The Chosen~10

Shortly afterwards I went to bed, I think Helena wanted to ask me more questions, but I said I was very tired. Not a lie, I was tired, drained, I felt a bit sick, confused and a lot of other things...


The Chosen

Susan Brown

Chapter 10



‘Yes, what?’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘The resistance, you know–we need to get you away and––’

‘–Why? What are you talking about? What is this resistance? I’m happy here. If you aren’t happy, you should speak to your counsellor. I adore being a girl and wearing pretty things. I want to get married when I’m old enough and give birth to baby girls. I’d love to have a handsome husband and I just can’t wait to have a family. Look, Mariette, I’ve gotta go.’

I stood up and ran off down the gravel path away from Mariette and into the school. I ran through the atrium and along the corridors until on finding myself at my door, it opened to the imprint of my hand.

I entered and sank on to the bed, my breath coming in gasps.

‘Rebecca, are you all right, dear?’

‘Yes, I—I—I’m okay,’ I wheezed.

‘You don’t sound it, dear, you seem breathless and upset.’

‘I—it’s Mariette.’

‘What about her, dear?’

‘Sh—she said some strange things. I think she might not be well.’

‘What sort of strange things?’

I had managed to get my breath back a bit now and thought fast. ‘She was saying silly things about some sort of resistance and nasty things happening to me.’

‘Well, it sounds like she needs some help and that’s what we’re here for. You’re a very brave girl telling me this. I will see that she does get some help.’

‘Why do you think that she said those horrible things, Helena?’

There was a pregnant pause. ‘I don’t know, dear,’ came the reply.

‘Is it her time of the month or something?’

‘Perhaps. Don’t worry, the medical team will sort everything out for her.’

‘Good, I like her and want her to be happy here, just like I am.’

And now the story continues…

Shortly afterwards I went to bed, I think Helena wanted to ask me more questions, but I said I was very tired. Not a lie, I was tired, drained, I felt a bit sick, confused and a lot of other things.

I got ready for bed as quickly as I could considering that I had remove my makeup, have a shower as I felt all stinky and sweaty, put moisturiser on my face, slip into something comfy–my pink satin jim-jams fitted that bill–take my pills and green medicine, and then finally get into bed, putting my shoulder bag down by the side as usual.

As soon as I lay my head on the pillow, I yawned theatrically and said, ‘G’night, Helena, lights off.’

‘Good night, dear, sweet dreams.’

The lights faded and then all I could see was the ceiling clock and a few lights on the monitors. I waited for a while, feeling slightly nauseous after taking the meds and then I reached down for my bag, pulling it carefully under the covers and feeling inside. The envelope with the pills that Bethany had given me was on top and I slid my hand in, took out one of the pills, slipped it it my mouth and swallowed. I hoped that these pills worked as they should and counteracted the effects of the meds that I had taken earlier.

Then I put my bag beside my bed again; I would have to think of a place to hide those pills, because an envelope in my bag was a rather obvious place to search. I had little doubt now that our rooms were searched, as that was the sort of thing I would do if I was in their position. Perhaps my undies’ drawer would do?

Before falling asleep, I thought about Mariette and Bethany, marvelling how I could get two people so wrong. I had been convinced that Mariette was a “good guy”, but now realised that she was part of the ruthless organisation that was running this place. I couldn’t believe how different Bethany was to how I had always known her to be. She appeared to be a long way from the ditzy airhead I thought her to be. She was my cousin! That was a revelation. I wondered how I didn’t pick up on it before and why she never said anything to me while we were at the boys’ school, let alone when we had been transferred to the girls one.

After that, my thoughts turned to Davina, wondering how she had died and why. Did she know too much or was she just not the right material for the girls they wanted to produce? How many other innocents had died in the process of forcing perfectly good, happy boys to become unwilling girls?

I stifled my sobs in my pillow, as I didn’t want Helena to investigate. I had no idea how closely monitored I was. Maybe any unusual sounds might be picked up by her sensitive microphones.

After a few minutes of wracking sobs and tears, I began to feel a little better. As my mum always said, a good cry would always clear the cobwebs.

By now I was very weary so, hoping that nothing drastic would happen overnight, I gave into my tiredness, turned over away from the blinking monitor lights and just went to sleep, hoping that the next day would be better for me than this one had been.

~ §~

I wakened to the sound of a soft clarinet and orchestra as the lights faded up. The huge vidi window showed a picture of The Great Barrier Reef. It was so beautiful and the music too, made me want to cry. I realised I was so much more emotional now I was a girl!

‘Good Morning, Rebecca.’

