A Wife's Indulgence 5

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 5


Zoe, a friend of Wannabe Ginger

I am only three days into my story of the early days of my husband's development into a "sometime" boy/girl. Earlier chapters tell how it was all at my instigation. Earlier chapters tell readers that I'm sharing this true experience with how we began. I hope other wives may benefit. I'm trying to report happenings on the way whilst also recalling the feelings I had at each stage.

There was never a conscious plan in my mind at the outset, but one did evolve, quite rapidly. Whilst there were occasional set-backs, I can tell you now, the pathway was very well worth treading. I hope you like the way the narrative develops. Feelings aren't always easy to verbalize.

The rest of day three.

I left my husband Andy at home and set off for work, a little late that morning because of the time it had taken to give him a briefing on what was required of him. I had intended to keep him busy for the whole of the day, giving him a series of tasks that would bring him to the stage where I would return from work that afternoon.

He would be dressed in my undies and shoes on my return. (He could choose any of my dresses to wear during the day, if it so pleased him. He would have combed-out his hair, styled as I had roller set it that morning. He would have mastered make-up on his own for the first time. I was really looking forward to getting home. We were on the promise of a delightful fuck this evening and I intended it would be one to remember!

During the day, he was to telephone me, once he had dressed and reached the stage of completing his make-up and polishing his toes and fingernails with vampish nail polish,

I couldn't wait for the call, although I knew it would take several hours for him to reach that stage and have the courage to call. I wanted him to be proud of what he had done, all by himself. I wanted him to be proud of resisting the temptation he'd given in to the day before.

The ride to work was uneventful, the drive being short and just after rush hour. It gave me more time to reflect on the briefing I had given him. If he could manage all of those things, I'd love him to pieces!!! We would fuck like crazy that night!!!! Before reaching my workplace, I began to plan the evening that was to come in my mind's eye. I could "see" him as Annie, his new alter-ego, when I got home.

I expected he would look a real honey!!! I would tell him when he phoned to dress only in those undies and my peach satin dressing robe, but he was to know exactly the dress he would wear later in the evening.

I had a surprise for him in the telephone call we would have. I would tell him how I'd not only used the shirt and tie of his to wear to work. I had also borrowed a pair of his nice tight jockey pants that would keep my pussy cosy and warm…. and wet. There was also another surprise — inside the jockey pants — which you, dear Reader, may speculate about. More of that later.

Arrival home would be something to savour. I'd imagined him meeting me at the door, dressed sooooo sexily that I would gather him/her into my arms and kiss everso so softly so his/her long-lasting lipstick would be saved (for later). I'd run my hands over his/her sleek body, encased in the satin robe. I'd finish on his/her nipples and give them a very very hard squeeze through the satin.

I'd say nothing more than "show me your nipples." They had better be soft and hairless, the squeeze making them erect. I'd inspect them and, if satisfactory, I'd lay him on the sofa and kiss them sensually. I wouldn't bite them… until later….. though I'd tease him with my teeth. While laying together, I'd seek out his undies and find where his cock was restrained in beautiful lace. I'd run my hands along the tops of his stockings and up the suspenders to his waist.

All very lightly, teasingly, sensually, expecting his cock to break free.

If it was not to do it by itself, I would free it from the lace take it in my hand. Knowing that, if he did cum, there would be time for him to recuperate before we made love later. That could be his treat — and mine if I got to swallow his juices. Again, gently though — no teeth. "That" might come later too.

We would then move to the bathroom where I would freshen my make-up and slick-back my hair again with some water. He would have his make-up inspected and, I was sure, have my correcting hand to make perfect his illusion. I would play the girl/boy role for now…. I'd be in control. He/she would be taken step-by-step through the evening but always knowing that my pussy would be "his to play with" later.

What he wouldn't know then, or for a while longer, was that the surprise inside his jockey pants was the wonderful dildo that I was using right now — on my drive to work! My pussy was warm and wet, just thinking about what treats were to come.

I had been tempted while he was still in the bathroom after waking this morning. Seven or eight inches long, I quietly pushed it into my love-nest with its head protruding just an inch or two. All day, I was having the joy of squeezing it to exercise my pussy muscles for the evening's entertainment. Occasionally, I would go to the ladies' room and moisten it in private, maintaining a state of permanent readiness for the fucking I was to enjoy later.

