A Wife's Indulgence 6

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 6

by Zoe,

A friend of WannabeGinger's

My day at the salon had been enlightening. I came home a different woman, knowing that my husband would be a different man! Androgyny appealed to me more than I'd expected….. There were unexamined corners of our relationship that we might probe this evening. He/she, I knew, was nervous. I, too, as his wife, was nervous but also extremely excited! I couldn't wait to reach the driveway at home……

The Homecoming

The call on the phone was brief. I wanted his expectations to be accelerated. He had to know I was nearing home. When the car drew up, he would almost be having heart failure, his pulse racing for sure.

All day, I had been having the joy of squeezing the fucker that he didn't yet know was in my pussy. My pussy muscles were ready for the evening's entertainment. I would expect him to go down on me very soon after I got home and find the tip of the fucker there. I would have him explore all round it and suck it as if it were mine….. fully completing the girl/boy role.

As I thought of this, nearing home, I squeezed my thighs together yet again and, this time, sitting in the car seat, I was conscious that the fucker was on the move. Where there was just an inch or two outside before, the wetness allowed another inch or two to emerge. I had three or four inches of a cock between my thighs! I was getting a hard-on! Or it felt like it……. WOW! I wanted to get home and kiss his lovely lipstick-laden mouth………….. The jockey pants were stretching to breaking point. If I wasn't careful, I'd cum, I was certain of that.

Faced with the choice of stopping the car and indulging that temptation, or going the last mile or two to get home, I opted for the latter. I would get to cum a dozen times tonight, I was certain of that! The fucker remained as far emerged as it now was…. I could live with that. I looked in the mirror again…. man's hair, girl's face.

The car reached the house, almost on auto-pilot. I wanted to get my hands on him/her…. now! The horn sounded unintentionally as I opened the door. More cause for heart failure for him!

I put the key in the lock of the front door….. and entered.

At this point, I wasn't in control… for sure. Events would unfold in a way that I might fantasize would happen, or maybe dread. It would all go according to my (supposed) plan or it would all go horribly wrong like it did early last evening. I, an instant, I prayed it would go wildly and excessively well! And there he/she was!……….. Before me in the hallway.

Perhaps inevitably, I saw a guy in a girl's bedtime clothes…………. "Annie....." I said, you're gorgeous!". There he was. Praying for approval. It didn't matter at all. We would take care of the imperfections of his first attempts. In the long run, he would be girly enough - if not to "pass" - to be convincing, with me, at home.

His hair was flat….. Oh, damn, I thought, I'd forgotten in my hurry on the phone… I'd omitted to tell him to back-comb the crown to give it volume and height. It looked a little bit "mousey" - that would have to change and soon!

His make-up, in fact, was very well done indeed and so I complimented him there immediately.

"Darling, those eyes!!!" I exclaimed……. "….and those lips! Come here!"……. I ran to him and gathered him up with my arms around his waist. His arms were flung around my neck. Boy/girl clinch reversed.

I paused before kissing his lips, to accentuate the pleasure with a moment's more anticipation. My tongue passed across my lips, slowly. He mimicked this seductive little motion too.

Then we kissed, softly and gently at first, seductively on my part, and then flirtatiously on his.

At that minute, I was kinda glad that he was still a guy in my bedtime clothes…… Those three or four inches of the fucker between my legs were now clasped between my thighs. There was work to do and I felt good that I could make a significant improvement….. in a way, I guess he'd hoped I could even though he wanted so much to have my approval. His hair would be first —I had to admit my mistake in forgetting the back-combing. Then, I would take care of his eyeliner. Then he would need a lot of help in posture…. more than anything the way he was standing "shouted" uncomfortable!

"Ooooooh! Annie, I doooo love you!" I said, squeezing his waist. "Let me see your nails……."

Ahhh, there would be a need for help there too! He had tried his best I'm sure but there were traces of polish all over the place. The finger nails were god on his left hand but sadly misplaced polish surrounded the nails on his right.

"Trouble with being right-handed….." I said gently. "No worries, there's a technique you will learn. You did well with this one…" I continued, holding his left hand. "These are beautifully shaped and the colour is perfect. The shape on the left is good too — it's only the aim you're taking!" My hand strayed up his satin-covered arm.

"I wanted so much to get them right….. " He said hesitatingly. "…but no matter how hard I tried the polish wouldn't stay where I put it… Zoe, my hand wasn't steady and I guessed I was using too much. But it was exciting…. and that probably didn't help!"

The satin felt glorious to touch.

Confession! He was excited!

"It's very exciting darling, I'll put it right and show you a few tricks when I I've had a shower….. but before that, …. come here!" Another clinch, a prolonged and quite deep kiss this time. Hell, the lipstick would be ruined but that could be put right. I felt both our spirits rising….. and our cocks.

