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Susan Brown
I stared up at the dim green clock on the ceiling and then thought about things. Since being pricked by Mariette, my heart had been racing and it was all I could do to keep looking calm and normal for the ever present and watchful surveillance.
Mariette had given me my unlock code word and reinforced it with the pin prick. The fact that I didn’t shout out or jump was more by luck and shock than anything else. Everything came back to me as the secret lock had opened the door to my secure memories buried deep inside a little corner of my brain.
Thoughts came flooding out about all the things that had been happening to me. Davina’s ‘illness’ and convenient transfer. The lack of communication with my parents. The fact that I had been so passive and accepting of all that had happened to me. The change of my mini and maxi uPad for a newer model. The fog had lifted once more and I wasn’t going to allow myself to be put under again if I could help it. There was something sinister going on here and I knew that we had not been given all of the facts regarding the state of things in the outside world.
The fact that Mariette knew my unlock code and how to get me back to reality meant that she must be part of some sort of resistance movement who had been given the information needed to snap me out of my conditioning. It had to be that, otherwise I was lost.
I felt for my mini uPad on the bedside cabinet and brought it under my covers. On the dimmest settings I gave myself a reminder of the following morning. It was one word and it was all I needed.
And now the story continues…
I awoke the next morning to the sound of Big Ben chiming. The lights came up slowly and the vid showed a live feed of the Thames with the Houses of Parliament in the background.
Stretching, I felt relaxed and ready for the day. I felt relieved that no one had messed with my brain overnight and smiled ruefully as I realised that I wouldn’t know if they had done so. I did remember my encounter with Mariette yesterday, the pin prick and the unlock word “Dada”.
In all the time I had spent with Mariette, I had never realised that she was not what she seemed. It gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside to know that I wasn’t alone in all this. I still didn’t know why the authorities were treating us like this and what their motives were. Perhaps my meeting with Mariette would give me some answers–
‘Good morning, Rebecca.’
‘’Morning, Helena,’ I replied cheerfully.
‘How are you feeling today?’
‘Fine thanks.’
‘That’s good. You have history, geography, home cookery and deportment today, so you had better get a move on.’
‘All right,’ I replied getting out of bed and padding to the bathroom.
I slipped off my cotton nightie and pushed it down the laundry chute Then, after removing my soiled incontipants, noting happily that they were not as wet as yesterday morning, I had a quick shower.
It still felt strange, having a slit instead of male genitals down below. however it was beginning to feel more or less normal now. My breasts seemed a bit bigger every time I felt them and I shivered as my fingers brushed against my pert nipples. Did all girls feel so sensitive in that area?
Once I had been dried by the shower module, I had a look in the long mirror–as I did every morning. All I saw was a girl, quite pretty, I think, with blue eyes and long slightly wavy blond hair. I wondered if I should feel more rebellious as I knew that I was being manipulated and abused both mentally and physically. Information was being kept from me and I still had no clue as to where my parents might be.
Looking at my body, glowing slightly after my shower though, I couldn’t feel any protest in me concerning the way I looked and the fact that I was now 100% female. Whether this was the conditioning or the way I felt deep down inside, I hoped to find out soon. Maybe Mariette might be able to give me the answers I needed?
As usual, my uniform, was laid out on my bed–which had been made–when I returned from my shower. It was strange that I never saw who put the clothes on the bed or made it. Shrugging–I had other things to worry about it today–I pulled on my new incontipants feeling very miffed that I still had to wear them instead of some comfy silky panties, and then shortly after, I was ready for the day ahead and all it might bring.
There was a soft chime. ‘Rebecca, Bethany is waiting for you outside with Rachel.’
‘Okay, please tell them I won’t be a moment.’
‘Yes, dear.’
After quickly brushing my hair and spritzing myself with some scent, I was outside in next to no time and hugging my friends.
