A Wife's Indulgence 8

A Wife's Indulgence
by Zoe
from a friend of WannabeGinger

chapter 8

My tale continues into the second weekend of my husband's growing delight in the freedom to dress in my, and now a few of his own, feminine clothes. I am beginning to work wonders with his hair — which he loves- and I'm about, tomorrow, to send him to select his own cosmetics from the local department store. Before that, we have Friday night! (Chapter 7 started the evening's joy!).

We resume, at home, early evening at the end of the week. A whole weekend of delights in prospect. To tell the truth, I can recall feeling totally shagged out after a day on my feet at the salon and then a wild affair over Andy's hair when he arrived home, culminating in wonderful wanking that we both indulged……

He proved that it's possible for a guy to be talked into orgasm with just his hair being talked about. I proved that missing his cum was no disincentive and that featherlight fondling of my own fanny, standing there with him, was enough. I was drained! Delightfully!

We looked forward to the weekend; a time in which he would go back to the department store and buy some more cosmetics - to try to find the woman he had been seen by before. I would then meet him for coffee in the high Street - outside the shopping precinct - and we would explore some of the smaller fashion houses where more personal service is guaranteed.

But back to the moment in hand! I had yet to apply the silver highlights to the hair that framed his face and began by restoring the back-combing of the bouffant crown I had created in his beautiful wine-coloured curls. I felt that they belonged to me now. They were mine — for me to do whatever I wanted with the. I would appear to give him a choice but, in reality, whatever his hair would be like in the future would be my design!

As I back-combed, his eyes closed.

He had asked if he could come to my salon… soon…. and he later told me that was what he was imagining there and then. Calling the salon, using a name
I wouldn't recognize, making an appointment with "Zoe" - asking for me by name - as his stylist/colourist, and turning up with me expecting someone completely different, and putting himself in my hands to do my dream creation.

He did do so, but then that's a story for another time.

I left him to his thoughts as my hands worked through his hair, sectioning off the individual curls and giving them as strong a back-combing as I felt they could take. tonight wasn't a time for half-measures. I do dooooo bouffant when I try!!!

The silver highlights were there to complete his/her look for the evening if not the whole weekend. The shiraz colour would last through three washes but the silver would be gone in the first. High-lighting meant getting 'up close and personal' in front of him — obscuring the view he had of the mirror.

He was very vulnerable, I thought, sitting there facing me with his eyes closed, trusting me to do this… to make him girly again…… It made me love him more. That trust I couldn't betray by pushing him too far. We had to work on what he would find acceptable, and what he would not. That was for the next time we 'talked'. Not for tonight. Tonight was for crossing his dress and fixing his beauty… and sex, lots, lots more of that.

He had become she... again. Annie sat before me.... and I loved her even more!

So, when I had started, all Andy had seen was his bouffant crown, in glorious dark red….. When I had finished, and after painstakingly stroking the colour wand over strands of her hair, finally, I let Annie twirl the seat. She saw for herself. She looked in the mirror….. and was breath-taken! I had to admit it was one of the most creative results of my hairdressing career — and one that promised greater enjoyment in the future. He/she looked wonderful. I just had to kiss Annie deeply and lastingly. Tonight was going to be very special indeed.

"Darling, Zoe, you're marvellous." Annie purred. "I couldn't have hoped to look this good. I just adore the colour and the style is shaping up so well. I just can't wait for my hair to grow some more! Can you show me some style books to see how you want it to be when it's longer? I can't wait… It's just the most important element in the image I have of me as a girl……"

She was running away with herself…… to become herself!, I was obvious. The hair was the key.

"Whatever you wish, Annie, my love….." I interrupted him, mid-flow, "…but remember we have to go gently, in all of this, we have to take little steps….. this has been a bigger one but there's no half-way house in hair colour — you gets what you buys!" I advised him.

"Half-way, of course…. half-way in the stunning colour… what's that half-way towards then?"

