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A full day of shopping and being free from the prison cell comes to an end, how will others see Kerry, will parole end as quickly as it started and can Kerry be kept under control? These and more insights into how the one within gets released from Gender Prison.
As we are liberated
from our own fear,
our presence automatically
liberates others.--Nelson Mandela
{1994 Inaugural Speech}
Kerry asked if she could drive for a while, getting into the car was easy, she had practice doing this in a skirt but driving in heels took some time. The car moved as if a learner was driving rather than a person with 30 years experience, but she got out onto the street and soon it felt quite normal to her. “Just need to stop back home and pick some things up” she said as she drove onto her estate and then into the drive way of her house. “Oh poo, the neighbours are out having drinks again”, a typical event after the guys had finished mowing their lawns, they stood around and talked about the week and admired their gardens. This was something that Paul had never done or been invited to. Kerry pulled up to the house, took a deep breath and swung her legs out of the car; knees together straightened her skirt and went around to the front door leaving Jane to follow in her own time. Unlocking the front door she knew that the “Neighbourhood Watch” was watching with interest and there was not a single thing she could do except wave and smile.
Getting into the safety of the house she breathed again and let out a laugh as Jane came inside and started to tell her what the guys had been talking about. It seems they were more taken by her looks than the fact she was not the normal owner of the house. So much for neighbour safety. Kerry told Jane to take a seat and she would only be a few minutes as she went into the bedroom and slowly took off her clothes and went for the en-suite. Five o’clock shadow was poking through the layer of beard concealer and she knew it needed repairing before the night time show and tell. A quick shave and a look into the mirror, half man half woman, now what? Kerry called for Jane to pour herself a drink while she finished off getting ready.
Kerry opened the bag of makeup that Kate had put together and arranged everything out on the shelf, where to start, concealer, foundation, blend, “okay, I can do this” she said to herself. After all it was only a repair job not a full blown makeover. A few minutes later and forcing herself to remember Kate’s comments that less was better than too much she had the basic face coming back to her. Eyes, what had Kate told her to do for evenings, more liner, and longer stroke on the bottom, careful not to make them join up. Eye shadow, just increase the colour a shade or two, not over the top just make sure it stood out in the darker lighting. A brush of blush on her cheeks and then onto the lips, outlined and filled with a dark red, then the wonderful wet looking glossy coat, just to make them look kissable, and she was nearly there. A brush of her hair, put the earrings back on, ouch, more pain and hurt. Kerry quickly got dressed back into the burgundy sweater and black skirt, this time making sure the bra inserts had been seated properly and filled with some more padding to give a true C cup image.
Walking back into the family room she stopped and checked herself in the hallway mirror, it was the first time she had taken time to really check herself out. The tears came into her eyes as the pain of the last year impacted on her, the feelings of loss and tension in the marriage; it all came back as she stared into the mirror. Jane just sat there and watched not wanting to disturb the moment, but she could not help but see the pain in Kerry’s eyes and it affected her own composure. As Kerry stood there Jane quietly stood up, came over and put her arms around her without saying anything she just let her cry silently. Kerry shook herself and turned away again feeling roar with the pain of last year.
They turned back into the family room and picked up the glasses of wine Jane had poured for them both. Her eyes were red and still a little bit wet as she drank a few sips of the wine before composing herself enough to talk, or so she thought. The voice was weak and shaky; it trailed off as she spoke so she took her time. Kerry started to tell Jane about the pain of the last year in details that she had never even imagined, the confusion, the brutality and most of all the isolation she had felt as everyone else told her what to do and it appeared that no one actually asked how she was going. It was assumed that Paul would just be “healed” and that would be the end of it, nice and neat and clean, never to come back. Of course Kerry had only been locked away not killed, solitary confinement rather than death. Jane again understood some of the things that had made Kerry the person she was and could not help but feel the pain as well.
The mobile phone rang, it was Janet asking about the night’s activities and saying that the sessions had all gone over time and that she would be at Jane’s house in around 60 minutes. The tears had left some marks so while Jane tidied up Kerry repaired her face again and placed the makeup into her makeup bag. Just a tad more lippy and they were ready to go. Just one problem the guys had not gone inside yet so it meant not only walking out to the car but also having to reverse in front of them and they would get a closer view. Still it had to be done and they had not laughed at the first sight of Kerry so why should they this time. What Kerry had not realised was the impact her extra makeup made on her looks and the guys had no trouble spotting the difference. It would keep them wondering for a long time as Kerry pulled out of the driveway waved to them both and accelerated down the road.
