Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-09-37

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Chapter 09

The Sun begins to hesitantly peek from below the horizon, cautiously casting it's gaze upon the land only to discover that two young Feline sisters have dramatically outpaced it, well on their way to fun and adventure in the shopping district of Percoin. They have arrived there even as many of the shops are only just beginning to prepare for a day of enticing passers by to come within to spend their money. The sisters stop here and there to obtain small items of comfort or occasionally a little food to chew, or drink to break their thirst.

As they walk, their skirts swishing and the morning breeze lightly rippling their fur, they stop momentarily to look into windows where shop owners, in greater and greater numbers, are displaying their wares hoping to capture the interest of those with money to spend. Laughing at some of the items seen, they joyfully point out or scowl at others until eventually coming to that part of town supporting the armor manufacturers. Sunshine is pouring down on the city in greater strength now, the cold early Spring night giving way to a day of cool Spring temperatures. Most shops now have items in their windows for purchase by the increasing numbers of people strolling the walkways. Missii shows Kayla the sword in the window.

"That is the one I have been looking at. As I did not have the money to buy, I did nothing but look. Today I am going to ask about it."

Kayla agrees it looks very good, "but you don't know until you learn it's pedigree and balance."

"True. But today we may learn if it is worthy."

They enter the shop and look around. The armorer eventually notices he has customers and comes forward from his forge to see if they wish to spend or if they are simply sightseeing.

"May I help you, ladies?"

"I would like to see that sword you have displayed in the window."

"Of course, it is very fine steel. Are you familiar with weapons?"

"We are both Warriors. Yes, we are familiar."

"In that case here, take it and test it's balance. There is plenty of room in back."

Missii takes the offered sword and they follow him as he continues to sing the merits of the sword.

"The steel has been folded more than three hundred times and the edge will remain even should it strike bone. The sword is as yet unspelled. We may do that for you at slight charge if you do not have anyone who does so."

Now in the space allowed for the practice of learning a swords merits, Missii goes through a few drills bringing the sword next to but not touching the objects set up for practice.

"We have Sorcerers who may do that for us. It is indeed a fine sword. It has good balance."

"It is a bargain at forty gold, five silver," the shop armorer declares with appreciation for the skill with which Missii has handled the sword.

"Forty gold, for a sword folded only three hundred times? That is no bargain. The first strike against good armor and it would lose it's edge or even break. It has good balance, not excellent. And it does not sing."
The shop owner indignant at this slur upon his craftsmanship protests her answer thinking she simply wants to lower the price of the sword.

Kayla examines and also drills with the sword, "Do you make custom pieces? We have something better in mind."

"Custom? Yes, we may take orders which, with a deposit, we may produce. They take time however. Especially if you are talking about folding more than three hundred times. The amount of time involved in folding a sword three hundred times is intimidating of itself. What did you have in mind?"

"We are interested in two matched swords with two matching daggers for each of them. All with no less than four hundred folds and sharpened with the finest materials money might buy. They must all be capable of being spelled to the individual using them as well as to one another. Each set of sword and two daggers shall eventually be spelled to allow any one of them to call the others when held by the proper individual, so the ability of each to accept multiple spells is important.

Then four more daggers are required which must also be capable of being spelled and also folded and sharpened in the same manner."

"Such fine weapons will be expensive. Even with your own Sorcerers spelling them the costs will be high."

"Of course, what else?"

"You are looking at seven weeks, perhaps even ten, to produce these weapons. The expense of someone being present both day and night to perform the work must be considered. The steel must not be allowed to become too hot nor too cold while it is not being worked so it is far better to have several skilled craftsmen working one after the other continuously until the item is completed. Craftsmen of lesser skill may begin the work but as it progresses the requirement for better training becomes important. The fuel used to produce the weapon also comes into play. An improper mix will cause the work to become worthless. Therefore someone must also be present who will maintain the proper mix throughout the work. Producing two swords and eight daggers? You don't want to know the cost. It is impractical."

"We are the customers. What will it cost with, of course, the proper metals, fuels and personnel?"

"Two swords and eight daggers, four hundred folds each and the best metals and fuels?" the craftsman muses the costs and potential profits,
"I cannot possibly provide that work for less than three hundred gold."

"Two hundred and twenty gold."

"You wound me. I must feed my family as must the workers who will do the first few hundred folds and maintain the fire. Two hundred and eighty."

