Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-10-37

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Chapter 10

Immediately after Missii and Kayla have gone through the link to Scearnvale, Andrew closes the link and thinks back to the armor he purchased from Master Carlaine's. ‘The sisters should do all right. If they purchase everything at once to save money then they will come back and ask for perhaps three hundred or so more.' Nodding his head, he turns his concentration toward the children and the lessons to be achieved today.

"Young Ladies and Gentlemen," the moment he begins speaking all conversation ceases and the children give him rapt attention.

"As many of you have heard, we will be doing things a little differently today. This morning we are going to practice a different kind of link and we are going to practice helping someone else to make their link and to keep it open. Links like this are much more difficult so you must be very careful with your thoughts. NO distractions. Someone could be badly hurt if you lose your concentration. This kind of link is one like the one we use to bring the gardens together so we may walk from one into the other. If Alexandra or I are not there to help you, do not attempt such a link.

The other Sorcerers and Sorceresses cannot help you if you get in trouble. They do not yet know how to do this kind of link. They are learning, but for the next few weeks even they are not allowed to attempt it on their own without Alexandra or I to help them stay out of trouble. So you see, you are going to be attempting grown-up magic. This is very dangerous and very serious so do - not - attempt it - on your own. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes, Andrew," choruses back to him. He glances at Alexandra who smiles and blows him a kiss from behind the children.

"Now. All of you know Grace is very good at the kind of link we have already been doing so I am going to have her try this first, while I help. That way you may all see that even though it is dangerous and difficult, it may still be done. After that, the boys will work with me and the girls will work with Alexandra. Grace will you come up here please?"

Grace jumps up and almost runs to Andrew's side, turning to face the other children.

"Now Grace, we will do this a little differently today. How well do you know the house where you live with your parents?"

"Pretty good. I especially know the swing in the back yard."

"Good. Are you able to imagine the swing clearly?"

She closes her eyes and thinks about the swing until she has a clear grasp of it in her mind, "Yes."

"Good. Is the swing on a tree or is it a metal swing in the yard?"

"It's on a tree, the tree is years and years old and very big."

"Good. Now imagine you have a thin little thread with a tack on the end of it. This is special thread, it cannot break and the tack will not pull out of anything to which we stick it. In your mind reach out the tack with the tread attached and stick it into the tree near the swing."

"I'm not tall enough."

Andrew smiles, "If I lift you, will you be tall enough?"

"Yes." Andrew lifts her until he sees her hand reach out as though placing the tack, pushing it into the branch of the tree. He lowers her down again.

"Did the tack stick into the tree?"
"Yes. I'm tugging the thread and the tack doesn't come out."

"Okay, don't tug the tread too hard, we aren't ready for that yet."

"All right, I just wanted to be certain my tack was stuck good."

"And it is, isn't it?"


Good. Now listen very carefully. No matter what happens, no matter what you hear from anyone, do not stop thinking about the tree, the tack and the thread. Understand?"


"That's good. Now slowly, in your mind, pull on the tread until it is tight then continue to pull it toward you and the tree will come closer and closer until you may touch it. Don't touch it, but pull it that close, then I'll tell you what else to do."


Everyone sees her starting to pull something with her hands. "It doesn't want to move."

"That's okay. The first time you tell anything to move it is afraid to do it. You just need to tell it that it is okay and continue to pull on the thread. Remember don't touch the tree or the swing but pull them close. Go ahead."

"It's okay tree, it's all right to come here to me. Nothing will hurt you."

"It's moving. I think it was afraid."

"Good. Bring it close but not so close that it or the swing touches you, nor you touching them. Just continue to pull the thread. Remember don't let anything you hear distract your concentration."

The children all begin to gasp and talk to each other as they see Grace's back yard slide up against the edge of the garden.

"Now Grace you may stop pulling the thread. Everything is close enough. When I tell you to open your eyes continue to concentrate on this link, understand?"

"Yes. This is hard."

"Yes it is. That's because it's grown-up magic. But you all need to learn a little about it so later you will be able to do it when you need to be taught more. Slowly now open your eyes and continue to concentrate."

Grace opens her eyes and then they become wide as saucers as she sees her back yard up against the garden.

"Concentrate Grace, I'm helping you. I need to walk into your back yard for a minute to put a small mark on the tree. Continue to concentrate. If you are having a problem tell us."

Andrew walks up to the tree and places a small tack high up on the trunk. A tack with his signature on it. Then he walks back to the garden.

