls the "happy side" of life. Perhaps I do that too well that I sound like I'm bragging. In this site are people who so desperately want to have the same thing I wanted, and are mired in the same darkness and sadness that I and people like me are heir to. The fact that, in my blogs, I deliberately try to stay on the greener side of the street, make it seem like I am not there in the dark with them. No one really knows how difficult it is to write and make it like I live life with such zest, as Mea puts it.
It's so difficult to be so... peppy, But I have tried not to lay my own demons on the site's readership, and hope to change people's reading material a bit by providing a bit of "light." But, apparently I do it so well that some people think I am showing off. I suppose, in a way, it is a form of showing off. The fact that it is such an effort to do so seems not to cut it for people like the one who wrote the email. I guess I do too good a job of it.
Well, whatever it is, because of this, and because I am finding it more and more difficult to do it, I am putting "30" on the Working Girl blogs... sort of. The effort of juggling my day-to-day as well as continuing the blog at the same time, and these are all on top of me coping with my own demons, is very difficult, to say the least (you might have noticed that I haven't been as prolific with my blogposts lately). So the regular blogs end here. I will still add to it from time to time, if I have something to write about, but no more trying to make it a regular blog.
I know it isn't possible to make everone happy, and that's true here in BCTS as well. I've had a few people here whom I have never gotten along with (such as the one who wrote the email), or people who strongly don't agree with the stuff I write, or just like to contradict me or like to pounce on my mistakes, but they're just a handful - actually, almost all the poeple here in BCTS are pretty okay, or are at least civil about it. If I was able to weather almost twenty years of having to deal with intolerant people who do not, or are not willing to, give people like us a chance, a few low-brow, prejudiced, narrow-minded exceptions should be easy to put up with.
That is not to say that I won't be writing other blogposts in BCTS, or writing new fiction - I have some stuff in the works: new installments for Danny, Mark and Kimmie (I am sure some people will be happy to hear that), plus a few brand-new stories/poems. And with more time on my hands, I think I can get them out quicker. And, like I said, I will be posting some Working Girl blogs from time to time.
My unending gratitude to those who have been reading my blog regularly for the past three months, and for all your uninhibited and exuberant expressions of appreciation.
Best to get back to work now.
Smile, guys. I'll be around. Seeya later!
To see ALL of Bobbie's blogposts, click this link: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/bobbie-c
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/14775/roberta-j-cabot
click here for the prev. Working Girl post
click here for the next Working Girl post
click here for the Working Girl MainPage
I hope you are not going to be swayed by one person's view. I for one have enjoyed reading your blogs, they are honest and searching.
Mostly Harmless
Thank you
My best to you!
I think you need them!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Thank you dear heart
I have found your blog to be entertaining and informative and a whole lot of fun. You've brought a lot of encouragement to my life and I am eternally grateful for that. Much love and peace to you!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
I find your blog to be anything but mundane and boring. The events you relate are common in all of our lives and your view point and your way of dealing with these day to day events never fails to bring a smile.
Certainly one cannot be at one's top form all the time and certainly you needn't worry about that. It's not your form that we enjoy, it's your substance. If you do not continue this blog, I certainly hope you will continue to grace this site in some other way.
Mea the Magnificent
BTW...Dree...that's for the lift. I refuse to appear below that wretched male.
Ignore what that lone commentator said, I for one enjoy reading your blogs. As the title suggests, they're based around your work life, and generally for most people the first couple of months of working are a learning experience, finding out how things are done, finding your niche in the company / team etc.
You had the additional elements of being a "newly minted girl" and a team leader, so in addition to learning the job, you've also been learning how to lead a team, how to relate to colleagues, and of course picking up on female mannerisms and social conventions.
Obviously now you're more settled, the pace of change and finding interesting things to blog about will diminish, but if the trip East goes ahead, you would have had a break for a few weeks anyway (but probably plenty to blog about on your return!) Anyway, despite putting Finale in the title, your blog does state you will do more Working Girl blogs in the future - just not as frequent.