‘’Morning, Helena, what’s that music?’

‘It’s Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622; it is beautiful isn’t it?’

‘Yes it is.’ I sighed, listening for a while before I had to get up. Eventually the piece finished, so I stretched and slipped the covers off. I wanted everything to appear normal, so I went through my normal routine.

‘Don’t forget to you have your gynae examination this morning so no breakfast.’

‘No breakfast, why?’

‘They will be taking bloods and doing other tests, so the medical team advise no food until after your examination.’

‘Mmm.’ I said as I padded to the shower room, taking my bag–as I always did. It was virtually an extension of my arm by now and that was good as I needed to hide those pills somewhere…

I entered the shower and took a chance. I had already unzipped my bag and as I put it down, swiftly grabbed the envelope with the pills and scrunched it in my hand. In my other hand I had already palmed something I would need shortly.

I jumped in the shower and the door automatically slid to a close behind me. The shower pod had frosted glass and I really didn’t think they would put a monitor point inside the shower unless they had hundreds of people watching all the girls all the time. Anyway, a while back, I had stubbed my toe against a metal plate and it had moved slightly. I had put it back in place and had thought nothing more of it.

Stooping down, I saw the plate again and using the thin nail file I had palmed, I prised up the edge of the plate and it came away from the wall, leaving a hole with some pipes and wires in it. It must have been some sort of inspection hatch or something for when the shower went wrong. I shoved the envelope in the space and pushed the cover plate back. The plate had siliconed edges, to keep out the damp, I presumed. I was able to push it back without much difficulty and then I immediately started the shower and set it on morning fresh.

I intended leaving the pills there and get them back after I was sure that I was safe.

After my shower and blow dry, I put on some clean incontipants and returned to the bedroom. My tummy was playing up a bit with the nerves. I really didn’t want to have a medical exam, especially as I now knew that I was some sort of guinea pig. I was sure that I had a good idea as to how laboratory rats felt. All this I kept to myself and I just put on a happy face for Helena and anyone else watching.

My bed had been made as usual, and a shift dress had been laid out for me. It wasn’t very flattering, being rather shapeless, but as I was going to take it off when I had the medical I didn’t complain much and just said, ‘I don’t like the colour, I prefer peach to burgundy.’

‘It’s been chosen so you can slip it on and off easily today. Sorry about the colour though.’

‘That’s all right. The other girls won’t see me; they will be in lessons, lucky things.’ As I slipped on the dress, I asked, ‘Helena, will I be able to go to any lessons today? We have makeup and cookery too! I don’t want to miss either.’

‘You shouldn’t bank on going to any lessons today, Rebecca dear.’

‘Oh, can I at least put on some makeup?’ I tried to sound whiney and I think I was successful.

‘Sorry, dear, no makeup either. You have an hour to kill, why don’t you just rest and I’ll call you when it’s time to go.

‘All right,’ I said picking up my miniUpad and plugging in my wireless ’phones.

To this day, I can’t remember what music I played while sitting there. My mind was on other things. I was finding it hard to concentrate on being the perfect, girlie girl and wished I had Beth’s obvious talents in that direction. I had hoped to see her at breakfast, but that wasn’t possible, so what I could do––?

I stopped the music and sent her a message.

Hi Bethany, can’t see you for a while, I have a medical exam this morning and don’t know how long it will take. Tell me all about the lessons when I see you

I sent the message and then went back to listening to my music. I must have drifted off, as I was awoken with a chiming noise coming through my ’phones.

‘Wake up dear, it’s time for you to go.’

Yawning, I removed my ’phones from my ears, slipped on some shoes, went to the dressing-table and brushed my hair; then I was ready.

‘Follow the arrows, dear.’

‘All right, Helena, bye.’

‘’Bye, dear.’

The door slid open silently. Outside, on the floor, the green pulsing arrows showed me the way to where I was going. It wasn’t the in the same direction as the medical centre, but that didn’t surprise me as there were facilities all over the place.

I didn’t pass anyone on my way as all the girls were in classes. I walked for about ten minutes going through doors that I had never been through before until I stopped at a plain door with the words “Pre and Post Care” on it. Shrugging, I went in and found myself in a small reception area.

‘Please sit down for a moment, Rebecca,’ said the disembodied voice.

I sat on a couch and waited.

A few seconds later a doctor entered from stage left. ‘Ah, Rebecca, there you are. Thanks for being so prompt,’ she said as she sat down beside me.

She was very pretty but that was nothing new as all the staff were. She looked Chinese but I wasn’t sure. She was slim with long straight dark hair, a winning smile and wore a white coat with a badge pinned to it that said she was Doctor Cho.