Breakfast was a happy affair as we three petals flaunted our new brooches at the others. Mind you, on our table, other than Beth, Rach and I; there were two, four petals, a fiver and only one girl who was a mere two-petaler. Marcia–a black girl, with a ready smile and a happy disposition–wasn’t bothered that she had not yet transitioned. She was deeply religious and believed that the Lord would take her time to change Marcia and the new girl had decided that she would just take every day as it came and enjoy the ride.
Everyone took their medication, as usual, but as I took mine, I pouched the pills into my cheeks: I didn’t want to take anything like that at the moment. a few minutes later, under the guise of wiping my mouth, I spat the pills into the paper serviette, immediately throwing the screwed up tissue down the waste pod.
After breakfast Bethany, who had the same lesson as me–history–walked arm in arm with me as we followed the pulsating green arrows to our lecture theatre.
‘This is great, isn’t it,’ Bethany enthused, bouncing with excitement at the thought.
‘What’s great?’ I asked.
‘All this, being a girl, dressing all pretty, learning all we need to so that we can be the best women we can be. I can’t wait to get a husband so I can try out my new equipment–’
‘–Bethany, you’re only twelve; we’ve years to go before that happens!’
‘I know, but a girl can dream, can’t she?’ she sighed.
Watching her as she bounced along babbling about everything from hair extensions to stiletto heels, I wondered how she ever had managed before this happened. All right, she was a tranny while she was at the boys school, like a few others, but now she was a full girl, I felt that she had gone so far over the top, she was in danger of drowning in femininity. All right, I liked being a girl, and I was sure that if my conditioning and other things that had been done to me were stripped away, I would still like being a girl. But I didn’t want to forget my roots. I used to be a boy and I didn’t want the happy memories I had as a boy, to be forgotten.
As soon as we arrived at the lecture theatre and found our seats, we said hello to a few friends and then settled back as Miss Lacy, the history teacher, entered wearing the usual, crisp, smart business suit and silk blouse that the teachers normally wore. She was, like all the teachers, incredibly beautiful. I felt envious as she walked up to the lectern in her heels, body swaying slightly. Her legs were long and thin and encased in sheer, black synthosilk stockings. She looked so elegant and poised as she stood smiling at us.
‘Good morning, ladies. I’m pleased to see that we have more three petals among us. Those of you who are still twos, shouldn’t worry though, your time will come and you will all, in time, become fully assimilated.
‘Right then, ladies, today’s lecture. Last time we talked about the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries where women had to fight and sometimes die because they felt that women were equal to men. Today I want to speak about a few of the events that occurred that have brought us to the situation in which we find ourselves today. Following the death of Queen Elizabeth, the short reign of Charles the Third was cut short after the tragic hunting accident at Balmoral where he was gored by a stag. King William and Queen Katherine have both stated publicly that they will be petitioning the government to drop the outmoded male prerogative to be next in line when girls are being born again––’
I never liked history much and I must admit that I switched off a bit as I was wondering how my meeting with Mariette would go that afternoon at break. I did so hope that I would get some answers. As we left the lecture theatre, my mini uPad pinged. Checking the screen, I noticed I had a message from Mariette. ‘Can’t meet at break, something has come up. See you at the fountain at eight.’
I was a bit disappointed that I would have to wait all day to see her, but there was nothing I could do about it and so I just carried on as normal. All our lessons seemed to drag that day, I tried to sound all girlie and keen but it was hard work. Bethany’s uber girlieness was beginning to grate somewhat as we finished tea and I nearly bolted to my room wanting to have time to myself before meeting Mariette.
Helena greeted me; ‘Hello, Rebecca, have you had a nice day?’
‘Yes thanks, a bit tiring, but I did learn lots.’
‘You have a medical tomorrow.’
‘What’s that about?’
‘It’s a gynae exam, they want to check that you are functioning okay and they need to do some tests.’ I didn’t like the sound of that but there was nothing I could do. I just hoped that they couldn’t establish that I hadn’t taken any meds lately.
I went and had a shower and then after changing into a white silk blouse and knee length black skirt, I sat down and read a book on my UPad. It was a slushy romantic novel, but I liked it as the girl got the boy–eventually.