I couldn't answer. In fact, the change I'd made, albeit with a temporary rinse and paint-on masque which wouldn't last, was the most dramatic colour change in Annie that I could have made.

"Not in the shade, my darling… only in how long it would last. This is temporary… it sits on the shaft of your hair and washes away very soon. It can still be there if you want it tomorrow when you go shopping, but it won't last beyond the weekend."

"D'you think I should keep it for going out? I mean, what will people think?" She paused.

"When you're going out to buy lipstick? And maybe other cosmetics too? I don't think there's a worry there, do you?" I taunted him. Andy was still under there... somewhere! "We'll have to go on to the clothing stores as wel, I think... I said, tauntingly.

What he was to do tomorrow was another step - I'd said a small one then but now know it was another massive one……..

The lipstick was close to hand, so I gently tipped his chin upward and applied a light coating of colour. Casually, I said "This satin gown that you're wearing now is yours, it goes so well with the new 'you', I want you to wear it often and to buy things like it. OK?"

He purred in response once again, no words seemed necessary. I thought then, I've got him hooked. I kissed him again and led him down-stairs to where I had prepared a lovers' meal — light and seductive tastes. Sesame prawns with light garlic dip, a half-dozen oysters, some melon with parma ham and a bottle of chilled Garganega di Venezie. Eaten with fingers, sipped with lipsticky lips, just delicious!

Before we reached the kitchen, I prepared him for this and another surprise by saying "Close your eyes, honey, because there are some treats on the table and, by the way, I've invited a friend to join us." He stopped at the door, eyes closed. "Whad'ya mean….????" quite clearly freaked out at the prospect of somebody else joining us with him dressed as he was.

It was a joke…. There was a third place laid for dinner at the table, but the friend I had invited was our dildo, ….our fucker, …..our soul-mate! He didn't know that. Maybe I'd made a mistake. Quickly, I tried to reassure him/her.

"Don't be concerned, my love. I wouldn't embarrass you; you're too precious for that. It's a little bit of fun for us both…. Open your eyes!"

There, before him, was the faithful pleasure-giver we both adored, all eight inches ready to eat!!.

"You wicked woman!", Annie cried. "I was petrified for a moment! Zoe! promise me you won't ever do anything like that again, will you?! My heart must have stopped beating then! I nearly fainted!"

"No promises on that score my love. Who knows, one day you might be relaxed enough not to care who sees and knows you in your alter ego."

(I couldn't imagine that for a minute. I expected that this whole charade would stay between us, as it has done over three whole years. I haven't been concerned at all about that — indeed, it's been beautiful to share it just between the two of us. OK, he's been 'out' at times, but that's been fuel to the flames of his excitement. That's all.)

"I'm not going to be able to do that…. never in a month of Sundays!" He seemed very certain and I couldn't blame him. I felt so outrageous when just in my "andro" guise, I needed the make-up to balance out the impression… to be "She/He" always. I couldn't go further. But just thinking of dressing myself made me wet around the pussy once more. I had caught sight of myself in another mirror on the stairs………

"I want to know that you want me." I said in as suggestive a voice I could muster. "…… Show me how much your taste buds appreciate me…." "Why not… you're the most tasty woman in the world.", he answered.

We ate seductively, each taking a turn to pass something between our lips and finish by licking them, leaving a gloss to shine. Occasionally, I picked up the dildo and passed it to him, saying "Lick me… lick me now!" …..and sure enough, he did.

We talked about the plan I had for tomorrow… his first foray to the cosmetics counter.

"You should be all boy on the outside, OK? What you're wearing underneath is up to you. Your hair can stay as it is, with the highlights, or you can rinse it in the shower in the morning and only the purply red will remain. Your choice. You will go on your own so you don't feel "pressured." (There was no point in telling him I would follow and observe him.)

Annie was taking this all on board, then asked: "You said to take my time, so I will. I may even stop for a coffee before going in for the 'kill'! Just another lipstick, you said. For daytime or for night-time?"

