Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-07-37

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Chapter 07

One young boy has used his training link to check on his mother, for with him gone there is no one to do the work with her. He has been worried she may not be well. The link worked satisfactorily, to his mother's surprise and joy at seeing her son working magic. If he completes his training then she will be cared and provided for as long as she continues to live or until she takes another husband. Meanwhile, however, times are difficult.

Andrew quickly and magically draws to himself a number of the spelled candles as well as number of gold coins from his cache back at Scearnvale. These he gives to the boy, whispering to him to give them to his mother the way they have been moving things across the link. She accepts the candles and coins gratefully, her son tells her to put a candle into the holder and then touch the base of the candle. She does so and is surprised at the light produced. They say goodbye to each other and the young man closes his link. Andrew holds his portion open long enough to hear her begin sobbing but thanking God for the gifts.

He judges by the look of her hut and clothing that the gold coins may feed her and keep her in some heating fuel for a month or more. The candles will likely last at least that long. Near the end of this first month of training he will persuade the young man to check on her again. The coins are but an extremely small part of that which Andrew receives from his portion of the family investments. So little to him but so much to others. He has come to understand and try to ease in some small way the suffering of others. Lessons end shortly before lunch. Missii and Kayla returning while holding each to the other and happily chatting. Andrew opens the link to the garden in The Shambles using the signed bench as his anchor then, once again, rapidly draws the gardens together.

"Children, you may now return to your respective centers for your luncheon meals. Remember to exercise your imagination and the ability to use it to see things in reality which your eyes may not see. Be careful, do not attempt links or any other use of magic. Just look and examine. We will soon enough be teaching you how to use the magic so you may change the reality around you through it's use. All right, you don't want to be late for lunch. Go, Go."

The children all excitedly go out to walk to their meal halls, chatting about the day's lessons and looking at everything around them in a new light. The girls from The Shambles and Sister Odelia, who accompanied them, return to the Sorcerer's garden and beyond. The boys running through the garden and on toward their meal hall with many stories to tell to the other apprentices.

Grace tugs on Andrew's robe, proudly, "Did you see? Today I didn't get surprised and we were able to talk just like I was in their room."

"Yes. You did very well, young lady. Some day you will make a fine Sorceress. You are advancing rapidly, perhaps it is time to begin considering just what you want to do with magic when you grow up. There are many things to do. You may help heal people, or grow food with spells that make it rich and nourishing, perhaps control the weather over a certain field of crops so they shall not die and there will be enough food for everyone. Or maybe you will be an explorer. An explorer of magic, finding new ways of doing things. There are so many things you will be able to do. You have a lot of time. Practice your imagination to examine things, but be very, very careful so you do not accidentally use magic in any other way. Now you should go eat before everyone else consumes all the food."

The young girl rushes off toward the meal hall with a large smile on her face, as Andrew stands once again then walks over to talk with Missii and Kayla.

"If the Sisters and Alexandra of course do not mind then, Lady SaVannah, you may remain here for a few days with Missii if you so choose. That will give you both more time to catch up on everything that has happened."

Alexandra chimes in, "Yes, please stay for a few days. We will be linking each day so you may return anytime to Andrew's end of the link."

The sisters look at each other a moment and hug then hurry off together toward the meal hall.

Alexandra smiles at Andrew, "That was very nice of you. I worry at how thin Kayla is. She does seem to be improving though. You seem to be very good with children and ladies."

"Not as good as I should be. I generally find it difficult to talk with women. For some reason it is much easier to talk with you, and with Missii and Kayla as well. I don't understand why this is so but it makes me happy. Especially being able to talk with you. Sometime perhaps, if you don't mind, we might go for a walk together just you and I."
Thinking of Missii and Kayla, "Of course with those two I doubt we could ever be alone just to walk."

Alexandra smiles, "I would like that. You are right though, we will never be completely alone as those two would tie us down if we told them they could not come along."

Andrew laughs at that and thinks about Kayla, then relates this morning's attempt to get Kayla to go to breakfast. "I don't know if she realizes she is improving or if she thinks yet that she is hallucinating and still about to die. Please keep an eye on her and ask Missii to watch her also. Until she understands that things really have improved for her she may be quite depressed. After all she may think she is so far gone that she is even hallucinating Missii."