"Now Grace. What I want you to do is very difficult and I know you are getting tired, but concentrate all the time. Don't stop. While you continue to concentrate walk over to your swing and swing in it once then come back here again. Ready?"

"I don't know. This is awfully hard."

"If you lose your concentration I will be able to help, but try just this once. If you are losing your concentration don't try to run back here just stay in your back yard and I will come get you. Go ahead."

Grace hesitantly walks to the edge of the garden, pauses and then walks up to the swing. Sitting in the swing she looks back at the garden and smiles, then swings back and forth on the swing before returning to the garden.

"Good Grace, come stand by me. Now allow the thread to slip back so the tree and swing may go back where they belong then tie this end of the tread to the bench here, after the tree and swing are gone."

"Go home, tree."

Grace watches the tree and swing pull away and vanish then her hands move like she is tying something to the bench.

"Good. Now release your imagination and rest."

Everyone hears a slight popping sound and Grace recoils but everything is fine.

Grace runs over to Alexandra, "Did you see? The tree was afraid, but I told it everything would be all right and it was."

"Yes. You did some very difficult grown-up magic."

"I wish my Mother had seen me. I would like her to meet you, and Andrew too."

"Perhaps later. The other children need a chance also. All right you have all seen how it may be done, girls come to me. We shall go over here to practice."

A little less than two hours later, everyone has had a chance. A few are quite good, but being children, they are unable to hold the link very long. Grace at four minutes and twelve seconds was the longest link. A few are unable to perform the link for more than ten or fifteen seconds, while a few others are able to hold the link for several minutes.

"Those of you who could not hold the link today, don't worry. This is difficult magic and eventually you will be capable of it. It will just take time and practice holding your imaginations in place. Many grown ups cannot do this. Since you have all been able to do it, you will eventually become good at it. Now everyone, there are honey cakes over near Alexandra. I want you all to rest and each eat a honey cake to replenish your energy. In a few minutes we will start another difficult magic. It's a little easier, but just as important as the magic we just tried. Go on, go get your honey cakes and rest."

Andrew also goes and takes a honey cake, then sits next to Alexandra as the children return to their benches and eat their honey cakes. Andrew offers a bite to Alexandra and then begins eating his cake.

Grace walks over, "Andrew, may I have another honey cake? I am still hungry from that link I did earlier. That was hard."

"Yes, you may Grace. If others are helping you, do you think you could open that link again this afternoon?"

"Oh yes. That's why I marked where I tied the thread, so I could find it quickly and pull the tree to me again without needing to imagine so much before I do it. Thank-you for the honey cake," as she rushes off to the platters of small cakes.

"She is good at this isn't she?" Alexandra smiles as Grace is rushing away.

"She is surprisingly good at it. Remember to have the sisters watch her for a few weeks and to tell you the moment anything happens."

"Oh yes. We have already caught her once, opening the vision link to her mother. I told her not to try it again unless I'm there to help. I made her promise. She seems to take her promises fairly seriously."

Andrew chuckles at the young girl's excitement over her abilities. "We may have our hands full with that one."

"You mean, I may have my hands full. She seems to hold you in awe and is always on her best behavior when you are around Andrew."

She glances at the ring on her finger then impulsively and quickly kisses Andrew to the sudden laughter and jeers of some of the children. Blushing, she smiles at him and the children. Another of the girls walks up to them,"Are you married?"

Andrew laughs, "Not yet, but we hope to be."

"Ohhh," as she walks off again.

"I think you have just crushed her hopes of becoming your wife, Andrew."

His eyebrows rise for a moment in concern. "I shall need to think of a way to let her down easily. One wife is more than I may handle, I don't need two."

He dodges away just as Alexandra's slender fist gently hits upon his arm, a smile still upon her face.



"Just imagine. What if we were married now and these, all our children."

He turns his concentration on the children and all the little things they are doing. The small mischiefs they pursue. The laughter and smiles they are offering one another. The innocence and joy they bring into the world around them. Also of their intense interest at learning, learning just about anything that is offered to them.

"That would be a bit overwhelming but it would also be such a blessing. Isn't Alice the name of the young girl whose hopes I have just crushed?"

"Alice?" looking to see the girl. "Oh yes, Alice. She is good at the links as well, but not as good as Grace."

"Would you call her over here?"

"Certainly. Alice, Alice could you come here to me a moment?"

Alice gets up from her bench and quietly walks over to Alexandra, staying to the side away from Andrew.