It's nice reading about aspects of people's lives not directly related to their gender identity and transition - yes, that's a major part of many people's lives here, but it's not the only part!
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
The Working Girl Blog #39: That's it
Bobbie, I have thoroughly enjoyed your blogs. Please, don't let one bad apple spoil your day. Personally, I find your blogs amusing and helpful. Have you thought about turning them into a story? If so, you can name it, Bobbie: The Working Girl as there is already a story here using Working Girl as a title by Sue Brown http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/title-page/331/working-girl
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Pathetic Sad Sacks.
I have been enjoying your blogs.
Well, lots of us here, know how much a bad email can hurt, but it would be illogical to think that many of us feel like HIM. Make sure you report it to Erin, and of course you can ignore them on BC. I have only one on my ignore list, and from what I have heard from others, ... well I'm not the only one.
Besides, I think that people who lash out this way have bigger problems than you do, by far.
Much peace
I agree with Gwen
I agree with Gwen completely. Report it to Erin. Criticism is one thing, but this sounds like it's kind of bordering on harassment now :/
We all have our opinions, and our rights to have those opinions. If I don't like something though, I either don't read it, or if the author asks for criticism, I'll talk to them in private about what bothers me about their writing, be it fiction or non.
And frankly, no, your writing is pretty far from self-indulgent. Take that from someone who's used BCTS as a sounding board for a LOT of personal issues. I have quite a few blogs I've written that I've given serious thought to just deleting because they were dark points in my life that I don't feel really fit the spirit of the site, but that I needed to get off my chest in a safe environment.
I understand your not wanting to continue your blog because you just don't feel you have anything interesting to write about, but please don't let the opinion of one closed-minded person sway your decision, either. :-)
I too, have enjoyed your blogs immensely.
As was said, don't let one person's views stop you.
Maybe you do not need to post as often, but many of us have enjoyed the heck out of seeing how things have worked out for you in a new job, and in middle management.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Who were you writing this for?
Its the same question I ask all authors I've edited for. Who are you writing to/for?
If you planned to please everyone... you failed. Its true you're a complete an utter failure. Lie down and die.
If you wrote it for yourself and hoped someone out there was entertained or gained some insight then I say... Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead. There are many here who read your blogs and as boring as hearing about your day can be... your day brightens mine... just knowing its good to be boring cuz I'm not alone.
I really needed to read about a success !
And that is what Bobbi has been to me.
Someone just Nuked my life, and rather than sit around and bawl like I want to, I am just keeping busy and reading her Blogs. We all get hit by the occaisonal shit storm, and it is pleasant to read about someone doing OK.
Please don't let one bitter, jealous person make you stop. I have enjoyed your blogs, and I appreciate that you always make them light and positive.
I'm sure you have your rough moments, too -- but to know that you're successful in your chosen career is an inspiration.
If *you* choose to write less, or stop, then by all means do so. But don't let somebody else tell you.
I loved
your blogs and found them to be a great read and I happen to be a fan. I'm glad that you're going to keep writing, I'm a fan of your Danny series. I'm appalled with the person who has deliberately chosen to pick you to bash on.
Bailey Summers
Well, I don't think you should stop if you don't want to!
Your blog may have presented the brighter side of your life, but it is so much brighter than what many of us have that I personally consider it an inspiration and something to aspire to, in a way(I'm not too crazy about the working for other people part).
Maybe it would help to share some of those demons. I mean, I know it aint all sweetness and light. So show us some of the darkness, whatever it is.
Whatever you do, don't let one asshole(or even a batch of em) dissuade you from something that, as much work as it was and will(hopefully) continue to be, you seem to enjoy.
Ok, I'm getting off the soapbox...
[email protected] Like so many others, I too, find a great deal of inspiration in your blogs. It's so good to know that it's possible to complete this journey and come out the other side successfully.
It's never seemed to me that you were bragging at all. You just shared a bit of your life with us. Yes, some of it's mundane, but who has a life that's all excitement all the time? It's the tedium that makes us appreciate fully the all too rare occasions when we experience true joy.
