The Working Girl Blog #28: Had to wear glasses

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The Working Girl Blog #28:
Had to wear glasses, or
Whoever heard of having spare contact lenses

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I did my Monday morning routine today. Monday's my weekly, so I finished my slightly messy ten minute routine (had to use the smaller one today as I skipped last week), and then the normal morning things - bathroom, shower n shampoo, toothbrush, makeup, clothes and hair. But since I was hurrying too much, I accidentally tore one of my contact lenses when I was cleaning them prior to putting them on. At least I think I did - I tore a lens before and it felt just like this - it hurt when I put the left one on, like there was something caught underneath. It might not actually be torn, but I couldn't really tell. So I decided to play safe and wore my "emergency" horn-rimmed glasses to work.

Hoping I didn't look too dorky, I ignored my glasses and tried to act normally. There were the inevitable comments, like "nice glasses" or "they look good on you," as well as me needing to explain why I'm wearing them. Plus the inevitable four-eyes jokes (at least they were good-natured this time.) Other than that, nothing was different.

I called my eye doctor and he said to get weekly disposable J&J Acuvues until I can go over to his clinic and pick up my prescription and a spare pair. I never even knew people would buy spare pairs. (I could have gone and get it from the CVS near the office and not schlep on over to his clinic, but I wouldn't get it covered by my medical... you know how it is).

Anyway, like I said, nothing was different. Or at least it started out that way.

Maybe it's all in my head, but there were more people smiling my way, and I never had to get cross today. At least I think so. I even tried to do my "angry look" at Pat just to see. But all it did was make her giggle.

On most men, glasses make them look dignified, or authoritative. In a way, even nerds have it good - people assume they're smart even if they're not, just 'coz they wear glasses. In high school, I got beat up some because of them, but I was still the smart guy.

Girls with glasses - they are cute. In that way, girls have it easy. And, y'know, I was getting away with murder the whole day. I discovered a trick early on - being neat and clean usually does the trick. Unless you look like a doorknob, a plain girl can look good so long as she is clean and neat-looking. (And that no one can make a mistake by going minimal, otherwise, you run the risk of looking like Ugly Betty...)

Seems I discovered a new trick, Sometimes, it's fun being a girl. Maybe I shouldn't avoid wearing my glasses anymore. I ain't that boy now.

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You know...

I love reading your blog because it gives me something to aspire to.

At the same time, it is horribly depressing because I know I will never pass that well.

I would love to have your life, you seem so together and well adjusted and just... So much everything.

I'm happy for you that you have what you do, but to me, it just seems like an unattainable dream.

I don't want to take away from your happiness, I just wish that I could have it too.

Still, I'm glad that someone gets to have that life, and I'm glad its you.



I disagree

bobbie-c's picture

I am glad that you enjoy the blog.

I do not want to disagree with you, but I am not that together nor that well adjusted. I suppose that's your impression, and I guess it's my fault: I don't write about everything in my life here. I just write about the parts that are easy to tell, or are fun to hear about. This little blogpost, for instance, took me a whole hour to write, as I had to trim it down to it's present length, taking out the paragraphs about my high school days, as that would make me just sound pathetic.

Mostly, you only see the "lighter" parts of my life in my blogs, and not the parts where I am still haunted by things that happened to me when I wasn't Bobbie yet. The positive parts of my life are what I try to write about, otherwise, I am sure I would just sound pathetic and pitiful.

I wrote about this a few times before. (if you care to, see the following comments I wrote)

So, next time you read the blog, please read it with a grain of salt.

Whatever little things I have so far achieved came at a high price. Even now, I have problems, both major and minor problems.

(As an aside - I guess the reason I can pass more easily is because of the procedures I had done oh so many years before. I sold or hocked most of my possessions in order to pay for them, and have been scrimping on things for years just so I can make the payments for the loans I had to take out, and it's only now that I'm on the verge of completing the payments)

My life is not all that enviable.

Anyway, wherever my life leads to, I will continue to struggle to be the Me I have dreamed of being.

Keep on trying to be better than who you currently are, keep on striving for what you want, and don't give in to despair if you think it's not achievable at the moment, or if you think it might take a looong time. If you can truly believe that you are doing your best, you're doing fine, and you will know that the path you are following is the right one. The trick is to not give up - no matter what.

And, even more importantly, in your journey, be kind to those that are around you, especially those that share the same path (even if it's just for part of the way), and encourage them if you can: to blindly fight for what you want at the expense of others - I don't think that's the way.

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It's always good to hear...

that there IS a sometimes good side to what we're going through. I doubt many have a perfectly wonderful life with NO problems.

I particularly like your final paragraph.

Thank you for taking the time to write these blogs. Perhaps they do take us on the "light" side, but it's a light side that many of us really do need to see.



Back in the 60's it was thought that glasses made men look weaker, but on women it made them look smarter; more studious.


The Working Girl Blog #28: Had to wear glasses

Bobbie, it seems to me that you have become much more than you were before your transition. You show to have more courage now than before. You have made discoveries about yourself that you wouldn't have without your courage. And is that you wearing the glasses? Very pretty.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

How can you say that?

Did you actually know her before her transition? Can you discount twenty plus years so quickly? We're not defined by an event. We are the sum of our experience, both good and bad. Not to focus on Bobbie, and I'm sorry for that, but can we discount the tremendous courage of living her life before her transition? Are any of us less before any change we undergo? Please!

Happy to know you. Belle


I love a girl with glasses. It's sexy. You just can't do that sultry look over the edge of the tops of them with out them, or that sexy one finger pull then down the length of the nose part way all serious and grrrr...

Or the myriad of other uses girls can pull of that drive men nuts.

Bailey Summers


I've worn them since 7th grade... People five feet away from me have NO facial features without them. *sighs* Now, they're bifocals... You're blessed being able to wear your contacts. There are so many times I've wished I could. (Okay, I did back in Uni... But the last 15 years - no good. Eyes dry out way too fast, so opthomologist said I probably should avoid them. *sighs*).

My observation (of other professional ladies) is that glasses are not so big a thing. I know some that wear theirs at least once a week. They say "to give their eyes a rest" or some such. Dunno if it's true or not.

Thank you for sharing these glimpses into your life.

That's not for me

bobbie-c's picture

Who hasn't heard of lasik eye surgery? And, true, it is indeed a wonderful thing. No doubt it would correct my vision problems (I've looked into it, too). But the long and short of it is that, well, I'm scared of it. And I've had enough surgery to last me a lifetime.

I am not all that affected or inconvenienced by my contacts and glasses. I can do everything I want or need to do well enough.

But, more than that, if I'm being real honest with myself, contacts and glasses have one distinct advantage, and is a big plus for a girl - they're another accessory. Guys have precious little to work with - mostly, it's a tie, a watch and a pen. For girls, the sky's the limit - rings, earrings, bangles, necklaces, and let's not get into clothes, makeup and shoes. Heck, even the underwear (sure, people can't see what you're wearing under your clothes, but it sure feels fun to wear something sexy heehee).

And the right pair of glasses can set off your outfit. And colored contacts are great. I have a new pair of black-colored circle lenses (google "circle lenses" on the web) that I wore when I had a meeting with my team a month ago, and everyone was very attentive and kept on staring at my face. The girls and one of the guys said I looked real good that day, but couldn't figure out what was new with me.

I wanted to wear them again, but I guess I'm too chicken.

Anyway, no, I'm not gonna have surgery.

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