On arrival home, I would expect Annie to go down on me at some stage and find the tip of the fucker there. I would have him explore all round it and suck it as if it were mine….. fully completing the girl/boy role reversal. He might fear being penetrated with it at some stage but that was not in my mind at all. I would discard it and implore him to fuck me hard with his own cock to consummate the evening.

Even writing this, recalling my thoughts at the time, my pussy is getting very wet indeed. In fact, a repeat evening — lock, stock and barrel - could be a very good idea!

"Enough of this." I thought to myself as I arrived at work. The fucker would keep me pulsating all day. I had much to do before he was to call. I expected the phone to ring around mid-day. However, I wasn't prepared for the reaction of colleagues in the hairdressing salon where I worked at the image I presented. Very different to my usual 'look'. I pushed the door into the salon and immediately heard a "WOW!" from Hayley, the Colourist. "You look stunning!" She said. "I'd fancy you if you really were a guy! What's all this about?" She exclaimed.

Maybe the androgyny had gone a bit far!

"Seriously?" I flashed my eyelids at her. "I just fancied a change today." I laughed. I could have said "I rather fancy that idea."…. but there would be too many complications down that route.

"I love the hair…." said Hayley, "……… I might try that myself one day." The slicked-back lok accenturated the power of my well-mascaraed eyes. o

"You'd be surprised the way it makes you feel." I said, meaning every word. It was true. The change in my own hair had made a difference to the way I was feeling. Then, there were the clothes I'd taken from Andy's wardrobe. My femininty was maske,d but only just... the beauty of my ample tits was there for all to admire. I even admired them myself in the many mirrors at the styling stations.

I was certainly "up for it" if anyone wanted to give me trouble today (as I was to find out later!)

The salon owner came from the back of the room and was equally surprised. "My goodness!" she said, "......very interesting…. You should explore this look - we might have clients who would follow your lead!". She touched my arm. "What does your hubby think? Some men might not take it well." I was tempted, feeling as assertive as I was, to tell her that he had loved the look as I kissed him goodbye in his undies and satin robe with his hair in rollers! Of course, I shouldn't betray him/her in that way.

"Oh, he's loved it. I guess you mean some guys would be threatened by a shirt and tie, but he's very sure of himself. It's only for once….. I guess……. and to check out people's reactions." Maybe, he would feel threatened when I got home with this dildo between my thighs, but who was to know?? There was work to be done and I had clients' hair to style.

Hayley said she'd talk to me later…… she had an idea for the colour of my hair in this new style.

The morning passed relatively uneventfully, with my pussy responding to every change in posture that I made. The outer lips were now flowing with juices that I could almost taste as I stood at the styling station, standing over the women whose hair I was working on. I found myself being more adventurous with their hair. I was making suggestions to each of them to change their styles and have more fun…. "like I've done" was my punch-line.

My 11.45 cut and style was a typical example: A 40-something woman, tall and busty, with a figure that was evidently corseted beneath a business suit, who asked me "what made you change?" I answered her question with a question:

"Could it be that you're asking because it's time for a change for yourself?" I said. I wasn't prepared for the rely, but there it came, in the confidence shared only between women and their hairdressers:

"Well, as you mention it, yes indeed. I've been finding my husband is much less assertive these days and I'm wanting to change the dynamics a little. maybe, my taking over the assertiveness bit would work. I quite fancy the idea of a little swapping of roles... In fact, I'm very much of a mind to do just that..."

I replied, in my best conspiratorial tones, "well, if you did make some changes, I wouldn't stop at just the style of your hair. I'd get a new set of underwear.... you'd be amazed how empowering a subtle change can be...."

"What d'ya mean...?" she asked.

"I mean get some boxers to go under that suit. And I'd take of the bra. Buy a man's shirt too, and maybe a man's leather jacket. I've been meaning to get one myself. Then you can give your pretty underwear to your husband! 've just done that myself. As I say, you'll be surprised how empowering it could be!"

