Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-11-37

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Chapter 11

Andrew and Alexandra leave the children at their meal hall explaining to them that they will return for them in a half hour's time. If they finish before Alexandra returns, they are to wait at the benches outside the meal hall. Now they go to the Sister's hall for their luncheon and while there discuss together the afternoon lesson plan then order many more honey cakes, milk, water and wine for the afternoon.

Finishing their meal after Andrew's second plateful, they return to lead the children back to the garden to discuss the afternoon plan. This does not take very long and less than half an hour later the children are taken back to their meal hall once again for a second helping before the undoubtedly strenuous afternoon session. This time Andrew and Alexandra wait in the hallway while the children are eating.

This opportunity taken to talk with one another about the possibility of her Father approving the marriage and also of themselves, where they may live, the children they may have together and the possibility of the SaVannah Sisters recruiting and training their personal guard and the guard of their children. They also discuss the notification of Andrew's Father which may occur later that afternoon and of their lawful betrothal once her Father gives his blessing. The children by now are beginning to return to the hallway, gathering around them. A few more minutes pass before all the children are present then they walk back to the garden together.

Only a few minutes after returning to the garden, a Sister arrives to inform them that the party of Sorcerers and Sisters will arrive in a few minutes to see how the children are doing. Andrew quickly calls the children to order informing them that his plans for the afternoon training have been rushed. He assigns four children to each of the imagineers they designated that morning, with the exception of one group of girls who have only three to provide energy since Alice is not talented in this way.
He tells that group that he will help them with a little extra energy while he helps each of the other groups as well. The groups are formed and Alexandra links to her Father to ask if he wishes to come watch. Of course he does since, after all, he is a Statesman. Beyond learning some of the things which may be done with this magic it never hurts to have his political presence in view. Once he has arrived in the garden she closes that link and takes charge of telling the children when to link and when to stop. Each group has their assigned target to which to open their link and those who will provide energy are ready to do so.

Alexandra sees the inspection party approaching and calls out to everyone, "Ready? On three. One... Two... Three!"

Four links appear in moments with the children showing obvious use of energy but without showing great strain. Andrew adjusts his flow of energy to each of the four groups to assist them and once their links are stable he opens the link to the garden at the Sorcerer's League near Scearnvale.

Sorcerer Gabriel's party and the Sisters from Percoin look in surprise at the five locations bordering the garden. Gabriel and Kaitlyn walk into each one in turn, looking around for a few minutes before returning. By the time the second one is under inspection some children have tired despite the additional meal. They quickly pick up honey cakes and small glasses of milk then sit to rest while they eat the cakes and drink the milk. Soon they are back providing energy while others go to repeat the process.

By now Gabriel and Kaitlyn are returning from the third location and after conferring again with Statesman Beaumont as they have done each time they returned, they are about to enter the fourth when a whistle blows. The children nearly lose their concentration and the links waver a moment but continue. The four children who are providing link control are tiring and Alexandra has taken each of them a honey cake to eat as they continue controlling their links, also providing them with a glass of the cool milk which Andrew had spelled to remain cool throughout the afternoon. Twice she provides them honey cakes and milk which helps them to continue but it is evident they are weary even so.

The whistle blows again and again the links waver a moment and then are steady again. Most of the children who were resting return to their groups and the links remain stable. Gabriel and Kaitlyn enter the fourth link and return in less than two minutes as other children leave their groups to rest and eat honey cakes. Now that everyone is in Percoin, Andrew opens a second link to Scearnvale asking Alexandra to tell the sisters to hurry.

Alexandra rushes to the link, calling out, "Missii, Kayla? Over here. Quickly. Come to the garden. Andrew cannot hold this link very long."

The sisters rush back into the garden seeing the group of people who are watching the children. Even as they return Andrew closes the link and a girl who was resting may be seen hurrying over toward two boys who are linking alone.

Missii spies Statesman Beaumont and introduces her sister to him.
Andrew closes the link to the Scearnvale Guild garden immediately after the link which allowed the SaVannah sisters to return. With him further helping children with the energy he has remaining, relief shows on everyone's face. The two boys also are further relieved as the girl arrives and begins providing additional energy to help them.

For another five minutes the group of four Sorcerers and Sisters watch the children noting the total time the links have been open before they indicate to Alexandra they are satisfied.

Alexandra calls out, "Everyone, when I say ‘three' stop your imaginations and allow the links to collapse. One... Two... Three!"