‘How are you feeling, dear?’

‘Not bad, a bit sick sometimes and I do feel sleepy, a lot. Apart from that, I’m fine.’

‘Well the sickness and feeling sleepy are side affects of the medication. I’ll proscribe something to ease the symptoms. How are your water works?’

‘I still can’t really control myself yet, especially at night. When can I start wearing normal panties?’

‘Soon, I hope. Look, I need to have a good look at you and check things down below. I will have to sedate you as this would be rather uncomfortable otherwise–’

A nurse entered as if on cue and approached as the doctor and I stood up.

‘Ah, Nurse Wise, can you look after Rebecca for me?’

‘Certainly, Doctor. Come this way, Rebecca.’

‘I’ll see you later, Rebecca,’ said Doctor Cho with a sunny smile as I was led away into another room.

The room looked like any other hospital room with the bed taking prime position. On the bed was a hospital gown.

‘Do you need any help changing?’

‘No, that’s all right.’

Okay, take everything off apart from your pants and then pop on the bed.’ She smiled and then left me.

As I changed, I wondered about why it was deemed necessary to knock me out for the examination. I didn’t like the sound of it and wondered what might be done to me while I was under. I could do nothing about it though, so just got changed into the gown and then climbed onto the bed and waited.

It was obvious I was being watched, as seconds after lying on the bed the nurse came in with a tray.

‘Right, honey, lie down properly,’

I did as I was asked and then the nurse held my arm with one hand and then put a pressure injector against my arm.

‘This won’t hurt a bit, dear. Just start counting down from ten.’





~ §~

I woke up in my own bed. It was dark and the ceiling clock told me it was 21:45.

Stretching, I turned over and winced. I was rather sore down below and had a headache–

The lights came up slightly. ‘How are you feeling, dear?’

‘A bit sore and I have a headache,’

‘I am sorry. I’ll get some pain killers for you.’

‘Thanks,’ I said, getting up and feeling rather wobbly. I went to the bathroom pulled down my incontipants, put them down the waste chute and then used the facilities. I was quite sore down below and a bit bruised.

After washing my hands, I returned to the bedroom and went to the hatch where two pills and a glass of water were waiting for me.

‘Thanks, Helena,’ I said as I downed the pills in quick succession. ‘Did my medical go well?’

‘Yes, dear, nothing unusual was found but the doctor is a bit concerned about your incontinence and wants to have a chat with you tomorrow. It’s nothing serious, but she feels that she may have to adjust your medication.’

‘Oh,’ I said, ‘everything else all right then?’

‘Yes, dear,’

‘Any news about my parents?’

‘Not at the moment, dear. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything.’

‘I’m feeling a bit sweaty. I think I’ll have a shower and change my nightie.’

‘Good idea. You probably still feel a bit tired.’

‘Yes, after my shower, I’ll have an early night.’

‘Do you want some supper first?’

‘No thanks, I’m not hungry,’

‘Very well, dear,’

If truth be told, the thought of food made me feel a bit sick. Anyway, I went back to the shower room, took my nightie off and went into the shower pod. As soon as the doors closed, I bent down and prised open the metal plate and fished out a tablet. Swallowing it quickly, I put the plate back and started the shower.

After about five minutes, the cycle finished and I left the shower feeling much fresher and better than when I went in. Back into the bedroom, I went to the wardrobe, slipped on some fresh pants and pink cotton nightie and then went to bed.

‘Lights off, please,’

‘Goodnight, Rebecca.’

‘’Night, Helena.’

I switched on my mini uPad and sent a message to Bethany.

‘Am okay, see you tomorrow,’ and then switched it off.

I lay there in the dark with just the glow from the ceiling clock above me. I wasn’t really very tired, just weary and achy but I wanted to think without Helena metaphorically breathing down my neck.

It appeared they hadn’t messed with my brain this time, but how would I know? Mind you, I did remember all that had happened regarding Bethany, Davina and the traitorous Mariette. I remembered my aunt and the fact that I had not spoken to my parents for ages. Every fibre of my being felt that what was going on here was wrong, wrong, wrong and I needed to do something about it, but I didn’t know what.

I decided that I would have to find some way to get Beth alone tomorrow and find out what the hell was going on. With that, I went to sleep or tried to but what with the ache in the back of my head and the soreness that I felt down below, I had a fitful sleep that left me less than refreshed the following morning.

~ §~

‘Bethany and Rachel are outside,’ said Helena after I had dressed in my uniform and brushed my hair.