"Oh, night-time, darling. Real vibrant colour — that's what you need to buy. You can wear some of your first purchase, your Rimmel 'Birthday Suit' lipstick, when you leave the house if you like. You'll know it's there but nobody passing you in the street will know. Only the girl at the counter is sure to know. That should be fun — so she knows it's for you whatever you say or excuse you use!"

"Terror!", she laughed. In fact, she wasn't the slightest bit afraid, sitting there at home.

I dimmed the lights where we sat. As the 'meal' wore on, I became increasingly tempted to slip the dildo inside myself and have him/her lick me….. Eventually, the temptation was too great to bear. Quietly, I slipped my chair away from the table and spread my legs. "Eat me! ….. eat me NOW!", I implored her….. and, sure enough, she did!

The evening was taking shape exactly the way I had planned. Further sex, increasingly hedonistic, was sure to follow.

Her lipstick was refreshed before he approached me. "I can just taste you, Zoe, you honey.", she said as if in a dream. His head sank towards my abdomen and on toward my love-nest. The satin folds of his gown laid over my legs, softly caressing the skin. His tongue penetrated the folds of my wonderfully wet labia and found my pussy waiting. Soon I would cum, and cum again… The dildo went in and soon I was in a multiple series of orgasms that I wanted never to end… as this wonderful female man was serving me!!! His hair hid his face as it was buried between my thighs.

I stroked the curls in his dark red hair. Truly, he made a wonderful lesbian lover for me. Soon enough, after it seemed like hours, we laid back for a pause in play.

What could I do in return? Have him fuck me with his own cock….? I found it outside the knickers he was wearing. Fuck me through my own knickers! Yes!, though only semi-aroused, it was warm to my touch. I sensitively stroked the insides of his thighs, took him firmly in hand and guided him towards me.

He couldn't sustain what hardness he had and clearly felt fraught at the prospect of failing me. Crisis! His old lack of confidence crept back. And the more it went on the more it bothered him. He was so worried, he lost it completely. As if I was worried…. we were making wonderful love. What's a bit of penetration, or a lack of it, between friends? "I'm so sorry.", he said as he paused in his sorrow and then, as if undeterred, found the dildo — our fucker — and mounted me with it between his thighs, forcing himself to simulate fucking me. That is how much he cared.

(In his confusion, he thought — as he told me only recently — that was what two girls would end up doing when one needed so badly to be fucked as I clearly had shown I was).

I wanted to make light of the whole thing…. if was, after all, no worry to me.

What to do next?

I let him simulate for a while before thinking…… this game could have two sides………

So, after a while, and after simulating an orgasm myself, I said, quietly: "Two can play at that game!" With which, I took the fucker from him and pushed him over on the bed, face down. He had said I could penetrate him if I wanted……. I just wanted to show him that I could…….

….if I wanted to! But tonight, I didn't want to! So I simulated fucking his arse, pulling him up to take it doggy-style, pushing the fucker in between his buttocks……..

Then, reality clicked-in again…. I had been dreaming… that would have been the last insult to deliver to him in such a situation. I had, indeed, faked an orgasm… He felt a little better and promised "It'll be better tomorrow" as we subsided.

Enough was enough — time to sleep and make well for tomorrow…………. We removed eachother's make-up and freshened our faces. I changed into a truly feminine nightdress and he/she chose to sleep naked. Whether he/she or I went off to sleep first, I can't tell, but I remember dreaming of what I should see in the department store tomorrow and how my "girlfriend/she" would be feeling on arrival home!


More Shopping!

Saturday morning dawned and we were up bright and early. He/she had to be off to the store. Showered and dressed, we had a light breakfast among the detritus of last night's diner sexuelle, and items of clothing strewn about the house.

Not knowing what he/she was wearing under his very conventional weekend chinos and tee-shirt,

a new way to ask what was under there was needed.

