Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-05-37

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Chapter 05

"Andrew, what did you do to that candle? And how are you able to penetrate wards as though they are not there?"

These questions and more come from the Sorcerers and Sisters present in the testing room.

"I simply changed the conversion of wax so it is mostly to light. The previous way developed a lot of heat and little light. I changed it so it developed little heat and a lot of light. The effect is that of slowing the conversion of wax since little needs to be wasted as heat. As to the wards, they apparently do not exist at the level at which we are controlling the magic. Or, at least, they offer negligible resistance to the greatly increased power. Alexandra is a very intelligent young woman. She determined the way I control magic and duplicated it. She has also explained enough to me that I better understand how you teach the control of magic, which is now allowing me to understand new ways to do the same things.

There is still a great deal I do not understand, but I am beginning to find ways to do a lot of things you may do. It is as though the old control of magic is like someone who must chop and chop at a tree in order to fell it, expending great amounts of effort and energy. Whereas, with the new control I simply convince it that it has tired and ask it to pull it's roots and topple to the empty ground and it complies. The older methods require a lot of energy on your part, the newer uses very little so I have a lot remaining to reach out further or to accomplish even more tasks, continuing for a much greater time before requiring rest. I do, however, seem to require a lot of food and water."

At that explanation, the seven Sorcerers and Sisters go into a brief conference.

"Sorcerer Andrew, could you teach a little of this to one of our new apprentices? You would not have a class, just the one pupil and only for a short time. Just enough to see if someone not accustomed to the old ways might understand and be able to follow your new ones."

"I am honored that you would allow me to do so. I may but try. I have been thinking of some of the times I was so successful with my training as a Warrior and it may have been due to the application of magic when I was not aware I was using it. It seems very strange to me to be able to accomplish things now without great difficulty when before it seemed all a great mystery to me. It is like someone finally lit a candle in my dark room and I may see things I never knew were there. I owe a lot of this to Alexandra, who has shown me some of the ways you use magic.
Rather, however, than a young new talent might I not have one who is having difficulty with the ways you are attempting to teach? It may be that there are differences in the way they and I approach a problem that are causing the difficulty. Where your way may not work, mine might."

Again, the Sorcerers and Sisters go into a conference.

"Very well, but we have decided to present two challenges to you. One female and one male. Both have been training for about a year and are well behind those who entered with them. We have been considering removing them. Your methods might work, then again they might not. Would you attempt this?"

"Yes. I shall see if this perhaps is the reason they are having difficulty. I may have brothers and sisters of spirit who, as I, have difficulty with the methods you utilize. With God smiling upon us The Shambles may have many more who are capable of using magic and who otherwise would have been missed."

Gabriel calls a halt for the day and everyone leaves the hall. Andrew rushes down the corridor to catch Gabriel.

"Sorcerer Gabriel may I speak with you a moment?

"Yes Andrew, what is it?"

"I... I know I seemed very certain of myself a few moments ago, but I really know very little about magic. The things I have done just seem natural. There yet remain so many things about which I have no hint. Are you certain I should attempt this teaching? I have only taught Warriors, not children, nor in the use of magic."

Smiling, "Andrew. I have been told of numerous times which have occurred during your training as a Warrior. Weapons Master Liam has proudly boasted of you at the meeting table upon many occasion. He has also related your ability to teach others. I think you shall find, wether it is weapons or magic makes little difference. It is how you teach as much as what you teach that makes the difference. You will do well as you always do. How are your headaches?"

"My head... Oh they seem to be gone. How did you do that?"

"A simple spell. One must not always chop at a tree to fell it," Gabriel admonishes, "See you at breakfast? At seven?"

Smiling he continues down the corridor before turning toward the offices. Andrew watches him smiling just as broadly, "Now what have I gotten myself into?"

He chimes Alexandra, and several seconds go by. Thinking perhaps it is a bad time he turns his thoughts to the Garden and begins to walk toward it as a quiet bell tinkles near him. He chimes back and Alexandra opens the link, they are together once again.

"Hello Andrew. How did your testing go?"

"I'm not certain. It did not continue more than an hour after we had linked. It was what happened afterward that has me concerned."

Her face suddenly loses it's smile and concern becomes evident, "What happened. What are they going to do?"