"We'll watch over her. I think Missii will protect her enough we don't need to worry. I've seldom seen Missii so happy. Speaking of happy, we will need to watch Grace. She is so excited over linking that I am going to tell the Sisters to watch her that she doesn't get herself in over her head."

"Maybe you might place a signature on each piece of her clothing, without Grace's knowledge that we have done so. Then if she accidentally transports herself somewhere we may be able to find her and bring her back. Unless she transports herself into a mountain or a tree or something else disastrous."

"A good idea. Perhaps in addition to signing much of her clothing, I may also be able to sign some jewelry which she might wear. Good-day Andrew. I'm enjoying what little time we have together each day."

"As am I, Alexandra Beaumont, as very much am I."

Just as he is about to leave she gives him a quick kiss, "You're doing better. You didn't blush that time. Bye."

Crossing to his side once more, "Good bye, Alexandra. Remember if you need anything just ring." A little silver bell rings softly, as he chimes back a single chime, closing the link.

The rest of the week is spent teaching the children in the mornings and experimenting with his use of magic in the afternoons. There must be more to this magic than just linking and transporting. The candle spell is interesting but not something which could be used for war or saving someone's life. Thinking about the candle and how it has so rapidly has permeated the lives around him in the training centers. The candlemaker must hate me. A few days later Andrew learns that the candlemaker has simply increased slightly the price of his candles to the Guilds so he is still making some of the money he requires. Now too, he has more candles available for consumer sales. These he may sell at his normal prices rather than the reduced bulk prices he has been charging for the candles sold to the Guilds.

Healing, too, is an important part of magic. As is causing crops to grow more abundantly or, when the weather is not cooperating, preventing it's adverse effect upon the crops. Controlling the weather... That might not be so difficult to do but what effect would it have on the entire world? As it has been said many times, be careful what you wish for, you might get it. We do not need weather fighting a war against us. Then again, short term weather changes might be good weapons for use in war. If war should ever happen again. What of small weather changes? For instance one might spell the seeds they plant in a small home garden and then cause rain and sunshine only on that garden. Surely that small a change would not drastically effect everything on a global scale now would it?

Andrew seeks out a Sorcerer who might know where he may obtain seeds. "I only need perhaps a hundred of each of seven or eight different food plants. I am going to have the children plant them and control the weather over their plants using magic."

The Sorcerer is intrigued by the possibility and assists Andrew in seeking out a supply of seeds. A few hours later, Andrew has nearly a thousand seeds. There are Apple seeds, of course, just as there are oranges, apricots and peaches. Not so many exist of the lemons but the plums are plentiful as are the cherries, and ground plants such as strawberries and blackberries. Now he must find Feeder Benjamin.

Going to the Nourishment council he explains his problem and need. In order to train the children in the use of the magic he must know what the weather conditions must be for each of the types of seed to flourish.

"If I am able to teach them to be successful at this then the Nourishment Council may be able to increase the yield again without increasing the work. It is an intriguing possibility."

The members agree and Feeder Benjamin provides the needed information.

Teaching is hard work. Deciding what to teach so it will be useful to society on the whole, while still presenting challenges designed to improve skills and increase knowledge takes as much or more time as does the actual teaching. Considering the need for a test of some kind to confirm his idea, Andrew selects a single apple seed and plants it in a corner of the garden. Before it is planted, he spells it to condense one year's time into only ten minutes. Once it is in the ground he then provides the weather it needs, again greatly accelerated. The weather will occur only over the apple tree and nowhere else in the garden. The trial begins and he stands back to watch.

Soft rain and sunshine flash past almost in a blur with a short interval of night between periods of light. The sprout is coming up through the ground and in minutes it is well over a foot in height. At the end of ten minutes the little tree stands nearly two feet in height. As the spelled tree continues to grow and the weather continues to flash past. He provides the insects which come in from the field at nearly the speed of a lightening strike to pollinate the flowering buds on the tree. Andrew continues to watch as the tree begin to blossom, drop those blossoms and bear tiny fruit which then falls and in moments decays. The tree continues to grow. An hour later the tree is nearly ten feet tall and filled out. Fruit follows blossoms quickly as the abbreviated year flashes past.