The children sag in relief, and Andrew collapses to a bench as Alexandra rushes to him with a honey cake and some watered wine.

"Are you all right, Andrew?"

"Yes, just tired. Thank-you for the honey cake and wine." Then more quietly, "I love you Alexandra."

The children, while exhausted, are jubilant. They have accomplished grown up magic and continued to hold it for nearly thirty minutes, a record for all of them.

"Children. Come, each of you take two honey cakes and another glass of milk. Rest while Andrew and I talk with the Sorcerers and Sisters.”

The children slowly get off their benches pick up their honey cakes and milk then return to sit and rest. Alice who has not been able to provide energy goes from one child to another briefly touching them with a blue energy cast before moving on. With three she delays a short time, the blue becoming more deep in hue and intensity. When she leaves them they appear to be more alert. She finally returns to Alexandra's bench, Gabriel having watched her the entire time while talking with everyone about the links.

"Just a moment, I'll be right back," he tells everyone as he goes to the girl now sitting on the bench and the only one who has not taken honey cakes or milk.

"Young lady, what were you just doing with the other children?"

She looks at Gabriel as though she may have done something wrong and glances at Alexandra who smiles and nods okay.

"I was checking to see if they were all right. It was a long time and everyone was very tired."

"Why didn't you help provide energy?"

She looks down at the ground nearly whispering, "I can't do it. I tried this morning but I can't do it. I want to. I tell it to go to them, but it doesn't happen."

"That's all right, not everyone may do the same things."

"That's what Alexandra and Andrew told me. Andrew said I have another talent which very few have, but I don't know what it is yet."

"What did you do when you were with the three who were very tired?"

Again she looks at Alexandra who once more nods yes to her.

"They were going to be sick because they used all their energy and didn't have enough to keep them well. I took the sick away from them."

"What did you do with it?"

"I just made it go away."

"Are you able to do this with anyone?"

"Not before. But with the new magic I made my kitty's paw all better and took away the sick from those three who are very tired right now," she says happily.

"What was wrong with your kitty's paw?"

"She hurt it. It was bleeding and she couldn't walk on it. I made it better so now she can jump and climb again."

"Alexandra and Andrew were right. You have an important gift, it is called healing. If I take you to someone who needs healing would you see what you may do to help?"

"After I rest. Helping people to get better tires me a lot."

"Why don't you eat some honey cakes and milk?"

"I can't give energy so I didn't eat any."

"What you may do is just as important. Go get two honey cakes and a glass of milk. After you eat them and drink the milk then come over to us and we will see if you feel good enough to see the person who needs help."

She smiles and looks again at Alexandra and at Andrew who is taking another honey cake for himself as he beckons her over to the plates. She hurries over and takes two honey cakes and a glass of milk then returns to the bench.

Gabriel returns to the adults once again and their discussion resumes. Finally the discussion ends.

Alexandra returns to Alice at the bench, "How do you feel? Are you well enough to go see the woman who needs healing?"

"I don't know. I could go see her but I don't know if I can help her until I see what is wrong."

"You know. Healing people is grown-up magic. It is very important. There are only six healers in The Survivor and four in The Shambles. If you are able to do it well, then you may help a lot of people."

"What about my sister?"

"Where is she?"

"My sister is sick and no one has been able to help her. Our parents were sick but the angels took them. With this new magic maybe I can help her. I will need a lot of energy to help her."

"Let's talk about that when we return from looking at the lady, all right?"

"Yes. I'm still tired, but I could go look at her."

"Thank-you. Come with me, let's tell Sorcerer Gabriel and Andrew."

Alexandra explains the conversation to everyone and Andrew tells the young lady that he is going to touch her magically to see if she may receive energy from him. If she is able to receive it even though she cannot give it then he will provide extra energy for her if she tries to heal the lady who is sick. The other children are given the remainder of the day to rest and everyone who is to return to Scearnvale prepares to depart. Before they depart, Sorcerer Gabriel requests both Alexandra and Andrew to come with him for a moment guiding them over to her Father who is speaking with Sorceress Kaitlyn.

When they finish Gabriel approaches Statesman Beaumont, "Statesman. I have been requested by Andrew de Toraline, an advanced Sorcerer, Warrior, and Teacher to petition you for the hand of your daughter, Alexandra Beaumont, in marriage. He asks no Dowery but your blessing for their marriage which, with your approval, shall occur in four months or less. He has one stipulation, You must visit your grandchildren frequently. Have you exception to this?"

Statesman Beaumont is momentarily taken by surprise but like all politicians recovers quickly.