"Feeling light and soft inside? Under that rough exterior?" I tried. He knew.

"Oh, yes! Lacy — lovely!"

"Fancy the "Birthday Suit" lipstick?"

"Oh, YYYYes please!"

"Good for you…. come here; let me put it on you." I insisted. I wanted him to have perfectly shaped lips when he approached the cosmetics adviser….. No other make-up though. He was to go out strictly 'low-key'. "Highlights gone, I see." I commented. "I'd like them back."

"The secret with cosmetics buying is to know what you want but to have the adviser help you find it! Good customers get freebies if they're lucky, so keep her talking. Ask what she thinks. You are going there for a lipstick for special nights out. Do you want something sheer red? … or plum and purple? With your hair, plum and purple shades would go best…. ask if she agrees. She'll probably compliment you on your hair shade….. and may even ask if the lipstick's for you. Shock! Horror! Discovery! If she doesn't, well, you can tell her if you want. A bright red could look tarty and any pink shade would clash, so I'd say avoid them. But see if she agrees."

"What if another customer comes by when I'm talking with her?" He asked this, concerned if his private moments would be broken.

"She'll deal with that. She'll ask the other customer to wait for a few minutes but suggest she tries a few things from her big display case. The woman won't pay you any attention — unless you make yourself noticed." I teased him a little more.

"How? What d'ya mean?", he looked concerned.

"Well, if you're trying on the lipstick on your mouth — that'll certainly get you noticed, you girly thing you!". I laughed. "A girl always tries out lipsticks on the back of her hand…. so, you swipe two or three across here….. (showing him).. and she can compare the shades and decide which would look best on her lips. You can do tat, can't you?"

"Well, that way I won't be as noticeable, will I?"

"Exactly. Now, if you're lucky, and the store isn't busy first thing after opening, she might just put some on you…. like in having a make-over — you see girls having those all the time, don't you? …. Do you fancy that?!" Again, I was teasing him………… but sowing a seed for him to choose, if he fancied being made-up in the full light of a department store!

"Long way away, I think, honey.", he said. "But not never???" I taunted again.

"Oh, never say never….", and he paused in deep thought for some time….. I said nothing, wondering what he would say next……. He looked out of the window and, as he did so, his hand strayed to the hair around the nape if his neck. he felt for the curls, twisting each one as it came into his fingers. He patted and primped the crown, feeling the way the mousse gave it body. Thinking what thoughts? Not never? No, never say never.

Hmmmmm. That set me thinking too. Just look at how far we.. or rather he/she, had gone in a few days…. Just a week and here he was, ready to go out to buy his own cosmetics, having already gone out to buy underwear. Having made love to me as both man and woman.

"I must be going. Can't keep the shop staff waiting, can I?", he said with a lightness in his voice. It was questionable though to what extent he was gee-ing himself up for the challenge. He told me later he promised himself that he would not go into the store if he paused at any time during his walk to town; if he hesitated, he could change his mind. if he didn't, he couldn't. But if he didn't hesitate, he had to go in and go through with what we had agreed he would.

Kissing this wonderful man for a last time before he left, I said, "Just enjoy the whole experience, lover. And come back and tell me all about it, like before. I want to know every detail. If you like it a lot, having bought just a lipstick, then maybe you can go back later and buy something else — say you forgot it, maybe some foundation or eyeshadow. Now that would get your face known in there, wouldn't it! Go on, now. The store opens in 15 minutes."

"Not the sort of things a shy boy like me does every day.", he said, in equally taunting mode. His step was light as he left the doorstep where we had kissed lightly — lightly enough not to spoil his lips. I watched him walk off towards town, letting him get ahead before setting off myself to observe. This was an experience I wanted to share! OK, if he saw me and I was discovered, I'd 'come clean' and say I couldn't resist seeing him take this step….. apparently all by himself.

