Thought I would post a little blog about this one as it uses idea from my earlier story "Coyote"
There were a lot of ideas that came to me as I wrote that Whateley fan-fiction story unfortunately to stay true to the Whateley-verse many of those ideas could not be used. The ideas were too good not to use and so we have another much longer and I think better story that isn't limited by someone else's ideas of how something should work, or not work, in the universe :)
No disrespect intended toward the Whateley writers, they have produced some really great stories.
While this does take place in a Marvel comics type universe any resemblance to Whateley is due to Whateley's resemblance to the Marvel universe also.
I am so glad you are doing this.
I much prefer reading epubs offline than reading web stories. Despite this, I have read Coyote several times. It is that good.
Then Again...
...I stopped reading Whateley about a year after it started, and wouldn't have started this story if it had been placed there. (Didn't read Coyote.)
I wasn't going to point fingers
or say anything to disregard anything they have done over at their new web home. They have some very talented writers. Are a few of them over protective of their universe? It's their universe so it's their call.
the actual issues I have had with writing to it are, first and foremost is their secrecy over information that should be common knowledge in their universe. Such as the incident that occurred at some town that turned most everyone in the US into mutant haters. If whatever happened there changed the minds of the majority of the population of the US, then keeping what happened a secret form the readers is wrong.
Then there is the MCO, a non government organization that has so often shown it has more power than the FBI, NSA, CIA, and all local and federal police agencies combined, and not just across the US but world wide.
Then of course there is the Hate group humanity first, its it's a hate group and it is as bad or worse than the Klu klux Klan and no one does nothing about them? Shoot in the stories they even wear lapel pins for god's sake! The KKK wore hoods so you didn't know who they were, H1 supporters wear pins!
Okay stepping off my soapbox.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Nothing to be sorry about
I know how you feel about certain individuals associated with Whateley and would have to agree with your views
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.