It was only a short drive to Jane’s house and this time it was in silence, neither wanting to talk much about what had just happened. When they got there they parked inside the garage and walked into the house through the security door without going outside, another mental note — get the price of the remote garage door. This time Kerry and Jane took with them all of the shopping from the boot of the car and the food for the evening meal. Jane told Kerry to put the clothes in the guest bedroom so she could dress up and come out with each outfit one at a time. As they sat there with Jane buffing and then painting her nails Kerry asked about how to introduce Janet to Kerry. Kerry was apprehensive about Janet seeing her for the first time but knew that this was the best she had ever looked and it would be the best chance of convincing her to relax with the whole thing. Still the nerves increased as the time got shorter, they discussed how to introduce Kerry and decide that she would simply sit in the kitchen on a stool with a glass of wine. They thought about saying she was another friend or a neighbour but decided to just let it happen in a relaxed way without any pretence. Still the nerves started to show on Kerry and she had another drink, probably not the best idea given the food they hadn’t eaten all day.
The door bell rang, it must be Janet, Jane walked to the door and came back with Liz instead. Liz came into the room and stopped dead in front of Kerry. “Wow, if I didn’t know you were going to be here I would have introduced myself” she said sitting next to her on a stool, “by the way dear, please call me Kerry” she told Liz. Jane smiled at Kerry and asked Liz “what do you think Janet will say?” as she continued to make the evening meal. Liz was still trying to take in all of the things she saw in front of her to answer immediately, she was stunned by the transformation from the person she had known for 4 years into the woman sitting on the other stool. “Janet will freak out at this, it is far more than I expected you to do today and this is supposed to be her husband sitting here” Liz said quite concerned at the possible effect on Janet. She then added “I suggest that you soften the blow before she sees Paul”, Jane thought that would be a good idea and decided to take the blame for going overboard, even if it was Kerry’s doing. The door bell rang again, this time it had to be Janet so Jane closed the kitchen door behind her as she went to let her in. Kerry and Liz sat there nervously waiting for the kitchen door to open, a few minutes later the door opened and Janet cautiously stuck her head into the kitchen followed by Jane.
It had taken Janet a long time to see Kerry, she had never asked about how she looked or dressed during the trouble last year or since, this was totally different to the image in her mind, totally. Liz and Jane moved out of the way to give them space and as they moved so did Kerry, she stood up slowly turned around, looked at Janet and asked “Would you like to meet Kerry?” This threw Janet slightly so Kerry asked if the outfit she was wearing was acceptable to Janet knowing her taste in clothes was different to Kerry’s. Again she had trouble answering; Janet just looked and starred at her with her mouth open unable to speak but with hundreds of thoughts racing through her head. “Yes I would like to meet Kerry, I should have done that ages ago” she said moving closer until she was face to face. Kerry bent down slightly, since Janet was nine inches shorter and Kerry was in heels as well which made it nearly a foot difference, and kissed Janet gently. “Thank you for allowing me to come out, it was really hard being locked away for so long” Kerry said quietly hoping to break the tension. Jane and Liz had come closer, Jane had a glass of wine for Janet and Kerry; she raised her glass and said “a toast to our new friend, Kerry”. Janet took a large gulp and sat down on the stool, still starring at Kerry.
Jane had decided that the best way to help was to drive the conversation and let Janet take it all in as it happened, something that would prove to be a good decision. Jane started the story from the beginning at her house and went through each of the events of the day and at every step referred to Kerry as “she” or “Kerry”, a sign that she had also accepted her for what she was. Janet just sat there watching how Kerry moved and looked, partly hearing the story and partly missing some. At one point she saw the earrings and reached out to touch them and find out if they were clip-ons rather than pierced. Janet also reached out and held Kerry’s hands as Jane continued the tale of Kerry’s first shopping day in fine detail, not forgetting to mention how each person had interacted with Kerry.
At the end of the story there wasn’t much missing that could be said, it was as if the girls went out on a normal shopping day and had some time to chat and drink coffee. Kerry again stood up and turned around in front of the three girls “am I suitably dressed to not embarrass you?” she said looking at Janet. The surprise was when Janet started to speak “the problem is that you look too good to be true, what am I going to wear now?” she said. Kerry was quick off the mark and replied “we could go shopping for you on Sunday, after all that will solve the budget issue if you get to spend as well.”
