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Charlotte Dickles


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BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Charlotte Dickles

Welcome to my author page. Below, you will find a complete listing of my stories in alphabetical order. Most are just plain fun, but I would like to put a little order to some of the stories. It's also well worth saying that all my stories are complete. The first chapter of a serial is not published until all the chapters are ready for publication. Generally, the chapters are then published at daily intervals.

The Characters of Evelyn Westcott’s Diary


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This is a nearly complete list of the people, real and imaginary, who populate the eight parts of Evi Westcott's diary. Hugs, Daphne

(actual historical figures are indicated by an asterisk)

In Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Evelyn Tucker Westcott (Evi), née Edward Tucker
Enid Tucker Bonner Westcott (Aunt Enid), born 1852, Evi’s father’s older sister
Captain Joseph Westcott, Aunt Enid’s third husband
* Mary Elizabeth Garrett, Aunt Enid’s friend and patron



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BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author Daphne

Daphne lives in a closet at an undisclosed location and subsists on feedback and pickles. She is fond of all her stories and tries never to write the same thing twice.

Balthasar's Extract went on and on, a lot farther than she'd ever imagined, but for Daphne the trip was well worth it.

Daphne wonders why more people haven't read Palukhistan.

The River of Shadows


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The River of Shadows
by Alyssa Plant

A high school senior heads to Boston to visit his sister for Halloween. A twist of fate reveals something they would never have admited alone... and it proves to be the one thing that may keep them alive when the best laid plans of a group of college students are lain waste by a force of terrible evil and corruption that has thrived for centuries... Can Charlie Kane be strong enough to live? or will the River of Shadows claim yet another victim...?


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