After a bit, I drank some Zinga and then before resuming my book, I looked up. ‘Helena, any news about my parents? I haven’t had a message from them for ages.’
‘I haven’t been given any information today, but I believe that they are in transit at the moment so communications are difficult. I have logged your concern with the Coms Department and when they hear anything, they will send you an update.’
‘Thanks, Helena.’
‘That’s all right, dear. You do know that your personal counsellor will talk to if you have any worries.’
‘Yes. Erm thanks, Helena.’
‘That’s all right, dear. Are you visiting anyone before bed time?’
‘NO…I mean yes, I have to see Mariette about school things at eight. We are going to walk in the gardens.’
‘That’s nice, dear, don’t forget to take a wrap, it can be cool in the evening.’
‘I won’t.’
I pretended to read my book as I thought about what I had said to Helena. I had to tell her that I was meeting Mariette because I had no doubt that I would be monitored and observed as soon a I left my room. It was lucky that Mariette was my Helper and it was perfectly natural that we should meet up. I just hoped that “they” would not be able to overhear any conversation we might have–
I must have dropped off as I was awoken by my finger watch vibrating gently. I was disorientated for a moment and then, blearily looking at the time, I noticed that it was seven forty.
I went to the bathroom and used the toilet. It was still a bit messy down there and had to change my incontipants again!
In an attempt to wake myself up a bit more, I washed my face which freshened me up. After I had dried myself, I put on a little foundation, blush, eye shadow and lippy. I looked slightly more human then and I looked even better once I had brushed my hair. After pronouncing myself fit to go out, I left the bathroom and went over to the closet. Opening one of the many small drawers built into the side I picked up a silk wrap and put it around my shoulders, pinning my three petal brooch to hold it in position. I slipped on some comfortable court shoes and then I was ready.
‘’Bye, Helena,’
As the door closed behind me, I could hear Helena say, ‘goodbye.’
I hurried down the corridor realising I was a mite late. I went out into one of the many open spaces which led to the park and fountains and noticed that there were a lot of people around; walking, talking, going to the ciné theatre or perhaps going to watch a play staged by the enthusiastic, if a trifle talent-less, theatre group. I was being a bit catty there, as they weren’t that awful!
Other girls were sitting in the street cafes or riding bikes. It was a pleasant evening and although it was raining above the force field, in the huge atrium where I now was, it was just like a warm summers evening.
I reached the park as the central clock tower–all glass and crystal–chimed eight. Over in the distance, I could see Mariette sitting on one of the benches staring at the fountain which threw water up into the air in colourful streams, as hidden lights changed colour every few moments. It was all so beautiful and I increased my pace so that I could reach Mariette and the pretty fountain as soon as possible.
My heart started pounding as I got nearer. I noticed that although her back was turned to me, she was speaking on her mini uPad.
I was about fifty metres away when I nearly jumped out of my skin as I was grabbed firmly by the arm by someone. I turned and looked.
‘Hi, Rebecca, I’m glad I caught you. I need to speak to you, I’m very worried about my hair colour, you see I want––’
‘–Bethany,’ I responded, rather crossly, ‘I have to go and see Mariette, can we talk about this tomorrow?’
‘No, this is very important.’
I was virtually dragged away and led over to some trees and bushes while Bethany prattled away, holding my arm in a grip that was surprisingly strong for a girl of her slight stature. ‘I want to go blond, but my hair is brunette now and Miss Crosby says that I can’t keep chopping and changing, but I think that it’s––’
‘–important, don’t you? I like your hair––’
‘–I have to go.––’
‘–it’s just the shade of blonde I want, thought I think it would suit you better as straight––’
We had gone behind a huge bush and it almost felt like I was in an impenetrable jungle I couldn’t see anyone else and my arm was hurting from where Bethany had gripped it so hard. She stopped suddenly and looked at me.
She put her fingers to her lips and then peeped through the bushes. Then she turned to me.