Jane grabbed Kerry and pushed her into the guest room, then turned to Liz and Janet saying that the show and tell still had more to offer. A few minutes later Kerry came out with the black slacks, white silk blouse and black jacket with the handbag over her shoulder and the pair of black shoes. Her hair was pushed to one side as she sat down on the stool and very delicately picked up her wine glass and sipped. Liz was the first to move this time and wanted to know where she had brought it from and how much. As Kerry and Liz talked about it Janet could not help but see the change in the way Kerry responded to Liz, just one of the girls telling another girl where to get a bargain. Janet noticed that the shoes had changed as well and started to wonder how much Kerry had spent but decided against asking yet. Back into the guest room for a few more minutes before emerging with the grey skirt, sapphire jumper and black shoes, this time the special K bracelet was on the outside of the jumper and sparkled as she moved. Once again she looked the part of the casual but smart girl that she always wanted to be, well dressed and ready to be taken out at any moment. So they did.
Jane put her cooking things down and turned to Janet and asked her “would you have any problems if we went out for tea tonight?” Kerry just looked at Janet and waited for the response; this was not planned and was just a little bit threatening for her. Janet nearly choked on her wine as she heard the plan, as good as she thought Kerry looked it was another thing to be seen outside with her, even if she had agreed to the seminar on Saturday. Liz said that she had to make a call to get the kids picked up for tea and then she could see about coming as well. Jane took Janet aside sat her down and asked why she had hesitations in going out with Kerry. Janet could not think of a good idea, but fear doesn’t require logic or good reason it works by itself and convinces you that it is right and all other arguments are false. Jane pointed to Kerry sitting on the stool and said “I have no issue in being seen with this girl, I have done it all day and seen how people related to her, only once was there any issue and that was before the makeover.” Janet continued to look at Kerry and tried to understand her own doubts and fears, she wanted to go out and loved spending time with the girls but this could hurt her. Liz returned to the room and said that everything had been arranged as long as she was home before 10pm, just 4 hours for dinner and whatever.
Kerry made a move towards them and suggested dinner and a movie deal in the main street, quick easy and relatively cheap, especially after her shopping trip today. She turned quickly went into the guest room and came out wearing the black skirt, burgundy sweater and black jacket over the top with her handbag over the shoulder. “Come on I’m all dressed up and no where to go, lets at least go and get some food before the wine takes it’s toll on all of us” she said picking up the keys from the bench. Jane and Liz stood ready to go and waited for Janet to get off the couch, it really was more than she had thought of last night. Seeing Kerry at the door and the others waiting probably pushed her along but she needed it to get over the shock. Kerry threw the keys to Jane and said it was her time to drive; they would sit in the back. It was then that Kerry realised that holding hands with Janet outside would not be appropriate and really cause some confusion in her mind so decided against it.
The drive only took ten minutes as they used the same parking station as they did this morning when they went shopping. Down at street level they walked past the shop where they had bought the grey skirt, slacks, jacket and sapphire jumper. Kerry took time to show everyone so they all looked through the window at the display which had changed since the shop closed, it now had some lovely casual dresses and colourful tops in a stretch cotton look. Just the thing for the spring season that was approaching, they each made mental notes to return and check it out. The cinema was next door to a lovely Italian pizza and pasta joint that had only a few dozen people inside, just the place to eat and enjoy the time without too much noise. Jane and Liz went off to the cinema to check on the movie list and times as Janet and Kerry requested a table for four and waited for the girls to return. Janet just looked at Kerry as she enjoyed the atmosphere and looked around at all of the clients in the restaurant not sure why Kerry looked so happy. She leaned closer and said “why does this make you feel so happy, I haven’t seen you like this for ages”. Kerry stopped looking around and focussed on Janet “because I haven’t been myself for over a year now” a hint of pain in her voice.
Jane and Liz returned with tickets to a movie called “Transamerica” and put them in her bag for safe keeping, Janet had no idea but Kerry knew exactly what the movie was about and smiled at Jane knowingly. They ordered a couple of pasta dishes, garlic bread, a large salad and water; after all they had drunk a lot of wine last night and some tonight already. Janet started to feel uncomfortable and began looking around at each of the tables filled with customers eating and talking, drinking and laughing, but none of them starring at Kerry or the other girls. She was invisible apart from the occasional glance as new customers entered and sat down to order and this really made Janet feel better, the chance of pain seemed minimal. Over the meal she started to relax and even called her Kerry when asking for the food to be handed over or more water, or even in the small talk about shopping. All too soon the meal was finished and they had to get ready for the movie next door, so paying the bill they left without any questions being asked.
As they walked into the foyer of the cinema Jane mentioned that a toilet trip was needed and to wait for her. Panic, fear, dread, hot sweats, all at once as Kerry decided she needed to go as well and there was only one room she could go to without causing a major disruption in the place, the LADIES. As girls do they simply walked in did what they had to and stood at the mirror to fix their makeup, quite normal for most girls except one of them was definitely not one of the normal girls, there again the movie was called “Transmerica”. Liz had dragged Janet over to the sweet counter for popcorn and coke in an attempt to divert the tension. When the other two returned from the loos it was time to go in and find a seat in the dark away from the people coming into the foyer for the other movies. The movie was average, a typical “tranny finds lost son, finds peace before the operation movie” but it would pose some opportunity for discussion later.