I slid my hand inside his dressing gown to feel for his tits. Inside… what joy! I found his lacy bra inside a satin camisole. "Oh, Myyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" I purred. I stroked the skin over his flat smooth chest and rounded on the nipple, squeezing it hard and digging my own long finger-nails into the sensitive little button. I would eat that later!!! He recoiled but didn't object. His eyes flashed - the mascara making them dark and sultry, the bright blue colour of the shadow making them bright and enticing at the same time. "Oh, o..u..c..h……! He whispered.

I slapped his arse, quite hard, and said "Now, you make the Martinis — strong ones — and I'll take a shower. I'm going to have you for dinner tonight!" Stunned, because I'd never said anything like that before in our lives, he skipped away to do my bidding. I saw him go and thought about it. I really hadn't, had I? Ever. Told him that he was mine to have.

This must have been another example of the way I had been dressed all day, and the dildo grasped between my thighs, showing through in most butch behaviours. I was in control. He was doing as I told him. Partly, it was so that he would get a good fuck tonight. Partly, it was because he was being girly to my boyishness. Our roles were being reversed quite nicely thank you.

God! I felt horny at that moment. I felt the cock both inside me and outside me. Don't let anyone tell you that the 'G-spot' is mythical...... It's real! My pussy's lips were holding it fast. He did not know what was in store, but he'd soon find out! He might fear being penetrated with it at some stage but that was not in my mind at all. I would discard it and implore him to fuck me hard with his own cock to consummate the evening.

I stood in the shower, stroking my skin, smoothing the silky lotion over my whole body. slowly,

I explored my tits…. thinking how like my own his nipples had felt. He had no boobs, as such, but we could make him feel that he had in due course. I ran water through my hair which had been scalp-tight all day. Should I come out of character and re-do it my normal style? Or should I stay boyish for a while? Decisions, decisions!

Decided…. hair boyish, clothes girly in the extreme. Fresh make-up. Keep the dildo. That would be spicy. Like a guy in a dress… like he looked. I drilled a parting through my hair — razor sharp.

"Are the Martinis ready??" I called down the stairs. "I'll not be long, honey!"

"Ready and waiting." was his reply. I quickly dried my skin and powdered all over. I took the most feminine, flowing summer skirt from its hanger. No bra — not for me today. I took a fresh pair of jockey pants from his side drawer — the ones from the day were soooo damp. The dildo was still there and I couldn't resist a push and a pull! As it slowly slid over the lips of my pussy,

I shuddered with expectation of what was to come…. or cum! Not yet! Enough! I turned to the mirror and admired my own image. Beautiful flowing girly clothes topped with sleek hair and stunning make-up. "Cock" hidden. Shoes? Which shoes…….?? Boys' trainers (for oddity?) or heels (for seduction?)


Down the stairs I strode, pausing briefly to locate him — he was in the lounge, sprawled across the sofa with his legs akimbo, showing more than a "glimpse of stocking"….. something shocking?, oh no! The peach satin fabric glistened. He looked wonderful. Still a guy in my undies, but wonderful.

I can remember it as if it were yesterday, now I'm writing the memories down. What a beautiful way to spend an evening!

As I reached the foot of the stairs, he stood and came over, again putting his arms around my neck 'girl on guy' style. "You look stunning, Zoe!", he murmured. His hands ran over the sleek hair at the back of my head and the nape of my neck. "Mmmmmmm…..!, he purred. I responded with my hands around his waist once more and our lips came together.

"I'll fix your eye make-up when we've enjoyed our Martinis, then I'll make more of your hair! OK?". I could hardly wait. Because he would be made to eat my pussy on the way to those delightful experiences.

I don't know what he was thinking of just then because these were promises we'd both looked forward to. I saw a flash of uncertainty in his eyes but then it was gone in a second…. and he didn't even know about the dildo yet!

When I began planning what we were doing, I had thought about a strap-on but I was very glad now that I hadn't done that. This was our own fucker that we'd shared many times… and oh! so many times had I cum with its delicious form inside me! It was only right that we should share it some more. It was there for an effect on his mind — to emphasize the strength of my commitment to him however he wanted to be girl, boy, boy/girl, or whatever.

""OK, whatever you say, my lover. Here's your Martini. You can take me anytime, ..anyplace, ..anywhere, as they once used to say."

"Let's take them upstairs…………………………..!"

We were on our way! I led him by the hand and, on reaching the fourth stair and standing above him, I sat down. "Now, …..I want you now! Eat me first! Please, darling!" I said hoarsely, the man in me coming through and the "man" in my pussy getting a hard squeeze. The folds of my dress were soon parted as he sank to his knees.