All the time, I imagined my husband at home, perhaps struggling with, but getting through the tasks he had been set. Mid-morning, he would used the depiliatory crá¨me on his tits. He would have moisturized them. He would have dressed in the most wonderful undies I had. By now, he would have put on the stockings, smoothing them over his long legs and he would have paraded around the bedroom in those heels.

"You're kidding me!" the client exclaimed, but intrigued - I could tell. "Are you kosher!?"

"Indeed I am, it's been on my mind for a while and, just like you, i reached a moment when it all seemed to be a timely idea!" I thought, enough is enough. She'll either do, or not do, what I had suggested.

I began to yearn for the fucker between my legs to be Andy's, or rather Annie's, cock.

But then, I also longed for the fucker between my legs to be my cock, my very own.

I couldn't remember ever standing behind a client and thinking so intently about sex. My mind wandered a little too much and I became conscious that now she was talking and I hadn't heard a word she'd said! I was throbbing. "

"......... and so how would you change my style, if I'm to dress that way?......." she was asking. "........would you go for a crop? I mean, your hair is lovely, but it's slickednot cropped."

I fashioned a shorter, yet feminine, style but, when she asked me, I slicked it down the way mine had been that day. Off she went, looking forward to an interesting evening when she got home. little did her husband know what was coming! I'd told her, if it was to their liking, she might come in for a white blonde make-ove next time. I kinda expected I'd be seeing her the next week.

It went on the same way, until after lunch, with my pussy throbbing, I was startled when i heard: "What did you hear me say just then?" said one woman……… "Oh, I'm sorry, I was miles away!" I said, half apologizing, half resentful…….. (bad attitude)………

"I said don't take so much off cutting round the back there…..!" she was quite irate. "Don't tell me you were miles away!"

Oh dear, I should retreat and apologize properly…. but then something inside me said I shouldn't …… something man-ish…… something telling me to be masterful……. this woman should do as I tell her….. She was a new client to the salon and had just had Hayley do her a new colour — a deep shining burgundy shade.

"You'll look much better if we do as we agreed…… You liked the idea of a wedge-profile at the back, to emphasize your new colour…… I thought……… let's just go on and see — you'll like it, I'm sure." Gosh! I was taking control in a way like never before.

"But…." she started…….

"No buts! You will like it." I wasn't taking prisoners on this one. She should do as I told her.

And in the end, I was right. (….but not before I'd put the salon's reputation on the line). She did love the new cut and thanked me for pushing her to accept it. I found I had a client who would return. But I was left with a feeling that was rooted in the fucker between my legs. I thought about it and thought about it. I pictured its shape and the way the head was so life-like, and the life-like veins along its shaft. I felt for then as I squeezed the walls of my love-nest together.


At that moment, the telephone rang and the call was for me.

"Zoe... it's yours...... sounds like Andy, but not quite like Andy really...." Hayley said.

"Tell him I'll call him back!...." I said. I was due a break and so took my mobile phone into the rest area where currently no other staff were.

It was Andy of course, but he did sound different.....and it sounded like he had spent a wonderful morning.

Words poured out of him, so fast I thought I would drown…………….

"Can't imagine….. Sooooo sexy…… Undies…….. Putting them……. smoothing….. shaping…….. mirrors……. shoes… heels…. high enough……. shaping my legs…… Wonderful…… cosmetics…. foundation….. wasted — used too much - …… had to wash…. sorry to waste…… tried again…… got it better…. less IS more, you're right……. lovely silky feel on my skin…….. Blusher, too powdery…. can't get the hang of that……. eyeshadow…. now there's a joy…. spent hours playing…… such a difference….. eyes come to life…….. mmmmmmmmm...."

He paused for breath.... " ....mascara, trouble again….. bit of a set-back….. had to remove the eyeshadow and start again…… nearly poked my eye out….. smudged it….. cleaned it off again…….. then, at last……… got it right at last…… stunning! looked at the mirror again and again… can't believe…… and then the lipstick….. oh, my goodness…… absolute dream….!!

"So, you've enjoyed yourself, have you?" I asked.

