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Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Jenny’s promise, to make sure that Andy kept clothes at her house to make sure he kept returning, wasn’t lost on him. Could it be that he was just dreaming? Did she really say that? This beautiful woman…. She really did seem to be saying that he was caught and had no way of escape…. As if he wanted one?!
“I had a lovely hour at lunchtime, choosing some very pretty things for you…. Shall we try them on? I just can’t wait to see how they suit you. I did go for girly things, I must admit!” Jenny squealed in excitement.
They adjourned to the bedroom where Karen sat down in front of the vanity mirror and Jenny quickly rolled her hair. Jenny could immediately imagine a new and sexy style that would suit Karen beautifully….. High on the crown, with pin curls all around the back and sides, for extra femininity. “You’ll have to come to the salon tomorrow evening, honey. We can’t let this colour be washed out like this any longer.”
“mmmmm, I was thinking about that….” mused Karen, thinking in the way Andy would…… “There’s a problem, really, isn’t there…. because the temporary colours you’ve used just don’t last……. But any more long-lasting will get me into trouble next week…..” Andy was thinking about the return of his wife……
“You’re actually not wrong….. but that means a decision….. And I guess you can’t go more permanent with the colour, can you? It’s not at all surprising given the way we have been playing with your hair all this week so far…. You don’t have to worry……” Jenny said, quite reassuringly.
“How so?” Karen asked with an enquiring look into the mirror.
“Well, the rinses we’ve used have been fun, haven’t they…. “ Jenny paused, seeking agreement, “…. There’s no reason, yet, to go for anything more long-lasting…. Really, there isn’t. in fact, the range of colours we can play with are almost more varied with temporary rinses than with permanent tints.”
“Yet!???” Karen picked up on the one word that Jenny had slipped in to see if she/he was listening.
“Well, I did say… “yet”, didn’t I? Perhaps I was thinking that one day, you’ll be ready to take a risk…. There are some lovely subtle shades of red that go well on greying hair……”
The talk was taking Karen back to his late-20s when he wore his hair in a different colour almost every month or two. It was, by then, just part of him — a part of him that people took as second nature….. Which indeed it was. It was like that when he met the woman who would eventually become his wife…… She took it as part of him. His long hair, coloured. She didn’t see it as a ‘statement’ of any kind, and indeed it wasn’t… well, not consciously at all…… But from deep inside it was Andy’s way of saying “take me as you find me”…… or, “read into this whatever you wish, but it’s me!”
They dated, not-so-seriously to start off, and then found an increasing closeness that wasn’t something either of them had found with anybody else before. You could say that’s “falling in love”, isn’t it? Yes, that was when they found they’d fallen in love. Getting married was the natural thing to do in those days — pity it isn’t any more, Andy thought. So they were married, in a pretty parish church in north London, near where they had both been born. Both families seemed well suited.
Andy had continued his University lecturer’s job for a couple of years after they married. Her job moved to where he was employed and they found a flat to rent at first, planning to buy a house. Andy did have some of his clothes to keep safe…… Not easy to keep hidden in a small flat but, inevitably, there were many boxes of “stuff” that could be kept sealed until they fond the house of their dreams. His wife had loads of boxes with God knows what in them.
His wife spent a lot of her income on clothes and things for the house, and make-up of course. Andy dealt with the bills, entertainment and dining for them both, and his needs for beer! He also kept a little back for the occasional visit to M&S for an item of clothing or two. It was really the buying that got his pulse racing… just shopping…. An entirely un-male experience and pleasure.
Typically, he was careless and, more than once, a purchase was lost as she had found something that he’d bought… which suddenly had to be a “surprise” for her.
She was never away for more than a single night, maybe with girlfriends or visiting family, so Andy very rarely got the chance to dress for himself. He followed all the rules; not leaving the place untidy, not disturbing her clothes when taking and trying them on, putting them back exactly where they had been, not using much make-up at all, working on his own hair the way he had learned to do from his occasional, and now long-ago, salon visits. He felt secure in the notion that she wouldn’t be guessing.