If not blogging gives you more time to write stories it might be a good thing. But you shouldn't be intimidated into stopping the regular posts. You seem to be much too strong for that. I know that I'd miss them a great deal.
With Much Support,
[email protected]
I may not have commented much,
but I have enjoyed your blogs.
If you feel you are short for material, consider cutting them back to a bi-monthly or monthly entry. Do not in any way feel that people are not interested.
I know how hard it is to be the Pollyanna for others. Just know that there are those out there who need it. You have filled a niche, and put smiles on others' faces. I understand how tiring it can be too, and how trying to follow some schedule somehow makes you subervient to the blog. So, instead of abandoning it, perhaps you can break out by declaring that it will be ad-hoc from now on, and you will write as you feel motivated.
There are people out there who make their own day by trying to ruin others'. Don't let them succeed. If you decide to give up on the blog, do it because you truly feel it's time, not because someone else didn't like what you had to say.
Carla Ann
It's about being successful
Bobbie, I find your blog enlightening. You are a TG success story and I love hearing about your everyday gains. From the sound of it your critic is just jealous because he or she is a failure at what they are doing and want to take it out on you. If you're tired of blogging then take a break. Putting preasure on yourself to write something every day takes the joy out of what you do for fun. I will personally miss being part of your life, but you must do what you must do, but please do it because you want to and not because some jerk is making you do it. Here's to the success in your life, Arecee
Don't listen to them. It's their problem not yours.
Bobbie........ Greetings! I'm sorry that somebody has chosen to take out their own jealousy or insecurity on you. On one hand you present yourself as a very competent, accomplished and upscale person but on the other hand if a person really reads your blogs, you seem at times to be keeping a “brave face†that masks the kinds of dark insecurities and fears that are natural in a person who has gone through the kind’s of rejection that unfortunately is common in the transgendered condition. Unfortunately, there are people in this world who need to knock another person down to make themselves feel better. It's too bad. There should be room on this planet for all of us. You are a VERY talented person. The only piece of advice is the same that I gave my kids growing up. It's what I call may number one rule of enjoying life and goes something like this:
“No matter who you are, from the greatest most wonderful person on the planet to the lowest scum alive, there will ALWAYS be people who like you. There will ALWAYS be people who hate you and most everyone else doesn't give a damn†With this in mind, just be yourself. The people who like you will really like you for yourself, the other people can be totally ignored as they have NO power other than what you choose to give themâ€
Keep your chin up!!!! If you want to blog, then blog. If you don't then stop. The hell with what anyone thinks. Don't give them the power!!!I for one have enjoyed your blogs BUT I find myself wondering if you didn't blog so much, would I get to read the next chapter of “DANNY†sooner?
One further thought
I forgot to mention the obvious- If you quit, they win! Don't do it!! You've got a lot to say! (even if it means that "Danny" might be posted a day or so later! :)
I'd report them also. If someone is so mentally deficient that they can't decide to STOP READING, rather than whining, they aren't people to have around. Those are the same assholes that will happily picket a movie that might threaten their 'moral values' - without even watching any of it.
Now, on the other hand, while I've enjoyed reading the blogs, I enjoy your stories much more. That being said, write what YOU want to write. You're not writing for me, or Gwen, or Erin, or anyone else. You're writing for Bobbie. If that means you want to keep writing about what happens to you as you adjust to a normal live after transition, then write about it. There are lots of people - as has been seen above - who have been taking those stories as a sign that they have something positive they can look forward to, as well as a role model to look up to.
Frankly, I'd say that 30+ blog posts with only one major detractor (who isn't someone important to the site) means that your posts ARE appropriate.
In any case, please, do what feels best to you.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I will say
Bobbie, I will say that I really enjoy reading about the real world of adjustment following transition and surgery, becoming truly female, or "transsexing" as Kate Grimaldi put it. You are proof that there is light at the end of the journey and it need not be the headlights of a truck or train. Please keep posting as the spirit or events move you. I agree that one can continue to have demons to work out after transition -- I certainly did. Making body and mind congruent just takes care of that problem, it is not a cure all for all the problems you have sustained across your life, and new ones you will find. Problems, trials, tribulations only cease when you are dead, dealing with them is proof you are living still. This happens to everyone, whether they are supposedly "normal" (whatever that means) or not. If you would like to blog about those problems then that would be fine, and I think writing it might even help you and give others some insight to their own problems as well.