"Oh, yesssss…..! Zoe... yesssss..!!" was his reply. "But how has your morning been?" He asked the good wife's question. "Oh it's been interesting, honey…. very different. And I'll tell you all about it later. The new look has certainly made an impression! One of the girls, Hayley, said she fancies me!

"Oh, she's the one I fancy there……. Oh, apart from you that is!" He said quickly, realizing a slip of the tongue.

"Well, maybe you'd be in luck — it seems she likes boyish girls so maybe she likes girly boys too!" Teasing him was something I was beginning to enjoy. "It'll be a long time before she meets you looking the way you are now. You are mine... and mine alone!" I had to move on. Andy needed instructions for the afternoon and I needed to get to my next client.

"How was the dryer? Have you removed all your rollers?" I needed to know as he had to take care of the hairstyle next.

"Yes, it was fine and I did as you suggested…. It's quite an experience sitting under the dome of the dryer, just reading a mag. I found one of your professional ones… one with dozens and dozens of hairstyles and colours in it. Some on celebs and lots done by stylists in salons like yours….. It was really a gorgeous way to spend half an hour or more…… I found several styles that you might agree — and I thought — might suit me."

That was significant. He had been reading for pleasure and found some hairstyles — female hairstyles — that would suit him…. He was now in the mind-set of considering his appearance and how to make the best of it.

"Some wouldn't 'cos my hair's too short now… but even those could work if I grew it longer. Anyway, I did find some interesting articles and photo montages that showed the coming years' fashions and, d'you know, I think I'd look better in last year's!! Specially the blouses and summer dresses. i think the colours are much less flattering this year."

He was actively thinking about dressing and the colours that would suit him. That was a real change! He had never looked in a magazine - even one for men - before. He was obviously pre-occupied with growing his hair…. what joy! I was going to suggest that we have a fashion show with his trying on many of my dresses and doing a 'cat walk' for me.... We would do that soon! buAs for his hair, I would love him to have longer hair, so that it would be more fun to work on him! Sooner rather than later, maybe!

"No time to talk about that now…. (I said stalling, playing for time!) There's your hair for today to deal with and, Annie, I'm expecting great things of you, honey!" That was true…… This was here and now and he had to do what was expected.

he interjected: "The curls are all un-rolled and they've cooled down well. I didn't get in a tangle at all when I took them out…….. It was really mesmerizing watching the way they took shape on my head after the rollers came out. I thought of you at work. You must do this every day on hundreds of women….."

"I do darling, I do… but you have to do this for yourself — like I do at home. You've watched me do it countless times…." Reassurance….. reassurance….. build his confidence……

"Yes, but never imagining I'd have to do it on my own hair….! You'll have to do it more times before I get good enough."

I had to take him through the process of turning his raw curls into a soft and flowing style that had body and femininity…… Although his hair wasn't long at that time, it would look perfectly acceptable if he did it right. And I wanted him to get the hang of doing it for him/herself. I spend my life cutting, rolling and blow-drying other women's hair. I do my own. He/she can do his/her own!

"You'll be fine, honey. Let me tell you how to make it easiest for you……. First, get yourself a drink and sit at the dressing table. You have got your undies on haven't you?" yes, he had, and some suspenders, stockings and shoes.

"OK, so now study the shape of your own face — you might not have done that for a while. Look at its shape and contours. Look at the way you look so very different without hair about the place. try to ignore the tight curls…. look at the face only for now. Think how it needs to be softened. Where do you need your hair to frame your face. Where are your best points that can be emphasized…. by putting hair elsewhere. You're creating more of yourself as an illusion by doing so."

(I realize now that I was getting over into a bit of psychology here… maybe a bit too deeply.)

"OK, OK, but what do I do with the curls!!???" He interrupted anxiously. Typical male!

"Cool it, honey…. I'll tell you now. You should first run your fingers through the curls… first of all because it will feel wonderful, and second, because it will loosen the rigid form of the curls themselves…. You have next to merge them into a complete whole… not a set of individual rolls.

Just stroke your scalp as the hair runs through your fingers. It's a beautiful feeling, for a beautiful girl like you, Annie."