That proved to be what most offended her — when the disclosure finally occurred. When she found out…… Nine or ten years later. When he’d done nothing to prepare her for the shock — which it was….. it was his fault, he readily admitted. Perhaps if he’d prepared the way, she’d have been more accepting, intrigued even…… but she really wasn’t……….
She was a wonderful woman in most other ways, but his dressing, once discovered (and promised to be stopped) had driven a wedge between them. But they had stayed together.
Jenny continued, as Karen took in the importance of what was being said. “…..Using the natural variations in the base colours, I mean, you can have the most feminine colours…. But you’d be wanting to live with them, by then…. I mean, all the time……. If, that is…. If you wanted to live like a girly…!?”
Jenny was testing Andy’s deepest-held thoughts about his dressing, now, while he was effectively under her control.
She wanted to find out — hoping he wouldn’t — whether Andy did in fact feel so good as a girl that he would live, as Karen, as a girl all the time, ever?
She really really hoped he wouldn’t.
Why? Because she was loving the experience of being with this cute, sensitive guy, who loved the feel of being a girl, who could make love like an experienced woman, but who also could be a sensitive all-male lover when both of them chose for him to be so.
She really did hope the next sentence wouldn’t change everything…..
Andy paused, as if wondering how to say what was now in his mind…………. Not wanting to offend Jenny at all……..
They had called in for pizza to be delivered. Jenny had opened one of her bottles of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, her favourite Italian red wine — light and fruity… Just like she was feeling now!
She was in heaven. She had sent Karen off to dress for the evening, to dress in the clothes she herself had bought for her lover, with his own money!
She was feeling light-headed. Tonight would be as wonderful as last…… They were nearly half-way through the week of his “freedom”.
But she knew…… Jenny reflected…… She knew that there would be a future….. With Karen…. And with Andy…… She knew enough about him…. Not everything of course, but she knew enough to know that he was sincere……. Frightened, maybe, but very sincere……. They would enjoy what time they could have together………..
Karen stood in the bedroom, having slipped her legs into the black support stockings that gave her legs a really sexy sheen and shaped her calf muscles and her thighs, just enough to be noticed. She fixed the stockings to the suspender belt…… Why, oh, why, were those clasps always so difficult…. Especially the third ones, behind the thigh!?? But they were done.
The bra, the peach cotton one that Jenny had bought, was a delight, as were the matching panties. She grasped the flesh in her ‘pecs’ pushing what was there upwards and then she slipped the pair of silicone bust enhancers into the ‘B’ cups, to fill them as best she could. Enough to look like tits when covered with the blouse.
She stepped into the blue A-line skirt and fastened the waistband. A little tight, but “no pain, no gain!” she thought. The skirt swayed as she moved, delightfully caressing the sheer stockings.
The pale blue blouse, with a high neck, completed the look Jenny had hoped she would create, but of which Karen was only just appreciating. It all felt very feminine.
As instructed, she began unrolling the hair that Jenny had carefully set an hour ago. The pins in the back and sides required only a rough brushing, to keep the separate forms of the curls. The crown, however, required back-combing to give height and volume. Karen was hesitant…. Just how much???!! She removed the five large-ish rollers and felt the curls in the tips of her fingers. Or, she could try for herself………
And she did. She took each curl in turn and ran a wide-toothed comb through it, changing the direction of the stroke to reverse and , she watched, as the hair responded to the back-comb effect. It wasn’t all that difficult…. So, on she went, to the second, then the third, and then the fourth and fifth curls, piling them as high as she could; he three or four inches of her crown’s length being just enough to create a lovely style. She could be proud. Jenny would be impressed!
Karen stood before the full-length mirror, admiring what she saw. She slipped into the pair of low-heeled court shoes that Jenny had left out for her. Not too high, but enough to change her posture, forcing her tits out and her bum to tense.
She was relieved……. It was all going well………… She thought of the question…. Did she.. or he …. Want to live as a girly??.................. She seemed to have answered it well…… Jenny seemed pleased…. But the reply had been honest……… There was no place for lying or half-truths……. Andy thought, gazing at Karen’s image in the mirror……
Karen twisted on her heels and reached for a spritz of Chanel 5 from the dressing table. It was her favourite! She freshened her make-up, light though it was, finishing with the coral pink lipstick that would be right for early evening.
