Wendy Jean's blog

Weekly Zoom meeting

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Wendy Marsden is inviting you to a video Zoom meeting. Every week on Sunday at 4:00 PM (Texas time,10:00PM (GMT), 11:00PM German time) I will have a one hour zoom meeting for trans woman only. Please feel free to invite other trans women if you were invited. You have to ask to be put on this list. Once you are on the list you will get a notification every week. You can always opt out. I plan on having a meeting every week while there is interest.

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This week's zoom meeting


Has tied up for tonight. Including myself we had three authors in this week's meeting. As a matter of policy I am not going to mention names. If they want to respond they can always post to this blog. I will be having this meeting every week for trans girls only. If you want to participate you have but to ask. It will be held every Sunday at 5:00 PM CMT. Until I stop paying for it will likely only happen when I croak.

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Weekly zoom meeting


Every week on Sunday at 4:00 PM (Texas time) I will have a one hour zoom meeting for trans woman only. Please feel free to invite other trans women if you were invited. You have to ask to be put on this list. Once you are on the list you will get a notification every week. You can always opt out. I plan on having a meeting every week while there is interest. So far we do have several members of BCTS participating. Invitations will be sent out every Friday afternoon.


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This week's Sunday zoom meeting

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Wendy Jean is inviting you to a Zoom meeting.Last week we had two authors not counting myself and a BCTS member. If you want to know who you have to come to the meeting.If you would like to join this weeks just send me a PM and I will send you an invite.As always it will be this Sunday 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Texas time (CMT). If you're not sure about time zones you can look at this site:

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Weekly zoom meeting offer


I just sent out all the invitations for this week's zoom meeting which will be held Sunday afternoon from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM CMT. If you're interested please just write me and I will send you a personal invite.

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This week's zoom meeting


Wendy Jean is having a video Zoom meeting this Sunday at 4:00PM Dallas time. While it is OK to invite others, this meeting is for T women only. There is no agenda as such , just a chance to meet new people who have something in common. Basically I have started this because being in a wheelchair I don't get out much. It is my way of going out and meeting new people. If you are interested in attending just leave me a note on BCTS and I will wend an invite with the details.

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Ladies GTG (Get ToGether)

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Wendy Jean is inviting you to a video Zoom meeting. While it is OK to invite others, this meeting is for T women only. There is no agenda as such , just a chance to meet new people who have something in common. Basically I have started this because being in a wheelchair I don't get out much. It is my way of going out and meeting new people. It is every Sunday 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Texas time. Having trouble tracking times? The National Institute of standards has a map that will simplify this. just send me a PM, and i will send you an invitation that has the link included.

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Still doing the Zoom thing


I'll be doing it again this Sunday 7:00 to 8:00 PM CMT. If anyone is interested please PM me and I will PM you back an invite, this meeting is for Trans women only ( transitioned or not).

Would anyone care to suggest a more convenient time?

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Sponsored zoom meeting

I am trying to start weekly video zoom meeting for trans girls like myself. My preferred time though that is negotiable is 7:00 PM Sundays CMT. If you would like to join this meeting PM me through this website and I will send you an invite and details. You will need to create a zoom account (it is free). You can use a phone or a computer with a camera on it.

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Santa (The Three Epiphanies)

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When I was young and innocent, I believed in Santa with all my heart.
He was good to me.

When I became older and not so innocent, I decided he didn't exist.
And yet he was still good to me.

And when I became a parent with little innocent ones of my own I realized
I was Santa, and life is good.

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Why Wendy is not reading as much.

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I am having trouble keeping up with all the stories here, but for a good reason. With the stimulus checks we got from Covid 19, I have been modifying my house so I had now have full access to my house. Fact is has I am too busy to do everything I want to do. Last time I went through this I was very depressed, this is the opposite. So if you don't hear as much from me as you used to, it is for the best of reasons. I have typed this using Dragon speaking which I just got yesterday. I am trying to learn new things all the time. It keeps life interesting.

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Merry Christmas

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The damage to my brain may be permanent. Fortunately my mind has come back, minus some ability to form memories ,recognize faces, and reduced thinking speed. I have recently reconciled myself to being paralyzed on the left side and in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Emotionally I have climbed out of a long deep hole and am ready to continue the rest of my life. What I have now strongly resembles ADD.