As the movie finished they decided a coffee would be essential before going home, so they headed down to one of the local coffee shops. By this time on a Saturday night it had started to get busy and table space was a premium, they managed to get a table in the back corner away from passing foot traffic but no way of escape if anything happened. Janet ordered the drinks and came back a few minutes later with a smile on her face. It seems that a couple of likely lads had been watching the girls as they walked in and had been talking loud enough for her to hear what they said. Liz wanted to know what they thought about Kerry; Janet just chuckled and said something about “not bad looking for an older woman”. Kerry looked over and saw that the lads were only about 19 years old so she didn’t feel too bad about the age comment but quietly chuffed about the rest of their comment. When the drinks arrived they sat there talking about the day, the movie, the changes they had seen and how they each needed to adjust their thinking. As the time approached 10:30pm Liz decided that she really needed to be home so they finished their drinks and walked back out onto the main street heading to the car parking station.
When they got back to Janes place she opened the door and let Kerry go in and fetch her shopping bags from the guest room. As Kerry came back to the front door with her arms full, Janet had already opened the car doors to go home, a clear sign of her tiredness and also that Kerry should hurry up. She stopped next to Jane, put the bags on the ground and gave Jane a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, “Thankyou for everything today, I had a ball and you made everything so easy for me, I really love the outfit you bought for me as well”. Jane gave her a kiss back and said “anytime girlfriend” and gave Kerry a hug, knowing that it would not be too long before they shopped again. Liz also gave her a hug and asked “can I come too next time?” With that Kerry carefully slid into the car and Janet drove off down the street, back to the safety of her own home and time to talk without others listening.
It was only a short trip and done in silence, pulling into the drive way and turning off the lights she thought of the security light about to turn on and who would be watching. A quick glance at Kerry collecting up her bags and Janet decide to just go with it knowing that Kerry was having such a great time. Inside the house it was quiet and getting cold, Kerry had put the kettle on to boil and made sure the dishwasher was loaded ready to be triggered before bed time. Janet always had a hot chocolate before bed and she liked the way Paul made it. Kerry went into the bedroom and started to get undressed, carefully folding her clothes and hanging the others on hangers in the wardrobe. When it came to the lingerie she stopped, looking for a place to put it all. “Better clean out one of the drawers and put your name on it” said Janet smiling and pointing to the main chest of drawers in the bedroom. “At least you don’t need mine anymore with that lot of gear” she added. Kerry went quiet and just placed each of the items in the drawer in neat piles according to what it was, always very neat and tidy, a place for everything.
When it came time to clean off the makeup she asked Janet for some of her cleanser and wipes wanting to make sure it was all gone from her face before bedtime. It took a while to remove all of it and some of it ended up on the towel which Paul knew would incur a comment from Janet, another mental note to keep the peace in the house hold. By this time Janet was sitting up in bed with the hot chocolate waiting for Paul to return and get into bed, after checking the doors, triggering the dishwasher and setting the alarm system like every other night, he slid into bed. He waited for his wife to speak, eager to find out what she thought but scared that it would be the end of Kerry’s freedom, something he would find very hard to handle again. Janet finished her drink and slid down so her head was on the pillow waiting for Paul to finish his drink. This was how they did their talking, the quiet time of the day without any distractions, phones or TV, that’s television not transvestite.
Paul decided to break the silence and asked Janet what she thought after today’s meeting with Kerry, was it as bad as she had expected or worse? He just lay there waiting for her comments, hoping for only good ones but knowing that it could go either way. After about thirty minutes Janet finished talking through her concerns and fears, she had asked for security and promises of discretion and most of all that Paul would keep her informed of everything this time, no secrets. This was far better than Paul had hoped for and asked Janet what had changed her mind about the whole thing since she was so opposed to it last year. She talked about the pain she saw in his eyes compared to the joy she saw when the girls had talked about shopping and going out somewhere nice, the way she looked and how she passed in public. Kerry was a nice girl and fun to be around. And so ended the first day of Kerry’s new life. Another mental note, get a nighty if Janet permits.