Jenny sat in the lounge area, waiting for Karen to re-appear from the bedroom. Red wine in hand.
She had washed and freshened up before calling the pizza delivery people, asking for a call in an hour’s time. Enough time for some pre-dinner flirtation…….
Andy drew a deep breath before descending the stairs and entering the lounge where Jenny would be waiting. She/he was somehow suddenly nervous…. Wanting Jenny’s approval. A man, entering the home of a woman, dressed himself as a woman, hoping for acceptance as what —
a woman?
No, acceptance as a man who dresses sometimes as a woman…… and who needs approval.
How lucky he felt to have come this far, from a few faltering words at the start of a salon visit….
She will have heard the heels on the stairs. It’s now……. Open that door…….!!
Andy’s hand was shaking as he touched the door handle. Why was he so nervy???
“Oh, WOW!” Jenny exclaimed as Karen walked through the door. “I’m so pleased you look so good!... So very good, indeed.” She jumped up from thee sofa to greet her lover.
“You look very special yourself too!” was Karen’s reply. Her arms opened wide to receive Jenny’s advance. The couple kissed, Karen realizing that there had been no need at all to be nervous.
Their kiss was long and slow and enticing……… Lipsticks merged, tongues explored and eyes sometimes wide open……… Hearts began racing………. Breathing became shallower. A pause for red wine was no interruption……. It served to heighten the anticipation……..
Not too long later… well, long enough to whet the appetite for more, Karen and Jenny sat together in the lounge, glasses re-filled, and relaxed. They talked about eachother’s days. Jenny had, indeed, been less than usually busy. It had allowed her time to indulge in her shopping.
As they talked, their eyes were transfixed upon the other’s. Knowing smiles crept into their conversation from time to time. It was all delicious. There was no doubt, there would be lots and lots of delicious sex that night. Karen’s eyes twinkled…. Jenny’s fingers traced the line of her lips as she subtly suggested that they kiss again. Little encouragement was needed.
Karen’s hands explored Jenny’s tits through her blouse, and eventually, underneath it. She tweaked the full erect nipples and traced their outline with a painted fingernail. The skin around the nipples creased as only aroused tits will do.
Karen’s mouth sank slowly towards a first nipple and engulfed it. Lipstick marked the outline. Teeth nibbled, gently for the most part, but harder as Jenny’s breathing became shallow again.
“Oh, yyyyyesssss..!” Jenny breathed lightly.
The sofa was strewn with arms and legs before long, as the two women sank into their loving embrace, losing all sense of time. Ecstasy was all around as they fucked, fully clothed, in the increasing twilight. Only the setting sun lit the room through the west-facing windows. Firstly, doggie-style, Karen tongue-fucked Jenny……. Beautifully, she would admit later.
Karen parted the wonderful wet labia that were only inches from her lips, teasing Jenny with her painted fingernail and then sliding her fingertip up and down, releasing more and more moistness from who-knows-where. Tasting her lover’s pre-cum, the tip of Karen’s tongue touched the pretty pink button that was Jenny’s clitoris and she exploded almost immediately in an orgasm that lasted oh, so long!
Turning the tables, Jenny went down on Karen’s cock, beautifully, Karen would admit later. A girl with a few advantages…, Jenny thought. Her chestnut curls surrounded the cock as she drew it in deeply. Karen gripped Jenny’s head, holding it in place to prolong the ecstasy.
Karen’s cock was aching for her to cum now……. Her balls were loaded…. Jenny realized, she should bring an end to the love-making, just for a while…… So she manoeuvred herself under Karen’s arched body and guided her lover’s cock into her, slipping the semi-erect piece of joy into where it belonged. Woman, fucking woman. ….Total Joy! Their orgasms coincided and Karen’s cum was suddenly everywhere.
Their clothes were disarrayed, their make-up ruined, their hair dishevelled, their bodies sweating and their breathing irregular. They lay back, beside eachother. They had been shagging so very wondrously! And it was obvious!
And it was obvious to them when, just a moment or two later, the door-bell rang:
“Shit!!” said Jenny, “That’s the Pizza delivery boy………..! You’ll have to go to the door!”