"If my daughter has no exception then neither do I. What say you, my daughter?"

"Oh Father, don't be silly. Of course I have no exception."

"Then, Sorcerer Gabriel, I place my blessing upon this marriage before these witnesses," going to his daughter, he kisses her on the forehead and both cheeks.

"Daughter, I bless you and this marriage before man and God. Just remember to schedule the wedding for a day when I may be there."

Alexandra throws her arms around her father and hugs him tight, whispering in his ear, "Thank-you Father. I shall make you proud."

Gabriel now turns to Andrew, "Andrew de Toraline, the marriage of Statesman Beaumont's daughter Alexandra Beaumont to you has been blessed by her Father before witnesses. The petition is complete and you may begin to court Lady Beaumont after notification of your House of the blessing."

"Thank-you Sorcerer Gabriel, and thank-you Statesman Beaumont. With the permission of you both I shall, as soon as the Scearnvale children return through the Scearnvale link, open a link to my Parent's House and introduce you all to my Parents."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Statesman Beaumont asks, "The sooner introductions are over, the sooner the two of you may begin planning your wedding. Let's get a move on."

To the laughter of all the adults, Alexandra opens the link to Scearnvale allowing the children and Sisters to depart, closing it again immediately afterward. Andrew then opens a link to his family home, grabbing another honey cake to munch even as they walk into the great room at that house.

Just after closing the link, Andrew rings the bell signaling visitors have arrived and within moments two servants appear. Two warriors and two sorcerers also show but wait in the long hall. Andrew orders wine and canapes to be brought to the room, asking that his Father and Mother please be notified he is here and has brought guests.

Two minutes go by before Andrews parents enter the room. Andrew makes introductions of Sorcerer Gabriel and Statesman Beaumont with his parents and then he announces, "Mother, Father, this is Lady Alexandra Beaumont, my petition for her hand in marriage has been approved and witnessed. My courtship of her shall begin now that you have been introduced. She is a level 20 Sorceress and my soul-mate now that I am receiving training in Sorcery. Alexandra, these are my parents Beatrice and Patrick de Toraline."

Alexandra curtsies as is the manner in such a formal introduction as declaration of petition acceptance and proposal for marriage or courtship.

"Andrew, you forgot one little thing," admonishes Gabriel, "Primary, your son came into his powers only six weeks ago and in that time he has reached a level of command of magic beyond that of any Sorcerer before him. He and Alexandra have a new way of controlling magic and are now responsible for teaching twenty apprentices in this new magic.

Indeed, they and the children may link great distances and travel through those links, remarkable feats. I and Sorceress Kaitlyn have just completed observing some of the things those apprentices may accomplish and they are remarkable. This pairing not only has the blessing of Statesman Beaumont, but of the Sorcerers Parliament and the World Sisterhood. How say you both?"

"Must we be so formal, Gabriel? Of course they have our blessings, don't they my wife?"

"Of course. There are a few things I would like to talk about with Alexandra. Would you mind terribly Alexandra? Come with me for a few minutes while these men spend a little time chatting." replies Beatrice de Toraline.

Alexandra and Beatrice leave the men standing there and vanish deeper into the house.

"Father, these Felines are Ladies Missii and Kayla SaVannah. Missii is Alexandra's Protector and I have recently hired Kayla to begin the hiring and training of a team of Felines for my House. Missii is also studying the new magic. If you don't mind, I have a boon to ask. Only recently have the armor, swords and daggers been ordered for them and they will not be available for nearly two months. May I borrow spelled swords, daggers and armor, if any fits, for these two to use until their weapons are completed?"

"Certainly, I'll have someone show them to the armory and they may select that which they need while we all sit and chat. Here Andrew, tell me a little about this new magic you mentioned in your letter and which seems to have Gabriel enthralled."

He indicates to one of the Feline Warriors of his house to assist the Felines who accompanied Andrew. Andrew and Sorcerer Gabriel spend about an hour providing information for Primary de Toraline and Statesman Beaumont. Finally the SaVannah Sisters return with swords, daggers and torso armor. Gabriel notices them arriving and mentions that it is important they leave. They must return to Percoin and then to the Shambles as little time remains for the woman who needs healing. Andrew's Father rings the guest bell and soon his wife and Alexandra return both smiling and chatting.