Day two
For once it was a good night’s sleep for both Paul and Janet and when they finally woke in the morning the day looked like being a typical winter’s day. It would start off cool and warm up during the morning until around 5pm when it would get slowly cooler, very easy to enjoy and no need for heavy clothing. Paul reached over to Janet and held her close as they laid there enjoying the time together and still warm in bed. After listening to the news on the radio Paul got up and made breakfast for them and brought it back to bed. As they sat in bed eating, Janet started asking about the day’s activities and what Paul wanted to do. “Last night you wanted to go shopping, so do you want to go with Paul or Kerry?” asked Paul. Janet had to think about this one for a while and went back to eating her breakfast.
The decision was for the morning to be spent doing house work then they could go out for a picnic lunch beside the river and into town for shopping afterwards. This was a big step for Janet and Paul appreciated how far she had come in just two days and Kerry absolutely loved how far she had come. The house needed only a quick vacuum and dusting along with putting away the washing that needed ironing and folding. Around 90 minutes of work and it was time to start the preparation for shopping as Paul declared he was going to have a shower.
Janet walked back into the bedroom and handed him a can of hair remover saying “Jane told me that you needed to do something with your legs”. Paul just looked at her as if she had said something in a foreign language, meanwhile Kerry screamed with joy. “Are you sure about this?” he asked her “this is a big step, are you really sure?” He hoped she really meant it and headed for the shower. Reading the instructions he sprayed the foam all over his legs being careful where it touched, secretly wishing he could spray it all over his body. Emerging from the shower with smooth legs and hairy stomach and back made him look very funny, Janet walked in just as he stood there. She laughed and even Paul had to laugh at the ridiculous sight standing in the bathroom, “OK go on then you can do the rest” she said. Paul asked for an old pair of his underpants to cover the pubic area, putting them on before starting to spray the foam on his stomach and asking Janet to spray his back. Ten minutes and into the shower to see the black mass floating into the drain and a clean smooth body appear before their eyes.
Even drying himself was different somehow, Janet had left a can of powder on the bathroom cupboard with a suggestion that it would help in the overall feel of his new skin. The talc slid off his body but left a silky smooth feel to his arms and legs, Kerry was becoming more visible every hour and Paul had nothing to say in it. She stepped back into the bedroom and opened the drawer containing her new underwear, selecting the blue pants and bra set she put them on with the inserts as well, this was followed by the hair piece to at least give some resemblance of Kerry and threw on a bath robe. Janet called to come out to the lounge where she had a surprise for Kerry, sitting on a low seat she had her nail polish container on the table and told Kerry to sit on the seat. Kerry sat down and Janet jumped slightly as she had to adjust to the change in image from Paul to Kerry. Trying to adjust she asked Kerry to put her foot up on the seat as she reached for a nail file and buffing file. The bathrobe slipped open up to her thighs and Janet could see the smooth legs that looked far more feminine now that the black hair was gone, she couldn’t help but run her hands up the legs. Several minutes later and the hardness of Paul’s toe nails had vanished and a smoother set had been created. Janet had laid out a few bottles of polish and wanted to know what colour Kerry would prefer, given her burgundy sweater and shoes it was an easy choice. A base coat and a second coat gave her a nice finish then Janet made another major jump, “would you like your nails doing as well?” she asked. Silly question thought Kerry and simply put her hand forward and said “yes please” in her sweetest voice. Again the process of filing and buffing was started, Janet hardly noticing that they already looked smooth and buffed but went ahead and applied the polish and even a cover coat of clear to help it last longer. As they waited for the polish to dry the two girls chatted about the shopping trip and what they wanted to buy.
Kerry gently kissed Janet like any girlfriend would and headed for the bedroom to get her makeup bag and then to the bathroom to put on her face. They expected to be out for around six hours so the makeup would have to be daytime and hence light cover, Kerry had to keep reminding herself to keep it light. Start with the pan stick, the foundation and then the powder to set it off, then mascara and eye liner followed by eye shadow. Kerry loved the look of the darker eyeliner and couldn’t help but apply far more, in fact she had more colour and definition than Janet would ever go out with. Outlining the lips was harder than she had remembered and it took two attempts before she could fill them in and apply the glossy lipstick she had bought from Kate. Paul had bought Janet some nice perfumes over the years so Kerry picked up the nicest and with a quick dab she put some behind her ears and on her wrists. Kerry replaced the hair piece brushed the hair into shape, a quick spray to keep it in place and she was ready to get dressed.
Every time she had read about people putting on stockings after their first leg shaving it made it sound so exciting and electrifying she could hardly wait to find out for herself. Now that all of the hair was gone she wanted to try on the sheer fine denier stayups that she bought from Lisa the day before, delicate but so sexy she thought carefully before opening the packet. When Kerry took the stockings out of the packet her heart raced, she rolled them up and started to slide one of them up her leg. The freshly coloured nails at the bottom of a sheer stocking made her stare for a while, the flashback to Sydney made her stop and sigh but she still had another one to put on. The second one gave the same feeling and she shook all over, Kerry couldn’t help herself but quickly put on the new burgundy heels.