“I can’t!” Karen replied, out of breath.
“You must, I certainly can’t!”
“I simply can’t — I look like what I am and what I’ve been doing….!”
“You are what you are — you’re a beautiful woman… and you’ve been fucking…. So what!?” Jenny smiled adoringly….. “And so what if he susses you….. who cares??!! We’re not finished, anyhow!”
The knock came at the door for a second time.
Reluctantly, Andy stood up and looked at himself in the hallway mirror as he went to the door. That was no woman in the reflection. It was him…… It was a guy, wearing a pretty skirt, and a blouse, with the peach cotton bra showing where it was unbuttoned. His silicone inserts gave to illusion that he had tits… He was rather proud of those…. His hair was curly alright, around the sides (he couldn’t see the back) and the crown curls were back-combed high, but they were messed. He was sad about that; he loved his hair to be perfect!..... His lipstick was almost gone but his eyes shone through the eyeshadow and mascara….. This was a guy, dressed as a girl, who was ready for another fuck………
And suddenly, Andy didn’t give a fuck for who knew…….!!!
So he opened the door.
“So what if he knew……..” Karen said, taking a long sip of the red wine that still stood beside the sofa. “He wasn’t going to stay around here for a moment longer than he needed….”
“He probably knew nothing… except that he’d interrupted something!” Jenny laughed.
“I’m so so happy…..” Karen said, beginning, Andy thought to explain….
“Shhh.. No need to say more — I’m really happy too…. And I’m especially happy about what you said before…. That you don’t want to go on to live as a girly…… I love you sooooo much as you are….. You’re my girly with extra advantages!!!” Jenny said.
She was thinking back just a little time to when she had tentatively asked Karen if she did want to……. Her memory of those thoughts flashed back:
She had wanted to find out — hoping he wouldn’t —
whether Andy did in fact feel so good as a girl
that he would live, as Karen, as a girl all the time, for ever?
She had hoped he wouldn’t.
Why? Because she was loving the experience
of being with this cute, sensitive guy, who loved
the feel of being a girl, who could make love like
an experienced woman, but who also could be a
sensitive all-male lover when both of them chose for him to be so.
She really had hoped that Andy’s next sentence wouldn’t change everything…
Andy had paused, as if wondering how to say what was now in his mind………….
Jenny knew now that he hadn’t wanted to offend her at all…….
“So, you like my extra advantages, do you? Hmmmm… I’m rather glad you do, because I did say I wouldn’t ever want to lose them, didn’t I? I mean, girlies don’t need them, but I think we just proved, we do, don’t we?!” Andy, or was it Karen, laughed at the thought of what they had enjoyed only minutes before……..
“I adore all of you, honey…….. Thank you for being so clear about that…… I am very much a lover for both of you…….. Karen as well as Andy….. I guess that makes me bisexual, but who cares about that? I hate labels, anyhow…… People can think what they want!” Jenny was in full flood with her thoughts and Andy decided not to interrupt her.
“I adore all of you too……” was all Andy could say before Jenny went on:
“……….After all, I’ve had many relationships and none of them have been like this one, with you. ………It’s just like I was always waiting for someone like you to come into my life. Imagine that, cutting your hair for months and not knowing……... I mean, not knowing that you might have been dressed while I was working up close with you……. And not knowing you have a delicious ‘special interest’ in your hair……….. How wonderful! For me, as a Hairdresser…. How simply wonderful…… And best of all, you don’t want to live as a girly, you just want to play the part just sometimes…..” Each time Jenny paused, Karen just smiled affectionately, flirtatiously as well, if that’s possible, letting Jenny know that there was real love in her eyes.
“This is a bit too Mills and Boon……” Jenny went on. “It’s like real life romance…. Thank you so much for coming into my life, my love. You won’t leave, will you…………” she paused, “………. You will be here, you know, after your wife comes back at the weekend….. I don’t me like, living here, but you won’t stop coming to see me… please!”
Shut up!!! I’m sounding like a fourteen year old, not a forty four year old! Damn…. Keep your mouth shut for a minute…!!! Jenny said to herself, inside her head.
