
Recovering From Trauma Chapter 8

Group Meeting:
Demetria comes walking into the meeting room where she spots eleven other pregnant women sitting in a circle in comfortable chairs. Among the group of women, she was the youngest. She couldn’t believe how many of them had been forced or raped by people they trusted. She didn’t have that problem, she wanted to become a woman and became pregnant on purpose.

Recovering From Trauma Chapter 6

Blake Medical Recovery Center, Napa Valley, Northern California:
Cindy and Sara’s Office:
Dakota was sitting at a little table that Sara had bought for her to color and play on her tablet while she worked. Sara knew Dakota sometimes didn’t like being alone and felt better if she was nearby. She looked over towards Dakota and could tell she was happy.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 7

The prior Wednesday my mother told me that she had made an appointment with a counselor for Friday afternoon, and she handed me a note to give the school excusing me from my afternoon classes.

As I left for school on Friday morning, she said, “The appointment is for 1:30, so try to be home by 1:00.”

My friends were interested in what this was all about, but I had absolutely no clue. “My mother made the appointment but didn’t tell me anything,” I explained.

“Look, if when you get wherever you’re going, and you see men in white coats with a straight jacket, run like hell,” Joe suggested.

Gina and Katie's Excellent Adventure - Part 4 - Claire loves Jeannie

Gina and Katie's
Excellent Adventure -
Part 4
Claire Loves Jeannie

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

She stares through my shadow
She sees something more
Believes there's a light in me
She is sure
And her truth makes me stronger
Does she realize
I awake every morning
With her strength by my side

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