Andrew quickly grabs a fruit but it shrivels rapidly on his hand as the fruit is also spelled and a month passes for it in the space of less than a minute. Halting the weather and the tree's life span, the trial is a seeming success. Now considering what might be done with a tree that does not belong is the garden, a way to remove it, roots and all is decided. Quickly thought is placed into action and the tree dies and decays providing nutrients to the soil. He halts all further action by removing the spells upon the tree that was a seed and returns all weather to normal for the garden.

"Now we just need somewhere to plant the seeds." Going to supper, he continues to consider that problem, as a Sorcerer who observed the trial smiles, shakes his head and walks to Gabriel's office.

"Gabriel, he seems to have many interests. Now in addition to everything taught to the children it would appear he intends to teach them to raise fruit trees as well. I just watched him take an apple tree through many years of life in just three hours."

"I think I see what he is doing. He is not guiding them in just one pursuit but is showing them many things which magic may do. It is a valuable general education upon which we may build. Yes, I think the two of them may be excellent instructors for first year apprentices. In fact they are bringing the twenty they have along so quickly that by the time the month is out we may have a large crop of youngsters who are the equivalent of our third or fourth year students. I believe I shall ask Kaitlyn to accompany me to Percoin for a little conference. Thank-you for watching for me. Please continue whenever possible."

"Certainly Gabriel. Good day to you."

"Good day."

Andrew is deep in thought as he mechanically places food into his mouth. He is suddenly aware that someone is speaking to him. "What? Oh, Sorcerer Gabriel. I'm sorry I was deep in thought, you were saying?"

"I was wondering if I might prevail upon you to allow Sister Kaitlyn and myself to avail ourselves of your link to Percoin tomorrow. We have a conference which occurs each year and by using your link to go there and back we may save many weeks of travel since scanner travel is terribly haphazard just now."

"Of course, I would be pleased to have you travel with us. Might you have the time to watch the children at their lessons?"

"Perhaps after our meeting. We will go to Percoin early, about eight, and are unlikely to finish until after the noon meal. Perhaps you may extend the children's training tomorrow? You might all eat your meals in Percoin and then continue the lessons into the afternoon when we may observe?"

"I am certain the children will be pleased to show their skills. We have two young ladies in particular who are extremely gifted at linking. I shall notify Alexandra that tomorrow shall run long and we will all take our meals in Percoin. Sister Kaitlyn and yourself will return to Scearnvale tomorrow afternoon?"

"We hope to do so. However, should we need to stay overnight then we will return the following day when you again link with Percoin. Thank-you for allowing us this opportunity Andrew. I am interested in seeing first hand how the two of you have done with the children in this short week."

"Thank-you, we will look forward to it. With your permission, if there is nothing more I shall go plan tomorrow's lessons."

"Good day to you Andrew."

Andrew hurries off chiming Alexandra as he is entering the garden. A few seconds pass and the bell tinkles quietly. Establishing the link he finds, as he expected; Alexandra, Missii and Kayla at their evening meal.

"Hello Andrew. To what do we owe your presence?"

"Good evening ladies. Alexandra, I have just had a meeting with Gabriel. Or rather he had one with me. He sought me out in the meal hall. He and Sister Kaitlyn will be traveling our link to Percoin tomorrow for a meeting held there. He requests that all of us including the children take our meal at the Sister's meal hall in Percoin. Further, he wants us to extend tomorrow's lesson to also involve the afternoon. That way they may come observe the children during the afternoon."

"Really? Perhaps we should plan something special for the children to do while they are observing."

"I was thinking of that as well. They want to see the children linking. I have a thought that might prove interesting. What do you think of this, we have several children link from the garden there to the homes of their parents. We may have my link to the garden here, and perhaps four or five to various parts of The Shambles and The Survivor allowing us to walk from one home to another with continuous simultaneous links."

"That would be spectacular but do the children have enough energy to maintain long links and to allow that possibility?"

"That is the part that will cause the most strain. The first few days I was providing most of the energy for the links the children created. Yesterday was the first day they provided all the energy themselves. The longest link was only three or four minutes. That means I must provide the energy for all the links for perhaps half an hour. That will be a bit taxing. If we have food and water for me to eat beginning perhaps an hour before the links it would help a lot. Even so we cannot create the links until they are actually present to watch."