"We will split the difference with you, two hundred and fifty gold paid in advance."

"All of it? Paid in advance? Could you make it two hundred sixty in advance?" almost plaintively.

"Very well. Two hundred Sixty for the two swords and eight daggers as we described them. They must, of course, be the finest steel and the best combat balance."

"Of course. If you pay now, I shall order the fuels and materials today and begin to arrange for the craftsmen. The weapons may begin to be made in one to two weeks time depending on the arrival of the materials and fuels and the availability of additional personnel to begin the work. With good luck favoring us they may be completed within the six or seven weeks following."

"We shall pay now. Here is my one hundred and thirty gold."

"And here is mine."

"Very well ladies. What name shall I place on the order?"

"SaVannah. May we check on the progress in a month?"

"Please do, we may have the first sword ready to be sharpened by that time, perhaps even the second. The daggers will follow soon after. Allowing time for the blades to be sharpened and recovered from that sharpening perhaps four weeks will be necessary but no more. You have come to the right shop. I guarantee you will be pleased with our product. We have produced weapons for the House de Toraline and their requirements are as strict as your own. Thank-you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you. Is there anything else?" smiling at having his costs and profit paid in advance and with the possibility of a bonus for work done well, the armorer will happily attempt to provide any item these two ladies desire.

"Actually, there may be. Who would you recommend for armor. It must be very flexible as well as durable and provide the maximum protection yet be light of weight."

"There is only one who is capable of that. Master Carlaine of The Shambles. There are none better. Unfortunately there is no one here who approaches his skill, not even in my own shop. The best we have here in Percoin are a pale comparison."

"Where might this Master Carlaine be in The Shambles?"

"That's easy, his shop is in Scearnvale near to the Academy. The finest Warriors from both continents train there, so he has placed his shop where he is likely to receive the greatest number of purchasers. As a result of this, and because of his workmanship, his price is high but it is worth it. His armor has protected many and continues to do so."

The sisters thank him, accepting a receipt for his promised work and the monies they have paid, then they walk back to the Sisters Conclave. As they walk, they discuss the weapons they just authorized and the providence that led them to the same armorer who produces swords for Andrew's Father's House. Remembering then that Andrew will be opening a link from Scearnvale very soon they hurry to the Conclave with the thought of the possibility of using the link to go to Scearnvale to see Master Carlaine.

Arriving at the Conclave with fifteen minutes to spare, they seek out the meal hall to see what food may remain. Fortunately there is yet plenty, so they each eat their fill before seeking the garden and an adventure in Scearnvale.
As they arrive in the garden they find Andrew has already established the link between the gardens with everyone just beginning to find places to sit in the Percoin garden.

"Wait. We need to go to Scearnvale," they call out to Andrew so he will not close the link.

He notices they are wearing their better skirts and blouses apparently for a shopping trip, "Good morning ladies SaVannah. Do you need Scearnvale's shopping center or is the Sorcerer's League all right?"

"We want to talk with Master Carlaine. How do we get there once we are in that garden?" as Missii points to the garden everyone just vacated.
Andrew closes the link, "I am able to do better than that. I may link you to just outside Master Carlaine's shops.

Here is the means to call me when you are ready to return so you don't become stranded," offering them a small whistle. "What takes you there?"

"We are going to look at armor of a special nature. We ordered our swords and daggers in Percoin but there is no armor of sufficient value there."

"How much money have you left? Master Carlaine is expensive."

They check their gold, "We have ninety gold apiece."

"I'm glad I asked, I think you will be shocked when you see his prices. His armor is worth it, but few are able to afford it. Here each of you had better take another one hundred gold."

Missii and Kayla look at him as if he is crazy.

"That means I have one hundred ninety gold just to purchase armor?" Kayla responds astounded.

"Um, yes, even then I don't know if it will be enough. If you find armor you like but don't have enough tell him to hold it and give him my name. He knows me as Andrew Delain. He will hold the armor and do the work matching your measurements giving you time to obtain more money from me before returning another day to pay him the rest. Remember, Andrew Delain. Good shopping ladies. Allow me,"

Andrew opens a link to the outside of the shop in question and the sisters take the whistle, walking out of the garden and over to the door of the shop. As they enter, Andrew closes the link behind them.
Upon entering the shop, the two Felines look at all the armor on display.