"Nothing serious or, perhaps it is. I don't know. They have decided to allow me to try to teach two first year students who are having great difficulty with their training. Perhaps they need to approach the problems the same way I, and now you, do. One of these students is to be a young girl. I was hoping we could link during the training so she will have someone present who might help her and from whom she would naturally request assistance."

"That would be wonderful. Yes, I would like to do that very much. Where are you going to do the training?"

"In the garden, I think. It offers a much sunnier and more inviting atmosphere than does a training room. I hope it will place them more at ease."

"Yes, I think it will. I spent many hours in study in the gardens at my home and found it soothing. When will this begin?"

"Tomorrow morning. Each morning for the next month."

"This will be fun. I have a test in the morning so I won't be able to join you immediately. I'll try to finish it quickly. Then I'll ring you to see if you are still teaching."

"Okay, I am uncertain just when they may arrive. Classes usually begin at eight and go to noon. Tomorrow we may just spend most of our time getting to know each other. I hope you will be able to link early. Speaking of linking, I usually become very hungry after I have linked several times or if we have a long link. Have you noticed this?"

"Yes, I didn't associate the two but you're right. We need to replace the energy then?"

"I guess so. This is still all new to me. Oh, here, I have something to show you."

Andrew goes through the garden to another bush. The flowers here are a vibrant yellow.

"Are those Roses also?"

"Yes, this is a different bush. Here hold out your hand," he plucks just one, immediately spelling the spot where the break has occurred as well as bringing some of the soil nutrients from the bags on the garden’s edge to help the plant recover quickly as he did with the first. Finally he drops the flower onto Alexandra's hand. She immediately spells it and then recalls her attempts with the candles.

"Andrew, guess what I did."

"I haven't the faintest idea."


"You... You taught magic to Missii?"

Laughter, "No silly, she has tried but doesn't understand it. No, I have taken a candle and spelled it so it is nearly the same as yours. I had to use the new method to do it. The old magic cannot accomplish the task. It doesn't look the same as yours but it is bright and uses the wax slowly. I may turn it on and off by touching it. The Librarian is so taken with the idea that she had me spell all the candles they have. Usually they use about a hundred candles every few hours and now they need only use fifty. They have more light, and the candles will last for a day or more."

Andrew congratulates her and explains how he did it. She thinks about it for a moment and decides she shall later try that way to see if it will burn the same colour as the one he changed.

"Thank you for telling me how you did it. A few more times like this and I may begin to understand your control of magic better. It is much easier when one considers everything around them rather than attempting to force something into accomplishment. I think I'll just call it the new magic people seem to accept that a little easier. Thank-you Andrew."

The sudden duality occurs and she leans forward gently kissing him.

"Good night. See you in the morning." she whispers.

"Good night, Alexandra."

"Pooh, call me Alex, everyone else whom I like does so. Good night."

"Good night... Alex."

Andrew walks out of the garden followed by a single peal of Alexandra's little bell and he strokes a single chime back to her. Meanwhile two shadows, in the reaches of the garden, fade back further out of sight. After he is gone they emerge and follow. Part way down the corridor they turn to walk to the offices of the League.

"Gabriel and Kaitlyn were correct," says the Sorceress, "he did indeed talk with the girl."

"Yes. We may find we receive a great deal more from this than we had hoped. The idea of including her in training the children is excellent. Have the Sisterhood in Percoin been contacted?"

"Yes. Kaitlyn did that almost immediately after we left the testing room. The girl's test will occur early in the morning. When she uses the new magic they will place the same request before her. Even now they are selecting a boy and a girl for that possibility."

"Then there may be so many as four more who may be able to use it. We should begin to find a few others that over four or five days, should their methods prove useful, we may add more both here and in Percoin. This opportunity is far too good to pass."

"Kaitlyn and Gabriel agree. That is part of the message given to Percoin. The introduction must be slowly accomplished. It is hoped that it will work and we may have ten students at each location. This is a fascinating experiment. Here, we need to report that which we observed."

Rapidly "Enter" is spoken upon their knock at the door.

The next morning, Andrew is in the meal hall promptly at seven. He takes his usual seat and is, as usual, promptly served. Sorcerer Gabriel enters a few minutes later taking a seat next to Andrew. They chat for a while as they both eat breakfast. Andrew asks for seconds and explains it is to help him to have enough energy to maintain the link over the entire morning.

