Man's penis cut off, put through garbage disposal.
Fantasy Meets Reality. I do not know if any stories on this site, have included, a situation as presented in the accompanying news account. But I am sure that such stories, including BDSM, and the like appear on other sites such as Fictionmania.
The news account can be found at the below site.
Truly sick. She should be punished to the full extent of the law.
This is a link to an article that Bob Arnold wrote for the Madison County, NY Courier. It has a cute caricature of him behind his computers. It is from May 20, 2011. I am still looking for an obit. It is possible that if this is a weekly that there will be nothing for a few days.
I saw this on line at AOL. The title tells most of it, but apparently it is getting more play because US Air allowed him to fly, while there was a controversy on another airline, about a young man wearing his pants way down low.
Today is the anniversary of D-Day. The cross channel invasion that freed Europe and led to the down fall of Nazi Germany.
I am not sure if there are any veterans of D-Day or even World War II on this site. If so, thank you for your service.
I know that there are a few who lived during the War, and many including myself who are children of World War II veterans. My father landed on Utah Beach during the first wave. He seldom spoke of the evebts, the memeory was too traumatic.
There is a more extensive article and a video regarding Andrew "Andii" Viveros then was posted by me earlier.
It seems that this is getting a lot of play.
Check out this article and photo shoot that was posted on AOL/Huffington Post.
Quite interesting to say the least.
I am sure that many members of BCTS will be quite jealous of what this lady has accomplished for herself.
Passover starts Monday Night April 18, 2011/Nissan 15, 5771
To my friends:
May You and you Loved Ones
join in a meaningful and joyous Seder
this year and in the future.
May you be the one to hide the Affikomen
and get pleasure when someone discovers it,
or better yet, may you be the one to find the Affikomen (there is a child in all of us) and
holdout for the reward you most desire.
I am starting to draft a story in the Aunt Jane's Seasons House Saga. (A large and scary undetaking). I wish to communicate with Tigger about this. I left Tigger a message at Tigger's site, but have not heard back I am wondering if anyone is in communiation with or knows how to get in touch with Tigger.
If so, please let me know either by posting a reply or by a PM
I just noticed on my information page, that I have been a member of Big Closet Top Shelf for exactley 2 Years and 6 minutes.
So I want to thank Erin and her staff and everyone else who helps out for their time, hard work and sacrifice which makes this place possible. If any of my blogs or comments have caused you heartache or grief, I appologize.
I also want to thank all of the authors who stories I have read and even those authors who I have not had the time to enjoy for the hours of enjoyment they give me.
On Monday, I posted my second story, a story I wrote for the March Contest, entitled "The Consequences of Foolishness." It, as of my last check had just about 1100 reads, 27 votes and 1 comment. I think the number of reads is great. I wish it had received more votes, but the number is small but okay. I am not using this post to troll for people to read it now, and vote for it. However, I am disappointed by the lack of comments. The only one I received was from my good friend Andrea Lena DiMaggio, and I appreciate it.
Angel's current story "Leadership" has created quite a debate, earning it, at my last look 66 comments. Many of those comments are fairly long including 1 or 2 of mine.
The debate has been lively, with the take on the story ranging widely.
She has also allued to many P.M.s she received regarding this story including 1 or 2 of mine.
In my time reading this site, before I became active and during the year and two months since I have joined, it appears that 66 is the greatest number of comments to a story that I have seen.
Today I have been a member of this wonderful site for, as the clock in "My Accout" shows 52 weeks and 3 hours.
It has been great fun and I have met a lot of wonderful people here, and read lots of great well written and interesting stories. Thanks to Erin and the others who run this site. I also took the plunge and sent in a small donation in celebration of my anniversary.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. There are many things we all (even those non-Americans reading this) should give thanks for. In no particular order.
1) This website
2) Erin
3) The other staff members and Administrators
4) This website
5) The authors
6) Their stories
7) This website
8) My many friends here
9) Those people who get upset at my comments and tell me so (I'm serious - debating with you is enjoyable)
10) This website
11) The Freedom we have in this Great Nation to be able to have a website like this.
Tomorrow, is Memorial Day. Many of the authors, commentors, and readers of this site are in the or have served in the military. I would like to thank you all for your service.
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.