Penny Lane

Somewhere Else Entirely -108-

Garia sees Keren depart on his Valley journey and then has to find out what the Guildsmen have been doing while they were away. Later, she begins teaching meditation to Eriana, receives an unexpected visitor and is summoned by the Queen...

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

108 - Oaths of Fealty

Somewhere Else Entirely -107-

Garia resumes her exercise regime, this time with Eriana as an interested spectator. After lunch a 'Council of War' is held where she finds out how Palarand intends to fight back against Yod and makes an unconventional suggestion. Later, conversations are held with Rosilda and then the King at which the latter drops a bombshell.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

107 - The Sixth Quadrant

Somewhere Else Entirely -106-

The King announces Keren and Garia's betrothal to the people, receiving only qualified approval except from those who know her. There are other concerns on everyone's minds like winter and war. Garia officially accepts the extra armsmen to her household and then joins Milsy to figure out what her double's status should be. Later, Forton brings news from the city.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

106 - Announcements, Arrangements

Somewhere Else Entirely -105-

The winter weather sets in and Garia, Merizel and Eriana spend the morning updating their wardrobes. After lunch the King summons Keren, Garia and Eriana to a critical meeting where the future of the Kingdom must be decided. When the nature of The Test is finally revealed, will Robanar or Keren win the day? And what will be the fate of Garia and Eriana?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

105 - Decision of a King

Somewhere Else Entirely -104-

Garia's plans are derailed by outside events and she is reduced to sitting with the Queen. This does provide an opportunity to have an honest private conversation, though the results are not what she expected. Later, Garia learns some important new information...

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

104 - Eriana Revealed

Somewhere Else Entirely -103-

Garia joins the men in the Large Training Hall to recount the details of the recent battle. The men learn of Yod's new weapons and how they might be countered. Later, Garia hears how Eriana's people came to Anmar, before attending a funeral for all their fallen friends.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

103 - The Debrief

Somewhere Else Entirely -102-

Garia is completely devastated by the new visitor to the palace. Keren isn't exactly happy either. Unfortunately, she seems to be better qualified for the job of Consort to a King. Garia must swallow her pride and carry on dealing with the consequences of the conflict with Yod, but the new girl's story raises her curiosity.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

102 - The candidate

Somewhere Else Entirely -101-

The survivors begin the final day of their return to the palace, all deeply affected by the previous day's battle. Garia has some unexpected meetings which result in her discovering certain surprising and shocking facts.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

101 - Unexpected Meetings

Somewhere Else Entirely -100-

Yod's desperate plan to seize or neutralize Garia goes into action as her party rides south on the road to the city of Palarand and home. The battle is fierce and bloody and many are killed or wounded by the new weapons. Who will survive the determined attack?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

100 - Blood on the Road

Somewhere Else Entirely -99-

Greatly expanded, previously part of chapter 98.

Garia's stay at Dekarran consists, as she had expected, of a number of meetings and explanations. Uncle Gil wants to know just what happened during her trip to Blackstone and then there's the whole matter of firearms to explain. The days' hard work is topped off by a banquet in the evening for all, in which the girls get a chance to dress themselves up for the boys.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

99 - Stories and a Banquet

Somewhere Else Entirely -98-

Edited version. Some final paragraphs moved to new chapter 99

As the party travels from Teldor to Dekarran they begin to pick up hints that all is not well but only when they reach Uncle Gil do they learn the truth. Garia settles in for a short stay before they have to cross the Sirrel once more.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

98 - Distant Drums

Somewhere Else Entirely -97-

After the inevitable morning distractions Garia's caravan finally departs Holville for the next stop to the south. Their new host seems out of touch and his children even more insular, with predictable results. Serious trouble is avoided, but all may not be well as they depart for Teldor.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

97 - On to Haligo

The Long Road Back

I could be talking about Somewhere Else Entirely, but this time I'm not.

Many of you are concerned, perhaps rightly, about my welfare, so I thought I'd bring you up to date.

And I hope that, unlike Garia and Keren, I don't suffer any more unexpected shocks and surprises along the way...