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Lost my fur baby yesterday.,

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He was a 19 yo Siamese. got him in 2000. Basically stopped eating, was down to skin and bones, Even though the vet eased his passing with an injection, he died of old age. I'm going to miss that old cat.I have a lot of trouble crying, I cried yesterday. My roommate handled the details. His name was Tiger ,His nicknames was Monster, and Asshole.

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Computer woes

I got tired of the Win 7 validate nag (This Windows is not genuine) and reinstalled my OS, I knew this would involve some pain, loosing my pigeon connection and the BCTS chat room link was a casualty (the link on the front page is broken again. If someone could help me I shore would appreciate it ( I know, it is sure, but I do have a dialect to maintain ) Part of why I did it was my lappy keyboard was going out and I added a new USB keyboard to it.

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I fell hard last week

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Tuesday last week to be exact,I wear my phone under my bra and was able to call for help. Since I don' have $3,000 for an ambulance trip I asked the firemen to pick me up and put me into my manual wheelchair. If I had it to do over I would have set up a trip to ER the next day. A Dart taxi trip only costs $3 each way, though I do have to do it a day inadvance. I may have cracked something, I am still going to get checked out, Going through the county hospitals bureaucracy takes forever. Little by little I am figuring out how to handle the system.

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Wendy's Challenge

BCTS needs our support, Personally I am leaning hard on this site to keep me the living side of sane, even though I can't really afford it I am sending my usual $10 via Paypal. I feel people are taking Big Closet for granted, I don't. I dread the day I click my bookmark and get a site not found message. If that ever happens Big Closet will likely be gone for good, I don't think anyone will step up to replace it.

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I am ashamed

I haven't posted in a while because I am ashamed of myself. When my internet went out mid July I thought it was going to be a month or so to get it fixed. My roommate would not hear of using my phone to tether the net to my computer to my phone (in her world the phone is better) I snapped I tried to hurt myself with a fork in what amounts to a temper tantrum. It shocked me to something closer to sanity. I didn't succeed because I was not serous, like I said it was a temper tantrum, pure and simple.

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Doing things for myself

Went for an appointment today, with no attendant. I'll be doing this more and more in the future, Still haven't figured out how to dress myself, that comes later. Lately I've been very depressed, to the point of thinking the unthinkable. The reasons I didn't do it a long while back still hold true, I am very aware how much it hurts the people we leave behind.

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Kudos, Comments, and blogs

Praise in Public Criticize in Private, words to live by when talking to other authors.

A story is much like someones baby, if you have put a person on the defensive they are no longer listening.

Kudos are a no brainier. If I have read a complete story I click it, Erotica turns me off if a story offends me I don' finish reading it or click kudos,.I also tend to avoid forced fem or humiliation. I put myself in the place of the character and tend to experience what they do. I don't lik emotional pain.

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Thank God For Friends and Family

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I am extremely fortunate to count Dorthy Coleen and Rebeca Jane,and Arwen of Arwen Arwen's tears as my friends. I have my share of bad dreams, they have been wearing me down in the form of depression, I take it on faith I will recover from my stroke, I don't feel I have any other choice, My phone is my lifeline, Rachael Ann, Long time user of BCTS stepped forward to give me someone to talk to. I feel guilty keeping Rebeca from her writing, as I enjoy it too. But it got me through the night. As did Dot on the BCTS chat room on a particularly bad night.

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I hate being negative all the time. I've been pretty sick lately so I shut down for a while. I was at the PT(physical therapist today,She had me standing between parallel bars on both feet. I threw up later not a bad thing since every time I use new muscles differently it happens. She was working harder than I was try to keep my bad left leg straight,Not a major break through, but will take what comes my way. But for a short while before I abused their trash can(again)I was standing up and swaying between feet. Using my good arm (for balance and good leg to stand between the bars.

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Intense pain

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For the last week or so I have been having gut cramps that are unbelievably painful Don't know what I will do about them yet, If they continue probably the ER,This morning I woke up with a a painful knot in my gut I tried to raise my bed and it hurt too much to bend my abdomen. I ll get back with you all and let you know how it goes.

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Just had Surgery

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To remove bladder stones and as a bonus add a supra pubic tube catheter it is quite painful so I suspect some of my posts will appear stoned.I have hopes it will improve my quality of lifebut not so much short term.

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