"Alice," Alexandra reproaches, "there is nothing to fear from Andrew."

"I'm not afraid. I don't like him anymore."

"Alice! Andrew is a nice man and he likes you."

"Alice, I'm sorry I can't wait until you grow up. If I could then you would be the young woman I would pick to be my wife."

She listens intently, the scowl leaving her face to be replaced by some happiness that she might have had a chance with him.

"Since I am spoken for, I was wondering if you would mind being more like a daughter for me?"

"I could be your daughter?" she is looking at him thoughtfully, a small smile starting to show on her face, "Could I live with you and Alexandra?"

"What about your parents?"

The smile vanishes and sadness fills her face again, "They went away. They got sick last year and then the Angels came and took them. I hate Angels." The last said with great conviction and anger.

"Now Alice, don't hate Angels for doing their job. That would be like me hating you for being a young woman. The Angels came to take your parents to a place where they wouldn't hurt anymore and the grass is green and the air clean."

The young girl thinks about that, "Good, I really didn't want to hate Angels. Why don't they take everyone?"

"Eventually they will. But it takes a lot of energy for them. So they must concentrate on the one's who are older or sick or hurt first."
Andrew takes her right hand and she moves closer to him.
"Alice do you see the ring on Alexandra's hand?"

Alice nods her head while looking at the ring.

"I am going to give you a simple ring to wear on your right hand. This ring will mean you are our daughter. Then when we are married you may live with us. This is a very important thing and you will need to learn to listen to and do everything Alexandra tells you to do. But you will be able to live with us and to be our First Daughter. Would you like that?"

"Oh, yes. Then when you are both married I may go live with you?"

"Yes, we will be a family but there will be other children coming. Missii and Kayla will be there too."

"I like Missii, she makes me laugh and her fur tickles. Kayla seems sad but she is starting to laugh more."

Andrew smiles, "Then we have a deal?"

Alice nods her head.

"Good. Then here is a ring for you to wear. This is our little secret for now, so don't tell anyone not even your friends, understand?"

"Yes. I'm good at keeping secrets. Some of the other girls have told me secrets but I don't tell anyone."

Andrew creates a simple gold band partially from the gold which remained from the time he made Alexandra's ring and adds just a little to it from a small silver coin. This band, thus created, he places on the finger of Alice's right hand. Then he slowly changes the size until Alice may take it off to wash but it will not fall off.

"Now watch the ring."

Alice's eyes grow wide as she sees tiny pictures appear on the ring. The pictures gradually flow all around the band as she turns it to watch. The pictures finally fill all the space on the ring except for a small area in the middle. In the space no pictures occupy, a small ruby appears.

"That ring is a promise. A promise that you are our daughter and that we will love you and teach you and care for you as you are growing up until you have a husband of your own. We will still love you after that, but he will be responsible for caring for you. It is also a special ring. As you grow and become a lady, the ring will grow with you so it will always fit without hurting. It is almost as special as the ring Alexandra is wearing."

"Ohhh," Alice looks at the ring on her finger and at the one on Alexandra's left hand, then throws her arms around Andrew, a big smile on her face. Moments later she turns and holds Alexandra. "May I call you Mommy now?"

Alexandra smiles at her and at Andrew, "Well, since it is still a secret you had best continue to call me Alexandra until we are all living together."

Alice thinks about it for a moment, "Okay, I won't forget. I'm good at secrets and this is a special secret isn't it?"

"Yes, it is a very special secret," Alexandra agrees. "Go on back and play. We will be continuing training soon."

Alice races off to continue to play with the other girls as Alexandra turns to Andrew, "That was very nice of you. It would seem our family has already begun. We have a daughter. Now if the others come into this world so easily I will be quite happy. Missii likes her almost as much as she might her own daughter. Speaking of Missii, I wonder what she will say?"

"I hate to think," Andrew muses, "She will probably leap to the wrong conclusion for a moment or two. I think you had best tell her when I am not around, otherwise she may tie me into a knot before we may explain."

Alexandra begins laughing, "I'll let the Sisters know so they won't think Alice ‘borrowed' the ring from someone. That will be interesting to explain. With any luck Father may approve this afternoon and then we may tell the Sisters without extra complications. Lunch is rapidly approaching, so we best continue the training since there is still a great deal to accomplish. Hopefully, we will have a little time this afternoon to continue practice before the big event occurs. Oh yes, during lunch I'll also ask for more honey cakes, wine, milk and water."