Of course it is all shaped and sized for Human males. The armor is of excellent manufacture, however, and they are favorably impressed with it. That in which they become particularly interested is both light and flexible, yet it appears to be strong. It does not ring like steel nor any other metal they know and has a strange gray appearance to it. The one quality which has them both concerned is how thin it happens to be.

"May I be of service ladies? Perhaps you wish a small dagger or an armored corset?"

Missii turns to him, "actually we are interested in Battle armor. This appears nice and light, flexible as well, yet it appears to be strong. Although it's shape would not suit either of us."

"I may make armor to any specification. I am uncertain if you are aware, my prices for such armor are quite high. You may find less expensive armor just down the road."

"You were recommended to us by a Sword Maker in The Survivor. We have traveled here to see your armor and to decide if we feel it is worth the price."

"You have traveled from The Survivor just to see my armor? Fair enough. May I ask what use you have for Battle Armor? This appears a strange request for ladies."

"You are obviously able to see we are Felines. We are also battle hardened Warriors. The Sword Maker is producing swords of the finest steel, folded more than four hundred times and sharpened to a very fine edge. They will be spelled shortly after they have been manufactured, as will the daggers commissioned with them. We have need of good... no... of excellent armor. We were told you are the only one who is able to provide such armor. Andrew also told us you were the best so here we are."

"Andrew? Which Andrew might that be?"

"Andrew Delain."

"Why didn't you say so? Here, come, have a seat. I'll be right back."

The sisters sit and as he leaves they give each other a glance. Andrew's name produced quite a change in the man's attitude.

"Here we are. Now this is some of the best armor money may buy. Don't worry about the slight scratches they are there because this is demonstrator armor. Many have tried to pierce it before buying. You may select any sword I have here, and they are good steel not something shabby and most are spelled to easily penetrate steel and more forgiving materials. With any you may hit at this all day without penetrating it.

Feel it, it is light, strong and flexible wherever needed. I may manufacture armor to fit you out of this material in less than a week. The armor is also capable of withstanding point blank shots from an eleven millimeter magnum rifle without allowing the shot to penetrate nor to cause a rib to break. You may bruise, but you will never suffer a penetration through my armor. It is thin enough that it may be worn beneath your blouses without being obvious and it is not hot to wear.

You could go all day in summer weather in this material and not work up a sweat. Do you need anything other than torso armor?"

"Not immediately. Should we find for some reason we may be going to a plains battle then we may have helms and arm and leg guards made."

"I see, I only ask as the cost of adding helms and guards is not so high if it is all done at once."

"Well, then let us discuss price perhaps we may have it all done at once. My sister has been ill of late and in a few months she will again be filled out much as am I. My measurements will therefore suffice for both of us."

"Certainly. The torso armor will be one hundred eighty each, I reduce that from two hundred ten since your stature is thinner and you will require less material. The helm is another seventy. The arm and leg guards we will throw in at fifteen apiece. That will be a total of three hundred ten for each of you."

"Andrew said we would be shocked," Kayla says to Missii.

"Yes. I wish we knew what he has on his mind. I don't know if we should order it all or just the torso armor. What would the helm and guards cost if we were to purchase them later?"

"About two hundred twenty."

"That's ninety apiece more than if we purchase it at the same time as the torso armor."

"True, but once we are making the armor we will still have cast material available to complete the other items. If we make them later then we need to start all over again just to make them. You save money and time by purchasing them all at once. Although I agree, many are unable to do so. Therefore they purchase a little at a time. Young Andrew is one of very few I know who has purchased everything at once. He too has a complete set of this armor, and two spare helms. He has sent many others here for complete sets as well."

"Missii, let's do it. We were told to go ahead and if we need more money to return another day with the rest."

"Yes. But three hundred ten?" Kayla and Missii talk for a few minutes while Master Carlaine discreetly leaves the room. Eventually Kayla's view prevails without much objection from Missii. A few more minutes pass as they inspect the armor further and finally Master Carlaine returns.

"Have you decided?"

"Yes. Take your measurements and let's start it. We may pay you one hundred ninety each toward the armor. Then the remaining one hundred twenty each upon completion."

"Agreed. Would you come this way please? I'll have Jessica come in to take the measurements."