"Andrew. Are you certain you will be able to do this? Don't chance harming yourself."

"I hope Grace will be one of the children. Yesterday she linked for ten minutes with no obvious ill effects. We might tell her to eat a little extra at the noon meal tomorrow and we could also specify high energy foods for us all at that one meal. I'm afraid this will place a burden upon you also as you will need to maintain control of everyone while I am preoccupied with link maintenance. Fortunately the links to the homes may be small whereas the link to Percoin is quite large. The other possibility is three links. One to Scearnvale and two to cities in The Survivor. I think the homes would be easier to establish and possibly maintain even with four of them."

"I'll give it some thought and call you later tonight. Let me talk with Grace and Alice, and let the Sisters know our group of children will be eating here tomorrow. Do you want to use the garden or move to a larger location?"

"I think the garden. The children are accustomed to it and are comfortable there. A new location might cause some anxiety."

"True. All right, I'll take care of this end."

"Thank-you. I'll be up until ten so if you could, call me before then."

"Most certainly. By the way, may Kayla remain here for a few more days? She and Missii were planning on a celebration now that Kayla is improving."

"Lady SaVannah, I am pleased you continue to improve and wholeheartedly approve of your opportunity to celebrate your reunion with your sister. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Missii quickly pipes up, "Well, that leaves the field wide open."

Andrew begins laughing as does Missii and Alexandra joins them with Kayla looking a little confused.

Missii explains that Andrew apparently is ‘old school' and she believes he has yet to find a wife and settle down, "How else does he have all this time to be the kind of nuisance Sorcerers usually turn out to be."

"Alexandra, I think I had better go before Missii's remarks become more caustic. Good Evening ladies." the link fades rapidly to a small point which begins to spark, shift colours and produce small bangs and whistles as it flies around the room until it finally produces a burst of light appearing first as a Yellow then Pink then red Rose before fading, much to the delight of the Sisters watching.

"See Kayla, what did I tell you. They have entirely too much time on their hands. It allows them to create all manner of strange and unnecessary forms of diversion," as she tries to maintain a straight face failing miserably in just a few seconds and beginning to howl with laughter.

They finish their meal and Alexandra leads them to the children's meal hall in order to find Grace and Alice.

Alexandra locates them just as they are leaving their meal hall together.
"Grace, Alice, may we talk for a moment?"

They walk over to Alexandra, Grace asking, "What is it?"

"I wanted to let you know that tomorrow will be a little different than our usual training. Be certain you eat breakfast tomorrow morning as you will need the energy."

"Are we doing something special tomorrow?"

"Perhaps. If the Sisters and Sorcerers decide they wish to watch then we will try something a little special tomorrow afternoon. It will require the cooperation of all of you in order to accomplish it. The morning though will still be nearly normal. Go ahead now and complete your daily routines."

Grace and Alice rush off, as Alexandra smiles after them.

Missii watches them leave, "They are not your offspring Alex, yet you act as though they might be. Andrew is the same, he is very patient and understanding. He does not bully a child when they make a mistake but shows them the way to accomplish the task and sets them out on the correct path once again. Your children will have very good parents."

"Yes they do... what?" Alexandra suddenly realizes what Missii has said and turns bright scarlet. "We... We have no plans about that Missii. I think Andrew will remain a bachelor the rest of his life. He has made no advances to me nor is he likely to do so. I have no idea where you get these silly notions."

"Yes. Another gift which isn't a gift."

"Alexandra rises from the bench where she was sitting while talking with the children, "I had best let the Sisters know they will have guests tomorrow."

She walks away, her face still red and the back of her hand touching it as if to check how warm it may be. Missii and Kayla both laughing at her reaction.

"Missii, is what you say true? Are they to be brood mates?"

"No one has said, but the way they look at each other and dance around the topic it is likely. Perhaps we just need to give them a gentle push."

"Perhaps. I think this one would be good for Andrew."

"And I think he would be good for Alex."

"Remember what Mother used to say, ‘Never allow the male the choice when a little push may make it for him'."