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Somewhere Else Entirely -96-

Every stone turned reveals more problems for Holville and Keren and Garia are forced to take direct action to remedy the worst of the chaos. Keren uses his executive powers while Garia reminds the guildsmen to remember the future in their plans. As it becomes too late to leave Holville, the women find an unusual place to spend the night.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

96 - A night in Holville

Somewhere Else Entirely -95-

After an overnight stop the caravan resumes the journey south. Most have remembered passing through Holville and do not look forward to doing so again, but there are surprises in store for all when they arrive, including Merizel!

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

95 - The Road South

Lies down in dark corner

Unfortunately, going on my nightly experiences, that probably won't help much... but I'm going to take it easy this week-end. I've spent three days visiting hospitals last week and another rebuilding the house network. Phew!

Each time I go to a hospital it basically uses up a day. If I go to the local hospital for a blood test, it is a mile walk and then a bus ride each way; I can get other things done but you can't get a full run at anything. Going to the Renal clinic is an hour's train ride and a mile walk each end so basically we make it a day out and roam the shops, eat out, etc.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -94-

The party's departure from Castle Tranidor does not go smoothly as there are interruptions, first from Kalikan and then from unexpected visitors. Garia finds time to explain a pivotal financial institution before the party finally leave for the south.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

94 - Money Matters

Interesting times

The reference is to the old Chinese proverb, of course. Did I expect to settle down to a quiet life? What do you think?

Apart from the various medical issues, there are a number of other upcoming activities which have to be addressed, of which writing is, regrettably, only one.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -93-

The caravan enters the castle... and suspicious are aroused. But Trosanar's information is wrong, so the confrontation which results has an unexpected end. Later, Garia finds a way to educate the count, and discovers an unexpected ally.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

93 - Castle Tranidor

I'm back!

Well, I was discharged yesterday (Weds 12th), a process that took all afternoon. I'm home and attempting to pick up the pieces of life again.

I'll draw a veil over the hospital experience since a lot of you have been there and done that. I'm just glad I wasn't as badly off as some of the other poor sods on my ward.

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Speed Bump

For about the past three weeks, or perhaps a little longer, I've had a mild sore throat. Symptoms: slight discomfort there, perpetual taste of old milk, intestinal bloating on account of the gunge draining down, resulting nausea and so on.

Last week I decided it had gone on long enough and went to the doctor. Cue loads of tests and a completely unexpected finding.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -92-

Garia awakens to strange noises in the women's sleeping chamber and assumes the worst. However, it seems sufficient precautions have already been taken. She recognizes that the nature of their expedition has changed and makes a suggestion to Keren which has unexpected side effects. There is talk of containers, soils and the problems of trans-shipment before the company prepare to discover if Trosanar has laid plans for them at Tranidor.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

92 - Prince Keren Takes Charge

Somewhere Else Entirely -91-

The final meeting of Blackstone's Town Assembly brings together all those in whose safekeeping Garia will leave her town. Once details have been finalized she hands out as gifts all those objects sent to her during her stay. Then comes the serious business of packing, and finally she and the others must make their farewells to the town she has come to know and love. The company take the road south and make their first night's stop at the new roadhouse.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

91 - On the Road Again

Somewhere Else Entirely -90-

Garia dredges her architectural memory to explain how to build a lightweight roof and Brydas fashions a present for his departing daughter. The inevitable happens with the arrival of a large caravan, bringing unexpected visitors both welcome and unwelcome. Sookie is surprised by an offer she can't refuse.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

90 - The Decree

Possible spam infiltration

I have just received an email via the address I use solely for BCTS. This appears to be spam and thus means that someone who knows my email addy may have been compromised.