"Excellent idea. I'm glad you thought of them. They are a great pick-me-up. Even so I think we will have a lot of very tired children on our hands this afternoon. We must inform the Sisters to be certain the children all eat supper this evening, otherwise they may be too exhausted to do much tomorrow." Andrew winks at Alexandra as he gets up going to his training bench. The children cue from this, beginning to go to their benches to listen to him.

"Young ladies and gentlemen, we did some very difficult and important magic earlier. What we will try now will be a little easier but just as important. Each of you has had an opportunity to create this new link so each of you knows how difficult it is and how it uses your energy and makes you tired very quickly. What we will show you now is how you may help someone else to make their link last longer and without using so much energy from just one person. This is still hard to do but it does not require you to imagine so much and because of that it is easier to control.

If one of you has enough energy and imagination to create the link then think how much longer you could keep that link open or expand it if that one person could use energy from not just themselves but from others as well. Several of you would be making the link but only one would be guiding it. Think how long you could hold that link open for people to walk through it if you use the energy of a number of you just to hold open one link.

We learned this morning that four of you are very good at imagining and then opening the link. With practice each of you will become very good at it. Unfortunately we don't have enough time today for you to all practice so we must do the next best thing.

The four who are very good at it will be the ones who imagine the link and open it. They will guide the link and hold it open but others will help provide the energy. Without the others, the one imagining the link could not do it very long so the link would be useless other than a nice idea to let us touch someone's yard or house. But what if some of the Sorcerers or Sisters wanted to walk through the link like we do when I join the two gardens?

To do that requires not just a good imagination to hold it all together but it needs energy. Now we will teach you how to provide the one who imagines the link the energy they need to hold it open. This is very important. Maybe more important than being able to imagine the link, especially if we need a very long time for the link to be open.

What if Grace's tree was on fire but we needed to bring help to put it out. Grace could not hold the link open long enough for all the people and water and other things to be brought to put out the fire so we have others of you who will provide the energy so she may hold open the link. By cooperating with each other the fire may quickly be put out and then the people who put out the fire may return back to where they came from through the link, before we close it again. See how important this part of the magic may be?"

The children are all nodding their heads and are very interested in learning this important magic.
A hand shoots up.


"What if everyone was taking turns providing the energy? As some of us get tired then the ones who have rested could come and give energy while the tired ones eat a honey cake and rest."

"That's correct. If we were going to make a link to last for hours then that is what we would do. We would also teach you how to recognize the way the person imagining is doing their part of it because they will become tired too. Eventually someone would need to take their place for a while. For today, however, we will train you in smaller groups, and then this afternoon we will practice opening three or four links at the same time. Small groups of a number of you in each group. One imagining and the others providing the extra energy. I will help too, so you will be able to keep the links open much longer. This afternoon our four imagineers will be Grace, Kathy, Timothy and Thomas. They open their links the fastest and are able to hold them open the longest. The rest of you will be energy suppliers. Without you, the links could not stay open.

Thomas, I want you plus Joseph, Ryan, Nathan and Matthew to come up. The five of you are our first team. We will show the others how to do this, then create more teams for practice. For now the girls will still work with other girls but this afternoon we may move some of you around so all of the teams will have equal power, and an equal chance to hold open a link for the longest time."

The children now are carefully watching and listening to every word. They are going to do more grown-up magic.

"Now, what we are going to do will require everyone to pay very close attention. Just like when we opened the links earlier this morning, this will require concentration. You must ignore everything except the link, or of providing the energy. Now just for practice we will have Thomas open just a visual link, this afternoon we will open full links where we may walk into the location brought close by the link. To save our energy for this afternoon we will do this simpler visual link. This will allow the energy providers to practice what I am about to teach without tiring the person creating the link.

Thomas I want you to imagine your back yard again but just link to the fountain, don't bring anything close, then we will watch on the projection. I know it still uses energy but soon you will have others helping to provide that energy. When I say link then do it but until then just prepare, understand?"

"Yes, that's easy. I can hold that kind of link by myself for ten minutes."

"True, but remember this is practice to show the others how to provide energy so no one becomes too tired and so you will all be ready to do the grown-up link this afternoon. When I tell you to link then also create the Projection so everyone may see. Now I want the four others to think about the energy you have which you are able to use to control magic. What if you could push that energy slowly down an invisible arm, an arm which is touching Thomas and which may pass that energy into him. Not all at once, but gradually as he needs it.