As he is finishing his meal, Gabriel calls, "First year apprentice Daniel, please come forward."

The room quiets quickly, the other apprentices watching and listening to see if Daniel is finally going to be removed from training. Apprentice Daniel is thinking the same and slowly rises to walk the distance eventually arriving before Sorcerer Gabriel.

"Apprentice Daniel, I am relieving you from your normal studies."

The young man begins to have tears in his eyes, shaking his head in acknowledgment of his inability to perform the spells so easily accomplished by the others.

"For the next thirty days you shall report each morning at eight to Sorcerer Andrew for special training. Please don't make me think I made the wrong choice."

The young man turns to leave as the words sink in. He turns back looking at Gabriel and Andrew and a big smile crosses his face. "I shall do my best Sorcerer Gabriel."

Andrew smiles at him, "Do you remember the garden near the testing hall?"

"Yes, Sorcerer Andrew."

"Meet me there at eight. There will be another apprentice training as well. We shall meet each morning at eight after breakfast. We shall train all morning and then you will each have the afternoons to study your other courses."

"Yes, Sorcerer Andrew." The young man hurries back to his seat and rushes to finish his breakfast to the envious stares of his fellow apprentices.

"Sorcerer Gabriel, when will the young woman arrive for training? I hope to have Alexandra join us as well."

"She will be escorted to training by two Sisters. They are to arrive at eight. I shall have them directed to the garden. May I ask why you are training there rather than a classroom?"

"I feel it is more relaxing and upon mentioning it to Alexandra, she told me that she prefers to study in a garden for that reason."

"I see. Good fortune, may your teaching go well."

"Thank you Gabriel. Time will tell. Good Morning."

Andrew departs the meal hall making two quick stops on the way to the garden. In the garden, he experiments at moving an object from the testing hall to the garden and back.

In doing so he makes a discovery, "Very fascinating, if I am familiar with the specific object, I may reach out and touch it with a thread then command the object to follow the thread to the location before me. I wonder, could it work the other way. If I may make contact with the object may I travel to it?"

He quickly walks to the testing hall returning the candle and holder to the table then leaves once more for the garden. In the garden he selects the bench on which he once sat and places a small signature of energy into it. He may now find this particular bench whenever he desires. Reaching out to the candle and holder, he tries various ways to examine that room while remaining in the garden. Finally he discovers a way which allows him to see the placement of things within the room. He is about to try to transport to the room when several people enter so he instead walks to the room.

Reaching the door he casts out to the bench in the garden and quickly finds it then begins observing the area immediately surrounding it to be certain no one or thing is in the way of his possible sudden return. Deciding it is not necessary for him to start in the room for this experiment, he is about to try traveling to the garden just as he observes Apprentice Daniel arrive there, look about and then sit on the bench near the small pool. A few moments later, two Sisters with a young girl in tow also arrive. Gathering his thoughts, Andrew travels the thread to an open location near the bench. The young girl and Apprentice Daniel recoil in surprise, then are impressed with the entry of this Sorcerer who is to attempt to help them learn.

"Good Morning, sorry I'm late. I had a few things to take care of."

"Good Morning, Sorcerer Andrew." pipes up Daniel.

The Sisters are unimpressed for transporting short distances is something most may accomplish. The female Apprentice just watches in obvious apprehension. Andrew walks to her and stoops down so he is not towering above her. He holds out his hand to her and she slowly places hers in his. Carefully he brings her hand near and kisses it.

"I am pleased to make you acquaintance young lady. Thank-you for allowing me the opportunity to teach you. What is your name? Mine is Andrew."

Obviously shaken by a Sorcerer twice her age calling her a lady and kissing her hand she cautiously and shyly replies, "I am Apprentice Kiana, Sorcerer Andrew."

"A pretty name for a pretty lady."

The young girl smiles and begins to relax. This Sorcerer is not going to eat her.

"While we are all training here in the garden I would like us to just call each other by our names. You are Kiana, I am Andrew, and that handsome young man over there is Daniel. Daniel, I wish to present to you, Lady Kiana."