‘Tell them I won’t be a moment please, Helena.’

‘All right, dear.’

I didn’t feel like breakfast as I was nauseous again. I nearly said something to Helena, but I didn’t want to have yet more pills thrust down me. It may have been that I had eaten nothing the previous day. I would force some breakfast down me and see how I felt after that. Looking at my eyes, I could see dark circles. I didn’t look all that sunny and bright this morning and I hoped that I would feel better later.

The door swished open and there was Bethany and Rachel, dressed as I was in school uniform. After a little squeal and a round of hugs, we went into breakfast. As we ate our cornflakes and toast, Bethany was all uber girlie again. Talking about makeup, clothes, boys, men, hair and any other subject, feminine.

Gazing at her as she rabbited on on, I couldn’t see the girl who had dragged me into the bushes a few days ago. There was none of that seriousness and intenseness about her now. I marvelled how she could put on such an amazing act!

She did look a bit like my mother–I could see that now. I suppose, in that case she probably looked like me too. It’s difficult to say as I couldn’t see myself, obviously. Maybe that was why she always went over the top hair- and makeup-wise; to hide the fact that we looked alike? I didn’t know. What I did know was, that I was dying to see her by herself.

Breakfast finished and we went to the ladies before going to our first lesson of the day–good old deportment. I didn’t like deportment much as I was always chastised for not being ladylike enough. In fact the teacher thought that I might be a better dock worker than the wife of some desirable man!

Anyway, Bethany and I went to the loo and as we walked in, she held my hand and I could feel a pill being put in it. This was good, as I had forgotten to bring the pills from the hidey-hole in the shower pod. I seemed to be getting very ditzy and blond at the moment for some reason.

I went into a cubicle and downed the pill. Bethany was next door and a piece of paper came under the partition from her. It said:

Meet me in the garden by the fountain after tea.

I flushed the note down the loo and adjusted my skirt before leaving the stall.

Both Bethany and I brushed our hair and talked about inconsequential things before leaving the Ladies and continuing to our next lesson.

The day dragged a bit to say the least. I was feeling tired, achy and more than a little bit sore so it was difficult for me to appear natural and happy with my lot. The morning turned into the afternoon and eventually the evening.

After tea, I returned to my room, changed and then I was ready to go and meet Bethany.

I checked myself in the mirror before I went. I had on a nice cream silk top and longish black skirt. I also wore tights as the evening might be a bit cool. I had applied light makeup and put my hair in a pony tail. Picking up a cardi I said goodbye to the–hopefully unsuspecting–Helena and then made my way through the various corridors and exits to finally reach the atrium and then the extensive gardens.

Over by the fountains I saw several people including Bethany who was with Rachel. Walking up I just said ‘Hi,’ and gave both of them a hug.

After a few minutes of inane blether Rachel spoke up. ‘Look, I have to go and see Leanne, she wants me to go and see that play that the dramatic group is putting on. It’ll be a hoot; want to come?’

‘No, I’m seeing it next week, what about you, Becky?’

‘No, I still feel a bit iffy after the medical I had yesterday, so I don’t think that I can take all the excitement.’

‘All right, girls, see you tomorrow at breakfast.’

She ran off leaving us to ourselves. There were quite a few people about and that was good as we didn’t stand out and I suppose that there was safety in numbers.

Bethany took my arm and steered me around to the other side of the lake, nearer where the fountains were positioned. The noise of the water was quite loud here and I supposed rightly that I had been taken to this side of the lake because there was less likelihood of us being overheard.

‘How was the exam?’ asked Bethany.

‘They put me out, so I don’t really know. I woke up sore with a headache.’

‘At the back of your head, by your neck?’

‘Yes, how do you know.’

‘I’ll tell you later. Look happy and laugh a bit. Remember, we are two ditzy girls having a fantastic time.’

I laughed at that and Bethany just smiled and did a little skip and jump for some reason.

‘That’s it. Make them think that we are just having lots of fun.’

‘Are we being watched that closely?’

‘Yes, there aren’t many places where we can talk like this.’

‘What’s it all about?’

‘You have guessed a lot of it. This is a breeding farm. They want boys to be turned into girls and the girls to produce baby girls–pure and simple. Only it’s not really that simple. They have several pilot schemes going to find out which girl can produce a female baby. They are ruthless and don’t mind too much if their experiment doesn’t work. It’s been going on for years and countless girls have died or been disfigured mentally, physically or both.’ She looked at her finger watch and frowned. ‘we haven’t much time. Look, let’s go and walk over by the flower beds in the corner.’

‘Won’t we be seen?’