"Kayla, it is nice having my sister with me again. Besides, once we get these two to marry we will be together again as well. Then we may look for our mates. Soon the home will be filled with young. We need to begin your exercise so your strength begins to build again. Food is no longer a problem. You should also talk with Andrew concerning your wages. Don't take less than twelve gold each month, sixteen would be better as then you will have some extra to buy clothes and perfumes but twelve is the minimum. You will need that much to create your dowery.

Alexandra's father is paying me twenty but I don't know Andrew's financial situation. You may try for twenty then bargain for no less than twelve. Trust me, after all I am your older sister."

The two young Felines continue to talk as they follow walk down the hall toward the rooms they have been given, plotting the potential union.

Perhaps an hour or so later Alexandra has completed her notifications and returned to the garden to prepare it for the arrival of the two leaders the following morning. Her preparations concluded she rings Andrew. No response occurs even after a second ring. She decides to return to her room before trying again. There, she lights her candle which has ‘burned' down about a third of the way due to her use throughout the week. She resolves to spell all the candles at her Father's house. It will save him money and give him better light. She casts a link to find her Father and finds him poring over a book in his library. She rings the bell to him and when he looks up to see what has interrupted him, "Hello Father."

"Alexandra. When did you return? I'm so glad to see you. I've missed you."

Slightly saddened, "I haven't returned father, I'm still with the Sisters. This is something new in a link. My soul-mate invented it. I wanted to see how you are doing and to give you something else which he invented and I changed. Could you put some new candles on the desk, I want to spell them with a very special spell."

"Candles? I'll send for some. How are you Alexandra?"

"I am very well father. I miss you even though I am busy teaching the new children. We have two little girls who are exceptional at these links. Father, while I think of it, tomorrow we may be doing something a little special during the afternoon. These links are two-way, while it exists you could come visit me at the Sister's Conclave and then return to the house through the link. May I link tomorrow afternoon? You could come and meet Andrew as well as Sorcerer Gabriel, if the Sorcerers decide to visit us."

"Tomorrow? I think I am free tomorrow, yes. If I am here then I would be interested. How does this link work?"

"Let me close this one and return to the Garden. I'll open a new link and show you in a few minutes. Be certain to have the candles, I think you'll like the spell. It might even help prevent some of your headaches you get trying to read in this poor light. Bye father. I'll be right back."

Alexandra grabs her candle and hurries to the garden. She links to the library again and draws the thread pulling the library and the garden together. Just to be safe she places her signature on one of the benches as she saw Andrew do days before. She walks across the garden toward the library with her Father watching in amazement as she enters the library. He reaches out and touches her.

"You're really here. How do you do that? I've never seen anyone travel like that. You bring the whole garden with you?"

"It's a new way to control magic father. This is just a little of what we are teaching the children. How do you like my candle?"

He looks at her candle and at the brilliant light it produces dwarfing the efforts of the candles burning in the room. Alexandra takes all the candles he has on the desk and spells them while he is investigating her candle.

"Do they burn down more rapidly? Why is there no heat?"

"That's all part of the spells father. Since there is very little wax turned to heat almost all of it goes to produce that brilliant light. The wax is burned very slowly and the candle doesn't drip like normal. Touch the base of the candle."

He reaches out and upon touching the base the candle goes out. He touches it again and then begins playing with it like a child, on and off again. Smiling, he turns it on and places the holder back on the desk. Alexandra douses one of the candles in it's wall candelabra. After it cools she replaces it, having gone in the meantime to each of the others in the candelabra, dousing them. After they all cool enough to remove she replaces them with spelled candles which she lights before going to the candelabra behind the other side of the desk where she douses those candles to allow them to cool. Finally she replaces those candles as well. There are now eight new candles burning and nearly three times the light in the room.

"This is marvelous Alex. I may easily see to read. Look how bright the room is. Why I may even read the title on this book clear over here without carrying a candle with me. How long will they burn?"

"The candle in my holder is less than half used and I have been using it perhaps four hours a day these past four days. They last a long time since there is little wasted energy."

A chime sounds.

"Father, I want you to meet my soul-mate." She rings her bell and Andrew establishes the link. At first he is puzzled since he doesn't recognize the room.