Daniel comes over and duplicates that done by Andrew. Taking Kiana's hand and kissing it then saying he is pleased to meet her. The young girl of perhaps ten smiles at the two Sisters standing next to her. Andrew now addresses the Sisters and tells them that they are free to also observe these new methods and participate if they wish. Any questions he is able to answer he will do so. They look at each other with unreadable expressions and then back at Andrew.

At that moment a small bell rings nearby. Andrew chimes, establishing the link with Alexandra to find her also in a Garden and with two young children beside her as well.

"Good Morning Andrew. I completed my test much earlier. The Sisters then brought this young man and lady to me for us to train," seeing the two with him, "That means we have four."

Andrew is momentarily surprised then realizes Gabriel and Kaitlyn probably suspected he would include Alexandra in the training sessions. He introduces the Scearnvale Children and Sisters to Alexandra and her small group with Alexandra reciprocating introductions of hers to his. By this time the Sisters are watching everything carefully for this link is unlike any they have witnessed before. It is almost as though this garden continues on into the other one. Sister Odelia is so taken with the illusion that she walks slowly into the one at the Percoin end of the link turning to see the garden from which she walked.

"Sister Odelia please remember, if you are still in that garden when the link is closed then you will be there and not here. Meanwhile during training everyone is free to move through either garden."

Kiana walks into the other garden and up to Alexandra. Shyly she reaches out and touches Alexandra then exclaims, "She's really here!"

"Actually Kiana, you are really here at my garden."

Kiana's eyes go wide and she runs back to her side of the link and to the Sisters who are still shocked at this display of power. Of links they have seen many but this is much more than a link.

"Well Andrew, shouldn't we begin? Why don't you tell us how it is the link has become an actual connection between our two locations."

Andrew begins telling them about how he established a thread using Alexandra as the anchor since they have contacted before and he did not know where she would be until the link was open between the locations. The thread previously established with Alexandra allowed him to pull the thread until the two gardens are now next to each other.

"I don't think of it as being impossible, nor do I think about how far away it might be. Doing that will overcome your thought that such a link might be possible. Instead imagine how you might draw the two locations together. I do need to have someone or something I have touched, or to which I have placed a signature of energy, at the other end. For instance, we could all go to Alexandra's garden and close the link, which saves my energy, then when we are ready to return I simply reach out to this bench, which I have signed, place my thread and draw the two locations together again. We may then walk back to this, our own garden."

"Andrew may we come to your garden for this morning? Then tomorrow we might come to mine."

Andrew considers this a moment then walks into Alexandra's garden and places his signature spell onto the bench at that garden. "Now we may find a path back here, Lady Alexandra."

Just as they are entering Andrews garden, SaVannah walks into the garden in Percoin looking around in surprise.

"Oh Missii, come with us. We are going to Andrew's garden for this morning's training. Tomorrow they will all come to our garden."

SaVannah looks at the connection of the two gardens cautiously following everyone to Andrew's side of the link. Once everyone is safely in the Scearnvale garden he extinguishes the link and the Percoin end disappears. There are now five adults and four children standing in the garden at the League's Training Center. SaVannah is obviously distressed to find herself cut off from that which is familiar, even if only slightly so, but she is doing an admirable job of attempting to conceal it. Eventually she calms down enough to begin walking through the garden arriving before the yellow Rose bush where she pauses to smell the Roses before returning to listen.

As there are not enough benches for everyone to sit, Alexandra examines the one which Andrew signed and, with a little effort, produces three more like it. Apparently bringing the materials all the way from Percoin was a little difficult but she is not aware of materials availability around Scearnvale. The first bench falls into the pool to the amusement of the children.

"Will we be able to do that?" asks the young girl who came with Alexandra.

Andrew answers her, "Some day young lady. For now we will apply ourselves to simpler things as a start. Do any of you have a friend who is not studying with us?"

Two of them immediately raise their hands with a third uncertain participant also gradually raising hers. Andrew picks Grace who is from the Training Center in Percoin and asks her to come sit near him. Grace turns to look at Alexandra who motions for her to go to Andrew nodding her head in approval. The girl cautiously seats herself near Andrew.

"Now I want you to imagine in your mind the face of your friend. Is your friend another girl?"

She nods yes.