‘Yes, but let’s make it look like we’re playing. I’ll pinch you and you chase after me. Laugh a bit so that it looks natural.’

Puzzled though I was–and not too sure about Beth’s sanity–I did as she asked and after she pinched me playfully on my arm, I ran after her shouting and screaming as if I was really enjoying myself. Other girls looked on, pointed and laughed out our antics. I just felt like a bit of an idiot and wasn’t helped by the fact that I was still rather sore and more than a bit yuckie, despite the pain killers I had been given.

We arrived breathlessly over by the flower beds and sank in a heap, laughing and out of breath. I needed to exercise more because I was out of condition and I used to be a good runner when I was still a boy.

About fifteen metres away was one of the exits and I wondered what was on the other side. It was hopeless trying to find out as we didn’t have enough petals to be allowed through.

I had lots of questions to ask Bethany, but she kept shushing me and looking at her watch.

She came close and pretended to tickle me and whispered in my ear.

‘In a few moments, things will happen. Don’t be frightened, just hold my hand and follow what I do.’

She lay down on her back and I looked at her. I seriously wondered if she was all there and perhaps I had made a terrible mistake, when suddenly, the lights went out and there was a large explosion over the other side of the park.

‘Come on,’ shouted Bethany getting up suddenly and dragging me up as well. She had a vice like grip on my wrist as I noticed that the door a few metres away had suddenly slid open.

Before I knew it, we were through the door and running as fast as possible through a forest and out of the other side. There were noises behind us, explosions, shouts, screams and other unpleasant things. I was so scared I didn’t know what was happening and I wasn’t sure if I was being abducted and whether I was with a friend or enemy.

~ §~

We skidded to a stop at a road that I didn’t recognise but was probably at the back of the school.

‘What’s going on Bethany?’ I shouted.

She looked at me, her hair a mess and a wild look in her eyes.

‘Where are they,’ she screamed looking up and down the road.

‘Please, Beth––tell me, what’s happening?’

Just then I heard a hover motor in the distance. The hum grew louder and then the car came around the corner, stopped dead in front of us and the side door slid open. Before I knew it, I was bundled inside, the door slid shut and I was knocked back as the car accelerated at a great pace. Only Bethany and I were in the back. The front seat had a partition and it was shut. I was scared, more scared than I had ever been in my life before and utterly convinced that I had been kidnapped–

Bethany had a wild look about her. She looked like she was going mad. Her eyes were wide and she was grinning and then she started laughing. I shrunk back in my seat, trying to get as far away as possible from this insane girl. Then I smelt something strange and I felt myself falling over––

~ §~

When I awoke, I was in a strange room. It wasn’t my bedroom at the school or the one that I rarely saw at home. It was different room. It was a girl’s bedroom, done out in pink, but not a shocking pink — pale and muted. The bed that I was laying in was soft and comfortable. The room looked old. The ceilings were high and the huge ceiling to floor windows had heavy drapes covering them.

I was wearing a cream satin nightshirt with long sleeves and it felt very nice and comfortable to just lie there, wallowing in comfort, still sleepy and relaxed–

Then I remembered and sat bolt upright in bed.

‘Hello, awake at last are you?’

My head snapped over to the left and that hurt as I felt a stab of pain at the base of my neck.

‘Ouch,’ I said as my hand flew to the point of pain. There was a dressing on the back of my neck. Looking up, there was a woman sat in a armchair with a book, a real life paper book on her lap.

The woman stood up and came to me. I started suddenly, thinking I was seeing my mother, but it wasn’t her.

‘Hello, Rebecca, I’m your Auntie Connie; I think we have a lot to talk about, don’t you?’

‘I—I don’t underst––’

‘–You will, love,’ she said sitting beside me and holding my hand. ‘you’re okay here at the moment, in a safe house. We will have to move you soon though.’

‘What’s going on. I don’t understand!’

She looked at me with an expression that reminded my so much of Mummy, kind, compassionate and full of love.

‘Oh, I’ve missed you growing up, but it was necessary. Look, I won’t sweet talk you because we just haven’t got time. You need to know as much as we can tell you. I was driving the car that picked you up and for your safety, I used knock out gas so you didn’t know where you were going. What you don’t know, you can’t tell. You were brought here; prior to that, one of the doctors removed the GPS homing device that had been planted in your neck. As soon as possible, we did some tests on you. They’re very sophisticated and state of the art. You may be surprised to learn that you’re pregnant and it looks about 60 to 40 percent likely that you will give birth to a baby daughter.’

To be continued…

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My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing, help with the plot-lines and pulling the story into shape.

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