There, I had said something that was 'over the line'. In these three days, I'd never called him a 'girl' before…… Maybe a mistake………

He hesitated. "Zoe.......Won't that spoil it?" Uncertainty crept in again…….

"No, my love, just do as I suggest — it's the way we always do it…. and when you've done it a few times, you'll find it really easy. This is how you learn to control your hair and make it really sexy."

"OK, if you say so……. what do I do then?"

"You stroke your stockings and feel the sensuality of them.... OK?!" I teased.

"It's different doing it for yourself to me doing it for you or another girl. You take the rolls you can't see, one-by-one, all around the nape of your neck, and you take the round brush and brish them through. One-by-one. You loosen the curl but keep its shape. You want a flattering softness to develop but with the shape of the curl maintained.

I was re-telling what my Hair & Beauty College lecturer had told me years ago. I had a mental picture of her, "tarted up to the nines" as they did in the 90's………. High blonde chignon, which I could even remember the colour….. Baby Blush from a Born Blonde range…. Clairol, I think — don't know if you can buy it now……

"Then, when they are feeling right, take the hand mirror and look att hem. Do they flow? Do they have shape? Are they feminine enough? Then, you should move up to the crown of your head. There will be six larger curls running round from ear to ear, then another six in a cluster around the crown itself……. Pick them up, again one by one and brush them gently through. Leave the first six as they are once you've done that….. they'll add volume enough lower on your head. The real volume comes from the last six. This is what will make the look so special on you."

"Th…th….thank you for making this so easy….. XZoe... I do love you....." ….he stammered. I could tell he was nervy about this part of the whole day. "I sooooo want to get this bit right. You know how much I love hair… everyone's hair… yours, mine…. every girls'…….. Thank you."

He showed a real desire then to get this right…. I loved him all the more for it….. After all, he was a passenger on this ride….. I was in the driving seat.

"Now, I have to go soon… I have to get back to work." I said. "There's one thing left to do with your hair…. spray it with clouds of hairspray to fix it in position. I'll run my fingers though it later just for fun but, until then, it needs fixing. Next, there are two or three things to be done before

I get home. You must eat and drink — a salad and a juice I suggest. You must practise eating and drinking without messing your lipstick! Remember what I do, every time, …..you must lick the glass to stop the lipstick staying on the galls, and you must eat with you mouth closed likewise, for the same reason. You must have faultless lipstick when I get home!. Tidy the home, make sure that there are treats around the place to discover when we're fucking….. make sure any toys you fancy are in place, within reach."

"OK." He understood. Preparation — for a night of endless fucking.

"Oh, and one thing, I didn't tell you. very soon after I get home, I want you to take off the pair of your jockey pants.......that I'm wearing now! There's a little surprise inside them for you!".

There, the promise was made…. The fucker had to stay where it was until home-coming! Though, he still didn't know what the surprise would be!

We closed the call with loving words. He remained nervy, evidently, but I did all I could to make him(her) feel good about what was in store……….

I returned to the salon and worked through the three women who were my clients for the afternoon. Thankfully, no late night working tonight. By 5.30pm, I was back in the car having learnt how difficult it is to pee whilst having a fucker in your pussy. Impossible!!!!

The car rolled through the traffic jams going home far too slowly for my liking. As it was growing dark, I was able to slip my hand inside my trouser fastening and explore the jockey pants. No wonder men had little joy from underwear like this. It was only sexy for me because I knew what he/she was wearing to greet me at home! How dull. How lucky we girls are to have wonderful undies to enjoy every day!

I looked in the car's rear-view mirror. I saw the androgynous face that I'd worn all day. The hair slicked back and still parted, razor-sharp from the crown to the hairline. I felt the fucker in my pussy, or rather the tip of my cock between my thighs…. now that would be a man's treat! The female—to-nearly male transformation I'd undergone today was an added, and until this morning completely unexpected bonus. One I'd like to explore more…….

I decide to call him/her from the car, to increase the expectation and sense of wanting……

He/she picked up the phone and, as soon as she heard my voice, promptly dropped it.

"I hope you like what you see…… I hope I've done it well…….. I can't wait to see you…… Please hurry…." was all I got from him.

Please help me with your feedback, dear Readers! Love, Zoe xxxx

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