His clothing gave no clue as to firstly what he was wearing underneath and second, that he was off to do a most feminine of things……… I adored him even more, just for his doing this willingly.

The walk to town was straightforward from our home, but it had enough turns to make following him an easy thing to do. Would he hesitate? Would I come across him round the next corner, or the next? The answer seemed to be no. He walked really quickly….. So much so that the doors of the store were still closed when he reached them. That didn't count as hesitation…..

He stood there, with a small number of others, waiting for the doors to be opened. He ran his hand through his hair….. absent mindedly really, but it obviously made him aware again of the changes we had made to his appearance last night. He looked anxiously at those around him. They paid him no special attention. Well, lots of guys dye their hair these days. OK, the red was a little dramatic but hell, 'live a little!'. I'd seen that his highlights had been sacrificed, but he was right — we can have them again soon.

The doors of the store began to be opened by a pretty young girl, blonde and rounded, just lovable. His type, for sure. He smiled at her and said something….. he was good with strangers. She answered what must have been a question…. she pointed to a distant point; he must have asked her where the cosmetics department was to be found.

But he knew! We had discussed it. Last night. As I followed him into the shop, I realized what he was doing. He was engaging her in conversation and he was checking himself out to proceed. Did she see his lipstick? If she did, there was no indication. Did she look at his hair…. well, certainly she did. I was close enough to see that she herself had blonde highlights within the base blonde colour of her hair. pretty. If he had turned then, he would have seen me. But I escaped detection.

On he went, towards the cosmetics counters, all brightly-lit in the far distance. Lots of spotlights, many pretty salesgirls, a wonderful aroma of the fragrances and other products they sell, I can almost taste the atmosphere as I write this. He didn't pause anywhere….. He slowed his pace only when he was within twenty yards of the nearest counter. As he did so, I cut out of the main avenue through the store and observed him from aside, pretending to be interested in some costume jewellery there. He was looking at the brand names on offer: Lancome, Clarins, Max Factor, and many others, before narrowing in on the Christian Dior counter on the far side.

"Go for it, girl!" I said under my breath. I willed him to make the approach. As he arrived there, he found no sales assistant to help or bother him. It meant he could browse for a short while. Helpful to be here as soon as the store opened, just as I thought. Very few customers, even fewer sales assistants! But not for long.

He stood in front of the huge Dior cosmetic display. Fascinate by the colours and shapes of the packaging and the range of products there to choose from. He looked around — for the first time a little nervously. Would he 'cut and run'? No question of that…… No hesitation on the way in; he was here to buy!

Maybe a minute or two passed — it seemed like hours! — and then she came over………..

She had been talking with another woman at a neighbouring counter but had evidently left husband to his own interests for a little while. Then, she swooped, but oh, so slowly!

About 36-40 years of age, dressed in an immaculate powder blue/grey suit, and strutting her stuff in 3" heels of black patent leather, she clacked across the stone floor. "Angels at 10 o'clock!" She wore a vivid blue neck-tie that matched the vivid blue of her eyes and her azure eye shadow. From the distance I watched, it was impossible to see the perfection of her complexion — though perfect it no doubt was. Her lips were the most tantalizing dark cherry red and the whole aura was topped off with the most elaborately styled coiffure — yes, it was a "coiffure", no doubt done by her herself — there had been no time to come to a salon like my own.

I admired its creativity. An 'up-do' is too small a word for it. Savagely pinned to her scalp, the length was all available for the dressing on the sides and top. The curls mounted one upon another and vertical kiss curls adorned her cheeks. The colour? Oh, the colour… or should I say colours! She was probably an English mouse brown under it all. But the variations upon it were stunning. She had raw slashes of golden blonde separated by distinct lines of chestnut red and a darker, mahogany. These blended into a superb array of top- and side-curls that made the overall image one of "I am in charge here". And she was.