The jockey pants were revealed. The moment was about to arrive. God knows how I'd been waiting for this all day. His breathing was shallow, probably as he was close to cumming himself.

I felt his hair in my hands and grabbed hard — this one wasn't going to get away! I was in control.

His tongue felt its way along my thighs towards my pussy where it loved to play. His lipsticked lips leaving a trail no doubt as evidence! His hands stroked the backs of my knees. The jockey pants were a barrier. But he buried his face in there — as he often did into my lacy panties like the ones he was wearing now.

Then, he tumbled to the surprise…… "Wha…….!???... Zoe??" came from deep between my thighs…..

A split-second later, his head emerged and I saw mascara-laden, eyeshadowed eyes as he said "Ohhhhh, you beauty!!!…………………………………"

He tore at the jockey pants to expose the lips of my pussy and the clitoris that was begging to be creamed. He took my cock in his mouth and his lips closed around it. As I squeezed and the dildo pushed outwards, my erection was complete. He licked slowly to avoid gagging on my cock and I began to shudder uncontrollably as the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced came over me. My mind went blank for I-don't-know-how-long.

I'd left him behind and regretted that for a moment as I woke to find his head on my thigh and his tongue just reaching my clittie. I'd not waited… but I couldn't wait! Hours through the day meant I was cumming now, ready or not!!! Damn….. His breathing was slower now. I wondered if he'd cum in the meantime but it proved to be the case that he hadn't ejaculated. I noticed though that he was playing with one of his nipples as he kissed my love nest, his other hand stroking the satin of his camisole. "Zoe, my Zoe, you're a truly beautiful woman." was all he said.

We had to go on — to greater heights of ecstasy. I had to make sure we didn't lose this wonderful moment. Could we move? How could we move? I wanted my cock out and his cock in me. As I had these thoughts going through my mind, his tongue continued to have its effect and, sure enough, I was on my way to cumming again. My breath became short and my eyes closed as wave after wave of another orgasm engulfed me. God, he was good at this!!!!! knowing just what a woman wants.... Time and again, my body quivered as his tongue surrounded the now-superfluous dildo. I was cumming just from pure lust.

It seemed like hours later that I slid the dildo out into my hand, wiping it across his lips before taking it to my own mouth to enjoy the taste the juices of my own cum. Not a word was spoken beyond my own two words……

"Annie... It's....... Your turn!…………………….."

Stroking the satin, I slipped the dressing gown from his shoulders. And so we climbed the stairs. His satin gown was now left behind us and his camisole, bra, panties, suspenders and stockings created the image of the girl I was about to mouth-fuck.

Wrong! As we reached the bedroom, his hands took over, swinging me towards the bed. The dildo dropped beside the bed. The martinis were spilled. In a moment, he was above me as I lay on my back. He was fighting the lace of my panties around his cock. Soon it was free and he was able to enter me, submerge in me, drown in me. He grabbed handfuls of my hair as he rested on his arms.

I had this girl on top of me, her hair curled, her eyes bright and dark the same time. Her lacy bra and silky camisole in my hands. Her stockings and suspenders rubbing down my thighs. Thrusting into me. Her cock was fairly firm but not huge and hard. Nothing like the fucker before it. But then, I thought in a lucid moment, a girl shouldn't have a full cock to fuck with - and nor really should this boy/girl I loved so much.

"Then, before, I was a girl… now I'm your guy." He said forcefully. I was no longer in control. For a while, he could lead. He could be in control. He could dominate if he so wanted. Looking as girly as he did, the wonderful confusion of our genders was complete.

In the after-glow we relaxed in the lounge. Our make-up restored and our exhausted bodies recuperating. There are no words to describe the feelings then. Looking back from months ahead, where we are now, this was an earth-shattering day in out relationship. It set the tone for the future that, thank heaven, goes on.

We're still together and we're loving the way we're able to love eachother. He is still "she" occasionally — like once or twice every week — and I'm in androgynous mode maybe once a week. But without that day, who knows what might have been? Remember, only the day before, he was a wreck having wanked himself senseless whilst I was at work. So much better to have reclaimed my plan and given him this day's preparations to make while I was at work.

There are many other things to tell you, my Reader, like how we have created a wardrobe for him/her, and how our role reversal works in practice. That's for a later chapter. I have to go on……

We recovered over another Martini and I moved to suggest that we make something more of his hair — to put right my mistake earlier. We then had to work on his fingernails. Advice on his posture would wait for another day. He was still lounging there like a guy would do but no matter.

"Your hair, my darling…." I whispered. "You did really well with the comb-out, and I have to apologize for forgetting one thing - we need to back-comb the crown to give you some lift and volume. We'll leave the curls lower down as you've made them… all petal-like laying on one another. Beautiful. But the crown needs some serious back-combing!"

"I can't wait, lover." he murmured.

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