Alexandra glances at Andrew and a smile crosses her lips as though she knows some deep dark secret about him. He sees the smile and wonders what his Mother may have been telling Alexandra, hesitating, he decides not to ask. With everyone together once again, they go to the scanner hall but in the interest of speed, Andrew opens a link to the Sisterhood's garden and everyone quickly is across, the link closing as Andrew and Alexandra say good-bye to the de Toralines. Alexandra opens a link to her Father's Library and he returns home after Alexandra kisses him on the cheek, waving goodbye to him as she closes the link.
They now locate Alice who asks if she may have two of the honey cakes and another glass of milk to take along, "so I may have a little extra energy?"

Alexandra and Andrew smile at her obvious subterfuge but say it is okay for her to have the cakes and milk. They then link to the Scearnvale garden and cross with Sister Kaitlyn who departs directly from the garden for her Conclave a few kilometers distant.
Gabriel asks Andrew, "Could you link to our destination or must we take the scanner?"

"If you go through the scanner and take this whistle with you then I may link to the location of the whistle and the rest of us may follow that way."

Gabriel quickly agrees and just a few minutes later Andrew hears the whistle. Linking to that location Alice, Alexandra, Andrew and the SaVannah sisters cross to the home finding Gabriel in conference with two Sorcerers.

"Grave news Andrew. Lady Constance Elijah has lapsed into a coma and the healers are unable to do anything more to help."

"Then let us hurry and allow Alice to examine her. Alice, eat one of the honey cakes now, it will help you later."

The healers are shocked to see a little girl begin to eat a honey cake for they thought Alice was the grown woman standing before them. They begin to ask questions and make protests but Gabriel waves them aside and follows President Maurice Elijah as they go to the side of his wife.
The two healers are about to have strokes and don't know if they should laugh or cry at this ridiculous situation. Imagine, a little girl trying to heal someone whom the best healers in The Shambles have been unable to heal more than briefly for the past two months. The only reason they are biting their tongues is because it is Gabriel who has brought the child here.

Alice finishes her honey cake and wipes her hands on the napkin which held it then gives the second cake and empty milk glass to Alexandra. Andrew follows her over to Lady Constance and begins to provide energy for her use. She touches the Lady, closes her eyes, and begins to concentrate. A minute later she opens her eyes and tells Gabriel, "The Lady's blood is sick. The red part is dying."

This is hardly news to the healers and the child could have been told this by anyone who has been informed of the condition. Halting the problem and reversing it is the trick and thus far no one has been able to accomplish more than a slowing of it's progression.

Alice continues, "I don't know if I can help but I'm going to try. It will take a lot of energy. It isn't like healing my kitty's paw. This is much harder." She turns back to Lady Constance and Andrew again provides energy feeling her beginning to draw upon it.

Alexandra glances around the room as the healing is occurring, seeing the little things which make up a person's life and which are held as treasures. The room as well as the home is hardly what she would have expected to see as the residence of the President of the Shambles and his wife. The home holds old suits of armor dating back centuries and many technological items may be found here and there as if on display. She thinks this seems more a museum than a home.

There is this most curious machine with keys covered with strange letters and when she gently presses one of them a little arm of metal rises up toward the roller above the keys. The name on the plate attached to the back of the machine says ‘Royal' on it. She cannot imagine what it may have done when it was a new device used by people gone perhaps nearly two or more centuries in the past.
The room of Lady Constance has only a few strange machines in it and the paintings on the wall are very nice but greatly faded with age. The one she likes best has some writing at the lower corner but she cannot make it out except the date 1689, more than six centuries into a faded and nearly forgotten history.

Alexandra glances at Andrew and Alice noting Alice has touched the Lady's arm and is concentrating with her eyes shut. Alexandra is able to see Andrew beginning to grimace so she hurries over and begins transferring energy also. She is surprised at the amount of energy Alice is drawing but everyone may see changes occurring. The arm which was pale white has again turned to a more rosy appearance and the other arm is just beginning to change also. The lady's face also becoming more rosy. After nearly ten minutes, Alice collapses and Andrew and Alexandra are exhausted as well. Especially so, since so much energy was used earlier during the demonstration of the children's links.

Andrew and Alexandra sit as Gabriel checks on Alice, lifting her and bringing her over to them.

"She's okay. Just very tired. She said she is too tired to continue now, but in another day or two she will need to come again and perhaps again after that."

Lady Elijah stirs a little with a soft moan and her eyes open. The search of the room unfocused then becoming steady on her husband who is standing next to her. She gives him a little smile. "I'm still here my love. Do you think I might have a little broth? I'm quite hungry."