The bathrobe dropped to the floor as she stood there in just her underwear, stockings and shoes, the change in just 24 hours had been incredible. Janet walked up to the door as Kerry was looking in the mirror, she waited for a few seconds watching this well dressed woman, or should that be undressed woman, admiring herself quietly in the mirror. The face was happy and smiling, the body was clean and smooth and the underwear was gorgeous even if it was over the top for a picnic she knew that Kerry was enjoying herself. Janet quietly turned around and went back to the kitchen for a few minutes to give Kerry space. Stepping into the wardrobe Kerry took the grey skirt off the hanger and stepped into it turned and pulled up the zip, the feel against her legs was far nicer than the day before. Kerry took the sapphire jumper and carried it into the bedroom before putting it on the bed, something was missing. Janet walked in and seeing Kerry contemplating the jumper asked her what was wrong, the solution was simple, a camisole to cover the bra and add some warmth. Janet went to her own drawers and pulled out a dark blue silky camisole then adjusted the straps to allow for Kerry’s longer body length. One last touch, the earrings, a few rings and “special K” then Kerry was ready to go out and shop. Janet just had to stand there and shake her head as Kerry was in total control of everything she did and she could tell that this was not just a simple play acting for Paul, it was from deep within.
Kerry grabbed her handbag and car keys and headed for the door but stopped suddenly and decided that it would be better for Janet to drive in case the neighbours were watching. While Kerry had taken her time to get ready Janet had prepared a picnic and Kerry carried it to the car before getting into the passenger side, being careful to swing her legs in and smooth her skirt out. As Janet drove out of the estate they started to relax and talk about the day ahead. The drive to the river was pleasant as the sun started to warm up the inside of the car making the girls feel better. The river was fairly calm and a few boats could be seen moving out to the port as Janet pulled up alongside their favourite spot and parked the car. The picnic rug was spread out and the picnic hamper brought from the car and unloaded onto the blanket. The air was getting warmer and as they sat and eat their lunch many of the things they talked about related to the pain of the last year and the hope for the future. Janet wanted to know about Kerry and asked her to introduce herself properly. Paul had written a bio for Kerry during a counselling session during the last year and this was where she started. When she had finished Janet summed up how she saw things, “it seems to me that Kerry has not only survived but has helped shape your life”. Paul and Kerry both nodded knowing how much they had in common; yet also knowing how much was still unclear. This was only day two and what would happen at the end of the seminar, would Kerry be locked up not allowed out again?
The picnic hamper was packed up and put back into the car so they could go for a short walk to get the blood flowing again. The pathway was not the smoothest place in town and Kerry decided that she really needed some sensible shoes if they were going to walk very far so it was a slow walk like two friends walking and talking beside the river, the people that ran past or rode their bikes down the track would not have seen anything else. After a short walk they turned around and headed back to the car, it was time to shop and they had chosen which shops to visit, even Kerry had been open about what she wanted to buy today. The lingerie shop, the shoe shop and if it was open the little boutique they had looked at last night. Kerry drove to the lingerie shop parking around the corner and locking the car they walked into the store. There was no hesitation this time and when Kerry saw Lisa behind the counter she walked straight up and introduced her to Janet. Lisa was surprised again and said as much to Kerry, who smiled and thanked her for being so friendly. Lisa reached under the counter and produced a special voucher, signing it and writing in Kerry’s name she gave it to her. “We have a special thankyou to our clients that introduce a new client, 50% off their next purchase” she said. Kerry was off and shopping, nothing better than a real good offer
Kerry selected some more knickers and the matching garter belts for the two matching sets she bought yesterday, Janet also chose a matching set similar to the one chosen by Kerry. As the two girls browsed around the shop, Janet came across some very delicate camisoles for Kerry to go with her matching sets. Kerry had been looking at some nighties but wasn’t sure how Janet would handle it, Janet saw her looking and came over to the racks and checked out what she was looking at. The decision was Janet’s and Kerry told her that it was her choice if anything was selected and she walked away to give Janet space. While she decided Kerry went and selected a garter belt and stockings in Janet’s size to suit the matching set she had already chosen. When they came back to the counter they had chosen a decent pile of lingerie in multitude of colours and in the middle were a couple of matching nighties of different sizes, one for each of them. Kerry just touched Janet’s hand gently to say thank you and turned to Lisa and produced a credit card, even if the name didn’t match the face it was still valid cash. Saying good bye to Lisa, Kerry again promised to come back on Thursday for the other items and left with two big bags of shopping.