Karen knew that it was her turn to speak now…… She had said all the right things when Jenny had questioned her about her hope for the future…. Now was the time to reassure her about the present…… when her wife comes home…. Karen hadn’t thought about that. Nor had Andy!
It hasn’t crossed my mind! Andy thought. I’d really better sort myself out! Karen thought, simultaneously.
Karen had to speak, honestly. What could the future hold? What should she say? …………There was no time to think!.....................
What was said now would be a promise. Karen wanted to promise “NO! I won’t stop!”, Andy was worried that would tie him down, but a “YES, I’ll have to stop!” would ruin what was wonderful.
Andy didn’t know how he would cope with the implications of what he was about to say… but said it anyway….
“Honey, I’ve never been more serious in my life when I say I’ll never stop coming to see you and share time with you. Whatever happens with me “at home” (he indicated inverted commas, meaning in his marriage) there’s no way that I can give up what you and I have shared in the last few days……. I can’t imagine doing without “us” (more inverted commas), because you mean so much to me now…… It’s a very special kind of love we share…….”
His voice faltered through those words, sometimes being Andy’s usual — though soft — tones, and at times being Karen’s more breathless girly tones.
He/she went on: “You’ve set something free inside me and I love you for that, and for being you — the wonderful sexy you that you are….” (his voice now definitely Karen’s) “….. I meant what I said that I didn’t want to live as a girly - and I hope you know that’s true — but I do want to be your girlfriend! We’ll have to find some days in the week when I can be with you…….” Karen said. And some days I can convince my wife I don’t need to be at home, Andy thought.
“That’s just beautiful!” Jenny murmured, sipping her wine again, “……. and this pizza will be useless if we don’t eat it soon!” She opened the box as Karen finished her wine and reached for the bottle, now nearly empty. “We’ll need another of these, I think.” Karen said, conscious that her lips no longer left a mark on the glass. “I’ll need to freshen up, if you don’t mind…. I’ll just be a minute…….ok?”
“OK, and when you get back, I’ve got a little game we can play…….. You can think about it while you’re away…… It doesn’t have a name ‘cos I’ve only just made it up… but you have to be prepared to name all the redheads you ever dreamt of being or sleeping with….. and to tell me why, why them in particular……..OK?”
Karen stopped and thought for a moment…….
“Only if you tell me about the women whose hair and beauty needs you have cared for over the years…. And if you slept with any of them!”
Karen laughed, as she left for the bedroom…..
She returned a couple of minutes later, having washed her face and re-applied a light make-up, just mascara and eyeshadow, with a fresh coating of lipstick. She had, however, changed her clothes. Her previous outfit, though newly bought by Jenny, was already in need of a wash — for obvious reasons. She had changed into a light pair of Jenny’s flared trousers and a low-cut blouse made of a chiffon-like material, in salmon pink, with fluted cuffs and collar. Very pretty, Karen thought.
“Jeez… I’d better change as well!” Jenny exclaimed as Karen re-appeared.
“No need! I just thought if there’s more fucking to be done, I’d feel ready if I changed!”
“Bring another bottle of wine………. Let’s have some pizza!” Jenny said, intending to change, perhaps for bed, later. Karen did as she was bidden, opening a screw-top bottle as she sat next to Jenny on the sofa. Both of the girls picked their slice of pizza.
“Pizza plays hell with lipstick, I find, don’t you? Now, tell me first, who awoke your love of red hair?!” Her hand entwined with Karen’s.
Jenny was very matter-of-fact in the way she spoke. She would seduce Karen again later by acting as the redhead who was the object of Karen’s desires. She had never been a redhead herself, but she figured, there was no time like the present….! She had the necessary colours in the bathroom for a quick change, later!
“Who awoke my love of red hair??? Now there’s a question!” Karen paused for a “seeming to think” moment and milked it for suspense!....... She knew perfectly well who it had been, though at the time she couldn’t have known…….
“You have to remember my age, dahhhrling!” Karen said in a faux theatrical voice…….
“You were a child of the Fifties……….” Jenny prompted.
“I followed this woman on television, before there was even colour pictures!” Karen paused…..