This is a fortunate change as she has eaten little during the past four days. Rapidly a servant is dispatched to bring broth and a little light food to the room. The healers begin fussing over her and examining that which has been accomplished. They don't understand it, but they saw it happen so there is no denying the child is a gifted healer. Gabriel asks the healers and President Elijah to follow him as he leads the way into the hall then closes the door behind them.

Now he informs them, "Maurice, Healers, this child is the product of an experiment in a new magic which the League and the Sisterhood have been conducting during the past few weeks. She is receiving training in this new magic. She also is able somehow to determine that which may be a health risk for someone and, thus far, has been able to help."

He relates that Lady Constance is not yet healed as Alice has said she will need to come again possibly several times. "This was our last chance to help Lady Constance. Even though the child has just had a very strenuous day of training and examination as have the two teachers with her it was necessary that we try. That she and they were able to do this much so quickly is more than I had hoped.

This training program has been kept secret and will remain so for several months or more. Andrew and Alexandra are still conducting a great deal of training and testing of the twenty children who are receiving lessons in this new way of using magic. I would appreciate it if none of you talk of this with anyone until I say we are ready to release the information.

Alice comes from the Percoin Conclave of the Sisterhood although we have ten children from each continent in training. As far as I know Alice is the only healer but, as you see, with this new magic she is very potent at her healing spells. The most difficult part is the need for food and refreshment as the new magic uses a great deal of energy but far, far more is accomplished through it's use. Maurice, it appears the food is arriving, perhaps you should go to your wife," as Gabriel indicates a servant, bearing a tray, who is approaching.

President Elijah rapidly opens the door and follows the servant through. The food is placed on a small table and he begins to feed the broth to his wife as he looks at the two adults and the child sitting across the room. The child is asleep in the woman's arms and the male is nodding as though to drop off at any moment.

Lady Elijah asks of him, "Who are these strangers?"

"They are teachers of magic, my love, and the child is a powerful healer. She has helped you but has not yet cured you. She wants to come again several times, the first to be in a few days to see how much more may be done. They are part of a secret group and the young girl is in training. Continue eating, you will need your strength. In a few days they will try again to see if they may complete the healing. The child has been heavily tested today so she did not have much energy to help you. Even so she has accomplished more than the healers using the old magic have been able to do. Would you like to meet them?"

"Yes. Although I must look a fright."

"My love, you have always been and remain beautiful," as he caresses her face.

She smiles and touches his face, "Flatterer."

President Elijah goes to Andrew and Alexandra, "My wife would like to meet you all if you don't mind. I'm sorry but I don't know your names."

"I am Andrew, this is Lady Beaumont, my betrothed, and the young Healer is Alice and is to be our adopted daughter once we wed."

"I am thankful to meet you all. I am Maurice. Come. Come meet my wife, Constance."

When the time finally arrives to depart the Elijah home and return to the training center Andrew does not have enough energy to hold open a link giving Gabriel some concern. Alexandra says she may open it but everyone must pass through quickly. Once they arrive in the garden Alexandra decides she does not have enough energy remaining to open a link to her garden.

Gabriel orders quarters for her and for Missii, Kayla assists Andrew to his quarters and then returns to her own. The four of them are near each other, within shouting distance, so the two Felines may assist each other if needed. Alice sleeps with Alexandra after nibbling on the last honey cake. Food is delivered to the rooms for them to eat if they awaken during the night.

The following morning we find the Felines awakening their charges so preparations may be made by them to go to breakfast in an hour. Alice is still very tired and Alexandra and Andrew are not far behind her.

"Mother, Father, I need to tell you about the lady."

"All right, young lady. While we are eating we may talk. Come, let's go to the meal hall, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."

Alice scowls at the thought, "I don't want to eat a horse. Mother, tell him I don't want to eat a horse. I like horses."

Andrew and Alexandra laugh, "Andrew simply means he is very hungry and wants to eat a lot of food."

"Oh. It won't really be a horse?"

"No. It won't be a horse. Would you like some eggs and toast? Perhaps some bacon or ham as well?"

"Oh yes. I think I could eat three platefuls. I've never been so hungry. I hope someone remembered to feed my kitty. She'll be hungry too. I usually take her a little bacon and sometimes some ham from my breakfast."

"I'm sure someone will have fed her," Alexandra messages Percoin to remind them Alice's cat will need food.

