Thought I would post a little blog about this one as it uses idea from my earlier story "Coyote"
There were a lot of ideas that came to me as I wrote that Whateley fan-fiction story unfortunately to stay true to the Whateley-verse many of those ideas could not be used. The ideas were too good not to use and so we have another much longer and I think better story that isn't limited by someone else's ideas of how something should work, or not work, in the universe :)
No disrespect intended toward the Whateley writers, they have produced some really great stories.
Just a quick one here to say Chapter 5 is the final chapter of Morningstar. I've written it so that it can easily become an ongoing series of short stories later on, if there is enough call for further adventures of Lucy :)
Okay with all the snow and such keeping me outdoors trying to keep a path open from the house to the car and the drive clear enough so the car can get in and out, I've been a bit busy. As the weatherman is predicting yet another storm to come through over night to dump more snow on top of the couple of feet we can't get rid of now, I had planned on posting the rest of Morningstar in one last single post.
I guess I've stated enough in various posts, PMs and in my stories, that I bear a resemblance to a certain white-bearded jolly old man. And I have had small children, especially this time of the year, run up to me and tell me that they have been a good boy or girl this year, along with rattling off their Christmas wish list, and that is without the red coat and hat!
I also happen to have been given a heavy weight jacket several years ago. So several years ago I began wearing the red jacket along with a Santa hat to work. Thinking what the heck, if you look the part OWN IT!
Figured I would clue everyone into where I've been, at least with my writing and lack of posting.
I had a heart attack two weeks ago, or at least that what the doctor tells me. I think the ER wanted to keep me at least over night, but they decided to let me go after experiencing my unique scene of humor :)
While that could have been bad, it actually wasn't. The truly bad was finding out I am now blessed with diabetes as my A1C came back 245. Then they also found unusual liver enzymes.
Sorry it has taken me this long to post this chapter. For those that do not know, I work for a school district and this time of the year with trying to get everything ready for the start of school can get pretty hectic, leaving me exhausted and unable to do any writing when I get home from work.
This last Saturday in Davenport Iowa an 89 year old woman was killed by a cyclist. This was not some motorcycle riding huge beer gut biker, but a bicycle rider!
Sorry I haven't been able to complete the rewrite/edit and get the next chapter posted yet. This chapter had the most rewriting needed and we've had a really nasty heat wave here that had mostly turned me into a mindless vegetable once home from work. Good news is the heat wave has passed and I can get back to my normal routine :)
Found a story while cleaning and arranging the folders I store my writing in that I thought I would share. I wrote it something like 6 or 7 years ago as a Whateley Academy Fanfic and then scrapped the first draft of the story for a completely different one that I was posting when their old site went down.
I promised myself I would not create any "new" serialized stories until I finished at least one of the three I have currently up and not finished.
Since everyone else seems to be throwing updates about themselves and their writing thought some may appreciate it if I did the same.
Circumstances in real life that brought about the short story, "The Changeling," really put my muse into a tailspin. I could not concentrate on any of my ongoing stories for the longest time and I refused to begin any new story until I had those complete.
I received a PM from someone today, worried that I had disappeared since many of my main stories have not been updated for some time. I'm still here :)
Okay, so this person though and I agreed that it would be a good idea to let everyone know what has been going on.
I finished the continuation of Meri's story last night and after spending this morning editing I posted it. I hope everyone likes it.
I will say now that while writing this 2nd story the Muse was filling pages with ideas for more stories, so it looks like we'll be seeing more of Meri next Christmas ;)
Living in the US Midwest our weather is quite unpredictable and sometimes has rapid changes especially winter weather. I've seen winters where the snow banks around my driveway and walkways at my house were so high that walking to and from the car was like walking through a maze with high white walls with temps dropping to negative 40 below. Then I've seen winters where puddles of water on the ground never freeze enough to step on without breaking through the ice.
So the backstory of this is I play several stringed instruments, I'm an amateur although I was taught by some well known (older) names in the Country and Bluegrass genre of music and in years past have been in some jam sessions with some very respected names in those genres.
Last few weeks have been a living hell for me, luckily I have a friend like Shadowsblade that I normally talk to daily and and is willing to listen to me rant once in a while :)
This story was a way of me venting my frustrations on the situation I have found myself currently part of. The main character was one I got an idea for some time back that I had plans on using in a different story (and still may do so)
Having been too tired to worry about a title I used the title of the character bio, so if anyone has any idea of a better name for "The changling" let me know :)
OK maybe Lie is a bit strong, I said that part 5 would be the last part of, "For Better or Worse" and it was plotted out to be the last part until my Muse grabbed the story and ran with it, adding more to the story than was originally planned. And since I thought the additions were worth keeping, we will have another section or two of the story before it's complete.
So my apologies for extending the story past what I had said. :)
All of us had a childhood hero or two, usually some TV character we wanted to grow up to be. Then as we grew older we began to associate how we felt to other TV characters, how much we thought we were like them. I think Mr. Spock from the original Star Trek was the one character I felt closest to when I was younger. He was super smart, great at math and science and the science officer aboard the greatest space ship ever built. Hey I was great at both math and science so I had two out of three right?
Okay I know everyone is wanting the next installment of Super Soldier, but this short story sitting unfinished for so long due to real life issues scaring my muse so badly she wouldn't come out form under the bed no matter what I offered to write. okay so the muse wasn't the only issue. most the time I was so tired I fell asleep at the keyboard when I tried to start writing.
Been battling my internet provider for the last month over my connection randomly (and quite often) dropping out completely or becoming so slow an old 24k dial up modem would be faster. Last week I was fed up with their excuses and went with another provider which was installed yesterday.
So with a stable connection once again, I have finally been able to post the final part of Enchanted "Valley: The Sentinel"
Thought I would post to let everyone know why the final chapters of Enchanted Valley: Sentinel has not been posted yet.
At work we have switched over to our summer hours, which does give me a 3 day weekend all summer long, but also leaves me with no time during the 4 day work week for anything writing related.
Was reminded of something that happened to me several years ago and thought I would share it here.
So the girl friend and I were driving down this street when she saw an older XJ6 jaguar in this small used car lot's back lot. Already knowing how much she loved the thought of owning one of those I turned around and went back to talk to them about buying it.
Okay so I got a really big monkey that has been lately standing nearby throwing his wrench into my writing for the past year or so.
The Good: My little 9 year old wants to learn to play the violin, so I bought her one and have been teaching her. Also bought myself a new electric one. This caused me to get back into playing music and ended up buying myself a new 6 string guitar (gorgeous Fender with a mahogany top)
I get some of the best looks and comments from kids this time of the year.
Part of it is because I am slightly overweight and my beard went completely white some years ago. It probably helps that my favorite jacket to wear around happens to be Red.
To begin with Tree Hugger is a story I began more than a few years ago and had been forgotten. Lost in an archive until...
A few weeks ago I had a catastrophic computer failure. My motherboard died. That computer had some <cough> exotic parts in it that let it our preform everything built for its first 5-6 years of life and even after 13 years of perfect service allowed it to keep up with all but the high end gaming PCs built today.
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.