I "viewed source" and it refers to something called Zorbia which is apparently HongKong based. I didn't look any further and I didn't open it. It went in the bit bucket.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -89-

Garia and her friends have much to do before they will be forced to leave Blackstone. She sits as Baroness to decide the minor problems of the town and then, after lunch, as Guildmistress for Blackstone's craftsmen. Along the way she introduces more novel ideas to the locals and the fate of several of her friends is determined.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

89 - Garia Presides

Somewhere Else Entirely -88-

Garia learns where the brigands were hiding out before getting stuck into the inevitable paperwork. Brydas brings an interesting proposal and asks advice about Senidet's situation. The afternoon brings letters with news of more developments in Palarand before Garia tackles the problem of the smith and his daughter.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

88 - The Baroness at Work

Somewhere Else Entirely -87-

Garia realizes that her men need to know all about Yod's wonder weapons so teaches them what she knows for their own safety. Jepp makes a surprising suggestion, Merizel has an idea and Garia and Keren spend an exhausting afternoon writing a report for the King. In the evening funerals are held for all those killed during the attack.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

87 - Guns and Pyres

Tales of Anmar Universe


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TG Universes & Series: 

Tales of Anmar - Universe

Universe rules

This universe is available for any author to write stories in it, subject to agreement with the original author, Penny Lane. The universe may be regarded as semi-open, in that stories may be set anywhere, at any time, and do not have to be TG, (or even set on Anmar!) but any story should conform to the known facts about the universe as detailed below and in the original story Somewhere Else Entirely.

Somewhere Else Entirely -86-

Garia has a tricky family problem to sort out when Jasinet's father is found amongst the dead brigands. Then, her mother must be gently questioned to find out who these people were. Later, possible threats to Blackstone must be considered.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

86 - The Widow's Tale

SEE Universe

Well, it seems I now have a Universe tag, assuming anyone else is daft enough to want to write a story set on Anmar.

I have written up some universe rules but I would rather not make them public just yet, as there could be (of necessity) spoiler material inside. If anyone wants to have a go at a story, then PM me and we'll have a conversation.

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SEE - Request For Comments

It seems that Somewhere Else Entirely has turned, without me realizing it, from a simple tale to a small industry. I have helpers tabulating names and places, proof-reading and even making maps! I even have a reader who wants to write fan fiction!

This story is no longer a one-author endeavor. What could or should I do here?

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Somewhere Else Entirely -85-

The company waken and continue their trek back to Blackstone. On the way back to the Ptuvil's Claw the news of what had happened goes round the town and a crowd gathers when they arrive. Now must come the tricky task of discovering, if possible, who their attackers had been.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

85 - Who are these men?

Somewhere Else Entirely -84-

When Garia awakes from her inadvertant nap it is to the realization that the ptuvil will return... The camp must be prepared for another possible battle. Help arrives from an unexpected source, however. What are dranakh doing here? Somehow the company must survive the afternoon and make their way back to safety.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

84 - Dranakh, Ptuvil, Guns

Somewhere Else Entirely -83-

Garia steps in something unpleasant... and that is the start of a desperate, terrifying struggle for life against foes both unexpected... and unimaginable! With the company in disarray she begins to show the qualities that any Queen must have.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

83 - Thunderbolt

Somewhere Else Entirely -82-

Garia rides out with her men to learn about the lands the King granted her. Along the way they discover a tale of theft, neglect, innocence and family feuding. Stott proves he can use a bow before the company make their final camp at the head of Blackstone Vale.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

82 - Into The Wild

Somewhere Else Entirely -81-

Garia visits the hairdresser, Merizel finds a dajan tuner and Brydas tells Garia that some of the townspeople find the shoemaker's attitude objectionable. The afternoon planning meeting covers mine positioning, railroads, zoning, sewage works and concrete, but others in the town are making plans too...

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

81 - Coal Town

Somewhere Else Entirely -80-

Garia takes a ride as far as the dam which supplies Blackstone with water. On her return she finds two puzzled Questors waiting. The afternoon answers many of their questions and Jaxen learns about a new form of transport.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

80 - The Questors

Somewhere Else Entirely -79-

Garia's investigation into the fighting between her new maids reveals a deeper, darker secret, one which she must drop everything to resolve. Out of her depth, she calls in help from the town assembly. The evil-doers are confronted, but there is an unexpected side-effect...

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

79 - Staffing problems


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