Similar to yesterday the bags were put into the boot of the car and the girls headed off to the shoe shop, just to look not to buy anything, sure! The same sales person was behind the counter as they walked in and Kerry had to control herself from saying anything. The special was still on and Janet saw a nice pair of flats that had just enough style to be acceptable when dressed up. Kerry again looked at the heels and chose a pair of 4” heels in a silver grey with rhinestones that looked hard to wear but absolutely gorgeous. She showed them to Janet who just looked at her and asked “are you silly, they could kill you if you fell over” but that didn’t stop her from trying them on and walking around the store. Eventually logic took over and Kerry realised it would make her well over six foot and that was definitely pushing her choice of staying low profile, so she chose the same style in 2.5” heels. As they paid for them Kerry used Paul’s credit card, with the same sales person as yesterday who swiped the card asked Kerry to enter either the pin number or press OK and waited for it to be approved. After asking Kerry to sign it she looked at the card and the name and then back to Kerry’s face. It was then that Kerry could not help but lower her voice back to Paul’s normally bass voice and say “I hope you didn’t have a good laugh last night at my expense” and took the credit card. The girl just stood there with her mouth open.
Janet and Kerry put the shoes in the boot and got into the car, it was a short drive to the parking station in the centre of the shopping mall, where they had a date with the small boutique. Parking the car and walking into the mall they found the store and entered looking for something for Janet. Kerry looked around to find a smart outfit for Janet to wear to the seminar in only six days time. Janet had been looking at a nice three piece suit skirt that could be dressed down by adding a silk blouse and leaving the waist coat off. Kerry had found a nice skirt and top with slit up the back and see through sleeves in a colour similar to the burgundy sweater she bought yesterday. Janet went to try them on and came out wearing each outfit to get Kerry’s opinion, and either outfit would have been fine to wear to the seminar. Kerry could not make up her mind and neither could Janet so Kerry did what Paul would normally do and told her to buy both. Kerry had however chosen another couple of blouses for herself, one white long sleeved silk blouse and another in silver grey, just to match her shoes she thought. Again the shopping was easy and no one in the store had the faintest idea that the two girls were anything but friends, definitely not husband and wife.
It was now about three o’clock so they headed for the café area, Janet went to choose a table at the back but Kerry wanted to sit out front in the “see people and be seen by people” area. She sat down and motioned to Janet to sit down, Janet commented that Kerry was not blending in but had chosen a place to be seen. The waiter came and took their orders for coffee and cake so they sat and chatted about the clothes and what they would need to finish them off, bags, belts, and of course the right earrings. The coffee was drunk and the cake was eaten while they watched the people walk past and just enjoyed the time together.
As they sat there a couple of the old directors entered the café, they saw Janet and said hello, not stopping or greeting Kerry. Janet and Kerry both decided to just sit there and not be intimidated but see who else came into the café. A few minutes later the remaining directors entered and likewise saw Janet, greeted her and went into the café. Kerry was amazed that they had not identified her or stopped to say anything but hello to Janet. Her pain surfaced very quickly and it was only Janet’s encouragement that kept her under control and stopped her from walking out. When the coffees had been finished they stood to leave, Kerry pushed her chair in and before Janet could stop her she had approached the table of directors and stood there just looking at them. “I know you won’t answer any of my questions about why I was sacked but I thought you would at least say hello” she said and turned and walked out leaving them starring at her. Just a little bit more wiggle than normal and a flick of her hair as she left the building feeling quite good about herself. Janet just looked at her and said “I guess they deserved that, lets shop and forget about it”
The only thing they wanted was a good pair of earrings to offset the formal outfits so they found a jewellery shop and went inside. The sign said “simply irresistible” and it promised to be just that as they looked at gold, silver and even diamond earrings before settling on a pair of stranded earrings with a very small diamond at the top. Of course they bought matching sets, what else do girl friends do when they shop. Janet also wanted a nice single diamond stud for Paul when he returned, more manly than a set of hoops. While Janet chose her gift Kerry was checking out ankle chains and found a two for one offer, she had already picked her size when Janet came over. By the end they had matching earrings, ankle chains and a stud for Paul that’s a ”diamond Stud” silly.
As they walked back to the car they passed the café again and were very careful not to look inside although they had no doubt they were being watched and talked about. Kerry had settled down from the comment and actually felt very good about it all, even if it was only part of what she wanted to say, it would do. The walk was doing them good and they continued to the end of the mall just looking in the windows and talking about the clothes they saw and what was in the car waiting to go home. It was a very comfortable Sunday in the town and as they drove home Janet asked if they could do it again sometime, a remark that surprised Paul and made Kerry jump on the inside. There was hope for a longer freedom than she first expected.