“…But I did get to see her in magazines where there were colour pictures… and I must have been stunned. I know it now, even if I didn’t now it then……. All you could see on the telly was her with her hair always fixed beautifully, always in an up-do, always with loads of curls on top….. and she wore high-waisted skirt with full swinging folds and high heeled shoes……..”
“I know… let me guess……. “ Jenny interrupted, “I’ve been a student of fashions in hair ever since I trained, at beauty school…”
“OK, bet you can’t guess!” Karen taunted……
“It was Lucy… wasn’t it?...... Lucy… I love Lucy…. Lucille Ball!!??”
Jenny was triumphant and jumped into Karen’s lap and kissed her, without waiting for confirmation of the answer. She knew she was right……. And she knew she could recreate Lucy’s “look” later in the evening. The kiss lasted longer and Karen had to break it for breath.
“You’re absolutely right, my honey. Perhaps it was a give-away, but, correct! I was only a pre-teen, but I fell in love with that woman…… And then, everywhere I looked, it seemed there were redheads! More importantly, there were women with beauty and fabulous hair…… Puberty crept up on me with a bang!! I saw blondes, redheads, brunettes, beautiful clothes, tight waists, sleek stockings, stiletto heels, big tits in skin-tight tops, what any normal boy would be focused on!...... That’s how I fell in love with red hair…….. Did you know that Marilyn Monroe was a redhead before they made her a blonde/ Did you know that Dusty Springfield was a redhead before they made her a blonde? Yes, indeed…… I came to love them as blondes…… of course…….!”
Jenny sat back, appreciating the fever that was in Karen’s heart as she recalled how she fell in love with feminine things……. It was a true life-changing story.
“I guess I didn’t look through the same eyes as other boys at the time, though I didn’t know it…… I just adored these beautiful women and the feminine things they got to wear…… I also saw some old film magazines where there were stars like Rita Hayworth and Maureen O’Hara…….. Top stars who had a kind of beauty that wouldn’t be popular in the Sixties….. but who were stunning…….. The trouble with the Sixties was that girls stopped having tits…. Not like the stars I’ve talked about — they were real women, with real tits and I loved them! Lovely tight tops, beautiful underwear must have helped…… Wow! I do admit to trying on my Mum’s underwear at times — she had corsets and bras that were not much different in size to what would be right for me. I remember stuffing handkerchiefs in the cups to make the shape of tits……. I remember loving the tightness of the corset and having the tabs for stockings hanging there….. So I had to find some stockings, didn’t I?! I spent my first pocket money on some stockings when I was 12 years old……”
“You little terror!” Jenny laughed….. She now realized how long Andy had had his fascination with all things feminine……..
The pizza and Montepulciano were consumed with great enthusiasm and the two girls sat back continuing the conversation. By that time, Andy had disclosed much of his early experimentation with crossdressing….. though he didn’t at the time know that’s what it would be called…. He knew now that his interest in girls had an “added aspect” which he wouldn’t dare have talked about to anyone!
He told Jenny about his first visit to a hair salon….. when he was fifteen years old….. He had been longing to have his hair set… properly, in rollers…. Why/ He couldn’t explain it! Of course, he couldn’t……. He had plucked up the courage, one morning in a school holiday, to call a salon…. He had chosen one in a nearby Jewish area where he thought any business would be welcome business. He had saved his pounds to make sure he could afford a shampoo and set….. He had waited until his hair needed a cut at the Barber’s but escaped having his Mum insist he had a cut.
Andy’s, or rather Karen’s confessions were pouring out no, and Jenny took them all in, loving the openness and vulnerability that Karen was allowing to show. He/she had total confidence that Jenny would keep his/her secrets. She loved him all the more for that.
He had phoned and told the Receptionist that “He” wanted “His son” to have a set…. “In a woman’s style”…. No explanation was asked for, no explanation was necessary. The deal was on!
All he had to do was front-up at the salon and let things take their course… taking him wherever he couldn’t say…….. By this time, his fixation had moved to the Sixties singers Dusty, Sandie and Cilla — blonde, brunette and redhead…… His hair was nothing like as long as theirs but…. But… but he could dream!!!! By now, he was enjoying what would later be called a fetish, for dressing in girly things and having his hair done.