So ignore the evil minded person who tried to tear you down. Some people are so without self esteem they can only feel temporarily superior by successfully tearing down someone else. I say F**k 'em if they can't accept others for who they may be. Those kind are not needed.
Maybe, maybe not. The far east can be VERY interesting to visit. Wanna share about what you see and do there? We do not need a blow by blow but if you feel you have to time to do it ...
Thank you for sharing your life with us strangers.
It seems that it doesn't matter where you go in life, you always come across pessimists, wet blankets and naysayers. The trick is not to let them infect you with their particular brand of poison or cancer.
I think I've read most—if not all—of your WG blogs. I wouldn't have done that unless they were interesting. Rather than react to one person's sad view, treat it with the contempt it deserves.
I've been posting another author's work here on BCTS with their permission. I recently had a PM informing me that this person disapproved of my actions, and had put me on their ignore list until such time as I stopped doing so. You could do the same with your correspondent. BTW, I didn't dignify the PM with a response.
Instead, I'd take a look at the number of reads and comments your blogs have received. If those numbers are low (you'll need to define 'low' for yourself), or the numbers have fallen dramatically, your correspondent might have some evidence for their viewpoint. Otherwise, keep writing.
Positive Support
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If i get a vote
I would vote for it to continue. I came close to quitting this site over some negitive reactions to a piece, and I am glad i stuck around. As others have said, you are an inspiration to those of us who wish we could be out in the world as our female selves, and I looked forward to each new installment.
I hope you'll write a blog now and then
Bobbie, you have received so many wonderful comments already that there is little I can add that's new and different.
I'll just say that I am another fan and friend who has enjoyed your blogs. Don't let one b**t**d get you down. I hope you'll continue to write a blog now and then when the mood strikes. When something happens that you'd like to share, whether it's "Working Girl" related or not, please do. I'll be waiting!
And hey, let us know how the jogging goes, too!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
WOW, your blog is
WOW, your blog is entertaining, helpful, personable, very interesting, human, inspirational and generous.
It is very helpful and encouraging to have a view of someone's life where they are making a success of a significant life change.
Your blog is a very generous gift to it's readers.
You need to know that the unkind, critical, unfair email; is from someone with problems and issues that is venting on you as an easy target.
Think of them as the squirrely movie critic who's reviews never match what you and your friends think.
Well, I've never read the
Well, I've never read the blog in question, so I'm not going to comment on the content, but I will say one thing that someone else mentioned:
It is YOUR blog. You write it for yourself. If others get something out of it, then that's great, but if they don't, no big deal, since this is YOUR thoughts, YOUR soul, YOUR trials.
If YOU think that you need to end the blog, then well and good. But if you are ending this because of something someone said to you, then you need to evaluate just who you are writing these for.
I've got several blogs around cyberspace, and I get comments like the one you got all the time. I ignore them since I'm not writing those blog entries for anyone other than myself.
Now, my stories are another matter. I write those for the audience, so of course their feedback will affect the story. But the blogs I write for me, to flesh things out, to get advice, to bounce ideas off others, to just get what I feel down on "paper" and out of my skull.
Take a look and decide who the blog is for. If it turns out to be you, the joke them if they can't take a fuck. Really. It's YOUR blog.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
we all love you -- one creep excepted
Keeping up a blog, posting on a near-daily basis, can become a drag. But do let us hear from you at random intervals. Especially curious to have your take on the RP. Hugs, Daphne
I Like Your Blogs
The thing I have found most interesting is the account of being transgendered in real life. As authors we can have our characters do whatever we want with no limits other than our imagination. Seeing how you cope with real situations has been fascinating and enjoyable.
That said, real life sometimes gets boring, so there's nothing interesting to write about. I hope you still keep us informed about how your life is going when you have the time and material to do so.