This takes special concentration but this concentration is not as tiring as that which makes the grown-up link. You must allow Thomas' energy and use of magic ask for the energy it needs from you. Reach out now and touch him allowing your energy to flow slowly as he starts using it then allow it to flow a little faster to make up for your portion of that which he is using. Thomas begin the link."

Thomas creates the link to his back yard and the fountain, projecting what is seen and heard into the garden where the others may see it. The four boys around him looking a little strange as they begin to understand how to send small amounts of energy to him so he may continue the link for long periods of time. After five minutes, they are still providing energy, and are able to chat together without losing concentration.

"Andrew, this is easy. I'm giving Thomas energy but this link takes so little I hardly feel it," brags Ryan.

"That's because we are only visually linking. Much more energy will be required when we do the grown-up link this afternoon. Do all of you understand how this transfer of energy is done?"

They all answer that they do and Andrew reaches out to see who is able to produce more transfer and who less. The ability to transfer energy does not seem to be any more prominent with the children who link more easily. Rather it seems to have no relationship at all to the ability to link. Andrew tells them to close the link and stop transferring energy. Moments later they are all bragging to each other about how easy it is and asking if they may do it again.

"Yes, we will do it a second time this morning but for the moment I want all of you to sit and we will teach the first group of girls. Then Alexandra and I shall teach the last two groups."

Once again Andrew teaches the techniques involved, this time to Kathy and the group of girls who will be working with her to learn how to provide energy. Alice is one of the girls in the group but she finds she cannot provide energy at all and goes crying to Alexandra. Alexandra comforts her and explains that many adults cannot provide energy either but that she can do things that others including many adults cannot do.

"Everyone is different, we don't all have the same powers. Who knows, you may have healing or nurturing magic and very few have either of those."

Fortunately for the lesson, two of the girls involved are exceptionally gifted in their ability to transfer energy. Now Alexandra and Andrew each take the last group of girls and of boys and allow them to practice for five minutes. In the space of less than half an hour's time everyone has had a chance to provide energy except the four children who are going to do the linking.

"Now I want Grace , Kathy, Timothy and Thomas to come up. Alexandra would you come up also?"

Alexandra walks up and stands next to Andrew.

"This time I want the four of you to practice providing energy. You will provide energy to Alexandra as she opens a passage link. So it does not tire you quickly, I will also provide energy to her. Did you all hear how I explained it to the one's who were helping you?"

The four tell him they remember as they prepare to give energy to Alexandra.

"Alexandra could you open a link to a room in your home? We only need a few minutes and then we may close it again. I'll provide most of the energy so the children don't become tired but I want them to know what it is like so they will be able to judge if those who are providing energy to them this afternoon might be tiring."

She opens the link and her Father's library appears at the edge of the garden, the children and Andrew begin to supply her with energy to maintain the link. Andrew after just a few minutes notes who is tiring quickly and who is able to continue. While that link is open he opens the one to the other garden and the children look from one link to another in surprise.

"All right Alexandra, let's close the link and everyone may stop sending energy."

Andrew then closes the garden link as well.

"This afternoon will be interesting. Thank-you Alexandra. Now how do the four of you feel? Are you tired or hungry? Perhaps sleepy?"

They all say they are not tired or sleepy but, "I think I could eat two lunches." Several others sitting and watching offer the same sentiment.

"All right then. We will stop for now and go to an early lunch then we will rest and have some more food before returning here for more practice. We are all eating here today so everyone will follow Alexandra to the meal hall."

"Come children, follow me," leading off toward the children's meal hall. Andrew follows behind everyone catching up to Alice.

"Don't be discouraged, Alice. I sense you have an ability which will show up later and which very few possess. At that talent you will do very well and everyone else will be envious. Catch up to Alexandra now."

"All right, Father," she says quietly as she smiles at the thought there will come a time when she will be able to do some things that few others might do.

Quietly, "Ahh Daughter, remember. It's a secret."

"That's why I whispered." She hurries away to catch Grace and Alexandra.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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Ah, children, the flowers of life!

{Dark, unfunny humour ensues} ||They are ought to be put in the water or in the ground.|| See? Told you.

Okay, inappropriate jokes aside, this chapter was heartwarming. I wonder what Alice can do?


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

I Want More, Please

terrynaut's picture

I hope more treasures like this one are unearthed in Teddi's archives. I'll be watching.

Thanks, Rénae.

- Terry

P.S. I haven't had much time for drawing but I'm still planning to finish a few more drawings for this story.