My view was uninterrupted so I could take all of this in before husband spotted her. She approached him from behind and so he only saw her at the last moment. He was shocked it seemed and, as she went behind her counter, she began to speak. I couldn't hear her words but her body language was perfect. She was selling from the moment she laid eyes on him.

She asked him questions — which I wanted to hear in detail later — and she listened to his answers.

Slowly, as he talked, her eyes roved about his face and then about his body. Quite distracting really, if you're having a conversation with someone. But all the time, she held his gaze. He could not leave staring into her eyes for a minute.

She would, by now, have 'sussed' his reason for being there. She would have seen his all-too light lipstick and realized, whatever he would say, that the lipstick he said he wanted would be for him. To use on himself — either alone or with a partner. She knew now. It would be a very short time before he knew that she knew! Then, what would he do? He had to go through with this — he had promised himself.

Next thing, I saw her reach into the display and bring up three lipsticks. She returned to the display and brought up a lip pencil. I hadn't even talked with him about those! He/she had never used one, that was for sure. Then, I saw her take his hand and one-by-one, she applied the three lipsticks to the back of his right hand. She then pointed to her own lips, clearly explaining what lip-liner could do.

It was Annie who studied her face intently, hearing every word, smiling occasionally.

Before long, it was clear that a selection had been made… and a lipstick and a lip-liner pencil were bought….. That was it. I turned to get out of the way of his exit from the store. Only when a looked back, did I see that the conversation had continued…..

To cut a long story short, he came away with foundation - Dior's best for everyday living for a girl — and eyeshadow……. exactly in the palette of shades that would 'go' with his/her new hair colour.

I ran out of items to be 'interested in' around the store before he — the buyer - and she — the seller - finished his purchasing. I had to make an exit. Looking forward to his description of the whole encounter, I hurried home. There was no time to go to the fashion shops.... That could wait! Take your time! I thought......... Saturday was proving to be better than I could have hoped.


More revelations!

Back home, I prepared the house for a relaxing 'rest of the day'. If that meant sex…. so be it. If it didn't, I could wait. The morning's excursion had kept me warm and wet between my legs and so there was a good excuse to indulge myself with the fucker until he returned.

When husband came through the door, it was as if I'd been there all morning. I was laying on the sofa with my legs spread apart, the business end of the fucker in my hand, the thicker, rounded end, inside my wet little pussy. I was practising squeezing it with my vagina muscles whilst stroking it as if it were my own cock. I must have made an impression…….

"Well, hellooooooo! Have I had a good day… and so have you!" He laughed, immediately sinking to his knees before me and taking the fucker in his mouth. He nearly swallowed the whole thing before his lips reached my clitoris and all the bells began to ring!!! Hell, he knew how to make me cum!!!

Later, and it must have been much later, we sat together talking again. He was excited and insisted on telling me all about the encounter — the one he didn't know that I'd observed. I sat spell-bound by the enthusiasm and total indulgence he displayed…..

As he told me all of this, I just looked at him in adoration. What a super guy I'd married!

"It was heaven, honey — just like you said it could be. I got to the store before it opened and I just waited with a few other people for the doors to be opened. I was nearly wetting myself the thought of what I was going to do. There was never any question: I was going to do this…. I couldn't let you down, you giving me these wonderful undies to share…. I asked a young lady from the staff where the cosmetics area was and she was very helpful. She was a honey, really, and I talked with her for quite a while. I knew where I had to go anyway — but it was good to talk to someone before meeting the sales assistant lady.

There was no doubt when I got to the right place that I was early. Nobody around — several counters weren't staffed. So, I browsed the various counters and found the Dior one — it seemed right to go for theirs. I looked at their display and suddenly, from nowhere, came this beautiful creature. She was maybe ten years older than me…. and boy! was she ready to sell me some-thing!? She was immaculate — her hair, her clothes, her make-up; she was 100%, full-on, "you're mine" — her eyes were riveting — I just couldn't take my eyes off hers. She was clearly studying me….. All in the first ten seconds…. Then, she said "What may I ask are you looking for today?" It was as if she already knew.