His trip to the salon — well, his first trip, was a moderate success…… enough to encourage him to return. Andy had braved the entrance — much like he had done when entering Jenny’s salon the week or two before.
He had rehearsed what he would say many times over.
He had summoned up courage.
He wanted to get a first experience that day.
Whether the Stylist, like he had hoped Jenny would, might enter discussion, he couldn’t be sure.
But he felt half- confident she would. She had never seen his hair before, and he was only 15!!.
In her suburban salon. This was an appointment in the middle of the day. NOT when it was quiet!
Why hadn’t he chosen a time that was quieter???.
It would not be quiet. People would be looking. Women having their hair done would see him…… BUT……
No questions had been asked of him as to why he was having a shampoo and set. There were few alternatives for a style with shortish hair like his, so he left it to the girl who would do the set… And off she went!
Rollers over the crown, pin curls around the back and sides…. Not very different to what Jenny had done for Karen!
The curls on the top were back-combed out, rigorously, so that his hair stood out and upwards. His forehead was lined with curly bangs and, overall, it did look passably female. He sat on the bus going home, realizing with awful suddenness that he might arrive home to find his Mum waiting…. Wouldn’t she be interested in what was going on???!!!
But she hadn’t been there…
He opened the door and the house was silent. He went upstairs and, not knowing when Mum would return, took the risk of dressing in a bra and corset with the much-prized stockings he had bought previously. His feet even fitted his Mum’s shoes so he was able to find the highest pair of stilettos she owned and tottered about the bedroom, admiring himself in the mirror. He had sat at the dressing table and put on some of the crimson lipstick he found waiting there…… only to be panicked when he heard his Mum arriving home downstairs!
He recalled hastily replacing all the things he had used in their rightful places. If Mum ever discovered his secret, she had never mentioned it. Getting out of the corset in a hurry was the most difficult thing he had ever done!
He continued telling Jenny the story:
“And then I headed for the bathroom……. I knew now that this was a sexy thing to do and so I couldn’t really stop. I couldn’t stop myself wanking to a climax that shocked me in its ferocity.
I couldn’t go downstairs to face my Mum after that! I shouted that I was doing homework… and in a sense, I was!”
Jenny put her hand on Karen’s hand and whispered, now being the right time to induce a pause in the story…… “I think I may be able to give you a surprise……. Can you give me twenty minutes or so? Put on some music and just relax.. Think about some of your later redheaded heroines…”
“Of course…”
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I love this story
I'm so glad that we got to peek into Karen's head and learn more about her past, especially understanding his relationship with her wife; she doesn't seem so "bad" now. And Karen's thoughts providing the understanding of her wife's feelings; it seems more of whether or not they can stay together because of who they are rather than what they do. I expect that she'll consider what she needs to say to her wife. Great as always, and I'll be on the fourteenth floor waiting for delivery!

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Tutto il mio apprezzamento, cari, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
John Lennon's single word can take us into one-another's heads, if we realy try!
Thanks for following up.... I'm catching gup with myself.... ch 14 isn't finished yet!!! xx WbG
Red Heads
You never fail,Ginger.That lovely feeling of joy,fulfillment
and acceptance is always there,together with the obvious
deepening love between two people.Thank you so much and I look forward to chapter fourteen.May God bless you.Alison Mary
big hug!
Thank you so much for such a sensitive few wrds.... that's what makes writing a pleasure.... Love and hugs, WbG xx
nice one
Sexy? Yeah sure and why not, it has been held in for qite some time and how nice to relax and just be and go with it, yay Jenny. Can't really demonise the wife though, I mean how many guys would be comfortable with her doing the butch thing to the same degree, would tend to be a little uncomfortable I think. I do hope these two can work something, ah relationships do get complicated don't they. Ch 13? Sure why not, just don't walk under ladders or break a mirror.
so, so right!
Andy's quite guilty about the mistakes he made when trying to float the whol idea....
xx Ginger
It's easy to forget Andy is 60!
Karen must be 10 years younger in her feminine persona, that's how I feel when dressed!
Love the story.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)