"Andrew. This is my Father, Statesman Beaumont of the Confederated States of The Survivor. Father this is Andrew, the Sorcerer with whom I am learning a great deal and the one who works with me training the twenty children we have been tasked to teach the new magic. Andrew, I was just spelling some of Father's candles. He reads long into the night and the poor light gives him headaches and tires his eyes. These may help him."

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance Statesman Beaumont. I am Andrew de Toraline. My father is the Primary and the Head of the Bank of Commerce here in The Survivor." Alexandra does a double take in astonishment at Andrew's statement then seeks a chair and sits.

"Andrew, you never told me about your father. The Primary?"

"Yes. I didn't mean to keep it a secret from you. We just never mention it much."

"Now I know how you may afford to give all that money to help those poor people. How much do you receive each year?"

"ALEXANDRA! You don't ask someone how much money they make," her Father admonishes.

"It's all right Sir. I admit I had not been flaunting my money for if a lady likes me I want it to be for me and not my money."

"Still, it is not right for my daughter to ask such a question."

"Well, perhaps I may answer her question and pose one of my own. Would you allow me permission to call upon Alexandra? In the time we have been working together I have found her to be both intelligent and enchanting and would very much like to call on her."

Her father sputters and begins to mutter as he considers this new development. The de Toraline fortune is legend in The Survivor. Indeed the Bank of Commerce essentially is owned outright by that family as are numerous properties and businesses.

"Yes, I give my permission for you to call on her with one stipulation. Missii must accompany you young lady, whenever he comes calling."

"Oh, Father."

"Don't ‘oh Father' me young lady. That's the condition take it or leave it."

"Yes Father," Alexandra does her best to sound dejected while trying to hide the smile crossing her face.

"Thank-you Sir. I shall not make you regret it. As to how much I receive each year, I have numerous investments and properties of my own from which I make enough to easily support a wife, should I find a lady I like enough to marry, to include a large family and retainers in quiet comfort. I trust that answers your question Milady?"

"Why are you a Sorcerer then? Why are you trained as a Warrior?" Alexandra presses.

"Because of reasons which are occurring on both continents and because my family has, thus far, been unable convince any others of the danger. Time is not on our side. The training in this new magic may be the salvation of both remaining continents should the danger we suspect turn out to truly exist. Statesman Beaumont, Lady Alexandra, Good evening. I am afraid I must return to the Conclave. Very nice to have met you at last, Sir. I'll give your headaches and the light problem some consideration. Perhaps some answer may be found. Good Evening."

Andrew bows to Alexandra and then to Statesman Beaumont. He walks back into his link and moments later it is extinguished.

"Alexandra, you didn't tell me this soul-mate is Andrew de Toraline. Don't you know who he is?"

"Yes father, I do. But I didn't. I didn't know his last name until just now. What matters to me is that he is a very nice and polite young man and you have given him permission to call on me so long as I have Missii with me. Are you going to recant that permission?"

"Recant it? Why in God's name should I recant it? His father is the wealthiest man in The Survivor. Young women have been trying to land this young man for years. He has had absolutely nothing to do with any of them and now he wants permission to call on you? I think I'll have a stroke. Do you like him Alex? What does Missii think of him? She is an excellent judge of character."

"She thinks he is a very honorable young man. I like him too. He just calls himself Andrew so until tonight I didn't know who he is. Even when he told us his name just now I didn't associate it until he said his father is Primary. My God, I pray he will still call on me now that I know. Why does something always happen to make someone I like drop me like a hot rock. Oh no!"

"What now?"

"I have a message for Andrew, I mean Master de Toraline, I mean, I don't know what I mean. I better go back to the Conclave father. I hope the new light helps." She kisses him on the cheek takes her candle and walks back into her dark link and garden, closing the link behind her as her Father watches her departure while musing about this new turn of events.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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Enjoyable story

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

This continues to be an enjoyable story and we start to see the first hints of a potential challenge facing Andrew and Alex's world. Enjoyable and well written as always.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Young Adults

terrynaut's picture

This story is definitely geared towards a young audience but I still found it enjoyable. It's got humor, intrigue and wonder. It's very special, just like Teddi.

- Terry