I guess I've stated enough in various posts, PMs and in my stories, that I bear a resemblance to a certain white-bearded jolly old man. And I have had small children, especially this time of the year, run up to me and tell me that they have been a good boy or girl this year, along with rattling off their Christmas wish list, and that is without the red coat and hat!
I also happen to have been given a heavy weight jacket several years ago. So several years ago I began wearing the red jacket along with a Santa hat to work. Thinking what the heck, if you look the part OWN IT!
Did I mention I work for a large school district?
So the final day of school before everyone got out for the holidays, I walk into the library of one of the elementary schools, of course wearing my almost official uniform of the season, where unknown to me, all the kindergarten teachers have brought their students to watch a Disney movie. I think cracks appeared in the walls of the building from the screams and shouts of "SANTA's HERE!"
The teachers and librarian were no help, all of them laughing so hard at the reaction of the kids once they saw me, I think one actually fell to the floor laughing so hard, it was hard to tell with the sea of 6 year olds surrounding me!
Over the years of wearing the coat and hat to work for a week or so prior to Christmas break, I have received many reactions but that has got to be the biggest reaction I have seen yet :)
So it's Christmas eve, the coat and hat has once again been stored in the closet until next year.
Just thought I would share that with everyone,
Merry Christmas!
It's one way of getting the
It's one way of getting the kids to behave during the movie ;)
How he gets around so fast is finally clear: he uses the internet! That explains your presence there, you were ensuring that the connection to your city was intact and working :)
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
If you read Bill Holbrooks
If you read Bill Holbrooks "On The FasTrack" (onthefastrack.com) You'll find that Santa's been using cyberspace to deliver presents for years - in fact, he pioneered it. :)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Not familiar with it
Not familiar with it
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Another Bill Holbrooks
Personally I have been reading Bill Holbrooks other webcomic Kevin and Kell for over a decade. Given the subtle way of being very much pro-LGBT+ and a very BIG celebration of the positive of differences, I can only recommend this comic. Reading the 23+ years worth of archives is well worth the time for getting the back-story and the context/perspective for the on-going story.
Just as an for instance you get:
There are many more instances and examples throughout the whole Domain universe. Well worth the read!
That explains....
"A rabbit and a wolf getting married, where the offspring is a single bunny, that turns out to be an apex carnivorous predator."
That explains where the "Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog" came from!!!
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
"Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog"
"Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog"
Squire where is the Holly Hand Grenade!!!
"Cortana is watching you!"