When they got home and unloaded the bags from the car Kerry asked Janet why she had made the comment about more time together. Janet then proceeded to tell Kerry about how she was very easy to be around and not grumpy like someone else they knew. She also enjoyed being able to talk about clothes, shoes, makeup and things that friends normally talked about given the number of friends she had was limited lately. Kerry asked her about the number of clothes she had bought and the next week with Kerry working from home. Janet had assumed that Kerry would have been working from home due to the company offices being remodelled and enlarged. She had not thought about what Kerry would be wearing while at home, let alone the extra clothes, but Kerry had been thinking about it all along. They discussed the “rules for Kerry at home” and decided that the best plan would be for Kerry to return to normal before Janet got home each night, after all she did want to stay married to Paul.
During his time searching the internet Paul had found a set of “Rules for Cross dressers and SO’s” on the tri-ess website and had downloaded them just in case anything changed. Kerry told Janet about them and printed out a copy as a starting point for future discussions about how to handle Kerry. The rules included no changes to body parts without mutual agreement, no chemical changes such as hormones. In short it was a cease fire agreement that could be held up as guidelines and promises that each person could stand on as a minimum for each party. Janet thought it was a good starting point and they gave her some of the basic safety points she wanted, Kerry thought it was Christmas or was it just parole?
As tea time approached Kerry asked Janet if she should change back in time for tea and the evening together. To Kerry’s delight the answer was “only if you really want to” so she chose to stay as she was, after having a quick shave, change of makeup and a spray of perfume Kerry came back out for tea. After the meal Janet wanted to see all of the things Kerry had bought in the two days and make sure they looked okay on her. Kerry was suddenly nervous as the amount of gear she bought was much larger than the budget she had been given, much larger. Clearing the bed she laid out the black skirt and slacks, the grey skirt, the sweater and jumper along with the black jacket in such a way as to show the mix and match options. Then unpacking the two silk shirts from today and the white one from yesterday she had over ten different combinations. When the lingerie drawer was opened Janet saw that the colours and range was far bigger than her own drawer of undies, and then she remembered her own purchases from the shopping trip today. When she unpacked her bag she found the garter belt that had been put in and just looked at Kerry as if to say “I should have expected it from you”. The stockings also fell out on the bed and she could not help but laugh and throw then at Kerry.
The shoes and jewellery were put away as was the large number of pants and handbag. The night gown was placed under the pillow for night time, one under each pillow. The weekend had turned out totally different to how they both thought it was going to be and they still had a full week and the seminar next weekend ahead of them. As they went off to bed the second day finished and they were both happy.
To Be Continued .... Kerry being free
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Thank you,
'Kerry,for a lovely story and for sharing it with us.Really sweet and girly.
Really Nice Story...
...though I thought the choice of film was a bit blatant: it seemed to provide an ulterior motive for the evening beyond what Janet had agreed to already.
I'm not sure I got the gist of the exchange with the board of directors of Paul's old firm; did Kerry expect them to recognize her when the only time they'd seen Paul en femme was in costume at Halloween two years earlier? Or was she just trying to jerk their figurative chains? (And when she made her complaint to them, did she use Kerry's voice or Paul's?)
No, she did expect
That they would hold their promises - ones that were broken the moment she was sacked. But that was in the past. I think it was done without Paul voice, and mainly do jerk their chains a bit. Besides, their lack of reaction towards Kelly was not very polite - they barely gave her a glance even though she was at the restaurant with the former board member's wife.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Telling them to ....
After all of the hurt and betrayal there was never a time that we got a true answer from them, I thought I deserved to have a final say. Under Australian Law I only had 21 days to lodge an unfair dismissal claim, let alone equal rights discrimination claims. Sometimes it just has to be an in their face comment.
A Tale of Release-3
Kerry, this is a truly sad story whether or not it is fiction or based on personal experience.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Truth be told
Much of it is fiction wrapped around a large degree of pain and hurt that is real.
The first chapter is totally true in all of it's gory details. In my limited writing experience fiction takes what is inside the soul or mind and makes it believable to others. It gives me a chance to express who I am in all the parts of me, the whole person is greater than the sum of individual parts. I think this is a mis-quote from someone else!
Kerry does enjoy herself at home, work and around the country side but you may have to wait for another series to find out. I have two more stories that link to this one, an alternative to Tale of release 2 -9 and a second that is the continuation from 9 that is more like a transition at work theme.