‘We haven’t got much time so I’ll be quick. Mariette’s a plant. She’s in with them. They want to find out if you’re a rebel or one of them. They aren’t sure about you, even though they messed with your mind. Evidently they can only do so much to turn you into one of their tame little clones. A bit like someone hypnotised can’t go and do something that’s against their nature.’
I watched her as she talked. There was none of that, ultra, ultra girlieness in her voice. She looked and sounded serious and not the normal lovable, and more than a little grating, airhead that I had become used to of late.
‘I don’t––’
‘–understand. I know Becky, but believe me, this is not a holiday camp. They killed Davina––’
‘Well the treatment did–’
‘How d’you know?’
‘We haven’t time to go into this. Mariette’s waiting and she’ll get very suspicious if you don’t turn up. Look–how can I say this–I am your cousin. Your Auntie––is my mum. There’s a lot you need to know and you must trust me.’
‘Why? You could be one of them.’
‘I’m not. I hate them. Alright, I am or was a tranny and I loved being girlie but I didn’t want to a be guinea pig. Lots of girls have died and more will, too. How can I prove to you? Oh, I know–your mum has six toes on her left foot and your dad calls her Flopsie in private. I could tell you more but we haven’t got time. D’you believe me.’
I looked at her and then noticed for the first time that she had a similar shaped nose and eyes to my mum, looking closer I could definitely see the family resemblance–
I took a deep breath.
‘Okay, I—I believe you. What do I have to do?’
‘Go and see Mariette, deny everything, make her feel that you think she’s daft and then go back to your room. We’ll talk again when it’s safe. Oh––’ she fished in her bag and pulled out a small envelope, ‘take your medication as normal but take one of these afterwards when you aren’t being observed; they counteract the effects of the crap they’ve been giving us and is untraceable, now, for goodness sake, go!’
I put the pills in my shoulder bag and before I knew it, I was pushed out of the bushes with some force. Mariette was still sitting on the bench as I hurried up.
‘Sorry I’m late, I had to go to the loo,’ I said breathlessly
She looked at me and smiled sympatheticaly. ‘Poor you, that incontinence thing isn’t nice. I had some of that when I was transf–anyway, enough of that. Sit down and we can talk. No one knows that you were coming?’
‘Only Helena.’
‘What?’ She looked alarmed.
‘I had to tell her. It’s obvious we’d be seen so I told her that we were going to talk about school matters.’
She seemed to relax visibly. Fleetingly I wondered if I was wrong about her–but no, my instincts were to believe Beth and I would do as she said.
‘Well, Becky,’ Mariette said after looking round to check we were unobserved. ‘I’m glad I got to you before anything nasty or permanent happens to you. Being in the resistance––’
‘Yes, what?’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘The resistance, you know–we need to get you away and––’
‘–Why? What are you talking about? What is this resistance? I’m happy here. If you aren’t happy, you should speak to your counsellor. I adore being a girl and wearing pretty things. I want to get married when I’m old enough and give birth to baby girls. I’d love to have a handsome husband and I just can’t wait to have a family. Look, Mariette, I’ve gotta go.’
I stood up and ran off down the gravel path away from Mariette and into the school. I ran through the atrium and along the corridors until on finding myself at my door, it opened to the imprint of my hand.
I entered and sank on to the bed, my breath coming in gasps.
‘Rebecca, are you all right, dear?’
‘Yes, I—I—I’m okay,’ I wheezed.
‘You don’t sound it, dear, you seem breathless and upset.’
‘I—it’s Mariette.’
‘What about her, dear?’
‘Sh—she said some strange things. I think she might not be well.’
‘What sort of strange things?’
I had managed to get my breath back a bit now and thought fast. ‘She was saying silly things about some sort of resistance and nasty things happening to me.’
‘Well, it sounds like she needs some help and that’s what we’re here for. You’re a very brave girl telling me this. I will see that she does get some help.’
‘Why do you think that she said those horrible things, Helena?’
There was a pregnant pause. ‘I don’t know, dear,’ came the reply.
‘Is it her time of the month or something?’
‘Perhaps. Don’t worry, the medical team will sort everything out for her.’
‘Good, I like her and want her to be happy here, just like I am.’