They sit at the Sorcerer's table with Alice between them. Two helpings of everything is ordered along with some honey cakes to take along to be nibbled later. As they eat, Andrew and Alexandra decide to order a third helping but Alice is quite happy with her second plateful. They continue to discuss "the Lady's" illness, with Alice saying she does not understand why the problem is occurring.

"When the blood goes through her body after I help it, everything is nice. But by the time it comes around to me again it is starting to have a problem. She must be sick somewhere else and it is causing the blood to be sick too."

"Alice, if you eat good meals and rest today and tomorrow, do you think you could help her some more the following day? Alexandra and I will give you extra energy and after you help her blood then you may look to find the other problem. We may not have enough energy to cure the other problem after helping her blood again but at least you might know where it is so we could go again and help that problem."

"That would be nice. I'm still very tired. Alexandra, are you certain someone fed my kitty? I could take her a little of my ham."

Andrew smiles, "Alice, I'll have them give us a little beef and small container of milk for you to take to your kitty. We'll be going to Percoin soon and after we are there you may go to your room and sleep. We will have someone wake you for the meals."

Alice comes over and climbs onto Andrews lap, "Thank you Father." She looks at Alexandra and yawns then, "Mother, I like our secret."

Gabriel walks into the hall and seeing them comes over to sit and talk, "How is our rising star this morning?"

"She is very tired so we are giving her the day off to rest and eat slightly larger meals before we attempt to aid Lady Elijah again," Alexandra explains.

Andrew agrees, "Yes, I myself am so tired that I would like to do that as well and I'm certain Alexandra would also."

Gabriel considers this, "Why don't you give all the children two days off. Tell them it is to celebrate them passing their first exam before the four leaders of magic yesterday. That way you both may rest also."

Alexandra looks at him, "That would be divine. I really didn't want to get up this morning. Alice may not have great energy reserves but she is able to channel large quantities of energy if it is available to her. She used so much it wore us both down."

Gabriel looks at the child nearly napping on Andrews shoulder, her eyes coming open for moments and then closing again.

"Hello Alice, how are you this morning?"


"Well, you may sleep a lot today. Alexandra will be taking you home and you may have your meals and just rest." Gabriel smiles at her, "Could you answer some questions for me before you go?"

Alice looks at Alexandra who nods her head, "I'll try"

"Good. When you helped the lady's blood do you have an idea how long she will be better before you need to help her again?"

"I don't know. I think days, but she has another problem so the next time I fix her blood I need to look for it, too."

"Another problem? Do you know what it might be?"

"No. But it is making her blood sick so I need to find it and take that sick away so her blood won't be sick too."

"If someone looks for the problem and tells you where it is in the lady could you find it faster? I mean if they were to show you where to look by touching her near the place then you would have somewhere to begin looking for the problem."

"I don't know. Maybe, but I'm tired now. I just want to rest and eat food for a day or two so I won't be sick." She looks at Gabriel a little strangely before asking, "Why didn't you have your knee healed? It probably hurts a lot."

She reaches out and touches his robe near his right knee and a moment later he feel the pain disappear. Her head immediately drops to Andrew's shoulder and she is again asleep.

Gabriel is stunned. "How did she know? She didn't examine me. Now the pain is gone. We need to teach her not to heal someone when she is so close to collapsing. It wouldn't do for her to die just because she helps someone."

"I have no idea. I was surprised when she decided Lady Elijah's blood was dying. Did she borrow any energy from you, Alexandra? I didn't give her any."

"No, I guess she healed Gabriel using only her own energy."

Gabriel considers this development, "I think we need to introduce another group of children to this magic if the two of you think you could handle an afternoon class as well as the morning one. More children who may supply energy could be a valuable resource for those who are talented at linking or healing. I think we might also try some of the apprentices who are proficient at the old way and see if they are able to learn the new. Would you both give it some thought and let me know?"

Andrew and Alexandra look at each other then ask for a day or two to consider the possibility.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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Another chapter, as great as they come

So, to give a couple highlights:
I wonder what Andrew's Mother told Alexandra. I think it's some kind of embarassing childhood secret! :) Or a vulnerability (is Andrew ticklish?).
Alice is sooo adorable! Little glutton! ^_^


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Excellent story as always

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

wow. So much happened this episode it's hard to work out where to begin! I'm really interested to see how this healing magic develops and we learnt some significant points about 'when' this story takes place. And a huge 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' for Alexandra and Andrew's relationship as it continues to grow.

Excellently written as always.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


For posting Teddie's stories postmortem. She was great story teller.

Too soon old, too late smart.

Linda Jeffries
Too soon old, too late smart.