"Now concentration is important. Carefully focus on her face and remember as much about her as you are able to recall. Slowly, thinking only of your friend, imagine what it would be like if you were not imagining her but if you were actually seeing her. She is alive, so she is moving or talking but she is not just an image, she is someone real."

The young girl's face frowns showing deep concentration, her eyes closed as she is doing this. Briefly they open, but immediately close again.

"Now what is your friend doing?"

"She is in her training room. They are teaching her to move a candle holder across a table."

"Good. Now still concentrating on your friend, are you able to see everyone in the room clearly?"

"It... It is very difficult. I can't see everyone because they aren't clear. Ava is easier to see."

"That's all right. You still see your friend clearly?"

She nods yes once again.

"Good. If you were there and could talk to her, what would you say?"

"Hi Ava, have you moved the candle yet?"

She jumps and loses her concentration. "They heard me. They heard me. Everyone looked in my direction. How did you do that?"

"I didn't do it Grace, you did it. I just helped a little. You used magic."

Her eyes wide as saucers as she looks at Andrew then gets off the bench and hurries to Alexandra. Hugging her, Grace tells her, "I used magic. I really did it."

Smiling, "Yes, you did. You see, it isn't all that difficult. Sometimes it just takes a lot of concentration. Especially if it is something new or if you have little experience in it. After you do it once, it becomes easier each time. I must caution you though. This new magic is very, very powerful. You must not use it alone until we tell you that you may. You could seriously hurt yourself or someone else and we don't want that now, do we?"

"NO. I don't want to hurt anyone."

The sister's are surprised that Andrew so quickly has caused someone so young to do such a powerful bit of magic. Sister Odelia asks, "May I try?"

"Of course, come over and sit here. Who are you going to try to reach?"

"Sister Lily. She departed for New DesMonde three weeks ago."

"All right. Just as did Grace, you must concentrate on your friend's face. Remember she is alive and not just something you are remembering. Slowly watch as she is moving or talking and gradually add the rest of her and her surroundings. It is more important to keep the image clear than to add extra details. She is moving and breathing and there may be others around her. Can you see her?"

"Yes, she is walking toward someone. They are now speaking."

"Good. You are not quite close enough to hear them so let's move a little closer until we may listen to what they are saying."

The sound of the distant conversation slowly increases as though the listener is approaching the speaker, "... must we wait another day? We could not send this information by message, it is too important."

Andrew continues to guide Sister Odelia, "Now, since you are there with them, why don't you allow them to see you so you may all talk together?"

"What? Sister Odelia. When did you arrive?"

"I... I did not. I am in Scearnvale. This is a link. I am with several others who are teaching a new magic to children who have been unable to use their gift in the old way. I wanted to try it and this is the result. There is someone hurrying this way."

She points back over the Sister's shoulder, "I think they may have a message for you. You look well Sister Lily, I had best go now. It is the children we are supposed to be teaching."

"A link?" she looks at Odelia with some concern, "Are those the children back in that garden?"

Odelia turns, looking back. "Yes that is everyone. Be well Sister."

Sister Odelia opens her eyes seeing the garden once again around her, and the connection is broken. She sits there stunned. "I have linked before, but this is completely different. I could have touched her. When I looked back I was not seated at this bench but upon completion of the link I am still here. This magic is much different."

Then in surprise, "I am not exhausted. Such a link would have caused me to be unable to use magic for many hours, yet I feel as though I have done almost nothing."

Alexandra smiles, "That is just one of the many differences this method grants us Sister Odelia. Andrew? The link you have been using today is different than the way we first began using it. How have you changed it?"

"It's something I finally reasoned out. Before we were linking our minds to allow the link to function. Because of that we were limited in some respects. The way I am doing it now has different limitations but allows us physical contact where before we could not easily do it. As you may recall we had to change the link a little before we could touch."

"Yes, that duality."

"Exactly. But if we start out with the duality then everything falls into place including, for instance, allowing us to join the gardens and walk one to the other. It also allows us to move things from one to the other. If there were a battle, we could move entire armies through the link. The restriction being the size of the space available for them to pass, the distance between the link points and the duration the Sorcerer or Sorceress could hold the link open. If a group creates the link then the energy required is shared and some could come to replace those who are tiring to allow them to rest for a short period and to eat and drink before continuing."