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing, help with the plot-lines and pulling the story into shape.
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More twists and turns
I love the way the plot is thickening with each chapter. Poor Rebecca must be feeling seriously confused and alone by now as everything unravels around her.
Thank you
Non sum qualis eram
I am getting dizzy and confused
S,o what's knew?
Written like a true English Woman! Gad, who do we trust now, the CaT?
Luv it! :)
erm wow great addition to
erm wow great addition to the story and wow things are starting to turn on themselves a bit, I didnt know which way to turn or anything lol. Hope to see some more soon :) (that way I will know which way is which ;) )
erm wow great addition to
erm wow great addition to the story and wow things are starting to turn on themselves a bit, I didnt know which way to turn or anything lol. Hope to see some more soon :) (that way I will know which way is which ;) )
Plot thickens,
First since the vote thingy is down, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.
The plot is sure taking more twists and turns. But who is the spy?
What will happen to MAriette, now that she has been turned into the thought police.
Great chapter.
Who Do You Trust?
Ratting out Mariette is a pretty final thing. Let's hope she WASN'T part of any resistance movement! I'm not saying that Rebecca shouldn't trust Bethany, but how can anyone be sure about anything in this cuckoo's nest of a prison camp?
The safe play would just be to avoid Mariette, not try to turn her in just yet.
In any event, Mariette disappears now. Whether she's actually part of a "resistance movement," or a spy whose cover has just been blown, they pretty much have to remove her from this compound. If she's a spy, they'll probably deploy her elsewhere.
One of many open items from this installment is, how did Bethany learn about Davina's death?
Yeah... I doubt it was smart
Yeah... I doubt it was smart to tell Helena about Mariette. She might be brainwashed, or she might be a dual agent. She can't really trust anybody. This whole thing stinks. Why can't they treat their guinea pigs decently without all this crap?
Rebecca is totally in over her head. The best thing she could do would be to find a unsupervised terminal and search through the project data.
this story is totally captivating, thank you for writing,
The Chosen~9
This story is definitely a mystery of first calibre. I can never tell what happens next which is what a good mystery does.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Just What the Doctor Ordered
A good dose of mystery and suspense before I start my day. I can't believe how good this story is, certainly better than a lot of the more clichéd mystery novels out there. I am glad that Rebecca managed to find out about Mariette before the meeting, or did she? Oh you evil, evil woman, it's all far to confusing!! (Which is a good thing BTW)
Confusion all around, again
Caught up in the webs of trickery and lies, Rebecca has no one to turn to, she doesn't know whom she can trust. Indeed, a good question to ask is how did Bethany know about Davina's situation and death.
Now, I want to share how casual glancing through the text can bring along misunderstandings. You see, I had to go to uni and only had a glance wt the story - namely that Mariette was told out to Helena, and that Rebecca dosed off beforehand. You can imagine how that seemed - especially considering that she blew her last day with Davina this way! I really, really worked myself up to severe case of cliff hanging, and feeling especially nefarious, wanted to add just two words to the beginning of the next chapter: Cue Timeskip.
Also, having Bethany as a real resistance member has a certain kind of sense - as she is "or was a tranny" she will be seen as a willing coconspirator and thus less prone to scrutiny. OTOH, if anyone looked deeper, it would also mean that she knew firsthand how disphoric being in a wrong body is, so would understand the need to express one's self freely.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
"Don't worry,the medical team will sort everything out for her"
Just how does Rebecca know that the same might not apply to her?
Can she really trust Bethany?
Just what will happen to Mariette?
Can't wait for the next chapter to find out. (hopefully!)
Hugs and votes
Since Bethany knew about Mariette
there are only two possibilities: either Bethany is for real and Rebecca narrowly escaped detection, or the authorities are already aware of Bethany. In the latter case, it makes little sense to have Becky play act ignorance, unless someone in the organization is truly Machiavellian and simply loves tormenting the girls. That would seriously detract from their transformations, however, and would be squashed by higher authorities. I'm left with the conclusion that Bethany is really what she says. For once, I think I am on solid ground. Sue... Sue! What are you doing? Don't pull that rug out from under me!!
