The Working Girl Blog #56: A girl and her laptop

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #56: A girl and her laptop

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At last I got my new laptop last Thursday. And I didn't have to wait long for it, too. Just two months...

Anyway, I got my laptop, and I couldn't stop playing with my toy the whole day. So it was a good thing that there was little to do around the office at the time.

You see, for three days, all the team leads were hard at work getting their system and user acceptance test results signed off by their clients (the last one got signed that day), and we informed accounting to arrange for the final performance billing for all of the branch's outstanding projects. I could imagine the consternation in accounting. It also meant all the project teams were done for the year! (Except for the final paperwork...) So everyone was filing vacation leaves, although the team leads whose "lollygagging" (as my spinster aunt would put it) landed us in this pickle in the first place won't be getting any vacation anytime soon. (That aunt of mine is from my dad's side, so one would wonder why a sixty-five-year-old lady who lives in Quebec would be using words like "lollygag." Je ne sais pas, alors ne me demandez pas.)

Anyway, like I said, there was not much to do that day, which allowed me to be alone with my new baby. I transferred all of my files from the portable drive to my new Thinkpad, set up my Outlook account, and all the programs I regularly use. Although I had to let IT know what I loaded - all people from lower management up are allowed to load programs so long as they're authorized or licensed, but they had to let IT know.

It was also a good thing that I got the laptop when I did - it gave me something to occupy my time the following day as I had a three-hour road trip to HQ, and the trip went real quick. And the particular model I got had 3G wireless WAN and all necessary peripherals for wireless internet, so I was surfing all the way to New York.

I won't get into the rest of my machine's specs, but it sure had plenty of oomph and storage, and would be great for most anything I can think of, including multimedia stuff. The night before, I had my usual bout of insomnia, but with my new toy, I had something to occupy me.

I always feel this way when I get something that I wanted. Nowadays, I feel like this when I buy shoes or a nice outfit or something like that. I suppose that "instinct" to acquire things that women seem to have is a natural thing, but does it apply to girls like me. All in all, though, it might not be altogether a female malady. Most of the guys I work with are very particular about their computers. But then again, I am in the IT field so that shouldn't be too uncommon. Although I don't see the girls salivating over their electronics. At least not as much, anyway.

I did notice though that a lot of them have, ummm, "customized" their laptops in different ways, and the girls' computers tend to more colorful - what with the stickers and stuff they put on them. The tech that delivered my computer said I could have gotten one in red, but I wondered why the tech assumed I wanted it in red. Belatedly, I guessed that girls went for the colored ones when they could, but I went for the traditional black.

This "color controversy" made me think that there are actually fundamental differences with the tastes of guys versus girls which are genetically based.

But I don't care about that right now. I got a shiny new computer.


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