"Who wants to try now?" Immediately the three remaining children raise their hands.

Andrew selects Daniel and they begin again with Daniel attempting to reach a friend living nearby.

"You needn't select someone close. Grace's friend is very far away but we still easily contacted her. Is there anyone further you would like to reach?"

Daniel thinks and then selects his Grandmother who lives in a village many day's ride East. Again Andrew talks through the use of the magic and the need for concentration and imagination. Daniel actually reaches his Grandmother and Andrew explains to her the nature of the lesson. She is quite impressed with her Grandson and praises him then admonishes him to be good and to do everything he is told. Just before the link closes she blows him a kiss.
Andrew now selects Kiana who eagerly rushes over to sit on the bench next to him.

"I want to reach my sister. I want to show her I can control magic like the others."

"All right. Are you able to imagine her clearly?"

"Yes, and She is moving and breathing and she, oh! She is milking the cow. I better not disturb her because the cow might kick her. Could I wait a little while and try later?"

"Certainly. I'll have the young man contact someone and then you may come and we'll see if she has finished. Go back to your bench and let him come up and try."

The children exchange places and the young boy attempts successfully to produce a link. Kiana is given a chance again, this time completing the link and speaking momentarily with her sister. The link is closed once again and they all begin to discuss how the control was accomplished and ways they might improve their attempts.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

83 users have voted.
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discontinuation of story

As the initial response to The Tranquility reposting has gathered less than thirty readers, and the continuing chapters have dropped that readership down to less than twenty; I have realized why Big Closet has not reposted the story.

For those who wish to continue to read the story, please contact me at dumasra (at) gmail (dot) com and I shall send it to you in pdf form.

Thank you

Rénae Alexiis Dúmas

Promising Story

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

I only know BC from this incarnation so I never read the original but I've enjoyed reading this reposted story. I'm sad to see that it won't be continued although I do appreciate the reasoning behind the decision. I sincerely hope that the chapters posted so far will see an increase in readers over time as people discover this story.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

votes or reads???

All right....

If the number at the bottom of each chapter isn't how many have read the chapter then where do I see the actual number of reads?


Two numbers

erin's picture

The number in the box is the number of votes. The smaller number near the "Read more" link, the one that says something like: 400 reads is the number of times the story has been opened for reading. I don't see any of your chapters that have as low of numbers as you have quoted. They are all pretty respectable for reposts and as good as some stories get for a first post.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

read count

Across the bottom of the story next to the vote count box is a row of links;

* Printer-friendly version
* Add new comment
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* 248 reads
* ++Bookmark
* Series
* Ignore user

In the middle, grayed out is the read count.

Hope you will keep posting.



Sorry... My error I didn't see

the faint "reads" below.

I guess I'm still learning about how this place works.
I couldn't possibly have the time to send a copy to over 300 people...... Not all at once anyway.

My reasoning was if only 30 people were reading then it would require me only about an hour to send out all the copies. Since it takes me about fifteen to twenty minutes to post a chapter that would be a great savings of time which I need at the moment as I am preparing to move.

Thank you all for explaining it to me.


I just made another discovery

Thank you everyone

I tried to see the "reads" and they were once again gone.....
I need to be logged-in in order to see them.

As I seldom log in, the number of "reads" was not shown to me.

Sorry to alarm everyone.


I've been dropping in and out on this one

I was hoping to wait until this one was finished they read BOTH of TD's magic serials in one big chunk.

Yeah, this coming from an often on hold serial author. Do not underestimate the drawing power of TD's work. This, BC, is a TG oriented site so that hurts it a bit. If you feel you must move the stories, use Erin's Fictioneer site. I believe all of the previous story is posted there though it is a quieter site.

Airforce Sweetheart was a must read for me as this one will eventually become given your late friends skill. She is missed.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. And I almost never vote for stories here except in some contests. This is true even for stories I rave about. I prefer to write comments. If there are more like me here then that depresses votes from where they should be. I'm such a baaaad boy.

John in Wauwatosa

I hope it means the story will continue

It will be very sad otherwise.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


Jemima Tychonaut's picture

I must confess not to have noticed the 'reads' figure either. I hope this story will continue and look forward to reading more about Andrew and Alex's new magic.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."