I Think Everyone Here...
...said it already: if you want to continue or think it would be useful to others if you did so, that one detractor hardly seems a reason for you to stop.
"Self-indulgent"? Blogs are self-indulgent by definition, unless the author is being paid for them. If the content or style bores some people, those folks can stop reading. But that's not cause to shut down.
not my world
The views may not always equal mine, the perspectives might be a little different and I haven't read them all. But those that I did usually made me smile somewhere along the line. You can't please everyone, nobody can. It's your view, your thoughts and your time and effort. No one has to read nuthin' if they don't want. Plenty like what you do. So when the mood takes you do just that.
When it comes down to it ...
write if you want to, stop if you don't want to.
If you are getting something out of it, catharsis, venting steam, organizing your thoughts, whatever, then do it.
If it is a thankless chore, fagetaboutit,
I've not read all your blogs but have read many along with reading all of your stories as far as I can recall. I have not been disappointed in the effort. Blog or fiction you give us a fine *product*.
Flip side of less blog posts, you have more time to write fiction. YEAH!
Write it and we will read. When you feel an urge to blog do so but don't feel it's an obligation, If it ain't fun why do it? If it's fun go for the gusto. Maybe you should paraphrase that old Orson Wells wine add, "I will post no blog until it's time."
As to crritics, sometimes they have a point but do take it with a healthy grain of salt. And sometimes they have had too much to drink and are just dumping their woes on a convenient target.
Remeber you are your ultimate critic. Don't be too hard on yourself; it's a bitch when you're not speaking to yourself.
--grin --
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Boring Blogs?
Greetings Bobbie
It is a fact of life, most days are just like the previous one. Nothing special happens.
However, on other days something happens that you want to share with friends. When you have days like that I will look forward to what you have to say.
I will also look forward to more chapters of the stories you have been writing.
Best wishes
What was it..
Barnum said something about fooling people. But, it could be applied to pleasing people just as much...
You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time... And, it's likely that there are some people that you just can't please - without significantly compromising who you are.
Thank you for your blogs. You HAVE generally succeeded in keeping them upbeat and pleasant. And, you've snuck in some useful education now and again. :-)
Thank you
There are many things one can say at this point, and the most important for me is to be able to say thank you. I am so pleased and happy that a lot of you like my writing. Â Despite my shortcomings in my writing, the numerous grammatical errors and the off-kilter view on life, you stuck with me. Thank you. Â Turns out this was all worth it after all (lol).
One of the commenters clued me in. I checked: Â the blog has been getting between 200 and 800 hits (mostly around the 250 mark) and about 5 comments per post. To most BCTS contributors, those are pretty low numbers, but for me, those are pretty decent, and I am especially grateful for the dozen or so emails I get every time I post a new one (which are largely positive ones). Â These numbers weren't that important to me before, but I guess they're useful in gauging how well your posts are received. After all, everyone here that writes in the site writes to be read, and I am no different. Â Thank you.
Second most important (I have to clarify) - as many of you have commented, this is not the end of The Working Girl Blogs. Â I will post in the blog from time to time. Whether it will be weekly, monthly, occasionally, once in a blue moon - we'll see. Â Like a TV show that has aired it's series-ending finale episode, there will still be occasional specials, reunion shows, et cetera. (lol). And I think I can guarantee a few next week or the week after (seems my trip to the Philippines is pushing through).
Third most important - this decision to end the regular posts was one that I would have made, whether that person who I mentioned sent his email or not. All it did was to accelerate the decision-making. Â Truth is, it takes a lot of effort on my part to keep on churning out regular posts.
Fourth - yep, I will keep on writing, blogging and posting. That includes stories, blogposts, comments, et cetera. And, yes, Virginia, there will be more chapters of Danny and my other stories.
Again, my heartfelt thanks.Â
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link: Â http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/14775/roberta-j-cabotÂ
To see Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click this link: Â http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/19261/working-girl-blogs Â
To see ALL of Bobbie's blogposts, click this link: Â http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/bobbie-cÂ