I told her I was here to buy some lipstick. "Oh, for everyday, or for a special evening perhaps?", she asked.

"A special." I told her. "Hmmmm", she thought and clearly pondered my face and said "Would this be a special evening for you or your partner?" Well, what could I say….? "Well, it's for me seeing as you ask. I'm, er… going out this evening." All the confidence I had drained away in a split second, it seemed. Zoe - you can't imagine it...... or perhaps you can..... I was totally transfixed by her mouth and her soft smooth skin."

"Have you worn lipstick often?", she asked, pointedly looking at my lips. Again, I faltered, What should I have said? Best be honest, I thought. "Well, I'm getting practice." That sounded like a good answer. it seemed to satisfy her. "Like this morning, eh?", she laughed, emphasizing that she knew I'd worn lipstick today."

He had not been embarrassed by the question. He'd just lost the confidence that we'd built before he left home. Lost it in the face of this fine looking woman — a woman who didn't mock or treat him with disdain. She was a consummate sales professional…… Here was a buying signal.

"I told her that I needed a choice of evening colours and she then confounded me totally by asking if I wanted a lip-liner pencil too! Needless to say, I'd no idea. So I asked her to show me — like you said to do. And she did. She put three lipsticks on the back of my hand and said that the lip-liner would go with all three. Then she showed me how her own lips were outlined in a deeper red than the lips themselves. She wasn't going to let me go without one of those too!"

As far as I could tell, by this stage, he was in full role-play mode, acting the way any girl would do when buying cosmetics for the first time. And he loved it.

"Then, as I was getting ready to pay and leave… she says……

"Now, you need foundation to help with the whole picture. It can make your skin look radiant and it'll smooth out any slight imperfections that you want to hide." What a woman!".

"Like my acne scars, you mean?????" He rushed on. "I just had to buy some….. Oh, and she sold me some eyeshadow too. She said that would go very well with the hair colour I'd chosen… See….she knew all about me. How did she do that?"

I got a moment to say something between his breaths….. "She used her eyes, honey — that's all." And she had done so. She had read all his needs, all of his uncertainties, and she'd made the sale. I thought I should get to meet this woman..

"So, the you left the department store and what did you do next?" I pressed for details of his morning as he'd clearly spent at least another half-hour at the shops — while I was otherwise engaged with the dildo.

"Well, I was almost exhausted so I went for a coffee down by the M&S store and I sat in the sunshine there before going in to look around.", he said casually — all-too-casually!

This wasn't part of the plan, but I was intrigued. He had gone on, without me.... and into the shopping centre and to the M&S store where he had bouth his panties before.

He rushed on with his story… which was becoming a confession: "What the hell, I thought, I'd like to buy one of those body shaper things you described — that hold in your tummy and thighs and that give you a bra shape integrated at the same time. I got one in a gold lacy lycra finish. I do hope you like it!"

And then he came home. To me. To tell me. To share his experiences with me. heaven!

The rest of the day was quiet by comparison. His having been shopping, my having spied upon his exploits, his buying more than planned, my coming home for a play, his going to M&S as well, my hearing his description…. what could surpass these things?

I suggested that he get undressed and show me his body shaper. We spent the rest of the day slipping from lazy sex to casual browse-feeding and occasional wine-drinking…… What a way to spend a Saturday!

Again, though, as quiet times engulfed us, I found myself wondering about where our confused sexualities were taking us. I knew I was a sound hetero-girl. I may have dallied with bi-experiences in the past, but now I had Annie… I had no need. Annie was once a firm hetero-male and professed still to be so. She'd never experienced a homosexual urge in her life. Still hadn't. She, as a he, wasn't gay…… He wasn't homosexual… but Annie had exclusive leanings towards being a lesbian!!!! What a man! I loved every inch of her, all the more!

...the story continues..............

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