Andrea Lena's blog

Next Tuesday

Mrs. D's biopsy has been postponed until next Tuesday. The lack of urgency and the well-wishes and personal testimony by some here would seem to indicate what everyone has been so encouraging about - it's merely precautionary at this point and that's a huge relief for all of us here. Thanks again for your prayers and thoughts and encouraging words. Andrea

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Apologies and a request

My apologies. Earlier this year I accidentally deleted all of the pictures in my file. Their absence, coupled with the references in commentary and blogs and stories, has affected the database. I removed references and/or restored pictures in all of the stories. As older stories of others to which I provided commentary appear in the Random feature, I am deleting references to the pictures that were deleted in order to help repair the problem.

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The First Annual (And perhaps the Last) February Music Motif Challenge


February Music Motif Challenge

Welcome to the First Annual February Music Motif Challenge. This year’s theme (and likely for years to come) is "I Enjoy Being a Girl." Variations on that theme might include any permutation thereof, including I enjoy being a close approximation of a girl, I enjoyed being a girl, but no longer, I am about to enjoy being a girl for the first time, and for all of you forced femme aficionados, I don't enjoy this at all, can I go now? Rather than award one single winner, owing to fairness, civility and an inability to get an auditor to certify our bogus results, we have given every entry its own unique award to recognize its ....uniqueness. Without further ado, we now present the Entrants, in no particular order other than from top to bottom, here are the "Winners" of the First Annual February Music Motif Challenge. Jill made me do it...honest...I didn't want to...okay...I did, but she was really mean...okay she was okay, but I thought she might be mean...never mind.

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Let us run with patience the race that is set before us

...Life sure seems like a race. With everything we've had to deal with this past year, it sure feels like I hit the wall. My tremors have increased since my anti-convulsive dose was lowered because my neurologist was worried about my blood pressure. So it's like I have to strike a balance. And the race analogy is actually quite accurate even if it is very annoying.

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I'm Late, I'm Late for a Very Important Date...

“Procrastination is like masturbation, in the end you’re just screwing yourself.”

That anonymous quote sums up the world as we know it. We are a people who love to put off until tomorrow what we could easily do today, because there’s always something.

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Prodigal Sons

I saw this today in the paper... interesting to say the least.
"Prodigal Sons is a remarkable study of family and identity, of what it means to love and be loved, of how much human dignity can be found in surprising places. It is made with elegance and passion and a searing honesty that can very nearly break one's heart."

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A Brief Thank You....

I wanted to thank Erin and everyone who works to keep this site running for the new Random 5olos feature. Like several of us, I arrived here this year, well after this site was established and offering such great fiction. I felt a little overwhelmed at trying to catch up, given all the great writers who were here, some already with huge volumes of stories.

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I wish to apologize

I posted a story/song earlier in the day which I erroneously attributed to another author. It was not my intention to publish this in any manner other than that which would reflect my source. In my haste, I published it believing I had permission to use the author's name, which I did not. It was a misunderstanding entirely due to my own error in judgment. I apologize to her and to those readers who had already commented on the piece. I have removed it of my own accord rather than leave it to stand as written. Once again, I am sorry for my haste and inaccuracy. Andrea

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