The sisters follow, uncertain if Andrew will be pleased or upset at the price. They wait in a comfortable room. There are snacks on a tray along with a little wine and water. They nibble as they wait for Jessica. Finally she comes in and they explain to her that Kayla's measurements will be changing greatly as her health improves again. The next hour is spent taking measurements of both. Then Jessica looks to the very slight difference in height of the sisters as a clue to the final measurements for Kayla. The measurements do calculate to be just slightly smaller than Missii's once Kayla again fills out. At their insistence Jessica doubles up on Missii's size for the order as they desired all along.

After the measurements, they pay the deposits and obtain receipts showing the amount paid and remainder due. Thanking Jessica and Master Carlaine they leave the shop.

"Missii, since we're here, may we look around for a little while? You have the whistle, so anytime we are ready we may go back. I've never been in The Shambles before except at the Sorcerer's League buildings. I would like to explore if you don't mind."

"Let's. I have a little money so we may have lunch here. I've never seen it either. This will be interesting although it is a little cool even for our light winter clothing. Let's go that way," pointing down the road toward other shops.

The sisters spend the rest of the morning exploring. They gradually begin to come across clothing stores and purchase a few small items but continue to see nowhere to eat. Finally they ask one of the proprietors who gives them directions to a place several blocks over and down toward the river. Eventually they locate it. Ordering lunch they find the meal is good and the prices fair. Making mental note of the location for possible future meals they begin to backtrack to try to find Master Carlaine's shop so they may call Andrew and go back to Percoin. After twenty minutes they manage to end their search having come up on the building from the opposite side. They would not have known it but they see Jessica outside and ask her.

"Just go straight through this door and out the front, and there you will be."

They walk on through and, sure enough, find the spot where they had first left Andrew when they walked out of the garden. Missii takes out the whistle and blows it. No sound comes out of it. She tries it again but still no sound.

"Is it broken Missii? We could obtain directions to the Sorcerer's League and find the garden there. Eventually Andrew will be opening a link there."

"All right. I don't know what is wrong with the whistle, but if we find the garden we will be all right."

They go in to ask directions to the League's buildings and to Sorcerer Gabriel's offices which are in the building most to the West of those to be found. Beginning their journey, they are some distance down the road when a link opens near them.

Alexandra calls out, "Missii, Kayla? Over here. Quickly. Come to the garden. Andrew cannot hold this link very long."

Apprehensive that their benefactor may be in trouble, they both rush through the link and into the garden. Andrew gratefully closes it behind them while still attempting to hold open five others with the assistance of four groups of children. Even as they arrive they notice some children have left their groups and are resting near Alexandra. Two Sorcerers and two Sorceresses are looking on, examining the places which have been drawn to the garden. Another gentleman is also present and Missii recognizes him as Alexandra's Father.

"Statesman Beaumont. It is good to see you. I would like to introduce to you my sister, Kayla. She is in the employ of Andrew. Kayla, this is Statesman Beaumont, Alexandra's Father."

Jason Beaumont and Kayla exchange greetings even as the link to the garden in Scearnvale abruptly vanishes. Great relief shows on Andrew's face and seconds later on the faces of the children who remain in the small groups. Andrew may now concentrate more of his remaining energy in helping the children. One of the girls, who was resting while nibbling on a small piece of fruited bread covered in honey and nuts, rises going to Alexandra.

"I'm rested. I want to help again."

Alexandra smiles at her and points to what remains of a group of boys. Only two are presently in the group which once was five.

"Will you go try to help them? The shorter boy is the one who needs the support."

The girl rushes off to join the boys and a few seconds after her arrival their faces show additional relief. Finally more children rejoin the groups as a few others leave to rest and eat the honey cakes. Perhaps another five minutes go by before the group of two men and two women who have been examining the links and watching the children say they are satisfied. Alexandra calls out to Andrew and the children.

"Everyone, when I say ‘three' stop your imaginations and allow the links to collapse. One, Two, Three."

The children sag in relief, and Andrew collapses to a bench as Alexandra rushes to him with a honey cake and a little watered wine even as she calls out to the children, "Everyone, take a honey cake and glass of milk."

"Are you all right Andrew?"

"Yes, just tired. Thank-you for the honey cake and wine." Then more quietly, "I love you Alexandra."

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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Now that is costly!

130*2 - sword and four daggers for each one
(190+120)*2 - full set of armor for each one
And in the end we get... 880 gold coins. A staggering amount!

I wonder if we will see what was left behind the scenes of the chapter.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Keep It Comin'

terrynaut's picture

I hope more people are able to appreciate this simple and gentle story. It really is a good read.

- Terry