I Think You're Right...
...though the thought occurred to me that there could be two resistance groups, with Bethany's organization convinced (by the authorities?) that Mariette's is a plant -- divide and conquer, and all that.
I guess the questions come down to whether the authorities could have been aware of everything that Bethany said. The parents' public message said that Rebecca knows her aunt, and the authorities wouldn't have made Bethany claim to be the aunt's daughter if that were true. That would seem to leave two alternatives: either the authorities (by capturing and breaking either Rebecca's parents or the aunt or both) know more than either Rebecca or Bethany could have told them, or Bethany's for real.
The trouble, of course, with analyzing a story like this is that it's hard to guess where the twists end. Rebecca had no reason to say "dada" or prick a finger during the day, since she was convinced that her mind hadn't been compromised. But if all the authorities did, perhaps (after engineering Mariette's delay) that evening, was to plant the six toes and pet name "knowledge" with Rebecca so that it would pay off for Bethany, then we're back to square one here, though presumably that "dada" at the end of the chapter would expose that plot to Rebecca before next time. Then again, we have only Bethany's statement that the pill she gave Rebecca would nullify that night's drugs, and that "dada" could disappear from her computer screen before the morning.
You'd think that Occam's Razor would eliminate something that convoluted, even in a story like this one that thrives on that sort of thing, and it might. But if Rebecca's treatment were believed to be a success (perhaps their only success, contrary to claim), and they knew -- possibly because of the treatment, or more likely because they've seen how unreliable it is -- that keeping her permanently brainwashed and unaware was impossible, then making sure she couldn't trust anyone about resisting might be their best option -- at least until they can see whether she can in fact produce female offspring -- which might very well be what's scheduled to be initiated at tomorrow's GYN session.
The Treatment Can Kill
Nobody mentioned that before. The first thing that that means is that the Government is not benign. Good governments don't kill children.
If Mariette is not a plant they don't have to dispose of her, just give her a little mind-wipe and turn her into another sweet bimbo.
Talking of bimbos, they are all really, really being conditioned to want husbands, when all that is necessary for the survival of the race is that they like sex, so I'm still very suspicious that there are dirty, powerful, old men behind all this. Mwa-Ha-ha-ha-ha,
Collateral Damage
Need I say more?
powerful dirty old men?
Your comment reminds me of the end of Dr. Strangelove, when (as the minutes tick down to nuclear armegeddon), the good doctor is outlining his plan for preserving "a nucleus of human specimens" deep underground. "Regrettably zis vill necessitate the abandonment of za so-called traditional monogomous relationship. Und because we vill be required to breed prodigiously, the females will need to be chosen for their sexual characteristics, vhich will have to be of a highly stimulating nature..." while the president & generals & even the Soviet ambassador all leered on in agreement ...... Am loving this chilling & thought provoking work of sci-fi, let's hope things turn out better than they did in that movie.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Wonderful story!
I love this story and I can't wait for more.
No Surprises
A twist in the plot, why am I not surprised by that. I have read many of your stories and so am used to things taking a different path!! You do a wonderful job seamlessly twisting the plot and going on!!
Fare thee well,
"how many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something, but someone" Coco Chanel
A few things to consider
The new Upads etc could be monitoring everything she does and says!
So maybe Bethany could be exposed?
You don't need to have sex to have children, so what’s the push to get married, I would have thought this type of ultra techno facility would have been doing artificial insemination to ensure a controlled pregnancy?
Maybe somebody is making a big buck in selling off the girls to countries who do it manually (making babies) that is.
That's probably where Davina's gone?
I'm sure corruption and greed are still as advanced in this society as ever, and if that the case that's possibly where we are headed.
But as usual, as I have said before, we can't trust Sue to be true to her commentators, and why should she when her version is alway better..
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Okay, now who betrayed who? Or perhaps enough miscommunication occurred to result in confusion and betrayal.
-- Daphne Xu